#Basically it was collective and if all of us hit a certain amount in donations to the hospital joe would do a livestream
freebooter4ever · 1 year
https://alltroo.com/sweepstakes/rally-with-evgeni-malkin/ I have to make you aware of this!! Not only will you potentially meet Geno but you’re donating to an amazing cause 😊
hahahaha yeah actually yesterday i paid my bills and found out my electric was ten bucks less last month so i already did!
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money is sadly tight right now :( month to month and all that
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spicykat9 · 25 days
Germany having an Only fans HC?
Ooooh yes please. Though I can't figure out a reason he'd open something like that, it's nice to think about.
Warning I don't quite know how Only Fans works so this is probably going to be a more generic, erotic streaming/content sharing website.
he's definitely shy about it. He feels embarassed over doing it but he uses it to his advantage. There is an appeal of seeing such a large, muscley, manly guy as a shy, blushing mess
One of his staples is probably his collection of dildos, going slowly up in size once he hits certain goals.
He probably at least started out not showing his face. If we're staying in nationverse, he's definitely keeping his face hidden for as long as possible. Until part of Ludwig's face accidentally slips into frame and some of his fellow nations who watch his videos/streams recognize him
He doesn't just do it for money, but it also becomes a kind of stress relief. Let's Lud forget about his worries for a little bit. Turn is mind off.
Don't know how, but I love "forced" feminization for Ludwig (and I use forced so loosely because deep down he really wants to embrace his more feminine side, but trauma makes it hard to, so he needs someone to push him into it). Perhaps if a certain amount is donated/reached, he'll put on something feminine be it lacey lingerie or make up.
Arthur is one of his top donators. Sorry I had to add GerEng somewhere.
Oooh if we're doing nationverse, one of the nations finding out Lud's little secret. Now warning this is going into dubcon if not straight up non con but...This nation basically threatening Ludwig that they'll reveal his secret unless he does as they say (ex. wear a butt plug during the meeting)
And...That's all I can think of right now lol
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ugh like I’m so tired of the Discourse™ that comes around every year when people are asked donate to ao3. So here’s some basic points.
I throw 5$ at the fanfiction site upon which I post and read my fanfic because I use the service and would like said service to continue being functional. Servers can’t run on hopes and horny dreams alone, you need money to run them. Like a subscription only voluntary. Me donating means people who can’t or won’t donate can use it too.
Stop getting mad about people donating to ao3 unless you get equally mad about them spending money on renting a movie or buying merchandise. For most of us, it’s part of our entertainment budget, not our charity budget. Well, if you budget those things.
Ao3 receives a lot of traffic which ups the price of running their servers. The fact they can manage on volunteers and donation money is impressive. It’s not perfect, but it is functional.
They are non-profit. No one is pocketing the donation money, excess money goes a variety of other not immediately vital for ao3′s functioning funds like updates or surprise repairs. There finances are literally right there for anyone to check.
The reason ao3 receives so much money is mostly a product of the sheer number of users, not because fans are donating an excessive amount (though if they are, who cares?). Yes, some people donate enough for the ao3 duffle bag, but ao3 receives millions of hits per day and has 2 million registered users, and most of said users are probably fans who are known to be passionate about their hobbies. It doesn't take a high percentage of users donating just 5$ to exceed their goal.
I also think you guys are really underestimating how expensive it is to run a site like ao3.
There are legit criticisms or ways to improve ao3, but it’s mostly tagging functionality or not having a block function. Y’know, actual ways to improve the site. Not that ao3 follows its core mission statement of hosting all fic regardless of content. If that’s what you want to change, you don’t want to improve ao3, you want to get rid of it.
Related, ao3 is an archive, not social media or a commercial distributor. The purpose and functionality is different and should be approached differently. Archives are meant to store and preserve stuff for later access that match the theme of the archive, and ao3′s theme is legal in the USA fanwork. It’s also not limited by space the same way a physical archive might, where they have to prioritize what they want to keep or throw away. And it has no algorithms or advertisements or profit-related motivations, which is super important if we’re talking about why we can’t treat it like social media in terms of what it does.
Is there morally disgusting and/or harmful stuff of ao3? I have no doubt. I’ve read some of it. But ignoring the fact that your idea of harmful fiction and my idea of harmful fiction might very different and so coming up with a consistent criteria everyone agrees on will be impossible, there’s morally disgusting fiction everywhere (depending on how you define it). I mean, Game of Thrones aired on mainstream TV for years and was a pop culture sensation cornerstone and it’s pretty common to cite the stuff that was on that show as a sign of immoral fiction, but only when we’re talking fanfiction.
Like I do think we need spaces where certain stuff isn’t allowed, like smaller vetted collections or rec lists, but ao3 has a different purpose.
Just... of course fans who care about ao3 are getting defensive about it. It provides a very important function in fandom! We use it a lot and it helps centralize many of our communities. I find the design comfortable and easy to use. It’s honestly a miracle it exists and very refreshing compared to the capitalist hellscape the modern internet has descended further into. Ao3 is something that fulfills the needs and desires many people do had, and so threatening to try and take that away or implying they’re evil bastards who deserve to get run over by a car for donating is kind of upsetting.
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
The alluring charm of Henry Cavill - Chapter 1
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Summary: Adelaide Park meets Henry Cavill for the first time and she is obviously very nervous. 
Henry Cavill x Adelaide Park (ofc)
Wordcount: 3.5k
A/N: If you want to be on the taglist, just let me know. And please let me know what you guys think. I’d love to hear your thoughts about it 😘 
Masterlist // Introduction // Next chapter
I’ve never been to Italy before. Actually, before I was a renowned actress, I never came outside of LA. Growing up, my parents never had the money to go to a different city, let alone other countries. My vacations were spend solely in our small one room apartment back in Los Angeles by myself.
My parents were never rich. My dad worked long hours in a factory every single day, but earning just enough money to pay the rent and for me and mom to eat. One night, I saw him scraping the packages or our plats clean, so he had something to eat as well. After I saw that, I never ate all the food off my plate, because I realized that my dad was working the hardest, but was eating the least.
It always broke my heart to see both of them struggle. My mom used to be a cleaning lady, but after she got fired, she became a live-in nanny, which basically meant that from my sixth birthday, she was barely home anymore and I had to raise myself.
Hours on end I was alone. Back in school I barely had any friends—correction: I had no friends at all—and when I came home from school, I’d sit outside to do my homework, because dad didn’t have enough money to get a second set of keys.
I never complained about it, because I knew they were trying and I learned all too well from that one time when I asked for a Barbie doll back when I was five and I kept crying about it, because other kids had Barbie dolls and I was the only one who didn’t. My mom got so mad, that she grabbed my empty plate and threw it against the wall, while she was screaming something about how ungrateful I was. Mom never got mad, she was always admirably calm and collected, even when life got in the way like it did with us. Seeing her like this, meant she was serious and I never said anything about something like that anymore. I never asked for anything, at all.
Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents and I am so thankful for everything they taught me and did for me. It may have been a hard time, but every year for my birthday, they gave me something. It was always something I really needed, but I always appreciated how they went out of their way for me, wondering how many meals they skipped for this present.
It all became worse when I finished high school at the age of nineteen. I was older than everyone else, since I read so slowly and didn’t even understand it most of the time, causing me to get behind on many classes over the course of the years. Besides, our school wasn’t known for having the best results overall, so the fact that I didn’t score well, meant I was blending in with the rest.
I was working in a diner, because I wasn’t smart enough at all for a scholarship, when my mom got in a terrible accident, when she walked back home and she was hit by a car who ran through a red light. She was paralyzed from her waist down and besides the high hospital bills, she also needed psychical therapy, something that unfortunately isn’t free.
With what my dad and I were earning together, we couldn’t even pay two percent of those costs. I was thinking about putting myself up on a sugar daddy website, but I know I couldn’t lie to them, when I would come back with a lot of money. Besides, my dad was always very strict about what mom and I could and couldn’t do to make money and sugar daddies were off limits. He told me multiple times—even after mom’s accident—that we had nothing to worry about. That he would take care of it.
But I had something to worry about, because my father wasn’t getting any younger. He had been working too hard for too long and all he wanted, was staying with his wife, who he still loved so so much, despite everything they had gone through. I took up more shifts at the diner, only slowly coming to terms that, even with the tips I was receiving, it was never enough to cover the bills.
In about two months, my mom would be discharged from the facility, if we hadn’t paid at least something significant.
One day, I was walking back home from work, when I saw a huge billboard, with a message that a studio was looking for someone to star in one of the biggest sitcoms of that time: Remembering High School. Apparently, one of the new main characters (who was an adult) was having a flashback from when they were in high school—the main premise of the show. And that character happened to be an Asian lady.
I went in and decided I would try it out. I mean, I had no acting experience and solely did it to earn some money, but being Asian American was apparently enough and that was the beginning of my acting career.
At first the amounts of money I made were not enough to cover the medical costs, but it was enough to delay further payment and my mom could stay in the facility.
For years I had difficulty with reading, let alone reading out loud, with an audience, but somehow on the set, I could forget about that. I could finally be someone I really wanted to be. For a few moments I could forget all the sorrows and worries I had resting on my shoulders.
The first five weeks, I’d combine my new acting career with my job in the diner, but after awhile I became a recurring character and for a whole year, I was part of the cast. I remember walking into my mom’s room, showing both her and my dad the first episode I was going to star in. ‘I’m from Minnesota,’ was my first line and the beginning of a very promising career.
My parents were so proud of me. My dad didn’t even care about the money I made at first, because he was so happy that I was doing something that from the looks of it, I actually enjoyed.
Over the years, I’ve come to love acting, but no one knows I do it because of my family. Actually no one knew about my family situation and since I have zero friends, even in the industry (because I barely talk about my personal life and I never budge, even when the try to pry information about it. My co-stars are acquaintances, almost like neighbors: you know one another, but you don’t know them), no one is aware that every penny I earn, goes directly to my family.
Nowadays I make millions, but I’m mainly spending it on my mom, but also on other people who are paralyzed and need psychical therapy, but were in the same boat as my family and my parents met over time in the facility. Money doesn’t mean a lot to me and these people can use it a lot better than I can.
Besides, my parents worked so hard for me growing up, this is the only way for me to pay them back. Despite not having any money themselves, nor stuff, they always taught me to share, to make sure that other people are well taken care off.
The flight from Japan to Italy moved along pretty quick, but maybe that’s because I was traveling first class. My latest movie took place in Japan and though I loved it there, I really want to see what Italy is like, after spending eight months in a lousy hotel in Japan.
After becoming an actress, I went to a lot of great places for shooting movies. I went to Suriname, Canada, Spain, Australia and this time it was Japan. I’m so blessed that I get to travel, knowing really well that other people are still struggling with what I used to struggle with. Sometimes I donate the earnings of a movie to movements that catch my eye, that help kids in certain areas of California with their school work, and with access of clothes and food. I always donate anonymously, not wanting to seem like a philanthropist who is doing this solely for her own image.
I always think that if you really care about something, you would do it without earning praises.
Participating on ‘The Celebrity Project’ wasn’t something I would normally do, but when they reached out to me, I was actually delighted that I was going to be part of this. Maybe I could finally show the world that I’m not as stupid as I appear in interviews.
Being a loner, a slow reader and probably has multiple learning disabilities (if I actually got tested, but the tests were too expensive and no one at school seemed to care and I’m actually too embarrassed to get myself tested now I’m a twenty-five year old), I often come off as an airhead and it’s my own fault really. I do give them enough stupid material to go on about that accusation.
However, I’m really nervous. I mean, I’m going to work together with Henry Cavill. He is charming and sounds so intelligent. When I was done filming and back at my hotel room, I’d watch his interviews, because I wanted to know what I was going to work with. The way he is so articulate and he obviously knows what he is doing, makes me feel even worse about myself. I’m a total disaster and already a burden to him I presume.
I’m sitting in a taxi, waiting for traffic to calm down a bit. It’s early in the mornings and thankfully I got to make myself a bit more presentable in the plane already. I notice the tiny camera’s being strategically placed in the car. It really begun, I think to myself. I’m part of a reality show now. ‘How are you feeling, miss Park?’ the taxi driver asks. ‘I recently heard about this program.’
‘I’m a bit nervous,’ I say, wondering whether or not he is payed to to talk to me about this. I rummage through my purse, hoping I can find my lip balm.
‘Are you looking forward to work with Henry Cavill?’
That name alone makes me nearly make me shit my pants already. ‘Yeah, he seems like a nice man, so I really look forward to work with him.’ And I sure as hell hope that I won’t let him down.
The drive to the hotel is about an hour, but it feels like time is going by a whole lot faster.  The chauffeur talks about his family and how his wife is actually a fan of my movies and has watched every single one of them. I took a few pictures with him and signed the inside of the cracker box, because that was all he got with him for me to write something on.
After I said goodbye to him, I’m told that I should go to room 346. With my suitcases with me, I step into the elevator, a cameraman close by. They told me that at one point, these cameramen would just be invisible to me, but I highly doubt it. They are only with us during the assignments. In the cars and at the place where we’re staying, the camera’s are hidden.
When I’m in front of the door, I take a deep breath.
I can do this I think to myself. I have starred alongside other talented people. My first real role was playing Keanu Reeves’ daughter, I was Angela Bassett’s assistant and I also had some pretty steamy scenes with David Castañeda, after his Umbrella Academy days. I can handle being around Henry Cavill, right? I knock on the door three times and I open it a bit, peeking my head around the door.
I can conclude that I’m severely underdressed. I’m wearing a simply jean short, white crop top with some lace on the borders and socks with the same lace details as my top, paired with white sneakers.
I look like a slob, compared to Henry, who seems like he stepped out of a Disney movie.  His white blouse, off-white pants and those loafers. The only thing that is missing, is his yacht with the name Serenity.
A smile creeps up on my face, as I step into the room, rolling my pink suitcases with me, because he actually looks approachable.
‘Hi there,’ he says with a small smile on his face. He walks up to me, holding out his hand. ‘I’m Henry, nice to meet you.’
I can’t help but blush. He is so charming and his accent makes him so posh. I place my hand in his and it almost disappears. Not to be that girl, but my size kink is activated right here and now. ‘Adelaide,’ I say. ‘Uhm, it’s nice to meet you… Too.’
I curse my tongue.
‘How was your flight?’ he asks, as he gestures to the couch for us to sit on.
I take place right next to him and I feel like a child sitting next to her dad. Why is he so massive? ‘It was okay. Yours?’
‘It flew by.’
I raise my eyebrows. ‘Was that… a pun?’
Henry chuckles nervously. ‘Maybe, I’m sorry.’
I look around me. The hotel room seems okay, but I bet we’re not going to stay here for long. I stare at the silver tray in front of us, with a set of keys and an envelope with our names on it.
