#Beach Club Marketplace
doingdisneywithmark · 2 months
Foodie Guide to Halloween Treats at Walt Disney World Resorts 2024
Get ready for a spooktacular Halloween at Walt Disney World! Starting Aug 9, indulge in delicious treats like the new Mummy Cupcake and Haunted Forest Apple Mousse. #DisneyMagic #HalloweenAtDisney #DisneyFoodie
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red-n-ded · 11 months
Little Red Corvette (Ft. The Beatles) Part One
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Benjamin O’Brien lives in Brighton Falls, California, trying to escape the trauma from a protest that caused him to lose his voice.
When an old friend visits and signs him up for a street race for his 18th birthday, he buys a beautiful Chevrolet Corvette unaware that under all its pain lies a stubborn but gentle Autobot from outer space with no memory and shared love for 80’s music.
Reverse Roles of AU of Bee and Charlie meeting and giving each other their named through the magic of music and insect posters.
(And yes, Bee is a fan of the Beatles bc I said so)
Next (Coming Soon)
Ao3 Sneak Peek and Link Below
Benjamin O’Brien has a normal life, or at least tries to.
Every morning he wakes up, eats his breakfast, takes painkillers for his damaged vocal cords, goes to community college for his auto shop classes, and goes to work at the beach boardwalk. It gets boring after a few months doing the same thing over and over again but it’s not the worst. He’s finally getting a proper education and now lives near the beaches of California, something younger Ben could only dream of doing.
It’s not the racing life but better than dying on the frontlines.
Tomorrow is his birthday and Ben wanted to treat himself. Days and weeks of a domestic life, he deserved for a bit of an adventure. A while back, he saw posters for a movie marathon at the local drive-in and Ben is a sucker for 80’s movies (His copy of the Breakfast Club is worn out from his 50th rewatch). He would go but the poor guy doesn’t have a car except a yellow Volkswagen Beetle that doesn’t even work. Who in their right mind goes to drive in without a car? Only the insane in his opinion.
Not too far from his host home is the local junkyard. Ben sometimes works there for extra cash or when he just wants to get his hands dirty working on cars again. For the past few days, he has been getting parts to repair the Beetle, using half of his wages to buy the parts he needed but so far his work has been in vain. Maybe on the day before his birthday, he’ll get some luck.
His head buried under pillows and blankets, the tired 17-year-old slams his fist onto his alarm clock, silently cursing in annoyance at the dreaded box yet forces himself to sit up, blinking his blurry vision to adjust to the sunlight. Hoping to wake himself up, Ben leans over to his bedside table, puts on his black bluetooth headphones and presses play on his phone.
“Desmond has a barrow in the marketplace, Molly is the singer in a band. Desmond says to Molly, “Girl, I like your face” and Molly says this as she takes him by the hand Ob-la-di, ob-la-da! Life goes on, brah! La-la, how their life goes on. Ob-la-di, ob-la-da! Life goes on, brah! La-la, how their life goes on! Ob-la-di, ob-la-da! Life goes on, brah! La-la, how their life goes on!”
Ben mouths the upbeat lyrics as he changes out of his pajamas, slipping on a white tank top and slightly-used navy jeans from the carpet. He goes to brush his teeth and his head naturally begins to beat, the tiredness and annoyance from before already fading away. The teen cleans himself up and goes to the kitchen to eat breakfast, turning up the music on his headphones to dance on his way to the cabinets. Thank god no one is home. He opens the cabinet door to grab the last box of cereal but a knock in the door interrupts.
Ben slides his phones down to his neck. Who could possibly be up this early? The teen turns off his music and makes his way to the door, putting down the cereal box to turn the handle. The door swings open and his eyes immediately catch the hot pink color of hair.
“Hey, I-“
The house nearly shakes at how fast Bee slammed the door on his old friend. Ben doesn’t let her answer, grumbling angrily at his visitor and ignoring the desperate knocks from the other side.
It’s too fucking early for this.
“Bee, please.” She begs between her knocks, “I just want to talk!”
The blonde teen freezes. Bee? Geez, I haven't heard that nickname in years.
Arcee, the hot-pink-haired biker outside his door, keeps knocking, her requests to let her inside fading into white noise in Ben’s ears. Hearing her voice again, just as panicked as he last heard her, hurts more than he thought it would.
Ben stays silent, which is all he can ever do. His hand trails up to his neck where a faded scar across his Adam's apple, his fingertips tracing the indents of the jagged shape. He wanted to put his old life in New York behind him, a life of fighting and protesting against a corrupt system. It wasn't supposed to be violent. Optimus promised that they wouldn't try to resort to force but the Decepticon mafia attacked first and that protest became a riot, one that cost him his voice.
Don't do it Ben. Don’t do it. It’s been almost a year. You can’t get hurt anymore.
Arcee was there at the protest but wasn’t there when Sergent Blitzwing ripped out his vocal cords. She doesn’t know his pain and the trauma that riot caused. Yet, his heart longed for a friend. Living alone has taken a toll that Ben isn’t willing to accept.
Maybe for a moment, just a moment. Then she can leave and never come back.
Ben shaking hands goes to unlock the door. The wooden barrier swings open and he stares blue to brown eyes at Arcee, who’s relieved at the open door. She smiles awkwardly but tries to put up a comforting face.
“Hey Bee,” she mumbles. A beat passes and the two just stand there. Bee looks at the clock and sees the minute hand inching closer to the 9.
Gah! I’m late!
The teen quickly types into his phone, “Do. You. Know. Sign. Language. ”
The biker perks up, surprised by his form of communication but doesn’t make a show of it. “Yes, I do.”
Bee tucks his phone into his pocket and steps aside, giving Arcee the permission to enter his home before he rushes to the kitchen to eat his unmade breakfast. Arcee nodded in appreciation and walked in, shuffling her feet onto the black floor mat before taking off her boots. She looks around, in awe of where his old crewmate has been staying for the past year. It’s surprisingly big for a teenager living alone and not to mention so close to the beach.
“A nice place you got here,” Arcee compliments, earning a humble buzz as Bee pours out his breakfast, briskly walking back and forth from his bowl and the fridge, “How’d you get it?”
“Host family.” Ben signed after putting away his milk, “Currently on vacation.”
As far as Bee remembers, the raceway in New York has always been his family. He was homeschooled in the pits and learned to drive before he could hit puberty. His origins are a complete mystery and for a while, he didn’t mind until he left. It was at that moment that Bee realized that he had no one. No one on the team was biologically related to him and there are no records of his birth. Bee might as well be non-existent.
The O’Briens are nice. Their son Dylan warmed up to him very quickly and his parents treated him like any other decent person would, even indulging in his odd taste for 80’s pop culture and music. Staying with them was a great idea but Ben knows he’ll never be part of their family and that’s okay. He wasn’t even offended when the family didn’t bring him along to their pre-paid vacation. He’s only living with them and that’s a fact that Ben is willing to accept.
Seeing his true family again and standing under the same roof as someone he considered as an older sister is odd. Arcee looked different since he last saw her. Her hair is shaved and cut up to her chin, her outfit consists of way more leather and black, and her wedding ring is missing.
Did something happen to her and Cliffjumper? Hopefully they didn’t end on bad terms.
Arcee remains quiet, looking around the O’Brien’s house with curiosity. It has only been a year but Bee has changed a lot. Bee has definitely taken the time to relax and act like an actual teen. He looks a bit more round and chubby, especially around the face, but his muscles remained firm, emphasized by his tank top while not too obvious. The biker laughs to herself remembering how much a skinny stick Bee was. The headphones are a new addition and so is his attire. Arcee realized that he had never seen Bee in jeans before, always found running around without the restriction of the denim.
Bee grows annoyed at the silence and stops eating to knock on the table, grabbing Arcee’s attention. “What are you doing here?” He signs as milk and crumbs drip from the corners of his lips.
Arcee leans back on her seat and smiles warmly, “Is it bad for an old friend to visit?” She joked, walking towards the dinner table where Bee is sitting. Bee frowns, an annoyed buzz escaping his throat which annoyed him even further.
I hate it when it does that.
Her grin fades into concern, curious and worried about the lack of the upbeat voice she once remembered, “What happened to your voice?”
“None of your business.” Bee gulps down the last of his cereal and dumps his empty bowl into the sink. Bee walks in long strides, speeding his pace to get out of the house as quickly as possible but Arcee isn’t so keen to see her old friend leave so soon, not when she just got him back.
“Bee, can we just talk?” Arcee sighs, exasperated by her old friend’s stubbornness but there’s a hint of begging in her voice.
There’s no denying that the base hasn’t been the same since Bee disappeared. They all thought he died but Orion knew he wasn’t. The biker didn’t know how he knew or why her leader never pushed to find his surrogate son but Arcee isn’t the type to let go of someone close to her so quickly. Not after…
With a red and yellow plaid button-up in his hand, Bee pauses at the soft desperation. It hurts to hear but before he could open his mouth, any and all words that could comfort her, reassure his friend that he misses her just as much, die from his lips, even if he can talk. He doesn’t look at her and taps on the doorway in morse code, “I have to go to work.”
