#Bart ain't with his mom
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chaosmultiverse-a · 1 year ago
Bart had a deep frown, his glare at Thad wasn't quite hateful and it wasn't pitiful either, he didn't pity Thad... No that wasn't the right word.
"It isn't pity. You can think whatever. I just... It's unfair, it was unfair for you and it sucks ass for me." Bart crossed his arms and his body turned so it was facing the side, not really away but not facing him, though his head was still very much turned to look at Thad, he knew very much better than to turn his back on Thad.
"So I'd say it's pretty sad, but whatever. I wasn't really expecting a... I dunno, a constructive conversation, it's sorta like screaming at a brick wall with you, ya know?" Bart hadn't really meaned to run into Thad, but... Admittedly dealing with Thad be it fights or these... Going no where conversations it was a decent way of venting some anger.
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brainrotbabe24 · 7 months ago
Idk about this idea but I’ve been thinking about like- reader who’s similar quicksilver from the X-men. Like super fast, fast metabolism, ADHD to the max. Basically just the dwarves dealing with reader constant yapping and need for sweets.
Hi! Thank you for the request!
Okay, so you get a two-in-one, lol! I went a little crazy with this one and interpreted it into two scenarios.
The company reacting to the reader's ADHD craziness
How the company would react to the reader having superpowers
I also wrote a scenario yesterday about the company finding out the reader has ADHD. That felt like a prequel to this ask...it will be linked below
Thank you for such a fun idea. I hope it's okay I wrote it like this and not one scenario!💖🎉
The company reacting to reader's ADHD craziness
Balin: Just watches from afar and laughs at your shenanigans. Loves the energy you give the group, always keeping them on their toes!
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Dwalin: Loves you, but every so often he needs quiet lol
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Óin: Oin would send you on wild errands! He found out the hard way that boring adventures get you distracted…so the crazier, the better. 
“Y/N, I asked for rosemary, and you literally came back with a bag of potatoes and a bloody nose. What did you do????”
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Glóin: He just lets you do your thing. "Y/N will run out of steam at some point." Tired dad vibes…
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Bifur: Bifur would gift you fidget toys! I bet he would take the time to make them for you too! How sweet 🥺
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Bofur: Jam sessions/singing constantly! Due to your ADHD, you guys would switch up the genre quite a bit. It would be a total production, too!
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Bombur:  Would be down to go on crazy little side quests with you! You usually take him on the quests Oin gives you. Y'all would be like Merry and Pippin in LOTR
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Ori: He would try to get you interested in hobbies to help keep you focused…like knitting. It doesn’t work, but you’ll still sit with him while he knits because he can keep up with your conversations and constant changing of topics.
Side note: I could not find a GIF of this exact topic...so imagine the reader is Homer and Ori is Marge trying to keep up with the conversation. Bart and Lisa are the rest of the company, lol 😂😂
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Dori: Dori would be a helicopter mom! He would be scared you would get hurt, and worried other people in the company would influence your recklessness. You would basically be absorbed into their little family, lol!
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Nori: Nori would team up with you to do some wild shit. He is the bad influence Dori is scared about
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Thorin: Tired. Realized at this point that half the company has ADHD. Y'all ain't getting to Erebor any time soon.
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Fíli: I think he would enjoy the late-night chat session! He would make sure to sleep next to you during the adventure because at least twice a night, you would wake him up and ask him random questions.
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Kíli: He has ADHD, too. So, the fact that both of you have it makes me feel like Kili would see that as a deep connection—like soulmate material! I wouldn't put it past him to propose…
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Bilbo: Would make you a cute little journal to write down your to-do's!
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Gandalf: Gandalf would be a provoker like Nori. Imagine everyone is calming down for the night, you are all tired out, and then out of nowhere, you hear him whisper, “Psst Y/N ask Kili why he can’t grow a beard.” or “psst Y/N I heard Thorin wanted to hear about your super specific hyper fixation that takes hours to explain…(like one piece lol with all its episodes 😭).”