Henry takes the envelope from the tray and holds it in front of me. ‘You want to read it?’
I shake my head. ‘No, you go.’ The whole idea of reading out loud without practice, makes me want to vomit. Before the table reads, I use this program that will read everything for me, even using the right intonation. I stay up for way too many hours for that, because once I’ve heard it, I made notes, I can better read it.
Back when I was doing ‘Remembering High School’ I had the woman who played the adult version of me read it to me, because I had to portray the young her and keep her character in mind. Since she was an established character on the show, she had certain ways of saying things I had to copy. She never knew the real reason I wanted her to read it out loud for me.
He cocks an eyebrow, but then opens the envelope. He clears his throat, before a dramatic reading of our first assignment rolls out of his mouth. How can he make a simple note sound so… Sensual, almost? His deep and dark voice, making it sound way more intense than it actually is. I wouldn’t mind if he read my scripts out loud for me.
‘Dear Adelaide and Henry, the adventure of ‘The Celebrity Project’ has officially started,’ he says, tilting the card a little, so I can read a little bit with him. It’s a nice gesture really and I appreciate the thought. ‘We have provided you with a nice car, to drive to the little cottage, specially arranged for the two of you. Tomorrow will be a nice day for you to relax (because you two are both severely jet lagged we presume) and the day after that, you’ll be expected for your first assignment. Enjoy the car ride and remember: look out of your window every now and then. We are aware that Henry is really handsome, Adelaide and you’ll be forced to only look at him, but nature can be beautiful too.’
I scrunch up my nose. That last sentence seemed so forced and this is exactly the reason why I don’t like these types of survival, borderline reality shows. It’s not reality. It’s this forced setting, hoping to get people to believe that this is how real life should look like.
And I don’t like deceiving people like that. I almost regret participating.
‘Right, well, we might as well just go,’ he says, his tone flat, maybe just as annoyed with that last sentence as I am. Probably even more so.
◎ ◎ ◎
Why is there a pink carseat in the passengers seat? I mean, I’m not the tallest, but I’m definitely not that tiny. I look around us, only to see no member of the crew around. This is great. I want to take the seat out, because I don’t want to sit on it, but it’s securely fastened and only with a different set of keys, I can undo it.
And of course I don’t have that.
I really regret being here.
However, I still sit on the carseat, because I don’t want to sit in the back because I’ll get carsick and when I see Henry’s cocked eyebrows and a poorly hidden smirk, I simply say: ‘Don’t.’
Okay, maybe I do understand why they put me on a carseat, because this man looks so enormous and otherwise I’m simply non existent. He starts the car and simply drives off. I don’t know whether or not I should say something to him, because I feel like we should talk.  I mean, that’s why the camera’s are here right?
‘What is your newest movie about?’ Henry asks.
‘About a woman escaping from her past and she moves to Japan, when one day an old friend becomes her new manager,’ I say.
‘Romantic comedy?’
‘Of course.’
He nods. ‘You don’t get tired of doing those?’ he asks.
Yes, I do get a bit tired of them, but there are two things: for starters, just like those romance books (that I would buy my mom one for her birthday every year, because I knew how much she loved those), romantic comedies sell really good. And no one wants me for something else. I feel like directors don’t trust me with big roles, like Rose in Titanic or someone else major. Besides, I’m Asian American, when was the last time one of us got a major part in a movie that’s not a romantic comedy?
But I don’t want to seem ungrateful and it’s a nice stream of money coming in every time and that’s basically all I want.
‘No,’ I say. ‘It’s okay. You shot something new… new movie… Right?’ For fuck sake, Adelaide, you were doing so well.
‘I did, actually,’ he says. ‘It’s something I’m very excited for. It’s more of a dramatical part.’ I listen to Henry, as he is talking about this movie. How he plays a single dad, trying to figure out this parenting part with his daughter, when his brother and sister-in-law pass away and he has to take in four monsters of boys in his house. The way he talks about this, I notice a shimmer in his eyes. ‘I’m sorry,’ he apologizes. ‘I let myself go there for a second. It’s just I’m really excited about this movie.’
‘No, I get it,’ I say, as I look out of the window. I let out a deep sigh, as we drive over the sandy roads. Before I can say something else (as if I knew what), Henry hits the break and like the cliches in the movies, he holds out his arm in front of me, as the car comes to a halt.
There are four dogs and one owner on the road and the man screams something in Italian to us. Clearly we were supposed to stop for him. ‘Shit, sorry,’ Henry mumbles, as if the man could hear that.
His warm hand dropped to my bare thigh and with my pointer finger I tap him on the back of his hand. ‘Excuse me,’ I say.
‘Oh no, terrible sorry,’ he says quickly, retracting his hand. ‘What do you think the cottage will look like?’ Henry asks, when he pulled up again, not driving as fast as he did before.
Shrugging I play with my water bottle. ‘I don’t know, but I think I know one thing.’
It takes me a while before I can get the words out of my mouth, but Henry doesn’t force me to say anything, by asking something like: ‘Care to let me in?’ He actually lets me find the words and it feels nice not to be rushed into saying something.
‘I bet there is one bed that is large and comfortable. However, there is also one uncomfortable couch, too small for you. So people want to see whether or not you are a… gentleman and offer to sleep on the couch.’
‘You think?’ he asks frowning. ‘A bit far fetched, don’t you think?’
When we arrive at the tiny cottage, we walk inside. It’s nice decorated, warm colors mixed with nice hints of different pastel colors. My eye falls on the very uncomfortable looking couch that is pretty tiny if Henry is supposed to be sprawled out on that, but we don’t know what the rest looks like.
After a small tour through the house, we have come to the conclusion that there is indeed only one bed. I look over my shoulder, my eyes meeting Henry’s. ‘See?’
Taglist: @thelastsock​ // @jolly-polly​ // @henrythickcavill​ // @maan24​ // @diegos-butt​ / @agniavateira​ // 
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sumeshi-t · 4 years
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hinata shoyou x reader | hanahaki x reincarnation au; a chaotic mix of fluff, crack, and angst.
song: lifetime by ben&ben
beta-ed by @bubbleteaa​ and @taeiliee ​ iloveyou both always <3
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i. 》 ii.》 iii.
*:・゚✧ “Glimpse of me and you—oh, you were a good dream,”  ✧・゚: *
“LN Group’s Heir, getting close and personal with volleyball rookie?”
The headline was on the news, accompanied by blurred photos of you and Hinata together after his games, or of you two leaving the same car entering the same restaurant. Currently, you were sitting behind a large desk in your office, leaning comfortably against the leather, having your morning coffee.
“Director,” your secretary began, perhaps about to ask you for your next step.
“Let the media talk. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind me dating someone months after mourning?” you answered nonchalantly, savoring the bittersweet taste on your tongue.
“But what about… the suitors, FCU Corp’s—”
“This conversation is over. I don’t want to waste my time over the boring sons of CEOs. They cut ties with me and they lose everything they have. Understood?” you don’t spare your secretary a glance as you dismissed him, before proceeding to look through the stack of documents on your desk.
You would occasionally cough as you worked, but not to the point wherein you can’t handle being in a conference. Your condition hasn’t been better, for what once were just coins, were now being accompanied by bills. You decide to collect the money that you vomit out, at least put the ill-gotten fortune to good use by donating to charity or using it for tips.
Soon as you signed the last project proposal, your phone vibrates against the glass of your table. You peek, and you wondered if it was the coffee that made your heart skip a beat. You put your pen down first, then, slowly reply, “Can I call?”
One, two, five rings later, Kenma picks up.
“So… you’ve heard the news,” you speak first, twirling your seat to face the glass walls overlooking the city.
“Yeah… I thought you were just sponsoring Hinata,” you hear the sound of a game in the background as you waited to see if he was going to continue. You felt somehow disappointed when that was all he said. 
Did he believe the news? Was he jealous? Why was he concerned? Your brain was screaming these questions but all you gave him was silence. And this, he notices; so he replies, “Well, if it’s true, just… don’t mess up I guess.” 
This wasn’t the response you wanted but it was better than nothing. With that thought, you sighed, finally regaining control of yourself. “Hopefully, I won’t. Have you asked Hinata-san about it?”
“Hm? Not really,” a pause and then, a soft chuckle. “For someone dating, you’re still so formal. But I guess that’s just how you are, y/n.”
Soon after that, Kenma drops the call to resume his own schedule.
Your face was flushed from how soft you felt inside. Not only did you get to hear Kenma’s little laugh, but perhaps this development was one step to reaching your goal. You immediately text Hinata about this milestone you’ve attained, before going back to work.
A few hours later, around half-past four in the afternoon, you received a text message and all you could do was gasp.
“I’m near the café, y/n-san! See you!”
It was Hinata. And you were confused why he would tell you that, until you scrolled up a little and saw that text you sent from that same morning: “Hinata-kun! I think it’s working, let’s meet at the usual and celebrate!”
Since when… did you type that? You only planned to tell him about the phone call. Well, you could also just cancel, say that you’re working overtime after a five-hour meeting. It was an easy excuse, an easy way out of this mess you didn’t seem to remember doing. However, as your thumb hovers over the send button, you feel your breath shorten, brows furrowing, and with a sigh you drop your phone on the table.
“Alright, I’ll see you there,” sent.
You quickly finish up your work for the day: reviewing your own schedule for tomorrow, making one last trip to one of the director’s involved in tomorrow’s meeting, and giving your secretary any last reminders or errands.
You drove your way to the antique café—the amount of times you’ve done so made it feel like a routine for you. This was your favorite place; you basically knew the owners already. But lately, it seems as though you had something, someone to look forward to. You feel your lungs constrict, seeing an image of Hinata’s face in your head—you thought you were about to spit out another set of bills and coins, but you didn’t. It was a good thing you were at a stoplight, or else you’d have stepped on the brake in the middle of an intersection.
As you crossed the street and arrived at your destination, you couldn’t help the feeling that in some way, you were still stuck in that intersection. Was this the right way? Should you have taken a U-turn at a different street? But then, brakes existed. You remember you have brakes; so you can always stop and go back anytime you feel lost.
For now, you choose to wander the winding road and see where it takes you.
The chimes ring softly as the door hits against them when you enter.
Your eyes scan the place, and yet can’t seem to find the guy you were looking for. You whip out your phone, already mid-text when a paper plane flies idly and drops by your feet, getting caught in your periphery.
Putting your phone back in your pocket, you bend down to pick the paper plane up. You didn’t even see the direction where the plane came from, and curiosity was getting the best of you. You flip one of the folds, unraveling the tiny origami in your delicate hands.
“Coffee?” The word, rather, invitation was scribbled in a mediocre way—definitely written by a man trying to pick up girls in poor taste. You looked around you again and spotted a cute girl just near you. So, you check the note once more, and notice how awfully familiar the strokes of every letter were.
You blinked once, twice, and, somehow kept seeing images from a time so long ago; you don’t remember this happening before so how do you have memories of this certain encounter? You feel your head pounding, heart racing, as your legs took you to the source of it all, hiding behind the counter.
“Hinata-kun,” ah, what’s this, why were you smiling?
The ginger male smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head as he faced you with cheeks blushed. The staff simply watched on, with amused snickers and teasing looks on their faces.
You hand him the note with a raised brow, “You missed,” you say as you nod your head towards the girl you saw earlier. Hinata chuckles, and the sound seems awfully familiar, in this awfully familiar place and moment; it felt so right, so fitting—
It feels like finally coming home.
“N-Not really,” he stutters, before handing you your porcelain mug, the mug you always used, with tiny little flowers you yourself hand-painted. The smell of freshly brewed coffee reached your nose, and as your hands touched when you were taking the mug from him, you feel a surge of warmth that no coffee you’ve had before has given you.
You gasp when you look into his eyes, and all you could see was how his lips moved when he nibbled on them, how his hair was ruffled, how his nose wrinkled at the end of his sentence. You’ve seen all of this before that you knew what he was going to say.
“I don’t drink coffee, but if it’s with you I don’t mind!”
“You don’t drink coffee, but if it’s with me you won’t mind,”
The two of you say at the same time, and you had to blink twice—you could have sworn you just saw him wearing a checkered top over baggy jeans. His laugh was first to break the tension between you, and you managed to calm down a bit, especially at seeing him in his jersey jacket again.
Hinata looks more amazed than surprised at what just happened, eyes wide in fascination at his deduction— “y/n-san, is that part of your, er, sickness? Because if it is, that’s so cool!”
You also wanted to ask yourself that. The book your predecessors made never mentioned anything about these dreadfully clear episodes of déjà vu. His question was left unanswered, as the old gramps, the owner of the café, went out of the kitchen to thank Hinata for his help, and to tell you two to get to your table already.
For the rest of your date, you try to get your mind off the memory—the memory of Hinata Shoyou that wasn’t yours but seemed like they were.
Wait… date?
“I’ll do even better, y/n-san! If… if you like, you can watch the next practice match and we can… go on an obvious date again! Oh! Kenma is a Youtuber too right? What if… we…?”
Ah, that’s right. There was no need to fret. Hinata Shoyou is your “boyfriend” after all. It was right to call it a date. So were all your previous meet-ups considered a date? You’ve never been to one before, so how would you know?
You couldn’t focus on anything but on the way Hinata made you feel both on edge and at peace. Perhaps, it was the coffee; you’re drinking too much lately that’s why you’re so easily flustered. Blame the caffeine. Blame the caffeine. It’s just the caffeine in your veins—
“That’s genius! I’m in! Besides, I can promote projects that way too; kids these days like that, gossip, and advocacies,” you end with a chuckle, before taking a fork to stab at the slice of your favorite cake.
Hinata’s smile softened, and he released a silent chuckle, just looking at you from across the table. The yellow dim light casted shadows over the curves of your face, highlighting your best features. In his eyes, you will always be a porcelain doll, fragile and precious, which he vowed to protect with his own heart even if he knows you wouldn’t accept it—accept him.
“y/n… you should smile more,” his usual energetic tone was gone. He said it so gently, sweetly, sincerely—you might as well follow his words and believe the next, “You look better when you do,” he grins at you before drinking his own more-milk-than-actual-coffee. 
He still has more things to say, and honestly, even if he was happy being with you, he couldn’t help but worry about himself. A part of him wishes that Kenma would just finally reciprocate your love, because he wasn’t sure how much longer he could have full control over his own emotions.
But the thought of that puts him in pain brought about by sadness —he surely didn’t want to lose Kenma but Hinata knows he couldn’t bear life if he was to lose you too.
The two of you spent the rest of the night chattering over your upcoming plan of creating your own little couple vlog, all the while your minds and hearts were both beginning to sway uneasily, without even knowing you two were starting to test new waters.
As you laid in bed that night, you were more preoccupied by the date and the images that flashed before you, than at the slim possibilities of Kozume Kenma being jealous.
