#Battle of Issos
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Oi! Vi que esta tendo um machup event e quis participar, peço alguém de jjba porfavor
Eu tenho cabelo marrom com raccoon stripes (tipo os pelos de um guaxinim, meu cabelo é marrom e tem essas mechas laranjas :p) meus olhos são cor de mel, eu tenho sardas e tenho uma cicatriz na parte de cima do meu lábio esquerdo :p meus dentes são amarelos (uma insegurança minha tbm)
Eu sou bem agitada, tenho hiperatividade e ansiedade, as vezes me controlo por causa de remédio, mas enfim
Sou bisexual!
Gosto muito de jogos, metal, rock, anime, RPG, marvel, dc :D
Eu sou mestre em um RPG, e sou programadora :D
Se não quiser responder tudo bem :D
Oláaa anon, você foi a primeira a contratar meus serviços de cupido! Lendo suas características eu confesso que ao todo pensei em 4 combinações. No entanto, em minha opinião, a melhor escolha foi...
Joseph Joestar!!
Ele foi a minha segunda escolha para seu par, no entanto, depois de ler suas características eu tinha que escolher ele!
Ele com certeza te chamaria de guaxinim por causa do seu cabelo e, em qualquer momento que pudesse, ele ficaria enrolando sua mecha em seu dedo!
Não estranhe se algum dia você acordar com uma máscara preta em seus olhos e ver Joseph te encarando com um sorrisinho diabólico e segurando uma câmera.
Ele com certeza faz isso pra te provocar, mas essa é apenas a linguagem de amor dele.
Isso é segredo mas ele guardaria essa foto na carteira dele para ele sempre ver seu rostinho quando sentisse sua falta—
Se caso algum dia você falasse pra ele sobre a sua insegurança com seus dentes, ele apenas te responderia com algum elogio, sabe? Esse foi o diálogo que pensei: "Sabe Jojo, eu não gosto dos meus dentes, eles são tão feios e—" "E daí? Você ainda continua sendo uma puta de uma gostosa, minha tchutchuquinha." "...Por que eu ainda conto essas coisas pra você?"
Mas apesar de ele ser um completo idiota de 1,95 cm, ele também pode ser sério quando precisa ser.
Um exemplo é nos momentos em que você se sentir mal ou ansiosa. Eu imagino que ele ficaria preocupado e tentaria fazer alguma palhaçada pra você rir ou se animar um pouco.
Mas caso isso não resolvesse, ele apenas te abraçaria e te aqueceria entre os braços dele, como se os usasse de escudo pra te proteger das crueldades do mundo.
Acho que seria um dos poucos momentos em que ele ficaria quieto, para caso você quisesse desabafar com ele. Mas se você não quisesse, ele só ficaria acariciando seus cabelos enquanto apoia o queixo no topo de sua cabeça.
Em uma modern AU, você dois veriam filmes ou leriam quadrinhos da DC ou Marvel juntos, afinal, ele também tem esse lado nerd e ele adoraria o fato de você ter também!
Pros eventos de animes vocês iriam com fantasias dos seus heróis favoritos, e nada me tira da cabeça que ele iria ou de Super-Homem ou Homem de Ferro!
Ele com certeza também gostaria de ouvir rock com você! (Só cuidado se tocar alguma música da banda ACDC ou The Cars)
Você é uma mestre no RPG? Joseph com certeza burlaria isso! Sabemos que ele tem algumas cartas nas mangas quando luta com inimigos, e isso não é diferente nos jogos!
Ele com certeza esconderia peças, cartas e manipularia o jogo ao favor dele, e com certeza ele teria um sorriso do tipo "Haha, esse jogo já está no papo."
E quando ele descobrisse que você é programadora, ele com certeza se aproveitaria disso. Como? Ele te pediria pra programar alguma coisa no computador do Caesar, algo pra zoar com a cara dele.
Eu não sei se isso é possível pois meu conhecimento pra programação é nulo, mas só imaginei em um belo dia o Caesar indo abrir seu notebook pra fazer algum trabalho e no momento que o computador liga uma voz diz "IH, alá o gay!!".
A cara do Caesar seria impagável, e se Joseph visse ele com certeza já estaria montando o casamento de vocês porque, a partir daquele momento, você já foi considerada sua parceira de crime pelo resto da vida.
#jjba#jojo#jojos bizarre adventure#jojo no kimyou na bouken#post in portuguese#jjba x you#jjba matchup#matchups#matchup event#jojo's bizarre adventure#thanks for the ask!#eu amei fazer isso#joseph joestar#JJBA#jojo bizarre adventure#battle tendency#jjba part 2#jojos bizzare adventure
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I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF + i shoud give him pants...
#eraser bfdi#battle for dream island#fanart#drawing#WHY THIS ISSO GOOD?!?!#JuuhNineSeconds#osc#osc art
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ELA RIU DESDENHOSA, OS BRAÇOS SE CRUZANDO DE NOVO - pensou nas duas garotas que se sentiam pequenas demais para o mundo e achavam consolo uma na outra e isto tornou sua resposta ainda mais melancólica. ❛ você não seria nada sem seus poderes. ❜ e engoliu o ' vaca ' do final, humedecendo os lábios e voltando sua cabeça previamente inclinada para a outra. devia admitir ao menos que com o dom, não havia melhor que kiraz - ou ' kitty terremoto ' , embora não tivesse mais graça. ela tinha mestrado o que podia fazer de forma que nem mesmo beatrice conseguiu, seus surtos de raiva sempre a lembrando que era uma guerreira mesmo quando em fúria, mas apenas isto.
franziu o cenho quando a antiga amiga se aproximou, recusando-se a pisar para trás em pura provocação - mas não esperava o que veio a seguir. ❛ ah ! ❜ emitiu, antes que pudesse se impedir, o pescoço torcendo com o puxão em suas madeixas sedosas. pois bem, se ela queria fazer uma reencenação do passado - iria participar. com isto em mente, descruzou os braços e levou sua palma até o couro da filha de hades, seus dígitos se agarrando firmemente a uma boa parte dos fios lisos e também puxou até que fosse a outra a inclinar a cabeça para o lado. ❛ larga agora. ❜ tinha um tom de finalidade em sua voz, mas ela realmente se lembrou de quando faziam isso quando crianças, o simples sorriso da outra sendo o suficiente para fazê-la esquecer do golpe baixo. mas agora, estavam as duas na lama de sua adolescência. ❛ solta, sua vaca leiteira. ❜ puxou de novo, mais leve dessa vez, porém ainda em aviso.
Beatrice se levantou e Kitty se preparou para outro golpe que não veio. "Eu gosto quando as pessoas pensam que eu sou uma fraco, é bom ser subestimada. Posso sempre surpreender." Era a desculpa perfeita, embora Beatrice estivesse certa; era mesmo uma fracote. Sempre tinha sido. Demorou até aprender a segurar uma espada de maneira adequada, ajustar a armadura ou desferir um soco. Apoiava-se na habilidade de mover o solo ou em como as pétalas se transformavam em mãos. Se dependesse apenas de seu físico, estaria perdida. E ali, em frente a Beatrice, sentia-se perdida de fato. Sempre que estava com ela, sentia-se confrontando o passado e engolindo tristeza, que se acumulavam e pesavam de forma incômoda no âmago. Sabia que um dia poderia explodir, expelindo tristeza e desculpas para todos os lados, apenas para tê-la por perto de novo. "Quer mesmo brigar comigo?" Indagou, resistindo a tentação de adicionar um outro vaca ao final de sua sentença. "Você lembra disso..." Começou a falar ao se aproximar, tomando uma mecha do cabelo da outra para dar um puxão. Não muito forte, apenas o suficiente para relembrar os velhos tempos, quando Kitty se vingava de suas derrotas para ela dando-lhe um puxão de cabelo. Sempre tinha sido infantil, um tanto mesquinha, embora se desculpasse depois com chocolates e sorrisos, permitindo-se novamente uma derrota para Bee. "Você me chutou, então eu posso fazer isso." Resmungou, pensando se dava outro puxão ou deixava ir os fios escuros.
