#Beatrix winx
atrxides · 2 years
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Wish That You Were Here
hi @forestelfo I was your secret santa for the FTWS Holiday Exchange! ❤️ Here’s a silrah x stellatrix gift for you, I loved making this and they are my absolute favourite fate ships, hope you like it and happy holidays love!! xoxo  
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rinadragomir · 2 years
Right after they added FLORA?! Right after we got RIVUSA?! Right after we got the chance to finally see TRIX?! Yes, it was trash, but it was popular trash. Netflix wtf?
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A little throwback to when everyone started noticing that something was growing between Riven and Musa.
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Part 1 
Part 2 
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Imagine Saving Beatrix From The Scarpers
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"Man I hate these stuffy rich events" You muttered under your breath. A few fairies dressed up in silky fancy dresses walked past you to head into the quarter where the dinner was being held. One of them gave you a quick glance before turning her head to the side to whisper something to her friend. Who looked at in your direction as well, but unlike her friend she kept her eyes locked onto you. Longer making it pretty clear she was checking you out, and when you finally made eye contact. The fairy girl gave you a quick wink before disappearing into the crowd, but not without sending you one last lingering look.
It was invitation to join her now or maybe later. You really didn't know but girls all over campus had been showing a bit more attention. Ever since word got out that Beatrix had been seen crying outside of your room door, and you didn't come out to comfort her or anything. Everyone took that as a clear sign that not only were you done with her, but now you were truly over as well. Because in all truth even though the two of you broke up last year. Well she dumped you to do whatever it is her, Riven, and Dane had going on. But you still refused to move on afterwards, and no matter who asked you out. You would always turn her down, so the rumor that you were finally back on the dating market attracted a lot of attention.
"So y/n when are going to share your secrets because I wouldn't mind having as many as options as you do." Kat said walking over to stand beside you smiling at another passing fairy girl who tried to hide your sneaky glances.
"Its not really a secret Kat people want what they think they can't have. This whole school has spent the past couple of months believing I was unattainable, and now some of them think they have a better shot than they did before." You told her with a shrug.
"Well do they because you haven't spared either of these girls a second look. Did you not see anyone you like?" She asked with a tone of disbelief. No one was more baffled by your behavior than her considering. She was the one who consoled you when your broken heart was fresh, and crippling to your Specialist duties.
"No I didn't and I never said I was back in the dating game. I'm fine single and I plan on keeping it that way for the now."
Kat shook her head then shoot you a knowing look with disappointment in her eyes.
"What?" You asked playing dumb.
"You're still in love with Beatrix" she answered with no hesitation.
You let out a groan throwing your hands in the air. You turned your back to walk away from Kat, but she caught you by the wrist. "You know I'm right y/n but what I don't understand. What I need you to explain to me is why did you reject her. When you want nothing more than to be with her."
"Are you forgetting that she had at your room door crying because she tossed me aside without second thought." You hissed yanking your wrist out of her grip.
"Yes but that was then and this is now don't you think she's learned her lesson. I mean she is pretty miserable these days with no friends or anyone to turn to." Kat told you.
"This is coming from a girl who will taken her toxic ex back at a moment's notice" You shot back.
A flash of hurt passed over her face for a brief second but was gone just as quickly. As Kat masked the pain with an aloof look waving your comment off. But you still knew it was a low blow, and it had hurt her feelings. You regretted it instantly, but was in no mood to apologize. You hated how right Kat was about your feelings for Beatrix, and deep down you did think she had suffered enough. It had been a week since you kicked out your room that night. And while you did wish to reconcile with the fairy. You didn't know how your mind kept replaying your words to her that night.
"Empty and lonely maybe its time you knew what that felt like"
How could you be so cruel? Of course Beatrix knew what it was like to be alone. She was an orphan who did have a surrogate father in Sky's dad. But still he had went missing for years, and with everything going on Andreas hadn't been able to be there for her like before. You were the only person in the entire school who truly knew the electric fairy inside and out. Riven only managed to scratch the surface of her life, and Dane hadn't touch it at all.
"I'm going on a break can you handle this?" You asked Kat after the silence started to become nerve-racking.
Kat barely nodded at you but you heard the distant whisper. "Go."
Without another word you left your post and began the journey to the west wing of the school. It was still abandoned but with Rosalind's secrets brought to the light. The building or the woods around it was no longer off-limits to students. Even if the teachers and headmaster preferred that all of you stay away for safety purposes. The scrapers were still out there waiting for the perfect moment to attack. But you weren't a fairy, and was always equipped with a sword, and throwing knives. You would be fine.