You didn’t seem to notice that, for the first time in months, money and blood never slipped out your lips and you were able to enjoy an uninterrupted sleep.
That night, you were able to dream. But the subject of your dreams wasn’t the man you were truly dreaming for when you were awake. Even in your subconscious, Hinata Shoyou managed to infect his way through, he was like a new disease that has just started to grow. He was a disease that you peculiarly welcomed into your life, without knowing at the time that he could possibly be the cure.
Just like on that date, you keep seeing him from a timeline wherein you weren’t alive. The most confusing part was how you were still able to see you. And that you were the one talking to him. Distant memories of old, it was similar to skimming through an antique cinematic clip of a romcom—
“I’m sorry, y/n-san… I can’t,”
“Are you telling me that it’s my fault for falling for you, Shoyou?”
“But there’s already someone else,”
“And you’re loved in return?” you feel the urge to puke when Hinata Shoyou turns his back and walks away without an answer to satisfy you. It was too painful, your chest tightened, eyes red from held back tears, and soon, there were drops of blood on the floor below you, with coins following soon after.
You retch blood and coins all over your sheets, at five in the morning. This was the fifth time you’ve seen that dream turned nightmare and you didn’t know which haunted you more: was it a premonition or was it nothing but a reminder?
As the maid cleaned your sheets for you, you take note of how you’ve reverted back to vomiting nothing but a few measly coins. Perhaps you were getting better. But then, why has Kenma not told you anything that would hint you of his feelings? Was it because you were with Hinata? Was it time to finally end things with the ginger-haired man?
This is what you were aiming for… right?
Suddenly, you weren’t so sure.
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cheese cult: @akaashichigo @drainedjaz @haikkeiji @annalyn-annalyn @sosugasweet @cali-writes-sometimes @simping4ratsumu @shishinoya @ushiwakaa @akaashit-baeji @kxgeyamasmilk @agaassi ​ @hanibuni ​ @cupofkenma ​ @kawanisshi ​ @milkandc00kiez ​ @thiccbokuto ​ @shinsukestan ​ @sufiawrites ​ @wakaitoshi ​ @skyguy-peach ​ @fern-writes-ig ​ @briswriting ​ @kawaiikraykray ​ @bubbleteaa ​ @miyuswriting ​ @raevaioli ​ @ouikarwa ​ @hakueishirei ​ @pineapplekween ​ @estherwritess ​ @keiji-n ​ @achoohq ​ @badlywritten-hq ​ @mochibeaa @oinkanna ​ @chxrry-wxne ​ @spudicide ​ @airybby ​ @asranomical ​ @karmasuna ​ @nekoglasses ​
gen. taglist: @yams046 ​
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vmfx · 4 years
I just disclosed to all of my co-workers that I have a radio show. They all seem very enthusiastic and extremely positive about it. For that I am very lucky because every day I work with them they usually have nothing good to say. They are the 17 to 25 crowd running on alcoholic fumes, weekend bars, Androids, Yankee games, hanging with “the guys”, and typical basic girls. So it comes as no surprise as to what their mentality is.
When I say they’re enthusiastic, I mean that they light up. They light up with an obvious hard-on because at first they think I’m on a big-name radio station and I play the hottest in Top 40 and pop. “It’s not like that. I dee-jay for a college station” I tell them. But that’s OK. They still think it’s awesome that I play music over the air and emanate their rooms, car stereos, and laptops. Then come the same questions I get asked every week because either someone new discovers what I do or they easily forget and we needlessly re-start the same conversation all over again. Or they’re trolling.
“What time do you go on?” “What music do you play?” “Are you on every week?” “Where is the radio station you DJ at?” “Do you go on the mic and talk?” “How long are you on for?” “Do you take requests?” “Do you do shout-outs?” These are valueless questions I normally don’t answer to because I can’t be bothered with them; questions asked in an obvious kindergarten fascination that I rather not waste my time with and would rather move on without having to focus on such intellectual mediocrity. In fact, the answers to all of these questions can be answered by simply listening to my show. There.
One of my co-workers decides he wants to be funny and impress his friends. He asks me if I ever do my “radio” voice on the air, and then proceeds give it his best attempt at it:
“This…is…Dee Jay _______…on 107.5…FM…WQXZ, New York! Playing…the…hottest hits. Ten. In a row. Non-stop!”
Heads up to no one in particular: it’s nice for people and friends to approach me and be interested in what I do, and I appreciate it. I really do. And then there are those who are into it but then proceed to define me by impersonating their best stereotypical zesty action-packed radio voice, complete with man-made astro-blaster laser sound effects from an action-figure maturity.
Please stop. It’s not funny, you’re not funny, and no one is laughing. That’s not what happens on my show. All I do is play music and be myself as usual. That’s all. It’s not WBLI, Z100, or Now FM if that’s what you were thinking. And since it’s not right to try and define who you think I am to satisfy your piss-poor expectations, I’m sure you wouldn’t like it if I defined your life by pointing out your poor choice of clothing, your lack of real understanding, your never-ending stupidity, why your parents still make your bed, or why you have been dateless all your life.
Another pointless obstacle course I had to go through was that another co-worker tried guessing what music I play on my show in the form of a yes-or-no question-and-answer session. My previous answer of “a lot of music you wouldn’t like or tolerate” and “anything that’s not mainstream” wasn’t good enough for him to comprehend to avoid this altogether. So our little elfin pretend game-show host, who is 23 but looks like he is 11, plays this game with me.
“Now, I’m going to tell you an artist or band name and you tell me if you would play it. Ready?”
“Sure.” I say with some hesitation and an exasperated breath, knowing exactly how this is going to go. Lord help me.
“Bon Jovi.”
“Kid Cudi?”
“Whitney Houston?”
“Justin Beiber?”
“Taylor Swift?”
“David Bowie?”
“Ahhh! There’s a maybe! “Linkin Park?”
“Chris Brown?”
“Rick Astley?”
“NO. Stop.”
This was what I went through a couple of days ago. He was fully aware what I play on-air not only because I told him before but also I sent him the link to my show. But when you’re the department comedian, you need to depend on your co-workers for everyone’s amusement. So you blow right through convenience and force uncomfortable interactions for laughs at someone’s expense. He instead ended up giving me a list of artists I wouldn’t dare touch or even infect our studio’s CD drives, turntables, or computers with. And he knows this.
My show states what I play: “punk, hardcore, female, grrl, electronics, hip-hop, hipster, trendy, art, industrial, breakbeats, experimental, techno, spoken word, rare Seventies, drum and bass, reggae, lo-fi, and even noise”. It also says “no Top 40, no Billboard, no pop, no American Idol, no Nielsen Ratings, no Clear Channel.” Why would I waste my time playing artists that are already being played ad nauseum on pop stations, car commercials, malls, restaurants, movies, and soda ads millions of times over? And why would I have to explain myself to people who clearly don’t deserve it?
It’s simple. On my show I play everything other stations and outlets won’t. Being it’s a college radio station, we don’t get money from corporate sponsors but instead grass-roots community members, students, administration, and other people listening in around the world to donate money to us. That means we are not told what to play, rather we play whatever we want, artists who otherwise have almost zero chance of getting airplay. I can actually educate my listeners by playing Merzbow, Einsturzende Neubauten, Sonic Youth, or Aphex Twin instead of brainwashing them. So, why would I waste valuable airtime on artists who already have endless amounts of it?
Another thing: requests. I don’t ask for them and I won’t play them. Why would I jeopardize the show’s good looks if someone asks me to play Nickelback when I play music like Crystal Castles, Cold Cave, The Dead Boys, and Death Grips? Where does some sappy commercial band that millions of people have on their death list have its place on my show? I want my listeners to enjoy my show and support me, not blacklist it and send me death threats.
Even more ridiculous are the dedications. Please. I prevent this from happening. I don’t want my show responsible for some trailer-park love-in somewhere in Alabama which produces five awkward results. Having me to say their subtle Valentine’s messages on-air with “cute” pet names is not cute at all. It makes my show turn into the Ryan Seacrest Hour. When that happens, I’ll fold this show and deny it ever existed.
Yes, I do understand that artists eat and need to keep on going to make a living. Once in a while I get unsolicited messages from bands that have absolutely nothing to do with the music I play. Just pass “GO” and collect your $200. Just because I play “everything” doesn’t mean I will since there are specifics. Even worse, a Dave Matthews’ cover band somewhere in the middle of Long Island, that aspires to be something else they’ll never be and tries to ride (no, suck it like a leach) the wave of popularity by holding actual music instruments while being incapable of writing original material will never make the cut. On another note…
“Check us out! We’re a four-piece homegrown funk-soul-band from somewhere in New Jersey and we’ve been compared to 311 and Smashmouth…”
...and that is where I hit the delete button. I don’t like it when music comes to me, I like it when I come to music unless I ask for it. I don’t like to feel obligated in having to play your music or worse having it forced down my throat Linda Lovelace-style. I don’t want your obsolete already-done jam-funk music and double that if it’s from the late 90’s (because who here thinks the late 90’s was the worst time for new music ever?) I don’t ever want your low-resolution color-copy pixilated artwork with your homemade CD-R with paper decal. In fact, why am I still on MySpace? That was so 2006.
It’s been a month since the start of my on-going show and my co-workers are getting very tiresome. The same questions over and over again and not once has anyone tuned in. Not that I don’t want them to tune in or even care if they listen, but what’s the point in wasting time if people who are interested in something don’t do it? That’s why I decided to no longer talk to them about my show. I’m only wasting my breath, time, and energy. You can’t declare to do something and not do it. That’s how people take points away from you.
And as always, the instant I declare that I will no longer bother in discussing my show anymore, another moron standing right next to me starts asking questions again. “What is your show called?” “What time is it on?” “What number is it?” Perhaps it is best not to have certain people listening in. Even better, it’s best not to converse with them.
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thesevenseraphs · 5 years
Bungie Weekly Update - 2/6/20
This Week at Bungie, we’re calling in reservations.
It’s been a wild week in Destiny 2. Inotam, Oblivion’s Triune, made their grand entrance into the Sundial. Guardians descended upon Mercury, weapons in hand, eager to protect the timeline from certain annihilation. While you’ve prevented the Psions from changing history, this isn’t the last trial you’ll face - not by a longshot.
The first three Empyrean Foundation goals have been met with haste. One billion Fractaline isn’t enough for the Foundation, and the next goal is currently in reach. Your next stop: 2.2 Billion Fractaline donations.
We knew you’d rise to the challenge, but this? This is absolutely insane. Keep that Fractaline coming. We’re seeing quite a few Guardians investing in their Fractaline futures, but many hitting the donation button to quickly earn some sweet Timelost weapons.
The final triumph for the Savior Seal will be completed once the community completes the seventh stage of this event. We’re excited to see a new title in the wild. Players will also unlock the ability to pre-order the Savior Bungie Reward pin once they have completed all Triumphs for the Seal.
Now, let’s look at the calendar. We have some beats to cover that are coming up quick, with a new Season on the way in just over a month! Below, you’ll find details on Crimson Days, Destiny 2 Hotfix, and a patch note preview for Season 10.
Have you been feeling a bit lonely lately? Lacking a partner by your side in the heat of battle? Crimson Days is on approach, bringing the perfect opportunity for you to form an unbreakable Crimson Bond with a fellow Guardian.
Crimson Doubles returns to the Crucible during the event, bringing explosive 2v2 combat to the fold. Stay close to your partner: you’ll each have heightened ability regen as long as you retain your Crimson Bond. If you stray too far away from each other, opponents will be able to see your every move. If you’d rather take your partner out for a stroll in one of Destiny 2’s PvE activities, Shaxx will offer bounties for you to complete in a two-person fireteam.
As you complete Crimson Doubles matches and bounties, you and your partner will be showered in delicious candy hearts. To sweeten the deal, Daily and Weekly bounties will offer double XP. Bright Dust will also be rewarded when completing your weekly bounties.
As you begin to stockpile Confectionary Hearts, they can be exchanged with Lord Shaxx for Crimson Days themed rewards, including two new Exotic Sparrows. Ride in tandem to show the strength of your Crimson Bond!
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If this is your first Crimson Days event, or you didn't earn enough hearts in years past, rewards from previous events will also be available to earn alongside the new Sparrows.
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Additionally, spare Confectionary Hearts may be exchanged for Warmhearted Gift packages containing Glimmer, with a slight chance for legendary loot. Once you’ve collected both Sparrows and claimed the associated Triumph, an exclusive emblem will become available through Bungie Rewards.
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Eververse will feature many items from previous events for Bright Dust, including two new items exclusive to Crimson Days. One new item will be available for Silver only, the Heartfelt Union Multiplayer Emote.
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Crimson Days will be available from February 11 to February 18, 2020.
We’re a little over a month out from the next Season of Destiny 2 and this seems like a good time to start talking about Sandbox. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be covering upcoming changes to weapons and abilities. Some changes will be PvP-centric, while others will bear more of a PvE focus.
Our first subject: Swords.
Some are sharp. Some are blunt. One lets you bend space and time to teleport through enemies. Another has projectiles that can take down foes at range. Since the launch of Destiny 2, we’ve been seeing feedback on general functionality and the team has been kicking around ideas on how to make things a bit more enticing.
After some brainstorming and development time, Swords are receiving a sort of tableflip when it comes to light attacks, heavy attacks, and guarding. While you’ll still rip and tear through opponents, as you would expect from a Sword, most of what you know needs to be unlearned. The blades have been rebalanced, and a new energy meter is making its way to swords. Below, you’ll find a full rundown from our development team.
Dev Team: Swords are getting a little more love this Season. While Swords have been a staple of Destiny ever since their introduction in The Taken King, we felt they were due for an update both to freshen them up, but also to allow us more room to work with them in later releases.
Sword Energy
Swords now have their own reserve of energy that recharges naturally on its own, and is not to be confused with ammo capacity. This energy will overtake your melee slot while you’re wielding a sword and is spent on various actions.
Guarding now uses sword energy instead of consuming ammo. Different guards have different consumption rates, damage resistance and behaviors, so be sure to experiment and find a guard type you like. You’ll still need at least one ammo to begin guarding, though.
Back during Season of the Drifter, the Stronghold exotic for Titans was introduced, allowing them to guard with relative impunity and opening up a more interesting opportunities for swords to shine in a variety of content which caused us to take another look at the guard function itself. Although the guard function has always existed, it was never really considered worth the cost. With this change, we hope that players will use their guard intelligently to protect themselves instead of it being an almost unused button. Rest easy, Stronghold has also been modified to still allow Titans a unique guarding experience.
Light Attacks
Grounded light attacks for all Swords will now loop for an infinite combo, and all Swords can cleave.
While the basic three hit combo is quite a staple of melee weapons in many games – In a shooter this leaves the player extremely open to enemies. By letting the light attacks loop, we also push them and the heavy attacks apart further. Cleaving on light attacks was previously only on the Aggressive Swords, but we opted to add it to the rest of them for more hack ‘n slash.
