#Bathroom Renovation Dee Why
bathroomsupplies26 · 2 years
Your Bathroom Deserves The Best Bathroom Renovation In Dee Why
You can obtain the best bathroom remodelling with Dee Why’s bathroom renovation. Then use bathroom renovation to save money on the redesign! Bathroom remodelling is simpler than ever, thanks to our competitive quotes and reasonable costs!
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solardee · 2 years
So the pipe to the toilet just shattered
So that's neat. Also neat that Home Owner's Insurance won't cover anything under 4k
I was so close to having a good buffer in my savingsss *sobs*
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manlyaustralia · 2 years
Flawless contemporary renovation for beachside apartment
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plumbersdeewhy · 4 years
Plumbers Dee Why should all forms of plumbing work be done. From fast fixing, such as repairing leaks and installing tap washers, to much larger plumbing projects such as new home builds, home improvements, bathroom & kitchen renovations, and much, much more...
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anthonycrowleymoved · 6 years
fuck it because everyone’s talking about it now and i drank An Large Coffee™ so my filter is gone:
frank nominates him because he wants a free renovation of the bar/the apartment i can’t decide which would be funnier so i’ll do a bit of both
them driving to the bar going over his life but it’s painted in such a good light like. please imagine. and then they go over his relationship with frank like oooh he lives with his ex husband ;) and then get there and are like da fuck never mind
they get to his apartment and johnathon’s like where’s the bathroom and he’s like frank and i pee in a bucket #gaypanic
also poor bobby like you want one bed IT’S A COMFORT THING so he just goes with it because he’s an angel and too good to be in this situation
i keep stressing this but literally everything about his diet 1. the fucking cat food #moregaypanic and then 2. he makes a grilled charlie and it’s somehow not the worst thing here please sort your life out
throughout this entire scene he’s wearing the horse shirt and long underwear i feel this is an important point to make
then they go to the bar and they didn’t think it could get any worse but then it does
mac and dennis both try to give advice dennis because he’s dennis mac because he’s like i’m gay i can do this even though he clearly Cannot™ so they end up trying to give him life advice too and it continues to go downhill
charlie’s changed into his green military jacket outfit and tan gives up
dee just tries to show how fashionable she is and they’re like cool but like. this dude is your friend why are you being this way???
i literally cannot see how this ends well like without them giving up halfway through because that’s just how always sunny IS but before they do karamo figures out a way to help charlie learn how to read and tries to get him like proper medical attention because he’s an angel who walks the earth and figures he needs help with like culture and shit but this is much more pressing
they briefly consider trying to set him up with the waitress before deciding it’s a terrible idea please man just leave her alone
actually no they DO manage to finish because they are professionals and it’s perfect obviously but the gang hates it and so run them out of the bar the end
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luminous--dreamer · 4 years
Top 20 of 2020
s this year began to unfold I wondered if I would be able to come up with amazing things that happened at the end of the year, or if I should just give up and call it a wash. It has been the most heart breaking, difficult year I can remember, with one blow after another, but instead of letting ourselves sink into the pain that we experienced, as a little family we decided to rise above our circumstances and look at the brighter happier blessings we did in fact receive. So with 2020 coming to an end, we are choosing to release those harder aspects of the year and hold on to the beautiful parts. 
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1. Jamaica
We were so lucky to enjoy an absolutely blissful week in Montego Bay, Jamaica. The most relaxing and peaceful vacation of all times. We saw sights, swam and swam (with dolphins!), read lots of books and fully re-charged. We’ve held on to these warm memories throughout the year and let the caribbean sunshine continue to warm our hearts.  As we flew out of Jamaica an earthquake shook the ground, sending everyone at home into a panic. Luckily for us, we flew out safely and happily. Haha maybe it was a sign for the year to come!
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2. Maple Syrup
While everything is frozen around us, in a cold Canadian winter, a bright spot for us is making maple syrup. Chris and Bobae spend hours outside collecting sap and boiling it down to create the glorious liquid gold. There is nothing like pouring maple syrup from our own trees onto fresh pancakes. Sitting around the fire with a the sweet smell of syrup wafting in the air is pure winter/spring happiness. 
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3. We planted a garden!
This year we planted a garden. It grew and grew until it didn’t. It was a really dry year, and our sad little garden didn’t quite make it. We did get 2 beans and a handful of tomatoes so we will call that a success and a learning year. Chris and Bobae built garden beds which made caring for the garden much easier. We will hope for more rain next year and try again! 
