#Beccari Guarise
figureskatingcostumes · 2 months
Round 6: Pairs
The contenders are:
Minerva Fabienne Hase and Nikita Volodin
Ellie Kam and Danny O'Shea
Barbora Kucianova and Martin Bidar
Deanna Stellato-Dudek and Maxime Deschamps (free skate)
Lucrezia Beccari and Matteo Guarise
Maria Pavlova and Alexei Sviatchenko
Deanna Stellato-Dudek and Maxime Deschamps (short program)
Riku Miura and Ryuichi Kihara
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erinaonice · 8 months
gotta appreciate matteo guarise finally getting that medal that eluded him for years and years
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regina-del-cielo · 8 months
Team Italy brought home medals from three categories out of four at the ISU European championships, I'm so proud of them 🥲 💚🤍❤
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there is little justification to skating cats in general but even less justification to using the 2019 movie soundtrack…no one needs to hear taylor swift singing macavity ever
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figureskatingfanblog · 6 months
Huge Triple Twist, wow! He fell out of the final jump of that sequence. Only a Double Sal from her on the sbs. Nice death spiral. Nice throw Triple Loop. Nice lift. Nice choreo sequence. Nice lift. Solid throw Triple Sal. Nice lift. Freak fall there! Nice pairs spin.
Shame for Lucrezia Beccari and Matteo Guarise of Italy. Mistakes on both sbs, and the freak fall. Otherwise was a nice program.
119.28, 185.40, and into third behind Hocke/Kunkel and Pereira/Michaud.
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raininyourblackeyes · 6 months
Lmao how am I seeing this sp for the first time at Worlds?
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Italy sending Beccari/Guarise and Conti/Macii to Challenge Cup seems like they haven't yet decided who will go to Worlds. I hope B/G get to go. It would be weird if the reigning European Champions wouldn't be there.
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Matteo Guarise at 35 for his tenth Euros finally won his first Euro medal and it's the gold.
Lucrezia Beccari at 20, for her first Euros and her second season in pairs just won the European title.
With a Cats program.
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jennibeultimate · 8 months
Personal recap at European Championship - Pairs FS
I guess this is one of the best attended Pairs events all season or even of most European championships! Also Kaunas really impresses with the quality of filming and the flag thing is quite cool.
Can't say the result is what I wanted...
The favorites struggled, first Conti/Macii in the SP and now Mini and Nikita.... wasn't their Europeans but both are great teams and imo overall better than those that placed above them. Anyway congrats to the other two Italian teams! 🥳🇮🇹
CATS WON! 😸😻I am really happy for Matteo Guarise, a European medal on his 10th European championship! This team with Lucrezia Beccari works really well and I like the fun they have with the program - hate the music cuts though. I also like that with their age gap they don't portray a loving couple on ice but go for something different.
I am just glad Luka Berulava/Anastasia Metelkina didn't win honestly...I will never forgive him how he treated his former partner Karina Safina and dumped her so horribly when she was struggling. A silver on the first try as a new team is still admittedly a very good result. I really didn't like the program. I am all in for quirky but this was just weird. I also love Queen music usually but not on them...
Ghilardi/Ambrosini were great! 👏👏👏Finally a really good program for them! Europeans seems to be their competition. A medal last season, a medal this season! I also like the dark Bram Stoker theme, they sell it so well!
I am really sad about Minerva Hase/Nikita Volodin 😭😭😭 Their chemistry is spellbinding. And in such a short time they developed so well. Today they were too many mistakes but as they struggled with illness and couldn't train this much, it's still a good achievement honestly. Also pressure was certainly high coming in as GPF champions. This season is just a start to their career and I am really sure there is more greatness to follow! ❤️ How about winning Worlds??? (I may be a bit biased as Mini is from my hometown and her mother and grandparents greeted me at German Nats bc they remembered me from Nebelhorn Trophy 😅, but aside from my bias they just deserve the world)
Hocke/Kunkel also did the best they can in the current condition. 🫶 Robert Kunkel should probably not be skating at all with his severe back injury that also will not really heal if you carry a partner daily around. But I applaud him for not giving up. Annika shines bright like the sun, but she seems to have some mental problem with the 3S. She does them well in practice and well in warm-up and then doubles them in competition or falls. I swear if not for those jumps they would be top contenders for every international medal, but she really has to get her mental state together.
The Hungarian team Pavlova/Sviatchenko are technically superb. They lack a lot of connection to music but I think for the way they are they did well. I do think they were scored quite strictly compared to others but I think the final placement is right. Loved her reaction at the end of the program!
