batsmashcom · 2 years
How to choose the right baseball bat for you
When you go to buy a baseball bat, there are a lot of things to consider. You want to find the right one for your needs, and that's not always easy. In this post, we'll help you figure out what to look for so that you can make the best decision possible.
Choose the right bat for your age & height
Shopping for a baseball bat can be a daunting task, especially if you're not sure what to look for. However, there are a few key factors that you should keep in mind when choosing the right bat for your height. BBCOR bats are designed for high school and collegiate play, and they must meet certain size and weight guidelines. If you're a youth baseball player, you'll want to choose a youth bat that's the right length and weight for your age and size. Always consult a coach or experienced player before making your final purchase. With the right bat in hand, you'll be well on your way to hitting to the best of your capabilities.
Consider your batting style
When it comes to batting, there are two main types of hitters: power hitters and contact hitters. Power hitters are known for their ability to hit the ball hard and far, while contact hitters focus on making solid contact with the ball and moving it into gaps in the defense. Both styles have their strengths and weaknesses, so it's important to consider your own strengths and weaknesses before deciding which style is right for you.
Decide on the weight and length of the bat
Baseball bats come in a variety of sizes and weights, making it important for players to choose the bat that is right for them. The weight of the bat is an important consideration, as a heavier bat will provide more power while a lighter bat will be easier to swing. The length of the bat is also important, as a longer bat will provide more reach while a shorter bat will be more maneuverable. Players should also take into account their own strength and ability level when choosing a bat. A stronger player who can generate more power may prefer a heavier bat, while a weaker player may prefer a lighter bat. Ultimately, it is up to the individual player to decide on the weight and length of the bat that is right for them.
Shop around and compare prices
When it comes to choosing a baseball bat, it's important to shop around and compare prices. There are many different types of bats on the market, and the price can vary greatly depending on the quality and features of the bat. It's important to find a bat that fits your budget and needs. For example, if you're looking for a top-of-the-line bat, you'll likely have to pay more than you would for a basic model. However, the extra cost may be worth it if you're serious about your batting performance. On the other hand, if you're just starting out, you may not need all the bells and whistles that come with a higher-end bat. In general, it's best to try out several different bats before making a purchase. This will help you get a feel for what's available and allow you to find the bat that's right for you.
Make sure you get a good warranty
When you buy a baseball bat, it's important to make sure you get a good warranty. A warranty will protect you in case the bat breaks or is otherwise damaged. It's important to read the fine print of the warranty to make sure you understand what is covered and what isn't. In most cases, the warranty will cover damage caused by normal wear and tear. However, it's important to note that some warranties may not cover accidents or deliberate damage. Be sure to ask about the details of the warranty before you make your purchase.
Test out different bats before making a purchase
When it comes to baseball bats, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, it's important to find a bat that is the right size, weight and shape for your individual playing style. The best way to find the perfect bat is to test out different models before making a purchase. Many baseball stores have batting cages where you can try out different bats and see how they feel. It's also a good idea to ask for advice from experienced players or baseball coaches. With a little bit of research, you're sure to find the perfect baseball bat for you.
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bat-smash · 4 years
Batsmash.com is owned by Mr. Thomas J. Barnett, a lifelong athelete specialized in baseball. The major aim of batsmash.com is to find and review the bets baseball and softball bat. He saves the precious time of players looking for buying bats and also finds hot deals on this year’s top bats. Thomas J. barnett explores top baseball bat brands like DeMarini, Louisville and Easton. A person with love and having passion about assisting others find very suitable baseball bat for their playing style.
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madomadotsuki · 5 years
the child is wrapped up in a big ol' hug. lots of kisses from the papa bear. "happy birthday, lil' cub! i love you so much." he says, nuzzling her cheek.
[⌘]-- Too bad for you, Bleu. There was a TRAP and you fell right into it! Baby Hands and bright red running shoes latch around his form like a baby koala. Good luck getting her off you now, fool!