The pink-haired biker remained frozen in her seat as the door slammed shut.
The rest of the day went by like a blur filled with crowds on the boardwalk and bullies from his classes dumping lemonade or making his job not worth the $20 an hour. It’s almost pathetic. The blonde knows any and every way possible he could run star wrestler, Shelby “Shatter” Bassett, into the ground without breaking a sweat. Maybe a punch in the face or a scratch on her boyfriend’s (admittedly stunning) royal blue AMC Javelin could also get him to shut up.
But he’s not B-127 the Freedom Racer anymore.
He’s just Benjamin the Hot Dog on a Stick cashier.
After a thorough wash to get all the lemon pulp out of his hair, Bee made a pit stop at the junkyard. With his birthday coming up in a few hours, the young teen hoped that he could get the Beetle up and running. He grabs his red toolkit from the back of the motorized bike he rides on, voicelessly greets the owner and rushes into the piles of the cars in the lot, taking apart the pieces he wants. Grime and oil gets on his button-up and skin and the metallic stench of rust seeps into his nostrils but the blonde doesn’t mind, remembering the similar smell back in New York except missing the sound of race cars zooming in the background.
“Can’t catch me, Bee!”
“Fat chance!”
“Go faster, papa! Faster!”
“If you say so, little one!”
“Tell me where your friends are hiding!”
“I’ll never talk!”
“Is that right?”
Stop it!
“Then let’s make it official.”
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After their trip to the beach Zelda realized that they had been holed up in their apartment for far too long. There was so much of this city that she hadn’t seen: world famous restaurants, glittering lakeside resorts, colorful marketplaces, French language theaters.
So one day after breakfast she sat down with Antoine, excitedly suggesting one activity after another. Only as she spoke his face kept growing grimmer and grimmer, until finally he shut off from her completely, refusing to respond to any of her ideas or answer with anything more than a sullen head nod.
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As the days went by, his silence only deepened. He rose every day at noon, only to immediately walk out of their bedroom to the piano downstairs, seemingly lost in his own mind, with little awareness of Zelda’s questions or presence. Then when she’d join him down at the club at night, he’d perform his set, no more and no less, until they went to bed each night in silence.
Sensing what she had done, Zelda went to Josephine’s apartment, to elicit her help on how to apologize and bring Antoine out of his spell.
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As soon as Zelda told Jo about their conversation she answered a bit bluntly,
“Zelda, my dear, I do love you but you must keep your eyes open to these things. What are the two of you to do? Eat in separate sections of a restaurant? Sit on opposite sides of the theatre? No, that just won’t do, and Antoine knows it.”
“I know, Jo, I do. I realized it as I was talking to him, and I feel dreadful. More and more I notice all these little things, that certain things I say hurt him or that people look at him with suspicion in their eyes. Every day I try to take note of it and adjust myself accordingly but…I just feel as though I’ll forever be part of it all, no matter what I do.”
Zelda sighed, adjusting herself and looking back up at Josephine, “I just want to do something to make him feel happy again, make him forget his cares. I know it sounds silly but…do you know anyone with horses? Somewhere outside of the city where no one will see us and we can do as we please?”
Jo smirked, “What a strange request, my dear. But let me make some calls, I’m sure there’s something we can do.”
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silverthefox713 · 1 year
Locations for anything
Abandoned Location 
Air Balloon Park
Animal Shelter 
Animation Studio 
Art Studio 
Barnes and Noble 
B&B Castle/Cabin 
Beach/Beach House 
Bowling Alley 
Cabin in the Woods 
Church (don't have to be religious) 
Community Center 
Disney World/Land 
Drug Den 
Enchanted Forest 
Fae Realm 
Floating Islands 
Freddy Fazbears Pizza Place 
Gas Station 
Glass Artist Workshop 
Hair/Nail Salon 
Haunted House 
Hiking Trails
Homeless Shelter  
Hot Springs 
Job Finder Depot 
Live Theater 
Lotus Fields 
Love Hotel 
Maid cafe 
Marketplace (+Blackmarket) 
Movie Theater 
Police Station
Post Office 
Radio/Tv Studio 
Red Light District 
School/Collage Grounds 
Secret Location 
Skating rink 
Snowy Mountain Ski Lodge/Resort 
Space Station 
Train Rides 
Trailer Park 
Yoga Studio 
Adult Store 
Animatronic Shop 
Antique Shop 
Baby Store 
Bakery Shop 
Barber Shop 
Bike Shop 
Boba Shop 
Book Shop 
Bridal Shop 
Butcher Shop 
Candy Shop 
Casket Store 
Clothing Shop 
Cobbler Shop 
Coffee Shop 
Comic Shop 
Corner Store 
Cosmetic Store 
Costume Shop 
Crafting Shop 
Donut Shop 
Electronic Store 
Fabric Store 
Flower Shop 
Furniture Store 
Grocery Store 
Gypsy Market 
Hardware Store 
Hatter Shop 
Ice Cream Shop 
Instrument Shop 
Jewelry Shop 
Leather Shop 
Magic Shop 
Pawn Shop 
Pet Shop 
Photography Shop 
Pizza Shop 
Potion Shop 
Ramen Shop 
Record/Vinyl Shop 
Sandwich Shop 
Spirituality Store 
Tattoo Shop 
Tea Shop 
Thrift Store 
Toy Shop 
Wand Shop 
Weapons/Firearms Shop
Woodcarver Shop 
X Rated Shop
                                               ~In a Mall~ 
Bath and Bodyworks 
Bridal Shop 
Discovery Planet/Channel Store 
Food Court 
Victoria Secret 
                                        ~Fast Food Places~ 
Burger King 
Dairy Queen 
Smoothie King 
Waffle House
Dream Realm 
Fae Realm 
Mirror World 
Over Realm 
Shadow Realm 
Aether World 
Nether World  
Note: I'd be happy to add more over time, if there's any places that would be valuable to add comment it and I’ll add it ^^ 
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radhiyafurat · 6 days
Celebrate UAE National Day in Krabi & Phuket: Top Activities & Attractions
Celebrating UAE National Day in Krabi & Phuket offers a unique blend of cultural festivity and tropical allure, providing an exceptional way to mark this special occasion. As Thailand’s stunning islands, Krabi and Phuket are known for their picturesque landscapes, vibrant nightlife, and diverse activities, making them ideal destinations for both relaxation and celebration. Imagine commemorating UAE National Day in Krabi & Phuket amidst Krabi’s dramatic limestone cliffs and pristine beaches, or in Phuket’s bustling nightlife and luxurious resorts. The combination of a significant national celebration with the serene beauty and exciting experiences of these islands creates an unforgettable holiday. 
Both Krabi and Phuket offer a range of activities and attractions to enhance your National Day festivities. From exploring crystal-clear waters and indulging in local cuisine to participating in cultural events and enjoying luxurious spa treatments, these islands provide numerous ways to celebrate. Embrace the spirit of UAE National Day in Krabi & Phuket while soaking in the breathtaking surroundings and unique charm of Thailand’s tropical paradise. 
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Here are some ways to celebrate UAE National Day in Krabi and Phuket: Top Activities and Attractions 
1. Overview of Thailand's UAE National Day Celebrations:  
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UAE National Day celebrations in Krabi and Phuket provide a distinctive fusion of cultural events and beachside leisure. Even though the beautiful Thai islands are well-known for their abundant natural beauty and lively tourism scenes, celebrating UAE National Day here gives the customary festivities a thrilling new dimension. Krabi and Phuket offer an array of activities, stunning scenery, and opulent resorts that make for an ideal vacation setting. These locations provide a range of options to make UAE National Day memorable, whether your goals are to take part in leisure activities, experience local culture, or enjoy festive events. 
2. Take in Krabi's Scenic Beauty:  
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Krabi is the perfect place for anyone wishing to celebrate National Day in the midst of breathtaking scenery, thanks to its striking limestone cliffs and immaculate beaches. Visit Railay Beach first thing in the morning; it's well-known for its glistening waters and striking rock formations. Take a boat trip to the neighbouring Phi Phi Islands for amazing views and snorkeling opportunities. Discover the Thung Teao Forest Natural Park, which has the renowned Blue Pool and emerald-coloured waters, for a little adventure. Enjoying the natural beauty of the island while celebrating UAE National Day is made possible by Krabi's tranquil surroundings. 
3. Take in Phuket's Exciting Nightlife:  
Phuket, which is well-known for its exciting nightlife, provides a vibrant environment for UAE National Day celebrations. The center of Patong Beach's nightlife is Patong Beach, which offers a variety of restaurants, bars, and clubs where you can have fun parties and festive dinners. To commemorate National Day, a lot of places have themed nights and special events, so you can celebrate in style. In addition, a range of regional specialties and mementos are available from the lively marketplaces and street food vendors. Consider going on a sunset cruise around Phang Nga Bay for a more laid-back evening. You'll be able to take in the breathtaking scenery and peaceful atmosphere. 
