#Bela dimitrescu headcanons
caitlynmeow · 5 months
Alcina gets no blood because she's a noblewoman with class and she always wipes her mouth clean afterward but her daughters are messy and they just don't care (and she lets them be)
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twilidragonrin-art · 29 days
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Those peaceful moments when the entire family reads together.
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What are the Dimitrescu's + Donna like around children? (Below 15)
Alcina Dimitrescu
Believe what you want, but honestly, I feel like Alcina would have a maternal instinct when it comes to children, teens probably a little bit as well, but that's not why we're here rn. I feel like she would treat them the same as her daughters just the slightest itty bitty less motherly- So not as motherly as she treats her daughters but still motherly. Yes, she despises manthings, but I feel like she wouldn't mind a child, no matter the gender.
Bela Dimitrescu
Bela, I feel like she's the same as Alcina, just more of a caretaker way instead of motherly. Like an older cousin with their baby cousin, kinda way. She'd be constantly looking out for them and constantly wanting to pick them up if possible.
Cassandra Dimitrescu
Hates children. Okay no, maybe she can tolerate them. But when I look at Cassandra, I don't think "Hey I want her to be my mother 🫵" Maybe if the child is quiet, and well behaved, she'll spend time with it and tolerate being in the same room as it, but generally, I don't see Cassandra being much of a child lover.
Daniela Dimitrescu
Loves children, pretty much the exact opposite of Cassandra. Need I say more?
Donna Beneviento
Loves children but distances herself because she feels she'll scare them whether she has her veil on or not. I have another headcanon that is nowhere near canon, that the Dimitrescu daughters were actually reformed as toddlers after they were given the cadou, and I feel like Donna would have loved to help Alcina with the girls, and they were the only children she would allow herself to be around.
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blood-red-ocean · 9 months
It's been a while since I did an unhinged headcanon so here's what I imagine would be in each RL character's bag/backpack/pockets ✨
- Poison. Either concealed in one of those old timey capsule rings or in a little bottle à la Emperor's New Groove.
- Paperwork. More specifically, expulsion paperwork already filled out except for the name section which she would fill out any time she was displeased.
- Some crow feathers. Whether it's from Cornelius getting nosey or Miranda being sentimental, nobody knows.
- Pictures of Eva and of MC.
- I feel like she'd also be the type to have a fountain pen in her handbag too.
- One of those poseable wood doohickeys. You know the ones.
- Her signature perfume. And maybe a rose. And a tube of lipstick.
- A brochure of local wine tastings, and also a bunch of brochures from her theatres.
- She would probably have a Polaroid nude of MC stretched out on a chaise lounge tbh.
- Something to represent each of her daughters. A little trinket, perhaps.
- A book on herbology which is tattered and yellowed, the spine barely keeping the pages together.
- Her notebook with her order ledger and her own sketches and scribbles.
- A travel mug of herbal tea that she brewed herself.
- A little bag of dried flower petals and herbs.
- Her gardening gloves.
- I also believe that Angie would've gotten her a very small plushie of a plant that she takes everywhere with her.
- At LEAST twenty seven of those little travel sized alcohol bottles. Every time she takes a step, there's a clinking sound.
- Painkillers.
- A small, much less tattered copy of the herbology book that Donna has, but every page has a dried flower within it.
- In a secret pocket, there is a very small folded up picture of her mother.
- She doesn't carry a bag with her, it's not practical.
- Though if she did, she would probably just fill it full of office supplies.
- Maybe little things that made her remember her heart was beneath layers upon layers of numbness. The skull of a mouse, a four leaf clover, a small plushie.
- Its ✨the backpack✨ that she takes to dates' houses/dorms.
- Also like a billion of those little coffee machine capsules.
- An old takeaway cup.
- A stack of pieces of paper with phone numbers on them, just in case.
- A wrench, just in case.
- And like fifteen sticky hand things that she can use to hold MC's hand from a distance.
- Also a rag for when she gets sweaty.
- A skating magazine and a book on constellations.
- Also a book about theatre and some brochures for when she tries to connect with Alcina.
- Knives.
- So many knives.
- Empty her backpack out? Knives.
- Turn her upside down and shake her by the ankles? Knives.
- Look under her tongue and tell her to say 'ah'? Probably a tiny knife in there too.
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shortstrawberry · 9 months
Yandere headcannons for the resident lover routes I've finished till now
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1. Bela
Her heart laid numb beneath her chest for God knows how long. But it was long enough that the minute she got it back, her feelings for you just steamrolled into obsession.