#› the battle between girlhood and godhood ‹ threads.#ft. kitty !#VELHO O TANTO QUE EU TO RINDO#MEUS AMORES#ISSO SIM ÉH ROMANCE GENTE#TAKE NOTES
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"why not join me instead?" akechi's "invitation" in conf 7
People come and go on whether this question of Akechi's is genuine or not. Opinions run the gamut from "I hate him for trying to take you away from your friends" to "Akechi wants Joker to be his accomplice".
Myself, I don't think Akechi means this as a serious question, for a number of reasons. I think this question is rhetorical.
Quick summary:
Conf 7 illustrates the similarity between Joker and Akechi, and that they're both committed to the showdown between them;
Rather than being an invitation, Akechi's question again illustrates that parallel—that neither of them will give up the things that matter to them to join the other, as Joker has asked him to do;
"I'll think about it" does not count towards the third awakening—and I can prove it. Rather, Akechi can't conceive that Joker would ever abandon his friends, and uses it as an outrageous example of something Joker would never do;
Joker's loyalty not only to his principles but to his friends is something Akechi values so much that he won't let Joker sacrifice it;
Akechi is not so much offering Joker a way out in conf 7 (there is no way out) as he's confirming for his own sake that Joker is still in the game. Is this still a battle between rivals, or is it an execution?
Let's take a look.
what is akechi really asking?
[long post is long]
Look at this line. Look at the question he's posing:
Akechi いっそ君がこっちに来るってのは?⋯今の仲間を捨ててさ。 isso kimi ga kocchi ni kuru tte no wa?... ima no nakama o sutete sa Why not join me instead...? All you'd have to do is abandon the teammates you have now.
It's very easy to focus on the first half of this question and miss the second. But that second half is the important part, the sting in the tail. The Japanese is a great example of wa building suspense: "Instead, what if you come over to my side, (AND THEN WHAT, AKECHI???????)"
The sentence is left hanging, with the weight of it unspoken (since wa emphasises what comes after it); Akechi is obviously not done speaking. And indeed, when he continues, it's a doozy:
"though, of course, you'd have to dump the friends you have now." (Yes, I think "friends" is often a much better translation of nakama than "teammates", fight me; it's even often translated as "friend" in P5 itself, or indeed, awkwardly, as "teammates and friends".)
Akechi is using the same verb, suteru, that you use for tossing something in the trash; the parallel meaning, "ending a relationship", exists in Japanese too.
Ryuji, Morgana, Ann, Yusuke, Makoto, Futaba, Haru, everything you've all gone through together and everything you've been—Akechi is suggesting you toss them aside like garbage. For him.
Now, I think part of Akechi would very much like Joker to do that. But he also knows better than to expect it. Because he knows Joker so much better than that.
Akechi has seen firsthand how loyal Joker is to his friends—remember on 1/2 how he says he investigated them all? He's seen some of the things Joker will do for them. He expects that blind faith to lead Joker to his death, much as Yaldabaoth does. But he also respects it.
This boy who's never had a friend, who's convinced himself the whole idea is stupid, is still drawn to the loyalty he sees in Joker. Even as he's preparing his own ultimate betrayal, Akechi recognises Joker's commitment to others. He understands treachery is bad, even though he himself is a traitor—just as he understands that murder is bad, and that doesn't stop him, either.
This question of whether or not Joker will betray his friends (and Akechi specifically) comes back on 2/2, of course—and in force.
so why does he ask
Akechi is not proposing that the two of them run off together. He's not asking to see what Joker will say. He doesn't impulsively make the invitation, and then run away when Joker says yes. He is, in fact, not even asking. He poses the idea of Joker abandoning all his friends as a counterexample. It's supposed to be something Joker would never consider, something he will find morally repugnant.
Which is why, if Joker says yes, Akechi is shocked, and essentially tells Joker not to make such stupid spur-of-the-moment decisions. Akechi is making a rhetorical point about what Joker is asking of him.
Remember Joker's statement that leads into Akechi's question:
Yeah. Joker either suggests that Akechi should give up everything he's doing and everything he believes in (even as Akechi confabulates about what those things really are), or he suggests, with the top option, that he's already done it.
And in return, Akechi says that Joker should join him... and throw away his friends and everything he's working for and everything he believes in, of course.
It's the second response to his question, where Joker turns him down flat, that makes it most obvious that this was what Akechi meant:
Joker それは無理だ sore wa muri da I'm not doing that. No way in hell. Akechi だろうね。 darou ne I thought as much. Akechi 分かるだろ、誰だって今の立場を簡単に捨てられやしないんだよ wakaru daro, dare datte ima no tachiba o kantan ni suterare yashinai n da yo I'm sure you understand. We all have our parts to play, and we can't simply leave those behind.
See what he's saying? ima no tachiba o kantan ni suterare yashinai—"we absolutely must not lightly set aside the positions we hold now".
Incidentally, yes, that's that same verb suteru that he used before, for casting aside or throwing away. Akechi is drawing a parallel between Joker's friends and his own goals—between the things each of them holds most dear, which neither of them will sacrifice, even to save the other. (Assuming you think Akechi would even be down to save Joker—but I do think conf 7 suggests that at this point, he might not be opposed to the possibility. It's just that it doesn't exist.)
the phone call
This parallel returns in the phone call afterwards, if you again tell him that you're rivals:
It's a little hard to tell from the localisation what Akechi is getting at, so let's take a close look:
Akechi 僕らにはお互い譲れないものがあって、そのためにも負けられない。 bokura ni wa otagai yuzurenai mono ga atte, sono tame ni mo makerarenai [lit. for both of us, these are things we cannot compromise on, and because of those things we cannot suffer losing.] Neither of us can afford to lose, because we fight in service of our principles. It's the same for both of us. Neither of us can afford to lose, because of these principles we won't concede. Akechi ⋯だからこそ、もしも君が自分を曲げたりしたら絶対に赦さないよ。 ... dakara koso, moshi mo kimi ga jibun o megetari shitara zettai ni yurusanai yo [lit. that's exactly why, if you were to warp yourself [that way], I would absolutely never let such a sin (t/n: note the kanji) pass.] And that is precisely why... I cannot allow you to change. ... And that's precisely why, if you betrayed yourself that way... I couldn't allow it. Akechi だって、僕が負けたくないのは『君』なんだから。 datte, boku ga maketakunai no wa "kimi" nan da kara [lit. it's you as you are now who I do not want to lose to.] As you are now, as you think now... I cannot allow you to win over me. The person you are now, with those principles, and that determination—that's the one I won't ever allow to beat me.
Here's my attempt at a translation again, so you can see it all together:
Akechi: It's the same for both of us. Neither of us can afford to lose, because of these things we won't concede. Akechi: ...And that's precisely why, if you betrayed yourself that way... I couldn't allow it. Akechi: The person you are now, with those principles, and that determination—that's the one I won't ever allow to beat me.
It turns out that this phone conversation, that was originally quite mystical-sounding and hard to follow (what were you trying to say, Akechi?) is quite straightforward. It ties into to his original question. "Will I join you, Joker? Well, what if you join me instead? Just throw away all your little friends for my sake? Of course you won't—because we're the same. Both of us have things we can't give up, no matter what—and if you tried to do that, I wouldn't let you, because I value you as you are...."
This parallel between the two of them is what conf 7 is about, from the text message that opens it to the phone call that concludes it:
It's the same thing again: neither of you can afford to lose, because you're fighting for your principles. The billiard table is the stage for this wider discussion.
The billiard scene, of course, is interesting for another reason—Akechi is giving Joker a chance to back out; he's testing his commitment, and perhaps hinting that he never intended to be quite where he is, either. He states at the outset that he's being indirect, that what he's saying is a metaphor—and then closes that metaphor with a very direct question: "Do you still intend to play this game?"
