#Beira’s place
itsawritblr · 2 years
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JK Rowling??  The woman who spent her own money to establish a shelter where women can be safe from men who are violent to them??
“She doesn’t actually care about women’s issues?”
These assholes will out and out lie to support their insanity.
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bodhrancomedy · 2 years
Is there any actual evidence that board members were part of anti trans extremist groups because I cannot find anything
I’d love for there to be more places to support survivors of sexual assault in Edinburgh- but when the people running it have helped cause the 18 month waiting list by forcing it to close and started up their website BEFORE registering with the OSCR (meaning they have to be held to account about people’s data) does not bode well.
Basically, I am concerned about the safety of the users. I’m not even thinking about the trans stuff.
(But how *exactly* are they gonna check you’re female…? If it’s self ID, that’s how everywhere else functions so why not just… you know, not attack the ERCC?)
If it looks like a publicity stunt, smell like a publicity stunt, and has already more safeguarding holes than Swiss cheese, then it’s probably a publicity stunt.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Nothing is stopping the transcult from opening their own shelters and offering services for abuse survivors
Prolific author JK Rowling is under fire from trans activists after throwing her support behind a new counseling service for female survivors of sexual violence in the Edinburgh area, leading many pro-woman advocates to question the priorities of her detractors.
On December 12, Rowling announced via Twitter that she was funding Beira’s Place, a facility described as being women-led and catering to female survivors of sexual violence. The service will provide support, advocacy, and information to women aged 16 and over.
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In an exclusive interview with columnist and women’s rights advocate Suzanne Moore about her new project, Rowling stated that she was driven by her own experience with sexual violence, and had noticed a gap in available resources to provide exclusively woman-centered care.
“As a survivor of sexual assault myself, I know how important it is that survivors have the option of women-centred and women-delivered care at such a vulnerable time,” Rowling said.
Many on social media celebrated the opening of Beira’s Place, including Vancouver Rape Relief, a Canadian rape crisis shelter that was stripped of Vancouver city funding in 2019 after refusing to change their female-only mandate. The center was vandalized for their sex-based policy, with trans activists nailing a dead rat to the door of the building during the public battle.
“Sisterhood is powerful! Congratulations @beirasplaceand @jk_rowling for the new women-only sexual assault support centre for women and girls in Edinburgh and the Lothians,” tweeted Vancouver Rape Relief from their official account.
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One Twitter user responded to the Rowling’s announcement, saying: “I’m crying. This is amazing. THIS is what protecting women and being a true feminist looks like. Thank you to @jk_rowling on behalf of #YoungGCFeminists and women everywhere.” 
But the response was not uniformly positive, with many trans activists immediately jumping to condemn Rowling for supporting a shelter with a female-only mandate.
Responding to the news, several critics speculated that a policy which excludes men would inevitably result in “masculine-presenting” or “butch” women being turned away.
“Imagine being a slightly masc[uline] presenting cis woman and going to a shelter like that at your worst moment and your greeting is somewhere between the 3rd degree about your birth sex and an actual call to prove it somehow,” said one Twitter user.
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“I would love to know what the process is for checking that any woman using this service is definitely not trans, what kinds of checks will you be doing to the the already vulnerable sexual/domestic abuse victims? I have major concerns for women’s safety here,” tweeted another.
Multiple trans activists accused Rowling of funding Beira’s Place with the specific intention of “spiting” trans-identified males.
“I think it’s actually quite telling as to the vindictive nature of JK Rowling that’s she’s had the means, resources and power to set up a crisis center for over 20 years, and she’s only decided to do it now so she can use it as some bizarre point scoring against trans victims.” 
Yet Rowling has a history of using her substantial wealth to contribute to humanitarian causes. In 2012, she was famously removed from Forbes‘ billionaire list due partly to her hefty charitable contributions. At the time, it was estimated that she had given away approximately $160 million during the course of the year.
Jen Ives, an activist who also identifies as a comedian, mocked the support service and victims of sexual violence in response to Rowling’s announcement. 
Ives had previously gone after Rowling during his set at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival earlier this year. However, when the audience failed to laugh at his jokes, a fellow comedian complained that Ives was a victim of “transphobia,” and the audience’s cold response was a “hate crime.”
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Another trans activist who uses the moniker ‘Cathy Brennan’ called the opening of Beira’s Place “one of the most sinister moves” he’s seen from “UK transphobes.” Brennan infamously harassed feminist campaigner Julie Bindel after she gave a speech at Edinburgh University in 2019.
As Bindel left the building after giving a speech on male violence against women, Brennan “lunged” at her while calling her derogatory names. Bindel reported that Brennan had attempted to punch her in the face but a security guard pulled him away. 
Former TV presenter and Big Brother contestant, Jonathan “India” Willoughby also tweeted in response to the news about Beira’s Place, comparing masculine women to males. 
“The whole point of JK Rowling’s new centre is banning women who happen to be trans. But what happens to butch women who could be men?” Willoughby tweeted.
This is not the first time Willoughby has compared masculine women to men. Willoughby has previously said that butch lesbians have effectively “transitioned” and “behave like blokes.”
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Willoughby had recently come under fire for racist and sexist comments he made towards broadcaster Esther Krakue, calling her a “talentless bigoted blackwomen [sic]” and a “b*tch.”
But the anti-woman backlash wasn’t isolated to social media.
Earlier today, The Independent published an op-ed from Ryan Coogan, who compared a single-sex rape crisis shelter to opening a “whites-only orphanage,” while LGBT outlet INTO used a graphic featuring JK Rowling and devil heads.
