#Beijing Auto Show
the-city-in-mind · 5 months
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Interior of the Geely Galaxy E8, a Chinese EV that sells for $25,000.
This article covering the Beijing Auto Show, in the light of a protectionist American tariff on Chinese EV and cleantech imports, shows just how far China has surpassed Western automakers with both EVs and charging infrastructure, and why Western car brands (including Tesla) are largely not making an impact.
Western EVs are woefully underequipped, underdesigned, and unresponsive to the desires of the Chinese market. They’re actually selling cars there that look like the future concepts at Western auto shows; with ultra-widescreens, great UI, tight technology integration, longer range, better materials, and a better driving experience.
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us-china · 5 months
#china is the #secondbiggestmarket for the #Britishluxurycarmaker #rollsroyce Motor Cars. Last year, the company set up a private office in #shanghai to better serve their Chinese clients. It marks the automaker's second overseas private office after Dubai. At this year's #BeijingAutoShow . Check out the video and subscribe to the channel for more China’s stories!
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entertainment-and-you · 5 months
Toyota Unveils Two New Electric Cars for China Market
Beijing, China – Toyota has taken the wraps off two new electric vehicles, the bZ3C and bZ3X, at the Beijing Auto Show. These are not concept cars, but production models intended for the Chinese market, a key battleground in the electric vehicle (EV) industry. Developed with BYD The bZ3C and bZ3X are the result of a collaboration between Toyota and BYD, a leading Chinese EV manufacturer. BYD…
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What a difference 44 years makes juxtaposition of Buick Electra Park Avenue/Electra Estate Wagon, 1980 & Buick Electra L/LT Concepts, 2024. Buick has used the Beijing Auto Show to present two prototypes for future models using the historic Electra nameplate. The Electra L is a saloon to compete in the luxury electric car segment, while the Electra LT is a high-riding crossover/wagon. Both models are built on the GM Ultium architecture.
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noobsomeexagerjunk · 1 year
Aypiere and Quackity are talking!
Around 30-40 minutes in Aypierre's stream; some significant points:
Quackity is cleaning up the airplane debris and plans to build a structure there (a Mexican or a French one)
Aypierre suggests a replica of the Arc de Triomphe to fill in the space in the wall
Aypierre hands Quackity shit, to his delight
The two discuss the potentiality of Aypierre being a candidate
Quackity says he wants to hold back for the event
Aypierre believes he and the rest of the French members will be competitive about it
Quackity gives some reminders about the delivery of the manual
Quackity and Aypierre have some cultural exchanges. The constant protesting in France is real. They compare French and Mexican drinking behavior.
They begin talking about America and some cultural observations they have with it. Aypierre finds America very friendly.
Aypierre mentions his streaming schedule and kids! This reminded Quackity of dealing with Luzu's own schedule.
Quackity talked about a culture shock moment in Spain regarding the auto-ticketing of cars. He then proceeds to rant about America's car culture.
"Los Angeles is nothing like the movies,"
Quackity reminisces of his childhood visits to San Francisco
(Dang Aypierre has been to America that many times???)
Quackity proposes they go drinking together at some point
Quackity praises California weather
The two discuss being able to speak English for travel + the implications of accents
Quackity starts ranting about LA traffic
Quackity is shocked learn that one can take a 2 hour train ride from France to London
Quackity asks Aypierre to compare London to Paris—Aypierre thinks British girls are prettier but French food is better
They discuss American food. There are some good stuff but they note how processed it can be.
Quackity reminisces about Mexican food upon being asked about it by Aypierre
The two build dick statues out black wool (?) and white quartz (?)
Aypierre places down the Make Love, Not War picture he has, baffling Quackity
Quackity shows Aypierre pictures of his places/houses in the server
Aypierre has placed down an image of himself cooking
Quackity shows Aypierre a picture of his younger self
They discuss Andorra—Quackity shows Aypierre a picture of himself in Andorra
They are discussing towns with silly names, like Montcuq
Quackity is straight up showing Aypierre cursed pictures of himself
Aypierre dropped down a picture of beef (and I am now hungry it is almost my dinner time)
Quackity accidently poked his eye IRL
Quackity admits to having a phobia of airplane bathrooms
He drew in paint to help explain why
Quackity, during a first class flight, held in his shit for 13 hours due to his fear of airplane bathrooms
"It was like an orgasm?" "Better than an orgasm!"
Quackity talks about roadtrip stopovers
Bad whispers to Aypierre if he could place a warp in his factory. Aypierre said yes!