And it's not like she didn't care about you at all when her heart was locked away. She still took care of you when you were sick, and tried to protect you from Mother Miranda's schemes. But she did it hiding behind her uppity attitude and snarky comments on your work ethic.
Now? You are her savior, her kitten who needs to be spoiled rotten. You never realised how flithy rich Bela was until she started to splurge her family fortunate on you. Dresses, scenic places, scents, books, you name it. You name it, and Bela will give you the world.
It is not all sunshine and spoiling though. Bela has always been notoriously control freakish by nature. And now it has quadrapled. You don't answer her text within 30 seconds? Expect to face the consequences. Namely, tied to her bed and being ravaged until you forget your own name, and remember only hers.
And God have mercy on anyone who tries to flirt with you. Cassandra tried, and Bela had her next play blocked. Bela even used her presidential powers to have you move in her dorms. On bright side, at least you get breakfast in bed now.
Overall, life with Bela is as intense as her beating heart. She keeps you under a kind, but tight leash.
2. Cassandra
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It's no secret that Cassandra's first and only love was theatre. She would sacrifice anything and anyone (*cough*) for the sake of her acting career. Well, that is until she fell head over heels for you. Now she would do anything for you.
Cassandra is like a sweet black hole that keeps asking for more. She has always thrived on fawning and praises, and now she needs your exclusive attention, only on her.
Expect her to take you out on romantic dates. Stargazing, Shakespeare plays, candlelit dinners. Anything that would make you smile and be happy. Cassandra loves to be the only reason behind your smile.
You can also expect Cassandra to be needy for attention and touch. You are sitting just few inches away? She will immediately pull you over on her lap. You can't go to her dorm because of college work? She will kidnap you and bring you to here, even if only to watch you work.
Cassandra considers herself no 1 so you better treat her like it. If you ever even gave a shred of praise to anyone else, Cassandra will give you a demented smile and let you know that you'd be sleeping gagged up in her arms for the night.
3. Donna (my love)
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Donna is the sweetest person you've ever known. She would spoil you with even the tiniest of things. A gentle touch on your shoulder, a kiss to your forehead every 10 minutes. Making sure you're hydrated at all times. Bringing you ginseng and honey tea. Your well being is the top priority for Donna.
Donna is also a keenly sensitive woman. You ever slightly raise your voice or ignore her even more a minute? She'll burst into tears. And heaven forbid if you try to leave her even if just to go back to your dorm for lunch. She would look at you with teary eyes and insist you stay and have lunch with her instead.
It's not all nurturing and codependence though. Donna has a possessive streak that runs a mile wide. Heck, scratch that, it is at least 10 miles wild. That one time a customer was flirting with you? Let's just say the hemlock in his bouquet was a complete accident. Cassandra is lucky she is Donna's niece. The worst thing Donna has done against her is to slip needle leaves inside her bouquet.
Donna has been trying to come up with ways to make you stay longer and longer with her. From increasing your working hours to calling you home for "work", she will do everything except just ask you to move in with her. She is deathly afraid of rejection and would rather use her employer authority on you to keep you close.
Still, it's not remiss to say that Donna for all her softness likes to hold power over you. Being both your girlfriend and employer has a lot of scope of manipulation, and Donna is making more and more use of it. You remain blissfully unaware, too lost in her loving kisses and embraces.
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sapphicrow · 9 months
Y’all, hear me out:
Chef Alcina with a black uniform, her crest embroidered in golden thread on the breast pocket just to be extra. Chef Alcina with the most impressive knife skills you’ve ever seen. Chef Alcina placing her hand gently on the small of the new line cook’s back on her way by. Chef Alcina’s triplet daughters helping out as waitresses of the restaurant. Chef Alcina’s pleased little smirk when her line cook correctly pronounces the name of a Romanian dish. The sentimental look in her eyes as she cooks her childhood favorites.
AH! Head empty, just Chef Alcina.
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ember-owlet · 18 days
hello!! if its not too much trouble could i please get some cg bela dimitrescu headcanons? thank you!!! ^_^
a/n: of course not firelight!! you are very cool for requesting this anon, it was a treat to see in my inbox as well as write,, i hope to write cg headcanons for all the sisters when inspiration strikes. please enjoy!! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ (ps. when she calls ethan little one??? coincidence??? i think not. /lh /silly)
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image credit: @/cateblanchettz
dynamic: cg! bela dimitrescu
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the eldest dimitrescu is the most delicate with her regressor, preferring quiet activities in comparison to her rowdier kin.
in the past, in order to prevent waking her sisters she would take to silently floating or phasing in-between places with her flies. from this habit she'll just appear next to/around you without warning, as is her way of checking in and allowing you to feel a sense of independance.
