goddessofroyalty · 6 months
I got the Barret date in Rebirth!
Which seeing how Remake/Rebirth took me from being somewhat appreciating for the Barret/Cloud ship to actively shipping (and writing) it feels appropriate.
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benjaycaptain · 4 months
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
i was tagged by the lovely @auradon-bore-a-don 💖
there's too many wips under my belt, so here's only some of what they're titled in my folders, and you get nothing else lmaoooo
redacted in full
arranged meetings
ever just the same
barretcloud sequel
tomorrow shone as brightly as the sun
sit with me for the sunrise
marvel pkmn
until the earth draws in around me
wonderful way of working together
sugar daddy au
as for tagging people uhhhh i don't know many writer peeps still active that haven't been tagged yet so i'm tagging @dragonwrangler @karenhikari and anyone else who wants to do this!
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prllnce · 5 years
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one last time
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...You know, there’s a chance that “Hollow” isn’t Cloud’s feelings about Aerith, but Zack’s. Because the song starts the moment they sense each other, pretty much. Or it could mean nothing. Or it could be both.
But oh, man. We thought the love triangle was tough in this story. Wait until next game, where Zack enters that mix with his feelings for Aerith and hers for his.
Also, if Cissnei is somewhere in the next part--who loved Zack--just wow.
But I guess FFVII has always partly been about complicated love, and “everyone being in love with the wrong person”, ala A Midsummer Night’s Dream kind of things. And not even just the AerithCloudTifa love triangle (and with Aerith’s feelings for Zack always having somewhat complicated things). But with Rude liking Tifa, but her loving Cloud... Of Tseng loving Aerith, but her first loving Zack and then Cloud. And Reno liking Elena, and her liking Tseng. Yep. Oh. And Johnny liked Tifa, too.
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goddessofroyalty · 1 year
Was rewatching FF7 cutscenes to re-remember Tifa’s movements for the convention I’m going to next week and got inspired to write this.
Verse: Cloud is the remnants carrier
Pairing: Barret/Cloud
Tags: mpreg,
“Knock it off you lot,” Barret tells the three boys currently playfully wrestling in Tifa’s bar after Loz practically throws Kadaj into one of the stools sending it to the ground with a crash. “Your mama’s busy enough growing your baby sister he doesn’t need to be worry about you trying to kill each other as well!”
Yuffie gives an excited gasp at it, apparently forgetting the part she had to play in the triplets chaos.
“Their sister?” Tifa asks from behind the bar. Cloud hadn’t mentioned to her anything about knowing the gender of the child he’s carrying. And while she wouldn’t blame him if he had told Barret first she also has a feeling it isn’t the case.
The way Barret blusters at the question confirms her suspicion.
“I didn’t- growing your sibling then!” Barret corrects with a wave at Cloud’s three boys.
“So it’s a girl?” Yuffie asks Cloud where he’s sitting at the bar choosing to ignore the chaos happening.
“Don’t know,” he says.
“Huh?” Yuffie’s attention snaps back to Barret, her finger raised accusingly.” Why do you think it’s a girl then?”
“I know-“ Barret starts, looking over to Cloud and Tifa in clear request for help. Not that Tifa has any more interest in saving him from his own big mouth than Cloud clearly does.
“It’s er- not that I know it’s a girl or nothing. Just we have so many damn boys. Marlene could use a little sister.”
“And how does Marlene feel about that?” Cid asks from the booth he had claimed for the afternoon. Interested in the conversation only now he can poke at Barret some. “She’d be used to being the only girl for a while now. And the favourite. Might not want competition.”
“What do you mean!?” Barret demands. “She knows she’ll always be my princess. Nothing’s gonna’ change that.
Cid snorts at it and Yuffie lets out a huff.
“What do you think it is Cloud?” she asks.
“Cloud shrugs.
“Don’t know.”
“You’ve had boys before – feel any different than with them?” Cid asks and Tifa can only glare at him because damn it – they were trying to keep Cloud from thinking about his previous pregnancy!
She holds her breathe when Cloud goes silent, his head ducked in contemplation.
