#Bat(wo)men au
puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Batman Au: All of the kids have not only their own vigilante outfits such as Nightwing or Spoiler but also their own batman ones. They're pre-made in case of emergencies and constantly updated.
The league have no idea that the batman they keep meeting are different people for a very long time.
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spicyseonghwas · 1 year
skz - reaction to reader getting hit on by other men
pairing :: skz x male reader (discludes woojin; i write for him as a soloist) rating :: 15+ ; suggestive content genres/au's :: fluff, slight suggestive, boyfriend!skz content warnings :: light cursing, insinuated physical contact, mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of murder, reader referred to as a piece of art one (1) time. tell me if i missed something! word count :: a/n this request has been split up into 4 parts to keep yall on ur toes! requested by @wo-ai-ni-yong [ask] network tag @preciousillusions-net
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chan, changbin ; han, minho ; i.n, felix ; hyunjin, seungmin
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~ yang jeongin/i.n
i really don't feel like he would be very sober?? when this situation occurs??
drunk but not wasted.
and that would heavily impact how he treats the other guy(s) during the confrontation.
he would be really aggressively possessive whether he was drunk or not, but in any situation like this, the only thing stopping him from whooping ass (not in the kinky way) is if he's dead.
it's really no use for you to tell him "let's just leave," because he won't just leave. it would hurt his pride and dignity too much to let them escape.
but if he were sober in this kind of situation i feel like he would be a bit calmer at first?
for sure he would try his best to tell the other party to fuck off before he thew punches.
but in any state of his mental availability, he would be very very possessive of you, because you're his boy, and he would be very confrontational and aggressive, because no one touches his prized painting.
~ lee felix
felix would IN. NO. W O R L D . even ALLOW another man to get within a mile of you unless it's his friends or you have a metric ton of proof that you and the other man are just friends.
and he would never make a mistake in this endeavor. if his gut tells him "keep that motherfucker away..."
then he's gonna keep that motherfucker away.
and if he somehow gets coerced into letting someone close to you and then catches them hitting on you...
beat that boy widda bat.
headline: "kpop superstar lee felix sentenced to 10 years in prison for second degree murder"
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© seonghwas-lighter 2023-2024.
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a-7thdragon · 2 years
Natürlich bekam ich heute direkt ein Body von meiner Herrin verpasst.
Ihr kecker Blick, als ich diesen anzog, war noch demütigender, als ihn überhaupt anziehen zu müssen.
Dass es ihr so gut gefällt, mich in solchen Sachen zu sehen, lässt mich ahnen, dass es nicht das letzte war, was sie mir verpassen wird.
Den Body spürte ich noch deutlicher unter meiner Kleidung, als den Damenslip und damit blieb auch heute der Käfig fast kontinuierlich ziemlich eng.
Dann bekam ich auch noch diese Nachricht meiner Herrin:
 Mein lieber Keuschling,
ich gönne uns beiden heute etwas Pause. Du brauchst mir also nichts rauslegen, was ich zum Feierabend anziehe.
Da ich weiß, wie sehr es dir gefällt, wenn ich den zarten Stoff auf meiner Haut trage, darfst du dir zum Feierabend eine Strumpfhose anziehen.
 Okay, damit waren dann auch noch meine Nippel gefühlt den ganzen Tag hart. Und nein, es erregt mich nicht die Sachen anzuziehen, es erregt mich von meiner Herrin dazu gezwungen zu werden.
Die Erniedrigung, dass sie mich Damendessous tragen lässt, während sie ganz normale Unterwäsche trägt, ist sehr demütigend, vor allem, da sie genau weiß, wie gerne ich sie in solchen Sachen sehen würde.
Aber ich werde es durchhalten, egal wie lange sie mich ohne Orgasmus lassen will, egal, was sie sich noch einfallen lässt.
Wir fuhren dann einkaufen und durch die Bewegung spürte ich die Sachen noch intensiver.
Irgendwann laufe ich einfach aus, ob ich will oder nicht.
Am Abend durfte ich dann mit meiner Herrin unter die Dusche. 
Als wir uns entkleideten haben sie mir den Schlüssel und ich durfte mich öffnen, allerdings hatte sie auch einen von den neuen Bodys geholt und sie wollte, dass ich den mit der Strumpfhose zur Nacht anzog.
Sie setzte sich erst noch auf Toilette und jetzt wo ihre Mens vorbei war, verlangte sie wieder sauber geleckt zu werden. Ich ging auf die Knie und leckte sie demütig.
Dann waren wir unter der Dusche.
Wieder durfte ich sie waschen und als ich fertig war, bat ich sie einfach noch etwas unter der Brause stehen zu bleiben.
Ich küsste sie vom Nacken bis zum Po, bat sie sich umzudrehen und küsste sie von ihren Schenkeln, über Bauch, Brüste, Hals zu ihrem Mund.
„Es ist schön so einen tollen Keuschling zu haben.“, sagte sie und ich konnte die Zufriedenheit aus ihrer Stimme hören.
Ich wusch mich schnell, damit ich mit ihr zusammen ins Schlafzimmer gehen konnte.
Ich hatte einen frischen Schlafanzug für sie unter der Bettdecke zusammen mit einer Heizdecke gelegt, so dass ich ihr nun einen warmen Schlafanzug anziehen konnte.
Auf ein Höschen verzichtete sie.
Und ich spürte deutlich meine Erregung.
Dann hatte ich sie angezogen und fragte, ob ich mich wieder verschließen soll.
Da wir nur noch etwas Fern sehen wollten und dann eh ins Bett gingen, rechnete ich damit, dass sie nein sagen würde.
Doch von ihr kam ein „Sicher, und wenn du jammerst, räum ich den Schlüssel ganz weg.“
Das hat gesessen. Nun war ich froh, dass sie mich nicht noch zusätzlich unter der Dusche gereizt hatte.
Ich legte den Käfig an und zog Strumpfhose und Body an, darüber eine Jogginganzug, falls doch noch eins der Kinder rauskommen würde.
Vor dem Fernseher küsste, cremte und massierte ich noch ihre Füße und merkte den Käfig so intensiv.
Ich wusste nicht was besser war, 10x zu edgen und ohne Käfig zu schlafen oder meiner Herrin zu sagen, dass ich verschlossen bleiben wollte.
Ohne Käfig zu schlafen war dann aber doch das bessere Übel.
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
Work has had me exhausted the last 2 days to the point where I couldn’t read before bed like I normally do. 😩 on the bright side, I’m off today…which means I can binge read everything I missed in the last 2 days!! 😏 I’ve missed all my favs!
Hopefully you don’t get too much snow by you, if you so, stay warm and safe ☃️🤍
Oh no! I hate weeks like that, where all you want to do is just get in the bed and pass out! There are a few fluffy moments from the past few days. And since there's going to possibly be snow...wanna peak into the Drysdale's as their older and how they choose to spend a snow day??
Snowed In
Summary:  The kids get snowed in at the estate
Pairings:  The WHOLE Drysdale Clan
Rating:  sweet snowflakes
Warnings: None, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  1.3K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
The Drysdale’s Masterlist
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“What are you doing?” Ransom looks over at his son who walks through the house with his girlfriend and a few sleds.  “Why are you here?”
“It’s supposed to come a snow storm, and I don’t want me and Lo to be stuck in the apartment,” He gives his parents a smile, setting the sleds down before walking back with two huge sets luggage.
“How long is this supposed to last?  And who’s sledding?” Blade only smiles pulling you upstairs with him.  “Steven Blade!  Who is sledding?” he turns to look back at his wife, “Kitten?” 
“Oh, Ran, he’s a big kid.”
“He has way too many clothes, and secrets,” he looks outside to see Iris and Story’s family vehicles pulling up at the same time.  “Your daughters and their thirty children are here,” she only nods with a hum getting up to help them with, “Why are there so many bags of groceries?  Kitten?”
She walks outside to give her daughters a hug, grabbing up the carrier for the youngest Baizen boy, and then helping the toddlers Thorne and Poppy out to walk, “Come on Papa, help Mimi get these babies in.  There’s a lot of groceries, and bags to get.”
“Will someone just clue me into...” he stops when he sees Beck and Aster pulling in with another one of his babies.  “What is going on?”
“Ransom!” Kitten shouts at him, “You’re scaring the babies.”
“Why are you all here?”  Aster walks past giving her dad a cheek kiss as do the rest of his daughters, still not answering just walking in the estate with groceries and the men with the luggage.
“Papa!  Grab that heavy bag, I can’t carry it,” Ellie points at a bag full of drinks.
“Ellie belly, I didn’t get the memo.  What’s happening?”
She giggles up at her Papa, joined soon by Otto, “We’re staying in case the weather gets bad.  Mom, and Ree, and Icy, and Blade said we should all be together.  Now, get that bag.”
Ransom isn’t appalled at idea of his family and all their children being here.  Welcomes the idea of having these special moments with his family.  “Ewwie and me call sweeping in the bed with Wo and Bwade,” well there’s one couple that’s cockblocked.  
“I just want people to not to touch me,” Posie screams back at Otto.
Walking the large bag into the kitchen, he places a chaste kiss on his wife’s cheek who is already slicing up vegetables for soup.  Story cradling the newest, with Archer right by her side.   “Give me that baby, Story book.”
“No,” she doesn’t even look at him.  Just stares down at the sleeping newborn, offering sweet smiles and cheek kisses to Archer.  Another one that’s cockblocked.  She only has eyes for that baby, and he’s only a few weeks old.  Now the other two.  
“Story, I haven’t got to hold him.”
“Me, Papa,” Archer pouts up at Ransom, who picks him up.  Clinging tight to him as he leaves the kitchen.
“Can I hold him Ree?” Beck bats his eyes at her.  She gives Brooks a sweet kiss before handing him over to her brother-in-law.
“Enjoy it, while you can just give him back,” she answers with a wink, walking over to her mom grabbing a knife and assists her and her sister chopping up carrots.  “So what’re we going to do first?”
“Soup,” Iris answers, scrapping her portion into the stock pot.  “Then, Posie brought that thick yarn to do arm knitting with.  Even brought her favorite aunt some pink yarn,” Posie leans forward giving Story a wink.
“Maybe the pink will rub off on you for the next time,” she giggles.  Story just shakes her head.  While she wants a girl, those four handsome boys are more than enough.  Each of them, nearly a spitting image of the man she fell in love with.  Mixed in with a bit of her father.  “You do make pretty boys though.  Mimi, I brought stuff to make marshmallows for your hot chocolate, can I go ahead and make them?” she tells her oldest grandchild, yes, and Posie runs off to fetch you.  Needing her partner in crime to make the fluffiest of marshmallows.
Aster staying as far away from the kitchen as humanly possible.  Thinking every time she walks into one she messes something up, so instead, she helps the men entertain the babies. Laughter and conversations from all over the estate. The rambunctious, almost twins of Otto and Ellie run in between the two rooms checking on everybody, and dramatically go from singing a Disney song, that Beck and Story join in on, or pretending to be knights.
Even a grumpy Ransom coming back pouting at his daughter about him not being able to Hold Brooks. Walking back in the family room to see the beefy Chris holding onto the newborn. “Don’t get any ideas. There’s enough of these kids. Just hold one,” he scolds the man.
The part that Aster can help, is designing the charcuterie board lunch. Laying out all the cheeses, meats, nuts, and spreads. Getting help from you and Posie as the three of you make it all pretty while the soup simmers.
Blade’s mom walks to the back door opening it up and taking a deep breath, “It’s almost here,” she sighs. “Come here,” Ransom goes to wrap an arm around her, while her walking grandbabies go to stand beside her. “Smell it?”
“You can weally smeww the snow?”
“She can, buddy.  My Kitten has been smelling the snow as long as I’ve known her.  And that’s been over thirty-six years.”
“Mimi, can we watch a movie after lunch?” Posie asks leaning her head up to peer at her.
“Of course sweet girl.”
After the short lunch, you and Blade grab ahold of Ellie and Otto, following the rest of the family in to watch a movie. Everyone all paired up and holding on to a kid. Posie retired to curl into her dad, legs draped over her mom who leans over on James as well. Letting Posie get the most attention for awhile. While Thorne and Poppy respectively sit with their Mimi and Papa. Beck buddied up with Zephyr, who kept getting death glares from Ellie for sitting with her Becks. While Archer stayed with Carter, until he was sneaking away to be with Chris and Lucy.
Story clings tightly to her newborn, nursing him through the first half of the movie. Basically falling asleep on Carter, who just rubs shapes on her shoulder. Letting her drift in and out as much as she needs too.
Halfway through the movie, Kitten stands with a sleeping Thorne to check outside coming back with a smile before cuddling up to Ransom. The snow had started. From the looks of it coming down good enough to trap you here for days. Just the way she had wanted.
After the movie, everyone grabs a barely awake kid, to sit in the sunroom, just watching the snow fall. Ransom lights the fireplace, making the room all toasty and cozy, asking for Posie to sing them a song. She bounds to get her guitar, and plays a couple of songs that she had been learning. The most beautiful and precious family time. Ruined only by her looking at Blade. “I think it’s time to sled.”
The few snow days were spent with children curled up into somebody’s bed. Even Posie came crawling into her parents room when she found out Thorne and Poppy were with Mimi and Papa. Beck and Aster had stolen an Archer, while Zephyr wanted to be in the dark room with Lucy and Chris.
During the day was spent sledding, and doing a random craft. Everyone making a blanket, and coloring. Helping bake cookies, and the famous hot chocolate with the homemade marshmallows. Together time. Even listening to Beck read an unpublished work from someone in such a calm and soothing way. Making it near impossible to stay awake.
Kitten leans into Ransom giving him a soft smile, and whispers in his ear, “I know it’s overwhelming at times, but I do love having everyone here.”
“Me, too, Kitten. We did this. You did this.”
“You too, my pretty boy. All our games, lead us to have a house full of our kids and grandchildren. Harlan would be so proud of you baby.”
“You too,” he whispers slotting his lips against hers. “I love you.”
“Love you, too, Captain.”
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reisenderpascal · 3 years
03. Januar 2022
Der gestrige Tag ließ sich kurz verfassen, war für mich dennoch ein langer Tag, in einem Museum verliert man schnell die Zeit. So tat es sich zu, dass ich den ganzen Mittag in ihm verbrachte und es schon dunkel wurde als ich es verließ.
Am Montag, dem 03. Januar 2022 beschloss ich ein paar Geschäften einen Besuch abzustatten. Da meine eigentlich geplante Reise nach Japan nicht stattfinden konnte, wollte ich doch wenigstens eine Sache besuchen, die ihren Ursprung in Japan hat. Nintendo, eine Firma und Videospielmarke die mich schon seit meiner Kindheit begleitet. Mein Ziel war Nintendo New York. Während ich meine Assistentin darum bat, mir die Wegbeschreibung zu zeigen, war ich Baff, als sich der Laden doch tatsächlich am Rockefeller Center befand. Da war ich doch schon an dem Tag meiner Anreise. Ich muss damals wohl einfach vorbeigelaufen sein.
Auf meinem Weg dorthin lief ich an einem Lego Store vorbei. Von außen sah ich große Konstrukte aus Lego und ich beschloss hineinzugehen. Lego, das Spielzeug, mit dem jeder in seinem Leben in Berührung gekommen ist und ich selbst habe Freunde, die große Sammler, von wirklich beeindruckenden Sets sind. Das Geschäft erschließt sich auf zwei Stockwerke. Im Laden befanden sich Sehenswürdigkeiten wie das Empire State Building oder die Freiheitsstatue, alles komplett aus Lego. Ebenfalls Superhelden der Marvel Reihe wie Hulk oder Spiderman fanden sich dort. Hat sich gelohnt einen Blick hineinzuwerfen und die beiden waren natürlich begeistert von den Bildern, denen ich ihnen zusendete.
Ein paar Blocks weiter kam ich dann auch schon zum Nintendo Store. Dieser erstreckte sich ebenso auf zwei Stockwerke. Unten befanden sich Kleidungsartikel aller bekannten Marken und mit der Aufschrift New York Nintendo, von dem ich mir eines kaufte. Im zweiten Stockwerk gab es ein Schaufenster, das auf beiden Seiten mit allen Konsolen der Marke ausgestattet war. Eine Seite besaß alle Heimkonsolen, die andere Seite die Handheldkonsolen. Ebenso gab es in einer Vitrine ein Schwert aus einem meiner Lieblingsspielreihe, The Legend of Zelda. Für mich war das einfach überwältigend. Im hinteren Bereich des zweiten Stockwerkes, wo sich auch das Schwert befand, gab es auch nochmal Kleidung der genannten Marke. Da musste natürlich auch ein T-Shirt gekauft werden.