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How the company reacts to reader having superpowers
Balin: He can’t keep up. You are too fast, and it hurts his brain. He does appreciate the hard work you put in when there is an orc ambush. 
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Dwalin: He loves it! He thinks you are a strong, courageous badass. He is happy you are on their side. Will cheer you on in battle!
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Óin: Tries to figure out how you do it … isn't convinced fully. Is it magic? Are you eating something?
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Glóin: He blames the food or candy you were eating. He does not believe you have powers… that's all nonsense. 
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Bifur: Couldn't care! Like Dwalin, he is just thankful you are on their side. 
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Bofur: Comes up with nicknames/superhero names for you - a true fanboy, lol!
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Bombur and Ori: Would think it’s magic!
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Dori: Would make sure you got enough rest.
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Nori: Tries to convince you to use your skills for evil, like stealing or cheating at games...maybe not evil but definitely his gain lol
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Thorin: He's super excited! He wants to use your skills to help reclaim Erebor and constantly asks you to do recon.
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Fíli: He's excited like his uncle, but he would want to train with you so he can keep up, lol. 
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Kíli: Kili would want to compete! “Come on, y/n, let's see who's faster! I know I’ll beat you.” Maybe he is a little jealous that his uncle likes you and trusts you to do recon and other cool stuff.
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Bilbo: He would think you also had a “special” ring and get paranoid. He would also ask you a lot of questions to see if you know about his ring. 
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Gandalf: Suspicious! He doesn't believe you are from this universe. It leaves more questions than answers.
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Link to the ADHD one I was talking about above:
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years ago
chapter 1064—we got ourselves a name
Got ourselves a snow goose!
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Oda running with the marine life theme so many of us have exploited for our fics and head canons, and it feels so damn good.
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Alan D. Wilson, CC 表示-継承 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5175665による
It's cold up north. Cold, cold, cold, cold. So, not only can Law do this:
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(cut Stronger in half using Amputate, thereby dislodging Blackbeard and Doc)
to Blackbeard's under-prepared crew on their only slightly upgraded raft boat, Law's crew (namely Shachi)
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can do
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this! Blowing poison apple bombs right back at Doc. I guess that's the equivalent of an Orca's blowhole.
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And, I guess that maybe Oda got tired of the power scalers too. Like, Law's got his high bounty for a reason and it's nice for Oda to show
his crew in action.
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Captain. Must protec!
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(though surely Jean Bart would be a very easy target). So, Law does pull out what was his awakened power (it wasn't Amputate, Teach), and Blackbeard gets pierced (and shocked)
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with Shock Wille, causing Van Augur to chastise him
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and to cause him to use his Law-like powers to rescue Blackbeard. (Blackbeard's downfall will be his carelessness, even though he's obviously doing okay. Master planner up against master impulsive?).
Also, the effects of Shock Wille look a little like directions of some of Doflamingo's attacks.
Van Augur thinks they're under-prepared enough to ask:
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if they should return to the ship, and he elegantly uses his passengers to make his own journey more comfortable too, it looks like. Also, so long as he doesn't fall in the water, he's a good match for Law in terms of being able to find solid ground (with his warp warp fruit).
So, I didn't know Blackbeard had such dedication (we finish what we start! But his crew doesn't have the same conviction). Also, like Big Mom, Blackbeard's going to be a villain that Oda will have fun making look ridiculous (then again, there was that Kaidou skipping rope thing).
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I'm guessing that "Blackbeard's here!" is Bepo or someone else from his crew. Law's getting his Room ready already. He's tactical. BUT, like Blackbeard, maybe a little too much hubris. Law's pulling his Lenin face again.
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Law's crew really is the wrong one to deal with on the ocean, huh? Makes sense. And there were a few meta last week that said that sinking all the devil fruit users wold be the way to go, and what a perfect plan it would be except for
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it doesn't seem that Law knows about Blackbeard's power (which seems unlike Law), or he doesn't know how it works. (As an aside, did he take Boa's power, or did Rayleigh step in just in time?). Or he's just, really, really, worried, cos his big willy just ain't gonna cut it if Blackbeard gets his power or absorbs Law himself. Ahhh. **(Law's powers that spread shock waves and threads and radiation might be able to counter something?)