The Times reported that Rape Crisis Scotland has released a statement regarding Beira’s Place stating that while they welcome any new services with “rigorous safeguarding procedures,” they urged the service to be opened to trans-identified males as well. 
The CEO of Edinburgh Rape Crisis is a trans-identified male, Mridul Wadhwa. He was hired for the position despite the job advertisement for the role specifying it was open only to women.
Wadhwa came under fire last year for comments he made during a podcast interview in which he stated that “bigoted” sex abuse victims who request female-only support should expect to be “challenged on their prejudices” and told to “reframe their trauma.”
The mixed-sex policy at Edinburgh Rape Crisis in part motivated Rowling to set up Beira’s Place. Rowling said that the single sex service fills an “unmet need for women in the Lothians area.” 
Wadhwa’s position as CEO of Rape Crisis has been highly criticized by feminists as he is reportedly still legally male and does not hold a gender recognition certificate. Tensions are currently high in Scotland between trans activists and feminists as SNP leader and Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon aims to push through reforms to the Gender Recognition Act. This will remove all safe guarding requirements to obtaining a GRC such as the need for a gender dysphoria diagnosis. 
Ahead of the proposed reforms, For Women Scotland, a feminist campaign group, had petitioned the Scottish government to protect sex in law. But a Scottish judge ruled against them the day after Rowling’s announcement. 
“Sex is not limited to biological or birth sex, but includes those in possession of a [Gender Recognition Certificate] obtained in accordance with the 2004 Act stating their acquired gender, and thus their sex,” the Judgementhanded down on December 13 read. 
The verdict means that a male who holds a legal document indicating a gender change should be treated as a “female” across the board in all areas of law. This has concerned women’s rights advocates as Gender Recognition Certificates will soon be available to almost any applicant, with very limited requirements.
Rowling has become a target for abuse since first speaking out against gender identity ideology in December of 2019. Rowling had tweeted in support of Maya Forstater, a researcher who was involved in a high-profile tribunal case after her employer did not renew her contract on the basis of her belief that biological sex cannot be changed and is relevant to public policies. Rowling then went on to publish a detailed essay in 2020 outlining her concerns with gender ideology.
The celebrated children’s author has since refused to back down to the trans activist mob and has continued to use her platform to spread awareness about how gender ideology impacts the rights and safety of women and girls. This has led to her receiving countless death threatsover the years. Several trans activists even picketed her home before posting her address online last November.
By Shay Woulahan Shay is a writer and social media content creator for Reduxx. She is a proud lesbian activist and feminist who lives in Northern Ireland with her partner and their four-legged, fluffy friends.
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beirarowling · 6 days
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The way your fellow men do or don't perceive you is an all-male issue. Setting aside the fact that the vast majority of female victims of SA indicate they'd rather receive counselling in a female-only space, there is zero evidence that trans-identified men present less of a threat to women and girls than the non-trans-identified variety. In fact, there are proportionately more trans-identified men in jail in the UK currently for sexual offences than among the general male prison population.
That statistic doesn't mean I think you personally are a predator. What it does prove is that there are at least as many predators among trans-identified men as among men who don't identify as trans.
If you and fellow trans-identified men want a space where no other men go, you're free to create one. Nobody wants you raped. Nobody wants you killed or harmed in any way. But women's spaces are for women. Your inability to grasp that you aren't entitled to those spaces because you don't 'identify' as a man is not female rape survivors' problem. Seeking to breach vulnerable women's boundaries does not mark you out as one of us. On the contrary, your arguments are typical of a certain kind of male: one who thinks the satisfaction of his own needs and desires is far more important than the harm he may be causing to women.
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fall-and-shadows · 2 years
This is Beira’s Place.   
It is a new support and advocacy service for women who have experienced sexual violence, it has been funded by J.K. Rowling, and it opens today. It has been set up to meet an unmet need from female survivors for a women-only service, as there is not one currently available in the area.   
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noncompliantbi · 2 years
The class of people who commit the most sexual assault have decided it is their RIGHT to have unquestioned access to the victims of sexual assault and the society agrees with them. But when a past victim creates a safe space for the majority of SA victims because the state won't, she's painted as a villain.
Eh, I guess that makes sense considering this world we live in.
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namedathlete · 2 years
This is just musing really but it feels like this JKR shelter things is demonstrating that a lot of people consider abuse a fitting punishment for a bad woman. They don't care about the women who do not agree with them politically, they do not care to help them escape abusive situations, they would rather leave them there and let them suffer for the fault of being in disagreement.
Its not even about not wanting 'transphobic' women in shelters with trans women to protect the trans women because if that was the case why would having a female only shelter for all the supposed transphobes to go to be such a problem? If you don't want transphobes around trans women, here is a perfect solution for you, tied up in a neat bow and paid for by somebody else. But they don't want that, they don't want spaces for these women to be able to go because they believe they deserve those situations as a punishment for their transphobia.
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jk-scrolling · 1 year
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With headlines like these, you could be forgiven for thinking Beira's Place UK is a residential facility. That's the picture "shelter" conjures up: a place for people to live and sleep while escaping danger or extreme deprivation. We're also primed to picture spartan communal living and sleeping arrangements from seeing news coverage focused on cash-strapped services and charities. Add the detail "women's" to "shelter" and the picture grows to include children - broken families typically forced into hiding by the violence of their own fathers.