(Quackity you gotta help unravel the biases Aypierre has gotten about Mexico my man just assumed kids do coke in the bathroom during recess) <- Quackity does this
(Yikes Q-man people take pictures in the bathroom like that???)
They are now talking about vulnerability in the act of defecation
Quackity starts praising toilets in Amsterdam
Between me and Quackity, one of us is wrong when it comes to pronouncing "bidet"
Eyy squatting toilets! (I encountered one of those during a trip to Beijing and I hated them so much god)
More is happening right now but I gotta stop liveblogging (Quackity is showing a picture of tacos!)
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danandphilchronology · 5 months
Tape 6
Watch with me!
We have officially entered a new year at amazingphil! Welcome to 2008, baby! First video was given to us in February!  Let’s see what we can find out about this era of Philip Lester!
The song topping the charts at the time in the US was “Low” by Flo Rida featuring T-Pain! (I cannot even fathom a world were this song didn’t exist? To think that I survived in a time before shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans?!?!) The song topping charts in the UK was “Mercy” by Duffy. (Shout out to my Glee friends. Raise your hand if you were traumatized by that show too.)
Some Major Events that have happened or are going to happen in 2008:
U.S. plunges into the Great Recession
Grand Theft Auto IV is released worldwide
2008 Olympics take place in Beijing, China
Quentin Bryce becomes the first female Govenor- General of Australia.
Now, Let’s visit our buddy, the Wayback Machine to catch the YouTube vibe!
Wayback Machine (13 February 2008)
Puppy Vs. Robot! Epic Battle For… by demonbabydotcom
I made a collab! With myself… by songsfromahat
Star War’s Paraphrase Theatre: Ta… from unclehighbrow
Tape 6
Tape 6 has to have been some type of project because this wasn’t like any other Phil video we have watched so far. This video, shot entirely of black and white, is essentially and found footage horror film that threatens the apocalypse should Phil decide to open a tiny box. I had always wondered if Phil ever interacted with the weird side of youtube in these early days. Well, guys, gals, and automo-pals, Philip Michael Lester WAS the weird side of youtube. I don’t even think that is a hard take. Thems just fact. I looked to the comments to see if Phil left anymore information down there and unfortunately there is not context. But it was kinda scary. I could see this winning an award at a small, local short film show. 
Total Watch Time 12m 17s
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bizarrequazar · 2 years
2022 Candy Year In Review
As a way to cap off the year, I thought it would be nice to go over all the LLD candy from 2022! There were a ton of little ones (read: kadians, matching clothing, possible hickies, sunset photos, etc.), so this will just be focusing on the larger notable ones. They’re all dated and in chronological order, because I’m me.
Remember to take these with a grain of salt. Enjoy~
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January 23rd → Gong Jun’s studio Weibo posted his 2021 year in review video, completely leaving out August despite him having had two livestreams, a song release, and a reality show air during that month.
January 29th → Gong Jun posted a commercial for KFC to his Douyin where he rips dates off a calender that has 1 and 5 missing. (No one talks about this one but it’s one of my favourites. 🥺💕)
February 14th → Gong Jun posted a commercial to his Weibo at 11:29, then posted two photos of himself to Weibo at 13:14 (kadian for “forever”), then posted the same to his Instagram at 13:15, using the kadians to make the sequence “Gong Jun forever Zhang Zhehan”. The photos had been taken at Xiao Yu Hill in Qingdao at almost the exact location that Zhehan had taken photos at in 2018.
His Weibo post had the caption “Happy Valentine’s Day [11 husky emojis]”, the same caption he had used in 2021. Some people noted that “Zhang Zhehan” is eleven letters long, and interpreted the use of the same caption as a way of saying that nothing has changed.
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March 5 → Gong Jun posted a vlog with Nancy Mulligan by Ed Sheeran as one of the BGM, a song about a couple eloping during the Northern Ireland conflict. Fans found that one of the top comments on the song on Netease is “When China allows homosexuals to get married, I will play this song at our wedding,” and the song has widely been adopted by the gay community for its message of marrying and growing old together despite societal rules.
April 26th → (Purely rumor, take with a full spoon of salt.) Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan were supposedly seen together at the entrance to the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Beijing. Reportedly they saw someone take photos and Zhehan stepped forward to pay the person off, only for Gong Jun to stop him and say to the photographer, “Do whatever you want.” The following day was Zhehan’s lunar birthday.