“Don’t remember,” he says finally, which is probably for the best seeing he was in Hojo’s hands for most of that pregnancy.
“What do you want them to be?” Yuffie asks.
Cloud shrugs again.
“Don’t care.”
“Oh come on! Not even a little bit?” Yuffie asks and Cloud only shakes his head.
“No,” he says, resting his hand against his stomach. “Whatever it is is fine.”
“Well I hope it’s a girl as well,” Yuffie decides as if her opinion really matters. Barret does perk up at it, happy to have something in support of his positon. “That way they’ll be cuter.”
“Considering what it’s brothers are like I think either way it’s going to be a hellion,” Cid says earning him a shout of protest from Barret.
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goddessofroyalty · 3 years
Cloud is the Remnants Carrier universe prompt.
Everyone meets the new baby, say hi to tired mom Cloud and proud dad Barrett.
So I only lost the notepad I was working on this in like… five times. Sorry it took so long.
I tried to give everyone some sort of moment while also trying to keep this from getting too long, because it took me long enough with it at this length (again, sorry, life, crazy, kept losing notepad).
 “How’s Cloud doing?” Reeve asks. And, sure, maybe Tifa would have liked at least another day before even the rest of Avalanche visited but with five other kids it feels wrong to ask them to babysit for any longer than necessary.
“He’s Cloud,” Tifa says. Cloud seems overall fine but he also hadn’t left the nest he set up for the birth so it must have taken some toll on him that he wasn’t going to admit.
“So he’s up for guests now?” Yuffie asks, looking like she has too much energy to have actually been involved in babysitting the triplets as claimed.
Triplets that have already bolted off with Marlene and Denzel, likely to go see Cloud and their new sibling.
Whatever hope for rest there had been would already be gone.
“For a little,” Tifa says.
“Sweet!” Yuffie is off after the other children and Tifa just hopes she doesn’t regret saying it was okay.
“Are you sure you don’t want more time?” Reeve asks because they’ve known each other long enough he can read the preemptive regret on her face. And she trusts if she did say that they needed more time he would convince Yuffie off her excitement to give them at least a couple of days without the immediate pack.
“No it’s fine – I think Barret wants to show her off anyway. Maybe this way we will prevent him from shouting about it off the rooftop.”
Reeve laughs but not like he thinks Tifa is joking. More just in shared knowing of how ridiculous their whole group is.
They take a comfortable pace to the room-turned-den. And, sure enough, Yuffie and the kids are already there, Yuffie blending in with the others a bit too well, and all crowded around Cloud on the nest, staring down at the baby he’s holding. Barret still too caught up in the happiness of his new child to be keeping an eye on them.
“Give Cloud some space!” Tifa says. Only Denzel looks chastised at it despite also being the one furthest away from Cloud.
“But Aunt Tifa – we want to see our baby sister!” Loz complains.
“And you’ll see plenty of her – you need to be gentle on your mom right now,” Tifa says.
“I must admit I am still surprised you would both want another,” Reeve says, sitting a respectful distance from Cloud on the nest, “your hands seemed full enough with the others.”
Cloud just shrugs. It wasn’t exactly something they had gone out of their way to do Tifa knows. She also knows that nothing was really done to prevent it either.
“No such thing as too many kids,” Barret says, all grin. His joy at his newest child infectious. “And ain’t she just the cutest little bubba you ever seen?”
“She certainly is cute,” Reeve says. “Congratulations to you both.”
“Yeah, well done Cloud on making such a pretty baby,” Yuffie says, grappling with the actual children for a better look. Cloud seems to be content ignoring the behavior so Tifa won’t call them all away even if she is keeping a close eye in case it does become too much for him.
“It’s not all because of me,” Cloud says, “she’s half-Barret too.”
“You’re the one that actually grew her,” Barret says.
Cloud doesn’t say anything in response or argument. Although it’s clear exhaustion is starting to hit him.
“Alright, you said hello to your new sister, now it’s time for bed,” Tifa says to the kids.