That's not what Beira's Place actually is and it's not what they actually do. From their website, they provide outpatient therapy, support groups, and referrals to other local services.
By outlining the distinction, I don't mean to diminish the potential helpfulness of services like Beira's Place.
I do it because, to the popular imagination, it sounds much more reasonable that the first type of service should have a single sex policy (even if it leaves some women in need out in the cold) than the second type.
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So JK Rowling just launched Beira's Place, a DV shelter that specifically excludes trans women.
Why does it exclude trans women? You ask
Because they think that trans women might be attracted to the women there, and do something about that attraction
So now if you're attracted to women and trying to use a DV shelter, you could be turned away because you're attracted to women
61% of Bisexual Women experience domestic violence in their lifetime. Over half of lesbians reported being abused at some point in their lifetimes. TERFism and transphobia has also been shown to be overwhelmingly Racist, particularly when it comes to 'clocking' trans people.
This is horrific, but because it's TERF island they're getting away with it. The TERF movement has shut down multiple trans inclusive centres. The TERF movement is, and always has been, about the systematic removal of rights for trans people, gay people, and POCs. This is a nightmare.
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flashdyke · 8 months
The revelation that ERCC has been breaking its own guidelines to spite Beira's Place and rape victims is so illustrative of the trans activist attitude to safe spaces and sexual violence as a whole.
This isn't random rape apologists online, who can just show up and claim, "Everyone knows [idea I wish was true]" and then block all dissenters; it's people who've actually been working with victimised women for years, who know exactly what women mean when they say that they want to only be around other women, and they're taking advantage of their access to women at their most vulnerable to further traumatise them one way or the other, to entrench what is therefore clearly a misogynist ideology.
Selfishness doesn't cover it. To turn a woman away from help because her extremely sensible boundaries seem old fashioned to you is to further punish a victimised woman, and affirm that she's not allowed to set boundaries about even the most intimate and sensitive parts of her own life. To then lie to her that there is no other help available, to punish a rape victim for not responding how you believe rape victims should think and feel and to spite the service that will offer her help (perhaps that greater capacity for altruism embarrasses you?), is unfathomably cruel. To lie to a woman who says she wants female-only support that you offer that, so that you can get her into a room with a man, because you know she'll either be too scared to say anything and just not come back, or you can gaslight her about being insane or bigoted, is to repeat the deceptive process that's part of how a lot of rapists attack.
The people responsible for this, and similar at other centres around the UK, have encouraged women to self-exclude and stop seeking help -- and are, it turns out, telling those women that no help exists, because they don't believe women who won't use their rape to validate a man deserve any. They're active participants in the abuse of women, and enablers of rapists.
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a-room-of-my-own · 7 days
Edinburgh Crisis Centre designed to protect women who had suffered serious sexual violence is condemned for failing them in damning report
A controversial rape crisis centre “damaged” victims of sexual violence by hindering their access to biologically female counsellors, a damning report has found.
Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC), run by trans woman Mridul Wadhwa, was blasted for “many serious failings” including not putting the needs of survivors first.
The independent investigation condemned the centre for insisting traumatised rape victims, who can be as young as 12, must specify if they don’t want support from someone born a man.
More than 94 per cent of victims of rape are women and the perpetrators men.
Yet the review found ERCC failed to provided vulnerable victims with safe women only spaces, while at the same time opening up services to men.
The report said: “Putting women in the position of having to discuss whether the service they receive will be provided by someone who was born and continues to identify as female has caused damage.”
The review was ordered by umbrella organisation Rape Crisis Scotland (RCS) in May 2024, after a scathing employment tribunal judgment ruled that ERCC worker Roz Adams was subjected to a “heresy hunt” for suggesting a rape victim should know the sex of her counsellor.
Although rape crisis centres are autonomous, they sign up to the RCS’s national standards, many of which the review found ERCC had failed to meet.
RCS said the review had found a “significant breach of its standards” and was “pausing” the referral of any new clients to ERCC until it implements the recommendations of the review.
Women only spaces are a required national standard yet they were not available from October 2022 until at least February 2024, when ERCC knew it was facing a tribunal and would be under scrutiny.
The review was heavily critical of Wadhwa, who self identifies as a woman but does not have a gender recognition certificate and is legally a man.
It found her be a domineering as chief executive who “who did not understand the limits on her role’s authority” and it said Wadhwa “failed to set professional standards of behaviour” within the organisation.
She was portrayed as incompetent, overseeing an organisation with systemic failures and a chaotic approach in key areas such as financial transparency, training and safeguarding for staff and clients.
Wadhwa was placed on leave from June this year, a month after she was blamed by the employment tribunal for being the “invisible hand” in the victimisation of Ms Adams for her gender critical views.
The reviewer, charity sector consultant, Vicky Ling, said she was also told victims were not using the service because they deemed it unsafe, given there was no guarantee of being seen by a counsellor born female.
And she recommended ERCC refer any concerned survivors to guaranteed women only services such as Beira's Place, the rape help centre funded by JK Rowling and condemned by Wadhwa as transphobic.
Wadhwa labelled rape victims bigots and transphobes if they doubted whether a man identifying as a woman should run a centre helping women recover from male violence.
She said any staff who did not think all trans women were women should be fired.
According to the employment tribunal, Madhwa was on a mission to 'cleanse the organisation of those who did not follow her beliefs’.
In 2021, Wadhwa caused outrage when she told listeners of the Guilty Feminist podcast that some rape victims were “bigoted people” who needed to “reframe their trauma” and be re-educated if they didn’t agree all trans women were female.