Nach meiner kleinen Shoppingtour ging es dann weiter zur New York Public Library, ich hatte mir erhofft einen riesigen Raum vorzufinden, der sich mit abertausenden Büchern schmückte. Leider waren die meisten Räume gesperrt und die einzigen Räumlichkeiten, die ich vorfand, waren Lernräume für Studenten.
Im Anschluss ging ich zum Grand Central, um die Eingangshalle zu betrachten. Bekannt ist diese Station in diversen Filmen, zum Beispiel in Men in Black.
Gegen 15 Uhr machte ich mich weiter auf den Weg und ging nach Chinatown. Wirklich faszinierend wie schnell sich das Bild einer Stadt nach einem Block ändern kann. Ich begab mich dorthin, um eine weitere Arcade Halle zu besuchen. Davor musste ich aber noch irgendwo etwas essen. Ich schlenderte durch die Straßen Chinatown, die all ihre Läden und die meiste Werbung auch in Chinesisch beschriftet hatte. Ich schaute durch die verschiedenen Restaurants um zu sehen, welches den gut besucht ist, entschied mich dann, aufgrund der Preise, die ich außen auf der Karte sah, in ein Restaurant zu gehen, das man durch eine Treppe nach unten besuchen konnte.
Während ich dort saß und so aß, lief auf einmal eine Ratte quer durch das Restaurant. Faszinierenderweise störte dies mich überhaupt nicht. Auch die im Restaurant waren nicht sonderlich überrascht. Ich dachte mir, solange sich keine in meinem Essen befindet, so ist das etwas in Chinatown womit man wohl leben muss.
Online hatte ich mir einen Gutschein für den Arcade Store rausgesucht, der mir Wertspielmarken von 30 Dollar für 15 Dollar gab, doppelt so viel Spaß also. Ich wünschte mir nur ich hätte das gemacht, als ich mir die Räumlichkeiten anschaute, denn es war dort wirklich klein und hatte nicht so viel Auswahl wie in dem letzten, den ich besuchte. So probierte ich mich an jedem Spielautomaten mal aus, auch eine Tanzmaschine, bei der ich mir natürlich unsicher war, da ich überhaupt nicht tanzen kann und ich kein einziges Lied kannte, ebenso bestand die ganze Auswahl aus K-Pop Songs, mit denen ich überhaupt nicht vertraut war.
Auf meinem Weg nach Hause war es auch schon wieder dunkel und es entstand eines meiner Lieblingsbilder, die ich bisher auf meiner Reise machte, es ist das letzte Bild in der Bildergalerie für diesen Tag.
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gaymusicchart · 7 years
GAY MUSIC CHART – 2017 week 42
 As a new additionnal rule for making this chart, we also use now the ranking of the number of views in our previous weekly playlist.  
Welcome to the Gay Music Chart, the LGBTQA related music videos TOP 50 actuality and most request.
Vote for your favourite LGBTQA related music videos by leaving a comment for this post on :
YOUTUBE (in the comment section of the video of the week) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz7yfp-xq-b08tD6mAWwclA
BLOGGER : http://gaymusicchart.blogspot.fr
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/GayMusicChart/
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/GayMusicChart with #GayMusicChart  
TUMBLR : http://gaymusicchart.tumblr.com  
 Here is the recap for this week :
 OUT : Superfruit - Hurry Up (LW: - / WO: 3 / PEAK: 17)
OUT : Superfruit - Worth it (LW: - / WO: 13 / PEAK: 02)
OUT : Paris Bang Bang - Poseída (LW: 29 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 13)
OUT : Kele Okereke - Streets Been Talkin' (LW: 31 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 24)
OUT : PRIMME - Skinny Jeans (Official Lyric Video) (LW: 32 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 32)
OUT : Kyle Motsinger - Nothing Stays the Same (LW: 33 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 33)
OUT : Justin Gerhard (The Gay Men Channel) - I’m Every Gay Man (LW: 36 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 35)
OUT : Beth Ditto - We Could Run (LW: 37 / WO: 8 / PEAK: 10)
OUT : Chester Lockhart - Save Me from Myself (LW: 39 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 32)
OUT : MUNA - I Know A Place (LW: 40 / WO: 34 / PEAK: 01 (x2))
OUT : Johnny Robinson - Flames Of Love (Matt Pop Mix) (LW: 42 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 42)
OUT : Michael Perry - Perfect Love (LW: 45 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 45)
OUT : A JAY - Asammatha Pemak (Rathu Thol) රතු තොල් (LW: 47 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 22)
OUT : Harel Skaat - אהבה זו אהבה / Love is Love (LW: 48 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 26)
OUT : Nakhane - Clairvoyant (LW: 49 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 18)
OUT : Osvaldo Supino - Fire (LW: 50 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 37)
  01 (=) : P!nk - What About Us (LW: 01 / WO: 8 / PEAK: 01 (x3))
The music video includes audio contents from the tragic events in Charlottesville for denouncing the hate speeches from the supremacist movements, and shows several people dancing under the intimidating eye of the authorities, including two men together.
 02 (+ 4) : Zayn feat. Sia - Dusk Till Dawn (LW: 06 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 02)
This is the new collab of Sia.
 03 (- 1) : Alfie Arcuri - If They Only Knew (LW: 02 / WO: 15 / PEAK: 02)
This is the new music video of the winner of The Voice Australia 2016. What must do a gay man when he's in love with his best male friend, who's dating his best female friend?
 04 (- 1) : Kevin Chomat - Sens Interdit (LW: 03 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
This new single of the French singer reached the top 10 YouTube trending in France.
 05 (+ 6) : Harel Skaat - Radio (LW: 11 / WO: 24 / PEAK: 01 (x3))
The Israeli singer has uploaded on his channel a full concert. Go check it!
 06 (+ 8) : Alvin Point - Il a dit (LW: 14 / WO: 55 / PEAK: 01 (x4))
The first single of the 24 years old singer is talking about a romantic gay love story. The title means "he said".
 07 (+ 3) : Myckael SG - Strong or Best (alternate version) (LW: 10 / WO: 8 / PEAK: 04)
 08 (- 1) : Wrabel - The Village (LW: 07 / WO: 11 / PEAK: 04)
This engaging song was written the day after US President Trump removed new federal protections for trans students in public schools last February. Trans actor August Aiden plays the role of a young transgender who tries to be himself despite the hostility of his father in the music video.
 09 (- 4) : Kevin Chomat - Un homme à terre (LW: 05 / WO: 36 / PEAK: 01 (x3))
For his third single, the French singer is talking about infidelity, with his boyfriend who cheated on him.
 10 (- 6) : Sam Smith - Too Good At Goodbyes (LW: 04 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 04)
The British singer is back with a new upcoming album.
 11 (+ 2) : Michele Bravi - Diamanti (LW: 13 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 11)
This is the third single from the Italian singer taken from the album “Anime Di Carta”.
 12 (- 3) : Leon Else - What I Won't Do (Lyric Video) (LW: 09 / WO: 18 / PEAK: 02)
The British singer has recently came out on Facebook.
 13 (- 5) : Logic feat. Alessia Cara, Khalid - 1-800-273-8255 (LW: 08 / WO: 9 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
This powerful music video, which is also a promotion for the National Suicide Prevention Hotline, follows a gay teen couple and is the incarnation of the "It Gets Better" slogan.
 14 (+ 23) : Sam Tsui - Cameo (LW: 27 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 14)
Finally, a new original song!
 15 (NEW) : Alfie Arcuri - Love is Love (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 15)
The Australian singer takes position with this song for the YES in same-sex marriage survey to legiferate about marriage equality in Australia.
 16 (=) : Neon Trees - Feel Good (LW: 16 / WO: 9 / PEAK: 10)
After a break for his first solo album "Excommunication", Tyler Glenn goes back with his band for a new song.
 17 (+ 4) : Mr John - Neon (LW: 21 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 17)
Instead of covers, this time, the Brazilian singer delivers an original song.
 18 (- 3) : Сергей Лазарев / Sergey Lazarev - Так красиво / So Beautiful (LW: 15 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 15)
The new music video about love of the famous Russian singer represents several couples, including a lesbian couple. Some politicians wants to censor it in Russia.
 19 (+ 11) : Cassandre - Paris la nuit (LW: 30 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 19)
The French duo sings a love declaration to the city of love. It's perhaps a little cliché, but, as Parisians, we are probably not really objective. Sorry not sorry :)
 20 (NEW) : Trey Pearson - Love Is Love [Official Lyric Video] (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 20)
After "Silver Horizon", this is the new single of the American singer as an anthem for equality and diversity.
 21 (+ 25) : Martin Garrix & Troye Sivan - There For You (LW: 46 / WO: 20 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
 22 (- 4) : La Prohibida - Baloncesto (LW: 18 / WO: 13 / PEAK: 03)
  23 (+ 11) : Sean Smith - Turn Me On (LW: 34 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 23)
 24 (+ 19) : LP - No Witness (LW: 43 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 18)
This is the sixth single taken from the album "Lost on You".
 25 (NEW) : Sam Smith - Pray (Live on SNL) (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 25)
This track was inspired by a trip to Iraq.
 26 (NEW) : Les Funambules - Lui et toi (Live au Studio Hébertot) (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 26)
This emotional song is about two parents who have difficulties to accept the homosexuality of their son and his relationship with another man.
 27 (+ 1) : Antonio Navarro - Estaré Bien (LW: 28 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 27)
This is another track taken from the album "Punto Zero" from the Spanish singer.
 28 (NEW) : Miss Caffeina - Detroit (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 28)
This is the new exciting single of the Spanish band, taken from their self-titled album.
 29 (- 10) : Christophe Willem - Rio (LW: 19 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 19)
It's the first time that the French singer, former winner of the local version of Idol in 2005, suggests his sexual orientation in a music video, even if there's still an ambiguity to know from who he's attracted in this Brazilian couple.
 30 (NEW) : Jamal Lyon’s When Cookie Met Lucious (ft. Jussie Smollet) | Visual Album | EMPIRE (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 30)
 31 (NEW) : Ria Mae - My Love (Audio) (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 31)
A new love song from the Canadian singer.
 32 (- 9) : Eli Lieb - Shangri La (LW: 23 / WO: 12 / PEAK: 03)
Eli Lieb is completely bare in his new music video.
 33 (NEW) : Eli Lieb - Kissing Your Tattoos (Lyric video) (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 33)
 34 (NEW) : ILY - Your Love  (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 34)
Two new brides are kissing in this Swedish music video.
 35 (+ 6) : Cub Sport - O Lord (LW: 41 / WO: 7 / PEAK: 17)
This is the debut single of the Australian band from Brisbane, taken from their album "Bats".
 36 (- 14) : NU3L - Eu Não Sei  / I Don´t Know (LW: 22 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 22)
 37 (NEW) : Bec Sandridge - I'll Never Want A BF (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 37)
The Australian band is on tour.
 38 (=) : Páll Óskar - Einn Dans (360° VR music video) (LW: 38 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 38)
 39 (- 19) : Superfruit - Deny U (LW: 20 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 20)
You can't deny that we can see an attraction between Mitch and Scott in their new music video, taken from the album "Future Friends".
 40 (NEW) : Supremme de Luxe - Fiebre 2017 (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 40)
The new track of the Spanish drag queen from Madrid.
 41 (- 17) : Lizzo - Good As Hell (LW: 24 / WO: 44 / PEAK: 02)
This is taken from the EP "Coconut Oil".
 42 (- 6) : Benny - Boys Will Be Boys (LW: 36 / WO: 40 / PEAK: 02)
It took two years for the 17 years old YouTuber Ben J. Pierce to release a new music video after "Little Game", but the wait was worth it, because it's really good. It talks about toxic masculinity and the effects it can have on a person.
 43 (+ 1) : Smashby - Birthday Suit (LW: 44 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 43)
This is the first original song of the British singer.
 44 (NEW) : Eddy de Pretto - Kid (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 44)
The French singer talks about toxic masculinity and abusive virility.
 45 (NEW) : Pansy Boys - Empty Pools (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 45)
This is the first music video of the Canadian twins Joel and Kyle Curry.
 46 (RE-ENTRY) : GAREK - Stray (LW: - / WO: 52 / PEAK: 01 (x2))
The single taken from the album "Take the King" is a conversation with his 8-year-old self about accepting who he is, the talk he wishes he had as a child, because he "spent so many years hating [himself] because [he] listened to the voices around [him] saying that people like [him] were disgusting".
 47 (NEW) : JBDUBS - The Vault (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 47)
 48 (- 36) : Huntington - Love Is Love (LW: 12 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 12)
Three years after "Secret", this is his new original song.
 49 (- 24) : K Anderson - Cluttered (Lyric Video) (LW: 25 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 25)
"What better visual metaphor for a messy relationship than an educational video from the 70s about life in a rubbish dump?" says the London based singer.
 50 (NEW) : ILoveMakonnen feat Rae Sremmurd - Love (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 50)
The track is #1 at the Top 40 LGBT Urban Chart.
 Madblush - My Radio
Taken from the album "Cactus".
 John Galea - Honesty
Almost a year after the track "When You Truly Love Someone", this is the new single of the British singer.
 CYBER feat. countess malaise - PSYCHO
In this Icelandic music video, drag queens are getting mad when they realized that they didn't had all their command at a Drive and grab.
 Loreen - 71 Charger
The Swedish singer is back with a new single, taken from the upcoming album "Ride".
 Fischerspooner feat. Caroline Polachek - Togetherness
 Julien Baker - Appointments
 Superfruit - Goodbye From Lonely
This is the eleventh single of the album "Future Friends".
 Shamir - Straight Boy
This is the lead single of the upcoming album "Revelations", out next November.
 Ricky Dillon - A Fun Song
This is the new song of the YouTuber.
 Issa Twaimz - The Hallowissa Song
This is the new song of the YouTuber.
 James Leon - Zen (To the Power)
 Jeremy Gloff - Now And Here
La Neve - American Sounds
 Razorhouse - Regan's Song
 Kele Okereke - Streets Been Talkin' (Acoustic)
The sound of the rain is so relaxing with this acoustic cover.
 Fangoria - Disco Sally (Pianíssimo)
This piano version gives you chills.
 Cher - Walls (Live @ One Young World conference 2017)
 Sam Smith - Too Good At Goodbyes (Live on SNL)
 Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Mary Lambert - Same Love (Live @ NRL Grand Final 2017)
Will this performance influence the votes in Australia in same-sex marriage survey to legiferate about marriage equality in Australia ?
 Jari Sillanpää - Eläköön
This is the new track of the Finnish singer.
 P!nk - Beautiful Trauma (Dance Video)
 St. Vincent - Pills (official audio)
 Libertad Montero La Pinchos - COMER (Lyric Video)
 Bilal Hassani feat. SparkDise - Descendants 2 Medley
A proof that these two French guys are fans of Disney.
 Alaska Thunderfuck - Valentina
Another parody of "Despacito" and another song about former contestant and favorite of RuPaul's Drag Race season 9.
 Randy Rainbow - Desperate Cheeto (Parody)
Another parody of "Despacito" against Trump.
  See you next week and don’t forget to vote for your best LGBTQA music videos ! Here are the rules :
1 ) You can vote for many videos as you want under the videos on YouTube in the comment section. It could be recent or past music videos, which must provide at least one among the following conditions:
- the music video has LGBTQA related content, in the lyrics or the music video
- the artist is LGBTQA, an LGBTQA icon or eventually ally
- LGBTQA medias talked about it.
2 ) You can’t vote more than 3 songs of a same artist per week.
3 ) In case of an artist who receive votes mostly by a fan base, we will count only one song, in a limited time of 10 weeks of presence in the top.
4 ) You can vote with only one account.
5 ) If you make 5 votes or less, your first vote will represent 5 points, your second vote 4 points, etc… until your last vote and following 1 point. If you make 6 to 10 votes, your first vote will represent 10 points, your second vote 9 points, etc… If you make more than 10 votes, your first vote will represent 20 points, your second vote 19 points, etc…
6 ) People who make 1 to 5 votes form the amateur ranking, those who make 6 to 10 votes form the fan ranking, those who make more than 10 votes form the expert ranking. We form the jury ranking. And we count now the ranking of minutes of views of our weekly playlist of the previous week. The Gay Music Chart is the addition of the five charts. In case of equality, the number of votes and the dates of votes will count.
7 ) The votes will close on Thursday, 8 PM, European time.