4. Take Part in Cultural Celebrations and Events:  
Take part in regional cultural events in Krabi and Phuket to give your National Day celebrations a distinctive spin. Throughout the year, both islands host a variety of cultural festivals and events. You can see traditional Thai dance performances in Phuket or visit neighborhood markets that feature handcrafted goods from Thailand. Krabi also provides cultural events like regional fairs and traditional dance performances. Taking part in these occasions offers a fantastic chance to celebrate your own sense of national pride while learning about Thailand's rich cultural legacy. 
5. Indulge in Luxurious Resorts and Spas:  
Consider treating yourself to the finest resorts and spas in Krabi and Phuket for a more laid-back celebration. Special National Day packages, featuring gourmet dining, private beach access, and exclusive activities, are available at many upscale resorts. To relax and revitalize, treat yourself to a spa day complete with traditional Thai massages and wellness procedures. You can enjoy UAE National Day in comfort and style by attending the themed events and private celebrations that resorts frequently arrange for their visitors. Utilize the breathtaking resort surroundings for a tranquil and opulent way to celebrate the milestone. 
6. Learn About Regional Food and Dining Options:  
In Thailand, UAE National Day celebrations offer a special chance to sample and discover regional cuisine. There are many different places to eat in Krabi and Phuket, from upscale restaurants to food carts on the street. Taste some of the classic Thai dishes, like mango sticky rice, pad Thai, and Tom Yum Goong. Many restaurants offer themed menus or special events for a unique National Day dining experience. Seafood feasts are also available at beachside eateries, where mouthwatering fresh catch and picturesque surroundings make for an unforgettable dining experience. Investigating regional cuisine gives your celebration a fun culinary twist. 
7. Take Part in Outdoor Activities and Adventures:  
Krabi and Phuket provide a variety of thrilling outdoor activities that can be added to your National Day celebrations if you're the outdoorsy type. You can go rock climbing, explore the nearby islands, or take a kayak tour through mangrove forests in Krabi. Similar adventures are available in Phuket, such as snorkeling excursions, ATV rides, and zip-lining. Engaging in these pursuits not only enhances your vacation experience but also gives you the chance to take in the breathtaking scenery and thrilling adventures that these islands have to offer. Make the most of your time in Thailand and enjoy an exhilarating outdoor experience on UAE National Day. 
Celebrating UAE National Day in Krabi & Phuket offers an exceptional fusion of cultural celebration and tropical adventure. The stunning Thai islands offer a perfect backdrop for UAE National Day in Krabi & Phuket. Enjoy natural beauty, vibrant activities, and unique experiences. Relax on Krabi’s serene beaches or explore Phuket’s lively nightlife. Indulge in local cuisine and luxury resorts. Both destinations promise a memorable celebration.
To enhance your experience, consider booking Thailand National Day tour packages or National Day Packages to Thailand. These packages offer tailored itineraries with top activities, cultural experiences, and accommodations. Enjoy a seamless, enjoyable holiday. Embrace the festive spirit and create lasting memories. With a well-organized tour, your UAE National Day in Krabi & Phuket will be truly unforgettable. 
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bonvoyagetimeshar · 29 days
Marriott timeshare management near me || Bon Voyage Vacation Services
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Marriott's Playa Andaluza: The Jewel of the Mediterranean in the Spanish Sun Cruise Coast
Here, we’ll talk about an elegant golf and residential resort called Playa Andaluza in the Costa Del Sol region of Spain. Situated in Estepona to the west of Marbella and Puerto Banús, the beach front location of this vacation hotel ideally suits family, couples and any one who would like to experience the best of Spain’s southern coast. 
If you want to experience this resort, for marriott timeshare rentals at the best price from Bon Voyage that covers this resort, and many more.
The Resort and Accommodations
With regard to architectural style, Marriott’s Playa Andaluza can be described as exhibiting Andalusian architecture as it has buildings in stereotypical Andalusian style that is whitewashed exterior complemented with red tiled roofs as well as the exquisitely maintained gardens. 
The resort features one and two bedroom apartments as well as three bedroom villas all of which come with all the conveniences of the modern world. Every unit contains a kitchen with all essential amenities, a lounge and a dining area, a washing area, and a balcony or a terrace with a Mediterranean Sea or garden view.
The decoration of the indoors combines the principles of home-like coziness and Spanish vanguard: warm colours, tiled flooring, exquisite furniture and more. The careful selection of the items and tasteful interior design in the context of practicality of the utility space provided gives the guests the feeling of being in their second home.
Search “Marriott timeshare management near me”, and select Bon Voyage to experience in this resort. 
Dining and Culinary Delights
Another advantage that can be noted for Marriott’s Playa Andaluza is the restaurant possibilities that allow it to undergo both Andalusian and world cuisines. 
The Solera Restaurant & Bar is the hotel’s only eating place/oriented around Andalusian and Mediterranean cuisine. Some of the foods served are fish, shrimp meat, Italian & Spanish Tapas and all the meals are prepared using fresh produce from the local markets. 
The opportunity to have the dishes outdoors makes the restaurant unique, as it has a terrace by the sea and beautiful gardens of the resort.
The Marketplace caters for clients who would love to order snacks, sandwiches, soft goods and several groceries for those who will prefer to cook their meals in the apartment or villas. Also, the international programmes of the resort include the themed nights and special – paella evenings and barbecues – all of which help the guests to become familiarized with the Spanish traditions.
Activities and Amenities
Marriott’s Playa Andaluza is unpretentiously conceived with leisure and entertainment as its cornerstones, with every age bracket catered for in this respect. For ‘fun in the water,’ the resort has a number of outdoor swimming pools which include the children’s pool that has waterSlides and the pool for the grown-ups who do not want to be disturbed by noisy children. 
Flabby deck chairs and sun umbrellas are placed around the pools and there is enough space to be found to sunbathe and enjoy the Mediterranean climate.
Fitness freaks are also provided with the facilities like health club, gym, and other modular facilities with regard to tennis, Basketball and mini-golf. There is also a workout schedule for the guests including regular yoga and aerobics in the morning as well as other workouts throughout the day. 
The resort is on the beach so it is possible to have water activities like kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding, snorkeling among others since the waters of Mediterranean Sea are very clear.
Parents with children will enjoy that there is a children’s pool, play area and a facility that provides child minding services and organizes fun activities for children. It also makes some arrangements of the shows and other activities that would entertain children, including movies and artwork since the resort has to provide something enjoyable for everyone.
For Marriott timeshare rentals at discounted rates at Bon Voyage.
Exploring the Surroundings
As one can observe, Marriott’s Playa Andaluza provides guests with enough options for entertainment and relaxation on the hotel’s territory, however, its location in Costa del Sol is rather convenient for sightseeing as well. 
Estepona for example has a beautiful old town and a modern marina and it takes only a few minutes by car to get there and get a glimpse of a typical Andalusian town. Tourists can walk through the small, lantern-lit streets, go to fishing villages and have fresh seafood cuisines in restaurants.
A little further down the coast lies the famous Costa del Sol, specifically Marbella which is famous for excellent shopping, nightlife and sandy beaches. Puerto Banús in Marbella is well-known and includes some marvelous yacht, clothing brands, and a number of modern pubs and café and hence has more business from both the side; locals and tourists.
Great for those who like history and culture, a one-day trip to the city that is the birthplace of Picasso, is more than advisable. Points of interest in Málaga include the Alcazaba, a fortress built by the Moors and the Picasso Museum, a gallery that features the works of the famous artist , Pablo Picasso, who was born in this city. 
That is, the city boasts of several bars and seafood restaurants, among them offering some of the best tapas in the region.
Marriott’s Playa Andaluza is one of the best examples of the hotel and resort facilities equipped with all the amenities to comfort guests in combination with the unique opportunity to learn more about one of the most picturesque regions of Spain. 
If one wants to simply spend time at the pool, to go out sightseeing, or just want to live life kasbah style in true Mediterranean flair then this resort has it all. Marriott has a variety of rooms, excellent foods, and amazing fun-filled activities which makes Marriott’s Playa Andaluza not only as a place to stay but a place to be.  Search “Marriott timeshare management near me” and contact Bon Voyage to get access to this resort at discounted rates.
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Discover San Francisco: Top Activities for Every Type of Traveler
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San Francisco is a city that offers a unique experience for every type of traveler. Whether you're an adventure seeker, history buff, foodie, or culture enthusiast, this iconic city has something special just for you. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the best activities in San Francisco that cater to every traveler’s interests.
1. For the Adventure Seekers
Explore the Golden Gate Bridge: Start your adventure with a walk or bike ride across the Golden Gate Bridge. The views are breathtaking, and the experience is a quintessential San Francisco moment.
Hike in Muir Woods National Monument: Just a short drive from the city, Muir Woods offers stunning trails through ancient redwoods. It’s perfect for those who love nature and hiking.
2. For the History Enthusiasts
Visit Alcatraz Island: Take a ferry to Alcatraz and explore the infamous former prison. The audio tour provides a fascinating glimpse into life on the island.
Explore the Presidio: This former military base is now a park filled with historical buildings and museums, including the Walt Disney Family Museum and the Presidio Officers’ Club.
3. For the Foodies
Tour the Ferry Building Marketplace: Sample local artisanal foods and enjoy fresh produce at this vibrant marketplace. It’s a must-visit for any food lover.