LOVES spending quality time with her regressor where the both of you do separate things while physically together.
i always headcanon bela to be the one that took up her mother's art of learning the piano. she'd let you sit at her feet while she practiced, hoping to inspire you to one day join her in a melancholic duet.
ironically being the messiest in appearance she probably keeps her environment the cleanest and makes sure her regressor keeps their area clean and tidy after playtime/hunting.
when feeding you she will always cut your food into smaller pieces or give you the first taste of prey. she doesn't care much for human food anymore but tries to remember the things she enjoyed in life when sending her maidens to the village.
what she says is simply the way things will go. she receives enough pressure from herself and her mother's expectations and would like to know that you trust her enough to make the right decisions.
that being said if her regressor got out of line she becomes a master at mind games to get her way. she will always find a way to get you to bed when she wants.
as the eldest she puts way too much pressure on herself in her caretaking abilities to you and her family on top of everything else that she subjects herself to. when caretaking she requires lots of verbal affirmation to feel like she is doing right by you.
despite bela's stubborness in doing things alone, her mother is one of the only souls in the village that she would entrust your care to (if the need would arise).
when seeking advice from her mother she'd frequently bring you along to the lord's room, often presenting your accomplishments to the matriarch to bask in the praise.
though she is heavily motivated by praise and verbal affirmation she is a rather emotionally unavailable caregiver. to get too close is to lose focus on her goals and will to protect you, and at the end of the day all she wants is to do the best she can for you, because her little one only deserves the best.
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finn-writes-stuff · 2 years
Loved those spoiling headcanons! Can we have a Reader who isn't bothered by the blood on their face and bodies, and the girls get happy knowing someone doesn't mind their true nature? Then they slowly fall for the Reader and when they get together they kiss the girls while they have the blood on their lips and faces, which only makes the Daughters fall more?
You can choose to either make it Polyamorous or Monogamous, it's up to you :3 you're awesome! < 3
It's hard to fall for a vampire without loving the blood on their lips.
Dimitrescu Sisters x Reader
Fandom: Resident Evil 8
Format: Headcanons
Gender Neutral Reader
This is for everyone that goes feral over clips and art of the girls covered in blood. I see you.
Everything about her appearance and presentation is carefully considered. The only time blood is left on her face is when she's in the midst of attacking someone, or she wants to make a point of what she is capable of.
Otherwise, she is meticulous about cleaning it off her face. Dried flaking blood is simply uncomfortable.
She expects you to be uncomfortable at least, if not afraid of the sight she makes covered in blood. It throws her off when you aren't.
When you tell her that it doesn't make her any less beautiful, it stuns her speechless for a solid minute. Vampires don't blush easily, but you've had the pleasure of seeing it.
Pulling her in for a kiss before she has the chance to clean it off usually has her fangs catching on your own lips, as if still hungry for more.
Cassandra thrives on being a dangerous creature, so she is never quick to wipe the blood away after an attack. It's a physical reminder that she is a predator in this world.
It is wild to her that you are just fine with it. It doesn't scare you? Unnerve you? Make you uncomfortable?
She will actually lean into trying to frighten you, just to make sure she hasn't lost her touch.
It catches her attention in a way that she just can't shake. And with her eyes on you so often, how could she not fall for you?
The deep, hidden parts of her that draw a line between woman and monster, melt under your affection. Blood and fangs or not, you don't look at her any differently.
Dani's chaos leads to a lot more blood than either of her sister's activities. She is caught up in her excitement and hunger, reveling in the mess.
It's not that she doesn't make an effort to keep clean, it's that she's easily distracted and enjoys the way it stains her lips.
When you don't balk at the sight of it, she jumps on the new information. You are new and interesting!
She will make fun of you for 'being into it' but she definitely thinks that's just a joke at first. If you admit to being attracted to it when she's all bloody, she will never let go of that.
Dani will cover you in blood and not apologize. You're willing to kiss her when she's bloody? There's blood all over your own face now because she's covering you in kisses.
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snails4brains · 1 year
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donna and her fly friends
pt 1
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razzleart · 5 months
Dimitrescu sisters redesign pt.2/3 !!
my Cassandra Dimitrescu headcanons <3
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gotta love cass lmao
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caitlynmeow · 4 months
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She really is her mother's daughter.