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4. Playhouse 
Chris built Bobae a beautiful playhouse. I drew a picture of what I wanted it to look like and he made it happen (!!). Bobae helped a bit with each step and the final product is a magical little oasis! 
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5. Work + School From Home 
When the pandemic reached our area, we switched to school and work from home. I had a lot of mixed feelings, worrying that I was letting every one down switching to a home office for a few weeks. I worried and fretted and felt a sadness that I didn’t feel safe or confident to come to the office but made the decision to switch to at home work until things stabilized, feeling like I had disappointed.. who?.. I’m not sure.. I guess.. everyone. I worried that some were left in the office potentially exposed, working hard and picking up slack or jobs I couldn’t do from home (answer the phone, etc).  I missed the daily chatting with co-workers and the ease of a fully equipped office, but found such a sense of peace being home with my family. Safe, sheltered and together. I desperately needed to unplug from the world, that’s what my soul truly needed. In my life I never would have had a chance to stay home that long. Ever. And as an introvert, that space and time away from every one and every thing, was a blessing that I will forever be grateful for. 
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6. Campfires at Home
When it became apparent we would need to stay home for a long time, we made the decision to take our home off the market and commit to staying in our current location for a few years.  With that decision made, we settled in and enjoyed many warm evenings around the campfire in our backyard, roasting marshmallows and hot dogs, lighting sparklers, watching flames, making wishes, and eventually boiling cobs of corn.  There is no better place to be on warm summer and fall evenings. 
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7. Tree Climbing 
This was the summer to learn to climb “the tree”.  We have a lot of trees, but there is one large maple tree in particular that seems to beckon everyone.  It’s large, welcoming and beautiful.   Sine we were spending hours and hours in our back yard working, playing, doing school and relaxing, Bobae decided she wanted to learn to climb it. It started out with many attempts, getting stuck, getting up but not getting down until one day it clicked. We couldn’t keep her out of the tree. Any friends that visited would immediately go with her to climb the tree. 
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 8. Bobae’s 9th Birthday 
Bobae turned 9 during the pandemic. In lieu of her usual big birthday party we had a small gathering at home. The weather was beautiful and the kids enjoyed a mostly outside party.  Bobae’s only request was a pinata, which we tied to her tree. 
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9. The Haircuts
Chris needed a haircut.  Hair shops were closed. GUESS WHAT HAPPENED! I got to cut his hair! It started out rough when I tried to use scissors. Which resulted in some unsightly bald spots, especially around the ears. We moved on to a set of clippers and that’s where the fun began. The amount of pleasure and satisfaction I find in cutting his hair is unparallelled.  I love it. I love it so much. He’s agreed to let me continue cutting his hair forever. We even let Bobae give it a try. Bobae and I also cut our long hair short. I was terrified to let her cut her beautiful hair but she was so very happy! 
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10. Grand Manan 
Since we couldn’t leave the province (and really didn’t want to), we decided to take a vacation to a place I had wanted to visit for 30 years. Grand Manan. A remote fishing island off the coast of New Brunswick, where my grade 1 teacher grew up. She told us stories of her childhood and I dreamed that some day I would visit.  It did not disappoint. We enjoyed an amazing few days, soaking in every drop sea water, fresh breeze and peacefulness. I am so very happy we decided to take this trip and we are looking forward to visiting again. 
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11. Saint Andrew’s Girls Trip
This year, the work girls took a trip to Saint Andrews.  We are so lucky to have such an amazing group of women working together, who really enjoy each other’s company. We could stop thinking about work for a while and really relax into a much much needed mini break.  We ate delicious foods, shopped the boutiques and saw minke whales on a whale watching expedition.
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12. Kombucha Production
We learned to make Kombucha! Our pilates instructor Hannah supplied us with a mother and at work we learned to ferment, bottle and enjoy this probiotic drink. We felt very accomplished. 
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13. Book Club
I’ve always wanted to be in a book club. But I’ve never really had a group of people to book club with. This year, my pilates instructor Hannah invited me to join her book club. I was so nervous. Scared. Terrified. How could I go to a place with people I didn’t know? How could I drive there and back myself? How could I be brave?  I’m not someone who can go places.. make friends.. 