Dine in Chinatown: Experience one of the oldest and largest Chinatowns in North America. From dim sum to Peking duck, the culinary options are endless.
4. For the Culture Buffs
Visit the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA): With its impressive collection of contemporary art, SFMOMA is a cultural gem in the city.
Explore the Mission District Murals: Walk through the Mission District to see colorful murals that reflect the city’s rich cultural history and social movements.
5. For the Families
Spend a Day at the California Academy of Sciences: This family-friendly attraction includes an aquarium, planetarium, and natural history museum.
Enjoy the Exploratorium: An interactive science museum that offers hands-on exhibits for kids and adults alike. It’s both educational and fun.
6. For the Relaxation Seekers
Stroll through Golden Gate Park: From the Japanese Tea Garden to the Conservatory of Flowers, this park offers peaceful spots to relax and enjoy nature.
Visit Baker Beach: For a serene escape, head to Baker Beach and take in the views of the Golden Gate Bridge with the sand beneath your feet.
7. For the Night Owls
Experience the Nightlife in the Mission District: With its lively bars, live music venues, and trendy clubs, the Mission District is the place to be for a vibrant night out.
Enjoy a Show at the San Francisco Symphony: For a more sophisticated evening, catch a performance at one of the city’s premier music venues.
San Francisco’s diverse offerings ensure that every traveler can find something to enjoy. This city has everything if you’re seeking adventure, history, food, culture, family fun, relaxation, or nightlife. Plan your trip to San Francisco and immerse yourself in its unique charm and character.
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trevellooo · 3 months
Dubai by Night: Best Evening Tours and Nightlife Hotspots
Dubai, the glittering gem of the Middle East, transforms into a mesmerizing wonderland as the sun sets. From stunning architectural marvels to vibrant nightlife scenes, the city offers a kaleidoscope of experiences that come alive after dark. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, exploring Dubai by night promises unforgettable moments. Let’s dive into the best evening tours and nightlife hotspots that make Dubai shine after sunset.
Dubai Frame: A Modern Icon
Our journey through Dubai's evening splendor begins with a visit to one of its most iconic landmarks, the Dubai Frame. Located in Zabeel Park, this architectural marvel stands tall at 150 meters and offers breathtaking views of both old and new Dubai. As the sun sets, the Frame becomes a glowing beacon, showcasing the city's transition from past to present. Step into the Sky Deck for panoramic vistas that include the glittering lights of downtown and the historic neighborhoods surrounding the Creek.
Burj Khalifa: The Nighttime Spectacle
No visit to Dubai is complete without experiencing the majesty of the Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building. At night, this towering skyscraper becomes a canvas for a spectacular light and fountain show. The Dubai Fountain, located at the base of the Burj Khalifa, dances to music and lights, creating a magical ambiance that captivates visitors of all ages. Capture the perfect Instagram-worthy shot as the water jets sway in harmony with the illuminated skyscraper above.
Evening Desert Safari: Adventure under the Stars
For those seeking a taste of adventure, an evening desert safari is an absolute must-do in Dubai. Escape the city's hustle and bustle and venture into the tranquil desert landscape just outside Dubai. Ride over the dunes in a 4x4 vehicle as the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. Arrive at a Bedouin-style desert camp where you can indulge in traditional Arabic hospitality. Enjoy a sumptuous BBQ dinner under the stars while being entertained by belly dancers and traditional performances.
Dubai Marina: Glitz and Glamour
Dubai Marina is synonymous with sophistication and nightlife. Take a leisurely stroll along the Marina Walk, lined with chic cafes and trendy boutiques. Opt for a dinner cruise aboard a traditional dhow boat and sail along the Marina's shimmering waters. Marvel at the skyline as it lights up, with skyscrapers reflecting in the tranquil waters below. Dubai Marina Mall offers an array of dining options and entertainment venues, ensuring there's something for everyone to enjoy well into the night.
Souk Madinat Jumeirah: Arabian Nights Come Alive
Step into a world of Arabian charm at Souk Madinat Jumeirah, a modern interpretation of a traditional Middle Eastern marketplace. This labyrinth of narrow alleyways and waterways is particularly enchanting at night. Enjoy dinner at one of the many restaurants overlooking the serene water canals, with the iconic Burj Al Arab standing tall in the distance. Souk Madinat Jumeirah blends old-world charm with modern amenities, offering a unique shopping and dining experience that captures the essence of Dubai’s cultural heritage.
Nightlife Hotspots: Where the City Comes Alive
Dubai boasts a vibrant nightlife scene that caters to every taste. From chic rooftop bars offering panoramic views to pulsating nightclubs where international DJs spin the latest beats, the city ensures that nights are as vibrant as its days. Visit JBR (Jumeirah Beach Residence) for beachside lounges and clubs that host themed parties and live music events. Downtown Dubai offers exclusive lounges with views of the Burj Khalifa, perfect for enjoying cocktails against the backdrop of the city's glittering skyline.
Dubai Opera: Cultural Evenings
For a more refined evening experience, Dubai Opera presents a diverse program of world-class performances. From opera and ballet to concerts and theater productions, this architectural marvel nestled in Downtown Dubai offers cultural enrichment in a spectacular setting. Enjoy pre-show dining at one of the Opera’s elegant restaurants before experiencing a mesmerizing performance that showcases Dubai's commitment to arts and culture.
Dubai by night is a tapestry of experiences that blend modernity with tradition, luxury with adventure. Whether you're gazing at the city from the Dubai Frame, marveling at the Burj Khalifa's nighttime spectacle, or enjoying a desert safari under the stars, each moment promises to be unforgettable. Explore Dubai’s nightlife hotspots, from Dubai Marina's glamour to the cultural charm of Souk Madinat Jumeirah, and immerse yourself in a city that never sleeps.
As you plan your evening adventures in Dubai, remember to include the Dubai Frame and Burj Khalifa in your itinerary. These iconic landmarks not only offer stunning views but also embody the spirit of Dubai’s dynamic evolution. Discover why Dubai is a beacon of light in the desert, where every night holds the promise of new experiences and unforgettable memories.
This blog captures the essence of Dubai's vibrant nightlife while integrating the keywords 'Dubai Frame' and 'Burj Khalifa' seamlessly into the narrative. Let me know if you need any further adjustments or additional details
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neonpartyusa · 3 months
The Vibrant World of Neon: Let’s Party Neon Signs in Australia
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The Magic of Neon
Neon signs have long been a symbol of celebration, nightlife, and vibrant cityscapes. They capture the essence of excitement and festivity, illuminating spaces with their bright, colorful glow. Among the various neon sign trends, the “Let’s Party” neon sign has become a standout favorite, especially in Australia.
Why "Let's Party" Neon Signs Are a Hit
Instant Mood Setter: The phrase “Let’s Party” is universally understood and immediately sets the tone for any gathering. Whether it's a birthday bash, wedding reception, or a casual get-together, these neon signs create an atmosphere of fun and anticipation.
Instagram-Worthy Decor: In the age of social media, aesthetics play a crucial role in event planning. A “Let’s Party” neon sign not only lights up the room but also serves as a perfect backdrop for photos, adding a trendy and stylish element to any event.
Versatility: These signs are incredibly versatile. They can be customized in various colors, sizes, and fonts to match the theme of the event. From a chic, minimalist design for a sophisticated soirée to a bold, colorful statement piece for a wild night out, the possibilities are endless.
Neon Signs Australia: Leading the Trend
Australia has embraced the neon sign trend with enthusiasm. Here’s why neon signs are particularly popular down under:
Vibrant Nightlife: Cities like Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane are known for their lively nightlife. Bars, clubs, and restaurants use neon signs to attract patrons and create a lively ambiance. “Let’s Party” neon signs are often seen in these venues, inviting people to join in the fun.
Event Culture: Australians love their celebrations, from grand weddings to laid-back beach parties. Neon signs have become a staple in event decor, adding a modern and playful touch to various occasions.
Local Craftsmanship: Australia boasts talented local artisans and businesses specializing in neon sign creation. Companies like Neon Signs Australia offer custom designs, ensuring high-quality craftsmanship and unique creations that stand out.
How to Choose Your Perfect “Let’s Party” Neon Sign
Customization Options: Look for companies that offer customization. Whether you want a specific color to match your party theme or a particular font that speaks to your style, the ability to personalize your neon sign is key.
Quality and Durability: Ensure the neon sign is made from high-quality materials that are safe and durable. This is particularly important if you plan to use the sign multiple times or for outdoor events.
Energy Efficiency: Modern neon signs are often made with LED lights, which are energy-efficient and have a longer lifespan. They also produce less heat, making them safer for indoor use.
Customer Reviews: Before making a purchase, check customer reviews and testimonials. This can give you insight into the company’s reliability, product quality, and customer service.
Where to Buy “Let’s Party” Neon Signs in Australia
Neon Signs Australia: A leading provider with a reputation for excellent craftsmanship and custom designs. They offer a wide range of neon signs to suit various events and preferences.