May 6th → (Instagram cw) Guo Yunfei, the casting director and actor of Duan Pengju from Word of Honor, posted a photo of himself making the LLD handsign with the caption, “I hope the ‘waves’ (浪花, langhua) like it. I know what happened recently, but what can I say or do? … I hope everyone can be sincere and kind, have a safe future, and live up to your friendship.” This was the day after the Instagram was deactivated.
May 11th → Zhehan’s birthday. The post count on Gong Jun’s Weibo went up by two despite nothing new appearing, indicating that he had posted privately.
May 17th → (Again, purely rumor.) Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan were supposedly seen together near Liangma Bridge in Beijing’s Chaoyang district. According to this one, Gong Jun asked the fans who photographed them to delete the photos and they willingly complied.
May 20th → Kangshifu released a mini-movie for 520 starring Gong Jun and an actress who looked strikingly like Zhang Zhehan, including a scene where she wore an outfit almost identical to one Zhehan wore during his 2021 birthday concert. The film included drawn illustrations of the two lead characters, one of which was found to have been directly traced from a photo of Zhehan from the Word of Honor concert. One of the lines included on the teasers leading up to the release was “I didn’t hide you away properly. It’s apparent in every drawing of mine.”
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May 23rd → Gong Jun posted photos from a photoshoot for L’Officiel magazine to his Weibo—completely innocuous until people discovered that the caption, “✈✈✈~​​ ”, auto-translated to “对对~​​ 我爱你~ ​​ (Yes yes~ I love you~)” in the international app. This was later confirmed to have been an intentional Easter egg. Interpret it as you will~
June 9th → Gong Jun posted cooking photos from when he had been visiting his family during the previous month. It was noticed that there was one more set of chopsticks than there should have been if it was only his family. As well, it can be seen that Gong Jun was cooking the cilantro separately from the rest of the dish—Zhehan is known to not like cilantro. June 9th is May 11th on the lunar calendar.
(There were so many little things throughout May and June, you could tell Gong Jun was giving Xie and co. the middle finger. A thread I made of all the ones I’m aware of can be found [here].)
August 1st → (slight knives in this one) BEAST posted an article to their WeChat about their Qixi product line, in which they included the lines “Remembering that we couldn’t spend the previous Qixi together as we were at different places I even secretly childishly cried, and was angry at him. He promised that he’ll give me a surprise next Qixi.” and “Love is separated by the mountains and seas / The mountains and seas can be flattened”. The latter was written on a banner Zhehan had recieved from a fan during the Word of Honor concert; Qixi 2021 was August 14th.
September 5th → VogueFilm released an interview Gong Jun had done with them where he talked about his morning routine, wherein he said, “If you have a problem with your knees, don’t do running, cycling, etc. Even though they seem easy, if you don’t master the technique well, it will actually affect your knees” Photos of his food included a jianbing, which a few weeks earlier he had said his “ahyi” made for him, as well as eggs prepared in a way unique to Jiangxi.
October 14th to 20th → Gong Jun stopped having an umbrella shield him from photographers while going to work and took full advantage of it by wearing clothing associated with Zhehan for the next several days. Details can be found in my post for that week, look for the 🍬 emojis.
November 2nd → During a livestream for Hsu Fu Chi, Gong Jun mentioned multiple of his other endorsements and at one point walked off set to grab his LockNLock thermos, which he then drank from on camera for exactly five seconds while the host was made to wait. On the same day, his studio posted a douyin with the song 隆里电丝 by 盛宇DamnShine, which includes the lines “Some people will become your friends / or your zhiji / Some people will fight with you to the end / as long as you're happy (开心就好)”
November 17th → A photo from 2021 that Gong Jun’s studio posted as part of his time train series included a blurred out red and blue smear that was possibly a photo from the Word of Honor concert being used as his phone’s wallpaper.
November 28th → Gong Jun posted a photo of a handwritten note saying that he wouldn’t be doing a birthday livestream the following day. Something that was possibly his hexagon ring appears to have been deliberately placed behind a glass of water in the photo.
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December 17th → Gong Jun posted travel photos from Yunnan, which included two photos of a figure from behind wearing a hoodie that completely covers his head. There is debate over whether this person was really Gong Jun, especially as the shoulders seem to match Zhang Zhehan’s stature.