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And back a few frames—Pudding's on board and just as she doesn't seem to realise about Law and Kid bringing about Big Mom's death (although she said "if" she's alive), Law doesn't seem to know about Black Vortex (Black Gravity?), and Blackbeard doesn't seem to know even the most basic of Law's powers (although, maybe he does and that's why he's got all those devil fruit users (and Pudding) on the boat currently under attack from the Hearts. Devil Fruits are Teach's speciality, after all).
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cover page. Kuzan confirmed! Ah, I don't think he's part of SWORD, cos then Punk Hazard probably wouldn't have happened. I read such a good OC/Law story back in the day (2016/17?) on FFN that had Kuzan undercover in the Blackbeard Pirates, and I don't read OC fics much. Loved it. So, Sanji will have to come, because two of his loves will probably end up captured (Pudding already is, but Law, too).
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What do you make of Akainu's words? I can't find mention of Winner Island in the Wiki, but I didn't search too thoroughly. I don't think Law's SWORD either, but might be (the theory's gone out there). Could they be waiting for that? Or Akainu wanted to sweep in on Kuzan? (Guess I should call Akainu, Sakazuki). But there'd be no reason to wait then. Anyhoo, other exciting development is this from the end:
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Vegapunk working with the Revolutionaries. Kuma's backstory (and Bonney's and Vegapunk's and Dragon's get more and more entwined and intriguing). Also!
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stuff like this (Punk Records...or Vegapunk...or why is the first part hidden?) makes me thing that Kid will definitely be relevant some time soon.
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I just love that Oda is utilising all of his SBS drawings and inventing a few more
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(70 year old Luffy—A glimpse at a possible future!). And the other kids
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are alright (@lorillee said that Oda's going boob-crazy cos he had to flatten them for all of Wano in the traditional kimonos, however, I will say, he's not gone as OTT on them as he has in the past. And, yeah, Franky's got on more clothes than Robin.
The pervevication (made up word) really isn't equal for folks that randomly say it is. Put Sanji, Usopp (and later Zoro, Luffy, etc.) in jockey briefs and the equivalent to what Robin and Nami are wearing and then you might have something.
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The other two kids are watching the ship and will rescue someone when the menace becomes apparent (more apparent) later in the arc.
Loved the chapter.
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danwhobrowses · 2 years ago
One Piece Chapter 1064 - Initial Thoughts
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And we return
It would seem that Oda's opted to dual-wield this Vegapunk arc to catch up with Law a bit. There is some fear in the air, but let us see what develops
Honestly I've already been spoiled on 2 things yesterday from someone uploading raw scans without hiding it via 'keep reading' or using the spoiler tag, do better. It's as easy as this
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release Also
I guess the cover story has a different time frame since Augur was the one who accompanied Aokiji to Whole Cake Island to capture Pudding
At the very least Aokiji is looking good in the outfit, though I did like his drifter look
We go straight into Law vs Blackbeard as Law orders his crew to look after the ship
Law's quick to used his Awakened moves, R-Room slices Stronger horizontally so negate the wings, much to Blackbeard's shock
Blackbeard though continues to be effective with Whitebeard's old fruit, his shockwaves even send pressure to the floor below
Ah the exploding apples came back
Shachi used Water Gun!?