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basmentdwealer · 1 month
Older MC been stuck on my mind all day :9
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Originally they were going to have longer hair but I decided to double down and chop it off :333
I wish them nothing but the best :-)
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Beladonna headcanon #8
Bela fell first but Donna fell harder.
Bela Dimitrescu, with her poised elegance and quiet strength, found herself immediately captivated by the enigmatic Donna Beneviento. Initially, it was Bela’s curiosity that drew her towards Donna’s mysterious aura and the tranquillity of her secluded world. The initial spark was subtle, a gentle flame kindled by shared glances and quiet moments amidst the gothic grandeur of their surroundings.
However, as their connection deepened, it was Donna who fell harder. Beneath her serene exterior, a tempest of emotions stirred. It was consuming her with an intensity that surprised even herself. Her feelings for Bela became an all-encompassing passion, overshadowing her previous reservations and fears.
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maxity666 · 6 months
What is the most wholesome hc that you can think of about Daniela? I’m curious :)
- 🔪👹🔪
I'd say the most wholesome one I have is that she's terrifyingly good at most games, as in arcade games, board games, card games- shit like that. Like I imagine the sisters tried to play uno together which was most likely one of the last times cause Daniela won like 7 times in a row even though Bela and Cassandra would team up against her. I just find it so funny for Bela and Cassandra, two of the most capable sisters, Bela being well educated in most subjects like math, literature, history etc etc.
(I haven't played the game in a while so if this is factually incorrect just take it as another headcanon of mine lmaooo) and Cassandra being extremely talented in most of the creative arts as well as in law.
And then there's Daniela, master of boardgames LMAO sdjnkgjkns
Another of my headcanons is that Daniela plays guitar, or atleast wanted to, (ik it gets mention in the game) I'd go into more detail but since the ask is wholesome headcanon and this one gets quite angsty real quick, I'll save it for later :))
Thank you for the ask, I had to scratch my brain for a bit on how to write it out, which I had a lot of fun with!!
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blood-red-ocean · 9 months
"It'll hurt later, but damn it, it feels so good right now." - Bela x MC
- Waking up together for the first time, every time.
- Bela watching MC's eyes light up talking about something she loves.
- The lights of the town shining in MC's eyes on another of as many dates as Bela can take her on.
- Taking a bath together and washing each other's hair just for the sake of being close to another.
- The first 'I love you.'
- Bela breathing in MC's scent from the top of her head as she holds her.
- Bela falling asleep to the gentle rumble of MC's snoring. (Or not so gentle, she doesn't mind either way.)
- MC laughing at something Bela said.
- MC's hands on Bela's shoulders, trying to convince her to relax and worry about the student council paperwork tomorrow.
- Colours, sounds, sights and smells being vivid to Bela now that she has her heart - her girl - back.
- MC wiping away Bela's tears as she cries over something that she can't possibly begin to explain to MC. So she says that it's nothing, that she's just emotional today.
- Bela forgetting for just a second while on a date with MC - until she sees a raven feather on the ground and her blood turns cold.
- MC talking about their future and Bela enthusiastically nodding along and planning with her.
- MC saying that Bela can always tell her everything and anything. Bela says she will. She doesn't.
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shortstrawberry · 9 months
Done with playing all the routes and their endings in Resident Lover. Here's the remaining yandere headcannons for Angie, Dani, Alcina and Miranda mommy.
1. Angie
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Angie, just like her beloved aunt Donna, hates to be alone. But instead of shrinking into a wall like Donna, she went the exact opposite way. She fills up the emptiness inside of her by socialising with people while high on alcohol. Still, it isn't enough. At least until she met you.
If Angie is a unstoppable force, you are the unstoppable object. You ground her to the surface, show her that fun can be had outside of the bottle of vodka. Soon enough, Angie starts to depend only on you for her emotional fulfilment.
Angie is the fun kind of yandere. She will not put you under a lock and key. Oh no, she wants to take you around the world, show you the sights. One day you'll be on a cruise and the next night you'll be DJing across Europe. Angie will show you the world, whether you like it or not.
It comes with a catch however. You are allowed only to see the world. Try to interact, be too close with people who are not her, she will show you her Beneviento side. One party you danced too close with a fellow partier. That was enough for Angie to shriek and crack a bottle on that poor person. It's good Angie wasn't too drunk. Her drunk jealousy rages are downright lethal.