On the first night of book club, we arrived at Andrea’s home, to a room full of strangers. I was terrified and out of my comfort zone. But from the first minute, I had a happy happy feeling in my heart. I was so happy. I felt like I had found my people. I felt like I was in a movie! Plants all around the room, snacks, welcoming faces, and conversations about books. I left that evening feeling like it had been a dream. I was finally in a book club.  As the year has gone on, these strangers have become dear and loving friends, supporting each other through so much more than books. Women who welcomed this introvert gladly into their inner circle. And for that, I am so grateful. 
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14. The Year of Friends
I didn’t think I could have friends. I thought that adults can’t make new friends. If they aren’t your childhood friends, they couldn’t possibly be real friends. I didn’t have time for friends. I didn’t have enough mental space left in my heart for real, in person, friends.  Guess what? That was all wrong.  It started with Ashley, and extrovert who loves people. She wanted to be my friend and I couldn’t understand why! But I finally decided to accept friendship and from there on my life has been enriched. Ashley introduced my to another friend, Dee. Together we made a pact to share something we are grateful for each day. It was hard a first, scraping up items from otherwise bleak days, but as time went on, our lists grew longer and brighter.  We’ve had times where we miss a few days, and I always notice that those days don’t feel as happy as the days we actually make an effort to dig deep and create the list. 
I’m so grateful for those friendships, as well as the friendship from Hannah and the other book club members. I’m shocked. Honestly, I can’t believe that it’s true you can make real friends as an adult.  I needed extra support this year, and it took me a while to understand when my friends really cared, and wanted to listen and support me. It was not easy to believe them, that it was okay to tell them my troubles.  The gratitude I feel for you, my friends, is infinite. 
15 Renovation 
We did a renovation! Since we decided to stay in our home, we made plans for a renovation. Phase one is complete now, we opened up the kitchen, changed countertops, smooth the popcorn ceilings, built a fireplace unit, and changed the flooring throughout. Phase 2 to start next week is adding a master suite with a walk in closet and SOAKER TUB! And renovating the current bathroom. 
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16. Anniversary Trip 
We celebrated our two year wedding anniversary in September and decided to splurge and spend the night at the beautiful Algonquin Resort. I have never stayed there and always considered it out of my price range, but there was a good deal and we booked it. It was so fun! It’s been a long time since we had that time alone and we really really enjoyed it.  We ate delicious foods, shopped for antiques, and enjoyed quiet drives and sight seeing. 
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17. Halloween Parties 
Restrictions lifted and our province was doing really well with no new cases.  We’ve always wanted to have a Halloween party but never really committed to it.   We decided to go all out, bought boxes and boxes of decorations from a marketplace post and got to work. We decked out the garage with everything imaginable, and a smoke machine, making everything super creepy. They loved it!   On the actual day of Halloween, I embraced my “Year of Friendship” and had a full moon witches party. It was SO FUN.  We all dressed as witches, talked about creepy things, did oracle card readings and a full moon ceremony outside.  All of my heart’s desires were fulfilled.  
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18. Blossom & Boo Arrived! 
We lost our Mystique this year, and she left a large space in our hearts to fill.  We adopted Boo, a scary sweet black cat from the Debec animal shelter and also welcomed Blossom, a baby goldendoodle pup.  It’s a busy busy place at our house now! 
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19. A Real Christmas Tree 
Chris has been wanting a real Christmas tree for years and I have resisted. The maintenance, the mess, the worry.. But this year I decided we could get a real tree, IF we left it out on the porch and decorated it there.  We drove to the tree lot and the magic of the place was so strong! I felt so happy.  We picked the perfect tree and brought it home.  There was no way I could leave that tree outside. It grew it’s whole life to be a Christmas tree and deserved to live inside with us. So now we have a real tree, and it’s beautiful. I was feeling sad that it would just die now, but Chris said not to worry, it would be used to help us make the fires for maple syrup. 
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20. Kings Landing Christmas 
Every year we go to Kings Landing HIstorical Village for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. This year we did book a Christmas dinner but it was cancelled due to a two week orange phase restriction in our zone due to a sudden increase in cases.  They opened up two last minute tables for a special new type of experience. Instead of eating in the restaurant, it was a full experience. Dressing up to co-ordinate with the year of the house we were visiting, a horse and cart ride to the home, and eating in the real historical house! It was wonderful and a great way to wrap up the year. 
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cecehathaway · 7 years
Dear Mom and Pops,
It’s been a long time since I’ve written to you both. A lot has happened since the last time I wrote to you, not the least of which being that I’m married now. Part of why I’ve been stalled in writing to you though is because I’ve been so mad at you both. Pops, you cheated on Mom. You had another daughter and you never told me. Mom, you knew and you never said anything either. I was so angry at you both when I first found out and all I’ve wanted to know since then is why? I’ve spoken to friends about it and people have given different guesses but I want to know the truth from you and I can’t. I never will know..
