#Be totally GNC or be the most stereotypically masculine/feminine presenting man/woman possible
bisexualseraphim · 11 months
Adore Delano: *gets Facial Feminisation Surgery to reduce her dysphoria, pass as a woman better and feel more confident*
Radfems who revolve womanhood around producing large gametes and not much else: Erm isn’t it kind of misogynistic to suggest that women look a certain way? 🤨 Isn’t it transphobic to suggest that you don’t already look like a woman simply because you identify as one? You disgusting hairy he/him moid everyone can tell what you are you’re not fooling anyone GET OUT OF OUR BATHROOMS PERVERT! Aren’t you upholding toxic feminine beauty standards by trying to look more feminine? I hate gendered beauty standards and I hate the term “Facial Feminisation Surgery” and this is all trans women’s fault somehow. Aren’t you freaks the ones who want to abolish gender entirely? If you wear makeup you are personally solely responsible for the patriarchy’s existence. Haven’t you ever thought about how you being trans and transitioning affects ME. You’re obviously so insecure while I, clearly, am not whatsoever
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What’s the difference between gender non conforming and being non binary? Why is gnc not trans but being non-binary is (i think)? They honestly feel like the same thing to me. Sorry if this is rude.
Lee says:
Yes, being non-binary falls under the trans umbrella being being gender non-conforming does not.
Being gender non-conforming means you don’t fit into the stereotypes of what someone of your gender looks like, behaves like, or is interested in.
Here’s an example- I have a friend who is a cisgender (non-trans) man who likes to wear dresses. He’s gender non-conforming because he presents himself in a way that’s typically seen as feminine, but he still identifies as a man so he is not non-binary just because he likes wearing dresses. 
Similarly, a woman can feel like she’s really masculine, enjoy typically masculine hobbies and clothing and haircuts and be totally gender non-conforming but still identify as a woman. So there are cisgender (and transgender) people who are gender non-conforming and it doesn’t necessarily make them non-binary.
A non-binary person is someone who doesn’t identify as 100% male or 100% female 100% of the time. There are lots of different non-binary identities, but being non-binary doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with your gender expression. Some non-binary people look like men, some look like women, and some look androgynous, and there’s plenty of nb folk who are somewhere in between. Being non-binary is about what you feel your gender identity is.
It’s possible that for you personally, you can’t entirely untangle or seperate being GNC and being NB in your own identity, and that’s a normal and valid experience for NB folks.
There can definitely be a big overlap between being gender non-conforming and being non-binary, and many if not most non-binary people would also consider themselves to be GNC, but that doesn’t mean the two words are synonyms. 
Related links:
The genderbread person
Separating Out Gender Identity from Gender Expression
What is gender expression?
10 myths about nonbinary people that it’s time to unlearn
What Does It Mean to Identify as Nonbinary?
Too Queer for Your Binary: Everything You Need to Know and More About Non-Binary Identities
Genderqueer/Nonbinary 101
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