       “An’ I love you so much I ain’t letting you go now. Mwahaha!”
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rexcellente · 6 years
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                    “  oh  ,  hey  .  ya must be one of them classic alts  ,  “  he says  ,  glancing to sans  .  surprisingly  ,  rex only knows one  ,  at least closely  .  cobalt is a cool dude  .  “  whats yer story  ,  mate  ??  ya ain’t gotta give big details thoygh if ya don’ wanna  .  “  he understands classics tend to have bad backstories  ,  so he tends to be less prying  .
                                  @batsmashed  //  XX
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jellycreamjammedart · 6 years
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♥ bleu coeur (sans) + blue & pink + aesthetic post ♥ for @snyland / @batsmashed / @navyhearted ♥
creds.: ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
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cosmosfated · 6 years
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Fleur cleans up quite nicely... when he decides to not look like a wreck.
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tinymute · 6 years
❛ i look at you and i… i’m home. ❜
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They were a constant back and forth, a fluid thing that did not have any sort of response when someone asked for a definition of ‘them,’ if they translated into an us beyond when they let their feelings get a little too messy.
They were under a cold, starry sky, Juliette wrapped in enough layers to even satiate the most nervous mother sending her child into the winter. Still, she trembled. If this was due to the weather or her own feelings was a secret that the mute would take to her grave.
“Is home where your heart is? Or just a place where the mail gathers while you wander?”
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localmagicalboi · 6 years
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yay! it’s a follow forever. i hate explaining things. let’s get to it. it’s a new yr, babey!
✨ moon twilight flash!
@notevenjupiter @hanbamjvng @ofbesaid @dramaytan @ifemerel @endsought @fynneun @cihcreha @dxspereaux @heartmemos @evilmotherfuckers @wwarfstache @feraldesire @jjillekkot @sternenkrone @sternenschleier @flamepng @seekesotsibteadmist @betvenom @catharsi @soulscarredscientist @oraculideluna @foundgold @undersunrise @dvstv @cursedmenagerie @blackmage-lulu @moonlovin @bluu-belle @dcsidcrium @spcntaneouspirals
@sleazygoing @1053l2 @traumeriin @deadwitchery @leafproductions @escapedartgeek @fbiartist @sepiacasket @armsdealing @futurehalted @pcisoner @octaviusindustries @nothingtm @motherwitch @mortalcircle @kissyqt @petiteballerina @lightsbeam @exulantis @bountyman
@floweryoutoclay @irishrot @footagecaught @cheiian @etastra @mccnnight @aqvarii @snhynwoo @gentlegently @busanbunnie @maskmaim @lifetempted @supernaturalmadcnna @chantoile @batsmashed @showmelv @antimuses @ofdebris @damnedcrybaby @voyageranimus @fryordie @uxis-multimuse @flametendingbartender @shorestar
✨ moon healing escalation!
@rennisaturate @belliiqueux @tiimescout @lavafed @sapphosheiir @mcneyhoney @birdsofabristle @pohocounty @spokenwithhands @honcybadger @flamcd @domusarcanis @hamletsboy @maudlinman @paraphiliapet @toameliiorate @brycecousland @colorintrusion @naivelost @nightscaped @lightcracked @refraine @tcughcookie @strawpolls @dirtypaw @obscvne @killcrblood @forsaken--lullaby @mediocrepoems @xonismsx
@corporeeal @softintonation @onelifetoliv @letagin @moonmothered @xnecromantia @hellsholyground @astcrii @calllmebcby @lcvemechain @yuseongu @withlwolves @shccpish @lessereviltm @redcvrpet @yccngblood @lastlycoris
if i missed u, im sorry. i... am so tired! peace!
kick some ass in 2019 or some shit! idk! ♥
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navyhearted · 5 years
Hey hey hey everyone, it’s ya enby, Ryland. Here’s a bit of an update for you guys since I feel awful for not being around too much. 