Lena knew and for her secrecy, I hadn’t spoken to her until recently either. We did meet at the house last week to finally talk about why she kept it from me, and how we’re going to try and fix this. Things aren’t all the way back to how they used to be between us and we didn’t really come up with a clear solution but at least we’re speaking again. She told me where she stands with our half-sister, whose name I learned is Ruby (I’m guessing after Ruby Dee, Pops?). Lena wants as little to do with her as possible and I guess that’s going to add to the strain on our relationship because I want to know her. It wasn’t right for these secrets to be kept and for so long. As mad as I’ve been at you 2, I still love you with everything I am, but I can’t follow in your footsteps there. The secrecy brings too much hurt.
I wrote Ruby a letter already and I’m going to write her another one after this. In it, I plan to tell her a little more about my friends here in the city. I’m hoping that by her getting to know me little by little that she might want the same and tell me a little about herself over time. 
Going back to married life, this is when I wish you both were still here the most. Before I said that I think you both would like him but now? I honestly believe you 2 would love Will. He is the sweetest man I have ever known. I won’t gush too much about him since I did that the last time, but all of the things I said about him the last time are still true today. We’ve known each other for about 4 months now and in that time, I’ve fallen in love with him. He listens to me and he helps keep me grounded whenever I might get worked up, and he knows how to make me feel better whenever I’m down with the simplest gestures. He likes surprising me, and he makes me feel loved. I know there will always be a void in his heart that no one will ever be able to fill after the loss of his first wife, but it hasn’t stopped me from trying to be enough for him, and often, he makes me feel like I am. We live in a condo together, and now that we’ve finished getting everything out of boxes, he and my friend Gus are going to start renovating the master bathroom (it’s hideous right now, Mom).
Speaking of friends, Alby [ @mralbyoriordan ] was in a car accident a couple of weeks ago. It was a long time before then that I felt truly afraid about losing someone that I love. Losing you 2 and then our friend Harry, and with how severe the accident was, it took everything in me not to completely go there, mentally. Thankfully, Alby is still with us and he’s been regaining memories he lost. I couldn’t be happier that he’s healing. He’s married now too (I won’t get into all of the history there. Besides, I’m sure you’ve seen how all of that played out and doesn’t need re-hashing in any form) and he’s going to be taking over McGinty’s from Rosie, probably after he’s made a full recovery. Accident aside, he seems to be truly happy with his life and for that, I’m happy for him. It’s been way overdue.
Because of the law, I’ve reconnected with my childhood bff India [ @indiacartwright ]. Despite the tragedies that have surrounded her over the years, she’s persevered too. I think of her often again now, hoping that she will be able to find some happiness, whether it’s with whomever she’s matched with or through finding (or in our case, reconnecting with) friends who are also affected by this marriage law like I did.
Mom, I so wish you could have met my other friends. Gus [ @gusxmoretti ] and I met following his service in the military. He’s had some hard times since then but he’s been a friend since my internship at Manhattan General was underway. Things aren’t the best between us right now but I don’t want to be that person who throws away friendships anymore. With he and Will redoing the bathroom together I’m hoping that in time, we can get back to better days between us, but until then, I’m doing my best to give him his space.
And then there’s Ryan [ @ryan-andersen ] whom I’m sure you would have loved like the son you never had. He’s funny, witty, sweet and charming, as is his husband, Eric [ @nerdyeric ] but in a very different but equally endearing way. Pops, I know you could have ended up sitting and talking about Star Wars and Star Trek and things like that for hours with Eric.
Daina [ @drdaina ] is a colleague at Manhattan General but she’s also an amazing friend of mine. Work has made our friendship special because we can relate to things in ways that I can’t with others, but our conversations don’t have to be confined to work/work-related topics which is so nice too. She’s had a rocky go with the marriage law and her wife, Riley [ @rileypark ] but I’m still hoping that things turn around for the 2 of them.
Mary [ @mamie-sheehan ] is Alby’s cousin but that wasn’t how we became friends, funny enough. She runs a bookstore that I frequented after I was done with my Masters (because apparently I didn’t get my fill reading textbooks for all those years). She is an absolute sweetheart, and she’s been kind enough to let me use her bookstore’s address until I know more about Ruby and feel comfortable using my own return address. 