What’s your own favourite candy from the year? If I didn’t include it here, please feel welcome to add it as a reply or reblog! 🍬🍬🍬
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cnevpost · 14 hours
CAAM submits 'urgent report' to Chinese authorities as price wars leave dealers in peril
CAAM has called on Chinese authorities to introduce financial relief for the dealership sector, saying that price wars have led to a cumulative loss of RMB 138 billion yuan ($19.6 billion) in new car retail sales in the January-August period. (A Honda electric car on display at the Beijing auto show in April 2024. Image credit: CnEVPost) An automotive industry association has suggested that the…
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warningsine · 3 months
BEIJING, July 5 (Reuters) - China announced the next step in its anti-dumping investigation into European brandy imports on Friday, ramping up tension on the day the European Commission's provisional tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles take effect.
Ahead of the bloc confirming tariffs of up to 37.6% on Chinese-made EVs on Thursday, a commerce ministry spokesperson told a news conference that Brussels and Beijing should keep negotiating, but kept the prospect of retaliation was alive with a reference to another investigation into EU pork imports.
On Friday, the commerce ministry said it would hold a hearing on July 18 to discuss claims that European brandy producers are selling into China at below market rates.
Companies behind major brands Martell, which is owned by Pernod Ricard (PERP.PA), opens new tab, Remy Martin which is part of Remy Cointreau (RCOP.PA), opens new tab, and Hennessey, owned by LVMH (LVMH.PA), opens new tab, will attend the meeting in Beijing for their first chance to defend themselves in person, an industry source said.
The hearing was requested by cognac houses Martell, Societe Jas Hennessy & Co., Remy Martin and other stakeholders, the ministry said in a statement.
China has repeatedly urged the EU to cancel its EV tariffs and said it is willing to negotiate. Already stung by U.S. tariffs, it has said it does not want to be embroiled in another tariff war, but would take all steps to protect its firms.
There is a four-month window during which the EV tariffs are provisional and intensive talks are expected to continue between the two sides.
The hearing on European brandy will be held two days before the deadline set by Brussels for EV makers to comment on the provisional EV tariffs.
In January, Beijing opened a tit-for-tat anti-dumping investigation into European brandy imports and in June launched a second probe into pork shipments from the bloc of 27 countries, while Brussels looked into whether China's EV makers benefited from unfair subsidies.
China's state-backed Global Times newspaper has reported that officials are considering opening an anti-subsidy probe into European dairy imports and imposing tariffs on large-engined petrol cars made in Europe.
Analysts say China chose brandy and pork to persuade France and Spain, which have been among the firmest backers of EU curbs, to join countries such as Germany, whose automakers made a third of their sales in China last year. It reportedly wants the Commission to stop the tariffs.
Italy, which has also indicated it would back tariffs, sent Adolfo Urso, its economic development minister, to Beijing, where China's industry ministry said he met his counterpart Jin Zhuanglong on Friday.
Jin told Urso China was willing to work with Italy in areas such as automobiles, ships and small and medium-sized enterprises, the ministry said in a statement.
After the Commission confirmed the provisional tariffs would take effect from Friday, the Global Times published an editorial urging Brussels to consider European automakers' opposition to the curbs, as well as a separate article calling on Brussels to "show sincerity" in talks to find a negotiated settlement.
The newspaper also called attention to U.S. EV maker Tesla's (TSLA.O), opens new tab manufacturing plant in Shanghai, broadening its call for protest against the tariffs.
Beijing had hoped Brussels would scrap plans to impose the curbs ahead of July 4, but the Commission said at the time China would need to come to the talks with a roadmap "addressing the injurious subsidisation" of its EV industry.
China has accused the Commission of using its anti-dumping probe to snoop on Chinese companies' supply chains, the efficiency of which Beijing maintains gives it the upper hand in cheaply turning out electric cars, among other reasons.
In its report on its nine-month EV investigation, Brussels detailed reluctance by the Chinese government and state-owned automaker SAIC (600104.SS), opens new tab to cooperate with the investigation.
On Friday, Reuters exclusively reported the European Commission has begun canvassing the region's semiconductor industry for its views on China's expanded production of older generation computer chips.
SAIC Motors meanwhile said it would officially request a Commission hearing on its provisional tariffs, adding that Brussels' investigation involved commercially sensitive information.
Geely and BYD did not immediately respond to a request for comment on whether they would make similar requests.
Chinese EV makers' Hong Kong-listed shares fell on Friday, led by Geely Automobile (0175.HK), opens new tab, which dropped 4.1% to HK$8.34, its lowest since March 7.
Geely Automobile's unlisted parent, Geely (GEELY.UL), faces additional duties of 19.9%, on top of the EU's standard 10% duty on car imports.