Akechi それでも君は、このゲームを降りる気はないの? sore demo kimi wa, kono geemu o oriru ki wa nai no? Even then... do you still intend to play this game? But despite all of that, you still won't fold, will you?
The Japanese is even more specific: Akechi asks Joker if he intends to fold—not whether he still wants to play, but whether he means to give up entirely! "This can't be what you expected, so how about it? Will you just give up? Does this mean as much to you as it does to me? Is this a game we both choose to play, or are you just a victim?"
How much of this is Akechi blowing smoke up his own ass?—casting the fact that he's about to murder the boy in front of him in a glowing, romantic light? Pretty much all of it, I'd say. He's dreamed of having a rival, someone to compete with who challenges him, but what he's got is quite a bit more than that.
Again, the rival imagery is what allows Akechi not only to accept this close relationship, but to frame it as a life-or-death contest that only one of them can win. It confirms to him that what Lavenza describes as "a truly unfair game" is actually fair. It's about making Joker's murder seem as much Joker's fault as his own.
but what happens if you say yes?
Despite all of this, you can choose to have Joker consider Akechi's "offer"—to discard Ryuji, Morgana, Ann, Yusuke, Makoto, Futaba and Haru like trash, and assist Akechi instead. It's tempting, I know.
I don't personally get the impression that Akechi likes this response, for a number of reasons. None of the three responses to his offer score confidant points, but there's something else in play: only one of these responses unlocks his third awakening.
See the F code highlighted in yellow? Only one of these three responses has it. "You're my rival" counts towards the third awakening. Rejecting him, with "I'm not doing that", does not—but more to the point, offering to be with him, with "I'll think about it", also does not!
The issue is confused because a number of us have taken option 1 (or indeed option 2, like me) and still got the third awakening on 2/2. It seems like you need some of the flagged responses, not all of them. But it remains the case that "I'll think about it" does not make Akechi more likely to have his third awakening.
What happens if you take this option?
Joker 考えておく kangaete oku I'll think about it. Akechi へえ、考えてはくれるんだ? hee, kangaete wa kureru n da? Oh? So you'll think about it, at least? What? You mean you'll consider it? Akechi ⋯でも、そういうその場限りの情はやめた方がいい。 ...demo, sou iu sono ba kagiri no jou wa yameta hou ga ii ...But I'd advise you don't say these things without their due consideration. ... Still, it would be better if you didn't trust such fleeting sentiments. Akechi 出来もしない約束はするものじゃないよ。 deki mo shinai yakusoku wa suru mono ja nai yo You shouldn't make promises that you can't keep, anyway. Don't be the sort who promises the earth and walks away.
A few grammar points:
んだ n da on a question demands an explanation; Akechi's question could almost be rendered "Why on earth would you need/want to think about it?"
そういうその場限りの情 sou iu sono ba kagiri no jou—"sentiments that only matter here and now". Essentially, "sentiments that won't last"—or that are makeshift or ad hoc; Joker is making a stupid spur-of-the-moment decision.
yes, 出来もしない約束 deki mo shinai yakusoku translates idiomatically as "promising the earth". The point is not that Joker should not promise; the point is that he shouldn't be the sort of person who promises so much—and then doesn't follow through.
Again, this confidant is all about Akechi's expectations for Joker. It's about the weird belief he has in him, like the belief he has in Shido—that Joker has principles and friends and will stand by them, that those things are important and matter, even if they're diametrically opposed to Akechi's principles and the things he wants.
The fact that they foil each other in this way is a large part of what makes Joker such a worthy opponent for Akechi. So if Joker turns around and says, sure, Akechi, I'll dump all my friends so we can make out?
Akechi does not like that. He thinks better of him!—he loses respect if Joker offers this. Even if that little line about "promising the earth" suggests that, actually, yeah, he would quite like for the two of them to run away together—if only they lived in a world where it was possible.
what about "you're my rival"?
I've discussed this line before, but let's go into it for completeness.
Joker 明智は好敵手だ akechi wa koutekishu da You're my rival. Nah, you're my worthy opponent.
Do you see that Joker names Akechi there? He doesn't just say, "we're worthy opponents", or even "you're my worthy opponent", koutekishu da yo.
No, he picks Akechi out by name, and then tells him exactly what they are to each other. Because wa builds suspense. Akechi wa... (what?! what is he?!) koutekishu da. "I can't run away with you, because I need you to be this to me instead".
And this is the line with the F-code. This is the line that, if you choose it, will build towards Akechi's third awakening—which is centred on his trust in Joker, on the fact that Joker is worthy of that trust.
And how does Akechi respond?
He's astonished. He did not expect this at all, look:
On the left, the top screenshot where he's waiting for your answer; in the centre, the moment of shock, where he's pulled away and dropped his hand and his eyes are wide; on the right, a comparative overlay just to demonstrate that he pulled back.
smiles that aren't smiles
I have a half-assed theory that you can tell when Akechi is really smiling—because the model will smile with him. If you watch, for instance, Ryuji, the model's expressions match the sprite's almost exactly. But if you watch Akechi? Nah, not so much.
Here's an example. Akechi appears to smile quite often through conf 7—but if you glance away from the sprite and textbox to the model, the model is pokerfaced. Five smile sprites on the optimal route through conf 7, and not one of them—not even "you truly are fascinating"—matches the model:
But when you pick "You're my rival"? Suddenly the model's face springs to life:
It's obvious from everything else that this moment is of deep significance to Akechi. But this little detail with the smiles suggests we can confirm it.
and what does he say?
It doesn't take long for him to pull himself together:
Akechi 同意だね、僕らにはなれ合いより対等な関係こそふさわしい。 doui da ne, bokura ni wa nareai yori taitouna kankei koso fusawashii I agree. I think a relationship of equals suits us better than being co-conspirators, anyway...
This is another one that I find unclear in the localisation, so let's have at it.
nareai suggests an illicit or unduly-close union. It suggests "being in bed together" in the business sense—cosying up, colluding, conspiring. It suggests they're working together when they shouldn't be. Jisho uses the screamingly-outdated term "common-law marriage" (what we call "living together") as an example. Essentially, it suggests they're too close—or even co-dependent, in a way that corrupts them both.
In short? Akechi's "co-conspirators", nareai, means "accomplices"—what we might call "murder boyfriends".
taitouna kankei—literally, "an equal relationship"—is a set phrase, and we know what it means. It suggests a relationship where nobody is being cheated; where everyone gets out what they put in. Where the two of them compete on equal terms.
That's a very Akechi way to look at relationships. But it's also a relationship where nobody is in charge; nobody is dominant, and everyone has self-respect. Nobody is chasing after anyone or sacrificing unduly, as either would be if they joined the other. Everyone can be who they are and say what they want. Everyone can say no.
It's the sort of relationship Akechi very notably does not have with Shido. Is it the sort of relationship he has with Joker, when the two of them are hiding so much from each other and lying so much, and there's so much, like, murder going on? Nah. But as an aspiration, as a suggestion of the sort of relationship Akechi would like them to have, alongside everything else he's told us about how he sees the two of them—as similar, as equals and opposites, as bound by their principles, as destined to fight—it's almost touching.
and what does joker think?
Akechi ⋯たとえこの先、何があろうともだ。 ...tatoe kono saki, nani ga arou tomo da ...No matter what else may change. ...No matter what might come next. Akechi それだけの事を言ったんだから、逃げないでよ? sore dake no koto o itta n da kara, nigenaide yo? In any case, what you just said carries great weight. Remember what you decided, and don't run from it. All right? [lit. don't run away just because of what [I/you] said, all right?]
I'm not sure about this. It feels like it should be referring back to Akechi's last line—"don't get cold feet and run away just because I alluded ominously to whatever's coming next, okay?". I guess it could be referring to Joker's commitment, with "You're my rival"? IDK, I'm out on this one, so I'm inclined to give the localisation the benefit of the doubt.
But it doesn't matter. Because the significance of what Joker does next doesn't change:
He nods. Akechi spends the whole confidant hinting that something ominous is coming, and that the two of them are heading to an inevitable confrontation, and Joker nods.