I want to tell you about some of my other friends, like Alex [ @alex-temple ], Surge [ @surge-rodriguez ], Henna [ @hennathroughthelens ] and others, but they’ll have to wait until next time. My hand is starting to cramp up, I feel the need for a nap coming on, and my stomach still hasn’t fully recovered from this awful dessert. Mom I wish you were here to tell me how terrible treacle tarts are, but I should have known better considering there wasn’t a recipe of your own for it. I’ll tell you both more next time. 
I love and am missing you both every day.
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janicecpitts · 6 years
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Premier Bathroom Remodeling Irvine specializing in kitchen design, bathroom … home renovation, is one of the best bathroom remodeling contractors in Irvine, CA. … and other aspects that make the whole renovation procedure as simple as  …
Awning — Common Repairs from ZipDee— How to operate your Zip Dee Awning Check for Leaks— Several owners have reported that you should check for leakage around (rather behind) the Upper Zip dee mounting brackets.Seems they were installed on a seam and the rivet heads were removed so they could be mounted flush but over time the sealer between the bracket and the skin has worked loose …
Bathroom remodeling will add value and style to your California home. … When it comes time to do an Orange County Bathroom Remodel in your home, it is …
Toilet Renovation Ideas Huntington Beach Ca Bathroom Designs For small bathrooms anaheim Ca Bathroom Redesign Huntington Beach Ca Comparitively, Safe Step Tubs rank in the top 3 walk in tubs on Bathroom Remodel Pictures For Small Bathrooms Irvine California Absolutely Enchanting and unique ocean front Duplex featuring an Elevated Front 3 bedroom Plus Den and 2 bathroom home Built in 1902 with approximately 1,546
Of all the considerations that go into a bathroom remodel, perhaps none will impact the overall look and layout—not to mention the budget—like the choice between installing a tub or a shower only. Ass…
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manlyaustralia · 2 years
Rare Three-Bedder in Ultra-Convenient Setting
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zee-dee-touch · 5 years
Zee Dee Touch Has Celebrated the 20th Anniversary
Zee Dee Touch, a company specialized in kitchen and bathroom planning and installations, has celebrated the 20th successful business years
Robert Perkins, the founder of Zee Dee Touch claims, ’Nothing is more important to us than the satisfaction of our clients.’
Kitchen remodeling in Newington VA is one of Zee Dee Touch’s services offered to clients since 2010. The entire process starts with providing the client with an estimate and agreeing on the price. Then, the contract about the future kitchen remodeling in Newington VA is signed. The Zee Dee Touch staff comes up with the real layout and the design of the new kitchen. The material is bought and special attention is paid on both electrical and plumbing fixtures. Then, there is a process of choosing adequate flooring. Tiles, hardwood, or vinyl are the most common solutions offered by Zee Dee Touch team for kitchen remodeling in Newington VA. After the paint is picked, the process of construction starts.
The planning of the kitchen together with its installation may be time-consuming and costly. Therefore, Zee Dee Touch, as a cost-effective and trusted remodeling company, is a proper solution. When planning an adequate kitchen, it is necessary to trust this company completely because they pay attention to every single detail connected with the kitchen. The kitchen design and future workflow are always seen as something very important. That is why a team of Zee Dee Touch skilled-technicians always think about the future preparation of meals in the kitchen, cooking on stoves and ovens and washing the dishes. They always plan and install a specific area for disposal. Also, when kitchen planning starts there should be the attention paid to the future storage, which needs to be installed according to homeowners’ wishes.
Zee Dee Touch works on kitchen installation in Virginia. A highly-qualified team of technicians is ready to install the ordered kitchen in the shortest time. Their service is detailed and professional, and the kitchen installation is always following the wishes of the client.
​Bathroom remodeling is one of the services offered by Zee Dee Touch. Bathroom remodeling is an investment which adds luxury to a client’s bathroom and value to his home, but it is costly. Zee Dee Touch works within the client’s wishes and budget restrictions to exceed the expectations. Zee Dee Touch is ready to undertake any bathroom remodeling project from start to finish, as this company employs a full-time staff of skilled technicians. There are carpenters, joiners, and plumbers ready to give their best to make a client’s bathroom be in the best possible condition. Also, there are electricians, tilers, and decorators who are in the bathroom remodeling work for more than 20 years. The fee structure of bathroom remodeling done by Zee Dee Touch is transparent. Therefore, a bathroom remodeling with this company is seen as a stress-free experience.