The report said Wadhwa’s controversial comments “caused damage to individuals and to the reputation of the organisation”.
The report said the work environment at ERCC was unhealthy and with high sickness rates and that staff were likely to be too scared to question Wadhwa’s “trans activist” approach.
It recommended an overhaul of the culture at ERCC including the establishment of policies which would guarantee there would be no victimisation of any staff who did not agree with trans-inclusion within the service.
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beirarowling · 6 days
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All the costs. When idiots say she's funding trans genocide, they're really angry that she is helping women.
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ukrfeminism · 2 years
2 minute read
JK Rowling is founding and personally funding a new service for women survivors of sexual violence. Launched days before Nicola Sturgeon’s controversial Gender Recognition Reform Bill is expected to pass through the Scottish parliament, the Edinburgh-based centre, Beira’s Place, will be female-only.
The author, who has written about the sexual and domestic abuse she suffered in her twenties, believes there is an “unmet need” for Scottish women who want “women-centred and women-delivered care at such a vulnerable time”. She hopes Beira’s Place, which will employ professional staff to provide free one-to-one and group counselling, “will enable more women to process and recover from their trauma”.
Rowling’s board of directors are all vocal opponents of the Gender Recognition Reform Bill, which will permit anyone to change the legal sex on their birth certificate by making a simple statutory declaration, a process known as self-identification. Feminists, including Reem Alsalem, UN special rapporteur on violence against women and girls, have raised grave concerns it will open up women’s services and private spaces to abuse by male predators.
Beira’s board comprises Rhona Hotchkiss, a former prison governor, who has opposed the Scottish government’s policy of moving trans-identified male sex offenders to women’s jails; Johann Lamont, a former leader of the Scottish Labour Party and a lawyer; Dr Margaret McCartney, an academic, broadcaster and Glasgow GP; and Susan Smith, director of For Women Scotland, a grassroots feminist group founded to fight the gender reform bill. Beira’s chief executive is Isabelle Kerr, a former manager of Glasgow Rape Crisis who received an MBE in 2020 for her work supporting British citizens who had been raped overseas.
The provision of single-sex services has been a key battleground of the gender reform bill. Already in Scotland, most domestic violence refuges and rape support services are “trans inclusive” and accept referrals from both sexes. In recent years councils have removed grants from women-only refuges in favour of generic organisations. Monklands Women’s Aid in North Lanarkshire, which was set up more than 40 years ago, had its council funding withdrawn in favour of a social justice charity which also helps men.
Most controversial is Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre whose chief executive, Mridul Wadhwa, a trans woman, told the Guilty Feminist podcast that women sexual assault victims who request female-only care will be “challenged on your prejudices” and told to “reframe your trauma”.
Yet in her recent book Defending Women’s Spaces, veteran campaigner Karen Ingala Smith, the chief executive of Nia, a domestic abuse charity in London, describes how women traumatised by male violence fare better and feel safer in female therapeutic spaces.
Beira’s Place is legally permitted to exclude males under the exemptions of the 2010 Equality Act, which allows single-sex services if they are “a proportionate means to achieve a legitimate end”.
It is named after Beira, the Scottish goddess of winter. JK Rowling said: “Beira rules over the dark part of the year, handing over to her sister, Bride, when summer comes again. Beira represents female wisdom, power, and regeneration. Hers is a strength that endures during the difficult times, but her myth contains the promise that they will not last for ever.”
The service is not a charity, but privately funded by Rowling, a noted philanthropist. The amount she will donate to set up and run Beira’s Place has not been disclosed.
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squiddssy · 14 days
• She's absolutely one of the smartest members on the Beira. Honestly, I'm not quite sure if it's ever mentioned in the game, but Finlay seems to catch on to a lot of things quickly, there's no hiding anything from her. I DO however remember this voice line, "After that explosion, he got oil or something on him and he just, I don't know ... he freaked out ... went for me! He's still out there." Even at the beginning of the game she knew something was up!!
• Finlay's a bigger woman, no questions asked. I believe I've seen another headcanon on here saying she's around 6'2, and I whole heartly agree with that. I might actually draw her some other time to show how I see her, but I personally think she's definitely more heavyset. I mean, even in the game her character is bigger than others.
• Adding on to the last one, Finlay's actually really strong, while you may not see it much due to the bulky uniform or the fat on her body, she's definitely got a decent bit of muscle definition. I wouldn't quite say she's ripped, but she's absolutely muscular.
• I feel like the guy's would try and challenge her to an arm wrestle and she'd win nearly, if not, every time. It's not that the boys on the rig underestimate her, quite the opposite, actually. The arm wrestling thing is more so for fun, or for the title of being the one who somehow managed to beat Finlay at her own game.
• Okay, I can't actually think of any interactions we have with her that back up this one, but I also saw a headcanon somewhere saying Finlay might've had younger brothers and was the oldest out of all of her siblings, she's used to being around boys, especially rowdy ones, so I wanna say she'd think of some of the other crew members in a similar way to her brothers.
• She's the type of person you go to when you're upset. Finlay doesn't seem like the type to sugarcoat anything, if you need advice she's going to be brutally honest because she knows the truth is what you need to hear more than anything. Remember that one interaction at the end of the game? Where she's telling Caz to blow up the rig? Yeah, she was completely right, and he knew it.