Heavy Attacks
Heavy attacks now consume Sword energy. While you are always able to perform a heavy attack, the attack is stronger when you have full energy, and weaker when you don’t.
A lot of swordplay in many situations simply boiled down to endlessly mashing the heavy attack button instead of mixing up attacks which wasn’t quite the most interesting experience. Do note that aerial heavy attacks as a general rule do not consume Sword energy, but that can vary based on the Sword.
Shield Bypass
A portion of most Sword attacks can partially bypass elemental shields.
We added this to give Swords a little bit of a personality difference from shotguns who share a very similar role in combat as powerful CQC  weapons.
In general, Swords have also had some of the damage amounts for different attacks changed, and the various Sword perks have been adjusted. So you’ll want to experiment a bit after the changes hit. We do hope you’ll enjoy the changes.
Hotfix after Hotfix, Destiny Player Support is here for you. Timetables, known issues, and frequently asked questions are handled with care. They approach each conversation with white gloves and gold standards.
This is their report.
CONTRIBUTING TO EMPYREAN RESTORATION On Tuesday, the Empyrean Restoration went live. Player Support noticed that some players were confused on how to participate and contribute their Polarized Fractaline. To do so, players must complete the Bright Light quest from Saint-14. To unlock this quest, players must complete the following prerequisites:
Complete the following quests from Osiris: A Matter of Time.
Then, complete Saint-14’s quests: Tribute to the Colonies, Cornerstone, and A Guardian’s Duty.
CRIMSON DAYS AHEAD Next week, Crimson Days returns to the Crucible. Our Help article will update on February 11, 2020, to bring you updated information about the event, including that it will end at the weekly reset on February 18.
Here are a few known issues about the event:
Players will be unable to accept Lord Shaxx's "Fire of the Crimson Days" emblem if they already have this emblem in their inventory. Deleting the emblem will allow them to accept the new one and complete the “Welcome to the Crimson Days” Milestone.
Players who are removed from a match and rejoin will not be able to respawn until the current round ends. These player will see "Waiting for Ally to Revive" for the remaining duration of the round.
Crimson Days bounties do not advance the Crucible Bounty Vendor Challenge.
HOTFIX AND RESOLVED ISSUES Next Tuesday, February 11, we will release Destiny 2 Hotfix This update will resolve some issues currently affecting players. Here is another preview of some of the issues that will be resolved:
The Efrideet’s Gift Triumph will retroactivity unlock for players who turn in 50 Iron Banner packages in Season of the Dawn.
The Get Closer pursuit will no longer have its progress reset when resetting Infamy. This is retroactive and will auto-complete for any player who has already been above Mythic rank this season.
A Season 9 Iron Banner Triumph has been added that tracks purchased packages from Lord Saladin. This is also retroactive.
Additionally, here’s the timeline for the Destiny 2 Hotfix release on Tuesday:
8:00 AM PST (1600 UTC): Destiny 2 maintenance will begin. Players may experience sign-on issues during maintenance.
8:45 AM (1645 UTC): Players will be removed from activities and will be unable to log in until 9 AM.
9:00 AM (1700 UTC): Destiny 2 Hotfix will be released and players will be able to log in.
10:00 AM (1900 UTC): Destiny 2 maintenance will end.
CURRENT KNOWN ISSUES While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help Forum:
Players are continuing to report increased Tower load times after Update 2.7.1.
The Playin’ the Odds emblem doesn’t drop and cannot be reacquired from Collections. While we investigate, the only way to receive this emblem right now is to reset your Infamy rank three times in one Season.
In the Bright Future quest, Orbs of Light that are collected sometimes are not accurately reflected in the quest’s progress. Some players have reported that deleting or claiming a bounty may help with progression issues.
For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.
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Maybe I'm just really negative, but I was super surprised to see that the collection is only for sale for two weeks... it just seems so short for it to actually make the impact they want? But what do I know? 🤷‍♀️ love your blog btw, hope things are going well! Also, not sure if it matters: Reitmans is a Canadian clothing store/company that has a few subsidiary stores, one used to be Smart Set (I think those are closed now?).
Waaaaaaait a second, TWO WEEKS? Did I read that right? What a bunch of miserly jerks these companies are. It’s basically free advertising for them and all they have to do is give 1:1 (at cost not retail) for ONE ITEM each and they’re only going to do it for TWO WEEKS???? I hope it didn’t come off as if I was blaming Meghan or her strategy there! I was just trying to point out how stingy these companies are being (in my opinion). I hope it didn’t come off as if I was blaming Meghan or her strategy there! I was just trying to point out how stingy these companies are being (in my opinion) /// While I do think the Smart Set could be a bit better it seems to be a wonderful start! One thing though that I adore about Meghan is that she seems to be so excited about everything that she does and that excitement is definitely infectious!!! /// Something I really dislike is the type of garments. The dress is very flattering, but the pants have a high waste that in overweight people like me gives us the “crotch chub” effect lmao. Most of the clothes only look good on a certain type of woman. Add that to the limited sizes and 😬😬 /// So it looks like that shift dress comes in hot pink (it looks red to me?) but only blue and black dress purchases get donated to Smart Works? Weird. The Jigsaw jacket and pants they’re linking to are part of Jigsaw’s pre-existing Paris line of work wear. While the shift comes in extended sizes, I’m not impressed the jacket and pants only go up to a UK 16. And I’m interested in how the 1x1 will work. Idk it’s all weird // I’m honestly disappointed with the line. It’s a great cause but all the pieces were existing in at least one of the retailers, just re-done for the line, it’s only 5 pieces, sizes go up to 16UK (14US), they’re made in polyester and the campaign for smart works will only last 2 weeks? Idk it just spiralled into a “let’s make it look like we’re good” kind of line // I don’t know why but I thought each brand was launching a “look” for smart works, is it just one place has the shirt, another the trousers, a third the purse etc? // I really want to love Meghan’s idea, I really do. But I can’t.
Ok so I decided to combine all the messages I got about this in to one kind of master post. My plan is to go through what I liked and what I’m not too fond of. I don’t know which one should go first so I’ll put headings and you can read them in your preferred order haha. I should hopefully hit most of the points:
The Good
I talked about this before but I think Meghan’s really underrated skill is being able to spot gaps and understand where she can add value. Having worked with public donations, I related to a lot of the issues she pointed out and I think it’s very astute of her to be able to quickly pick that up for each organisation 
Once again, women of colour were front and centre. The women modelling in the campaign were representative, they had different body types and attitudes too. I think that commitment is really impressive
Although some things are in more limited sizes- I think one of the items anyway- most things go up to a Size 24 which is more inclusive 
I think we’ve already seen that there’s going to be a huge uptake in the clothing line so I expected that they’ll report a really big result
Her behaviour around the collection so far has been pretty adorable. From the behind the scenes videos to today, she has seemed genuinely excited and passionate. She’s obviously worked hard on the project and when you watch videos I think you want to back her up!! 
She’s doing what I have complained about royals not doing in the past. She is doing something with a tangible end result. They will be able to say they gave x pieces to the charity whereas most royal projects have no clear outcomes or outputs. It still doesn’t tell us the impact but it’s better than we normally get from royals!!! More of that please. 
The Less Good
I don’t like 1 for 1 models and that’s just an unavoidable fact. I’ve talked about it before and my opinion hasn’t changed since: https://duchessofostergotlands.tumblr.com/post/186776510814/hi-jess-you-said-you-didnt-like-the-one-for-one
I don’t like the clothes. I’m not going to go into a huge amount of detail because this is exclusively personal preference and nothing to do with the merits of the project but I know someone will ask so let’s get it out of the way. They’re too old for me personally. I do get why they went the basic route and re-used things though as it’s quicker and easier  
“It’s not a hand out, it’s a hand held.” I mean, it is still absolutely a hand out. I know what she was going for but the dictionary exists. And it’s still a project where vulnerable women are supported by the whims of the privileged. I am a bit concerned at some of the narrative emphasising the purchaser which plays in to what I talk about in point 1 
 The things she pointed out when she was at Smart Works were that donations “can be a potpourri of mismatched sizes and colours, not always the right stylistic choices or range of sizes.” Now I don’t know if her project actually addresses that issue. It provides high quality clothing but with a one for one model it means that whatever people are buying, that’s what the place gets. It isn’t saying “how many of each item of each size do you want and need to create a more cohesive wardrobe?” and then providing it to them. Something that’s interesting about relationships like this, as a Fundraiser who has managed similar relationships, is that a lot of times when they say “10p from every product will go towards x charity” that’s not true. We have a relationship like that with a corporate organisation and they tell us what they’re going to give us in advance based on projected sales. The money you pay doesn’t come anywhere near us. For smaller projects it might be different but that’s how we do it so we can budget and forecast. It’s possible that Meghan has actually done that but that leads me on to my last point….
The “Doesn’t Fit Into Either Category”
I have quite a few unanswered questions. I’m sure that some of these are answered and please do share links with me but I don’t know where I’m supposed to be going for the fine print, the terms and conditions. So:
I read in one article that proceeds would be going towards the charities rather than just products. Is this true? 
If it’s not true, where is the money from sales going?
Have they had an agreement like the one I mentioned above that guarantees a certain number and mix of items for the local branches and uses the 1 for 1 thing as more of a selling point?
If it is a 1 for 1 model, does that extend to colour choice and size?
Are each of the pieces being sold in a different store or is everything available in every outlet?
This isn’t Meghan’s fault, there’s no reason to think she knew about this, but it is so shady of M&S to put a pink version on that is exactly the same but doesn’t benefit the charity. After Meghan saying they put purpose before profits, that’s a dick move from them 
Meghan has clearly put a lot of heart and soul in this project and I think identified a real gap where she could have a meaningful contribution. I personally don’t think that a 1 for 1 model is the most effective way of meeting that gap and although there are plenty of positives I think the cook book was a more comprehensive project than this one 
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evwuniverse · 4 years
Animal Crossing New Horizons Beginner Review
Animal Crossing has been around since April 14, 2001, with its first release from the franchise for the Nintendo GameCube. Since then Nintendo has built a loyal fan-based community of individuals who’ve fallen in love with the game. Trying to be non-biased in this review (I’ll try my best!) I’m going to explain the positives and negatives of the recently released Animal Crossing game called Animal Crossing New Horizons which came out March 20, 2020. Every part of the review will be broken up into sections so you can read specifically the part you’re looking for. This is going to be a very long and extensive review covering hopefully everything you need to know about the game and whether or not you should obtain it if you haven’t already.
Animal Crossing Timeline (all of the games from 2001-2020):
2001 - Animal Crossing
Console = Nintendo GameCube
2005 - Animal Crossing: Wild World
Console = Nintendo DS
2008 - Animal Crossing: City Folk
Console = Nintendo Wii
2012 - Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Console = Nintendo 3DS
2020 - Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Console = Nintendo Switch
Who is Animal Crossing For?
The rating for Animal Crossing is for anyone 3+ and is family-friendly.
The point of the game is to build up an island filled with animals who are your neighbors which later on become your “best friends.” It falls under the category of social simulation. When you’re building up this utopian island you’ll notice it starting from the very beginning with lots of grassy areas, trees, weeds, and some flowers here and there. As you progress forward you get a town hall, market store, clothing store, and a museum. You’ll also, have other animals who want to move to your island so you’ll start to see more houses that you find the placing for in Animal Crossing New Horizons. This is something not yet seen in the Animal Crossing franchise. We were never able to choose where we could put an animal's house. They would just randomly build anywhere. This is a nice feature we’ve been given this time around!
Game Progression Shops and Lore of the Game:
Nook’s Cranny: The Market
During the progression of the game, the Nook’s Cranny ran by Timmy and Tommy two young raccoons that aren’t blood-related to Tom Nook. Both Timmy and Tommy are apprentices of Tom Nook’s Tom Nook considers himself more of a mentor or teacher. He is known for wanting to teach others good economic principles to help them from suffering financially in the future and making the same mistakes he had made. Their names were revealed in Animal Crossing New Leaf and this time around they’ve joined us as the shop owners of Nook’s Cranny in Animal Crossing New Horizons.
You’ll start with basically a wooden shack called Nook’s Cranny and with time you’ll slowly build up to an actual market store almost looking like a cute little town flower shop from the outside. This will continue to change during the progression of the game. However, to be honest I haven’t gotten far enough in the game yet to see the other changes that there supposedly are.
Dodo Airlines and Mystery Island Tours:
Airport Itself:
Dodo Airlines is a new part of Animal Crossing New Horizons this is a more organized way of being able to visit other friends and players islands. Before in other Animal Crossing games such as Animal Crossing New Leaf, you would go into a small building that was a train station. There would be a monkey that would grant you access to leave to other towns. Instead, they have an airport in New Horizons it’s run by two characters Dodo Orville and Dodo Wilbur. This is also where you can invite others to visit your town. From here they’ve added new things such as Mystery Tours which you’re able to take by using a Nook Miles Ticket. This will take you to a random island that contains bug, fish, items, and other resources that may not be accessible on your island. Some islands have special trees such as bamboo, foreign fruit trees, and rare flowers, The foreign fruit trees will always be the same foreign fruit.
I’ll be honest from my experience every time I’ve used a Nook Miles ticket to do the Mystery Island tours I’ve yet to come across an island with resources I didn’t already have on my starter island. For example, the fruit I started with was apples. I’ve only had Mystery islands with Apples and Peaches so far. I currently have both fruits so I only obtain those fruits on the Mystery Island tours to sell them for a small amount of money on my island. So just know it will be possible if you’re anything like me that you’ll keep getting islands with non-special properties. Or maybe I’m just unlucky?
Harv’s Island:
Another thing that’s unlocked at the airport is at a certain point in the game you’ll have access to travel to a place called Harv’s Is; and which is new and specific to only Animal Crossing New Horizons. This is also shortly termed as phototopia and is a photo studio you can go to and take pictures with the animals in your town. Set up rooms the way YOU want them with PROPS, have as many characters as you would like in the photo, and take photos with character summoned via amiibo figurines which are store-bought action figures if collecting those are your style.
Post Office:
Dodo airlines though it is an airport it doubles as the post office. Back in past Animal Crossing games in the franchise, there was its own separate post office you could go too. Now everything is contained in one place which honestly I find nice. Only because I feel it takes up fewer buildings on the island and more room to make your island your own. Doubling as the post office you’re able to send your postcards and letters via a card stand in the airport. When the card stand is accessed via your character the player can choose between multiple designs for their letters. Some of the letters will be marked with “Limited Availability” these are cards that are only available for purchase until the dates that are listed on the card. Sending a letter costs 200 bells and they’re able to be sent to a current resident of the player’s island, your future self, or a player from another town who is on their “best friends” list via the online service on your new Nook phone (which will be discussed later in this review).