Chinese brands MG and NIO suggested on Thursday they might raise prices in Europe this year, in response to the curbs.
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influencermagazineuk · 3 months
German Car Industry Asks EU to Cancel Tariffs on Chinese Electric Cars
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The German automobile industry is looking the European Union to cancel planned price lists on electric automobiles made in China. They trust these price lists will harm carmakers in Europe and the U.S., sluggish down the switch to electric automobiles, and could result in China retaliating with their personal price lists. The German vehicle association, VDA, has requested the European Commission to cancel its planned tariffs on electric powered vehicles (EVs) made in China. These price lists are set to start on Thursday. The VDA says these price lists will hurt carmakers in Europe and the USA who export vehicles from China. They also worry that China would possibly reply with its very own tariffs, which could be terrible for the German car enterprise due to the fact they export lots of motors to China.BMW's CEO, Oliver Zipse, called these tariffs a “dead quit” He argues that they'll damage international car agencies and slow down the transfer to electric powered motors in Europe. According to him, those price lists will no longer make European carmakers greater aggressive. Last year, the cost of passenger vehicle exports from Germany to China become extra than 3 instances the cost of imports from China. For vehicle elements, the cost of exports became four times as a lot as imports. The VDA shows that as opposed to implementing price lists, the European Commission ought to work on securing get right of entry to to essential raw materials wished for making electric motors. Many of these substances are controlled via China. The VDA additionally wants to reduce barriers to market get admission to and create extra transparency in change regulations. They propose creating a council to talk about these subjects.China and the European Commission had been negotiating since ultimate week about the price lists that Beijing desires to stop. China denies accusations of unfair subsidies to its EV industry. The European Commission desires China to return to technical talks with a plan to address these subsidies in the event that they need a negotiated final result.Last month, Chinese carmakers advised their authorities to increase price lists on European gas-powered cars in reaction to the EU's deliberate price lists on Chinese EVs. This became mentioned by the nation-backed Global Times newspaper on June 19. In end, the German car industry is worried that these price lists will do extra harm than correct. They accept as true with that cooperation and honest alternate are higher methods to bolster the auto enterprise and help the environment via promoting the usage of electric vehicles. Read the full article
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nawapon17 · 4 months
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us-china · 4 months
China is the second biggest market for British luxury carmaker Rolls-Royce
Rolls-Royce Motor Cars CEO sees high demand for customized services in China [CGTN]CGTN | 23-May-2024 China is the second biggest market for British luxury carmaker Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. Last year, the company set up a private office in Shanghai to better serve its Chinese clients. It marks the automaker’s second overseas private office after Dubai. At this year’s Beijing Auto Show. Check out…
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cavenewstimes · 5 months
Musk visits China as competitors show off...
Updated [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year]   BEIJING (AP) — Tesla CEO Elon Musk met with a top government leader in the Chinese capital Sunday, just as the nation’s carmakers are showing off their latest electric vehicle models at the Beijing auto show. Chinese Premier Li Qiang told Musk that he hopes the U.S. will work more with China on “win-win” cooperation, citing…
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pertamax7 · 5 months
Launching Mobil Listrik NETA L di Tiongkok : Klaim Jarak Tempuh Hingga 1070 KM
Launching Mobil Listrik NETA L di Tiongkok ., salam pertamax7.com, Launching Mobil Listrik NETA L di Tiongkok : Klaim Jarak Tempuh Hingga 1070 KM Link ponsel pintar ( di sini ) Salam Nging, Salam Mobil Listrik, Salam Kendaraan Masa Depan. Ada info resmi dari Beijing, Tiongkok , 26 April 2024 berjudul  NETA Auto Resmi Luncurkan NETA L di Beijing International Automotive Exhibition Show…
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entertainment-and-you · 5 months
Volkswagen Unveils 2025 ID. Code Concept, Plans Electric Domination in China
Beijing, China – Volkswagen made a bold statement at the 2024 Auto China show, unveiling the ID. Code concept car and outlining a future heavily invested in electric vehicles (EVs) for the Chinese market. The ID. Code, a large electric SUV with a sleek, futuristic design, offers a glimpse into Volkswagen’s upcoming design language and technologies tailored specifically for China. The concept…
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modifiedridesblog · 5 months
Discover the latest from Genesis, including the unveiling of the G80 EV Magma concept and updates to the Electrified G80 and GV70 at the Beijing Auto Show.
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