One of the services offered by Zee Dee Touch is drywall work in Virginia. This service includes both drylining and partitioning. Clients usually choose this service when they decide to renovate their homes. Also, there are plastering, tape, and jointing, screeding and external render. Steel Frame Systems and Grid Ceilings are the most popular drywall service works in Virginia which is most often ordered by Zee Dee Touch’s clients.
Zee Dee Touch prides itself in performing an entirely objective and candid advice flooring installation service in Newington VA. This company is abreast of all the newest trends which demonstrate the most fashionable technologies in flooring installation service in Newington VA. Zee Dee Touch helps all its clients to choose adequate wood flooring for their home. This flooring company offers various flooring installation solutions. The most common are solid or natural wood floors. Their positive feature is that they are made from 100% wood. But, they have a limited application because they cannot be fitted in conjunction with under-floor heating. Moreover, solid wood floors are not installed in basements. Then, Zee Dee Touch helps with the installation of laminate floors which look like natural wood flooring. Their material is synthetic or mixed with some recycled ingredients. Clients usually choose laminate food flooring installation in Newington VA because it is cheaper than solid wood. Zee Dee Touch’s technicians install the laminate flooring underfloor heating and in basements, too. Then, there is also Engineered Wood Flooring. It is made of natural wood layers with the grains of wood which are placed in opposite directions with each layer. The good side od this flooring type is that it can be bought in various layers from 3-5. Zee Dee Touch deals with Luxury vinyl flooring, too. It comes in plank or tile, and its fitting system is usually glued or click. Zee Dee Touch offers flooring installation solutions which are cost-effective and perfect for future renovations.
Zee Dee Touch is located in the DC Metropolitan area. This is a company which deals with both commercial and residential renovations. Its area of interest includes kitchen and bathroom remodeling. Zee Dee Touch is a premier general contracting company dedicated to creative problem-solving works. Its staff believes that listening to a client’s needs and exploring creative design alternatives need to meet the budget goals. In Zee Dee Touch work many enthusiastic designers and technicians who are educated and trained to create the best final results. They always pay attention to space management and storage solutions. Also, they have a complete understanding of what makes a kitchen and bath design unique.
The post Zee Dee Touch Has Celebrated the 20th Anniversary appeared first on Zee Dee Touch.
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airsoftreview · 5 years
The Guide to Denver Real Estate (for the Design-Obsessed)
Illustration by Claire Rollet
Most home-buyers call their real estate agent with a “must” list at the ready—a catalog of wants and whims ranging from the number of bathrooms needed to retain familial sanity to walkability to the newest hipster bar. But the aesthetes among us are on the hunt for even more: a bona fide architectural gem—an antidote to the soulless new builds popping up around town. “There’s this shift happening in that people are wanting homes with more detail and charm, and not just a blank slate,” says real estate agent Heidi Cox of Distinct Real Estate.
To help you find those homes, we’ve created the following rundown of where to look for architectural beauties in and around Denver, the drawbacks and benefits of six common styles, how to maximize your MLS search, what to know about historic designations, and much more. Whether you’re dreaming of waking up each morning in a classic Denver Square, or you’ve already furnished a mid-mod ranch in your mind (Eames forever!), there’s help for you here.
Our panel of real estate experts:
Ron Buss, Realtor at Coldwell Banker Dee Chirafisi, broker and founder of Kentwood City Properties Heidi Cox, Realtor at Distinct Real Estate Lane Walsh, broker and owner of Dwell Denver Real Estate
By the Numbers: So, What’s It Going to Cost You? A renovated Victorian in Congress Park. Photo by Raul Garcia. Styling by Kerri Cole.
Short answer: It varies, but be prepared to pay more for less. For example, “midcentury moderns usually don’t have basements, which means they’re typically lower square footage,” says Realtor Lane Walsh of Dwell Denver Real Estate. “And architectural styles with smaller floor plans sell for a higher price per square foot simply because of the math. If a 900-square-foot bungalow in West Highland sells for $530,000, the price per square foot is about $588. If a 2,000-square-foot Denver Square in Park Hill sells for $900,000, the price per square foot is $450. So even though the Denver Square is more expensive, the bungalow has a higher price per square foot.” Ultimately, says Realtor Dee Chirafisi of Kentwood City Properties, the cost of a historical property is often determined by how much it has been renovated: “A Victorian with original electrical, plumbing, and kitchen is likely going to be much less expensive than an [updated] midcentury modern.”