First: I’m in the process of moving everything over here from @batsmashed. I just feel a lot better over on here than I do over there. Thanks for being so understanding & patient with me during this process. I’m hoping to have the blog ready before Bleu’s birthday in August! 
Second: Since Bleu’s design is very different compared to most Sanses & he’s practically an OC at this point, I’m looking to commission a (or several) artist(s) to make icons for him. I’m also hoping to get a ref page for him soon! 
Lastly: I’m hoping to make Bleu’s story more... flowing, i guess? It’s very fragmented & a lot of it doesn’t really make much sense, in hindsight. So I’m gonna be writing a fanfiction for him & posting it on AO3! I’ll keep y’all posted on the planning/plotting of it and if you want your muse mentioned/involved, then let me know! 
Now for the personal stuff, which is gonna be kinda long so it’s gonna be under a read more. Thanks for reading this far, love you guys!
Life has been very.... iffy for me lately, tbh. Welcome to the complaining corner, kids. 
First off, I might be losing my job soon. Not my fault or anything-- shitty management changes and a new, bigger, better store opening in october right across the street just spells disaster for people like me. 
My vacation this year was awful. I went to Orlando with my mom, her bf and his family, like I do every year. This year, instead of flying, he decided we were gonna drive. Okay, no big deal. Except, whoopsy, he lost his job and he had no money! So my mother had to pay for everything! Gas, the hotel’s we stayed at on the road, even the resort we stayed at in Florida! She had to pay for all of it! Because of this, everything I was promised earlier on (SeaWorld, Disney, general tourist stuff) I didn’t get. Also the drive was terrible, especially going home. I hated every second of it. We didn’t do anything. We were just stuck at the resort and by Wednesday I wanted to go home because honestly if we’re gonna go out and do anything then why even go on vacation??? Who even goes on vacation with no money??
Right before I left to go on vacation, I found out my grandfather has brain cancer. So I’ve been trying to come to terms with that. It’s hard, but I’m trying to see the silver lining. Father’s Day was tough this year. It took him like half an hour just to open his presents that my brother and I bought him. He hasn’t been eating, because the radiation made it so everything he eats tastes like garbage to him. 
I’m slowly becoming comfortable with the fact that I’m trans. I don’t know how I’m gonna tell my parents, but I know I have to do it before granddad dies. I’m hoping that I can, at least. 
If you read this far, you’re an angel and I love you. Bye xoxo
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blu-screen · 6 years
Your Muse’s Pokemon Team
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tagged by: @oncepeople thanks buds!
tagging:  @gigaon @avariciousness @smokingnarcissus @krisknifeswissknife @aft0nr0b0ticsllc @karmaticretribution @purrfectstars @vertebralheights, @punassailable @batsmashed @whotookmygrapes and anyone else who’s interested
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batsmashcom · 4 years
Welcome to Top Bats, a blog by BatSmash.
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Join for the Hottest Baseball Bats, the Duds, the Fake Reviews and more
Buying a bat is a big decision.
How the heck to you sort through the options without trying to understand complicated things like composite, carbon fiber handles, hybrid bats, and “two piece”. 
Let’s help each other sort through the clutter and simply find the best baseball bats, together. Follow Top Bats and get a free Bat Buying Gude PDF. 
Batsmash.com is a baseball bat review site launched in 2020 Thomas J. Barnett, a lifelong athlete passionate about baseball and baseball players finding the best bat for them. 
The major aim of batsmash.com is to find and review the bets baseball and softball bat. He saves the precious time of players looking for buying bats and also finds hot deals on this year’s top bats. 
Our bat reviews explore top baseball bat brands like DeMarini, Louisville Slugger, Easton, Rawlings, and Marucci. Every single year. Whether you are looking to buy a metal or wood bat, you can save time, money, and find the right baseball bat for maximum batting potential.
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Smash, our bat-wielding caveman, helps Thomas with love and passion to assist others find very suitable baseball bat for their playing style.