I don't think this is really consistent with interpretations where Joker is a meek little sheep in the interrogation room. Joker might not have chosen this, he might not have wanted it, he might have by far preferred to avoid it. He'd happily back out if Akechi would just drop the whole thing and agree to act sane. But he's committed to it. He agrees to fight.
Remember, conf 7 takes place after Joker hears the murder phone call. He knows what Akechi is. He knows what he's planning. He knows the stakes—and he agrees to play, to face Akechi down.
To quote @nardaviel, that's no sheep. That's a full-on "Phantom Thieves win again, motherfucker" smirk. Joker played Akechi's game, with everything he had—and he played to win.
#persona 5#p5 meta#japanese language#shuake#goro akechi#ren amamiya#almost the worst part of this is that akechi respecting joker for his loyalty tells you how little he respects himself#also! 'i'll think about it' CANNOT POSSIBLY unlock the third awakening#because the third awakening is *all about trust* and saying yes to akechi proves that you're a traitor#and that 'i won't forgive you if you betray your principles' on the phone? also 2/2. this is exactly what he does if you take the deal#also!! joker makes a third option to akechi's question with 'you're my rival' and this is what astonishes him besides the thing itself#also! (per leonawriter) the maruki deal ending is essentially the nareai relationship#where akira has all the power and akechi..? well#nobody is themself or choosing for themself#also as regards whether akechi is lying he proves himself through action#'i won't let you betray yourself' - he did that already if you tried to take the deal#ALSO? that 'megeru' for 'i won't let you depart from your principles comes back on 2/2#as joker's 'i won't fold'#and ofc it's ALSO akechi's 'you'd fold over...' that precedes that. it was set up in conf 7 if you took the rival route#so tldr it's plausible that 2/2 is as much akechi fighting for his vision of joker as for his right to die. help???#ALSO. did you wonder why it's *awakening* akechi who comes to leblanc? the one closer to you who believes in you more?#this is exactly why. awakening akechi has faith left in you to lose. non-awakening akechi already lost that faith. BYE
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Be a man! Man up! I heard this from my father for a long time. Hearing this is like hearing "be brave." Hearing be a man is like hearing "be strong." Being courageous and strong are necessities for a man to face life's challenges. The path of man is tortuous, it is not easy on his feet, it hurts, it causes pain. True virility resides in the objective that man has in building his strength, his muscles, his morale. This is necessary precisely because of the pain needed to be overcome. Be a man, be strong, be brave. Fight, work hard, be tough, smell your testosterone in the sweat that exudes from your body. Battle, face your enemies, face yourself, defeat your fragility and your weakness. Man up!
Seja homem! Ouvi isso do meu pai por muito tempo. Ouvir isso é como ouvir "seja corajoso". Ouvir seja homem é como ouvir "seja forte". Ser corajoso e forte são necessidades para um homem para enfrentar os desafios da vida. O caminho do homem é tortuoso, não é fácil para seus pés, machuca, causa dor. A verdadeira virilidade reside no objetivo que o homem tem em construir sua força, sua musculatura, sua moral. Isso é preciso justamente pela dor necessária para ser superada. Seja homem, seja forte, seja corajoso. Lute, trabalhe duro, seja durão, sinta o cheiro de sua testosterona no suor que exala de seu corpo. Batalhe, enfrente seus inimigos, enfrente a si mesmo, derrote sua fragilidade e sua fraqueza. Seja homem!
#manhood#manliness#virilidade#masculinidade#masculinity#muscle alpha#biceps#alpha bro#alpha mindset#manly mindset
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Shows or movies based on historic figures and events are hard to pull off if the goals are to be both entertaining and somewhat true to history. If we accept that some inaccuracies can't be avoided in order to appeal to audiences what would you consider cornerstones and pillars about Alexander and his history that can't/shouldn't be touched in order to paint a somewhat realistic picture in media based on him and his life?
How to Make a Responsible Movie or Documentary about Alexander
I saved this to answer around the time of the Netflix release. For me, there are four crucial areas, so I’ll break it down that way. Also. I recognize that the LENGTH of a production has somewhat to do with what can be covered.
But, first of all…what story is one telling? The story arc determines where the focus lies. Even documentaries have a story. It’s what provides coherence. Is it a political tale? A military one? Or personal? Also, what interpretation to take, not only for Alexander but those around him. Alexander is hugely controversial. It’s impossible to make everyone happy. So don't try. Pick an audience; aim for that audience.
Alexander had preternatural tactical skills. His strategy wasn’t as good, however, especially when younger. Tactics can be a genius gift (seeing patterns), but strategy requires experience and knowledge of the opposition. The further into his campaign, the more experience he gained, but the cultures became increasingly unfamiliar. He had ups and downs. He was able to get out of Baktria finally by marrying Roxana. That was strategy, not tactics. He beat Poros, then made a friend of him; that’s strategy. Yet he failed to understand the depth of the commitment to freedom among the autonomous tribes south along the Indus, which resulted in a bloody trek south. And his earlier decision to burn Persepolis meant he’d never fully reconcile the Persian elite.
So, it’s super important to emphasize his crazy-mad tactical gifts in all forms of combat, from pitched battles to skirmishes to sieges. Nobody in history ever equaled him except maybe Subatai, Genghis Khan’s leading general. In the end, I think that’s a lot of Alexander’s eternal fascination. He fought somewhere north of 250 battles, and lost none (where he was physically present).
But HOW to show that? What battles to put on screen? Oliver Stone combined three into one + Hydaspes because he had only 2-3.5 hours (depending on which cut you watch). The Netflix series is going to show all four of the major pitched battles…or at least all 3 for the 6-episode first part. They had circa 4.5 hours to play with, but they cut out other things, like Tyre.
Another issue, from the filming/storytelling point-of-view is how to distinguish Issos from Gaugamela for the casual viewer. They’re virtually identical in tactics (and players on the field). So it made a fair bit of sense to me for Stone to conflate them. In a documentary, it’s more important to separate them, largely to discuss the fall-out.
Some v. important clashes weren’t the Big Four. Among these, the sieges of Halikarnassos and Tyre are probably the most impressive. But the Aornos Rock in India was another amazing piece. I’d also include the bridging of the Indus River to illustrate the astonishing engineering employed. Again, if I had to pick between Halikarnassos and Tyre, I’d pick Tyre. I was a bit baffled by Netflix’s decision to show Halikarnassos instead, but I think it owed to an early error in the scripts, where they had Memnon die there. I corrected that, but they’d already mapped out the beats of the episodes, so they just kept Halikarnassos. That’s fine; it was a major operation, just not his most famous siege.
Last, I really wish somebody, someday, will do something with his Balkan campaigns. What he did in Thrace and Illyria, at just 21, showed his iron backbone and quick thinking. It’d make a great “and the military genius is born” set-up, drama wise. But you could use the Sogdian Rock to show the clever streak, at least (“Find men who can fly” … “I did; look up.” Ha) Plus it has the advantage of being where he (maybe) found Roxana.
Last, he fought extremely well--wasn't just good at tactics. Being a good general doesn’t necessarily mean one’s a good fighter. He was. Almost frighteningly brave, so show that too.
Ya gotta deal with the “Did he really think he was a god?” thing, and the whole trip to Siwah. I obviously don’t think he believed he was a god; it’s one of the things I disliked about the Netflix show’s approach, but they were dead-set on it. I DO think he came to believe he was somehow of divine descent, but of course, that’s not the same as most moderns understand it, as I’ve explained elsewhere. It made him a hero, not a god on a level with Zeus, and to ME, that’s an important distinction that Netflix (and to some degree Stone) rode roughshod over.
But I’d like to see more inclusion of sacrifice and/or omen-reading—religion in general. Cutting the Gordion Knot (omens!). His visit to Troy (Netflix tackled that one). A really cool thing would be to make more of the lunar eclipse before Gaugamela. Again, Netflix touched on that, but it’s one of those chance events that might actually have affected a battle’s outcome, given how seriously the ancient near east took sky omens. (A solar eclipse once halted a battle.) The Persians were freaked out. Even his massacre of the Branchidai in Sogdiana was driven by religion, not military goals. Pick a couple and underscore them.