Dodo Codes:
Previously in other Animal Crossing versions, you only had the option to invite or go to an island. However, now there’s an added safety precaution if the players want to use it in New Horizons. This option is called Dodo codes. These codes are five-character passwords that allow the players to visit your island or someone else's island even without having to be friends on the Nintendo Switch. The number of characters that can be on a single island has doubled since previous games in the franchise from four to eight people on an island at any given time.
Multiplayer Access and Rules:
A few things that have changed from previous versions of Animal Crossing:
If you go to another person island and you’re not a “best friend” on their island you’ll be unable to use tools such as shovels, axes, watering cans, fishing rods, and nets.
You’re able to move objects inside of your house even if other players are inside the house with you.
Actions that can’t be performed with an open airport gate:
Buying items via Nook Shopping (via Nook stop or the App)
Changing a design pattern
Inviting an animal to your Campsite via Amiibo
Using Island Designer
Visiting another island (Including Mystery Tours and Harv’s Island)
Sending a card via the card stand at the airport
Actions that cannot be performed with visitors on the island:
Picking up, placing or moving any outdoor furniture
Placing (but not removing) fences
Picking up, placing or moving furniture inside your house (unless all visitors are outside the home)
Using the overview mode for designing your house
Donating items to the museum or having fossils assessed
Wisp will refuse to accept collected spirit pieces (something you’ll find out about later on in your gameplay)
Tom Nook and Isabelle don’t provide any services
Island residents don’t accept gifts
Hitting rocks (without eating fruit) doesn’t provide any resources
Balloons won’t appear to use a slingshot on
Misc gameplay changed with visitors on the island:
Fishbait doesn’t work but is consumed
Wasps, scorpions, and tarantulas don’t spawn
K.K. Slider concerts have the music sent by mail the next day rather than in pockets
There is no entry fee for the Fishing Tourney and other rule changes.
As you can see the airport is the main hub for everything you do multiplayer related. This is pretty much the new hub in your game, yes you can consider the Town Hall as your main hub. But only when it comes to single-player actions. Which now brings me to the Town Hall.
Town Hall (AKA Residential Services):
Town Hall is a little bit different then what it was in past versions of the game... It’s gotten a facelift to catch up with the other advancements that have been added. You’ll quickly learn that Residential Services is the most important aspect of building on your island. This is where you’ll learn all of the basics when it comes to crafting in the game and deciding where you build features such as bridges around your island. Most bridges ahead of time cost you 168,000 bells so keep saving those bells and don’t spend them all of the time. You’ll thank me later on in the progression of the game if you decide to buy it. As you develop your island, the services inside and the exterior of the building will change. You’ll start with a tent for the Residential Services which will later become a grand beautiful Town Hall in the middle of your town with cobblestone right out front of it.
What you can do at Residential Services:
DIY workbench to craft new items
Nook stop which is the Island ATM (this is your bank, shopping catalog like sears, and the Nook Miles shop all in one)
Recycling box (you can pick up these items and either sell them or keep them for yourself I’ve gotten materials when I was low and some nice furniture from it)
Tom Nook and the services he provides, an example is paying off your loan, expanding your home, building bridges and inclines, terraforming, moving buildings, and so much more.
The Residential Services building is open 24 hours a day seven days a week. To unlock Isabelle which yes she is in this game which was super exciting for me when I started playing it. She provides information and services to better improve your island and the characters who live on it. Some of the services she performs are as followed:
Island evaluations (as if your real-life work evaluations weren’t enough for ya!)
Changing the island tune
Changing the island flag
The ability to change certain aspects, such as the catchphrase of a villager. (which I have yet to experience but have heard about this feature)
When you upgrade your Residential Services to Town Hall after a few days of playing the game a lot of characters will come to visit your towns such as Label, Redd, Leif, and the skunk who sells the shoes from Kick’s shoe store. They have small little stands in the cobblestone square right in front of the Town Hall. But keep in mind they only come on specific days during the week.
Blather’s Museum:
Yes, I called it Blather’s Museum instead of just Museum just saying the museum is soooo boring! This is where everything you collect such as fossils, fish, bugs, and now artwork go. You’re able to make donations to the museum and visit whenever you would like. At the time of typing this post, it is National Museum week. From May 18th- May 31st there is a stamp collection event at your Museum. You have to play the game to get the Museum on your island. This is also an unlockable place but not hard to obtain just by playing the game you’re able to obtain it rather quickly.
Able Sisters Clothing Store:
This is another place you unlock after unlocking the Town Hall in the middle of your island. Who could forget the able sister's store? the main place for character customization! and let me tell you the clothes so far in New Horizons are worth the game itself. There are so many cute outfits I’ve bought so many and wasted so many bells on clothes I can’t even tell you how much was bought on impulse. This store will be a money sucker in New Horizons. This is unlocked after one of the able sisters visits your island with her tiny kiosk in front of Town Hall. It takes a few days to unlock but it’s easy to do so once you unlock the able sisters you gain more in-game features., One of these features is the return of pattern design and custom content designs. This can also be done via your Nook phone.
Some background information about the Able Sisters clothing shop. The shop is owned and ran by two sisters Sable and Mable otherwise known as the able sisters. The store was run and owned by their parents before they had inherited it after their parents had suffered a fatal sewing accident. Sable inherited the store and also takes care of her younger sister Mabel.
Let’s talk about Designs! after unlocking the Able Sisters clothing store in New Horizons you’ll have access to the design kiosk which can be accessed via the Able Sisters store. Designs are player-created patterns that allow the player to create customizable objects that best suit their needs in the game. This can be clothing, headgear, umbrellas, paintings, wallpaper, flooring, and outside paths and landscaping.
PRO Designs:
A PRO design is considered to be a more advanced design. Unlike regular designs, the PRO designs have the pattern on the reverse and obverse on the clothing which means the player can customize the front, back, and each sleeve. PRO designs take up one pattern slot and just like normal patterns can be displayed and used through the Able Sisters store.
Sharing Designs:
When the player first uses the Custom Designs Kiosk in the back of the Able Sisters store once the store is unlocked. They’re assigned a creator code, which can be shared and used by other players to find all of the code owner’s designs. Individual designs are also assigned a unique code when posted. Using this feature requires you to have an active Nintendo Online subscription which is one of the cheapest subscriptions I’ve ever paid for a video game console subscription to use multiplayer features in games. Highly recommend buying if you haven’t already.
Currently from what I’m aware of these are all of the shops you unlock early in the game. I’m sure there are more but as I continue to play I’ll continue to update this post for everyone to keep the data relevant.
In New Horizons they’ve introduced a new game-specific modification. Crafting! this is so different, new, and yet exciting for an Animal Crossing game and this is the first time something like this has ever been seen in the franchise. Crafting in the game can be used to make tools, furniture, and other various items in the game. Crafting is done through DIY Recipes. Your island has a huge flow of natural resources to craft with that can be used to make tools consistently. Trust me you’ll be crafting tools way more than anything else. In this game, your tools get worn out a break after a while of use except for the vaulting pole that has yet to break for me since I’ve made it. This is a nice sense of false security since all of my other tools break consistently. Below are the steps for crafting as explained by the official Animal Crossing New Horizons website.
Lean DIY Recipes: Learn recipes as you go about your day and participate in island activities to obtain them. One way I’ve obtained them through my island is they wash up in little jars with a message. You can get once a day by this.
Gather Materials: The island is abundant in resources such as tree branches, stones, and even weeds.
Visit Tom Nook’s Workbench: With the right materials you need to complete a recipe you just bring them to the workbench click the item you want to make and you’re on your merry way.
And you saw it here folks! it’s as easy as 1,2,3 it’s not super complicated and gives you something to do if you start getting bored in the game. You can obtain crafting resources on Mystery Island Tours as well so clear out those islands of their resources and stock them away for a rainy day.
Overall Conclusion:
Overall, Animal Crossing New Horizons brings to the table something for everyone to enjoy. From crafting, to decorating, relaxing, and talking to your friendly neighborhood animals it’s hard to get bored on the island unless you have completed everything in the one full cycle of a day on your game. Gathering resources takes me about 3 hours to get wood and branches from all of the trees. That’s just one round of shaking trees for branches I’ve notices on my own that the branches respawn so if you wanted you could do that all day long. The crafting is a nice change and adds some challenge to the game. Also, being able to decorate and place items anywhere you please on your island is so. nice when it comes to customization it almost turns this game into an open world creative sandbox. This is something I love in my experience playing. Do I think it’s worth it in my personal opinion? yes and no I think it’s worth trying out and you get a lot of hours of gameplay per day. However, the reason I say no is because based on an opinion if your not someone into a go with the flow not following a full storyline game and want more of an up paced environment this probably won’t be the game for you. If you’re looking for something relaxing that’s a great time waster go for it!
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thorinss · 5 years
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hey y’all. i decided suddenly to make this post because i know it could be super helpful to people out there who might be struggling for money, or even those who just want to earn some extra cash on the side. i’ve been doing this for about 6 months and while it’s not full time or even part time work, it’s extra money that you can use for food, hobbies, gas, etc.
a lot of these sites i am about to list pay very little (we’re talking pennies or dollars) but it accumulates over time if you’re willing to keep at it. in combination these are all good sites to just leave in an open browser or tab and just do the tasks passively as they come in or as you feel like it. half the time i’m playing the sims on one monitor and earning money on my other monitor.
anyways here we go! these are in no particular order; just in the order that i think of them. i will include my referral codes but don’t feel obligated to use them!
Prolific - this one is my favorite because i have had the most success with it. there are a lot of survey sites out there that will kick you out mid-survey after you’ve already invested so much time into them because you’re “not qualified” to answer the questions. prolific is the opposite. you sign up, fill out your profile, and the surveys that fit your demographic will come to you. most of them only take a few minutes to complete but the payout is better than most other survey sites out there. the surveys come from academic researchers who use your data anonymously for studies. some days you won’t get any studies, and some days you’ll get several. you can cash out to paypal once you reach $5. keep a prolific open in a tab and it will alert you when a new study is available!
Slicethepie (non-referral link) - i discovered this one recently and it’s one of my favorites. the pay is very little; i’m only making 4c per review right now but i’m told the pay goes up the more you review. all you do is sign up and get paid to write short reviews for clothing, get paid to watch movie clips or commercials, or get paid to listen to new music (whaaaaat). it’s one of the more fun ways to make money. it takes a couple minutes and you earn a  few pennies after each one. those quickly add up!
Usertesting - this one is really good if you manage to qualify for the tests, which can be hit or miss (mostly miss in my case). it requires a microphone and being okay with recording your screen and sending the info to a company. basically, people pay you to test our their websites and make comments about it. they’ll ask you to go to their website and look for something specific, and you have to voice your thoughts about the site out loud as you look for what it is they asked for. the pay is $10 per test which is amazing, but you have to take a pre-screener test to qualify for them. overall i’ve made maybe $40 total by working passively (not every day) in the last 6 months but hey - that’s a tank of gas.
more under the cut!
rev - if you’re a fast typer, a good listener, and have some time on your hands, this is a pretty good option. rev is a transcription service, so you listen to some audio and type out what the people are saying, and then get paid for it. some of the audio is garbage which is why they pay people to transcribe it, but if you have the time you can make a few bucks. just make sure you take it seriously because if you somehow appear to be “below average” at this, they will terminate your account. the amount of transcriptions that appear varied so you just have to keep an eye out.
GG2U (non-referral link) - this one is pretty dope. sign up for free trials, install and play video games, take surveys, watch videos, and earn points. 100 points = $1. within 5 minutes of signing up i had $7. just be certain to cancel any trials before the trial period ends so you don’t get charged. 
amazon turk - not gonna lie, i have not been able to achieve this one, but i have personally seen people make hundreds and thousands on this platform. if you don’t know already, mturk is where clients post microtasks for humans to do that robots cannot yet achieve. if you are willing to put in more work than me and figure it out, check our /r/mturk or do some googling before pursuing it.
Ibotta (non-referral link) - (get a $20 welcome bonus if you use my referral and scan your first receipt) this is an app that offers cash back for shopping at the stores listed on ibotta. you buy an item from the store listed on ibotta, can your receipt into the app, and boom you get cash back.
qmee - this one makes chump change but it’s worth it. you complete surveys for some change (50c or somewhere around that) and that’s it. there’s also a browser extension; i use this more than the surveys. the extension pops up on the side of your window whenever you search something on the internet - but only if it’s something that qmee is looking for. and occasionally it offers a few pennies if you click on the link. best part is you can cash out no matter how much you’ve made. i cashed out 32c the other day lmao.
inboxdollars (non-referral link) - i don’t know if it’s just me, but this website only works on firefox for me. my chrome hates it. but anyways, this site provides very passive income. i do not recommend the surveys; they’ll have you answer a bunch of questions and you think you’re going to finish it and get the $$$, but then it kicks you out because “you’re not qualified”. the ways to earn that i like are watching videos in the TV/videos tab and playing the games in the games tab. after you watch x amount of videos or play x amount of games, you get a scratch off ticket. i usually get about 15c from them, but it’s something. when i first started i worked my way about to $50. they send you a check in the mail.
redbubble (my shitty store) - y’all know about this one already i’m sure. if you’re creative and think you can make a design for shirts and accessories, go ahead and make an account! you might make zero money, you might make a few bucks every couple months, or you might make a couple hundred. it all depends so this one is really a gamble, but still worth looking at if you’re into that sort of thing! 
crowdtap - haven’t used this one in a while but i will be getting back into it. you take surveys and answer questions for brands and receive points in return. you need to accumulate 500 points before you can begin cashing out, which will take a while. after that, you can redeem the points for gift cards to amazon/sephora/walmart/etc, use the points for a subscription service, or use the points to donate money to a charity.
swagbucks (non-referral link) - this site is wild and just like mturk, i have yet to master it, but have seen others do so. it’s another typical survey site very similar to inboxdollars listed above. you can take surveys for swagbucks (points), watch videos, use their cash back feature, etc. 
vindale research (non referral link) - similar to prolific. it’s surveys from researchers that pay a few dollars for you to answer some questions. length of survey varies. each survey generally pays aroud $1. there is also a jobs tab that gives a list of jobs in your area.
submittable - this one is a recent discovery. my first article was rejected but i’d like to share this one anyways in case someone would like to pursue it! there’s a large list of writing and art contests mainly. a lot of them don’t seem to be offering pay but the ones that do offer a huge payout if you win the competition.
cambly - if you have any type of skill in teaching other languages, being a life coach, of just have any knowledge you think you can pass along, cambly might be for you. when you sign up there are two options, be tutored or become the tutor. if you want to tutor people, you need a webcam and microphone access. my connection never worked with cambly so i have not been able to personally try it, but i have seen people make a lot of money from teaching english to little kids.
ebates (non referral link) - another cash back option every time you buy something online. or you can link your credit/debit card and use it when you buy stuff in stores. so you get money for spending money. good stuff y’all.
lionbridge & appen - these two sites are basically the same thing just different companies. this is the ONLY two sites on my list that pay hourly. i believe it’s somewhere between $9 - $12? i could be wrong. but once you sign up, apply, and get approved, you could be doing a multitude of things, inducing: translation, transcription, social media evaluation, data collection, and more. 
minimum requirements are internet, a computer, and a phone. if you have an extra laptop or computer that still works, set it up and let videos on inboxdollars or swagbucks run in the background. this way you are making money without even thinking about it. you could even just open the videos in another window and mute them, which is what i’m doing right now. you still get the credit for watching them but you don’t actually have to listen to them.
this is not a get rich quick and easy deal. none of these jobs are simple and you won’t be pulling in hundreds per day. it’s hard, annoying work. so don’t expect to be rolling in the dough.
if you can, create a second email for all those times you get asked to sign up for something or subscribe to a newsletter. this way your actual personal inbox isn’t getting spammed with ridiculous things you don’t care about. just check the second email once in a while to make sure no one has sent you anything important. if you choose to get email notifications for new paid surveys on whichever site, i recommend letting those go to your personal inbox so that you may see them. or use the second email and check it daily. it’s up to you!
even though these sites don’t pay a lot, when you use them all together you can get a decent amount of cash. i’ve seen people work entirely from home, pulling $1000-$2000 per month just by using sites like this. but obviously that doesn’t mean it will be the case for everybody. i do this stuff on the side and am happy with just making a few dollars per day.
if it ever feels pointless because you only earned 30c or $1 just remember this - it’s more money than you had five minutes ago. it’s something. it might not pay the bills but eventually it might buy you a coffee or sit in your savings collecting interest. however you want to use it!