“Can Aunt Yuffie stay over?” Yazoo asks with Yuffie nodding with puppy eyes next to him. Honestly it was hard to believe there was 16 years between them at times.
“Sure – but no getting into any mischief – Cloud needs rest and that means not listening to you run through the halls.”
“Sure – thanks Aunty,” Kadaj says and the five children scramble off the bed and out of the room.
“I’ll keep them entertained for you,” Yuffie says as she passes Tifa to follow them. And Tifa realizes maybe Yuffie was thinking about more than just getting into mischief with her niblings. “You just focus on the tired parents.”
“Thank you.” It was actually a weight off to know Avalanche’s boundless energy was keeping the kid’s own energy distracted.
“I should be heading off as well,” Reeve says, getting up, “again – congratulations to you both.”
“Thank you,” Tifa says as he passes. “For looking after them for us.”
“No problem – think you can handle another one?” Reeve asks quietly.
Tifa looks over at the bed where Barret had taken Reeve’s spot, looking down at his new baby girl and talking quietly to Cloud. They look tired, of course, but also happy and content. A good look on them both.
“Yeah. We’ll be fine.”
 Cloud had gotten a bit more sleep after the older kids had returned home. Tifa keeping them distracted while Barret fussed over their new sibling allowing Cloud to rest from the birth.
It was disturbed sleep but it was something and with SOLDIER-healing Cloud felt better than he was sure most did the morning after having a baby. So he bundled his new baby up and swaddled her against his chest while he started cleaning the bar downstairs.
“No I know for a fact you shouldn’t be down here.”
Cloud had expected to be caught out of the nest despite the fact he does feel overall fine now. He less expected it to be Cid who found him.
“Aren’t you and your baby supposed to be in that nest of yours and resting?” Cid continues. Vincent and Nanaki are with him – the rest of Avalanche come to see the new baby. “Well – you gonna’ let us see her or what?”
“Just let me sit down.” It was probably a good idea to take a break. SOLDIER healing may be good but Cloud did still feel tired from the birth.
“Alright, let’s see her then,” Cid says once they’ve gathered around one of the tables in the bar. Nanaki standing on his hind legs with his front paws on it to keep his balance while Cid and Vincent have claimed the seats opposite Cloud.
Cloud undoes the tie holding the baby against his chest and bringing her down gently so the other three can see her.
“She looks like a potato,” Cid declares after his examination, leaning back on his chair. He’s probably be lighting up a cigarette right now if not for the fact Cloud would kill him for it and Cid knows it.
“Cid,” Vincent snarls.
“What? They all look like potatoes at first,” Cid says. “And, alright, as far as potatoes go she is a very cute one.”
“You both seem well,” Nanaki says. “Did you end up going with the name you were talking about?”
“Yes.” It felt right. And honestly Cloud couldn’t remember if it was originally his Barret’s idea in how quickly they both agreed with it. “She seems like an Aerith.”
“There you both are,” Barret says, walking into the bar from the stairs leading to their rooms. “What brought you down here?”
“He was cleaning when we arrived,” Cid says, ignoring the glare Cloud sends him.
“Cleaning – why the hell were you cleaning!?” Barret demands, walking over. “You’re supposed to be resting.”
“I’m fine – SOLDIER remember?”
“Yeah – and you’re the first SOLDIER to have a baby,” Barret says before turning his attention onto Aerith. “Your mom’s gonna’ be the bigger worry than you isn’t he princess?”
“I’m sure her brothers will teach her to be a handful as well,” Cid says, “congratulations by the way.”
Barret beams at the congratulations. And Cloud catches Vincent smiling at it. Cloud has a feeling Vincent is going to be just as wrapped around Aerith’s tiny fingers as he already is the other children even if the former-Turk claims otherwise.
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goddessofroyalty · 4 years
Pregnant Omega Cloud sprawled over Barrets lap like a grumpy cat and refusing to move a goddamn inch because it's one of those days when nothing smells right, he can't see his feet, everything from his toes to his eyeballs hurts, his emotions are all over the place and he's craving mako of all things?!