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violinfantasy · 10 months
who will qualify for gpf pairs edition
already qualified are stellato/deschamps pereira/michaud & conti/macii
currently in the top six are also hocke/kunkel pavlova/sviatchenko peng/wang
still able to qualify at nhk are hase/volodin ghilardi/ambrosini beccari/guarise liu/nagy & golubeva/giotopoulos moore
h/v need to medal, depending on how the other teams do a 4th place with over 162,16 pts could still work
g/a need gold or silver, if they get bronze itll again depend on the other teams + they would need over 182,97 pts
b/g & l/n both need gold, if either gets silver it again depends on the other teams + b/g would need over 192,55 pts, l/n would need over 196,31 pts, if no other team manages to qualify a bronze for either would get them in
ggm chances are not great, assuming the other teams dont totally mess up the only way for them to qualify is if they get gold + over 175,27 pts
technically if no other team at nhk makes it laurin/ethier could also still qualify with a gold
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figureskatingcostumes · 2 months
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Lucrezia Beccari and Matteo Guarise's Cats costumes at the 2023 Nebelhorn Trophy and 2023 Lombardia Trophy.
(© Wilma Alberti)
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erinaonice · 8 months
looking at beccari guarise outfits like
did they visit a children's hospital?
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Pattinaggio ghiaccio, Conti-Macci sesti ai Mondiali d'artistico
La coppia italiana dell’artistico formata da Sara Conti e Niccolò Macii chiude al sesto posto i Campionati mondiali di pattinaggio di figura sul ghiaccio di Montreal, in Canada. Nono invece l’altro binomio azzurro, quello dei campioni europei in carica Lucrezia Beccari e Matteo Guarise.     Dopo aver ottenuto mercoledì il terzo punteggio (72.88) nel programma corto, ieri sera nel libero Conti e…
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lamilanomagazine · 9 months
Bologna la magia di Bol On Ice all'Unipol Arena di Casalecchio di Reno
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Bologna la magia di Bol On Ice all'Unipol Arena di Casalecchio di Reno Alla presentazione oggi a Bologna con il sindaco di Casalecchio di Reno, Massimo Bosso, l'assessora allo Sport del Comune di Bologna, Roberta Li Calzi, e il patron dell'Unipol Arena, Claudio Sabatini Torna a Casalecchio di Reno (Bo) il grande show del pattinaggio artistico su ghiaccio, con Bol On Ice, domani, sabato 6 gennaio alle 21, all'Unipol Arena. In pista alcuni tra i più famosi pattinatori del mondo: dagli statunitensi Jason Brown e Ilia Malinin, autentiche icone di questa disciplina; ai francesi Gabriella Papadakis e Guillame Cizeron, considerati i più forti di tutti i tempi nella danza su ghiaccio. Passando per le coppie italiane Rebecca Ghilardi con Filippo Ambrosini, vicecampioni europei in carica, e Lucrezia Beccari con Matteo Guarise. Grandi stelle in grado di assicurare uno spettacolo unico che rientra nel cartellone di grandi eventi promosso dalla Regione Emilia-Romagna. Dopo il successo dello scorso anno, con il sold out sulle tribune e oltre 10 milioni di telespettatori nel mondo, tutto pronto dunque all'Unipol Arena a cominciare dalla pista di ghiaccio olimpionica predisposta per l'occasione. "Lo straordinario spettacolo di Bol On Ice è il modo migliore per salutare il nuovo anno. Diamo dunque il benvenuto in Emilia-Romagna ai grandi atleti che con le loro interpretazioni sapranno regalare al pubblico grandi emozioni- ha detto Giammaria Manghi, capo della segreteria politica della Presidenza della Regione-. Quello di domani è solo il primo di una serie di appuntamenti che anche quest'anno la Regione sosterrà, la conferma di un impegno per lo sport che ci vede in prima linea. Da quello di base, per dare a tutti la possibilità di praticare un'attività motoria, ai grandi eventi, sempre più straordinario strumento di promozione del territorio". Alla presentazione di Bol On Ice, anche Massimo Bosso, sindaco di Casalecchio di Reno; Roberta Li Calzi, assessora allo Sport del Comune di Bologna, e Claudio Sabatini, patron dell'Unipol Arena. La magia del pattinaggio artistico Velocità, perfezione tecnica, acrobazia, la bellezza del corpo in movimento. Performance mozzafiato e interpretazione artistica. Questi gli ingredienti alla base della magia del pattinaggio artistico, per uno spettacolo adatto a tutte le età e pensato per un pubblico estremamente eterogeneo: se gli appassionati potranno apprezzare l'abilità tecnica e la capacità interpretativa dei migliori pattinatori del mondo, i non addetti ai lavori saranno trasportati in un viaggio dove la musica, i costumi, le coreografie, i disegni delle luci sul ghiaccio costituiscono un linguaggio universale di immediata comprensione. Per informazioni: 051 6272148 - 335 8244308 - [email protected] - e al link... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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figureskatingfanblog · 6 months
Nice Triple Twist. Nice sbs Triple Toes. Throw Triple Loop could have been a tad smoother on the landing but got it done. Nice lift. Nice death spiral. Nice step sequence. Nice sbs spins.
Very lovely skate from Lucrezia Beccari and Matteo Guarise of Italy. Very well done!
66.12 and into third and the free behind Hase/Voldoin and Metelkina/Berulava.
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urlocalqueer · 11 months
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