CASH OUT IMMEDIATELY. as soon as you are allowed to transfer your money to paypal or wherever, do it asap. there have been times where sites will shut down or glitch out and you are unable to get back all that money you earned.
be careful with some surveys. if they seem fishy or gimmicky or are constantly offering you to sign up for a bunch of bullshit, exit immediately. it will get you nowhere.
do not use VPNs. this usually results in getting banned.
i cannot possibly list every single way to make money online because there is so much! i listed my favorites but please check out these other websites that provide even more information and opportunities. they’re the reason i know so much and have been able to earn money on the side.
down the rabbit hole you go!
r/beermoney (wiki)
the work at home wife
i hope this helps someone out there. i have a job but i don’t get enough hours so i try to make a little extra on the side utilizing all these sites. and i have bad social anxiety so anything i can do to work from the comfort of my own home is my ideal situation. as i said, you won’t make a lot of money to begin with, or even later down the line, but as i’ve repeated - it’s something. it’s $5 more than you had earlier.
again, hope this helps and please let me know if it does! and if you have any questions i can try to help you!
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 years
DBH Superhero AU
Ask and you shall receive! I'll give you guys the basic plot and main cast, but if you're interested I'll make a second post with the rest of the cast!
Enjoy (and sorry for no Read More, phone format is wack)
In 2018, recently graduated bioengineer Elijah Kamski discovers an unknown hormone within an undiscovered species of deep sea jellyfish, while trying to find a cure for cancer. This hormone, dubbed Thirium, has the capacity to enhance the immunity system of a person, by making it impervious to most common illnesses and, after sufficient research has been done, can cure more exotic or aggressive diseases like malaria, rabies and Ebola.
After founding Hyperlife, a pharmaceutics company primarily focused on eradicating illnesses and evolving the human condition through genetic manipulation, Kamski makes it his mission to create a Thirium vaccine strong enough to not only prevent previously incurable diseases, but also completely change the lives of long-suffering victims of such illnesses.
He succeeds at first, but like with all success there is always a double-edged sword hanging just overhead.
Thirium, while good at changing human biology for the better, is also highly unstable and capable of mutating genes into something specialized and highly adaptable to certain situations. As such, after the T-Vaccine becomes a mandatory procedure, not only do people become healthy, but some select few exibit strange reactions to the added amount of hormones in their body.
These “Deviants” develop not only a stronger immune system, but also incredible abilities that, if not properly trained, could cause individuals to lose control and reek havoc.
Not only did the T-Vaccine have this unpredictable 10% chance of creating superhumans, but the mixing of Thirium with other illicit substances gave birth to a concoction known as Red Ice, a drug that could enhance the endurence and strength of a person temporarily at the expense of their mental faculties. If consumed for long periods of time, those addicted to Red Ice would exibit horrific mutations as well as behaviour degeneration, essentially devolving a person into something hostile and highly primordial.
As luck would have it, the black market for Thirium boomed, and Red Ice hit the streets like a flood, completely staining Hyperlife's reputation and forcing Elijah Kamski to abruptly give up power to his board of directors, before self-exiling himself outside of city limits to study Thirium and it's effects undisturbed.
Several years later, Hyperlife has risen in power through fear mongering anti-deviant propaganda, claiming that Detroit has become unsafe because of the 10% of people who have developed “inhuman” abilities. Deemed sub-human and unworthy of basic rights, Deviants have gone into hiding as soon as they begin exibiting strange abilities, living in fear of Hyperlife's most successful program, the Rook Division, which are three powerful bioweapons endowed with Deviant abilities, known only as Hyperlife's Hunters.
These Hunters cannot be reasoned with, respond only to their handler, and no one has ever seen their faces which are hidden behind thick helmets that ensure they can never go rogue.
It's in this hostile world where Jericho, a group of Deviant refugees, bands together to take back what Hyperlife has stolen from them: A right to live peacefully and unafraid.
Basic Info:
Hyperlife: Originally Elijah Kamski's well intentioned pharmaceutical company, Hyperlife has deviated from bettering the lives of people and become a tyrannical sub-government that has heavily contributed to the anti-deviant propaganda, as well as openly asking the public to contribute by outing suspected Deviants to the public so that they may be captured and sent to Hyperlife for “testing”. Lead by a shady board of directors, Hyperlife plans to harness the power hidden within the genes of Deviants to create powerful bioweapons, under a façade oficial creating a cure for Deviancy and the Red Ice pandemic.
Deviants: Humans who's genes were mutated by the T-Vaccine, causing them to develop extraordinary abilities. While Deviancy is a 10% chance of happening after taking the vaccine, it is still very unpredictable and hard to document. Deviants may not exibit changes immediately, and some carriers of the Thirium hormone might pass on Deviancy to their child instead. The only indicator of any biological differences is that a Deviant's blood becomes blue if exposed to a certain chemical, a test which is mandatory for every child ages 12 to 16 (The age gap in which a carrier's child might begin exibiting signs of Deviancy).
The Rook Division Hunters: The Rook Division's Hunters are a genetically modified subspecies of human, developed to harness several powers collected from captured Deviants.
The Hunters  are completely conditioned to follow orders from Hyperlife through their handler, the strict Amanda Stern, and are incapable of feeling empathy for other creatures. Their primary focus is hunting Deviants, no matter what cost.
Their compliance is enforced by special designed uniforms, complete which thick helmets that not only hide their appearence, but completely separate them from the real world as well.
There are three confirmed RK Hunters, RK-51, RK-60 and RK-87. There are also several failed prototypes archived away in Hyperlife tower.
There are, however, rumors of a fourth much older MIA Hunter, which people claim was stolen by Elijah Kamski. Hyperlife has never confirmed these claims, and refrained from speaking of Kamski when asked.
Markus Manfred/RK-20/Archangel: Elijah Kamski's most ambitious project and the predecessor of the Rook Division.
Markus was a ditch effort to correct Kamski's mistake with the T-Vaccine, by creating a virus through the usage of human genetic manipulation. The idea was that by testing on a human embryo donated by a host, plus genetic material from several Deviant donors, Kamski could acquire faster results that could show him a full erasure of the mutations from an individual's cells. Instead Kamski found himself with a healthy developing spliced embryo that exibited the power to copy and adapt to it's environment. Horrified with the implications of his actions, but fascinated by his new creation, Kamski fled from the city and sent Markus to his most trusted friend, Carl Manfred, before self-exiling himself. Deviant since birth and unaware of his true origins, Markus is none the wiser that he may not be entirely human.
Having been raised by Carl as if he were his biological son alongside Leo, has lead to Markus becoming a natural leader and overall caring by nature.
He is considered a Super-Adaptoid, who's primarily abilities are flight and energy beams projectiles. He can copy the abilities of others, but often tries to stick with his base powers since he can control them more easily.
His powers seem to have less drawbacks than most Deviants, with the exception of the occasional headaches and his healing factor reacting oddly to certain wounds (His skin pigmentation doesn't come back fully, leading to what appears to be vitiligo).
Note: He seems to secreet an alluring pheromone that helps him charm people, sadly this is not a conscious choice and Markus seems to be very self-conscious about it, often wondering if people care for what he has to say or if they're just compelled to agree because of this one oddity in his biology.
Simon and Daniel Lambert-Phillips/Titan and Behemoth:  Twin brothers adopted by their godparents Caroline and John Phillips, after their biological parents died under mysterious circumstances. Simon and Daniel lived their early lives in the countryside before moving to the city to live with their adoptive parents and sister.
They are considered 2nd generation Deviants, since their parents were Carriers of the T-Vaccine mutation. As such, they began to notice something wasn't quite right when they hit puberty.
Unusually resilient to illnesses and overall stronger than most kids their age, Simon and Daniel didn't discover their abilities until much later which, considering they are Sizeshifters, was rather lucky for them. Capeable of shrinking to minute sizes or growing to monstrous heights, the twins are either the ideal reckon team, or the demolition team straight out of your nightmares.
It's wise not to get on their bad side, even if often times they are considered gentle Giants… Well at least Simon is.
Daniel's response to most problems seem to be smashing them with his fists, which doesn't really help his reputation in the slightest.
Note: Their powers are linked to their emotional states, which implies there is an increase or decrease of hormonal levels which causes them to either shrink or grow. It's advised they regularly meditate or practice other calming activities to avoid the acceleration of the heart or a surge of addrenaline. Their metabolism is also affected by their powers and it's essential for them to consume large amounts of high calory foods after growing to sizes between 30 and 50 feet of height.
North Kelly/Northstar: Another 2nd Generation Deviant, North is a temperamental girl with a past full of anguish. Orphaned at a young age due to Hyperlife's hunt for Deviants, North was passed around the foster care system like a worthless doll. Suffering abuse from foster parents and uncaring staff members alike, North finally put her foot down and ran away when she turned 18.
Not too long after her escape, she discovered that she had super strength, which she quickly put to good use by becoming a vigilante. Known for attacking those who attempted to assault defenceless girls out in the streets late at night, the Northstar is a name passed down by those she has saved, and those she has punished as well.
How such a notorious Deviant ended up at Jericho, only Simon and Josh seem to know, but North certainly seems to want to help make more of a change than just hunt perverts during the night…
Note: North's powers have affected her physical appearence ever so slightly, so it's advised that she wear larger clothes to hide the unusual amount of muscle mass. Meditation classes have also been advised to help control her temper, an option she has chosen to ignore in favour of practicing judo and kickboxing.
Josh Sawyer/Technobabble: Like most members of Jericho, Josh is a 2nd generation Deviant who gained his powers through his parents. Highly intelligent and in complete control of his abilities, Josh is a valued member of the team who usually holds the fort while the others go on missions.
A powerful technokinetic who provides all gear for his teammates (including the specialized suits Simon and Daniel need when using their powers), Josh has absolute control of all tech within Jericho, and can easily interface with any electronics he's near.
Note: Seems to suffer frequent migraines if he uses his power for extended periods of time. He doesn't talk much about his parents and seems to be living with his aunty Rose and Cousin Adam Chapman.
RK-51/Connor Anderson: Hyperlife's first successful Hunter, RK-51 is a powerful bioweapons engineered from harvested Deviant genes and DNA “donated” by the deceased Cole Anderson. Originally ruthless and unfeeling, RK-51 seems to have slowly began deviating from his conditioning after he was wounded by Markus in a fight. With his helmet broken and zero contact with Hyperlife, the Hunter expected to die out in the frigid roads, until one Hank Anderson came upon him and rescued him.
Unsure of where he belongs in the world, RK-51 is slowly learning to overcome his past as a Hunter and slowly becoming who he truly wishes to be: Connor.
Like Markus, Connor is a super-adaptoid, and can absorb the powers of others like a sponge. His primary abilities are flight and ice/water manipulation, which he was trained to control better.
Note: His temperature is unusually low due to his affinity for ice powers. He is very curious by nature and seems to be genuinely caring of others's well being. He has grown attached to Hank due to the old cop treating him like a person rather than a weapon. He likes dogs!
RK-60: Hyperlife's second successful Hunter, RK-60 is slightly more aggressive than his predecessor and seems to take pleasure in hunting down his targets. Unwilling to defy Hyperlife and Amanda's will out of fear, RK-60 hides behind a cocky facade when put on the spot.
A super-adaptoid who's primary abilities are super speed and fire manipulation, RK-60 is a hot-head and starved for praise.
Note: Like RK-51, his temperature seems to run unusually hot due to his powers. He won't admit to wishing for freedom due to being absolutely terrified of Amanda and failure in general. He envies RK-51 for having somehow managed to escape.
RK-87: The third and final successful Hunter, Rk-87 is the perfected version of both RK-51 and a RK-60. Taller, faster, stronger and more intelligent than both his predecessors, RK-87 is the most perfect bioweapon Hyperlife has ever created.
A super-adaptoid who favours flight and super strength.
Note: Has been plotting over how to escape Hyperlife's clutches, as well as rescue all captive Deviants and Hunter Prototypes. Cunning like a fox and too intelligent to contain, but willing to play along until the moment is right. Seems to be find of his predecessors.
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clubemerald-blog · 6 years
Association Style Contest Step-by-step guide
Hello Emeralds, its Folly ^-^ this guide will show you how to participate in the our servers brand new Association Style Contest.
Amazing LN & CN player Iri has made a video and google doc with instructions and battle details that are super helpful resources too.
Basically during a specific hour, twice a week, our association will face off against a Non-Player Character (NPC) in a style contest nearly identical to the ones in the chapters. Battling against the NPC will gain materials that we will all donate collectively to craft beautiful suit pieces one by one. 
Here is the first suit “Attached Feather” photo courtesy of Cookie-Chan
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Gorgeous Right? So lets work together and craft this beauty!
*Special Note* Only players with 300+ total activity points will be able to collect suit parts, but you can still participate! Check your total activity on the members page as shown below.
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Access the Contest by clicking the icon in the Stylist Association
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Note the days and 1 hour time slot during which we will battle. After this first War week Elle (VP) and I (Pres) will have the ability to change the days to those that are best for our club.