Know the Lingo: Denver Architecture 101
Presenting six historical home styles that are iconic to Denver—plus where to find them and what pitfalls to expect.
Queen Anne Victorian Queen Anne Victorian. Photo credit: Getty Images.
Leave it to an architectural style named for a royal to be ornate. From 1880 to 1910, these amped-up Victorians were the ne plus ultra in modern living, with scalloped shingles to draw eyes up to gables, turned spindles zhushing up porches, and interiors so cinematic you’d think you were on a movie set.
Expert Intel: “Victorians can have very challenging floor plans,” Realtor Lane Walsh says. Kentwood City Properties’ Dee Chirafisi agrees: “It’s difficult to do any kind of main-floor master suite because they just weren’t laid out that way—although a lot of people do really lovely additions on the back.”
Where to Look: Baker, City Park West, City Park South, Curtis Park, Sloan’s Lake, Washington Park West
Denver Square Denver Square. Photo by Emily Minton Redfield.
As the 20th century got rolling, Foursquares (known locally as Denver Squares) were the hot home type: two stories and generous porches all contained in the form of a—you guessed it—square. This grand home style’s distinct rooms are the opposite of open-plan living, and that’s just how homeowners liked it.
Expert Intel: “One drawback of these homes is that they have a central staircase that tends to break up the floor plan,” Chirafisi says.
Where to Look: Baker, Capitol Hill, Cheesman Park, City Park West, City Park South, Five Points, Highland, Washington Park
Craftsman Bungalow Craftsman Bungalow. Photo by Emily Minton Redfield.
These charming odes to the Arts and Crafts movement flourished in Denver between 1900 and 1930 and are best known for their clapboard or brick exteriors, gable rooflines with exposed rafter tails, and wide porches perfect for whiling away an afternoon. Interior layouts are cozy as can be (read: often cramped).
Expert Intel: “Since they’re typically one-level [floor plans], there’s a bed and bath on the main floor, which can be a plus,” Chirafisi says. “The drawback is that some people think they’re dark because they have large overhanging roofs, which were done intentionally to create shade and keep living spaces cooler.”
Where to Look: City Park, Congress Park, Platt Park, West Highland, Washington Park
Tudor Revival Tudor Revival House. Photo courtesy of zsiteportal.
Hansel and Gretel would feel at home in a Tudor, thanks to the straight-out-of-a-fairytale decorative wood—called half-timbering—that adds interest to the brick, stucco, or stone facades. A coveted style in the 1920s, Tudors are also known for their hipped and gable roofs and decorated chimneys. Inside? Details galore, including arched doorways.
Expert Intel: “The upstairs is often not a true second floor, because the roofline is not dormered—so a tall person can stand in the middle of a room, but might hit his head on the ceiling if he moves four feet in either direction,” Walsh says. “Also, [Tudors] don’t have the open floor plan that many buyers these days are looking for.”
Where to Look: Belcaro, Bonnie Brae, Mayfair, Montclair, Park Hill, Washington Park
Mediterranean Revival Mediterranean Revival. Photo credit: TheWBBA
Silver Screen aficionados obsess over these tile-roofed gems, which call to mind the artful architectural wonders of Old Hollywood. Trendy in Colorado in the 1920s, the beauties are known to feature white stucco facades, low pitched gable roofs, and arcaded entry porches.
Expert Intel: “Mediterranean Revivals tend to be modest in size, around 1,200 square feet,” Walsh says. “Those tile roofs can be a pain to replace—the average replacement cost of a regular asphalt shingle roof is about $10,000-$20,000, and a tile roof is $35,000-$40,000, depending on whether you choose clay or concrete. However, tile roofs can last up to 100 years! So I guess, in the long run, the price evens out.”
Where to Look: South Park Hill and Sloan’s Lake
Midcentury Ranch Midcentury Ranch. Photo by Daniel O’Connor.
You can thank California for this oh-so-popular style. Single-story midcentury ranches have been beloved since the postwar boom for good reasons: stair-free ease of living, open floor plans, and—key for Denver—attached garages.
Expert Intel: “Midcentury-modern homes have flat or slightly slanted roofs, and as such have very little insulation between the ceiling and roof,” says Ron Buss, Realtor for Coldwell Banker. “They also tend to have larger, single-pane windows; unless they’ve been replaced, they can lose heat in the winter.”