If you are looking for the best BBCOR bat, youth baseball bat, or even USSSA (big barrel) bat, we have you covered. Both fastpitch and slowpitch softball bat reviews are coming for the 2021 season! 
Follow Batsmash on Tumblr for more. In the mean time, BatSmash.com on Google has some great bat-buying resources. And, you can follow us at:
Batsmash.com - Official Website
Batsmash.com Twitter
Batsmash.com Facebook
Batsmash.com YouTube
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somehumerusbones · 6 years
He sides on up to the other. "hey~." Oh no. He's gonna flirt. Oh god. (batsmashed)
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Wait a second, isn’t this that guy who smooched Iret? How’d he get here, wait, wow, he is, pretty close now. Admittedly Sans felt a bit awkward, but considering the guy was an alter, that feeling was much less compared to if, anyone else did this. He wouldn’t be feeling this way for long
“uuh, hey pal.”
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madomadotsuki · 6 years
There is a journal, tied up in dark blue string with a note attached. The book is labeled 'dream diary' the note read: "exactly three years ago yesterday, you and i met and my life changed forever. you are so important to me and i want you to know how much i not only love you, but trust you too. this is a journal i've kept for about six years now, logging every single dream i've had in those years. you don't have to read it, but it would make me very happy if you did. love, papa bear 💙 "
[⌘]-- She doesn’t know why she feels like tearing up reading the note, but it’s at least not out of a bad sensation.
       Maybe it just touched her more than she herself could understand.
       She looks over to her own dream diary, resting on her little desk, and for once looking at it felt a little anxiety-inducing, because now she felt like she owed Bleu the same trust-- that she should let him have her own diary. And it didn’t sit well with her.
       No! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with Bleu, or letting him have it. Madotsuki just doesn’t feel like she’s ready yet, to let go of it. Hopefully he won’t mind having to be a little more patient. One day she might return the favor.
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       She looks down at the small book in her hands, mildly worn like a good one. She can’t deny she’s now a little curious over what had been written inside it, but she stops, squinting at nothing in particular, she knew her father well enough-- a thought passed her.
       He made sure he removed the smutty dreams first, right???
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jellycreamjammedart · 6 years
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☪ paige coretha-aster (oc) + aesthetic post ☪ for @snyland / @batsmashed / @blankpaiige ☪
creds.: ☪ ✡ ☪ ✡ ☪ ✡ ☪ ✡ ☪
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cosmosfated · 6 years
   “well, the wedding starts in less than an hour. not even my wedding and i’m the anxious one, hah--!”  Fleur snickers a little bit before sighing.  He’s helped with decorating, with clothes, but he’s never actually been part of a wedding.  Busy, or simply not invited, one or the other.  Now he’s best man.
                 ...that’s a scary change of pace.
   He runs his fingers through his hair for a moment.  It’s getting a touch too long-- that’s for another day though.  Another day another worry, how about he gets through this wedding first, hm?  Think about the rest later.  He even managed to steel himself to not go to work today because of the wedding!  It’s a big event, Thannor would understand.  ..he usually does regardless, but still! 
   He couldn’t bring himself to tell the truth to Bleu.  It’d break the poor monster’s heart.  How could he even tell him no?  It’s an honor to be considered someone’s best man, isn’t it?  The fact that he was even thought of, let alone chosen as such... it’s staggering.  And yet... he feels more anxious than excited.  Is it the timeframe?  Is it the bride?  He’s not sure.  There’s no clocks around, but it feels like time is running out.
tick tock tick tock
   He shakes his head.  It’s just the business.  It’s all in his head.  He’s too jittery lately.
   He brushes his hair back into a neat, fluffy ponytail.  Ignores the curly strands of hair that refuse to be tied back.  Looks into the mirror so he can adjust the cuffs of his tuxedo.  He puts on his usual necklaces.  He picks up his cane.  And he... tries to reassure himself.
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   “...you got this.”    His voice sounds even less convincing through a reflection.
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batsmashed · 6 years
bleubearrr -> batsmashed
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