• OKAY, OKAY, LAST ONE!! At the beginning of the game there's dialogue with Finlay where she says she's in need of a smoke, that being said, I think after awhile of running around on the rig she'd have to take some breaks. As a bigger person myself with respiratory issues, I can say it's not a lot of fun running all over the place. I don't think she'd have asthma per say, but she's a middle aged smoker. She's gonna need to stop and catch her breath. (Not sure if this one actually makes that much sense but it's whatever,,,)
Note: This is actually my first post on Tumblr,,, hehe,,, STWD has taken over my life and I'm here for it. Honestly I had a lot of fun writing this so if anyone wants to see more headcanons you're more than welcome to request them!!
Also if anyone knows the account that has the head cannons I mentioned please lmk so I can credit them!! I'm pretty sure I follow them but it's late and I don't necessarily feel like looking right now,,
EDIT: I FOUND THEM!!! The person who inspired me to make this post was @/beauisoffline ,, not sure how they feel about strangers @'ing them so i added the slash :d, anyways,, make sure you check out their posts aswell if you haven't already!
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theblankstar · 9 days
Finally, the long awaited, long ass head canon post!
•He may not like the unions very much, but he's more than willing to listen to Trots whenever he starts rambling about them. He knows nobody else does, so he's always there.
•A pretty decent cook. While he isn't Roy level, he knows exactly how to handle himself in a kitchen. He can make simple dishes, but they're never bad.
•Cannot drive to save the life of himself. He failed his driver's test every time he attempted it. Do not put him in a car, he will crash it. And he will blame the car itself.
•A great hugger. Not even joking. He may not seem like the type for affection, but get close to him and he will become the most affectionate person out there.
•Band kid. He played percussion and trumpet back in high school. He can only vaguely remember notes and music, but he is more than willing to re-learn it for the crew.
•Loves urban exploring. His hometown is full of abandoned places, and with that, comes a natural curiosity and drawing towards them.
•Absolutely loves loud music. He will eat that shit up. He loves rock as well, rock and hardcore metal. Put him at a KISS or The Smashing Pumpkins show, and he will fan girl.
•Not the best at math. While he was good at it for a period of time, he eventually reached a state in which he could not do it anymore.
•Accident-Prone. Archie has broken his bones one too many times while attempting to do something. While he knows the danger of this, he really doesn't care and just sees it as a test to his will.
•Likes dystopian novels. He can be found sitting in his cabin reading one before bed every night. Of course, he tries his hardest to keep them hidden, but he will ramble when someone asks about them.
•Gets upset easily. While he is understanding, when something doesn't have an expected outcome, he will get upset. He won't have a meltdown, but you can see his face turn red and him looking like he will cry.
•Went to a private school as a child. Archie wanted to be an engineer originally, so his parents had enrolled him into a private school meant for the rich. He gave up that dream.
•Has sensitive hearing. He heard things ten times louder than what they're originally supposed to be. It makes him get really upset when he can't find somewhere quiet.
•Has lots of burn scars on his hands from welding. While he does try to be cautious, Cadal probably didn't buy the proper gloves for welders, so Banky has scars on his hands from where the sparks got him.
•Prefers to be alone. Banky has barely any friends on the rig, because of his usually quiet personality- and the fact he just preferred to be alone since it was silent most of the time.
•Was raised by his grandparents. Banky grew up not with his parents, but with his grandparents. They taught him everything about welding and how to fend for himself.
Billy Chamberlain:
•Was good friends with Caz back in their younger years. They drifted apart and forgot each other after Billy had to move away for his parents work reasons.
•Not typically violent, but not afraid to stand his ground. He believed that what he was saying was right, which prompted him to get socked in the face by Caz.
•After the Beira D explosion, he took money out of his own pockets to pay for the funeral and burial expenses. This is when he remembered who Caz was, and what they used to be.
•Smokes a lot. Billy grew up around a lot of businessmen who smoked, prompting him to begin as well, since it was so normalized. He's toned it down now, but has 1-2 a day.
•Used to preform back in Scotland. He would grab his best instrument, typically a lyre, and he would play in the streets. He was really good at the lyre, at that. So it drew crowds.
•Usually more logical than emotional. He tries to approach certain situations with empathy towards a person and their issues, but this is taken over by his main trait; being apathetic.
•Boyd finds it hard to relate to people on the rig. He physically cannot bring himself to be put in someone else's shoes, even if it meant being able to understand and help them better.
•Absolutely hates warm climate. He moved from more Western areas after going to boarding school, and he hated how hot it felt down there. He swore he would never go back down there.
•Has a phobia of heights. He never knew what it was, but being so high up above the ground had always terrified him. So when he started working on the rig, he refused, and I mean, refused to look down.
•Prefers the company of reptiles than mammals. Yes, he does love cats and dogs, but reptiles has always been his absolute favorite. He has a pet chameleon back at home named Green Bean.
•Very confident in his own abilities. Brodie believes that if he can be confident in being able to do something, he would be able to do it easier. This has been his mindset for a while now.
•Cannot sing. When he attempts to sing, it sounds like a broken record that cannot be spun back. He has been told numerous times to get off of the singing stage.
•Hates mashed potatoes. While he does love a good fry or baked potato, he refuses to eat them mashed. This is because once a bug had flown into his food, he ate it, and got sick.
•Good friends with a member of Cadal. He hasn't told anyone about it because they would rip his head off, but he does have a friend within the board that gives him things from time to time.
•Has two brothers. Both of them are enlisted into the army, and therefore, not around usually. He takes care of the house/his parents when they're both not around to do it.