I give Stone big props for the sacrifice before the Granikos/Issos/Gaugamela battle. It was so well-done, I’ve actually shown it in my classes to demonstrate what a battlefield sphagia sacrifice would look like.
Alexander was deeply religious. Show it.
Ah, for ME the most interesting stuff surrounding Alexander occurs at the political level. Here’s where the triumph story of his military victories all went south. He knew how to win battles. He was less good at managing what he’d conquered.
In terms of a story arc, the whole period up to Gaugamela is really the “rise” of the story. Post-Gaugamela, things began to collapse. And I would pin the turn on PERSEPOLIS. Yes, burning it sent home a message of “Mission accomplished.” But he was selective about it. Areas built by Darius I were spared, Xerxes’ were destroyed: a damnio memoriae.
Problem: Persepolis embodied Persia, and ATG essentially shat on it. Not a good look for the man who wanted to replace Darius III. That he also failed to capture and/or kill Darius created an additional problem for him. Finally, his lack of understanding of how politics worked in Baktria-Sogdiana resulted in an insurgency. Bessos was going to rebel, regardless. But Spitamanes might not have. Alexander created his own mess up there.
Another matter to look at is why he created a new title—King of Asia—instead of adopting the Persian title (King-of-Kings). I don’t think that was a “mistake.” He knew perfectly well the proper Persian title (Kshāyathiya)…and rejected it. He adopted some Persian protocol, but not all of it. After the summer of 330, he was essentially running two parallel courts, which seemed to satisfy neither the Persians nor his own men. (Kinda like docudramas are a hybrid that seems to annoy perhaps more than satisfy.)
So I’d like to see this handled with some nuance, but it’s intrinsically difficult to do—even while, if done well, it would be the most interesting part of an Alexander story, imo.
So, what events, what events…3-4 leap out after Alexander’s adoption of some Persian dress. The Philotas Affair, the Pages Conspiracy, the Death of Kleitos, the marriage to Roxana. I’d show it all, although I could also understand reducing the two conspiracies to one, for time, in which case, the Philotas Affair because it resulted in the fall of Parmenion. But the fact there were two, not just one, tells a story itself.
What about the proskynesis thing with Kallisthenes? I’ve come to disbelieve it ever happened, even though it’s symbolic of the whole problem. So, weirdly, I’m of two minds about showing it. OTOH, it won’t be in my own novels. But OTOH, I could easily see why a showrunner or director might want to include it. And it certainly appears in several of the histories, including Arrian.
Then we have the two indisciplines (mutinies)…one in India that made ATG turn around, and another at Opis. They’re really two different things as one was an officer’s rebellion, the other the soldiers themselves. But will viewers be able to distinguish between them? It’s like the Issos/Gaugamela problem, or for that matter, the two conspiracies. They’re similar enough to confuse the casual viewer. “Didn’t we already see that?”
But if they were narrowed to one, how to choose? The mutiny on the Hyphasis provides an explanation for why he turned back. But the Opis event was more dramatic. The man jumped down into the middle of a rioting crowd and started (essentially) knocking heads together! So if I had to pick…Opis. The other might could be mentioned in retrospect.
Here are five things I think really OUGHT to be shown, or that I have yet to be pleased by.
1) Philip isn’t an idiot and should get more than 10 minutes of screentime. Oh, and show Alexander did learn things from him. Stone had to make his movie a Daddy-Issues flick, and the Netflix thing did very little with Philip as they wanted to get to the Alexander-Darius face off (which was the meat of their story). But there’s a very interesting love/competition story there.
2) Olympias is not a bitch and was not involved in Phil’s murder, although I can see why that is catnip to most writers. She did kill Eurydike’s baby and (by extension) Eurydike. One of the historians in the Netflix story (Carolyn, unless I misremember) talked about the rivalry between the two wives, at least. But I think ATG planned to marry the widow and Olympias got rid of her to prevent it. Now THAT’S a story, no? But they were in too much of a hurry to get to Persia.
3) Alexander was not an only child! He had sisters (and a brother) with whom he was apparently close…and a cousin who was his real rival. To me, missing that cousin rivalry overlooks a juicy personal/political story! Too often all the focus winds up on Alexander-Olympias-Philip-Eurydike-Attalos, but man, a more subtle showrunner could do a lot with the Alexander-Amyntas rivalry. But he’s constantly cut out. I can’t think of a documentary that actually addresses Amyntas except in passing (if at all)l
4) Hephaistion’s importance is a must, but I’d like to see him treated as someone with a personality and authority of his own, besides just as ATG’s lover. At least Netflix Went There onscreen with the love-story part, but otherwise, the writers couldn’t figure out what to do with him. Neither Stone nor Netflix really portrayed him as his own person. I do understand why they can’t show the whole cast of characters. I had to do weeding myself in the novels, but I’m annoyed Netflix showed only Hephaistion and Ptolemy. Where’s Perdikkas (so important all along really, but certainly later)? Or Philotas, Kleitos, Krateros, Leonnatos, Lysimachos (later king of Thrace)? I think viewers could probably have handled at least another 5 people, especially if introduced gradually, not all at the beginning.
This brings me to….
5) Alexander’s apparently very real affection for the people in his orbit, from personal physician (Philip) to childhood pedagogue (Lysimachos [not same as above]) to Aristotle to various other philosophers. He was so loyal to his friends, in fact, he initially jailed the people who brought word of Harpalos’ first flight.
He needed to be loved/appreciated and wanted to give back to people. Yes, generosity was expected of kings, and as a king (THE king), his generosity had to excel that of anybody else. But he seemed to genuinely enjoy giving presents. I think of him like that one friend who heard you say you liked that cute pair of “Hello, Kitty” socks…then 6 months later they’re your Christmas present from them. Some of his gifts were grandiose, but not always. I love the dish of little fish (probably smelts) that he sent to Hephaistion, presumably just because his friend liked smelts!
To me, point #5 would be easy to get in with a skilled scriptwriter, tucked into the corners of other scenes. It’d be fun to highlight the personal side. If we can believe Plutarch, he was a PRODIGIOUS letter-writer. Also, he loved to hunt, so that’s another thing. And he loved the theatre, and to watch sport. These would all be very humanizing details.
I think the biggest issue is that most of these documentaries/docudramas are done by people who don’t know squat about Alexander aside from a few things, before deciding to make a documentary/movie about him, or write a book. Their research is shallow, and even if they bring on the experts, they don’t always listen. Stone DID at least have a long fascination with ATG, but it caused him to try to throw in everything but the kitchen sink. It wasn't as bad of a film as some have made it out to be, just horribly bloated and for all his reading, he never understood the WORLDVIEW. I wrote about that some while back in my review.
The best documentary/movie would be told by an actual specialist who knew enough at the outset to craft a better, more complex story arc.