Where to Look: Arapahoe Acres (Englewood), Arapaho Hills (Littleton), Bel Aire (Wheat Ridge), Bonnie Brae, Harvey Park, Hilltop, Krisana Park, Lynwood, Montclair, and South Dahlia Lane
Find Your Dream Home Style
Not quite sure which architectural style is for you? Check out our fun key to find your home-design soul mate.
You might like a Queen Anne Victorian if … Queen Elizabeth II is your favorite royal and your idea of bling is an Art Deco emerald-cut diamond ring.
You might like a Denver Square if … you imagine making conversation with Prince William while trimming your rose bushes (and picking a few to put inside).
You might like a Craftsman Bungalow if … your jaw drops at the sight of a Patek Philippe pocket watch on Antiques Roadshow and Seattle is your dream vacation destination.
You might like a Tudor Revival if … Kate Middleton is your favorite royal, you dream of a long trip to Cheshire, England, and your idea of comfortable seating is a tufted chaise.
You might like a Mediterranean Revival if … you prefer succulents over roses, recently booked a trip to Seville, Spain, and want an Alexander Calder mobile in your home.
You might like a Midcentury Modern if … you want to kick back in a Scandi recliner next to a shelf of succulents with Prince Harry and Megan for company.
Q&A: What’s the Deal with Historic Designations?
To suss out whether historic designations might be worth the work to a homeowner, we asked Tom Hart. The architect behind Hart Studio is also on the board of trustees at Historic Denver, a nonprofit, urban historic preservation organization whose first major win was saving the Molly Brown House from the wrecking ball in the 1970s.
Popular architect William Quayle designed the H.H. Thomas House in the 1870s. Photo courtesy of Historic Denver, Inc.
5280 Home: OK, tell us the truth. Is a historic designation a smart thing for a homeowner to apply for? Tom Hart: It’s certainly worth doing. Part of it is intangible: These old buildings are what make Denver Denver. Our neighborhoods each have a different character, and that’s why people like them. I don’t want to slam suburbs, but they all just look the same.
How old does a house have to be to qualify? The general rule of thumb in the historic-preservation community is 50 years, but some homes are younger.
Is there a financial upside? There are Colorado preservation tax credits you can get if a building is individually landmarked or part of a neighborhood that’s landmarked. You’ll be able to recoup 20 percent of any qualified renovation costs up to $50,000. There’s an application process with the Landmark Preservation Commission, which is part of Denver’s Community Planning and Development department. The forms can be daunting to the layperson; the proposed landmark needs to meet certain criteria regarding history, architecture, or geography. There are a couple of hearings, and it takes several months. A large percentage of the applications go through on the first try.
That doesn’t sound too bad. What’s the catch? Can I still paint my house Hermès orange? You can paint your house whatever color you want. You can gut the inside if you want to, too. [A historic designation] only affects the exterior architecture of the building. Things that need to be reviewed are roof modifications; window, roof, and door replacements; additions; changes to siding; retaining walls in landscaping; and solar panels. You’re allowed to add storm windows and security doors without approval, however.
Old Homes, But New
If you love the idea of an old house but could do without the creaking floors and miniature closets, hire these builders whose new homes look just like the historical homes we all know and love.
“My specialty back in the day was creating ‘revival new old houses,’ and some of what we’re doing today is part of that same recipe,” says John Mattingly, principal of this Denver architecture, design, and construction firm. Because people are drawn to older homes for their durability, he notes, his team’s designs emphasize time-tested architectural ideas, like thick interior walls and dropped beams and coffering. 720-473-5498, chaletcolorado.com
Prairie-style homes inspire the designs created by this Denver-based firm. “We put our modern touch on [historical styles] while still being timeless,” says principal Bryan Bozeman. One secret to an age-old vibe in new construction: reclaimed wood from barns and old houses and/or recycled antique brick for a touch of true history. 720-722-4040, stonecloudco.com
How to Maximize Your Search Online
Unfortunately, searching by architectural style on the MLS (Zillow, Redfin, and the like) might lead you astray. “On the MLS, Realtors are inputting the information, so it’s often inaccurate,” Cox says. So Chirafisi recommends plugging in the years when your dream home would have been built. “For example, you can search for the years 1890 to 1910 and get a lot of Victorians,” she says. And then, in this real estate market, hope that your dream home doesn’t get snapped up before you can make an offer.
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The post The Guide to Denver Real Estate (for the Design-Obsessed) appeared first on AIRSOFT REVIEW.
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