•Visually impaired. He's completely blind in one eye, and losing his vision in the other. He planned on retiring from the rig life so that he could take it easy at home.
•Can dance pretty well. He's a huge disco baby, and will groove out to any song he finds catchy. He dances by himself usually, but if Suze or one of his weans are around, he dances with them.
•He lets his daughters dress him up as a pretty princess or a fairy. He will sot there for hours as his girls smear make-up across his face, or put him in the most outlandish outfits possible.
•Used to do track in high school. Caz is a pretty fast runner, so it is no surprise that he used to do track before he graduated. He was actually the best runner in the school.
•Wears knee/arm/leg/elbow braces before working. Caz tends to work in confined/dangerous spaces, prompting him to wear braces in order to protect his own skin from danger.
•Oldest of his family. Dalgleish has many family members, due to the fact his family tree is large and very expansive. He does have older cousins and such, but in his family he is the oldest.
•Hates pancakes and waffles. You will not ever catch him eating them. He says they're too fluffy and puffy for his liking, and that he would rather eat bugs than them.
•Very open-minded. He knows the works of the world, and he does have his own opinions on things, but he is more than willing to look at something in another perspective, even if it doesn't seem right.
•A hopeless romantic. Dalgleish, once he's fallen in love with someone, is practically hopeless to save. He's all over the person, giving them the upmost affection and treasure possible.
•Was the weird kid back in school. Davros always kept to himself back in his school days, and liked things that other people didn't like, labeling him as a weird child.
•Has lots of surgery scars. Davros was never a careful child, and always ended up putting himself in some kind of danger. Even now, as an adult, he's still beyond reckless. Hence, he has a lot of surgery scars.
•Loves to go skydiving. He may not seem like the type of person for adventure, but he absolutely loves to go skydiving. Specifically, in the early morning or late evening.
•Has decent handwriting. While it isn't perfect, at least it is readable. He's been trying to make his signature look better, but he can't help to put some letters in cursive, and others in comic sans font.
•He has hypersomnia. Dobbie can sleep through anything and everything you throw at him. Another crew member has to wake him up each morning to ensure he won't sleep through his shift.
•Really good at making jokes. He may not seem like the type of person to have any sort of humor, but he can always lighten up a room with an awful joke or two.
���He crashed a lawnmower into the neighbor's fence, and then proceeded to blame it on the dog. Mind you, Dobbie has never had a dog a day in his life, and only saw them in books and magazines.
•Very generous person. He's always giving back to people he loves and cares about. He manages to do things with a smile, and give things away he knows he'll miss.
•Douglas almost died from drinking coffee one time. He drunk cup after cup that morning, and proceeded to faint when trying to do his job. There is now a limit on the amount of coffee a person can have.
•He's a horrible liar. For some reason, he cannot bring himself to lie to somebody over something petty and small. However, if it's something that could get him fired, he becomes even worse at hiding it.
•He has horrible long-term memory, but impeccable short-term memory. He can remember something in two seconds flat if it happened recently, but if it's something that happened a while ago? Yeah good luck.
•Absolutely hated science in high school. He had attempted to do an experiment with chemicals, and ended up blowing the whole lab up. He is still paying off that debt.
•A heavy sleepwalker. He once walked all the way to the pontoons, and ended up just floating on his back the entire night in the water. To say it was surprising to see he was still alive the next morning.
•Cannot stand being alone/by himself. Dunbar gets paranoid easily when it's just him by himself. He'll begin to murmur and mumble about how terrified he is of whatever is going on.
•He has an older sister. One time, when they were kids, his sister picked him up and spun him around on her shoulders. She ended up tripping and Dunbar fell out of the second-story window.
•He hates going to the doctor's office. Dunbar is terrified of needles, making him absolutely hate whenever he has to get a check-up. He has to be forced to go.
•Finlay almost drowned in a river as a child. She doesn't have a fear of water, but sees it as a challenge now. She will literally kick water if it meant she can challenge it.
•Her nails are extremely bitten. She chews on them when she gets nervous, causing them to be practical stubs. It's a bad habit of hers that she cannot let go.
•She once stole a lollipop when she was five years old at a supermarket, and to this day she still feels guilty about it. She wanted to return it ten years later, bur thought she'd get arrested.
•She drives a motorcycle on the mainland. She can do just about any trick on it, and is involved in her local biker gang. Despite this, she's actually really fun to be around.
•Really likes the color pink. Since he is a mama's boy, he's always been surrounded by various objects that were in the hue spectrum of pink. He adores the color.
•He gets nightmares every night of his mother's death. He refuses to sleep unless being reassured by someone he loves that everything is going to be alright.
•Gibbo gives his significant other a shiny rock he loves. If he has no shiny rock on hand, he will ramble to them about bugs and insects of the such. He'll even show them the ones on the rig.
•While Gibbo is portrayed as the stupider one in his friend group of Trots and O'Connor (and does stupid things sometimes), he's actually very intelligent if you're being serious with him.
•Very socially awkward. Gregor cannot handle himself in certain situations where he is working with a large group of people. He tends to get nervous and cry when things get too stressful.
•Prefers to be alone. Gregor doesn't mind working with one or two people, but believes his best work comes from being alone. He works much more efficiently when alone.
•Hates salt. He cannot stand anything that's salty or tastes even mildly salty. He will quite literally spit it out in the trash and glare at the person who gave it to him if he tastes it.