Or maybe I’m just biased because I tried to do that myself in my novels. 😂😂😂😂
#asks#alexander the great#oliver stone alexander the great#netflix alexander the great#telling the story of alexander the great is intrinsically difficult#docudramas#historical movies#historical documentaries
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abaixo do readmore, você encontra várias conexões mais básicas que adoraria desenvolver com a aylara. podemos complementar com o que quiserem. caso tenham interesse, deixem reply abaixo, like ou me chamem direto no chat!
she's my alibi (changeling). por mais difícil que aylara possa ser, ela é muito leal com aqueles que confia. muse conseguiu essa confiança e agora é a pessoa para quem ela sempre vai chamar para fazer tudo que for fazer. ela também defende muse com unhas e dentes e o considera a pessoa que tem de mais próximo.
the protector (changeling). alguém que sempre a protegeu, desde a infância, mesmo quando aylara insistia em fazer as coisas sozinha. muse é uma presença forte e estável na vida dela, e aylara sabe que pode confiar cegamente. Em momentos de vulnerabilidade, ela procura por muse, mesmo que nunca admita isso em voz alta.
opposites (changeling). diferente da aylara que é muito impulsiva, muse não gosta de agir sem pensar. enquanto aylara está querendo arranjar briga, muse está tentando apartar. ainda assim, o carinho que nutrem um pelo outro a muito tempo faz com que sigam amigos e sejam o equilíbrio um do outro.
troublemakers (changeling). parceiro recorrente em momentos de diversão. sempre que um deles quer fugir da rotina ou fazer algo insano, sabe a quem procurar. ainda que não compartilhem confidencias profundas, possuem o mesmo gosto pelo perigo e por ultrapassar limites.
battle buddies (changeling). inseparáveis em treinos de combate, pois possuem uma química incrível quando se trata de lutar juntos. a confiança que construíram nos treinos é insuperável e as vitórias que conquistam juntos reforçam. se entendem com um olhar e conseguem antecipar os movimentos um do outro. é o parceiro favorito de treino dela.
the challenger (changeling). uma amizade cheia de implicâncias, onde um sempre está tentando provocar o outro. muse é tão ousado quanto ela e sempre a desafia, e aylara adora isso, porque ele nunca a deixa relaxar ou se sentir em controle. apesar da relação muito intensa, sabem que podem contar um com o outro.
the bad influence (khajol e/ou changeling). muse nunca tomou nenhuma atitude ousada até conhecer aylara. desde então, está se deixando levar pela energia e ousadia dela, mesmo sabendo que pode acabar se metendo em problemas. muse gosta da liberdade que só aylara consegue trazer à tona, mas também tem medo do que pode acontecer se descobrirem.
the unexpected confidant (khajol). embora sejam de origens e classes diferentes, acabaram se conectando por um momento específico (a combinar) e muse se tornou alguém em quem aylara realmente tem uma certa confiança secreta. é uma relação improvável, mas aylara as vezes o procura para conversar, mesmo que com receio.
unwanted alliance (khajol). compartilham um inimigo em comum e apesar das diferenças, acabaram se conectando por causa disso. agora existe uma certa parceria secreta entre os dois, mesmo que não cheguem a confiar completamente.
the mentor (changeling). changeling que aylara admira por sua habilidade em combate e por sua inteligência mesmo que dentro do caos. muse sempre tentou guiá-la e ajudá-la a aprimorar suas técnicas, mas aylara é rebelde e as vezes não gosta de seguir regras. ainda assim, ela escuta seus conselhos e reconhece (e admira) sua experiência.
almost a love story (changeling). uma amizade forte que se transformou quando eles se beijaram em um momento impulsivo. normalmente aylara lida bem com flertes e é despreocupada, mas nesse caso, agora, a relação é estranha, cheia de silêncios e olhares que deixam claro que algo mudou. aylara sente falta da amizade que tinham, mas não sabe lidar com o que aconteceu.
the best mistake (changeling). uma amizade colorida, cheia de flertes e sem pretensões. ambos sabem que o que têm é leve e sem compromisso. quando se encontram, deixam-se levar pela química natural entre eles. aylara aprecia que ele não espere nada além de diversão e liberdade. eles compartilham risadas, flertes e noites sem promessas, com a certeza de que, no dia seguinte, tudo volta ao normal.
opposites attract (khajol e/ou changeling). aylara e muse têm personalidades bastante diferentes. no entanto, essa diferença é o que os fazem se atrair um pelo outro. trocam olhares e flertes sutis. aylara tenta puxá-lo para fora de sua caixa e muse também mostra outra forma de diversão para ela.
heartbreaker in training (changeling). amizade que virou flerte intenso, mas nunca chegou a algo sério porque aylara tem receio de compromissos. se entendem bem e mantêm uma relação cheia de brincadeiras e provocações. sempre se encontram em momentos inesperados, mas ambos sabem que não passarão disso... ou talvez sim?
silent admirer (khajol). muse é sério e comprometido com seu lugar entre os nobres, mas aylara é uma presença que fascina e mesmo que mantenha distância, a observa de longe com admiração. ela já percebeu e por vezes, o provoca não tão discretamente por diversão, sabendo que ele nunca ultrapassaria a linha.
my favorite crime (khajol). conheceram-se em um momento inesperado (a combinar) e sentiram uma atração inegável. na época, aylara não sabia que muse era khajol, então aproveitou o máximo possível. agora que o reencontrou, esta vivendo um conflito interno.
scars and scars (khajol). rivalidade construída em uma constante disputa para ver quem se supera em habilidades, mesmo que sejam tão diferentes. cada vez que se encontram, começam a se provocar e buscam superar um ao outro, mas, no fundo, também existe um respeito mútuo, pois aylara precisa admitir mesmo que apenas para si mesma que muse é bom no que faz.
allergic to you (khajols). rivalidade pura. muse é contra changelings, despreza tudo que aylara representa e não consegue esconder o desgosto. aylara, por outro lado, adora implicar, jogando charme para provocá-lo ainda mais. muse vê aylara como impulsiva e irresponsável, enquanto ela o acha rígido e moralista. sempre que se encontram, a discussão é certa.
revenge (khajol). muse acusou aylara de alguma coisa que ela não cometeu. ele estava convencido de que ela tinha sabotado alguma coisa ou simplesmente achou mais fácil culpar uma changeling por algo. aylara odeia muse por isso e pretende se vingar.
turned rivalry (changeling). antes amizade muito próxima de aylara na infância, mas a relação deles mudou por algum motivo. muse passou a vê-la como uma influência negativa e a amizade que um dia foi inseparável, agora é marcada por ressentimento. eles se atacam sempre que se encontram, com aylara se perguntando como alguém que ela considerava um irmão poderia ter se transformado nisso. ambos ainda sentem a falta do que eram, mas a falta de comunicação e a mágoa os mantêm em lados opostos.
#wanted connections#finalmenteeee consegui fazer#to a anos com isso nos rascunhos sem terminar#aproveito aqui pra dizer que podem me chamar no chat dnv#eu vou agora dar um geral lá
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The Puzzle and the Spider.
I love the guapoduo's rings, that's why I wanted to do a headcanon about them:
The two were friends at the time when they were Federation experiments.
q!Roier was an experiment focused on agility and strength, while q!Cell was an experiment linked to logic.
But the two children were always together, q!Roier learned to play chess so he could play with q!Cell and q!Cell learned to play pvp/fighting so he could play with q!Roier.
And that followed them into their adult lives. Q!Roier always tried to be by his side in the enigmas and mysteries that q!Cell faced. And q!Cell always tried to be at q!Roier's side in fights and battles.
The rings are the purest representation of their love and what they mean to each other.
Eu amo os anéis dos guapoduo, então quis fazer um headcanon sobre eles:
Os dois eram amigos na época que eram experimentos da Fed.
O q!Roier era um experimento focado em agilidade e força, enquanto o q!Cell era um experimento ligado a lógica.
Mas as duas crianças sempre ficavam juntas.
q!Roier aprendeu a jogar xadrez para poder brincar com o q!Cell e o q!Cell aprendeu a brincar de pvp/lutinha para poder conseguir brincar com o q!Roier.
E isso os seguiu para a vida adulta deles. Q!Roier tentou sempre estar ao lado dele nos enigmas e mistérios que q!Cell enfrentava.
E o q!Cell sempre tentou estar ao lado do q!Roier nas lutas e batalhas.
Os anéis são a mais pura representação do amor deles e o que um significa para o outro.
#qsmp#q!cellbit#qsmp cellbit#headcanon#federation#q!roier#lore#Qsmp roier#Guapoduo#spiderbit#qcellbit#qroier
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ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ character posters .