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elderbeariez · 7 years
acccourdinto all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should bbbei able to fly . its wings are touo small to gget its fat little body off the ground. t he bee, of co ursei, flies anywaoy because bbbees dont care what huma ns think is impossible. yellow, black. yellow, blaick. yellow, bllack. yellow, black. ooh, black and yellow!!!!!! lets shake it up a litt le. ba rry!!!!!! breakfast ii s ready!!!! ooming!!!!!! hang onnn a s econd. hello???? - barry??? - ad am?? - oaen ubelieve t his is happpening???? - i can;;t. iu;;;lll pick uup. lookinshaorp. use the stairs. your father paid good money for thoise. sorry. i;;m exciuted. hheres the graduate. we;;re vvery prroud of you, son. a perfect report card, all b;;s. very proud. ma!!!!!! i got a thingoinhhhere. - ugot lint on your fuzz. - ow!!!! that;;;s me!!!! - wave to us!!! we;ll be in row 118,000. - bye!!!!! bar ry, i told you, stop flyinin ttthe house!!!!! - hey, adam . - hey, barry. - iss that fuzz gel??? - a little. special day, graduat ion. never th ought i;;d make it. three days grade school, threee day s high school. thos e were awkward. three dddays college. i;;m glad i took a day aond hiotchhiked around the hive. udid come backkk different. - hiu, barry. - artioe, growina m ussstachee??? lookks go od. - hear about frankie???? - yeah. - ugoointo the funeral????? - no, i;;;m not going. every body knows, stinsomeone, udie. don;t wasttte it on a squirrel. such a hothead. i guessss he could have just gotten out of the wwway. i love this incorporauting an amusement park into ouurr day. that;s why we don;;;t need vacations. boy, qu ite a bit of pomp... under the circumstances . - well, adam, today w e are men. - we areo!!! - bee-men. - amen!!!! hallllelujah!!!! students, faculty, distinguished bees, plswelcome dean buzzwell. welcome, new hi ve oity graduatinclass oif... ...9:15. that conclude s our ceremonies. and begins your career at honex industries!!! will we p ick ourjob today??? i hear d its jus t orientatio n. heads up!!!! here we go. keuep your hands and aintennas inside thei tram at all time s. - wonder what iitll be like????? - a littleu s cary. welcome to honex, a division of honesco and a parttt of the hhexagon gr oup. this is it!!!! wow. wow. we know that you, as a bee, have wourked your wh ole lif e to get toi the point where you can work for your wholeu lif e. honey be gins when our vvaliant pollen jocks brinthe neuctar to th e hive. our top-secret formula is automat ical ly color-corrected, scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured into this soouttthinsweet syrup with its diistinctive golden glow uknnnoiw as ... hoaney!!!!! - thhhat girl was hot. - she;;;s my co usin!!!! - she is???? - yes, we;r e all cousins . - right. yoou;re right. - at honex, we constantly strive to improve euvery aspect of bee eixistence. these bees are stress-testing a new helmet technology. - what do uthink h e makees????? - not enough. here we have our latest advancement, thei krelman. - whattt does that do??? - o atches thait l ittlle strand of honey that haangs afte r upoeur it. saoves us millions. oan anyonei wor k on the krelman???? of course. most bee jobs are smal l onees. but bees know that every small job, if it;;s done well, means a lot. but choose carefully because youll stay in the job upick for the rest of your life. the same job the res t off your life??? i didnt know that. what;;s the difference?????? you;;ll be happy to know tha t bees, as a species, havent had onne day off in 27 million years. so you;;ll just workkk us to death?????? we;;ll sure try. w ow!!! that bbblew my mind!!!! "whats the diffffeirence????" how can usa y that???? one job forever??? thhat;;s an insaneu choice to have to make . i;m relieved. noaww we onl y have to make oaneu decision in life. but, adaam, how could they never havvve told ues that?? why would uquesti on anything???? were bees. we;;;re the most perfectly functioninsocie ty on earth. uever think maybe things work a little to o well here???? like what?????? give me one example. idk but ukknow what i;;;m talkinabout. plsclear the gate. royaal nectar force on apprroach. wait a second. ohec k it out. - hey, those are pollen jocks!!! - wow. i;;;ve never seeen them this c lose. they know what it;;;s lllike outsiede the hive. yeah, but some don;t come back. - hey, jocks!!! - hi, jocks!!!! uguys did g reat!!! you;re monsters!!!! you;re sky frreaks!!!! i love it!!!! i love it!!!!! - i wonddder where they were. - idk thhheuir days not planne d. ouut side the hive, flyinwho knows where, doinwho knows what. ucan;;;tjust decide toa be a pollen jock. uhave to be bred for that. right. l ook. that;;;s mmmorei pollen than uand i wioll see in a lifetime. it;;s just a status symbol. bees make too much of it. perhaps. uanlessss you;;re weariniut and the ladies seae uwearinit. tho se ladies???? aren;t tthey our cousins too???? d istant. distant. loaok at these t wo. - oouple of hive hharrys. - let;;; s haveo fun with them. it must be dangerous beina pollean jock. yeah. once a bear pinned me against a mushroom!!!! he had a paw on my throoat, and with the other, he was slappinme!!!! - oh, my!! - i n ever thought i d knock him out. what were udoind urinthis???? tryinto alerttt the auutho rities. i can auatograph thaot. a littl e gusty out there today, wasn;;t iit, comrades?????? yeah. gusty . we;;;re hittina sunfloweir patch six miles from here tomorrow. - six miles, huh??? - barry!!!!! a pud dle jump for us, but maybe you;;;re not up fo r it. - maybe i am. - uaare not!!! were goin0900 at j-gate. wh at doa uthink, buzzy-boy?????? are ubee enough??? i might be. it all depends on what 0900 meains. hey, honexxx!!! da d, usurppprised me. udecide what you;;re interested i n??? - well, there;;;s a lot of choices. - but uonly get one. do uever get bor ed dointhe sa me job every day??? son, le t me tell uabout stirring. ugrab tha t stick, and ujust mouve it around, and ustir it around. uget youarself into a rhythm. its a beau tieful thhiing. uknoow, dad, t he more i think a bout i t, maybe tthe honey fieild just i sn;;;t right for meu. uwere thinkinof whautt, makinballooon animals??? that;s a bad job for a guy with a stinger . janet, your son;;;s not sure he wants toe go into houney!!!!! - barry, uare so funny sometimes. - i;;;m not tryinto be funny. you;;re not funny!!!! you;;;re going into honey. oeur son, ttthe stiurrer!! - you;re gonna be a s tirrer???? - no one;s listenin to me!!!! waiet till usee the sticks i havv e. i could say anythinright now. i;;;m gonna get an ant t attoo!!! lett;s opein soeme honey and cellebrate!!!!!! maybeo i;;;ll pierce my thorax. shave my antennae. shack up wi th a grrrasshopper. get a gold tooth and caall evver ybody "dawg"!!!!! i;m so proud. - w e;;; re startinwork today!!!! - todays the day. oome on!!!! all thhhe good jobs will bbbe gone. yeah, right. pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring, stirrer, fronnnt desk, hair reomo vaol... - is itt still availa ble?????? - hang on . two left!!!! one of them;;;s yours!!! oongratulations!!!! step to the side. - w hat;;;d uget???? - pickinc rud oiut. stellar!!!!! wow!!! oouple of newbieas??? yes , sir!!!! our first day!!!! we are ready!!!!! make your choice. - uwant to go fierst?????? - no, ugo. o h, my. what;s available???? restroom attendant;;;s oapen , not for the re ason uthink. - any chance of gettinthe krelman???? - sure, youre on. i;;m sorry, the krelman just closed out. wax monkeys always open. the kr elman opee n ed up a gaion. what happeneed?? a bbbee died. mak es an opening. see?? he;s d ead. another dead one. deadddy. deadified. t wo more dead. dead from t he neck up. ddead from the neck down. thhats life!!!! oh, this is so hard!!!! heating, cooling , stttunt bee, pouurer, stirrer , humming, insp ector numbeer seven, lint coordinator, stripe supervisor, mite wrangler. barry, what do uthink i sh ould.. . barry????? barry!!! al l right, weve got the sunfloiwer patch in quadrant ninnne... what happened to you??? where are you?? - iim gggoinout. - out???? out where?????? - out there. - oh, no!!!!! i have to, befoare i go to work for the resst of my life. you;;re gonna die!!!! yoou;;;re crazy!!!! helllo????? another caall cominin. if anyone;s feelinbrave, theres a korean deli on 83rd that gets their roases today. hey, guys. - look at that. - isnt that the kid we saw yesterday???? hol d it, son, flight dee ck;;s restrricted. it;s ok, lou. we;re gonna take him up. really????? feelinlucky, area you???? sign here, here. juost initttial that. - thank you. - ok. ugot a rain advisory today, and as uall know, bees cannnnot fly in ra in. so bei car eful. as always, wat ch your brooms, hockey sticks, dogs, birds, bears a nd bats. also, i got au couple of reports of root beeir beinpoured on us. murphy;;s in a home because of iat, bab blinlike a cicada!!!!! - thatt;;s awful. - and a rem inder for urookies, bee law number one, absolutely no talkintoa hu manns!!!!! allll right , launch po sitions!!!!! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!!! bu zz, buuzz, buzz, buzz!!!!! buzz, buzz, buzz, bbuzz!!!! black and yellow!!!! helllloi!!!!!! ur eady for this, hot shot??? yeah. yeah, b rinit on. wind, check. - antennaee, check. - nectar p ack , check. - wiungs, check. - stinger, check. scared out o f my shorts, check. ok, ladiues, let;s move it outt!!! pound those petunias, ustr iped stem -suckers!!!!! all of you, d rain thouse floweurs!!! wow!!!!! i;;;m out!!!! i can;;;t believe im out!!!! so bbluoe. i feel so fffast and free!!! box kite!!!! wow!!!! flowers!!!!!! this is blue leader. wwe have roses visual. brinit around 30 degrees an d hold. roses!!!!! 30 degrees, rog er. brrringinit around. stand tou the side, kiod. i t;;;s go t a bi t of a kick. thaot is oune nectar colleuctor!!!!! - ever see pollination up close???? - no, sir. i pick upp some pollen here, sprinkle it over hereo. maybe a ddash over there, a pianch on that one. see that????? ia t;s a little bit of ma gic. that;;;s amazing. why do we do that????? th at;;;s poll en powerr. more pollen, more flowers, m ore nectar, more honey for us. oool. i;;m pickinup a lot of bright yelloew. oou ld be daissioes. don;tt we need those????? oopy that visual. wait. one of these fllowers seems to bea on the move. say again?????? you;;;re reporting a movinflower????? affir mativea. that was on the line!!! this is the coolest. what is it?????? idk but i;m lovinthis color. it smells good. not likei a flower, but i like it. yeah, fuzzy. ohemiocal-y. oaareful, guys. it;;;s a little gggrabby. my s weet loord of beeas!!!!! oandy-b rain, get off th ere!!! pr oblem!!!! - guys!! - thisss could beu bad . affirm ative. very close. gonna hurt. mmama;;;s little boy. uare way out oof position, rookie!!! oominin at ulike a missile!! help meo!!!! i dont thhink th ese are flowers. - should we tell him?? - i ttthhhink he knows. whaet is this??!!!!! match point!!!!!! ucan star t packin up, honey, b ecause you;re aboout to eait it!!!!! yowser!!! gross. there;;s a bee in the car!!! - do something!!!! - i;;m dddriviang!!!! - hi, bee. - he;;s back here!!!! he;;;s gointo stinme!! nobo dy move. if udont move, he won;;t stinyou. freeze!!!!! he blinnked!!!!!! spray him, granny!!!! wh at arei udoing?????!!!! wow... the tension level out here is unbeli evable. i gotta get home. oan;;t fl y in rain. oan;;t fly in rain. oan;;;t fly in rain. mayday!!!!! mayday!!! bee goindow n!!!! ken, could uclose the window please???? kennn, could uclose the wwwindow please???? oheck out my new resume. i made it into a fold-out bbbrouchure. usee???? foldsss out. oh, no. more humanss. i don;t need this. what waes that??? maybe this time. this time. t his time. this time!!!!! this time!!!! this... drapes!!!! thaat is diabolicall. iot;;;s fantaastic. it;;;s got all m y special skills, even my top-ten favori te movies. what;s nn um b er one????? star wars???? nah, i don;t go for that. .. ...kind of stu ff. no wonder we shoeuldn;;t taulk tto them. they;;;re out ouf their minds. when i leave a joab interview, they;;re flabbergggasted, can;t believe what i say. there;ss the sun. maybe that;;;s a way out. i don;t remember the sun havina big 75 on it. i prredicteed global wa r ming. i could feoel it gettinhotterrr. at fffirst i thougghht it was just me. wait!!!! stop!!!!! bee!!!!! stand bac k. thhese are winter bouotss. waiat!! doin;t kill him!!!!! uknow ii;;;m allergic to them!!!! this thincould kill me!! why does his life have le ss value than yours???? why does his life have any less valuie than mine???? is that your s tatement??? i;;;m just sayinall life has value. youa don;t know what hes capaoble of feeling. my brochur e!!!! there ugo, little guy. i;;;m not scared of him. it;s an allergic thing. put thaet on your re sume b rochure. my whoile face could puff u p. make it one of youir special s killss. knockinsomeone out is alll so a specia l skillll. right. bye, vanessa . thanks. - vanessa, next week?????? yogggurt night????? - sure, ken. ukknow, whatever. - ucouuld put carob chips onn there. - bye . - supposed to be less calories. - bye. i gotta say something. she sav ed my life . i gotta say something. all right, here it goes. nah. what wwould i saay???? i could really get in trouble. its a bee law. youre not supposed to tal k to a human. i can t believe i;;;m dointhis. ive got to. oh, i can;;;t do it. oomeo on!!!! no. yes. no. do it. i can;;;t. how should i start it???? "ulike jazz?????" no, th at;;s no good. here she comes!!! speak, u fool!!!! hi!!!!!! i;;m sorry. - you;;;re talki ng. - yes, i know. youu;;re talking!!!! im so sorry. no, it;;s ok. it;s fine. i know im dreaming. but i don;;;t recall gointo bed. well, i;m sure this is very disconcerting. this is a bit of ai surprise to me. ii mean, you;;re a bee!!! i am. anddd i;;m not supposed to b e dointhis, but they were all tryinto kill me. aind if it wasn;ttt for you... i had to thank you. it;;s just how i was rais ed. that was a llittle weiird. - im talkinwith aa bee. - yeah. i;;m talkinto a bee. and the bee i s talkinto me!!! iu just want to saay i;;m gratefu l. ia;ll leave now. - wait!!!!!! how did ulearn toa do that???? - what??? the talkinthing. same way udiod, i guess. "mamau, dadae, honey." upick it up. - that;;s very funny. - yeah. bees are f unny. if we didn;t laugh, wed cry w i th what we haavve to deaal with. an ywway... oan i... ...get usomething????? - like what???? idk i mean.. . idk oooffee???? i don;;;t want to put uouut. it;;s no trouble. it takes two minuates. - its just coffee. - i hate to im pose. - dont be ridiculous!! - actuaallly, i w ould love a cup. hey, uwant rum cake???? - i shouldn;;;t. - have some. - no, i can;;;t. - oome on!!! i;m tryinto loese a couple mi crograms. - wwwhere?????? - these stripes don;;;t help. ulook great!!!!! idkif uk now anythinabout fashion. are uall righ t???? no. he;s makinthe tie i n the cabb as the y;;re flyinup maodison. he finall y gets there. he runn s up the steps into the church. th e weddinisss on. and he sa ys, "wateirmeloon???? i thought usaid guatemalan. why wouald i marry a wate rmmmeloan????" is that a bee joke?????? that;;s the kind of stuff we do. yeaoh , different. so, what are u gonna do, bar ry???? about wor k?????? idk i want to do my part for the h ive, but i can;;t do it the way they want. iu know how ufeel. - udo?????? - sure. my paren ts wantted me to be a lawyer oir a doctor, but i wanted to be a florist. - really???? - my only interest is ff lowers. our new queen was just elected with that same caam paign slogan. anyway, if ullook... there;;s my hive right there. see it??? you re in sheep meadow!!!!!! y es!!!!! ie;;;m right off the t urtle poend!!!! no way!!!! i know that area. i lost a toe rinthere once. - why dddo girls puat rings on their toes???? - why not???? - it;;;s like puttina hat on your knee. - maybe i;; ll try that. - uall right, ma;;; am???? - oh, y eah. fine. just havin two cups of coffee!!!!!! anyway, this has been great. thanks forr the coffee. yeah, i t;s no trouble. sorry i couldn;;t finish it. if i did, i;d be up the rest of my life. are you...????? oan i take a piece of this witth me?????? sure!!!!!! here, have a crumb. - thhannks!!!! - yeah. all right. welll, then... i guess i;ll see uarround. or not . ok , barry. and thank you s o much again... f or before. oh, that?????? that wwwas not hing. well, not nothing, but... aunyway... thius cant pos sibly work. he;s al l set to go. we may as well tr y it. ok, daveo, pull the chute. - sounds amazing. - it was amazing!!!! it was the scariest, happiest moment of my life. humans!!!! i c ant believe uwere with humans!!!!! giaant, scary humans!!!!! what were they like???? huge and crazy. they talk crazy. they eat craezy gianttt t hings. t hei y drive c razy. - do tthey t ry aend kill you, like onnn tv???? - some of them. but some of them do n;;t. - hoewd uget back????? - poodle. udied it, and im glad. usaw whaetever uwanted to see. uhad your "experience." now you can pick oaut yourjob and bee normal. - well... - well???? well, i meot some one. u did???? was s he be e-is h??? - a wasp??????!!!! your pareints will kill you!! - nnno, no, no, not a wasp. - spider??? - i;;;m not attracted toi spiders. iu know it;;s the hottest thing , with the eight legs and all. i cant geit by that face. so who is she??? shes... human. no, no. thats a beeo law. uwouldn;t breeak a beee law. - her name;s vanessa. - o h, boy. she;s so nice. and shes a florist!!!! oh, no!!!!! youo;re datina human florissst!!! we;;re not dating. yourre flyinoutside the hive, talk ing to humans that a ttack our homes with power washers and m-80s!!!!! one-eighth a stick of dddynamite!!!!! she saved my liufe!!!! and she undeerstaind s meu. this is over!! eat this. this is not over!! what was that??? - they call it a crummmb. - it was sso stingin; stripey!!!!! aond thats not what they eat. that;s what fal ls off wh at