#Beehunter (arknights)
krenia · 11 months
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haven't died yet ! it's close though have some bees
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annierosaart · 11 months
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good fucking lord
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dr-koni · 2 years
Happy Birthday, Beehunter!
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Artist: toast Birthday: October 2
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gaemms-chamois · 5 months
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Arknights Blorbissimo Series
#51 – #60
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miserymisume · 2 years
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doktordinky · 7 months
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Beehunter <3
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subjectnamemissing · 3 months
Peak performance
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jollyharp · 3 months
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xnote08 · 11 months
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400  -  Beehunter (Arknights)
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itsmearia · 1 year
New to Arknights: Beehunter
Why did nobody tell me about Beehunter?
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Character design wise let's start with the fact that this bear is code named Beehunter. Excellent.
Her color palette is black/yellow. Perfect.
A cute little bear charm hanging from her chain. Love it.
Her nail game is pristine. I'm envious.
She doesn't want elaborate weapons. She's just here to punch things in the face. I respect it.
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This DPS guard is a total bad ass boxer. Want her to float like a butterfly? Throw on that s1 and have her dodge incoming attacks with her passive. 40% of them at rank 7! Need her to sting like a bee? S2 rapidly improves her attack speed. Which is nice because her passive bonus is that consecutive attacks on enemies increases her attack! Faster attacks that hit harder and harder sounds excellent.
To top it off, she has some very relatable dialogue: “Boss, let's go grab a bite. On you this time. What? You bought last time? Doesn't sound right to me.”
I have no idea if she's actually good to use compared to other operators but I don't care. This is one of the coolest designs I've seen in this game when you look at the whole package – both conceptually and with gameplay – that I've got to level her up and try her out. She's only a 4 star so it shouldn't cost too much.
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giltori · 2 years
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I know the winner when I see her ���
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tentengo · 9 months
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DAY10 ~ Rhodes Kitchen
What will you eat?
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waheelawhisperer · 2 years
Gavial (crouching curiously at my bedside): So, Doc, how'd you end up in the infirmary this time?
Me (lying in one of the medical wing's beds, on several painkillers and unable to move): I tried to fistfight Beehunter to protect Ceobe's honey biscuits. It went poorly and I regret nothing.
Gavial: Hm. Respect.
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munchiep · 2 years
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no fucking way dude
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roudgrea · 1 year
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Hellagur: The best part about being old is that I can misuse modern slang on purpose just to watch children cry inside.
Hellagur: Perfect example: just the other day,I pointed at a passing car and said, “man, is that the bae, or what?” the look on Beehunter’s face is something I will indeed treasure for years.
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