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ" i am the commander. no one fights my battles for me. "
cabin 5. warrior, chaos manipulator.
antes do acampamento, lynx era só um encrenqueiro. uma criança com problemas para controlar a raiva e muito mais força do que deveria ter. e aquilo costumava chateá-lo, por vezes. porque ele sabia, sentia, que era mais do que isso. que era mais do que todos os encaminhamentos para psicologos, do que as detenções pelas brigas que arrumava e as coisas que quebrava.
e, de fato, era. mesmo não sendo o filho de ares mais orgulhoso de todos, saber quem era seu pai e o que ele representava ajudou-o a compreender sua essência e entender quem ele era e as coisas que era capaz de fazer.
mesmo tendo escolhido aquele caminho - dos treinos exaustivos, dos estudos em guerra, armas e tipos de combate -, nunca pareceu realmente uma escolha. mas seu destino. era como se tivesse nascido para isso. para a guerra. lynx é um guerreiro, por natureza e por treinamento.
por isso, tem muito orgulho de seu título de patrulheiro. estar na linha de frente é o seu dever, o seu chamado. e se puder fazer isso por um bem maior - como defender e proteger o acampamento -, o fará sem poupar qualquer esforço.
lynx é habilidoso, preparado e confiável. justamente por ser orgulhoso demais para se render, especialmente sem uma boa briga primeiro.
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Estou apaixonada por essa conversa sobre masculinidade e feminilidade, e de como a sociedade atual está estragando tudo infelizmente. Amo essas dicas de como se tornar Patriarca e Matriaca e também como isso vem de Deus. O homem precisa sim ter uma masculinidade trabalhada (e isso leva anos e muitas batalhas) e isso não tem nada a ver em ser sexualmente ativo como a sociedade moderna prega hoje em dia, e da mesma forma a feminilidade que não tem nada a ver boba/ desempoderada. Infelizmente não tem legenda ou áudio em inglês.
I'm in love with this conversation about masculinity and femininity, and how today's society is unfortunately screwing everything up. I love these tips on how to become Patriarch and Matriaca and also how this comes from God. A man does need to have a developed masculinity (and this takes years and many battles) and this has nothing to do with being sexually active as modern society preaches nowadays, and in the same way femininity, which has nothing to do with being silly / disempowered. Unfortunately there are no subtitles or audio in English.
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Battle Royale de ideias (texto, Oniriko, escrevendo, 2024)
Algumas pessoas podem pensar que poesia são palavras bonitas ou melancólicas, não veem o battle royale de rimas, ideias, as palavras furando filas, se metendo onde não deveriam, brigando entre si, de repente alguém que se assentou num lugar é violentamente arremessado pra fora por uma opção melhor, outras vezes estrofes inteiras são rasgadas e substituídas. É parecido com Gantz, mas os alienígenas são palavras do dicionário.
Existe uma violência sutil, não vista, na tentativa de criar beleza, reciprocidade. Na tentativa de comunicar aquilo que a mente consciente as vezes não tem capacidade de realizar.
Transcrever os sonhos, os delírios que só sua mente enxerga pode ser isso, também. Não existe paz enquanto os neurônios disparam suas sinapses, energia elétrica atravessando um bloco de carne umedecida e suave, um furacão na pétala de um girassol.
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࿐⠀⠀⠀TASK #01⠀⠀⠀:⠀⠀⠀o diário do semideus⠀⠀⠀!
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⸻⠀⠀⠀i greet you with a battle hero's welcome
nome: seth crawford
idade: vinte e seis anos
gênero: cis gênero masculino
pronomes: ele/dele
altura: um metro e noventa e dois
parente divino e número do chalé: poseidon, chalé três
idade que chegou ao acampamento: três anos, um bebê apenas
quem te trouxe até aqui? poseidon de carne e osso, se assim posso dizer.
seu parente divino te reclamou de imediato ou você ficou um pouco no chalé de hermes sem saber a quem pertencia? como quem me trouxe foi o meu pai em pessoa, não teve necessidade de ficar esperando uma reclamação.
após descobrir sobre o acampamento, ainda voltou para o mundo dos mortais ou ficou apenas entre os semideuses? se você ficou no acampamento, sente falta de sua vida anterior? e se a resposta for que saiu algumas vezes, como você agia entre os mortais? sim, na verdade, fazia alguns anos que eu estava no mundo mortal, vivendo a minha vida. posso dizer que não fiz muita intenção de me esconder ao virar um ativista ambiental, mas tentei ao máximo esconder meu lado semideus.
se você pudesse possuir um item mágico do mundo mitológico, qual escolheria e por quê? que meu pai não me castigue por isso, mas eu adoraria ver o tridente dele e dar aquela brincadinha com os mares. ele não tem feito um bom trabalho para limpar a casa dele.
existe alguma profecia ou visão do futuro que o assombra ou guia suas escolhas? quando ainda era criança, sem saber o que era ser filho do grande poseidon, ouvi a profecia: " quando o mar entoar seu canto profundo e os ecos das ondas revelarem o mundo, o filho de poseidon ouvirá o segredo e a verdade do abismo será seu legado. com o som das correntes e murmúrios do mar, ele trará à tona o que estava a esperar. o equilíbrio deverá ser restaurado, com a força do saber, e a ordem das águas novamente reverterá o poder. "
fale um pouco sobre seus poderes: eu não consigo resumir ele, se não dizer que é um copia e cola de vozes. consigo imitar a voz de alguém, mesmo a tendo ouvindo uma única vez, manipulando emocionalmente qualquer coisa.
quais suas habilidades e como elas te ajudam no dia a dia: admito que já imitei vozes de outras pessoas ao telefone ou para me safar de ser pego de algo, mas não me orgulho muito disso.
você lembra qual foi o primeiro momento em que usou seus poderes? imitei a voz do senhor d. para alguns amigos quando fui fazer uma imitação barata dele.
qual a parte negativa de seu poder: ele exige muito, ao ponto de algumas vezes, precisar de longos descansos para conseguir me recuperar, fora a enxaqueca que dá depois.
e qual a parte positiva: acho que poder imitar a voz de qualquer pessoa
você tem uma arma preferida? se sim, qual? espadas! são fáceis de manusear e não existe erro quando se empunha uma.
acredito que tenha uma arma pessoal, como a conseguiu? seu ganhei do meu pai, ele devia estar desesperado vendo eu pedir para os filhos de apolo me ensinarem arco e flecha.
qual arma você não consegue dominar de jeito algum e qual sua maior dificuldade no manuseio desta? armas pequenas, sinto que elas deslizam com facilidade entre os dedos e não fica de fato firme a punho.
qual foi a primeira que saiu? fomos recuperar um grupo de semideus que havia se perdido quando foi hora de retornar ao acampamento
qual a missão mais difícil? uma espécie marinha mágica e essencial para o equilíbrio dos mares estava sendo ameaçada por caçadores. a pior parte foi negociar com os caçadores.
qual a missão mais fácil? meu pai pediu para que eu recuperasse um artefato menor, estava até mesmo em nova york.
em alguma você sentiu que não conseguiria escapar, mas por sorte o fez? acho que é sempre sorte quando escapo.
já teve que enfrentar a ira de algum deus? se sim, teve consequências? por sorte, nunca precisei.
qual divindade você acha mais legal, mais interessante? não estou puxando saco, não me leve a mal, mas eu adoro anfitrite. o que ela fez por mim, foi único, e eu sou grato por isso.
qual você desgosta mais? hera, dispensa explicações.
se pudesse ser filha de outro deus, qual seria? eu ainda pertenço ao mar, então só poderia ser de anfitrite.
já teve contato com algum deus? se sim, qual? como foi? se não, quem você desejaria conhecer? sim, além de poseidon, anfitrite.
faz oferendas para algum deus? tirando seu parente divino. se sim, para qual? e por qual motivo? sei que vai soar repetitivo, mas por ter uma dívida de vida, anfitrite, as vezes para macária, quero morrer bem e feliz.
qual monstro você acha mais difícil matar e por qual motivo? acho que echidna, ela pode invocar ou criar monstros adicionais durante uma batalha, sem contar que ela possui uma resistência considerável e uma força brutal.