Online Marketplaces: Websites like Etsy and Amazon also have a range of options, often with the possibility of customization. However, be sure to check the seller’s reviews and ratings.
Local Artisan Shops: Supporting local businesses is always a good idea. Many Australian cities have shops that specialize in neon signs, offering unique, handcrafted pieces.
“Let’s Party” neon signs are more than just decorative items; they are symbols of joy and celebration. In Australia, where the party culture is vibrant and diverse, these neon signs have found a special place in the hearts of many. Whether you’re planning an intimate gathering or a grand event, a Lets Party neon sign can elevate the atmosphere, making your celebration unforgettable.
So, the next time you’re planning a party, consider adding a neon touch. After all, nothing says “Let’s Party” quite like a glowing, neon-lit invitation!
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parksaversnews · 4 months
Disney Pride Month Foodie Guide 2024 | Disneyland & Disney World
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June is a month of celebration, inclusivity, and vibrant colors as Disney Parks across the United States honor Pride Month. Both Disneyland Resort in California and Walt Disney World Resort in Florida have curated a delightful array of themed food and beverages to celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community. This guide will take you through the mouthwatering offerings available throughout the month, ensuring you don't miss out on any of the delicious treats. From colorful desserts to refreshing drinks, there's something for everyone to enjoy while celebrating love and diversity at the happiest places on earth.
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Walt Disney World Resort
Disney’s Hollywood Studios   PizzeRizzo and The Trolley Car Café (Available June 1 through 30; mobile order available at PizzeRizzo only) - Pride Cupcake: Vanilla cupcake filled with rainbow sprinkles and berry marmalade topped with red berry buttercream, rainbow sprinkles, rainbow glitter, and a chocolate Mickey pride coin  Magic Kingdom Park   The Lunching Pad (Available June 1 through 30; mobile order available) - Pride Cupcake: Vanilla cupcake filled with rainbow sprinkles and berry marmalade topped with red berry buttercream, rainbow sprinkles, rainbow glitter, and a chocolate Mickey pride coin Main Street Bakery (Available June 1 through 30) - Pride Mousse Dome: Dark chocolate and strawberry mousse, flourless chocolate cake, and rainbow glaçage (New)
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EPCOT Connections Cafe and Connections Eatery (Available June 1 through 30) - Pride Liege Waffle: Brioche dough with colorful icing Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park Creature Comforts (Available May 30 through June 30) - Pride Mousse Dome: Lemon chiffon cake, raspberry lemonade mousse, white chocolate glaze, and rainbow sprinkles (New)
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Disney Resort Hotels   Disney’s Beach Club Resort and Disney’s Yacht Club Resort Beach Club Marketplace and The Market at Ale & Compass (Available June 1 through 30; mobile order available) - Pride Mousse Dome: Dark chocolate and strawberry mousse, flourless chocolate cake, and rainbow glaçage (New)
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Disney’s BoardWalk   BoardWalk Deli (Available June 1 through 30; mobile order available) - Pride Cinnamon Roll: Classic Mickey cinnamon roll with rainbow icing Available at Multiple Disney Resort Hotel Locations (Available June 1 through 30; mobile order available) - Pride Strawberry Cupcake: Sprinkle cupcake filled with fresh strawberries, topped with Bavarian cream and vanilla buttercream, and garnished with chocolate décor; available at the following locations: - World Premiere Food Court at Disney’s All-Star Movies Resort - Intermission Food Court at Disney’s All-Star Music Resort - End Zone Food Court at Disney’s All-Star Sports Resort - Landscape of Flavors at Disney’s Art of Animation Resort - Centertown Market at Disney’s Caribbean Beach Resort - Spyglass Grill at Disney’s Caribbean Beach Resort - Everything POP Shopping & Dining at Disney’s Pop Century Resort - Riverside Mill Food Court at Disney’s Port Orleans Resort – Riverside - Sassagoula Floatworks and Food Factory at Disney’s Port Orleans Resort – French Quarter
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Disney Springs Amorette's Patisserie (Available June 1 through 30; mobile order available) - Rainbow Love Mousse Bar: Orange dream mousse with crispy cereal crunch and orange passion curd (New) Chef Art Smith’s Homecomin’ (Available June 1 through June 30) - Pride-themed Jumbo Squeeze Bottles: 22-ounce Pride-themed jumbo squeeze bottles available for purchase with the Shine on Tap (Refills available)
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Everglazed Donuts & Cold Brew (Available June 1 through June 30) - Rainbow Donut topped with rainbow sprinkles and a rainbow sour belt Vivoli il Gelato (Available June 1 through July 31) - Cake Batter Cannoli: Cannoli with sweet cream and cake batter ricotta topped with rainbow sprinkles
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Disneyland Resort
Disneyland Park Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe (Available June 1 through 30; mobile order available)   - Pride Cookie: Shortbread cookie dipped in white chocolate sprinkled with nonpareils
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Disney California Adventure Park Fiddler, Fifer & Practical Cafe (Available June 1 through 30) - Pride Cookie: Shortbread cookie dipped in white chocolate sprinkled with nonpareils  Hollywood Lounge (Available June 1 through 30; mobile order available) - Strawberry Vodka Cocktail: Vodka, strawberry purée and soda water topped with a rainbow candy belt (New)
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Novelties Available Throughout Disneyland Resort (Available starting June 1) - Pride Bottle Topper (New) (Limit five per person, per transaction; no discounts apply); Available at the following locations: - Disneyland park: Churros near Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Churros near Haunted Mansion, Churros near Sleeping Beauty Castle, Churros near Town Square, Critter Country Fruit Cart, Churros & Lemonade in Critter Country, Lemonade at small world Promenade, Main Street Fruit Cart, Popcorn near Haunted Mansion, Popcorn near Mark Twain Riverboat, Pretzels near Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Ship to Shore Marketplace, Troubadour Tavern - Disney California Adventure park: Adorable Snowman Frosted Treats, Boardwalk Pizza & Pasta, Chiller at Paradise Gardens Park, Corn Dog Castle, Paradise Garden Grill - Pride Stainless Steel Tumbler: Available at the following locations: - Disneyland park: Alien Pizza Planet, Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe, Golden Horseshoe, Hungry Bear Restaurant, Plaza Inn, Rancho del Zocalo Restaurante, Red Rose Taverne, Stage Door Cafe, Tiana’s Palace - Disney California Adventure park: Aunt Cass Café, Award Wieners, Boardwalk Pizza & Pasta, Cappuccino Cart, Clarabelle's Hand-Scooped Ice Cream, Chiller at Paradise Gardens Park, Corn Dog Castle, Hollywood Lounge, Paradise Garden Grill, Smokejumpers Grill, Studio Catering Co.
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- Pride Parade Castle Tumbler: Available at the following locations: - Disneyland park: Alien Pizza Planet, Fantasyland Fruit Cart, Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe, Lemonade at small world Promenade, Plaza Inn, Red Rose Taverne - Disney California Adventure park: Aunt Cass Café, Boardwalk Pizza & Pasta, Chiller at Paradise Gardens Park, Clarabelle's Hand-Scooped Ice Cream, Corn Dog Castle, Paradise Garden Grill - Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa: GCH Craftsman Grill - Scented Pride Cake Straw Clip: Available at the following locations: - Disneyland park: Alien Pizza Planet, Golden Horseshoe, Hungry Bear Restaurant, Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe, Red Rose Taverne, Stage Door Cafe - Disney California Adventure park: Aunt Cass Café, Award Wieners, Chiller at Paradise Gardens Park, Corn Dog Castle, Schmoozies!, Select Outdoor Vending Locations - Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa: GCH Craftsman Grill
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Downtown Disney District Naples Ristorante e Bar (Available June 1 through 30) - Pride N' Candy Cannoli: Cannoli shells filled with ricotta cheese, cream cheese, powdered sugar, rainbow candy chips, and cotton candy flavoring Splitsville Luxury Lanes (Available June 1 through 30) - Sunset Serenade: Pineapple, Aperol, soda water, gin, and elderflower syrup  Wetzel's Pretzels (Available June 1 through 30) - Pride LED Tumbler
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Available at Various Candy Locations Around Disneyland Resort Including Bing Bong’s Sweet Stuff, Candy Palace and Candy Kitchen, and Trolley Treats (Available June 1 through 30; mobile order available) - Rainbow Mickey Apple: Granny smith apple dipped in caramel and milk chocolate decorated with two marshmallow ears, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple sanding sugars and white M&M’S chocolate candies (New) - Rainbow Mickey Cereal Treat: Mickey-shaped cereal treat dipped in white chocolate and decorated with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple sanding sugars
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Disneyland After Dark: Pride Nite (SOLD OUT) For those guests who already have tickets for the Disneyland After Dark: Pride Nite on June 18 and 20, there’s some additional treats to indulge in. Throughout the night, guests can enjoy sweet bites like the Cereal Funnel Cake from Stage Door Café or the Red Balloon Mickey Cookie from Candy Palace Candy Kitchen. Looking for a refreshingly delicious sip? The Peach Tea at Refreshment Corner is a must! For a savory dish, the Loaded Corn Dog at Little Red Wagon is sure to satisfy. And for those interested in a combination of salty and sweet, the Popcorn with Freeze-dried SKITTLES at Popcorn near Haunted Mansion is amazing! For extra tasty fun, guests can reserve a spot for the Disneyland After Dark: Pride Nite Specialty Dining Package at Plaza Inn where they can enjoy a delicious chicken and waffles dinner with reserved viewing for the Welcome Pride Cavalcade. These are just a taste, and there’s even more items to try at the event this year!