Alright Heart Pirates I see you, seems Law's crew are like Fish-Men in that they're versed in aquatic combat
As the crew take aim at Blackbeard's ship, Bepo uses his hearing to warn Jean Bart of Augur's sniping
Bart's finally getting used, providing the density to tank Augur's bullets as Law prepares K-Room
Shock Wille to Blackbeard really does a number because of the Damage Stack, he's even KO'd for a bit (reminder this took Big Mom down a bit too)
Augur warps to Teach so he doesn't fall into water, he suggests returning to the ship but Blackbeard ain't leaving empty handed
Law does make a point on how having a bunch of DF commanders can be risky, but Teach - reminder that he seems very versed in Devil Fruit lore - says the risks are worth the reward
As the Heart Pirates assault Blackbeard's ship from below, we go into the prisons to see Pudding
She's at the very least not frightened, her third eye is on display as well. Though the Big Mom alive status is still a question mark, Pudding believes she'll be back but others believe Big Mom's dead
Blackbeard looks to whip out his Dark-Dark Fruit powers, likely to negate Law's fruit, but we don't see the rest because we cut to Akainu
As he gets reports on Teach and Law's fight he laments the difficulties of being Fleet Admiral. Man isn't really the type to want to sit by and do nothing after all, though if he was with the Gorosei he'd be Lulusia-ing that island so probably for the best
Back to Luffy's group, the Police Pacifista has stopped its assault, thanks to Bonney's fruit changing their ages
70 Year Old Luffy looks more out of the bad timeline (I know that one is 60 years old but he does look a bit older than that) than the good one where he ages like Garp, Chopper doesn't look like either timeline since he's just frail. Bonney and Jinbe were put into kid form
Both Luffy and Jinbe do have valid points about Bonney's reaction to the Pacifista though
Jinbe goes further into talking about what he knows about Kuma's past, one Bonney's ellipses does imply to be falsified, according to him Kuma was a tyrant of the Sorbet Kingdom who was deposed by his people and turned to piracy
When he was caught and revealed to be a Revolutionary, he agreed to become a Warlord to serve his sentence, as long as he also submitted to Vegapunk's body modifications and cloning
Bonney does make a point in refuting that Kuma'd agree to become a mindless cyborg, and from the vibe we get from Kuma we have to agree
Bonney, having picked up a laser sword, also lashes out at the 'tyrant' part, noting how Kuma hated the government and must've been coerced - we better be getting that flashback
Turns out that Luffy and co are in Vegapunk's scrapyard, a place for all the rejected inventions
Since Kuma's mindless, Bonney claims that Vegapunk is no different to a murderer, and even though Vegapunk is apparently from a 'special race', it doesn't justify their actions
Still though, the ass shot is unnecessary, I mean it's a nice ass but still, time and place
Luffy and co got changed back to their normal ages too btw
Our next section is with the rest of the crew as Lilith rockets up to the skies
The rest of the crew get a look at Egghead from above, but they're going straight to the research lab in the skies
Punk Records is clearly written inside the giant egg, wonder if it's relevant
Lilith seems to know of Luffy's activities down below too, is there a hive going on or just comms?
Zoro and Brook decide to stay on the ship, which is odd since Zoro had that request
Franky is loving all this though, and even gets to experience Skypeia's island clouds, which Vegapunk can manufacture
Before entering Lab 0, it's time for some new threads
Okay so, like the boys' outfits, even Franky because he's got the Star Trek glasses but his hair will be mistaken for his eyes, but again can the women wear something that's not basically underwear? A skirt or just a jumpsuit like Lilith's wearing would've worked
That being said Robin back in the leather jacket is a plus, it's just the lower half I'm griping about, would've gone full leggings with Robin and a skirt for Nami (and the short shorts for Bonney as I mentioned last time)
Sanji how can you know what Aloha means there is no Hawaii...
Shaka meanwhile is on the phone, noting how he expects to be assassinated soon
But it turns out he's talking to Dragon, which is where Oda drops a break
So unfortunately, the Dragon cliffhanger was one of the things I was spoiled on, along with the Pudding appearance, but it does invite the idea that there is indeed a Revolutionary Vegapunk, and it seems it's likely Shaka.
Oda this time split his story into 3 mini bits where he's enticed us on each part. He's made a lot of effort now to show that Law's crew are able to hold their own - some satisfaction must come out of him after all the memes made - which is pretty impressive. I still don't think they'll win, with the fact that Burgess has gone quiet and we don't know what other Blackbeard crew members are present, heck we didn't even see Coby even though he's apparently a prisoner too.