qual o pior monstro que teve que enfrentar em sua vida? acho que foi um projeto de kraken, ou uma lula gigante. era horríve!
dos monstros que você ainda não enfrentou, qual você acha que seria o mais difícil e que teria mais receio de lidar? nereu, o titã marinho. ele tem a habilidade de mudar de forma e é um mestre das profecias, fora que ele tem um vasto conhecimento sobre o mar e suas habilidades podem lhe dar vantagens estratégicas em batalha.
caçar monstros em trio ( X ) OU caçar monstros sozinho ( )
capture a bandeira ( X ) OU corrida com pégasos ( )
ser respeitado pelos deuses ( X ) OU viver em paz, mas no anonimato ( )
hidra ( ) OU dracaenae ( X )
estaria disposto a liderar uma missão suicida com duas outras pessoas, sabendo que nenhum dos três retornaria com vida mas que essa missão salvaria todos os outros semideuses do acampamento? sim
que sacrifícios faria pelo bem maior? todos, creio que não exista um limite
como gostaria de ser lembrado? aquele que foi capaz de salvar a todos
local favorito do acampamento: lago
local menos favorito: parede de escalada
lugar perfeito para encontros dentro do acampamento: cachoeira
atividade favorita para se fazer: ir a noite no observatório, quando o céu não era só nuvens
@silencehq @hefestotv
#swf:task01#swf:os diarios do semideus#˛⠀⠀⠀⁺⠀⠀⠀𝒔 . 𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒘𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒅﹐⠀⠀⠀𓆝 𓆟⠀⠀⠀development⠀.#˛⠀⠀⠀⁺⠀⠀⠀𝒔 . 𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒘𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒅﹐⠀⠀⠀𓆝 𓆟⠀⠀⠀tasks⠀.#gente ainda tem o da evie para postar mas vou começar com esse#evitar o flood na dash as 6h30 da manhã
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Luna Vinculum | Tradução
Luna Vinculum | Tradução https://ift.tt/jmBihlE by ficsbystar Durante a batalha de Hogwarts, na noite de lua cheia, Draco Malfoy é mordido por um lobisomem. Sem ter como escapar da maldição, tudo o que ele pode fazer é escondê-la. Hermione Granger é a única pessoa - além de seu agressor - que sabe a verdade. E isso só acontece porque ela estava com ele quando tudo aconteceu. No entanto, quando eles retornam a Hogwarts para o oitavo ano, esse não é o único segredo que são obrigados a compartilhar. Porque, desde que foi mordido, Draco tem se debatido com uma necessidade intensa e desconcertante de estar perto da bruxa da Grifinória. Nenhum dos dois gosta disso, o que faz com que Draco esteja constantemente lutando para controlar todos os instintos possessivos e protetores que o assaltam quando se trata de Hermione. Será que ela o ajudará a esconder a maldição? Será que eles descobrirão a verdade sobre a obsessão de Draco? Nesse meio tempo, será que eles se apaixonarão profunda e irreversivelmente? HEA. Words: 6147, Chapters: 2/51, Language: Português brasileiro Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Harry Potter, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Fenrir Greyback, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Astoria Greengrass, Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Anthony Dolohov Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott/Harry Potter, Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy Past, Hermione Granger/Other(s) Past, Ginny Weasley/Harry Potter Past, Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson Past Additional Tags: Romance, Soulmates, Soul Bond, Werewolf Draco Malfoy, Creature Draco Malfoy, Drama, Angst, Fluff, Protective Draco Malfoy, Possessive Draco Malfoy, Drugs, Alcohol, Trauma, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Post- Battle of Hogwarts, Epic Love, Dark Magic, POV Draco Malfoy, POV Hermione Granger, Torture, HEA, Protective Hermione Granger, Jealous Draco Malfoy, Alpha Draco Malfoy, Pining Draco Malfoy, Explicit Sexual Content, Mates, Touch-Starved, touch her and you die, Dark Draco Malfoy, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Minor Character Death, Obsessed Draco, Hermione lowkey obsessed too, slytherin gang, Dark Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Toxic Draco Malfoy, Inappropriate Use of Malfoy Signet Ring (Harry Potter), Astoria Greengrass Bashing, Cormac McLaggen Bashing, Near Death Experiences, Ron Weasley Being an Idiot, Secret Relationship, Over-the-top Romantic, No miscommunication trope via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/03mM29A November 05, 2024 at 07:18PM
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about that imagine about damian's sister having a mother-daughter relationship with selina, i wanted to see a scenario where ra's and talia heard what batsis said to the whole family
What if ra's and talia tried to repair their relationship with batsis but she doesn't really care because she knows they might be doing it just for the yandere attitudes, only talia tries to kill selina and says "you stole my daughter" and then selina responds " you never treated her as such " .
E então, quando Talia está prestes a matar Selina, Batsis a impede enquanto suas espadas se encontram e todos ficam surpresos com isso e então você pode escolher o final
It stops at the time of battle. Bruce and batfam are worried and angry that the reader is putting them in danger. The reader says everything she has accumulated over the years. She threatens to kill Talia if he harms Selina. Batfamily will support your reader. I think Talia doesn't give up on her reader. The Al Ghul family does not stop striving to win back your reader.
#dc x reader#talia al ghul x reader#ra's al ghul xreader#al ghul family#damian wayne x reader#batfamily#selina kyle x reader
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você é quem eu sempre pedi pra mim
pedi você pro universo, pra deus, pros guias, e pra outras pessoas
eu nunca acreditei com certeza de que eu acharia você, por que pra mim você não existia
eu sabia que um dia, não importa quanto tempo eu tivesse que esperar, eu te encontraria, porque eu sabia que você existia
você é um sonho tão profundo pra mim que eu não faço a menor ideia de como eu vou lidar com tudo isso que você é
e é tão simples
é só aceitar amor carinho afeto vontade cuidado e compreensão
tudo que eu sempre pedi
pro universo, pra deus, pros guias e pra outras pessoas
a solidão é uma coisa que eu conheço bem, desde pequena, e eu sei como é me sentir sozinha, eu sei como isso dói as vezes, eu sei como é querer compartilhar e viver e construir, e não ter como, e não ter onde, e não ter com quem
é cômodo
eu nunca conheci alguém que me quisesse tanto, e eu só queria ser querida
eu nunca conheci alguém que me gostasse tanto, e eu só queria ser gostada
eu nunca conheci alguém que me admirasse tanto, e eu só queria ser admirada
ter tudo isso tão fácil de você, sem luta, sem conquista, sem desgaste, sem renúncias, sem implorar
ter tudo isso tão fácil de você, só por ser eu
me machuca
me coloca em mente um milhão de questões de merecimento no qual eu não tenho nenhum pra receber tantas coisas boas simples e bonitas sem ter participado de um battle royale e vencido
e é ridículo
não sei aceitar o amor todo que passei minha vida pedindo por
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Would it be correct to say that Parmenion and Alexander worked well together despite Callisthenes hostile propaganda?
I suspect they did, for the most part. In fact, if Diodoros's account of the Battle of Gaugamela is the correct one, then it's more or less what Parmenion suggested that, in Arrian's account (based on Ptolemy/Aristoboulos, based on Kallisthenes), Alexander supposedly rejected.
In retrospect, it would have seemed important not only for Parmenion to look like a fuddy-duddy, but for Alexander to have the brilliant, bold strategy that won the day. I suspect that, in actuality, he wasn't that secure until Issos, when he really proved his mettle.
But Parmenion chose to execute Attalos on Alexander's orders. He got plum commands for his sons out of it, but that meant he threw in his lot with Alexander, and needed to get along with him. Also, tbh, he and Philip were apparently good friends, not just king and general, so I suspect he wanted to see the heir Philip chose, on the throne.
Over time, some strain in that relationship may have emerged, but Alexander still trusted him on his critical supply lines when riding off into Baktria. That does NOT suggest a deeply strained relationship, imo.
#asks#Parmenion#Alexander the Great#Philotas#Philotas Affair#Macedonian politics#Battle of Granikos#Classics
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