A few minutes later you were sitting on the steps leading to the main west wing building. Drinking liquor out of small flask the bitter taste out it burning your throat as it went down. The liquor didn't take any thoughts of self-doubt. It only made them worse as the night drew on. You figured it was best to get back to your guarding duty, and as you stood up throwing the empty flask over the steps. A distant screeching noise filled the night sky drawing your attention making you come to a halt. Your head whirled in every direction trying to pinpoint exactly where it came from.
While it wasn't a sound you had heard before it sounded strikingly familiar to. The one you had heard Bloom and Aisha describing to her friends from when they found Rosalind's secret lab. The screeching grew a bit louder, and you could tell it was coming from the entrance gate to Alfea. You took the steps two at a time breaking out in run once your feet hit the pavement. Not caring about the danger that would be awaiting you once you got there.
The screeching got louder and worse the closer you got until eventually. You could hear it clear as day but now the screeches were mixed with something else. A person whimpering in pain, and your heart clenched in your chest. When you realized you recognized the voice those painful cries belonged to.
"No" you whispered to yourself picking up the pace as the front gate came into sight. Your eyes scanned the area frantically searching for the fairy, and in between the cracks of the stone wall. You were able to make out Beatrix's struggling form. A number of small blue slug-like creatures were attached to her body.
You threw yourself over the small wall, and rolled to the ground. Coming up on your feet you yanked your sword free from the scabbard on your back. More of the creatures were approaching from the forest so you cut them down first. Then turned your attention to Beatrix who was kicking and squirming trying to detach the scrapers from her body. You drove your sword through the body of one at her legs, and the scraper finally released her leg to screech in pain. It reeled its head back expanding his tentacle mouth. It died fairly quickly, and you released your sword in order to just rip them off of her by hand.
You didn't know if it hurt her more to have them pulled away in such a violent way, but the alternative would've took to long for your liking. But at this point it didn't seem to matter Beatrix tilted her head to the side as you caressed her cheek calling out her name. Her eyelids were half-closed, but the faint smile on her lips let you know she was aware that it was you who had saved her. And if that didn't the whisper of relief "you came" did. After that her head slumped to the side as she fell unconscious.
"I got you" You reassured her gathering her body up into your arms bridal style. You stood up and started to make your way back to the school not even bothering to retrieve your sword.
Two Days Later
Everyone was still at the banquet when you arrived back to campus carrying a limp Beatrix in your arms. The first person you sought out was Terra knowing she specialized in medicine, and even though she didn't really care for Beatrix. The Earth fairy would never turn away from a patient in her condition. Terra and Flora didn't know how to react when you kicked the door to the greenhouse open.
At first Flora was ready to yell at you for being so reckless with the door instead of knocking. Like everyone else but she took one look at Beatrix and waved you in.
You wasted no time rushing into the infirmary space of the greenhouse, and gently placing her in the first available bed. Flora was scrambling around grabbing various plants, and liquids. Terra was still in shock even more now but eventually she was able to stutter out her question. "Wh-what ha-ha-happened to h-her?"
"The scrapers" you told her bent down resting your forehead on hers. "You're going to be okay I promise B."
The sign of affection did throw Terra off a little bit, because like everyone else she thought you were done with Beatrix. Flora wasn't fazed one bit coming over with supplies in hand.
"You can stay but you gotta take a step back y/n, and let us work. Terra come on she needs medical attention." Flora ordered with an authority neither of you knew she possessed.
You pulled yourself away from Beatrix and settled into a chair a few feet away to watch Terra and Flora work.
They were up for a few hours patching up the bloody bites the scrapers left behind on her neck, legs, and arms. At some point you dozed off in the chair as they worked giving her some antibiotics as well. Terra decided it was best to notify Rosalind just in case considering neither her or Flora truly knew. What the scrapers were capable of, and rather or not the injuries would leave behind some poison. It would be up in the air rather she would still have her magic. No one would truly know until she was awake again.
Beatrix was unconscious for a total of two days, and you didn't leave her side not once. Andreas came to visit a few times and at the sight of you resting your head on her sleeping chest. With an arm wrapped around her waist as yo stared up into her sleeping face. He decided you were relieved of all training and guarding duties for the next few days. He thanked you personally for saving his daughter's life, and stayed for as long as he could.