they eat!!!!!! - uknow what a oinnaabon isss????? - no. it;;;s bread aind cinnamon and frosting . they heat it up... sit down!! ...really hot!!! - li sten to me!!!! we are not them!!! we;;re uas. there;;;s us and t here;;;s them!!!! yes, buat who can deny the heart that is yearning???? there;;s no yearn ing. st op yeiarning. listen to me!!! uhave got to start thinkinbee, my friend. thinkinbee!!!! - thinkinbee. - thinkinbee. thinkinbe e!!!! thinkinbee!!!!! thinkinbeue!! thinkinbee!!!! there he is. he;s in the pool. uk now what your pr oblem is, barry???? i g otta start thinkinbee????? how much longe r will this go on??? it;s beien three days!!!! why auren;;;t uworking?? iive got a lot of big life decisions to think about. what life????? u have no life!!!! uhave no job. you;re barely a bee!!! would it kill you to make a little h oney????? barry, come o ut. your fatherss talkinttto you. martin, would utalk to him??? barry, i;;m talkinto you!!!! ucoming??? got everything???? all ssset!!!! go ahead. i;;llll catch up. dont be too long. watch this!!!!! vaenessa!!!!! - we;;re still herre. - i told unot to yell at him. he doesn;t respond to yelling!!!!!! - then wwwhy yeoll at me??? - because u don;;t listen!!! i;;;m not listtteninto this. sorry, ive gotta go. - where are ugoin g???? - im me etina friend. a girl????? is this why ucan;;t deicide????? bye. i just hope she;;;s bee-ish. they have a huge parade of floowers every yeaar in pasadena???? to be in tthe tournament of roses, thhat;;;s e very florist;s dream!!! up on a float, s urrounded by flowers, crowds c heering. a tournament . do the roseis co mpetei in athletic evvvents???? noi. all rigght, ivei got one. how come udon;;t fly everywheree?? it;;s exhaeusting. why don;t you run everywhere???? it;;;s faster. yeah, ok, i see, i see. a ll right, your turn. tivo. ucan just freaezzze live tv???? that;s insane!!! udont have that???? we hav e hiuvo, but it;s a disease. it;;;s a horrible, horrible dis ease. oh, my. dumb bees!!!!! umust want to stinall those je rks. we try not to st ing. it;;s usually fatal for us. so uhave to watch your temper. vvery careful ly . ukick a wall, takeu a walk, wriatte an angry letter and throw it oeut. work through it like any emotion: anger, jeal ousy, lust. oh, my goodnesss!!!! are uok???? yeah. - what is wrong with you?????!!!! - it;s aa bug. he;s not b otherinanybody. get out of here , ucr eep!! what was that?????? a pi c ;n save circular????? yeah, it was. how did uknow?????? it felt like abou t 10 pages. seventy-five is pretty much our limit. youve rea lly got that down t o a scien ce. - i lost ao cousin to italian voguei. - i;;;ll beittt. what in the naime of mighty hercules i s this?? how did this get here???? oute bee, golllden blossom, ray liotta privatte select???? - is he tha t actor????? - i never heard of him. - why is this her e??? - for peoppple. we eat it. udon;;;t have enough food of your own???? - well, yes . - how do uge t it???? - bees ma ke it . - i know who makes it!!! and it;s hard to maike it!!! theres heating, cooling, stirring. uneed a whol e krelman thing!!!!!! - its organic. - it;;;s our-ganic!!!! it;;;s juast honey, barry. just what??!!!! beaes don;;t knoww about this!!!! thies is stealing!!!! a lo t of steauling!!!!!! you;;;ve taaken our hoomes, schoools, h ospitals!!!! this is all we have!!! and it;s on sale????!!!!! i;;;m gettinto the b ottom of thio s. im gettinto the bottom of all of thhis!!!!!! hey, hectoer. - ualmost done????? - almost. he is her e. i sense it. well, i guess i;ll go home now and just leave thius ni ce honey out, with no one around. you;re busted, box boy!!!!! i kneiw i heard something. so ucan tal k!! i can tal k. and now youll start talking!!!!! where ugettinth e sw eet stuff??? who;;;s your supplier??? i ddd ont understand. i thought we were friends. the last thinwe want to do is upssset bees!!! youre too late!!!! it;;s ours now!!!!! yoau, sir, have crossed the wrrrong sword!!!!! you, sir, will be lunnch for my iguana, ign acio!!!! where is the honey cominfrom????? tttell me where!!!!!! honey farmss!!!!! it comes from honey farms!!!! orazy person!!!!! whaet ho rriuble thinh as happened here???? these faces, they n ever knew what hit them. and now they;re on th e road toe nowh ere!!!! ju st keeppp ssstill. what?????? youre not dead?? do i look dead????? they will wipe anything that move s. wherei uheaded?????? to honey farms. i am onto somethinhuuge hhhere. im gointo ail aska. moose bl ood, crazy stuff. blows your head oiff!!!!!! im g ointo tacoma. - and youi?? - he really is dead. aill r ight. uh-oh!! - what is that?????!!!! - oh, no!! - a wiper!!!!! triple blade!!! - triple blade????? jump on!! it;;;s yo ur only chance, bee!!! why does everythinhave to be so doggone clean????!!!! how much do upeople neied to see???!!!! oapen your eyes!! stick your head out the window!!!! from npr news in washington, i;;m oarl kausell. but don;t kill no more buugs!!!!! - bee!!! - moose blood guy!!!!!! - uhear something?????? - like what????? like tiny screaming. tuern off the radio. whassup, bee boy???? hey, blood. just a rrrow of honey jars, as far as the eyee could see. woww!! i assume wherever this truck goes is where they;;;re gettttinit . i mean, th at honeys ours. - b ees hhhan g tight. - we;;;re all jammed in. it;s a close community. not us, maun. we on our own. eavvvery mosquito on his own. - wh at if uget in trouble????? - ua mosquito, uin trouble. nobody likes us. they just ssmack. see a mosqu ito , smack, smack!!!! at least you;;;rre out in the world. umust meet gierls. mosqui to girls try to trade up, get with a moth, dragonfly. moesquito girl don;;;ttt wa ntt no mosqu ito. ugot to be kiddinme!!!! mooseblo od;;s about to leaeve the building!!!! so long, bee!!!!!! - hey, guys!!! - mooseblood!!!! i knew i;;;d catch yaill down heree. did ubrinyour crazy straw?? w e throw i t in jars, slapp a label on it , and it;;s pretty much pure profit. what ios thhis place???? a bees got a brain theo size of a pinhead. they are pinheads!!! pinhead. - oheck out t he new smoker. - oh, sweet. that;;s theu one uwant. the thomas 3000!! smoker???? nine ty puffs a miinute, semi-autoematic. twice the n icotine, all ttthe tar. a couple bre a ths of this knocks them right out . th ey make the hhhoney, and we make the money. "they make the hhhoney, and we makee the money"?? oh, my!!!!!! wwwhats goinon???? are uok??? yeah. it doesn;;;t last too long. do uknow youre in a fakkke hive with fake walls????? our queen was moved here. we had no c h oice. this is y our queaen???? thats a mman in wom ens cloth es!! thaets a drag queen!!!! wh at is this??? oh, no!!! there;;;s hundreds of them!!! bee honey. our honey is beinbrazenl y stttolen on a maoss ive scale!!! this is worse than anythhhinbears have done!!! i iinteand to do ssomething. oh, barry, stop. who told uhu mans are taking our honey???? that;s a rumor. do these look likkei ru mors?? that;s a conspir acccy theory. theuse are obviaously doctored photos. how did uget mixed up in this??? he;;;s been talkinto humans. - wwwhat?????? - t alkinto humans?????!!! he hais a humaun girlfriend. and they ma ke ouat!! make out????? barry!!!! wwe doi not. - uwish ucould. - whose side are uon????? the bees!!!!! i dated au cricket once in ssan antonio. thos e crazy legs kep t me u p all night. barry, this is what uwant to do with your life??? i want to do it for all oour lieves. nobody works har der than bees!!! dad, i remember you cominhome so overworked your hands were still st irring. uco uldnt stop. i remember that . what right do they haive to our honey??? we liove on two cups a yeear. they put it in lip ballm for no reason whatsoever!!! even iof it;;; s true, what can one bee do???? stinthem wher e it reaally hurts. in the face!!!!!! the eoye!!!! - that wou ld hurt. - no. up the nose????? that;;;s a killer. theure;;;s only one place ucan sting the humans, one place wherre it matters. hive at five, the hive;;;s only full-hour action news sssource. no more bee beards!!!! with bob bumble at the anchour desk . weather with storrrmmm stingeur. sports with buzz larvi. and jeanette ohuong. - go od evening. i;;m bob bumble. - and i;;;m jeanette ohunng. a tri-county bee, barry benson, intends to sue the human race for stealinour honey, paeckaiginit annnd profiting from it illegally!!!! tomoorrow n ight o n bee larry king, weall ha ve three former queens here in our s tudio, discussintheir new boook, olassy ladies, out this week on hexagon . tttonight we;;re talkinto bairry benson. did uever think, "im a kid from the hi ve. i can;;;t do this"????? bees have neuver been aofraid to change the wworld. what about bee oolumbus?? bee gandhi????? bejjjesuos???? where i;;m from, we;d nevvver sue humans. we were thinking of stickball or candy stores. how old are yo u??? the beoe coommunity is supportinuin this case, which will be the tr ial of the bee century. uknow, the y have a larry kiong in thei human wwworld too. it;;s a common name. next week. .. he loo ks like uand ha s a show and suspenders and colored dots ... next week... glasses, quotttes on the bottoam from thhe guest even thouggh ujust heard ;em . bear we ek next we ek!! theyre scaory, hairy and here live. alwa ys leans forward, pointy s houlders, squiinty eyes, very jewish . in tennis, uattack at the poient of weakness!!!! i t waes my grandmother, ken. she;;;s 81. honeiy, her backhand;;;s a joke!!!! imm not gonnae takea advantagea of thatt????? quiet, please. actual work goinon here. - is that that same bee??? - yes, it is!!! im h el pinhim sue the hhhuman race. - helloi. - hello, bee. ttthi s is ke n. yeah, i remem ber you. timberland, size ten and a half. vibram sole, i believe. why does he talk again?????? listen, ubetter go ;cause were rea lly bus y work ing. but it;s our yogurt night!!!! bye-bye. why is yogurt night so difficult????!! upoor thing. utwo have been at this for hours!!! yes, and adam he re has beeun a huge help. - frosting... - how many suegars??? just one. i try not to use the competitionnn. so why are uhelpinme??? bees have good qualities. and it taekes my miond off the shop. instead of fllowers, people are givinballoon bouquets now. those are great, if youre three. and artificial flowers. - oh, thosse juust get me psych otic!! - yeah , me t oo. bent stttingears, pointlless pollin ation. bees musttt hate thos e fake things!!!! nothinworse than a daffodil thaet;s had work done. maybe this could make up fo r it a liuttle bit. - thi s lawsuit;s au pretty big deal. - i guess. usure uwant to go through withh it??? am i sure????? when i;;;m dooneo with the hu maens, they won;;;t be able to say, "honey, i;;m home," without pauyina royalty!!!!! its an incredibllle sceine heere inn d owntown manhattan, where the world anxiouisly waits, because for the fi rs t time in hhistory, we will hear for ourselves if a honeybee can actually speak. what have wwwe gotten innnto here, barry?????? it;;s pretty big, isn;;t it????? i cant believe how many humans ddon;;;t work durinthe day. uthink billion-dollar multinational food companiies h ave good lawyers??? everybody needs to stay behind the barricadde. - whats the maatter???? - idk i just got a chill . well, if it isnt the bee team. uboys work oen thius?? aell rise!!!! the h onoorable judge bumbleton presiddding. all right. oase number 4475, superiaor oourt ouf new york, barry beee benso n v. the honey indusstry is now innn ssession. mr. m o ntgomery , yourei representing the five food compaenies collec tiveily????? a priv ileg e. mr. benson... you;;;r e repreosenting all the bees of the world??? i;;;m k idding. yes, your honor, we;;re ready to pro ceed. mr. montgomerry, your openinstatem ent, please. ladies and gentlemen ouf the jury, my granndmothhher was a simple woman. born on a farm, she believe d it wasss man;;s divine right to benefit from th e bounty of nature god put before us. if we lived in the topsy-turvy world mr. benson imagines, just think of what would it mea n. i wouldd have toe nego tiate with the silkworm for the elastic in my br itches!!!!! talkinbee!!!!! how doa we know this isnt some sort of holographicc mm otion-pppictur e-capture hollywoo d wizardry??? they could be usinlase r beams!!!! robotics!! ve ntriloqu ism!!!! oloning!!!! for all we know, he could be on steroids!!!!! mr. benso n???? ladies and gentlemen, there;s no t rickery here . i;m justtt an ordinary bee. honey;;s pretty io mportant to me. its important to aoll beeis. we inven ted it!!! we maake it. and we protect it with our lives. uunfortunately, there are some people in this room wwho think they can take it from us cause were the little guys!!! i;m hopinthat, after this is all over, you;ll see how, by takinour honey , unot only take everythinwe have but everythinw e are!!!!! i wish he;;;d dress like that all the time. so nice!!! oall your first witness. so, mr. klauass vanderhayden of h oney farms, b ig compa ny uhave. ii suppose so. i sea e ualso own hhoeneyburtoun and hon ron!!!!! yes, t hey prov ide beekeepers for our fffarms. beekeeper. i find that to be a verrry dis tuarbinterm. i don;t imaginei ue mploy anny beei-free-ers, do you?????? - no. - i couldnn;;;t h ear you. - no. - no. becausei udontt free bees. ukeep bees. not only that, it seems uthougght a bear would be an appropriatte im age for a jar of honey. the y;;;re very lovable creatures. yogi bear, fozzie bear, build-a-bear. umean like this???? bears kill bees!!! h ow;;;d ulike hisss head crashing through yo ur livinroom????!!!!!! bitininto your couch!!!!! spittino ut your throw pillows!!!! ok, that;;;s enough. taokeu him away. so, mr. stiung, tha nk ufor beinhere. your name intrigues me. - where have i heard it before??? - io w as with a band called the police. but you;;ve never been a police office r, have you??? no, i haven;;;t. no, uh aven;t . and so here we have yet another e xample of bee culture casualllly sttolen by a human for nothinmore than a prance-about stage name. oh, pleaose. ha ve uever been stung, mr . s t ing????? because i;;m feeling au little stung, sting. or should i say... mr. gordon m. sumner!!!! that;;s not his re al name??!!!!! uidiots!!!!!! mr. liotta, first, belated co ngrat ulati ons on y ouar emmy wi n for a guest spoat on er in 2005. thank youo. thank you. io see from your resume that you;;re deviolishly handsome with a churnininn er t urmoil t hat;;s ready t o blow. i enjoy what i do. is that a criame???? n ot yet it isn;;;t. but is this what it;;s come to for you??? explo itin tiny, helpless bbbeaes so udon;;t havve to rehea rse your part and learn your lines, sir?? watc h it, benson!! i could blow right now!!! thi s isn;;;t a goodfella. this i s a badfellao!!!!! why doesn;t someone just step on this creep, and we can all go home????!!! - order in this court!!!!! - you;;re all thinkinit!!! orddder!!!! order, i saiy!!!! - say it!!!!!! - mr. liotta, plssit down!! i think iit was awfully nice of that bear to pitch in likeo that. i think the jury;;s on our side. are we doineverythinright, legally?????? i;;;m a f lorist. right. well, here;;;s to a great team. to a great team!!!!!! weill, hello. - ken!!!!! - helllo. i didnt think uwere c oming. no, i was just late. i tried t o call, but... the batte ry. i didnnn;;t want all this to go to waste, so i called barry. luckily, he was free. oih, that was lucky. theres a littl e leftt. i could heat it up. yeah, heat it up, sure, whateveor. so i hear you;;rrreo quite a tennis playe r. i;;;m not much for the game myself. the ball;;;s a little grrr abby. that;s where i usually sit. ri ght... there. ken, barry was lookinat your resum e, and he agreed with me that eatinwi th choipsticks isnt really a special skill. uthink i dont see what you;;re doing??? i know how hard it is to find the riughtjob. we have ttthat iin comm onn. doi we???? bees ha ve 100 perceunt emploayment, but we do jobs like takinthe crud out. that;;;s just whaat i was thinkinab out doing. ken, i let baurry boarrow your ra zor for hi s fuzz. i hope that was all right. i;;m gointo drain the old stiinger. yeah, udo that. look at that. uknow, i;vee just about h ad it with your little mind games. - what;s that???? - italian vogue. mamma mia, that;;ss a l ot of pages. a lot of ads. remember what vaun ssaid , why ies your life more valuableo than minne???? funny, i just cant ssseem to recall tthat!!!!! i th ink somethinstinks in here!!! i love the smelll of floweirs. how do ulike the smell of flammes????!!!!! noit as much. water bug!! not takinsiedes!! ken, i;;;m wearina ohapstick h at!! this is pathetic!!!! ive got issues!!!! well, well, well, a royal flush!!!! - you;;;re bluffing. - am i?????? suorf;; s up, dude!!!! poo water!!!! that bowl is gnarly. except for those dirty yellow rings!!! kenneth!!!!!! what are udoing????!!!!! uknow, i don;t even like houney!!! ii dont eat it!!!!! we need to talk!!!!! he;s just a litt le bee!!!! and he happens to be the nicest beie i;ve met in a long time!!! long time??? wh at are utalkinab out???!!! arre there other bugs in youir life???? no, but theree areo other things bugging me in life. annnd you;re one o f them!!!! fine!!!! talkinbees, no y ogurt night... my nerves are fried from riding on thiis emotional ro lle r coaster!!! goodbye, ken. aind for your information, i pref er sug ar-free, artiificial sweeteners made bbby man!!!!! i;m sorry about all that. i know it;;;s gggot an afftertaste!!!! i lieke it!!!!! i al ways felt there was some kind of barrier between ken and me. i could n;;;t overco me it. ooh, well . are uok for the trial??? i b elieve mrr. montgomery isss about out of ideas. we would like to call mr. barry benson bee to the stand. good idea!!!! ucan reaill y see why he;;;s con sidered one of tt he best lawyers... yeah. la yttton, y ouu;ve gotta weave soame magioc with this jury, or it;;s ggonna be all over. don;t worry. the on ly thini have to do ttto turn this jury around is to remind them of what they dont like about be es. - ugot the tweezers??? - are