Overall, Angie is the kindest of all Resident Lover yanderes. She wants you to have fun. It just better be with only her.
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Have you ever seen a golden retriever with hidden canines? That's exactly what the youngest Dimiterescu sister is. She is the most easy going sister among the whole lot, and possibly the most dangerous one as well.
Daniela is all about that daily softcore gay romance. Taking you to cheesy pizza places, movie dates, or just Netflix and chilling in her dorm room. Dani adores her regular couple life with you.
It's no wonder you feel like you and Daniela are just like any other couple. But then you see glimpses of the simmering insanity beneath your girlfriend's sunny smile. Someone accidentally pushes you while in a packed concert? Daniela pushed back with her muscular shoulder so hard that the person smacked his head on the floor.
Baseline: Daniela is protective. Too protective actually. Even the slightest threat to your safety will set her off. Her protective rage is almost beastial in nature, as you found out when she beat up Cassandra's groupies for bullying you.
Her feral nature also showcases itself in another aspect the relationship: sex. It almost always starts sweet and gentle, but always ends with you completely ravaged and littered with bright hickeys. You have been asked on more then one occasion if you were attacked by a animal last night. You wonder if you should be honest and just say yes you actually were attacked by your beast of a horny girlfriend.
Thankfully, Daniela is her golden retriever self on most days. The leash is firmly in your hands, and your puppy of a girlfriend follows along wherever you go. At least, that's what you think. You never realise that Daniela is a Dimiterescu as well, the cunning inherited into her.
You never notice that ever since you've started to date her, your time with other friends has drastically lessened. You spent most of the time cuddled up by her side. Or on your phone laughing at her memes. But hey, Daniela is the best girlfriend in the world. So what if she tags along to every hangout of yours? That's just what happens in any fairytale romance, right?
3. Alcina aka Mommy D
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In your first meeting with Alcina Dimiterescu, she had threatened to fire her chef because she thought you didn't like the extravagant breakfast served to you. That should give you a good idea of what kind of person Lady Dimiterescu is.
Alcina Dimiterescu is a noble through and through and she will treat you like her queen. You liked that one donut from that one shop. Alcina would make sure to hire that donut chef so you can have them donuts anytime you want. You like red dress? Here, have 10 dresses more.
Alcina is also terribly territorial over you. Woe upon who dares to lay their eyes on you. Hell, one time Alcina in her seething possessiveness had banned a student from her class, just because they were getting to chatty with you. She also went ahead and banned her own daughter Cassandra from family dinners, just because she was flirting with you right in front of Alcina's fois gras.
Does Alcina use her professorly powers to make you stay with her longer? Absolutely yes. You know you don't need those extra classes, but your girlfriend insists that she teaches you extra. How the remedial classes end up on her office couch, you have no idea. You just wish she would stop ripping your clothes all the time.
Despite all this, you are happy with her tall hot girlfriend. Although it saddens you that you lost Daniela and Angie has roommates and friends. You're sure Alcina mourns their loss too. They were her family afterall. Little do you know, Alcina is actually secretly happy that now she can have you all to herself.
4. Miranda aka Mommy Miranda
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Here's a honest fact. No one, absolutely no one can beat Miranda when it comes to being batshit crazy. The woman changes the laws of physics to finally have you. From the get go, you know not to push Miranda's buttons. She is willing to kill you and get her desired version of you.
Miranda wants you to have unconditional trust in her. Trust Miranda to protect you, love you, care for you. Hiding anything from her is a big no no. For one, she knows everything thanks to her crows spying on you. Two, she will actually put you in a leash until you are deemed to be obedient enough again.
Miranda is possessive and protective, yes. But she does expect you to be her best self. You have to study and work hard to keep up with her demands. Don't worry though, Miranda would always reward you with plenty affection and bedtime love for your good behaviour.
Miranda is surprisingly not as cagey as you thought she would be. You are still allowed to meet with your friends, even Mia who Miranda absolutely loathes. However, Miranda does keep you in a tight curfew. You should be back in her arms at the exact time she has given you, or she would be out for blood. She has always been a stickler for time. Even if she has all the time in eternity.
Miranda is ironically also a impatient woman. You are a minute late? You have to pacify her by sitting on her lap and begging for her forgiveness. She is also incredibly greedy. You didn't give her a long enough kiss? You have to give her 10 more to sate her endless desire for you.
At the end of the day, you guess Miranda deserves to have so many demands of you. She did break the universe to have you back. So let's cut her some slack, shall we?
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