•Mama's boy. Gregor, much like Gibbo, grew up without a father and therefore, has an incredibly strong bond with his mother. He's also very empathetic because of this.
•Very lucky. Henderson seems to win at just about every game, every gamble, everything. He has incredible luck when it comes to almost anything, and this luck has saved him one to many times.
•Really likes softer and more gentle music than loud and brash ones. Tunes like The Ink Spots, Tears for Fears, and the Carpenters really are his favorites when it comes to music.
•Cannot stand the smell of smoke. Henderson gets sick easily, and therefore, cannot be around certain things. He hates, hates, hates. The smell of smoke and fire, it makes him sick.
•Prefers tea over coffee. Henderson likes tea more than he likes coffee, and this is due to the taste. Tea tastes much better to Henderson than that of coffee. "Less sweet" he says.
•More of a dog person than a cat person. His family owned several dogs throughout his life, so he had a particular fondness towards them. He can easily tell if a dog is mixed bred or not.
•Grew up in the suburbs. He's never lived out in the country, and frankly, never enjoyed it either. The over all suburbs and their whole feeling of being surrounded by a community comforts him.
•Loves to go fishing, but cannot stand to go hunting. The quietness and the stillness of life when it comes to fishing calms and soothes him. He loves to sit in his boat for hours, and catch and release, over and over.
•Hated the ocean. As a kid, Innes couldn't stand the ocean. The vastness and what lied beneath those waves always scared him. He refused to step anywhere near it, and just watched from afar.
•Very loud. Kelly's voice is naturally loud and brash, you can hear him from practically anywhere on the rig. While he doesn't speak much, when he does, it echoes.
•Played the drums before. Kelly used to be in a rock band before coming to work on the rig. He quit mainly due to it no longer being his choice of a profession, but thinks about it every now and then.
•Can see in the dark extremely well. Due to a genetic mutation, he can see incredibly well in dimly-lit areas, prompting him to work the nightshift singularly.
•Grew up in Greece. Kelly isn't Scottish, Irish, or English. He's actually Greek. His family moved to Scotland in search of better job and working opportunities, taking Kelly with them.
•Never cusses. She's the last person anybody would expect to curse for any reason at all. If she does end up letting it slip, she's either extremely pissed or just tired.
•Worked in a hospital for a few years. Mary worked as an anesthesiologist for a few years, before she decided to work in a retirement home and help the elderly and sick out.
•She despises cranberries. She cannot stand the taste nor texture of them. However, if someone wants them, she's more than willing to get them for that person.
•Did softball in high school. She is an excellent pitcher and hitter. She has great aim and also good coordination and calculating skills. She loves to go against people who want a friendly competition.
•The quietest person on the rig. He never speaks to anybody, and only communicates with his head and hand movements. He had never spoken on the rig a day in his life.
•A very creative person. You give McLoud a piece of paper, some time, and he will come back with the most creative piece you have seen. He and Innes are best friends because of it.
•Wears contacts because he hates his eye color. His eyes are naturally a greenish-yellowish color, and he absolutely hates it. He wears blue contacts every day because he prefers them more.
•At coffee beans regularly. McLoud ate coffee beans every day on the rig, and promptly got himself banned from ever going near the coffee pot ever again.
•Choir kid. McLurg can sing pretty well, despite his scruffy-like voice. He was a bass singer when he preformed, and could sing pretty damn low. He has lots of pictures of himself in his choir outfit.
•Has never sweated a day in his life. Due to something with his genetics, McLurg does not sweat at all. With this, he has never been able to figure out why other people say it's hot/cold out.
•Cannot tell the different between their, there, and they're. McLurg was never able to get the difference right, and still cannot for the life of himself.
•Excellent at math. If there's one thing McLurg is good at, other than his job, it'll be math. He's practically prodigy level. With that, he can solve equations in less than two seconds if he merely sees them.
•More of a cat person than a dog person. He prefers the company of cats since they're much easier to get along with, and therefore, are arguably better than dogs.
•Grew up on the country side. He only ever went into town to help his father sell the produce they had made for the season. He always preferred the quietness of the ranch than the busy cities.
•Prefers hunting over fishing. He was never the one for stillness of life, but is always more than ready for a challenge. He hunts big game, like I'm talking moose kinda game, and he loves the adrenaline rush.
•The cosmos terrified him as a child. He never once wanted to know what was beyond their own world, in fear of discovering something that'll frighten him. Muir preferred to keep his feet on the ground, and not venture out into space.
•Unlike Mary, O'Connor loves cranberries. He can sit there for hours and eat a packet of cranberries, after packet of cranberries. Mary genuinely has to stop him from eating one-hundred packs a day.
•Was a heavy smoker, but has since been able to break that habit since Mary came around. He's been on a good recovery streak ever since he met her, and vows to remain sober.
•Absolutely loves the Winter time. Mary's birthday falls in December, and by then, he's usually home from the rig to celebrate. It's also because he loves how pretty Scotland looks in the winter.
•Did wrestling back in high school. O'Connor previously wrestled in high school, and he always won every game he had went to. He was the top wrestler in the district.
•Can barely hear. Raffs was naturally born with poor hearing, leading to him needing hearing aids in order to understand what was going on around him. Despite this, Raffs does his best.
•Cannot stand the taste of eggs. Eggs taste beyond nasty to him, and he refuses to put any of them in his mouth to the point in which he will literally just throw them out.