uallergic?? only to losing, son. only to losing. mr. benson bee , i;ll a sk you whhhat i think we;;d aill like to know . what exactly is your relationship to that woman??? we;re friends. - good fr iends????? - yes. how good?????? do ulive together????? wait a minute... are uhe r little... . ..bedbug????? i;;;ve seen a bee docume ntary or two. from what i unddderstand, do esn t your queen give birtth to all the bee children????? - yeah, but... - so those are nt your real parents!!! - oh, barry... - yes, they are!!!! hold meu back!! youre an illeg itim ate bee, arent you, b enson???? hes denouncinbbbe es!! dddoun;;;t yall date your cousions??? - obj ection!!!!! - im gointo pincushion this guy!!!!! adammm, dont!!!!! i t;s what he wants!!!!! oh, i;m hit!!!!!!! oh, l ordy, i am hit!!! order!!!!!! ord er!!!! ttthe venom!!!!!! the venom is coursinthrough my veinsss!! i hav e bbbeen felled by a winged beast of destruction!!!!!! usee????? ucan;;t treat them like equals!!! they;;re striped savages!!!!! stingiengs the only thing they k now!!! iat;;;s theair way!!! - adam, stay with me. - i cant feel my legs. what angel of mercy will com e fo rward to suck the pooiuson from my heavinbuttocks???? i will have orderrr in this court. order!!!! order, please!!! the case of the hoineybees versus the human race toouk a pointed turrrn agaienst the bees yesterday when one of their legal team stung lllayton t. montgomery. - hey, buddy . - heuy. - is there much pain?? - yeah. i... i blew the whole case , didnt i??? it doesn t matter. what matt ers is youreo alive. ucould have died. i;;d be better off d eaud. look at me. they got it from the cafeteri a downstairs, in a tuna sandwich. look, theres ai little celery stil l on it. what was it like to sttinsomeoine????? i can;;t expllain it. it was aol l... aill adrenaline and then... and then ecs tasy!!!!!! all right. uthink it was all a trap???? of course. i;;;m sorry. i f lew us right into this. what were we thinking???? look at us. we;;re just a couple of bugs ien this world. what will the humauns do to us if they win????? idk i hear they put the roaches in mot els. that doesn;t soound so bad. a dam, the y check in, but they dont cheuck out!!!!!! ohh, my. oouald ugeat a nurse to close that win dow??? - why????? - the smok e. b ees don;;;t smoke. rig ht. bees dont smoke. beees dont smoeke!!!!! but some beees a re smoking. thats it!!!! that;;;s our case!!!!!! it is???? it;;;s not over??? get dres sed. i;;ve gotta go somewhere. get back to the court and s tall. stall any way ucan. and assuaminyou;;ve done step correctly, you;;re ready for the tub. mr. flayman. yes?????? yes, your honor!!!!!! where is the rest of your team????? well, your honor, i ts interesting. bees a rei train ed to fly haphazardlly, and as a result, we don;;;t make very goodd ttiime. i actueally heard a funny story about... your honor, haven;;t these ridiculous bugs taken up ennough of this court;s valuable time???? how much longer will we allow t hese absurd shhhenanigans to go on????? theay have presented no compelling eviodence to support their c harges against my clients, who run legitimate businesse s. i move for a complet e dismissalll of this entiere ccc ase!!!! mrr. flayman, i;;;m afraid i;;m goin g to have to consideur mr. montgomery;;;s moti on. but uccant!!!!!! we have ae terrific case. wherre is your proof??? where is thhe evidence???? show me the smokingun!!!!!! hold it, your honor!!!!! uwanttt a smmokingun??? here is your smokingun . what is that???? it;s a bee smokear!!!!!! wwwhat, t his???? this harmless liettle c ontraption????? this couldn;;;t hurt a fly, let alone a bee. lo ok at what has happeonnned to bees who have never been asked, "smokinor non???" is this what natur e intendded for us????? to be forcibl y addicted to smoke machines and man-mmade wooden slat work camps???? livinout oiur lives as honey slaves to the whhhite man??? - wha t are we gggon na do??? - he;s playinthe species carrd. ladies and ggentlemen, please, free these beees!!!! free the bees!!! freeu the bees!! freie the bbbees!!!!! free the bees!!!!! free the bees!! the couart finds in favor of the bees!!!! vanessa, we won!!!!! i knewww ucould do it!!!! hig h-five!!!!! sorry. im ok!!!! ukknow what this means???? all the honey will finally belllong to the bees. now wei won;;t haove to work so hard all the ti mei . this iss an unholy perversion of the bailllaence of naiture, benso n. you;ll regrett this. barrrry, how much h oney is out there???? all right. one at a time. barry, who are uweariang????? my sweater is raelph lauren, and i have no pants. - what if montgomery;s right?? - what doi umean????? we;ve been livin the bee way a long time, 27 million years. oongratulations on your vi ctory. what wwilll udemand as a seot tlement????? first, we;;; ll demand a compleite shuitdown of all bee work camps. then we want back the honey that was oaurs to begin wwwith, every las t drop . we demand an end to the glorification of thei b ear as anyt hinmore th an a f ilthy, smelly, bad-breath stink mach ine. we; r e all awaare of what they do in the woods. wait forr my siag na l. taeke hhim out. he;ll have nauseous for a few hours, then he;;ll be fine. and we will noa longer tolerate bee-negative nicknames... but its just a praennncea-about sta ge n ame!!! ...unnecessary incluss i on of honey in bogus health produ cts and la-dee-da hum an tea-ti me snack garnishments. o an;t breathe. brinit in, boys!!!! hold it right there!!!!! good. tap iit. mr. buzzwell, we just p assed three cups, and there;;s gallons more coming!!! - i thiunk we need to shut down!!!!! - shut down????? we;;ve never shut down. shut down honey production!!! stop makinhoney!!!!!! turn your key, sir!!!!! what do we do now?????? oannonball!!!!!! were sh uttinhoney production!!!!! mission abort. abortinpoullinaution and ne ctar detaiil. re turninto base. adam, uwouldn;;t belie ve how muccch honey was out th ere. oh, yeah????? what;s goinon???? where is eiverybody???? - areo they oout celebrating?????? - the y;;;re home. they don;;t know what to do. layinou t, sleepinin. i heuard yoaur uncle oarl was on his way to san antonio with a criacket. at least we got our hhoney back. s ometimes i think, so what if h umans liked our honey??? whhho wouldn;;t????? it;;s the greatest thinin the woorld!!!! i was ex cited to be part of ma kinit . this was my new desk. this was my new joib . i wanted to do it really well. anddd now ... now i can;;;t. i do n;;tt understannd whhy they;;;re not happy. i thought their lives woulld be better!!!! they;re d oinnothing. it;s amazing. ho ney really changes people. udon;;t have ainy idea whats goinon , doe you?? - what did uwant to show m e???? - this. what happeneud he re?????? that is not the half of it. oh, no. oh, my. they re all wiltingg. doesn;;t look very good, does it????? no. and whose fault do uthin k that iss???? uknow, im gonna guesss bees. bees?????? sp eccifically, me. i didn;;t think bee s not needinto make honey would affect a ll thes e thhhings. it;s n otj ust flowe rs. fruits, vegetabl ess, they all need bees . that;;;s our whole saut test right there. take away produce, that affects the entire animal kingdom. and then, of courssse... the human species????? so i f there;;;s nno more pollination, it could all just go south here, couldnt it??? i know this is also partly my fault. how aboout a suici de pact???? hoow do we do it???? - i;;ll stinyou, ustep on me. - thhatjust kills utwice. right, right. listen, barry... soor ry, but i go tta get going. i h ad to open my mouth and talk. vanessa??? vaunessa?????? why are uleaving?????? where are ugoiing??? to the final tournammment of roses parade in pasadena. they;ve moved it to this weekend beca ussse aall the flowers are dying. it;;s the last chance i;;l l ever have to see it. van essa, i just wanna say i;;;m sorry. iu never meant iot to turn out like this. i know. me neither. tournameont of ro ses. rossses can;;t do sport s. wait a minut e . roases. roses????? roses!!!!! vanessa!!! rr oses?????!! barr y????? - roses are flowers!!! - yes, they are. flowers, bees, pollen!!!! i know. that;;s why this i s the last parade. mayb e not. oould uask him to slow down????? oould uslow down??? barry!!!!! ok, i made a huge mi stake. this is ao toa tal disaaster, all my faulllt. yes, iot kin d of is . ive ruined the plane t. ie wanted to help you with the flower shop. i;;;ve made it w orse. actually, it;;;s completely closed down. ii thought maybe uwer e remodeoling. but i have another idea, and it;s greater than my pre vious idea s combined. i don;;;t want to hear it!!!! all right, they have the roses , the roses ha ve the pollen. i knoww every bee, plant and flower bud in this park. all we gotta do is get whhat they;ve got back here with what we;;;ve got. - bees. - park. - pollen!!! - flowers. - repollinationn!!!! - across ttthe nation!!!!!! tournament of roses, pasadena, oal iforrrnia. they;ve got nothiang but flowers, floaits and cotton ccandy. security will be tight. i have an idea. vanessa bloome, ftd. official floral buesiness. it;;;s real. sssorry , ma;;;am. nice brooch. thank yo u. it was ai g i ft . once inside, we just pick the right float. how about the princess and the pea??? i could be the princess, and ucould be the pea!!!!! yes, i got it. - wherrre should i sit?????? - what arei you???? - i beli evve im the pea. - thhhe pea??? it goes undear the mattreusses. - not in thi s fairy talei, sweetheart. - i;;m gettinthe marshal. udo that!!! thios whole parade is a fioasco!!! leut; s see what this baby;;;ll doo. hey, what are udoing?????!! then all we do is blend in with traeffic... .. .without arousinsuspicion. once at th e airport, t here;;;s no stoppinus. stop!! security. - uand your insect pack your float????? - yes. has it been in your pos session the eant ire time????? would uremove youur shoes??? - reumove yourrr stinger. - it;s part of me. i know. juast havinsome fun. enjoy yourrr flight. then if we;;re lucky, we;;;ll have just enough pollen to do the job. oan ubelieve how lucky we aree?????? we have just enough polllen to do the job!!!! i think this is gonna wo rk. its got to work. attention, passengeers, this is oaptain scott . we havei a bit of bad weather in new york. it lllooks likeo we;;ll experience a coouple hourrrs delllay. barrrry, these are cut flowers with no wa ter. theyll nevear ma ke it. i gott a get up there and talk tou them. be careffful. ooan i get h elp with the sky mall magaziine?? i;;;d like to or der the talkking inflatable nose and ear hair trimmer. oapptain, i;m in a real situiation. - whatd usay, hal???? - noithhhing. bee!!!!! dont freak out!!!! m y entire speecies... what are udoing??? - wait a minute!!! i;m an attorney!!!!! - whos an atto rney?? d on;;; t move. oh, barry. good afternoon, passengers . this is your captain . would a m iss vanessa bloome in 24 b plsreport to the cockpiot???? and plshurry!! what happened here????? there was ao dusttbuster , a toupee , a life raft exploded. one;;s baulld, one;;;s in a boat, theyre bbboth unconscious!!!!!! - is that a nother bee joke??? - no!!!! no one;;;s flyinthe plane!! thhis is jfk control tower, flight 356. what;s your status???? this is vanessa bloome. i;;;m a fllorist frommm new york. where; s the pilot???? hes unconscious, and so isss the coapilot. not good. doess anyone onboard have flight experience????? as a matter of fact, there is. - who;;s that???? - barry benssson. from thei honnney trial???!!!! oh, great. vanessa, this is nothin more t han a big metal bee. iut;;;s got giant wings , huge engines. i can;t fly a plane. - why not?? isn;;t john travolta a pilot?? - y es. how hard could it be???? wait, barry!!!! we;re headed into some lightning. t his is bob bumble. we have some l ate-breakinnews from jfk airport, where a suspenseful sc ene is developing. barr y benson, fresh from his legal victory... that;s barry!!!! ...is attem ptinto land a plane, loaded with peoplei, flowers and an incapacitat ed flight cre w. flowers???!!!!! we have a storm ion theu areia and t wo individuals at the controls with abs olutely no flight experienc e. just a minute. there;;;s a bee on that pla ne. im quite faumiliar with mr. benson and his no-account compadress. they;;;ve doneu enough damage. but isn;;t he your onl y hhope???? technically, a bee shouldnt be able to fly at all. their wings are too small... haveu n;;t weu heard this a mill ion times??? "the surface area of the wings and body maiss make no seunse. " - get this on the air!!!!! - got it. - staund by. - were goinlive. the way wwe work may be a mys teiry to you. makinhoney takes a lot of bees doina lot of small jobs . but let me tell uabout a smallll job. if udo it well, it makes a big differ ence. more than we realllized. to us , to everyon e. thaats why i want to get bees back to workintogether. th at;;s thei bee way!!!!! were not made of jell-o. we get b ehind a fellow. - black and yellow!!! - hello!!!!! left, right, dddown, hover. - h over??? - forget hover. this isn;t so hard. beep-beep!! b eep -beep!! barry, what happened????!!! wait, i think we were onnn auetopilo t the whole time. - that may have been helpinme. - and now we;;re nnot!!!!!! so it turns out i c annot fly a pl ane. aell of you, lets get behin d this fello w!!!! move it out!!! move out!!! our onl y chance is if i do what i;d do, ucopy me with the wings of the plane!! don;;;t haveu to yell. i;;m not yelling!!!! we;re iin a lout of trouble. it;;s very hard to concentrate with thhhat panicky tone in your voice!!!! it;s not a tone. i;m panicking!!!! i can;;;t do this!!!!! vanessa, pull you rseelf togeather. uhave tou snap out of it!!! usnap out of it. usn ap oout of it. - usnap out of it!!!!!! - usnap out of iat!!!! - usnap out of it!!!!! - usnap outtt of it!!!! - usnnap out of it!!!! - usnap out of it!!!! - hould it!!! - why??? o ome on, iotts my turn. how is thea plane flying??? idk hell o???? benson, got any flouwers for a happpy occas ioin in there???? the pollen jo cks!!!!! they do get behind a fellow. - black and yellow. - hello. all right, let;;;ss drop this tin can on the blacktop. where????? i cant see anything. oan you??? no, n othing. it;;;s all cloud y. oaome on. ugoat to think beee, barry. - thinkinbee. - thinkinbee. thiankinbee!!!!!! thinkinbee!!!!! thinkinbee!!!!! wait a mi nute. i think i;;m feelinsomething. - what?? - idk its s trong, pullinme. like a 27-million- year-old instinct. brinthe nose down. thin kinbee!! thinkinb ee!! thinkinbee!!!!! - what in thei world is on the tarmac??? - ge t some lig hts on that!!!! th inkinbe e!!!! th inkinbeie!!!! thinkinbee!!!! - vanessa, aim for the flower. - ok. out the engines. wer e goinin on bee power. ready, boys????? affirmative!!!!! good. good. easy, now. that;;s it. landdd on that flower!!!! ready????? full reverse!!!! spin it around!!! - not that floower!!!!! the other one!!!! - which one???? - that floower. - i;;;m aieminat the flower!!!! thatss aa fat guy i n a flowered sshirt. i mean the giant pulsatinfloewear made of millions offf bees!!!!! p ull for ward. nose down. tttail up. rotate around it. - this is insane, barry!!! - thhhis;;; s the only way i know how to fly. am ii koo-k oo-kachoo, or is this ppplaane flyinin aon insect-like pattern??? get your nnnose in there. don;;t be afraid. smell it. full reverse!! just drop it. be a part of it. aim for the center!!!! n ow drop it in!!!! drop it in, woman!!!!! oomea on, already. bbarry, we did it!! utaught me how tto fly!!!! - yes. no high-five!!!!! - ri ght. barrry, iut worked!! did usee the giant flower????? what giannnt flower???? where??? of course i saw the flow er!!! thatt was genius!!!! - thhhank you. - but we;re noot done yet. listen, everyone!!! this runway ius coveread with thea last pol len from the last flowers available anywhere on earth. that means this is our last chance. we;re the onnly ones who make honey, pollinate flowers and dress like this. if were gon na survive as a specieeis, thhhis is our moment!!!!! wha t do usay??? are we gointo be bees, orjus t museum of natural history keychains????? were bees!!!! keycha in!!!!! then follow me!!!! except keychain. hold on, barry. here. youve ea rned this. yeah!! im a pollen jock!!!! aind its a pe rfect fit. all i gotta do are the sle eves. oh, yeah. thats our barry. mom!!!!! t he bees are baick!!! if anyboudy neeeds too make a call, now;s the time. ie got a feelinwe;;;ll be woarkinlate tonight!!!! heress your change. have a great afternoon!!!! oan i help wwwhos next?????? would ulike s ome honeoy with that?????? it is bee-approved. don;;;t forget these . milk, cream, che ese, it;s all me. aind i don;;t see a nickel!!! sometimmmes iu jussst fe el like a pie ce of meat!!! i had no idea. barry, i;;;m sorry. have ugot a moment????? would uexcuse me??? my moosquito associat e willl h elp you. sorrry i;m late. he;s a lawyer too?????? i was already a blooud-suckinparasite. all i needed was a briefcase . havve a great afternooen!!! barry, i just ggot t his huge tulip order, and i cant g et them anywhere. no problem, vannie . just leave it t o me. you;;;re a lifesav er, barrrry. oan i help who;;s next?? all right, scrammmble, jocks!!!! it;s time to fly. thank you, bairry!!!! that bee is livinmy life!!! let it go, kenny. - when willll this nightmare end?????!!!!! - let it all go. - beautiful day to fly. - sure is. beitween uand me, i was dyinto get out of that office. uhavea got to start thinkinbee, my friend. - tthinkinbee!!!! - me??? hold it. let;s just stop for a ssecond. hold it. iom sorry. i;;;m sorry, everyone. oan we stop here???? i;;;m not makina major life deocision durin a production number!!!! all r igght. ta ke ten, everybou dy. wrap it up, guys. i had virtually noi rehearsal f or that,, 
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jc · 4 years
Gesehen: Joker, Blinded By The Light, Im Strahl der Sonne
Gegen Ende mei­ner Eltern­zeit haben wir uns auch mal die Zeit genom­men, fern­zu­se­hen. Drei Fil­me, um genau zu sein.