With Luffy's group we're getting the Kuma lore and Bonney has won Luffy to her side for now, but it does lead to wonder if they'll find the Stella and learn new information. Seeing bad timeline Luffy at 70 is a bit worrisome but I guess you can't judge anything with Bonney's power, interesting though that she can bypass Pacifista by changing her age. We will need to get that Kuma flashback though to learn the truth, since it's clear all won't be what it seems.
And on the rest of the crew we're involving a Vinsmoke, two inventors, a weather manipulator via one of these inventions and a Revolutionary to meet with Shaka, who seems to be tied to the Revolutionaries and the Straw Hats too. I wouldn't put it past Oda to use this as a platform for both upgrades and MADS lore for Sanji. It's a shame Zoro and Brook are sitting out, I guess the Vegapunk threads wouldn't work for them, but someone will have to watch the ship. Once again though, the women outfit choices to have them all in underwear is irksome, I don't care if it's a 'battle suit' it just feels unrealistic, especially since no other inhabitants we've seen have this fashion. I dunno maybe Oda will change the outfits for when a fight occurs but it just seems a little too skimpy for the scenario.
But it was still a good chapter, maybe not as good as some previous but Oda does seem to be cooking something for 1065, he likes his round numbers after all. But we'll have to wait until after the break.
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peabrainedraccoonlady · 3 years ago
DC Weirdness and Stories
Hi. I'm back from being dead sorta. I was redesigning and creating designs for Batman Rogues.
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Anyway welcome. Surprisingly, I'm not the biggest fan of The Flash even though he's sorta interesting. I like Flash just not as much as Batman/ The rest of the Justice League. I just get tired of talking about the inner workings of the "Speed Force." However, I noticed bullsh#t so here I am telling you about speedy people because why the hell not.
But first before diving into this tub of nonsense, what the f#ck is a Speedster.
Well, a “speedster” is someone with an interdimensional energy source known as “the Speed Force”, which gives them the primary power of ✨speed✨.
And my god is this power given out like god damn candy. Luckily for me and you, the number isn't as bad as how many children Bruce has adopted, believe me, you don't wanna know the amount of kids that man has.
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The very first speedster in DC Comics was on Earth-Two. Believe me, the different Earths are weird but interesting and complex as all hell. This guy is Jay Garrick, a nerdy college student. How did he get his powers? Well he took a smoke break during science, it was the 19 whatevers, and broke a tube of "hard water", making fumes that caused him to pass out. When he woke up he got super speed! Sounds fake, right? THIS IS HIS ACTUAL ORIGIN STORY! Oh and he had a REVERSE FLASH.
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GUESS WHO THIS GUY IS! This is Edward Clariss, THE CHEM PROFESSOR AT JAY'S UNIVERSITY! You wanna know his origin? No? TOO BAD! He was rejected by a scientific community for creating the serum that gave Jay his powers. 80s man. Because of this, he said, "f#ck it" then became Jay's "Reverse Flash."
Now heres the HIMBO himself.
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Barry Allen. Mom killed by a time-traveling d#ck head, dad went to jail for it, Barry became a forensics scientist, struck by lightning, bada-bing, bada-boom, speedy man.
Oh yeah, D#ckhead.
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Eobard Thawne, Professor Zoom, the Reverse-Flash, whatever you want to call him. He came from the 25th-century, and idolized Barry Allen, don't ask why. He discovered a time capsule that belonged to himself that contained the Flash’s costume, FOR SOME REASON, D#ck head was able to use it to replicate Barry’s super speed. You ready for the next part? No? Good cause this is the stupid part. He goes back in time and sees that he was fated to be Flashs nemesis. Now, as any logical person, he stepped back and tried to help Flash- NEWS BREAK, HE DIDN'T. WENT APE-SH#T AND DEDICATED HIS LIFE TO RUIN BARRY'S LIFE.