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Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa   Hearthstone Lounge (Available June 18 and 20 from 4 p.m. to midnight; reservations highly recommended, walk-ins will be limited) - Hearthstone Lounge Reception: On the Disneyland After Dark: Pride Nite evenings, anyone is welcomed to gather for a special reception at Hearthstone Lounge, with a themed photo op, upbeat music, a special host to greet guests in the festivities, and specialty beverages like the XOBC Cellars Proud Sparkling Rosé, the Ketel Watermelon Vodka Cocktail, and the Elderflower Gin Fizz, which is also available at Napa Rose along with the XOBC Cellars Proud Sparkling Rosé. Guests can also enjoy the recently launched menu, including Truffle Mac and Portobello Mushroom Risotto, as well as a premium whiskey library.
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Pride Month Disneyland and Pride Month Walt Disney World Resorts is a time to celebrate love, diversity, and inclusivity. With a wide range of themed food and beverages, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you're indulging in a colorful dessert or sipping on a refreshing drink, these treats are sure to make your visit even more magical. Don't forget to check out the Pride-themed merchandise to commemorate your experience. Celebrate Pride Month with Disney and create unforgettable memories with your loved ones. Read the full article
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travel-sri-lanka · 4 months
Must-do Sri Lankan city tours
The seven must-do Sri Lankan city tours include the Kandy City Tour, Galle City Tour, Nuwara Eliya City Tour, Anuradhapura City Tour, Poloonnaruwa City Tour, and Trincomalee City Tour. These walking tours offer a unique opportunity to explore a city while learning about its architecture, history, and other notable aspects.
The most frequented tours in Sri Lanka include the Kandy City Tour, which lasts between 5-7 hours and includes visits to ancient monuments, temples, markets, shops, eateries, and galleries. The National Museum, located in Colombo, showcases valuable artifacts from colonial and primordial periods of the island. The Gangaramaya temple, renowned for its sculptures and murals, is also a must-see attraction.
Beira Lake's proximity to the Gangaramaya temple allows for a duck-paddle canoe excursion or a lakeside shopping complex. The Seema Malaka Temple is a must-see attraction. The Colombo Fort neighborhood, home to colonial-era structures, is another popular destination.
After lunch, visitors can enjoy a Sri Lankan buffet at Independence Square, Viharamahadevi Park, and a traditional retail rehabilitation at a renowned department store. In the evening, they can explore the Galle Face Green, known for its picturesque sunsets, tranquil atmosphere, and abundance of pure air.
The Kandy City Tour is one of the most popular city tours in Sri Lanka, with breathtaking views of the lake and town below. The tour includes a visit to the Kandy vantage point, botanical gardens, and the Kandy Tea Factory, where tea is transformed into a prominent export commodity. After lunch, visitors can explore the city's bustling marketplace, including a gem museum.
Sri Lanka, known as the "Isle of Gems," is a popular destination for tourists seeking exquisite jewels. The city offers a wide range of stones, including Sapphire, Ruby, Star Ruby, and Alexandrite. The Temple of Tooth, a sacred site for Buddhists, is located within the Royal Palace Complex. The cultural event culminates in a traditional Kandyan dance performance.
Galle, a popular city tour destination, offers stunning coastlines, fascinating institutions, and colonial-era architecture. The Galle Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, houses various colonial-era structures, including a lighthouse, museums, and shops. The Dutch Reformed Church, a significant structure, showcases a blend of colonial and indigenous architectural features.
Unawatuna Beach, located beyond the fort, offers water sports, swimming, and basking. Koggala Lake, a picturesque location for watercraft, is also worth a visit.
Nuwara Eliya City offers a variety of attractions, including the Goldf Club, Victoria Park, Nuwara Eliya Race Course, and Lake Gregory. The Goldf Club is one of the earliest golf facilities in Asia, while the Hakgala Botanical Gardens are home to the historic "Ashoka Vatika." The city also features a strawberry plantation, offering delicious strawberry cream, crepes, and cheesecake.
In summary, Sri Lanka offers a rich history, beautiful landscapes, and a variety of attractions for visitors.
Anuradhapura City is a historically significant city in Sri Lanka, known for its Anuradjaopura temples. The tour begins with the Holy Bo Tree, which was the source of Buddha's enlightenment. The next stop is the Lovamahapaya, also known as the Brazen Palace, built by King Dutugemunu. This nine-story building was intended to accommodate one thousand monks and their attendants.
The Ruwanwelisaya Dagoba, the earliest stupa in existence, represents the rich architectural heritage of Sri Lanka. Built by King Dutugemunu in 140 BC, it is a memorial to his audacious undertaking and the remarkable impact it had on reviving Buddhism throughout the country.
Tissa Wewa, an artificial reservoir built by King Devanampiya Tissa in the third century BC, provides water to Anuradhapura and cares for the king's palace gardens. The Miriswatiya Dagoba, the original building that King Dutugemunu erected, was atop the king's sword after he was unable to draw it after returning from his ablution at the reservoir.
The Temple of Thuparama is the earliest stupa in Sri Lanka, constructed shortly after the advent of Buddhism. The Abayagiri Monastic Complex features the Moonstone, a treasure from the seventh and eighth centuries, and the Abhayagiri Stupa, the second-tallest structure on the island.
The Kuttam Pokuna, also known as the "Twin Ponds," is an architectural environment originally constructed as a monastic bathing pool with terraces in the eighth century. Lunch is served at approximately 12:30 p.m.
After lunch, participants will visit the Isurumuniya Viharaya, a magnificent temple with elephant-like engravings and a 40-foot stupa. The Aukana Buddha Statue, one of the highest standing Buddha sculptures in Sri Lanka, stands at 42 feet and is a testament to the craftsmanship and ingenuity of its sculptors.
Polonnaruwa City Tour is a popular Sri Lankan city tour that includes visits to the historic city's palaces, gardens, temples, and other attractions. The Archaeological Museum is the primary attraction, featuring bronze statues and scale reproductions of historical structures. The fortification of King Parkramabahu is the regal residence and citadel of King Parakramabahu I, which spans seven stories and features an Audience room and Royal Bathing Pool. The Quadrangle, the nerve center of the historic city, includes the Shiva Devale, Satmahal Prasadaya, and the Gal Potha.
The Rankoth Vehera and Pabalu Vehara are the fourth largest dagoba and symbol of love. The Alahana Pirivena Monastery, Kiri Vehera, Galviharaya, Nelum Pokuna, Lotus Pond, and Thivanka Image House are other stops. The Parakrama Samudraya, a man-made lake created by King Parakramabahu I, is a must-see attraction. The Royal Palace Complex, belonging to King Nissanka Malla, features a raised platform with a granite stupa and serves as the council chamber. The Giant Statue of Parakramabahu I, a 12th-century architectural marvel, is also a must-see. The tour concludes with a return to Polonnaruwa City.
Trincomalee is a unique city tour in Sri Lanka that offers a unique opportunity to learn about the cultural and religious traditions of Hinduism. The tour includes a dolphin-watching excursion, visiting Pigeon Island, a marine national park, and Fort Frederick, which houses the Konaswaram Temple. After lunch, the party returns to Trincomalee and stops at the city's natural port, which features three harbors and offers stunning ocean views.
The tour also includes a visit to Marble Beach, a pristine shoreline managed by the Sri Lanka Air Force. The tour also includes a one-day excursion to Bentota, a popular city trip with village visits, culinary classes, boat journeys, and walks along the Bentota River.
The Lunuganga Garden, designed by architect Geoffrey Bawa, is a must-see attraction, featuring an array of international artworks and antiques. The boat safari along the Madu River allows visitors to explore the mangroves and the cinnamon-growing villagers. The Bevis Bawa Garden, a renowned garden, features symbols of its originator.
Lastly, the tour visits the hatchery for sea turtles in Kosgoda, which is part of the Chelonii order, which includes terrapins, tortoises, and turtles.
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bonvoyagetimeshar · 2 months
Marriott’s newport coast villas | Bonvoyage Time Share
Marriott's Newport Coast Villa
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All About Marriott Newport Coast Villa
Marriott's Newport Coast Villa is renowned for their luxurious amenities and stunning location along the coast of Newport Beach. A bastion of extravagance, comfort, and leisure situated in the jewel town of Newport Beach, the lavish Marriott's Newport Coast Villas offers its guests more than accommodation; it becomes a way into a life of comfort and pampering. If you’re looking forward to staying there, keep scrolling down to read more. 
Location: Where Luxury Meets Adventure
Located in Newport Beach, California, Marriott's Newport Coast Villas have the best view of the Pacific Ocean. This area is famous for beautiful beaches, exclusive shopping, top-class dining, and wine tasting. Whether it's a moment for a beach vacation or an adventurous exploration of nearby attractions like Disneyland or Laguna Beach, the Newport Coast Villas make for the perfect starting point.