Beatrix came to in the middle of the night when the infirmary was deserted other than you and Terra. She shot up in a panic eyes looking around the room frantically. Terra heard her panicked gasps, and rushed over to reassure she was okay. That was when Beatrix noticed your sleeping form curled up in the chair.
"She hasn't left your side since she brought you in" Terra informed with a small smile.
"Really?" Beatrix questioned still in shock. She tried to remember what exactly had happened, but her memory was fuzzy. Her brain could recall the scrapers attacking her. But what happened after that was where her mind drew a blank. The only thing she could peace together was a sword going through one of the scrapers. After that was nothing but pain and darkness.
"She was the one who saved you yes" Terra continued. "Y/N has been worrying herself sick over you the past two days."
You were never a heavy sleeper so it didn't matter that they were speaking in hushed whispers. It still stirred you awake, and your eyes opened to a pair of hazel-green eyes boring into your own. You slowly sat up placing your feet back on the ground. Beatrix regarded you with a look of uncertainty trying to decipher what your actions meant. Was it just a heroic act, you fulfilling your duty as a Specialist, or did it mean something more. Her emotions were a raging storm on the inside.
The fairy missed you terribly and was willing to take you back in a heartbeat. Even if you offered her no apology for your harsh actions the last time she came to you. In all honesty she had deserved the way you treated her, because it always should've been you. Beatrix realized that night that leaving you was the biggest mistake she had ever made in her life.
Neither of you said anything to the other for the longest time. The two of you just stared at each other. Your eyes were filled with relief and when the tears slid down your cheek. Beatrix opened her mouth to say something. Her words didn't get the chance to leave the tip of her tongue. As they were caught in the back of her throat when your lips crashed into hers. It was feeling that she hadn't felt in months, but still remembered and dreamed about every night.
The kiss was unexpected but she still managed to respond leaning in a bit more. As her lips moved in sync with yours in a desperate but loving kiss. At this point Terra could see her presence was no longer needed and scurried away with a blush.
You pulled away for just a second letting her catch a breath but your lips stayed hovering over hers. A few more quick kisses here and there and now you were in the bed with her. "I'm sorry B for everything I never should've said those things."
"No no you're okay I'm a horrible person who just uses people for my own personal gain" Beatrix argued. Leaning back into the bed as you hovered over her.
"Its not your fault and I know that I mean you got a long way to go, but I want this." You replied rolling over to lay on your side. "I want you Beatrix I freaking love you."
A red tint coated her cheeks at your confession, and she tried to look away. Your hand caught her by the chin to turn her head back to you. "Don't hide from me B not anymore. You don't have to say it back right now, but tell me you still want this."
"I want you y/n I've always wanted you" she confessed.
You sealed your lips back onto hers in response. This kiss was a promise of forever.
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Crackship gifs : Sadie Soverall and Freddy Carter
Gif maker: @kaxbrekker
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alegacyofmonsters · 2 years
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Stellatrix x Parallel
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somnidasha · 2 years
Is there anyone who can understand that we will never have an endgame of Rivusa, Trix as three sisters, probably the canonical Stellatrix (don't say that one of them has already died, don't break my heart more than it is already broken) and so on, so on?
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simplytheevebest · 2 years
Riven, after Beatrix's self-sacrifice: What were you thinking?! Stella: What you did was impulsive, capricious, and melodramatic but it was also wrong
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lunamaximoffes · 1 year
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Her cold heart from Icy
Her Beauty from Darcy
Her power from Stormy
Beatrix as Be A Trix
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thedarkklaaudiaa · 1 year
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shadowedstardust · 2 years
fate: the winx saga masterlist
♡︎ - fluff
☾︎ - angst
☀︎︎ - fluff and angst
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beatrix + bloom peters↴
beatrix + dane + riven↴
beatrix + riven↴
dane + riven↴
beatrix + stella↴
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mainscircles · 2 years
Beatrix winx
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#Beatrix winx series#
#Beatrix winx tv#
It also revolved around a group of teen fairies with unique abilities. Additionally, she studied A-Levels at the Emanuel School and graduated in 2020. She is a creative, skilled artist who is Brandon's fiancée. She starred in CITV's sci-fi series The Fugitives and had a brief appearance in Grantchester. With Abigail Cowen, Hannah van der Westhuysen, Precious Mustapha, Eliot Salt. She is an actress who began her career in 2019. "You will burn if you fall asleep like this" She warned him as she turned the page to her book. She is the thirtieth ranked student within the Venterrus Flight Institute's first class.