•Knew Gibbo in high school. The two were the bestest of friends, until Raffs had to move. The both of them have forgotten each other by now, and have genuinely no clue of their past memories.
•Has a scrapbook. Raffs keeps a scrapbook of things he enjoys in his room. It's inside one of the drawers, and occasionally looks through it for memories sake.
•Divorced twice. Rennick is absolutely awful at relationships, and everyone on the rig knows it. He values the work more than a relationship, and has always had that mindset.
•Originally did not want to work for Cadal, but the money he was offered made him join. He did the best work on the rig before becoming the manager, and knows the value of what they are doing.
•Knows exactly the ins and outs of the oil rig. He's been working on the Beira D for the longest out of everyone, and had memorized every little place on it. With this, he is no one for confusion.
•Has visions of things that go wrong. He is usually on high alert because of dreams of an accident happening on the rig. Usually, they are true which makes him even more cautious.
•Knows everyone on the rig from face alone. Roper has excellent memory, ergo, he recognizes everyone on the rig just from their face alone, and always greets them.
•Has back issues. Roper's always has trouble with his back, weither it be pain or sudden stiffness. He plans on getting it corrected somehow, because it is a real burden on him.
•Used to have two sons. Roper was married once, but since has divorced. His two sons, named Callum and Lennox respectively, have not spoken to him in a few years after the divorce.
•Got himself an intense fear of the darkness. Roper sleeps with some kind of light on in his room. The light that peers in from the moon is just enough, but also not enough. So he keeps a lamp on.
•A natural chef. Roy was born as a natural cooker, and by heart, knows how to make the best dishes possible. He's very skilled at the craft, and just about everyone loves what he makes.
•A gentle giant. Roy may seem big and scary at first, but he's truly kind and light deep down. He gets along with everyone fairly easily, and has no issues with people.
•Has barely any enemies. Like I said, Roy is kind to just about everyone he meets, and gives everybody a chance despite what has been said about them. Barely anybody hates him.
•A big football fan. He never once played the sport himself, but he absolutely loves watching people play it. He went to every game that his high school hosted, and I mean every game.
•A very funny person. Scooby cracks jokes at the worst possible times, and attempts to make a situation better when it comes to that. He attempts to make everything amongst everyone happy and such.
•Awful at darts. Give him a dart and it'll end up in the window to the side somehow. He's had to pay for a lot of things on the rig because of his god awful aim.
•Grew up in the big city his whole life. Scooby grew up in the city, and therefore knows the ins and outs of them. Give him no map, but drop him somewhere, and he somehow knows where everything is.
•Went camping a lot as a child. Since Scooby was in the big city, his family and himself would go on camping trips during his breaks from school. They would do all sorts of things; fishing, hunting, swimming, etc.
•Sunil grew up in a wooded area. He knows a lot about the forest and what lies in it due to living here. With that being said, he can identify any plant or animal you present before him- even obscure ones.
•6'0. Sunil isn't the tallest person on the rig, but he is most definitely not the shortest person on the rig. He's the average height, and it doesn't affect him in the slightest.
•A big history nerd. Specifically, the history of biological life and how it came to be. He has tons of books in his room that just describe the origin of life itself from all over the world.
•Hates spinach. He cannot stand the flavor of it, nor how crunchy it is in his mouth. However, mix it with other flavors and make it practically masked? He'll eat it right up.
•Was in NJROTC in high school. Both her mother and father were in the army, and she had plans to join as well. But she got a change of heart later in life for no reason.
•Writes like a doctor. Ever since she learned it from her mother, every little thing she signs looks like a doctor wrote it. You can barely read what she writes due to it.
•Curses like a sailor when she gets frustrated/upset. Suze doesn't get upset often, but when she does she tends to cuss more than usual, leading to her going into just a swearing ramble.
•Keeps a lot of mementos throughout the years. She has a whole box of keepsakes dedicated towards things she has collected throughout the years, and likes to look through it.
•As I've mentioned in the past, Trots' father was a coal miner. Trots also wanted to follow in the man's footsteps, and even helped him out in the minds when he was a younger boy.
•The loudest person whenever he gets excited about something he is talking about. Trots will raise his voice when he's getting passionate about something he enjoys.
•Talks in his sleep. Trots can often be heard rambling about things he loves and likes in his state of resting. With this, people have literally came into his room and woken him up, to tell him to shut it.
•Almost broke his neck one time while carrying a some metal pipes to another part of the rig. Before he worked in accommodation- or rather got transferred- he was a deckhand. He almost snapped his neck from the pipes leaning against him too much.
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ayeforscotland · 2 years
I'm torn between not giving scum any more popularity than they need, and raising awareness of what scum are currently up to, so if you don't want to give scummy terfs more airtime please just delete this ask.
JK Terf Rowling launched a terf-y "sexual violence support service", and just so people know:
it is a private company, not a charity, or even a CIC
it is not registered with the information commisioner which you are supposed to be in order to hold confidential information
one of the board members used to run a prison which was described as having "victorian conditions" and told women to piss in the sinks
Nah this is super important - I was gonna make a post about it when I got in.
The organisation is called Beira’s Place - and aside from everything you’ve mentioned above - the sad thing is that transphobes hounded the staff at the Edinburgh Rape Crisis centre.
I interviewed the Director of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre, Mridul Wadhwa during my 24 hour stream a week ago. She’s done phenomenal work with regards to expanding the service as well as finding language specialists to help even more people.
The transphobes who set up Beira’s place enabled the bigots who chased Mridul off twitter.
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