God, this is why Superman and Batman are my favorites. ANY WAY.
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This is Wally West, him and Barry look similar, please stay with me on this. This kid is at the center of one of the biggest coincidences in comic book history. Head of the Flash fan club and nephew of Iris West, girlfriend of Barry Allen, irony. Barry took Wally to his lab one day, Wally was struck by a bolt of lightning and doused with chemicals exactly like Barry was. Ta da! Heres the bullsh#t!! :D
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Hunter Zolomon, THE SAME SUIT AS REVERSE FLASH. GUYS CAN WE PLEASE MAKE OUR OWN COSTUMES. Used to be a police officer until being almost murdered during an attack by Gorilla Grodd, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. Asked Wally to use a Cosmic Treadmill, don't ask I have not f#cking idea what it is, to go back in time and stop it from happening. Guess the answer. It was no. D#ckhead jr over here got absolutely upset, breacking into the Flash Museum, yes that f#cking exists, and tried to use the treadmill himself. It blew up. GIVING HIM POWERS AND HIS MOBILITY BACK. THUS ZOOM. HE CALLED HIMSELF ZOOM.
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Bart Allen! Anyone remember this ADHD child? Hes Barry’s future grandson from the 30th Century, Flash and time travel are the exact reason why we have Batman Year Zero and The New 52. He goes by the superhero name Impulse.
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He also has a clone named Thaddeus Thawne, who goes by the alias Inertia. Why? Ugh. I don't know man. :[
Max Mercury. Was given his Speed Force through mysterious means, serves as a mentor for training speedsters.
Jesse Quick, daughter of heroes Johnny Quick and Liberty Belle. Who? I don't remember.
Godspeed, a psycho speedster who kills other speedsters. No not Reverse Flash.
Avery Ho, the Flash of China... no really. Shes the Flash of The Justice League of China.
And, finally but not the last we'll see of a Speedster …Black Flash.
It's not what you think.
So get this horsesh#t, speedsters are so fast that they can literally outrun death itself. NO I'M NOT JOKING. So, in order to stop that bull, the Speed Force created its own embodiment of death called the Black Flash or Zoom, which chase the souls of speedsters who refuse to die.
Theres more but... I'm done.
Next part I'm talkin about BLORBOS... and why we can't have nice things. I'm looking at you DC, you absolute nut houses.
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anissapierce · 2 years ago
Another idea thtll never come to fruition n will just be something i think abt sometimes is like ...a team of just...all the titans fucked over/sent to limbo etc
Karen beecher i think would make a good lead for the team n a nice mentor figure maybe ......like idk i think that though shes pretty busy maybe shes just always keeping an ear open n reaching out to these teens while theyre on the team after she hears some shit or they reach out to her and that's how
The goal of the team would be to rescue karen starr n tanya spears.... obvious that wasnt tt fault exactly but maybe if things ended better with the team or they kept up w her she wouldnt be put in a place to sacrifice herself while on deathstrokes team. Ace is considered as a part of the team bringing her back bc karen knew about their budding romance but was nixxed from consideration
Danny c back from his limbo possibly bc of the jason fic idea ive been thinking abt for years
Eddie b...
Celine p- she wasnt dead like everything thought bc amanda ain't letting her kid die like that. After getting let high n dry by tt she basically wasnt allowed out of her moms sight ... Until she found out that her mom adopted her n so she used her moms resources to try n get in contact w her team mates...found out tht bart left kiran behind n used more of her moms resources to rescue her
Kiran s - she is generally a kind person but she does resent that it was celine that rescued her and not her now exboyfriend..... She would jump at a chance to help tanya
Lorena m -
Miguel b is warmer abt the titans than the others on account of his role in titans academy but hes still aware enough to know that like he wasnt treated the best once the team disbanded
Miguel,celine and kirans memories of their time as titans is rlly vague (like miguels is in canon) but they rmbr it enough to feel slightly bad about the whole thing.
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