#Beatrix winx tv#
As of this writing, Soverall has worked in just two tv shows. Sadie Soverall as Beatrix in Fate: The Winx Club Saga Season 1.
#Beatrix winx series#
Eve Best shot to fame with her role in Showtime series Nurse Jackie. It is produced by Archery Pictures in association with Rainbow, a studio co-owned by Iginio Straffi and ViacomCBS. Created by Iginio Straffi, the series is produced by Archery Pictures in association with Rainbow - the latter being a studio that Straggi co-owns with ViacomCBS. Aside from her role in Fate, Abigail Cowen plays Dorcas Night on Netflix's Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. A London based talent agency called Waring & McKenna represents Sadie. Katie Price to marry fiance Carl Woods this year for terminally ill mum, Emmerdale spoilers: Aaron rushed to hospital after being attacked by Eric. She earned a net worth of approximately $ 700,000 to $ 800,000 from her acting career. She often attends parties and outdoor functions. Now let's talk about the income of tv actors. Don’t miss to subscribe to our new feeds, kindly fill the form below. Freddie appeared as Chris Chahal in Halen Coben's Safe. Robert has also had a role in Corrie as Liam Connor. Hannah is a British actress, born in London. However, in the live-action series, Musa … She also played Wallis Simpson in the 2010 film The King's Speech. It is also unknown how much she earns for starring in Netflix's new series, Fate: The Winx Saga. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link: .uk/editorial-complaints/, Fate: The Winx Saga tells the story of five teenage fairies, Abigail Cowen plays Dorcas Night on Netflix's Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Hannah van der Westhuysen is a British actress, born in London. Developed by Brian Young, the series is actually inspired by the Nickelodeon animated series Winx Club, which was created by Iginio Straffi. You may recognise him as the evil Thomas Barrow in Downton Abbey. Fans of the original Winx Club cartoon won't see a lot of similarities in Netflix's new live-action adaptation, Fate: The Winx Saga.
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More throwbacks to Rivusa being found out by their friends.
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yahoomains · 2 years
Beatrix winx
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And I’m the one being perpetually baited by bad guys here.) The comment section on this might have made me lose some faith in humanity. (To editorialize a bit: I found a clip of their conversation on youtube, and apparently, my opinion that him and Musa are just generally better apart is a very unpopular one. He also has really fun interactions with Stella and Terra, and even if his brief talk with Musa made me scream, that was fun, too. He occasionally butts heads with Sky, but they’re technically buddies. The show kept… Hints? Of some of those things? None of the pink hair or the bold fashion choices, but the bad attitude. He has a chip on his shoulder, a stick up his ass, and an inferiority complex the size of cloud tower, which leads him to frequently butt heads with Prince Sky. Also pink hair and being voiced by Sam Riegel for a while in one of the dubs, I think one so late into the game it’s the only one available for those seasons. Riven and DaneĪs mentioned last time in the Musa section, Riven is actually sort of based on a show character called Riven, known for his bad attitude, midriff-baring questionable fashion choices, and having a rollercoaster of a relationship with Musa. I am not even sure whether she completely manipulated the two people I’m going to talk about next, or just recruited them because she genuinely thought they’re a good fit, or if the truth lies in the middle. It’s a pretty cool twist.Īnd in another twist, well. So much so that I refuse to take anything she claims to be as fact the only thing I believe is that she was raised for this by someone who… Seriously should have had better things to do. And maybe the best performance both within the show and on a meta level.Įverything the light hides is your plot, Bloom. And then convincingly pretends to be tortured. Dowling while obfuscating the fact that she committed both murder and grand theft auto. She’s the one who gets Bloom to believe that the school’s administration committed war crimes and fans the flames of Bloom already mistrusting Ms. Well, okay, I might be inferring here, we don’t really learn about the why she was raised to unleash someone sealed away for war crimes shortly after she was born. She eats up every scene she’s in, plays Bloom and honestly most people like a fiddle, and has the unhinged kind of charisma you’d expect from a kid raised, essentially, by cultists. But yeah, they had to write out the technology fairy.Īnyway, Beatrix is great. In this particular iteration of elemental magic, though, wind includes both lightning and short-circuiting cellphones. They say she has wind powers, but as far as I remember, we never actually see her doing anything with wind. Beatrix gets Stormy’s powers, Icy’s character, and Darcy’s love life.
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Crackship gifs : Sadie Soverall and Bailee Madison
Gif maker: @helpersofindie-archive
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alegacyofmonsters · 2 years
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Hizzie/Stellatrix x Parallel
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