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Because we are a level 9 association the NPC we are battling is Ace! Each level battles a different NPC and each NPC as a set of themes. Our first is “European” So let’s hit the “Default Design” button and dress up!
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From here you dress up exactly like you do for chapters. Momo will suggest an outfit for you and Nikki’s Info has a guide up as well! You can add skills “Charm” and “Smile” to boost your score too.
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Now that you are dressed you are ready to battle! You can choose to go head to head with Ace alone by pressing “Solo Challenge” but you get more materials by teaming with another member, so press “Team Challenge” 
When you do this a post will automatically show in the bulletin and any member can press a button in that post to help you. You get two chances to battle Ace in that specific 1 hour time frame and if you have time left you can also help your other Emeralds by clicking their posts in the bulletin
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I don’t have a picture of what the actual notice to the bulletin will look like but in Iri’s video you can see everything ^-^ Now that you have used your two chances to battle and gain material (as well as helped other Emeralds do their two) you are ready to donate the materials! So press “Shadow Workshop”
*Special Note2* If you are unable to participate in the one hour time frame allowed by the game you can purchase the materials you would have gained but it will cost you 50 diamonds. Make the purchase by pressing “Memory Workshop”
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The first war suit will appear. We have to craft each piece one by one in order, so press the first item available which is currently at 0% because we haven’t started. Note just like Commission Request Workshop it’s going to take a certain amount of these two materials to craft each piece and boy is it a lot. This makes participation very important!
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Pressing that item brings us to the craft page. Here you can donate the materials you collected from your battles. When all of us have collectively donated enough to craft, we each hit the “Co-op Craft” button. When you do your avatar will appear in one of the zodiac circles surrounding the item we’re crafting. Once a total of 12 of us have all hit the “Co-op Craft” button then boom every member (over 300 activity) can claim the item! More than 12 members can and hopefully will donate, 12 is just the minimum number of members needed to hit the craft button once enough material has been gathered, regardless of who those 12 are, we all still get the item ^-^
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Hopefully this guide was simple and straightforward ^-^ As always feel free to post any questions or concerns on the bulletin or send them to the club email. Soon we will also be posting a Club Emerald discord where we can chat about the Association Wars in real time and hopefully get a lot of club participation! Thank you so much for being awesome jewels! Love Folly ^-^
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Iloilo City, Philippines and Horta, Portugal Rock Painting
We Want You To Look Great, Check Out Our Style Ideas
It's challenging to get a closet of modern official clothes. You need to look at several things. These guidelines may help you understand trend, and help you make the very best options for you.
Extras are your best friend. You may consider any old clothing that would be very boring or plain by itself and attire it up with awesome components. Put the right pendant or brooch to some very little black gown, and you've used that LBD from typical to amazing in just two mere seconds flat.
If you have extremely dried-out skin, you may want to utilize moisturizer well before using your beloved fragrant merchandise. Doing this will assist the cologne or perfume continue to be longer on the body. It would operate best if you make use of an unscented moisturizer, therefore the smells don't compete or build a new, unpredicted scent.
Consider utilizing a semipermanent dye in case you have patches of gray in your locks. The grey will appear to be the same shade as your entire head of hair and may final about 2 months. If you want, while you can't truly reduce your own hair with this particular strategy, you may elect to darken your hair.
Continue to keep a pair of light, affordable ballet flats towards the bottom of your respective purse or attache case. In cases where you bust a back heel, develop a blister, or just need to give the feet a rest, you will be prepared with out compromising your personal style. Select a fairly neutral shade that matches the vast majority of your wardrobe to stop clashing.
If you have less heavy epidermis and/or lighter in weight eyes, usually do not wear your hair way too dark. While dark-colored locks looks nice on people who have dark-colored skin area and eyes hues, it would only get you to appear laundered out. Set some streaks in it to be able to lighten up them up in the event you have to darken your hair.
If you've grow to be quite tired of your clothing, a good design tip is always to begin testing your look. This can be achieved by simply trying out a fresh type of clothes that you've never ever put on just before for instance a scarf or particular kind of outfit. This will likely absolutely freshen up your clothing collection.
Just about the most slimming colors for almost any woman is black colored nonetheless, too much dark can make you seem drab. To avert this outcome, add a colorful blazer or scarf. Dress in sometimes a dark skirt or dark jeans using a strong colored blazer or blouse to produce attract the eye upward when you have an apple company-molded physique.
Be sure that you create a listing well before leaving to assist you take full advantage of your time and effort, in relation to shopping. This is significant to help you center on what you need to buy and assist you to stay away from goods which might be a complete waste of closet and funds place.
When you dried out hair, you should just pat or blot it dry with a soft towel as an alternative to rubbing hair having a bath towel. Rubbing tangles and splits hair and may even cause loss in your hair. While you are blow-drying out the hair, utilize a lower establishing and relocate the blow clothes dryer continuously so that you will don't fry one particular part of locks. Don't retain the blow dryer too shut because this could cause problems for the hair and also shed you.
When you purchase sun glasses, try to find support frames which will organize with your summer apparel. You ought to actually need only a few couples to get you through the entire year. You may use other accessories to highlight on your own. On the other hand, a particular place. A number of couples of tones are needless, and dear.
A good fashion suggestion for using white clothes is to be sure that it is far from see by way of in the sun. A number of illumination problems can cause them to become virtually see through, resulting in reason for probable humiliation, although many occasions, apparel may possibly seem to be harmless. Check oneself outside in a number of lighting effects problems, especially outdoors.
Thoroughly clean from the cabinet frequently. The old expressing "out with that old, in with the newest" has never been far more relevant than worldwide of design. Twice yearly, go through your dresser and donate those things that you simply haven't donned for a while. Like that, you possess room for more fantastic realizes, and someone else is taking advantage of your unwanted things.
Stick out by adopting your functions. Emphasizing exactly what makes you the individual you are sets you apart, even though some may possibly see great cheekbones or delivery spots as imperfections. People will keep in mind you for the "flaw" and might discover you more attractive for doing this. That sweet tiny mole or dimples may be your offering level.
Once annually clean out your jewellery compartment at the very least. Outfit jewellery can fall out of fashion very quickly, even though most pieces that are made from precious metal or that include treasured gemstones can endure changing trends. To make certain that's your cabinet will not be packed with out of date parts you ought to maintain your drawer fresh and prepared.
So many people are of the opinion that brilliant colours need to only be used in the spring and summer this is not accurate. It is actually properly fine to utilize happier colors during the cold months it is actually just a matter of the way you put them on. When vibrant sweaters are great, dazzling pants are certainly not!
Fill up your wardrobe with traditional sections. It can be alright if you wish to try out trends, but if you would like use a clothing which makes sense, be sure you hold the classics. You can also commit a little more on traditional items simply because you know they may final with your closet lengthier.
To protect yourself from dry skin, be sure to try to eat effectively. Dried-out skin might be caused by malnutrition and dehydration. It is essential to enjoy a well-balanced diet plan that contains healthful natural oils such as grapeseed, olive and flax seed essential oil. Beverage a lot of pure, filtered drinking water to stay hydrated and avoid dried-out skin.
When buying a jacket or cover, you need to pay attention to the amount of buttons. The switches on a jacket shirt must not exceed 3. Additionally, a coat with a few control keys need to just have the best-most option buttoned. It is an straightforward key to consider that can help keep you seeking modern throughout the day.
Follow these suggestions to freshen your personal style. When you do that, you can feel assured reaching anybody and departing a fantastic initial effect. Utilize the tips in this post to your daily life and not only will you will make an effective very first impression, you can make a memorable perception each day. rock painting ideas
Watch Your Entire world Via An Completely New Zoom lens With One Of These Tips
Although in the beginning understanding photography can feel challenging, once you know the basic techniques, using beautiful, interesting photos gets straightforward. With all the tips provided on this page, you may best your digital photography abilities and discover how to get pleasure from your pastime far more.
Attempt moving in even closer to your issue when you're taking photos. By taking photos from diverse ranges, you'll be capable of getting a few different viewpoints and some may come out a lot better than other people. Try and get in which the subject of your photo fulfills the whole viewfinder of your own video camera - this gives you considerably more information on the topic rather than just filler specifics.
Will not make changing your configurations too intricate. It is best to tackle adjustments one-by-one: expert gentle or emphasis, then discover ways to control shutter velocity. This will allow you to focus on capturing the picture, as an alternative to paying all your time fiddling with the camera when your topic just walks apart.
A dSLR is an important resource for yourself. SLR is short for "individual lens video camera." This type of camera enables you to see just what the camera views while you get your chance. Electronic SLRs, or DSLRs, also permit you to start to see the finished picture immediately to be able to see whether the picture was effective. Look for a DSLR that may be full frame, because this delivers the largest picture sensing unit, and so produces by far the most thorough images.
Usually, photography lovers only consider the track record within a scenery photo and forget about the foreground. The foreground could be the most looked at area as soon as the image comes out. To generate a frame that is hitting and improve the degree of your image, prepare the foreground of your photo.
In taking photos, make sure that your primary focus is around the good quality rather than the amount of the images which you get. It will always be better for you to get 15 excellent photos than one hundred average shots in one day. Quality is definitely the higher option.
Fully grasp and get to know the digital camera. Even though this sounds easy, many individuals have in no way even look at the instructions concerning how to function their video camera. Be able to comprehend and know the many functions and food list of each key into it in order that when you should utilize a specific work, you already know how to find it which your camera can accomplish it.
Consider photographs of your own souvenirs whenever you travel. You might put the souvenir near the shop you created the purchase. You might even frame it next to your resort pool area. This is certainly a terrific way to seize recollections and keep in mind in which you may have got a new a number of item from.
When you are performing a photo shoot, take a great deal of photos. With electronic digital pcs and digital cameras, you are able to take around endless images. You'll have an improved chance of obtaining good images when you take a lot more. And when you get terrible ones, all you need to do is hit remove to remove them.
Keep in mind that photography is a superb activity to rehearse by itself. Your pals might get impatient and speed you while you are composing your pictures. For those who have buddies who enjoy taking pictures, tend not to let their vision impact your own personal compositions. The social element of taking photos will come later on when you can try your images with the good friends.
Receive an additional display device by using a diffuser rather than the built in display function. These built-in flashes usually create a image appear really tough. Another display model offers a more natural factor in your pictures and allows you to modify them with no noises you will get when using another kind of display.
Pay careful focus to qualification when composing your photographs. Jumbled, messy bedrooms can damage a photo which will help prevent your issue from standing upright out. Also, including the smallest object inside range of the picture could be a distraction, getting from the key focus. Always produce a fast scan from the space or landscaping, then take away items that will detract from an usually excellent photo.
Acquire honest photos. Instead of taking posed photos, try taking photos of your subject matter with loved ones at your workplace or performing something they adore. Once your issue is secure they are more at ease and you will probably end up getting some exclusive photographs. This functions particularly nicely when trying to image youngsters.
When you find yourself getting photos of a thing that is full of life, like pets and folks, you must center on an area to help you effortlessly go on a photograph of which. The most effective region to concentrate on for dwelling and inhaling subjects will be the eyes. Attempt concentrating on their eyeballs and you may consider far better pictures.
You may begin taking far better images if you put in the devotion and time to take greater images. Will not simply take pictures since you can. Learn to increase each and every time you practice photographs by attempting to "finest" each and every photo. When you always keep at it, you may slowly and gradually see effects every time.
A great picture taking trick which can help you out is usually to snap a portrait at eyes degree to acquire a complementary picture. Prevent acquiring cool shots from substantial or low perspectives since these photographs can feel impersonal and peculiar. It's all a point of what you wish however.
When you plan a streets taking photos getaway, think about the course that you might consider ahead of making your home or accommodation. There are many exclusive and exquisite graphics to taking and record time to organize your course beforehand is going to make it simpler to get each of the shots you desire.
Photograph your subject matter in an surroundings where by they belong. You are certain to find that men and women are much more secure getting photographed in their comfort and ease areas and would seem stiff and not comfortable if you attempt to push them right into a studio environment. Let the youngsters enjoy and catch the photos if they are actually delighted.
Be sure that prior to starting getting into taking photos regularly that you simply entirely know how the digital camera functions and just what it is and it is not capable of doing. Digital photography is all about timing and in case you are fiddling with your digital camera from too little comprehending the way it operates, you are able to miss lots of photo options.
Picture taking can be a entertaining interest and then for some, it can be part of their work, as was explained at first from the article. Understanding picture taking is the simplest way to make sure that you take the most effective photographs possible. Use everything you learned from the earlier mentioned article, and commence using the very best images achievable!
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rachelclewis · 7 years
Double Sided
I spent the summer of 2001 working (unpaid) for a small artists’ venture called St. Jayne’s Theatre Company. The company was founded by a girl I knew from college, who I would have described as a “frenemy” if we had that word back then.  She was passionate and driven and was dying to produce good theatre.  But she could also be vain, obstinate, and a bit of a drama queen.  I was concerned when she asked me to be on her board of directors because I didn’t trust her leadership and I was worried the project would end badly. I also wanted to be making theatre and there were a number of other people on the board I respected, so I said yes. I thought there was a good chance we would pull it off.
I was wrong, though. It didn’t end badly. It started badly. It got worse as it went along. And then it ended in tears, accusatory phone calls, and terminated friendships. What I hadn't counted on – what I didn’t realize at the time – was that I could also be vain, obstinate, and a bit of a drama queen. And the two of us together, my frenemy and I, twisted our vain obstinate energy into a vortex of destruction and bitchery. But somewhere in the middle of all of that, we put on a play.
I’m glad that I did it, though. I learned a lot. We overcame some serious obstacles to persevere and I am still proud of the production.  The play was SubUrbia, and there are two things that I remember most about it.  Both require a little bit of explanation. The first one is the sound wall.
We were doing the play outdoors at a music venue called Kilby Court, which is in the center of a block in an industrial area of Salt Lake. It made sense because the play takes place in the parking lot of a Kwiky Mart-type convenience store, but if a band was playing on the stage across the alley, it was too loud to hear the actors. So the board decided that we would need to get a contract from the owner of Kilby Court that stated that we had exclusive performing rights on the nights of the show and we tasked the founder of the company, my afore described frenemy, to get the contract signed.
I asked about the contract during rehearsals and my frenemy responded by saying vaguely, “yeah yeah, it’s fine… it’s taken care of.” In fact, she had approached the owner with the contract and he refused to sign it because he couldn’t afford to lose the profit from the bands and take the risk that we would be able to deliver a similar amount. It was smart, and I understood where he was coming from. We never drew in the same sized crowds as the bands. But she was afraid to tell us what happened, so she just… didn’t. We didn’t find out until the weekend before the show opened that the owner of Kilby Court had booked bands in his other space for every single night we were performing.