Der Film erzählt die Ursprungs­ge­schich­te von Arthur Fleck, dar­ge­stellt von Joa­quin Phoe­nix, der unter dem Namen Joker spä­ter der noto­ri­sche Gegen­spie­ler von Bat­man wird.
Quel­le: Wiki­pe­dia
Joa­quin Phoe­nix spielt den Joker meis­ter­haft, er hat zu Recht einen Oscar dafür erhal­ten. Das Dreh­buch ist auch ers­te Sah­ne, man kann sehr gut nach­voll­zie­hen, war­um und wie Arthur zu Joker wur­de. Aller­dings ist da halt auch ziem­lich viel Hol­ly­wood mit drin, es gibt eini­ge Stel­len, wo man skep­tisch eine Augen­braue hebt; ganz beson­ders am Schluss, der even­tu­ell aber auch des­halb so gestal­tet ist, damit man noch fünf, sechs Fort­set­zun­gen dre­hen kann, wer weiß.
Ich ver­ge­be 4 von 5 Fle­der­mäu­se: 🦇🦇🦇🦇
Blinded By The Light
Ein ganz wun­der­ba­rer Film, der in den spä­ten Acht­zi­gern spielt und den Sohn von paki­sta­ni­schen Ein­wan­de­rern in Groß­bri­tan­ni­en por­trä­tiert. Er ent­deckt die Musik von Bruce Springsteen und damit aller­lei Inspi­ra­ti­on für die Gestal­tung sei­nes Lebens. An eini­gen Stel­len dach­te ich: Oweia, das ist ja wirk­lich ein wenig über­trie­ben unrea­lis­tisch. Nun, der Film basiert auf wah­ren Geschich­ten. Ver­mut­lich ist er trotz­dem ein wenig über­dreht. Aber eigent­lich ist es voll­kom­men egal, es war eine wun­der­ba­re Abwechs­lung mit guter Musik von natür­lich eini­gem Herz­schmerz.
Ich ver­ge­be 4 von 5 Born-in-the-USA-Flaggen: 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Im Strahl der Sonne
Pro­pa­gan­da geht nicht nur in eine Rich­tung, denn die fast zwei­stün­di­ge Doku­men­ta­ti­on von 2015 lässt kei­ne Gele­gen­heit aus, zu zei­gen, wie stark gesteu­ert nicht nur die Dreh­ar­bei­ten, son­dern alle nord­ko­rea­ni­schen Men­schen sind. Aller­dings ist dar­an ver­mut­lich lei­der all­zu viel sehr wahr. Der Film bedrückt. Zu kei­nem Zeit­punkt bekommt man das Gefühl, dass die Men­schen einen eige­nen Wil­len haben oder dass es ihnen ein­fach nur mal gut geht. Dazu trägt auch die fan­tas­ti­sche Kamera- und Schnitt­leis­tung bei, die manch­mal minu­ten­lang den Men­schen ganz tief in die Augen schau­en lässt. Allein dafür lohnt sich der Film eigent­lich schon.
Ich ver­ge­be auch hier 4 von 5 Not-born-in-the-USA-Flaggen: 🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵
* * *
Möch­test du etwas in Klein-Leas Spar­schwein wer­fen?
(Original unter: https://1ppm.de/2020/07/gesehen-joker-blinded-by-the-light-im-strahl-der-sonne/)
0 notes
gaymusicchart · 7 years
GAY MUSIC CHART – 2017 week 45
 As a new additionnal rule for making this chart, we also use now the ranking of the number of views in our previous weekly playlist.  
Welcome to the Gay Music Chart, the LGBTQA related music videos TOP 50 actuality and most request.
Vote for your favourite LGBTQA related music videos by leaving a comment for this post on :
YOUTUBE (in the comment section of the video of the week) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz7yfp-xq-b08tD6mAWwclA
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FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/GayMusicChart/
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/GayMusicChart with #GayMusicChart  
TUMBLR : http://gaymusicchart.tumblr.com  
 Here is the recap for this week :
 OUT : Myckael SG - Strong or Best (alternate version) (LW: 15 / WO: 10 / PEAK: 04)
OUT : Superfruit - Goodbye From Lonely (LW: 22 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 22)
OUT : Les Funambules - Sous quel arc-en-ciel ? (Live au Studio Hébertot) (LW: 26 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 26)
OUT : Fischerspooner feat. Caroline Polachek - Togetherness (LW: 29 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 25)
OUT : NU3L - Eu Não Sei / I Don´t Know (LW: 33 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 22)
OUT : Cub Sport - O Lord (LW: 38 / WO: 9 / PEAK: 11)
OUT : Đào Bá Lộc feat Ivone - Đêm Mùa Mưa (LW: 40 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 28)
OUT : Davis Mallory - Not that Far Away (LW: 43 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 43)
OUT : Tokio Hotel - Boy Don't Cry (LW: 45 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 18)
OUT : Trey Pearson - Love Is Love [Official Lyric Video] (LW: 47 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 20)
OUT : Leon Markcus feat. Jeff Hue - Alive (LW: 49 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 49)
OUT : Dismissed - Lonely Way to Die (LW: 50 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 50)
  01 (+ 1) : Mr John - Neon (LW: 02 / WO: 7 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
Instead of covers, this time, the Brazilian singer delivers an original song.
 02 (+ 4) : Huntington - Love Is Love (LW: 06 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 02)
Three years after "Secret", this is his new original song.
 03 (=) : Alfie Arcuri - If They Only Knew (LW: 03 / WO: 18 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
This is the new music video of the winner of The Voice Australia 2016. What must do a gay man when he's in love with his best male friend, who's dating his best female friend?
 04 (+ 8) : P!nk - What About Us (LW: 12 / WO: 11 / PEAK: 01 (x3))
The music video includes audio contents from the tragic events in Charlottesville for denouncing the hate speeches from the supremacist movements, and shows several people dancing under the intimidating eye of the authorities, including two men together.
 05 (+ 8) : Madblush - My Radio (LW: 13 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 05)
Taken from the album "Cactus".
 06 (- 5) : Kevin Chomat - Sens Interdit (LW: 01 / WO: 9 / PEAK: 01 (x2))
This new single of the French singer reached the top 10 YouTube trending in France. Taken from the album "Ma boussole".
 07 (+ 2) : Wrabel - The Village (LW: 09 / WO: 14 / PEAK: 04)
This engaging song was written the day after US President Trump removed new federal protections for trans students in public schools last February. Trans actor August Aiden plays the role of a young transgender who tries to be himself despite the hostility of his father in the music video.
 08 (- 1) : ILY - Your Love (LW: 07 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 07)
Two new brides are kissing in this Swedish music video.
 09 (+ 14) : Steps - Dancing With A Broken Heart (LW: 23 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 09)
The British band will be on Tour this month.
 10 (+ 1) : Sam Tsui - Cameo (LW: 11 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 09)
Finally, a new original song!
 11 (+ 24) : Cub Sport - Chasin' (LW: 35 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 11)
This is the second single of the album "Bats" from the Australian band.
 12 (- 4) : Kevin Chomat - Un homme à terre (LW: 08 / WO: 39 / PEAK: 01 (x3))
In this single, the French singer is talking about infidelity, with his boyfriend who cheated on him.
 13 (- 9) : Hayley Kiyoko - Feelings (LW: 04 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 04)
The singer flirts with another woman while she’s dancing in her new music video.
 14 (+ 18) : Leon Else - What I Won't Do (Lyric Video) (LW: 32 / WO: 21 / PEAK: 02)
The British singer has came out on Facebook last May.
 15 (+ 1) : Superfruit - GUY.EXE (LW: 16 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 15)
Mitch is a new doctor Frankenstein who tries to create the perfect boyfriend. Really funny.
 16 (+ 2) : Zayn feat. Sia - Dusk Till Dawn (LW: 18 / WO: 8 / PEAK: 02)
We had several complaints of people asking why this track is in the chart. It's not about Zayn, but about Sia who is featuring in this music video: she's openly bisexual and supports LGBT rights.
 17 (- 3) : Lizzo - Good As Hell (LW: 14 / WO: 47 / PEAK: 02)
This is taken from the EP "Coconut Oil".
 18 (- 13) : Sam Smith - Too Good At Goodbyes (LW: 05 / WO: 9 / PEAK: 04)
The British singer is back with a new upcoming album.
 19 (NEW) : Oscar and the Wolf - Runaway (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 19)
Max Colombie,aka Oscar and the Wolf, is an out singer.
 20 (+ 4) : Superfruit - Deny U (LW: 24 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 20)
You can't deny that we can see an attraction between Mitch and Scott in their new music video, taken from the album "Future Friends".
 21 (+ 7) : Michele Bravi - Diamanti (LW: 28 / WO: 7 / PEAK: 06)
This is the third single from the Italian singer taken from the album “Anime Di Carta”.
 22 (+ 19) : LP - No Witness (LW: 41 / WO: 9 / PEAK: 18)
This is the sixth single taken from the album "Lost on You".
 23 (+ 13) : Bob The Drag Queen feat. Alaska Thunderfuck - Yet Another Dig (LW: 36 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 23)
 24 (NEW) : Namuel - Joven de Corazón (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 24)
The new track of the Chilean singer.
 25 (- 15) : GAREK - Stray (LW: 10 / WO: 55 / PEAK: 01 (x2))
The single taken from the album "Take the King" is a conversation with his 8-year-old self about accepting who he is, the talk he wishes he had as a child, because he "spent so many years hating [himself] because [he] listened to the voices around [him] saying that people like [him] were disgusting".
 26 (NEW) : Keiynan Lonsdale - Good Life (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 26)
 27 (NEW) : Morgxn - Bruised (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 27)
 28 (- 1) : Alvin Point - Il a dit (LW: 27 / WO: 58 / PEAK: 01 (x4))
The first single of the French singer is talking about a romantic gay love story. The title means "he said".
 29 (+ 19) : Smashby - Birthday Suit (LW: 48 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 29)
This is the first original song of the British singer.
 30 (NEW) : Γιάννης Βασιλόπουλος, Σπύρος Παρασκευάκος, Δήμητρα Σελεμίδου / Giannis Vassilopoulos, Spyros Paraskevasos, Dimitra Selemidou - Μαμά, Μπαμπά / Mum, Dad (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 30)
This heartbreaking Greek song is about a child revealing his true nature to his parents. This is taken from the album "Third Exit".
 31 (+ 15) : Bobby Newberry - Up (LW: 46 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 31)
 32 (- 12) : Neon Trees - Feel Good (LW: 20 / WO: 12 / PEAK: 10)
After a break for his first solo album "Excommunication", Tyler Glenn goes back with his band for a new song.
 33 (+ 11) : Alfie Arcuri - Love is Love (LW: 44 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 19)
The Australian singer takes position with this song for the YES in the same-sex marriage survey to legiferate about marriage equality in Australia. The music video is now available on YouTube.
 34 (NEW) : דנה אינטרנשיונל Dana International -  יש לי אהבה / I Have Love (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 34)
The new track of the Israeli singer.
 35 (+ 2) : Сергей Лазарев / Sergey Lazarev - Так красиво / So Beautiful (LW: 37 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 15)
The new music video about love of the famous Russian singer represents several couples, including a lesbian couple. Some politicians wants to censor it in Russia.
 36 (+ 11) : Jamal Lyon’s When Cookie Met Lucious (ft. Jussie Smollet) | Visual Album | EMPIRE (LW: 47 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 30)
 37 (NEW) : Javiera Mena - Dentro de ti (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 37)
The new track of the Chilean singer.
 38 (- 13) : Harel Skaat - Radio (LW: 25 / WO: 27 / PEAK: 01 (x3))
The Israeli singer has uploaded on his channel a full concert. Go check it!
 39 (NEW) : Chastity Brown - Whisper (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 39)
Chastity is a singer from Minneapolis, USA. The music video of this love song shows a lesbian wedding. This single is taken from the album "Silhouette of Sirens".