It's centrally located to all of the attractions in and around Newport Beach, multiple shopping districts, diversified dining, and endless outdoor activities—making it the perfect place from which to experience Southern California.
Features of the Marriott's Newport Coast Villas
Marriott's Newport Coast Villas are tailored to meet any and all of a traveler’s wishes. Villas run from one to three bedrooms in spacious yet elegantly appointed fashion. Beyond the accommodations, the resort features a plethora of amenities. Here are some of the most prominent features of the luxurious villas:
Spacious Accommodations: The villas have one to three bedrooms; each has a living area, dining area, fully-equipped kitchen, and private balconies or patios. This set-up will give families or groups enough space to still be comfortable and have their own private areas.
Scenic Views: Situated on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean—many villas offer breathtaking views of the coastline, which guests can enjoy with stunning sunsets and serene ocean vistas right from their accommodations.
Resort Amenities: Marriott's Newport Coast Villas has all the facilities for relaxation and recreation with its multiple swimming pools and whirlpool spas. There's a fitness center, tennis courts, game centers, and an activities program that takes in arts and crafts, movie nights, and other activities.
Dining Options: Although villas are fully equipped with kitchen facilities to allow self-service dining for guests, there are also some dining options available right on the property, like the Marketplace, which enables easy snacks and sundries.
Family-Friendly Features: There are many features at this resort that would confirm its friendliness toward families. This can be seen in the provision of playgrounds for children and splash areas in the pools or through the great many kids' and teens' activities available. It is also pet-friendly so you don’t have to leave your furry friends behind.
Spa Services: Guests are invited to wax lazy and rejuvenate at the on-site spa with any number of treatments and massages that will enrich wellbeing and pamper guests during any stay.
Concierge Services: Marriott's Newport Coast Villas offers personal concierge services to help guests with reservations or just experiencing the best of the area, and ensures that nothing goes haywire on your vacations. Guests can arrange wake up calls, reminders, odd errands etc using the service.
Wi-Fi and Technology: These villas come with many contemporary amenities, including wired high-speed Internet access, flat-screen TVs with premium channels, and other technology to keep guests connected and entertained.
What to Stay at Marriott’s Newport Coast Villas? Know About Marriott Timeshare
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Marriott timeshare ownership, often referred to as marriott vacation club Marbella, and many other names allows individuals to purchase a share of a vacation property for a set period each year. This means knowing in advance that you will have a quality place to stay at a high-quality property some of which are extremely hard to get into during peak seasonal periods.
Marriott timeshares are based on the points program which offers owners flexibility in the number of days they want to travel, the destination of the resort, and the size of the resort unit they desire. Timeshare points could be used for the accommodation or for other travel expenses like plane, car rentals, and activities in order to make vacations better. For Marriott timeshare rental, you can reach out to Bon Voyage Timeshare. They offer Marriott timeshare at discounted rates. 
Why Buy Marriott Vacation Club: Your Key to Premium Travel
With Newport Coast Villas being part of Marriott Vacation Club, people know the company truly stands for more than just a good night's sleep or a beautiful view—it's a luxurious platform with a flexible lifestyle. Owning a share through Marriott Vacation Club places an owner in a network of over 50 resorts across the globe that all deliver the same quality and great vibes. It gives variety in destination but similarity in the experience of Marriott—from Hawaii to Europe and further still.
In reality, purchasing a Marriott Vacation Club timeshare is nothing more than pre-paying today for a future vacation. With inflation taking bites out of vacation travel affordability year after year, this becomes an extremely wise and fiscally responsible decision for frequent travelers looking to know what to expect from their vacation time and its quality. For timeshare rental, you can reach out to Bon Voyage Timeshare. They offer Marriott timeshare at discounted rates
In a nutshell, Marriott's Newport Coast Villas offers extreme luxury and ease of your stay in Newport Beach. Add in the prime location, luxurious accommodations, and the benefits of Marriott Vacation Club ownership, and it is easily understood why these villas are high on the list of vacation enhancements. 
Whether considering a one-time getaway or making a long-term investment in vacation ownership, Marriott's Newport Coast Villas offer a full-abandon opportunity to indulge in the best of California and Marriott.
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Aqaba Jordan Tourism: Dive into Adventure in the Red Sea Paradise
Aqaba, Jordan's crown jewel on the Red Sea, beckons travelers seeking a perfect blend of cultural immersion, underwater exploration, and pure relaxation.  As Jordan's تنها (wahida - only) coastal city, Aqaba boasts a rich history, vibrant coral reefs, and modern amenities, making it a must-visit destination.
Unforgettable Experiences in Aqaba:
* Dive into a kaleidoscope of marine life:  The Red Sea is legendary for its snorkeling and diving opportunities. Aqaba Marine Park, a protected haven, offers 19 dive sites teeming with over 450 fish species and 127 coral formations. Explore the famed Japanese Garden and swim alongside captivating turtles.
* Explore the historic Aqaba Castle:  Dating back to the 16th century, this Mamluk Fort played a pivotal role in the Arab Revolt.  Learn about its fascinating past and marvel at the panoramic Red Sea vistas.
* Unwind at a beach club: After a day of exploration, unwind at one of Aqaba's luxurious beach clubs. Berenice Beach Club and B12 Beach Club at Ayla offer plush amenities and a chance to soak up the Jordanian sunshine.
* Go on a cultural expedition:  Immerse yourself in the local way of life at the Aqaba souk, a bustling marketplace where you can find everything from spices to handcrafted souvenirs. Explore the remnants of the ancient Islamic city of Ayla, offering a glimpse into Jordan's rich past.
* Make a splash at Saraya Aqaba Water Park:  Indulge in family fun at Saraya Aqaba Water Park, Jordan's largest. With over 25 water slides themed around Jordan's iconic landmarks, it promises an unforgettable experience.
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Beyond Aqaba:
Aqaba serves as a perfect gateway to Jordan's other treasures.  Consider embarking on a day trip to the captivating rose-red city of Petra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, or experience the Martian landscapes of Wadi Rum.
Planning Your Aqaba Adventure:
Spring (March-May) and Autumn (September-November) offer pleasant weather for exploration. With direct flights to King Hussein International Airport from various locations, Aqaba is easily accessible. Renting a car provides ultimate flexibility for exploring the region.
How Long to Stay?
While Aqaba offers year-round sunshine and stunning beaches, 2-3 days is ideal to experience its highlights.
Ready to Dive into Aqaba's Magic?
Book your dream Aqaba Jordan tourism with Wonders Travel and Tourism!  Our expert travel consultants will craft a personalized itinerary to ensure an unforgettable experience. Let's explore the wonders of Aqaba together!
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realestaters · 5 months
DLF Villa Reis Magos Goa | Premium Residences
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DLF Villa Reis Magos Goa is a better way to experience this tropical haven than through proudly owning your very personal luxury villa. DLF Properties is a renowned call in Indian real estate that guarantees an extraordinary residing experience amidst the fascinating beauty of North Goa.
A Prime Location inside the Enchanting North Goa
It is a residential township located inside the picturesque village of Reis Magos, in North Goa. This housing project by using DLF, a renowned actual estate developer, is situated in a prime region that offers top-notch connectivity to various elements of Goa and the past.
Connectivity to Major Landmarks:
Proximity to Panaji City: DLF Villa is approximately 8 kilometers from Panaji, the capital town of Goa. Panaji is effortlessly accessible through the NH-66 (formerly referred to as NH-17), which is the principal dual carriageway connecting Goa to different states.
Nearby Beaches: The township is with ease located close to some of the famous seashores of Goa. The popular Candolim Beach is simply 4 kilometers away, at the same time as the enduring Calangute Beach and Baga Beach are within 6-7 kilometers of the township.
Accessibility to Airports: The Dabolim International Airport, which serves each home and worldwide flight, is approximately 25 kilometers from DLF Reis Magos Goa. This airport connectivity makes it convenient for residents to journey to different components of India and abroad.
Road Connectivity:
National Highway: It enjoys tremendous street connectivity through the NH-66, which runs alongside the western coast of India. This toll road gives direct easy to the most important cities like Mumbai, Bengaluru, and Mangalore.
State Highways: The township is well-connected to other components of Goa through several state highways, along with the Goa-Belagavi Highway (SH-4) and the Goa-Belgaum Highway (SH-1).
Internal Road Network: Within the township, DLF has evolved a nicely deliberate inner avenue network, making sure of clean and convenient movement for residents.
Beyond Location: A Haven of Luxury and Comfort
DLF Reis Magos Villa is going beyond just a top location. The project itself is a haven of luxury and comfort, designed to fulfill each choice. Here is what awaits you:
Exquisite Villas: It gives a choice of perfectly designed villas, ranging from spacious 2 and 3-BHK configurations to palatial 4 and 5-BHK options. Each villa is designed with interest in detail, featuring current architecture, ample herbal light, and stunning perspectives.