That night we were sitting on the deck trying to figure out how we could possibly make it work. We talked for hours and a plan began to form.  Twenty four inventive hours later, we stood in the alley of Kilby Court looking up at our brand new, functional sound wall. That day, we rented two stories of scaffolding from a construction site, assembled it ourselves, and filled it with a ton of hay that we bought off a local farmer. Then we covered it with tarps. It wasn’t beautiful, but it worked. The show could go on!.
The second thing I remember most about SubUrbia is the giant purple dildo.
The main female character in SubUrbia is a twenty-something girl named Suze who is planning to move to New York to become an artist. In her first scene on stage, Suze presents the performance art piece that she has been developing.
The monologue is a fuming estrogen-angst filled rant that is desperate to be shocking, but comes off as a poor knock-off of Ani DiFranco lyrics from the early 90s. We wanted it to be a parody of clichéd performance art. We had a trunk full of props. We put her in a body suit that she could paint on as she wore it.  And best of all, we got The Blue Boutique to donate a large double-sided dildo in exchange for advertising in our program. Every night, Suze ended her monologue by swinging the dildo over her head and then letting it go, making it thwhack the brick wall behind her and fall down behind her feet with a thud.
The only problem was that people actually lived at Kilby Court and there were a couple apartment windows that ran along the wall that we were using as our Kwiky Mart. So we were really careful to choreograph the dildo-throw to make sure that it always hit the bricks and only the bricks.
I was elated when closing night arrived. After a series of ugly arguments, my relationship with my frenemy had devolved to fit under the less complicated “enemy” category. We were a handful of livid phone calls away from never speaking to one another again. The audience turn-out was a less than half of what we had hoped for. Everyone involved in the company was losing money, and I couldn’t take the stress much longer.
I was sitting in the audience, thinking “all I have  to do is get through this performance, unload a ton of rain-sopped hay, disassemble two stories of scaffolding, return it to the construction company, and I will be done with Saint Jayne’s and I’ll never have to do theatre again…” when, something went wrong with Suze’s dildo-throw. For some reason, after weeks of perfect executions, the throw went wild and the dildo sailed through the air and disappeared through one of the darkened apartment windows with a slap and the tinkle of shattered glass. The audience must have known that wasn’t the plan, because that was the only night we didn’t get a big laugh. There was some laughter but it was mostly uncomfortable.
“Oh my God, ohmigod, ohmahGAWD!” I was thinking, as I snuck out of the audience by squeezing through a gap in the hay. “We’ve killed someone. We’ve killed someone. At the very least, we’ve killed someone’s cat…”
I I pictured a leathery old man – recently homeless, reentering society through the devalued rental property of Kilby Court – sitting in a rocking chair and reading a tattered paperback copy of Keats poems. When suddenly, without warning, there was a crashing sound and… “wisht, wisht, wisht…” something long and purple spinning through the air, and then, “BAM!” right to the forehead, knocking him backward, over, and out of the rocking chair! And then, SILENCE. Death by dildo…
I found one of the managers at Kilby – a really nice guy named Mike – and I told him what had happened. He told me not to worry about it. He said he knew the guy pretty well, and he would talk to him. I snuck back into the audience and watched the rest of the play, which unfolded without further incident, but I was distracted. We were going to be sued; I was sure of it. I was twenty-four, unemployed, and done with theatre. And, at that moment, I was quite certain that I was going to have to go into some sort of indentured servitude to pay for the ex-homeless man’s funeral and a new window for Kilby Court. At that point in my life, I would have had to go into indentured servitude just to buy the man a new cat.
But after the show, I found Mike again to see what he found out and he told me the man wasn’t home. “Whew. That’s a relief,” I said.
“Trust me; it’s fine. I’ll talk to him when he gets home.”
I expected to hear more, but I never did. I wasn’t even contacted about paying for the new window, which I thought was the least that would happen. About half of the cast showed up to help me return the scaffolding to the construction company, and a friend with a truck was kind enough to come and take all the hay out of Kilby. I was done with the show and I promised myself that I would never use my degree in theatre again, and I have mostly kept that promise.
Then, ten years later, I spent a weekend this fall at a writer’s retreat in southern Utah. I was one of six other writers staying on a small ranch outside the desert town of Torrey. We were all from Salt Lake City and we spent the days writing and the evenings talking about writing and making one another laugh.
One of the writers was a musician named Jeremy Chatelain. Jeremy has toured with a bunch of east coast bands over the years, but he has also been in a lot of bands here in Utah. Another writer remembered him from a band called Iceburn Collective and the two of them started talking about these old local Utah bands that I’ve never heard of. In fact, I was basically tuning out of the conversation until he mentioned that he had been in a band with a guy named Gentry.
I interjected then and said, “Wait, Gentry Densley?”
And Jeremy said, “No way, you know Gentry?”
And I said, “No, not at all. But I remember that his band played at a fundraiser for a theatre company I worked for a decade ago called Saint Jayne’s. He was great.”
Another one of the writers named Adam said, “I remember Saint Jayne’s.”
“That’s not possible,” I said. “We lasted one summer and no one came to our shows.”
“Oh no, I remember. I was living in an apartment at Kilby Court that summer. And they were doing a play called Suburbia. And I remember that I came home from a late shift at the hospital one night to find broken glass everywhere and I giant purple dildo in my bed. And this guy, Mike, who was running things at Kilby, came running in and was like ‘oh dude, I was hoping to catch you before you got home… I wanted to try to explain…’ But I was like, ‘Dude!? How? How could you ever explain THIS?”
And I said, “Oh my God… I’ve spent the last ten years wanting to ask you if you were okay! I remember watching it go through the window and thinking, ‘oh Christ what have we done?’ So let me just finally officially say to you, I am very very sorry about that.”
I didn’t think we would ever stop laughing. I was relieved to find that he wasn’t angry. He was just disappointed that they didn’t let him keep the dildo.
“I was going to frame it and hang it on the wall so I could point to it when I told the story.” Then he pointed at a random spot on the wall and said, in an old man voice, “And that thar is the very same dildo that came through my window that night…”
“Really?” I said. “Because we didn’t get it back!  I would have let you keep it, for sure. Mike would have known you shouldn’t use it after it’s been in contact with broken glass, right?”
The next morning we told the rest of the writers the story and Adam said, “I’ve been telling that story for so long now, as an example of the texture of Kilby Court and what it was like to live there. Who knew I would come down to Boulder Utah and meet the person from the other end of that dildo?”
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“To protect a rare Central Asian goat—and the snow leopards that depend on it—conservationists are turning to an unlikely ally: trophy hunters,” writes wildlife reporter Jason G Goldman
Goldman is tracing the footsteps of avid trophy hunter Bill Campbell, a doctor with his own private psychiatry practice. Several months before, Campbell had made the 5,000 mile journey from the US to the ‘rooftop of the world’, the remote Pamir mountains of Tadjikistan with the single purpose of adding a rare markhor goat to his extensive trophy collection. He paid $120,000 for the privilege of shooting it.
“It’s probably the most expensive hunt in the world,” Campbell says. “This is basically where my income goes.”
This is what a markhor looks like (alive) with its characteristic twisted horns, and this is where they live.
By the early 90s in spite of their nigh-on inaccessible habitat, markhor were close to extinction, the inevitable result of local poaching for meat and a certain amount of illegal trophy hunting. In 1994, in stepped the IUCN, placing the goats on the Red List of species that are Critically Endangered. Over the following decade numbers rose sufficiently for the species to move up a level (or down, whichever way you look at it) to Near Threatened.
Goldman asserts that during his trip to Tadjikistan, “I learned that wealthy hunters like Campbell are the main reason that Bukharan markhor still exist at all—despite how uncomfortable that truth may be.
“Some hunters, of course, are almost certainly engaged in a vainglorious pursuit of power. But after spending time with dozens of Tajik hunting guides and wildlife biologists on two markhor hunting concessions in southern Tajikistan, I discovered that painting the entire hunting community with such a broad brush ignores a reality: the trophy hunters who attempt to engage honestly with the thorny ethical quandaries underlying their pastime, who go out of their way to have their fun in an ecologically and socially responsible manner.”
Seriously? Who is he kidding? Is he really expecting us to feel for the mental and emotional turmoil the poor hunters suffer while they are ‘having their fun’, rather than for their innocent victims, trying to survive and rear young in a harsh environment, suddenly confronted by a man with a gun?
Goldman continues to embellish the myth of the sensitive soul that is the trophy hunter. He quotes the reflections of another of the super-rich, this time from South Africa, who trekked for days over inhospitable mountain terrain to get within shooting range of a markhor: “You’re faced with sadness and joy. Joy that you achieved what you did, but there’s a sadness associated with it. It’s a very emotional time when you look at an animal you’ve just killed.”
O  –  M  –  G
Sadly Bill Campbell’s hunt too was ‘successful’. “It was a beautiful animal in a beautiful setting. It was the most exciting hunt of my life.”
Wayne Pacelle, CEO of the Humane Society of the US is also a man who knows how to hit his target, but his weapon is words: “Cruel, self-aggrandizing, larcenous, and shameful,” is his judgement on trophy hunting.
The concession where Campbell bagged his markhor issues only one hunting licence per year. As Tadjikistan is an exporter of gold, the argument goes that selling licences to rich hunters like him enable privately held lands to be managed for wildlife, when they might well otherwise be despoiled by mining.
But licence money alone is not enough to halt the decline of these rare goats. Not unless villagers are incentivised to stop poaching. The goats’ value is not in some (illegal) internationally tradeable commodity like elephant ivory or rhino horn. Their value is as a local source of food.
The long-established Torghar Conservation Project in neighbouring Pakistan that both pays the locals as game guards and also turns over to them the ‘lion’s share’ of the meat from licensed hunting suggested a possible model for Tadjikistan.
Enter Panthera, the only organization in the world devoted exclusively to the conservation of the world’s wild cats. Panthera gives support to the local communities in the form of wildlife monitoring training, as well as hardware such as binoculars and vehicles. The organisation’s interest in conserving markhors however, is only as the preferred prey of snow leopards. More markhors mean more snow leopards.
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To this end they are happy to assist the local people not only to interface with their government and the IUCN, but also international hunting organisations. Not just WWF, then.
This is the official version of what happens to the $120,000 Campbell and his ilk hand over for their licence to kill:
$41,000 to the Tadjiki government
Of that money, $8,200 is channeled into national government coffers
According to the Mamadnazarbekov, Deputy Chair of the Committee for Environmental Protection, ‘a fair amount’ of that $8,200 is used ‘to benefit wildlife and the public’
The remaining $32,800 is split between regional and local authorities
‘Most’ of what is left of the $120,000 after the government takes its cut stays with the private hunting concession and pays for the markhor’s protection, as well as community projects like water pipes and funding for schools
Even Goldman though, the hunters’ apologist is forced to admit:
“It’s hard to determine how much of what Mamadnazarbekov describes is true. Several sources told me that some money must also be spent making various payoffs that aren’t legally justifiable, and that the government doesn’t necessarily spend its share of the revenue as they are supposed to. In a country with a per capita GDP of just 804 U.S. dollars, it’s not hard to imagine why many people here would want a piece of the action. Bribery and corruption may simply be part of the cost of doing business, even when that business is wildlife conservation.”
How easily ethical concerns are dismissed when it comes to justifying trophy hunting.
Goldman continues, “It’s difficult to argue with the results, at least so far. More than 10 years of intense effort have allowed the markhor population in Southern Tajikistan to flourish.”
Well, as a matter of fact, we could argue with the results. Describing the markhor population as flourishing might be over-egging it. Remember that in 2015 the markhor graduated from Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List to Near Threatened? Well, this is how IUCN defines Near Threatened:
A taxon [species] is Near Threatened when it has been evaluated against the criteria but does not qualify for Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable now, but is close to qualifying for or is likely to qualify for a threatened category in the near future.”
Not quite out of the woods yet.
But Tanya Rosen, Panthera’s director of snow leopard protection, reckons to have seen a welcome rise in the cat’s population – we’re talking small numbers here, from 6 to 10. Nevertheless, the highest density of these rare and elusive creatures seen anywhere in the world.
Goldman concludes, “Isn’t it better to sacrifice a few old animals [markhors] in order to maintain an entire functioning ecosystem?” Many of us would answer “NO, absolutely not”. The markhor may not be as iconic as the snow leopard, but its life counts just as much.
In a country with such amazing scenery, wildlife and culture (the ancient Silk Road from India to China runs right through the Pamir mountains), there is much for any visitor that does not come to kill.
BirdLife International has designated a large area around the famously beautiful turquoise Iskanderkul Lake in the Fann mountains an IBA (Important Bird & Biodiversity Area).
Migrant bird visitors and residents include Himalayan  snowcocks, saker falcons, cinereous vultures, yellow-billed choughs, Hume’s larks, sulphur-bellied warblers, wallcreepers, Himalayan rubythroats, white-winged redstarts, white-winged snowfinches, alpine accentors, rufous-streaked accentors, brown accentors, water pipits, fire-fronted serins, plain mountain-finches, crimson-winged finches, red-mantled rosefinches and white-winged grosbeaks.
The dramatic rugged terrain makes it a mecca not just for birders, but for all wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers, as well as trekkers, climbers and photographers.
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Karakul Lake – Wiki Creative Commons
Moreover, Pamir Mountains Ecotourism is ready and waiting to put together your own tailor-made tour. It wouldn’t be cheap, but I doubt it costs $120,000. And isn’t that a much better way to conserve the majestic landscape and all that call it home, human and nonhuman?
Yet no qualms about killing goats on the rooftop of the world trouble the conscience of psychiatrist/hunter Bill Campbell.  “I feel good about it in my heart because I feel like I’m promoting really effective conservation,” he says.
Well that’s all right then.
It’s little surprise to find that Campbell is a buddy of dentist Walter Palmer, the infamous killer of Cecil the lion. “I feel sorry for him,” Campbell says. “I think that the people who lynched him [online] don’t realize how much he has done for conservation. I wouldn’t be surprised if Walt spends $250,000 to $500,000 a year hunting. And the people who are lynching him donate 25 bucks to the Sierra Club. Who’s done more for conservation? There’s no comparison.”
Spitting feathers anyone?
  More petitions:
Please sign & share as many as you can – unrelated to Tadjikistan and the markhor, but  important nonetheless
BAN Breeding, Trading and Trophy Hunting of Wildlife in South Africa
Mr Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa: Ban ALL Forms of ‘Canned’ & ‘Trophy’ Hunting In South Africa
EU Please Ban The Import Of Wildlife “Trophies” into Europe
Yolanda Kakabadse WWF: End YOUR Trophy Hunting Safaris in Partnership with USA TH Dallas Safari Club
Stop trophy hunting giraffes
More to be found here. Some are closed, but many are not.
Shoot to Save – bioGraphic
Iskanderkul – Wiki
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