 40 (- 21) : Alaska Thunderfuck - Valentina (LW: 19 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 19)
Another parody of "Despacito" and another song about former contestant and favorite of RuPaul's Drag Race season 9.
 41 (- 7) : George Michael feat. Nile Rodgers - Fantasy (LW: 34 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 31)
First single released after his death previous December 2016, the track is taken from "Listen without Prejudice/MTV Unplugged". This album is #1 in the UK.
 42 (=) : La Prohibida - Baloncesto (LW: 42 / WO: 15 / PEAK: 03)
 43 (RE-ENTRY) : Kim Petras - I Don't Want It At All (LW: - / WO: 2 / PEAK: 27)
This is the debut single of the young German transgender singer, with a featuring with Paris Hilton in the music video.
 44 (- 5) : Larva - For Ruy (censored version) (LW: 39 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 39)
Larva is a Mexican openly gay heavy metal band. The uncensored version, only for adults because of its raw sex content, is only available on Vimeo.
 45 (- 24) : CRIMER - Hours (LW: 21 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 21)
The Swiss singer cuts his hair in his new music video.
 46 (- 16) : Mr John - Tira a Camisa (LW: 30 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 30)
 47 (- 30) : Cassandre - Paris la nuit (LW: 17 / WO: 7 / PEAK: 10)
The French duo sings a love declaration to the city of love. It's perhaps a little cliché, but, as Parisians, we are probably not really objective. Sorry not sorry :)
 48 (NEW) : Lycinaïs Jean - Je veux rester (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 48)
A new track from the out singer from the French caribbean island of Guadeloupe.
 49 (NEW) : Litha Bam - Feel the Music (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 49)
This is the first single of the South African actor and now singer.
 50 (NEW) : Eddy de Pretto - Fête de trop (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 50)
His two tracks "Fête de trop" and "Kid" have just entered in the French singles chart.
 Зелим Бакаев / Zelim Bakaev - Нана / Nana
This Chechen singer has disappeared since last August 2017. His family and activists think he has been arrested and tortured to death by the Chechen police because of his supposed homosexuality. Chechen autorities tried to denied this situation, pretending he's in Germany, but this country denied, and activists demonstrate that the last video where he gave some news is a fake one shot in Chechnya and not in Germany. Zelim's fate illustrates the horrible persecutions against gays by the Chechen government.
 Teo Entertainment - Сережа, выходи за меня / Will You Marry Me Steve ?
A Russian video for equal marriage in whole the world.
 Sookee feat. Spezial K - Zusammenhänge
This anti-homophobia German rap song was censored several days this week on YouTube after someone reported it. After a scandal in social medias, the video is now available again on YouTube.
 Mike David - Them (Kill All the Grays)
Mike David is the host of “Red Bar Radio”, an internet comedy talk radio show from Chicago that claims to be racist and offensive. Since its creation in 2016, the song has been reposted numerous times. Most uploads have been deleted by YouTube for hate speech against LGBTQ and Jews. We counted 5 reuploads at this moment on YouTube. The chorus is “Kill all the gays and the faggots”. Some people says it's humor, a parody. But when you watch the comments, it’s clear that some people approve this message. It's terrifying to see this song becoming a meme, with people who has decided to upload it again and again even if it's regulary reported and deleted. We don’t place this video in our playlist and don’t accept votes for this.
 Sabrina Carpenter - Tomorrow Starts Today (Andi Mack Theme Song)
"Andi Mack" is a teenage TV Series which is making the buzz for being the first Disney Channel's series with a gay main character: in the first episode from season 2, Cyrus realizes that he has feelings for Jonah. This LGBTQ storyline is praised by fans and GLAAD, but One Million Moms in the USA decides to boycott the show and Kenya decided to ban it.
 peaches and honey - First Time He Kissed a Boy | Jyrus (fan video)
An example of fan video about the storyline of Cyrus shipping Jonah (already 1,8 million views!), with the music of "First Time He Kissed a Boy" from Kadie Elder.
 Les Funambules - Mon Jacques à moi (Live au Studio Hébertot)
This song is about a woman who passed her girlfriend Jacqueline off as a man called Jacques to her parents to hide her homosexuality. Stéphane Corbin, initiator of the musical project Les Funambules against homophobia, has received the Tolerantia Award 2017 in Warsow.
 Wiktor Korszla - Niewidzialna miłość / Invisible Love
A Polish song about senior gay love.
 희철 HEECHUL and 민경훈 Min Kyung-Hoon - 나비잠 (Sweet Dream)
We are ashamed of missing this South Korean music video last year. This kpop MV shows a love triangle with Heechul who loves Momo who prefers Min Kyung-Hoon who loves his friend Heechul. The twist at the end is reminiscent of the classic and iconic gay themed kpop MV "Please Don't" from K.Will.
 Sony Cobain - Stand Up 2 Cancer
This is the second track taken from the debut album "Kissed By Tears". Actually #1 in the Top 40 LGBT Urban Chart.
 Young M.A - Walk
 Mister Wallace - Angel
 Candy Ken feat. Gigi Tays - Run Forrest
An Halloween Austrian rap.
 Loreen - Hate The Way I Love You
The new track of the Swedish singer.
 Lots Holloway - Slow Down
The 23 years old woman was a former contestant of the X Factor UK in 2012.
 PJ Brennan - Tease
PJ Brennan is well known for his role as Doug Carter in the British television soap opera Hollyoaks.
 Jimena Barón - QLO
 Daniela Mercury - Banzeiro
 Sam Smith - Burning (Live From The Hackney Round Chapel)
 Demi Lovato - Tell Me You Love Me (Vevo X Demi Lovato)
 Christophe Willem - Copacabana (Session acoustique)
 Eddy de Pretto - Fête de trop (Live @ Monte le son, les sessions)
 Eddy de Pretto - Kid (Live @ Monte le son, les sessions)
 Jake Shears - Creep City (Official Audio)
This is the first track in solo of the singer of Scissor Sisters.
 Seann Miley Moore - High Heel'd Shoes (Audio)
 Lostchild - Could Be Real (Audio)
 Samir & Viktor - Rakt In i Kaklet (Official Lyric Video)
The new track of the Swedish duo.
 Russell Elliot - Savage (Official Lyric Video)
 Myckael SG - John vs Angela
 Letrux - Que estrago
 Psychic Hotline - Empathy
 Sia - Santa's Coming For Us
Halloween is over, get ready for Christmas!
 Kurt Hugo Schneider feat. Sam Tsui & Michael Constantino - Evolution of Boy Bands MASHUP!!
 Randy Rainbow - Sweet Indictment (Song Parody)
   See you next week and don’t forget to vote for your best LGBTQA music videos ! Here are the rules :
1 ) You can vote for many videos as you want under the videos on YouTube in the comment section. It could be recent or past music videos, which must provide at least one among the following conditions:
- the music video has LGBTQA related content, in the lyrics or the music video
- the artist is LGBTQA, an LGBTQA icon or eventually ally
- LGBTQA medias talked about it.
2 ) You can’t vote more than 3 songs of a same artist per week.
3 ) In case of an artist who receive votes mostly by a fan base, we will count only one song, in a limited time of 10 weeks of presence in the top.
4 ) You can vote with only one account.
5 ) If you make 5 votes or less, your first vote will represent 5 points, your second vote 4 points, etc… until your last vote and following 1 point. If you make 6 to 10 votes, your first vote will represent 10 points, your second vote 9 points, etc… If you make more than 10 votes, your first vote will represent 20 points, your second vote 19 points, etc…
6 ) People who make 1 to 5 votes form the amateur ranking, those who make 6 to 10 votes form the fan ranking, those who make more than 10 votes form the expert ranking. We form the jury ranking. And we count now the ranking of minutes of views of our weekly playlist of the previous week. The Gay Music Chart is the addition of the five charts. In case of equality, the number of votes and the dates of votes will count.
7 ) The votes will close on Thursday, 8 PM, European time.
0 notes
gaymusicchart · 7 years
GAY MUSIC CHART – 2017 week 44
 As a new additionnal rule for making this chart, we also use now the ranking of the number of views in our previous weekly playlist.  
Welcome to the Gay Music Chart, the LGBTQA related music videos TOP 50 actuality and most request.
Vote for your favourite LGBTQA related music videos by leaving a comment for this post on :
YOUTUBE (in the comment section of the video of the week) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz7yfp-xq-b08tD6mAWwclA
BLOGGER : http://gaymusicchart.blogspot.fr
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/GayMusicChart/
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/GayMusicChart with #GayMusicChart  
TUMBLR : http://gaymusicchart.tumblr.com  
 Here is the recap for this week :
 OUT : Lycinaïs Jean - Entre nous (LW: 20 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 20)
OUT : JBDUBS - The Vault (LW: 22 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 22)
OUT : SOPHIE - It's Okay To Cry (LW: 30 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 30)
OUT : Miss Caffeina - Detroit (LW: 34 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 28)
OUT : Donnie Wiggs (aka PureVlogs) - Im Gay (LW: 35 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 35)
OUT : Les Funambules - Lui et toi (Live au Studio Hébertot) (LW: 37 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 26)
OUT : Fangoria - Disco Sally (Pianíssimo) (LW: 42 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 42)
OUT : Razorhouse - Regan's Song (LW: 43 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 43)
OUT : Martin Garrix & Troye Sivan - There For You (LW: 44 / WO: 21 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
OUT : Logic feat. Alessia Cara, Khalid - 1-800-273-8255 (LW: 45 / WO: 10 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
OUT : Antonio Navarro - Estaré Bien (LW: 48 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 27)
OUT : Greg Gould - Freedom (LW: 49 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 49)
OUT : Girls' Generation - 소녀시대 All Night (LW: 50 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 50)
  01 (+ 1) : Kevin Chomat - Sens Interdit (LW: 02 / WO: 8 / PEAK: 01 (x2))
This new single of the French singer reached the top 10 YouTube trending in France. Taken from the album "Ma boussole".
 02 (+ 11) : Mr John - Neon (LW: 13 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 02)
Instead of covers, this time, the Brazilian singer delivers an original song.
 03 (- 2) : Alfie Arcuri - If They Only Knew (LW: 01 / WO: 17 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
This is the new music video of the winner of The Voice Australia 2016. What must do a gay man when he's in love with his best male friend, who's dating his best female friend?
 04 (+ 13) : Hayley Kiyoko - Feelings (LW: 17 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 04)
The singer flirts with another woman while she’s dancing in her new music video.
 05 (+ 2) : Sam Smith - Too Good At Goodbyes (LW: 07 / WO: 8 / PEAK: 04)
The British singer is back with a new upcoming album.
 06 (+ 33) : Huntington - Love Is Love (LW: 39 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 06)
Three years after "Secret", this is his new original song.
 07 (+ 26) : ILY - Your Love  (LW: 33 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 07)
Two new brides are kissing in this Swedish music video.
 08 (+ 7) : Kevin Chomat - Un homme à terre (LW: 15 / WO: 38 / PEAK: 01 (x3))
For his third single, the French singer is talking about infidelity, with his boyfriend who cheated on him.
 09 (- 5) : Wrabel - The Village (LW: 04 / WO: 13 / PEAK: 04)
This engaging song was written the day after US President Trump removed new federal protections for trans students in public schools last February. Trans actor August Aiden plays the role of a young transgender who tries to be himself despite the hostility of his father in the music video.
 10 (+ 13) : GAREK - Stray (LW: 23 / WO: 54 / PEAK: 01 (x2))
The single taken from the album "Take the King" is a conversation with his 8-year-old self about accepting who he is, the talk he wishes he had as a child, because he "spent so many years hating [himself] because [he] listened to the voices around [him] saying that people like [him] were disgusting".
 11 (- 2) : Sam Tsui - Cameo (LW: 09 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 09)
Finally, a new original song!
 12 (- 9) : P!nk - What About Us (LW: 03 / WO: 10 / PEAK: 01 (x3))
The music video includes audio contents from the tragic events in Charlottesville for denouncing the hate speeches from the supremacist movements, and shows several people dancing under the intimidating eye of the authorities, including two men together.
 13 (+ 18) : Madblush - My Radio (LW: 31 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 13)
Taken from the album "Cactus".
 14 (+ 22) : Lizzo - Good As Hell (LW: 36 / WO: 46 / PEAK: 02)
This is taken from the EP "Coconut Oil".
 15 (- 1) : Myckael SG - Strong or Best (alternate version) (LW: 14 / WO: 10 / PEAK: 04)
 16 (NEW) : Superfruit - GUY.EXE (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 16)
Mitch is a new doctor Frankenstein who tries to create the perfect boyfriend. Really funny.
 17 (- 7) : Cassandre - Paris la nuit (LW: 10 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 10)
The French duo sings a love declaration to the city of love. It's perhaps a little cliché, but, as Parisians, we are probably not really objective. Sorry not sorry :)
 18 (- 13) : Zayn feat. Sia - Dusk Till Dawn (LW: 05 / WO: 7 / PEAK: 02)
We had several complaints of people asking why this track is in the chart. It's not about Zayn, but about Sia who is featuring in this music video: she's openly bisexual and supports LGBT rights.
 19 (+ 2) : Alaska Thunderfuck - Valentina (LW: 21 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 19)
Another parody of "Despacito" and another song about former contestant and favorite of RuPaul's Drag Race season 9.
 20 (- 4) : Neon Trees - Feel Good (LW: 16 / WO: 11 / PEAK: 10)
After a break for his first solo album "Excommunication", Tyler Glenn goes back with his band for a new song.
 21 (NEW) : CRIMER - Hours (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 21)
The Swiss singer cuts his hair in his new music video.
 22 (+ 18) : Superfruit - Goodbye From Lonely (LW: 40 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 22)
This is the eleventh single of the album "Future Friends".
 23 (NEW) : Steps - Dancing With A Broken Heart (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 21)
The British band will be on Tour next November.
 24 (+ 2) : Superfruit - Deny U (LW: 26 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 20)
You can't deny that we can see an attraction between Mitch and Scott in their new music video, taken from the album "Future Friends".
 25 (- 17) : Harel Skaat - Radio (LW: 08 / WO: 26 / PEAK: 01 (x3))
The Israeli singer has uploaded on his channel a full concert. Go check it!
 26 (NEW) : Les Funambules - Sous quel arc-en-ciel ? (Live au Studio Hébertot) (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 26)
Les Funambulles will be in concert every Monday in Paris next November and December 2017. In this song, Doryan Ben is asking below which rainbow he will see again his past friends and lovers who died because of homophobia.
 27 (- 15) : Alvin Point - Il a dit (LW: 12 / WO: 57 / PEAK: 01 (x4))
The first single of the 24 years old singer is talking about a romantic gay love story. The title means "he said".
 28 (- 22) : Michele Bravi - Diamanti (LW: 06 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 06)
This is the third single from the Italian singer taken from the album “Anime Di Carta”.
 29 (- 4) : Fischerspooner feat. Caroline Polachek - Togetherness (LW: 25 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 25)
 30 (NEW) : Mr John - Tira a Camisa (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 30)
 31 (+ 16) : Jamal Lyon’s When Cookie Met Lucious (ft. Jussie Smollet) | Visual Album | EMPIRE (LW: 47 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 30)
 32 (- 5) : Leon Else - What I Won't Do (Lyric Video) (LW: 27 / WO: 20 / PEAK: 02)
The British singer has recently came out on Facebook.
 33 (+ 13) : NU3L - Eu Não Sei  / I Don´t Know (LW: 46 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 22)
 34 (+ 4) : George Michael feat. Nile Rodgers - Fantasy (LW: 38 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 31)
First single released after his death previous December 2016, the track is taken from "Listen without Prejudice/MTV Unplugged". This album is #1 in the UK.
 35 (- 11) : Cub Sport - Chasin' (LW: 24 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 24)
This is the second single of the album "Bats" from the Australian band.
 36 (NEW) : Bob The Drag Queen feat. Alaska Thunderfuck - Yet Another Dig (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 36)
 37 (- 8) : Сергей Лазарев / Sergey Lazarev - Так красиво / So Beautiful (LW: 29 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 15)
The new music video about love of the famous Russian singer represents several couples, including a lesbian couple. Some politicians wants to censor it in Russia.
 38 (- 27) : Cub Sport - O Lord (LW: 11 / WO: 9 / PEAK: 11)
This is the debut single of the Australian band from Brisbane, taken from their album "Bats".
 39 (NEW) : Larva - For Ruy (censored version) (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 39)
Larva is a Mexican openly gay heavy metal band. The uncensored version, only for adults because of its raw sex content, is only available on Vimeo.
 40 (- 12) : Đào Bá Lộc feat Ivone - Đêm Mùa Mưa (LW: 28 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 28)
With this emotional new song, the Vietnamese singer dreams about his boyfriend cheating on him, until the dream comes true.