World-Class Amenities: Immerse yourself in a global of luxuries with lots of amenities at your disposal. Take a fresh dip in the glowing swimming pool, rejuvenate in the spa, or work out at the modern health club. It additionally boasts a clubhouse, ideal for hosting gatherings or honestly relaxing with a circle of relatives and pals.
Security: Your protection and protection are paramount. It gives 24/7 security with skilled personnel and superior surveillance systems, ensuring peace of mind for you and your family.
Invest in Your Dream Lifestyle
Owning a villa at DLF Villa Reis Magos Goa is an investment in your dream way of life. Imagine waking up to the sounds of the waves, spending your days exploring hidden coves, and relaxing in the lap of luxury. 
High-Growth Potential: North Goa is a famous vacation destination, giving your villa the ability to supply rental profits.
A Renowned Developer: DLF Properties is a depended-on name in the Indian actual estate marketplace, recognised for its quality creation and dedication to excellence.
Embrace the Goa Dream 
DLF Villa Reis Magos in Goa offers a unique possibility to a person a bit of paradise. If you are longing for an existence full of luxury, serenity, and the captivating allure of Goa, this project is the best solution. With its top location, unequaled amenities, and fantastic design, it is your gateway to a life less normal.
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petergibson879748 · 6 months
From Beaches to Batteries: Exploring the Market for Used Teslas in Orange County
Orange County, known for its picturesque beaches and affluent communities, is also a hotspot for electric vehicles, particularly Teslas. If you're considering purchasing a used Tesla in Orange County, you're in for an exciting journey. In this guide, we'll delve into the vibrant market for used Teslas in Orange County, providing insights and tips to help you navigate your search effectively and find the perfect electric ride to complement the sunny OC lifestyle.
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Understanding the Appeal
Before diving into the market for used Teslas in Orange County, it's essential to understand why these electric vehicles hold such appeal in this region. Orange County residents often prioritize environmental consciousness, technological innovation, and luxury lifestyles, all of which are embodied by Tesla vehicles. Additionally, the county's well-developed charging infrastructure and favorable climate for electric driving make Teslas a practical and desirable choice for many residents.
Researching Tesla Models
The first step in exploring the market for used Teslas in Orange County is to research the available models. Tesla offers a diverse lineup, including the Model S, Model 3, Model X, and Model Y, each catering to different preferences and needs. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the specifications, features, and price ranges of each model to determine which best aligns with your lifestyle and budget.
Exploring Online Platforms
Online platforms such as Craigslist, Autotrader, and specialized electric vehicle marketplaces are excellent resources for finding to used Tesla for sale in Orange County. These platforms host a wide selection of listings from private sellers and dealerships, allowing you to browse through various models, trim levels, and price points. Utilize search filters to narrow down your options based on factors such as mileage, year, and price range.
Visiting Dealerships and Showrooms
Another avenue for finding used Teslas in Orange County is to visit local dealerships and Tesla showrooms. Dealerships often carry certified pre-owned Tesla vehicles that have undergone thorough inspections and come with additional warranties and benefits. Visiting showrooms provides an opportunity to explore the latest Tesla models, speak with knowledgeable staff members, and schedule test drives to experience the vehicles firsthand.
Attending Electric Vehicle Events
Orange County hosts various electric vehicle events and gatherings throughout the year, providing opportunities to connect with fellow EV enthusiasts and discover used Teslas for sale. Attend events such as car shows, test-drive events, and meetups organized by local EV clubs and organizations. Networking with other electric vehicle owners and enthusiasts may lead to valuable insights, recommendations, and even potential leads on used Tesla listings.
Utilizing Social Media and Forums
Social media platforms and online forums dedicated to electric vehicles are valuable resources for finding used Teslas in Orange County. Join Facebook groups, Reddit communities, and specialized forums where Tesla owners and enthusiasts share information, tips, and listings for used vehicles. Engage with the community, ask questions, and keep an eye out for posts about used Tesla listings in Orange County.
Considering Lease Transfers
If you're open to leasing a Tesla rather than purchasing outright, lease transfers can be a convenient option. Many Tesla lessees in Orange County may be looking to transfer their leases to new owners, offering an opportunity to take over the remaining lease term and payments. Explore websites and platforms specializing in lease transfers, such as LeaseTrader and Swapalease, to find available Tesla lease listings in Orange County.
Inspecting and Test Driving
Before finalizing the purchase of a used Tesla in Orange County, it's crucial to inspect the vehicle thoroughly and schedule a test drive to assess its condition and performance. Pay attention to factors such as exterior and interior quality, battery health, driving dynamics, and functionality of tech features. If possible, enlist the help of a trusted mechanic or Tesla-certified technician to conduct a pre-purchase inspection for added peace of mind.
Negotiating the Purchase
Once you've found the perfect used Tesla in Orange County, it's time to negotiate the purchase price. Research comparable listings and market trends to determine a fair offer, taking into account factors such as vehicle condition, mileage, and optional features. Be prepared to negotiate with the seller or dealership to reach a mutually agreeable price. Don't hesitate to walk away if the terms are not favorable or if there are unresolved concerns about the vehicle's condition.
The market for used Teslas in Orange County offers a plethora of options for savvy buyers looking to embrace the electric revolution. By understanding the appeal of Teslas in the region, researching Tesla models, exploring online platforms, visiting dealerships and showrooms, attending electric vehicle events, utilizing social media and forums, considering lease transfers, inspecting and test driving vehicles, and negotiating the purchase, you can navigate the market with confidence and find the perfect used Tesla to complement your Orange County lifestyle. Whether you're cruising along the coast or navigating the bustling streets, a used Tesla in Orange County is sure to electrify your driving experience.
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Embracing Paradise: A 7-Day Bali Tour Package - Exploring Kuta, Seminyak, Nusa Penida, and Gili Islands
Welcome to a week-long vacation on the enchanted Indonesian island of Bali, where stunning scenery, unspoiled beaches, and cultural treasures join together to create an experience that will never be forgotten. Experience the exuberant energy of Kuta, the sophisticated charm of Seminyak, the breathtaking beauty of Nusa Penida, and the serene enchantment of the Gili Islands with our painstakingly designed 7-day Bali travel package. Prepare for an experience that combines leisure, exploration, and acquiring knowledge about different cultures.
Day 1-2: Exploring Kuta, Bali's Heartbeat
Going: Kuta's Sun, Surf, and Sand
1: Welcome and Initial Thoughts
2:A Relaxed Walk on Kuta Beach
3: Investigating the Art Market in Kuta
Discover the vibrant vibe of Kuta, which is well-known for its golden beaches and busy marketplaces. After arriving, unwind in the sun at Kuta Beach, where the sound of the breaking waves creates the ideal ambience for your trip around Bali. Explore the Kuta Art Market, a haven for handcrafted goods from the area and unusual souvenirs. Take in the colorful vibrancy of Kuta's nightlife and indulge in mouthwatering Balinese food at eateries along the beach.
Day 3–4: Seminyak, Where Elegance Meets Calm
Heading: Seminyak's Calm Elegance
1: The Elegant Boutiques and Cafés of Seminyak
2. Bliss by the Seaside at Petitenget Temple
3: Fine Dining and Sunset Cocktails
Make your way to Seminyak, an affluent neighborhood renowned for its chic beach clubs, fashionable stores, and hip cafés. Savor a little retail therapy on Oberoi Street and find peace at the seaside Petitenget Temple. After enjoying cocktails at renowned beach clubs as the sun sets, take in Seminyak's varied dining scene for a culinary adventure.
Day 5: A Day in Paradise on Nusa Penida
A Day Visit to the Natural Wonders of Nusa Penida
1.Travel by speedboat to Nusa Penida
2. Kelingking Beach: Bali's T-Rex
3. The Snorkeling Experience at Crystal Bay
Take a day excursion to the idyllic island of Nusa Penida, which is located off the coast of Bali. Admire the magnificent Kelingking Beach, which is sometimes referred to as the T-Rex of Bali because of its unusual rock structure. Take a spectacular snorkeling excursion in Crystal Bay's glistening clean waters, where you may see a variety of marine life and vivid coral reefs.
Day 6-7: Peace and Quiet on the Gili Islands
Traveling to Gili: A tranquil island getaway
1.Gili Trawangan, the Island of Calm Retreats
2: Gili Meno's Underwater Wonders
3: Gili Air Sunset Horseback Riding
Finish your Bali vacation package with a tranquil getaway to the Gili Islands. Enjoy the easygoing vibe of Gili Trawangan, unwind on immaculate beaches, and savor delectable cuisine. Snorkeling and diving are great ways to discover Gili Meno's underwater treasures. Take a breathtaking sunset horseback ride around Gili Air's coastline to round off your adventure.
As your seven-day journey of Bali draws to a close, consider the various encounters that have combined to form a rich tapestry of memories. Bali provides the ideal combination of adventure, leisure, and cultural immersion, from the energetic streets of Kuta to the sophisticated elegance of Seminyak, the natural wonders of Nusa Penida, and the serene beauty of the Gili Islands. This painstakingly planned trip package invites visitors to experience Bali's charm and leaves them with a deep appreciation for the island's diverse array of sights, sounds, and flavors.
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