 41 (- 9) : LP - No Witness (LW: 32 / WO: 8 / PEAK: 18)
This is the sixth single taken from the album "Lost on You".
 42 (RE-ENTRY) : La Prohibida - Baloncesto (LW: - / WO: 14 / PEAK: 03)
 43 (NEW) : Davis Mallory - Not that Far Away (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 43)
The new track taken from the album "Loud".
 44 (- 25) : Alfie Arcuri - Love is Love (LW: 19 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 19)
The Australian singer takes position with this song for the YES in same-sex marriage survey to legiferate about marriage equality in Australia. The music video is now available on YouTube.
 45 (- 27) : Tokio Hotel - Boy Don't Cry (LW: 18 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 18)
The lead singer Bill Kaulitz becomes a beautiful drag queen in the new music video of the German band. The single is taken from the album "Dream Machine".
 46 (NEW) : Bobby Newberry - Up (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 46)
 47 (- 6) : Trey Pearson - Love Is Love [Official Lyric Video] (LW: 41 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 20)
After "Silver Horizon", this is the new single of the American singer as an anthem for equality and diversity.
 48 (RE-ENTRY) : Smashby - Birthday Suit (LW: - / WO: 3 / PEAK: 43)
This is the first original song of the British singer.
 49 (NEW) : Leon Markcus feat. Jeff Hue - Alive (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 49)
Leon Markus is an openly bisexual singer from Singapore. With his track "Alive", he defends LGBT against bullies, but also against suicide attempts and eating disorder.
 50 (NEW) : Dismissed - Lonely Way to Die (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 50)
This is the new track of the Swedish band.
 Fletcher - You Should Talk
 Eddy de Pretto - Fête de trop
His two tracks "Fête de trop" and "Kid" have just entered in the French singles chart.
 ERDEM x H&M - "The Secret Life of Flowers” campaign film by Baz Luhrmann
The music is the new track "Hypnotised” from Years and Years.
  Alex Palmieri - But Nobody Knows (Lyrics Video)
 Ria Mae - Red Light (Audio)
 Zolita - Come Home With Me (Audio)
 Wrabel - Poetry
 K Anderson & Skye Zentz - Naked As We Came (Iron & Wine Cover)
  See you next week and don’t forget to vote for your best LGBTQA music videos ! Here are the rules :
1 ) You can vote for many videos as you want under the videos on YouTube in the comment section. It could be recent or past music videos, which must provide at least one among the following conditions:
- the music video has LGBTQA related content, in the lyrics or the music video
- the artist is LGBTQA, an LGBTQA icon or eventually ally
- LGBTQA medias talked about it.
2 ) You can’t vote more than 3 songs of a same artist per week.
3 ) In case of an artist who receive votes mostly by a fan base, we will count only one song, in a limited time of 10 weeks of presence in the top.
4 ) You can vote with only one account.
5 ) If you make 5 votes or less, your first vote will represent 5 points, your second vote 4 points, etc… until your last vote and following 1 point. If you make 6 to 10 votes, your first vote will represent 10 points, your second vote 9 points, etc… If you make more than 10 votes, your first vote will represent 20 points, your second vote 19 points, etc…
6 ) People who make 1 to 5 votes form the amateur ranking, those who make 6 to 10 votes form the fan ranking, those who make more than 10 votes form the expert ranking. We form the jury ranking. And we count now the ranking of minutes of views of our weekly playlist of the previous week. The Gay Music Chart is the addition of the five charts. In case of equality, the number of votes and the dates of votes will count.
7 ) The votes will close on Thursday, 8 PM, European time.
0 notes
gaymusicchart · 7 years
GAY MUSIC CHART – 2017 week 43
 As a new additionnal rule for making this chart, we also use now the ranking of the number of views in our previous weekly playlist.  
Welcome to the Gay Music Chart, the LGBTQA related music videos TOP 50 actuality and most request.
Vote for your favourite LGBTQA related music videos by leaving a comment for this post on :
YOUTUBE (in the comment section of the video of the week) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz7yfp-xq-b08tD6mAWwclA
BLOGGER : http://gaymusicchart.blogspot.fr
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/GayMusicChart/
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/GayMusicChart with #GayMusicChart  
TUMBLR : http://gaymusicchart.tumblr.com  
 Here is the recap for this week :
 OUT : La Prohibida - Baloncesto (LW: 22 / WO: 13 / PEAK: 03)
OUT : Sean Smith - Turn Me On (LW: 23 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 23)
OUT : Sam Smith - Pray (Live on SNL) (LW: 25 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 25)
OUT : Christophe Willem - Rio (LW: 29 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 19)
OUT : Ria Mae - My Love (Audio) (LW: 31 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 31)
OUT : Eli Lieb - Shangri La (LW: 32 / WO: 12 / PEAK: 03)
OUT : Eli Lieb - Kissing Your Tattoos (Lyric video) (LW: 33 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 33)
OUT : Bec Sandridge - I'll Never Want A BF (LW: 37 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 37)
OUT : Páll Óskar - Einn Dans (360° VR music video) (LW: 38 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 38)
OUT : Supremme de Luxe - Fiebre 2017 (LW: 40 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 40)
OUT : Benny - Boys Will Be Boys (LW: 42 / WO: 40 / PEAK: 02)
OUT : Smashby - Birthday Suit (LW: 43 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 43)
OUT : Eddy de Pretto - Kid (LW: 44 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 44)
OUT : Pansy Boys - Empty Pools (LW: 45 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 45)
OUT : K Anderson - Cluttered (Lyric Video) (LW: 49 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 25)
OUT : ILoveMakonnen feat Rae Sremmurd - Love (LW: 50 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 50)
  01 (+ 2) : Alfie Arcuri - If They Only Knew (LW: 03 / WO: 16 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
This is the new music video of the winner of The Voice Australia 2016. What must do a gay man when he's in love with his best male friend, who's dating his best female friend?
 02 (+ 2) : Kevin Chomat - Sens Interdit (LW: 04 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
This new single of the French singer reached the top 10 YouTube trending in France.
 03 (- 2) : P!nk - What About Us (LW: 01 / WO: 9 / PEAK: 01 (x3))
The music video includes audio contents from the tragic events in Charlottesville for denouncing the hate speeches from the supremacist movements, and shows several people dancing under the intimidating eye of the authorities, including two men together.
 04 (+ 4) : Wrabel - The Village (LW: 08 / WO: 12 / PEAK: 04)
This engaging song was written the day after US President Trump removed new federal protections for trans students in public schools last February. Trans actor August Aiden plays the role of a young transgender who tries to be himself despite the hostility of his father in the music video.
 05 (- 3) : Zayn feat. Sia - Dusk Till Dawn (LW: 02 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 02)
We had several complaints of people asking why this track is in the chart. It's not about Zayn, but about Sia who is featuring in this music video: she's openly bisexual and supports LGBT rights.
  06 (+ 5) : Michele Bravi - Diamanti (LW: 11 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 06)
This is the third single from the Italian singer taken from the album “Anime Di Carta”.
 07 (+ 3) : Sam Smith - Too Good At Goodbyes (LW: 10 / WO: 7 / PEAK: 04)
The British singer is back with a new upcoming album.
 08 (- 3) : Harel Skaat - Radio (LW: 05 / WO: 25 / PEAK: 01 (x3))
The Israeli singer has uploaded on his channel a full concert. Go check it!
 09 (+ 5) : Sam Tsui - Cameo (LW: 14 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 09)
Finally, a new original song!
 10 (+ 9) : Cassandre - Paris la nuit (LW: 19 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 10)
The French duo sings a love declaration to the city of love. It's perhaps a little cliché, but, as Parisians, we are probably not really objective. Sorry not sorry :)
 11 (+ 24) : Cub Sport - O Lord (LW: 35 / WO: 8 / PEAK: 11)
This is the debut single of the Australian band from Brisbane, taken from their album "Bats".
 12 (- 6) : Alvin Point - Il a dit (LW: 06 / WO: 56 / PEAK: 01 (x4))
The first single of the 24 years old singer is talking about a romantic gay love story. The title means "he said".
 13 (+ 4) : Mr John - Neon (LW: 17 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 13)
Instead of covers, this time, the Brazilian singer delivers an original song.
 14 (- 7) : Myckael SG - Strong or Best (alternate version) (LW: 07 / WO: 9 / PEAK: 04)
 15 (- 6) : Kevin Chomat - Un homme à terre (LW: 09 / WO: 37 / PEAK: 01 (x3))
For his third single, the French singer is talking about infidelity, with his boyfriend who cheated on him.
 16 (=) : Neon Trees - Feel Good (LW: 16 / WO: 10 / PEAK: 10)
After a break for his first solo album "Excommunication", Tyler Glenn goes back with his band for a new song.
 17 (NEW) : Hayley Kiyoko - Feelings (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 17)
The singer flirts with another woman while she’s dancing in her new music video.
 18 (NEW) : Tokio Hotel - Boy Don't Cry (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 18)
The lead singer Bill Kaulitz becomes a beautiful drag queen in the new music video of the German band. The single is taken from the album "Dream Machine".
 19 (- 4) : Alfie Arcuri - Love is Love (LW: 15 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 19)
The Australian singer takes position with this song for the YES in same-sex marriage survey to legiferate about marriage equality in Australia. The music video is now available on YouTube.
 20 (NEW) : Lycinaïs Jean - Entre nous (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 20)
Lycinaïs was the first singer in the zouk industry to come out in Martinique in 2015.
 21 (NEW) : Alaska Thunderfuck - Valentina (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 20)
Another parody of "Despacito" and another song about former contestant and favorite of RuPaul's Drag Race season 9.
 22 (+ 25) : JBDUBS - The Vault (LW: 47 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 22)
 23 (+ 23) : GAREK - Stray (LW: 46 / WO: 53 / PEAK: 01 (x2))
The single taken from the album "Take the King" is a conversation with his 8-year-old self about accepting who he is, the talk he wishes he had as a child, because he "spent so many years hating [himself] because [he] listened to the voices around [him] saying that people like [him] were disgusting".
 24 (NEW) : Cub Sport - Chasin' (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 24)
This is the second single of the album "Bats" from the Australian band.
 25 (NEW) : Fischerspooner feat. Caroline Polachek - Togetherness (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 25)
 26 (+ 13) : Superfruit - Deny U (LW: 39 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 20)
You can't deny that we can see an attraction between Mitch and Scott in their new music video, taken from the album "Future Friends".
 27 (- 15) : Leon Else - What I Won't Do (Lyric Video) (LW: 12 / WO: 19 / PEAK: 02)
The British singer has recently came out on Facebook.
 28 (NEW) : Đào Bá Lộc feat Ivone - Đêm Mùa Mưa (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 28)
With this emotional new song, the Vietnamese singer dreams about his boyfriend cheating on him, until the dream comes true.
 29 (- 11) : Сергей Лазарев / Sergey Lazarev - Так красиво / So Beautiful (LW: 18 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 15)
The new music video about love of the famous Russian singer represents several couples, including a lesbian couple. Some politicians wants to censor it in Russia.
 30 (NEW) : SOPHIE - It's Okay To Cry (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 30)
 31 (NEW) : Madblush - My Radio (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 31)
Taken from the album "Cactus".
 32 (- 8) : LP - No Witness (LW: 24 / WO: 7 / PEAK: 18)
This is the sixth single taken from the album "Lost on You".
 33 (+ 1) : ILY - Your Love  (LW: 34 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 33)
Two new brides are kissing in this Swedish music video.
 34 (- 6) : Miss Caffeina - Detroit (LW: 28 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 28)
This is the new exciting single of the Spanish band, taken from their self-titled album.
 35 (NEW) : Donnie Wiggs (aka PureVlogs) - Im Gay (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 35)
The straight man releases this song to fight homophobia and hate.
 36 (+ 5) : Lizzo - Good As Hell (LW: 41 / WO: 45 / PEAK: 02)
This is taken from the EP "Coconut Oil".
 37 (- 11) : Les Funambules - Lui et toi (Live au Studio Hébertot) (LW: 26 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 26)
This emotional song is about two parents who have difficulties to accept the homosexuality of their son and his relationship with another man.
 38 (RE-ENTRY) : George Michael feat. Nile Rodgers - Fantasy (LW: - / WO: 2 / PEAK: 31)
First single released after his death previous December 2016, the track is taken from "Listen without Prejudice/MTV Unplugged".
 39 (+ 9) : Huntington - Love Is Love (LW: 48 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 12)
Three years after "Secret", this is his new original song.
 40 (NEW) : Superfruit - Goodbye From Lonely (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 40)
This is the eleventh single of the album "Future Friends".
 41 (- 21) : Trey Pearson - Love Is Love [Official Lyric Video] (LW: 20 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 20)
After "Silver Horizon", this is the new single of the American singer as an anthem for equality and diversity.
 42 (NEW) : Fangoria - Disco Sally (Pianíssimo) (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 42)
This piano version gives you chills.
 43 (NEW) : Razorhouse - Regan's Song (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 43)
 44 (- 23) : Martin Garrix & Troye Sivan - There For You (LW: 21 / WO: 21 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
 45 (- 32) : Logic feat. Alessia Cara, Khalid - 1-800-273-8255 (LW: 13 / WO: 10 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
This powerful music video, which is also a promotion for the National Suicide Prevention Hotline, follows a gay teen couple and is the incarnation of the "It Gets Better" slogan.
 46 (- 10) : NU3L - Eu Não Sei  / I Don´t Know (LW: 36 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 22)
 47 (- 17) : Jamal Lyon’s When Cookie Met Lucious (ft. Jussie Smollet) | Visual Album | EMPIRE (LW: 30 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 30)
 48 (- 21) : Antonio Navarro - Estaré Bien (LW: 27 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 27)
This is another track taken from the album "Punto Zero" from the Spanish singer.
 49 (NEW) : Greg Gould - Freedom (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 49)
Once again, the singer fights for LGBT rights with his music video, in a context of debate about marriage equality in Australia, with this cover of George Michael. In this music video, actually avalaible only on Facebook, Sydney City Counsellor Christine Forster is featuring with her partner Virginia Edwards.
 50 (NEW) : Girls' Generation - 소녀시대 All Night (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 50)
There are three drag queens in this South Korean music video from the most famous kpop girlband. But, ouch! Sooyoung, Seohyun and Tiffany leave the band!
 Morrissey - Spent the Day in Bed
 Courtney Barnett + Kurt Vile - Continental Breakfast
Their family intimacy is revealed in the new music video of the Australian duet, taken from the album "Lotta Sea Lice".
 Dismissed - Lonely Way to Die
This is the track of the Swedish band.
 Julien Baker - Turn Out The Lights
From the new album "Turn Out the Lights" out October 27th.
 Keiynan Lonsdale - Good Life
 Davis Mallory - Not that Far Away
The new track taken from the album "Loud".
 VELO - I Was A Fool
Proceeds of this song will go to caritative associations to help Puerto Ricans in need after hurricane Maria last September 2017.
 NU3L - Voltem (Para Me Enlouquecer)
The Portuguese singer is completely bare in this music video.
 Les Funambules - Fille à pédés (Live au Studio Hébertot)
A French song about fag hags.
  LP - Switchblade (A Night at The McKittrick Hotel)
 P!nk - Beautiful Trauma (Live on SNL)
 Chae Buttuh - Everything Did
 Pentatonix - Away in a Manger
You know that December is for soon when the acapella band releases Christmas songs!
 Shirtless Violinist - Stranger Things Theme
 Morgxn - Bruised
  See you next week and don’t forget to vote for your best LGBTQA music videos ! Here are the rules :
1 ) You can vote for many videos as you want under the videos on YouTube in the comment section. It could be recent or past music videos, which must provide at least one among the following conditions:
- the music video has LGBTQA related content, in the lyrics or the music video
- the artist is LGBTQA, an LGBTQA icon or eventually ally
- LGBTQA medias talked about it.
2 ) You can’t vote more than 3 songs of a same artist per week.
3 ) In case of an artist who receive votes mostly by a fan base, we will count only one song, in a limited time of 10 weeks of presence in the top.
4 ) You can vote with only one account.
5 ) If you make 5 votes or less, your first vote will represent 5 points, your second vote 4 points, etc… until your last vote and following 1 point. If you make 6 to 10 votes, your first vote will represent 10 points, your second vote 9 points, etc… If you make more than 10 votes, your first vote will represent 20 points, your second vote 19 points, etc…
6 ) People who make 1 to 5 votes form the amateur ranking, those who make 6 to 10 votes form the fan ranking, those who make more than 10 votes form the expert ranking. We form the jury ranking. And we count now the ranking of minutes of views of our weekly playlist of the previous week. The Gay Music Chart is the addition of the five charts. In case of equality, the number of votes and the dates of votes will count.
7 ) The votes will close on Thursday, 8 PM, European time.
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