Excuse me what?!
Probably a good thing their supportive friends are hanging around to help.
I always figure Cloud kind of assumes pregnancy and childbirth will be nothing to him compared to what he’s been through. And in some ways, yeah, he’s right - he endured some pretty terrible pains both long and short term (and I tend to go his body handles pregnancy pretty well), this is not worse than those. What he didn’t consider is the more mundane frustrations of pregnancy, and, honestly the body horror of it.
Like nearly 16 hours of active labor? Bring it on. Wanting to go find the nearest mako pit and drink it while also being aware he would be waddling while doing that and having the kid constantly moving inside him? When will this end!?
And Barret is honestly great about it all. He lets Cloud be a sulking cat on him, rubs Cloud feet to help with the ache and will talk to the baby so they actually stay still in there.
The toher kids are old enough as well that Barret doesn’t feel guilty telling them he’s busy keeping mama Cloud happy - go ask your aunt/uncle for help with your problem.
The rest of Avalanche probably relocate to closeby for the duration of the pregnancy. Partially for backup if any Sephiroth revivals happen (or Shinra shitfuckery), but also just be extra hands for all the kids.
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goddessofroyalty · 4 years
If Cloud and Barret end up having twins or another set of triplets (Yikes) wouldn't that be a kick in Hojo's teeth that instead of being because of his scientific talents the triplets were only triplets because Cloud was genetically predisposed to it?
Because barring scientist muckery multiples usually run in family lines and can sometimes skip generations.
So there’s a medical condition that I can never find the name of when looking for it but effectively it means a person has really good fertility - they get pregnant super easily and more often than not have twins or triplets. And if that feels kind of familiar it’s probably because I’ve mentioned it before, in relation to Cloud. Just normally I’m tempted to give it to him when I’m doing AGSZC because that’s when the urge to go down Kingdom Hearts protagonists for children (which are easier to do as... sets of twins). 
ANYWAY, back on topic. 
I feel like if it was a set of triplets it might finally be the moment of “oh we have too many children” for them. Like there’s now 8 children which is a pretty big number of children and a pretty big jump from 5. Also because in this Cloud is completely avoiding all medical care for the entire pregnancy they get to find out there’s three of them... when they’re born (although Cloud might have had strong suspicions there was more than one especially later in the pregnancy - three feet kicking out of his stomach at the same time is a bit of a hint). Like Barret is still proud as anything but they will admit that there’s... a lot of kids now. 
They also probably decide that... all future children should come via the means of Surprise Adoption and not through Cloud getting pregnant again. Not only will that spiral out of control numbers wise even more quickly but there’s also a level of... concern for Cloud’s body. Yes he’s tough and has done really well so far with two sets of triplets but... look it worries the others. 
With Hojo the triplets were 100% artificial insertion of embryos - like Cloud doesn’t even truly know if they are genetically his (he does think he sees some features of his in them but he also wonders if he’s just imagining it). So he had no trust in Cloud’s body doing what he wanted it to do and also didn’t really expect Cloud to survive it. In the afterlife he’s kicking himself and wishing he had gotten his hands on Cloud even earlier (or decided to use Cloud as a womb even earlier) - he could have had an army of Sephiroth heirs. 
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goddessofroyalty · 4 years
Still feeling kind of sad and also nowhere near finished on any one project (because I keep jumping between them).
Take some scribbled down ficlet I wrote. Which, actually going through the book I realized I probably need to type up this stuff more often because I have a few that aren’t up and some are months old…
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Verse: Cloud is remnants carrier
Pairing: Barret/Cloud
Tags: omegaverse, mpreg (like Cloud is pregnant)
“Holy shit it is true,” Reno says basically as soon as he spots Cloud at the bar. And Cloud really doesn’t need him added to his day.
“What do you want Reno?” Hopefully they can give the Turk whatever it is he’s been sent for and then send him on his way back to his master.
“Just came to get a drink,” Reno says with a shrug. Which – great – it means he came to be a pest. “But seriously – never thought you’d have another pup. Not like there isn’t already a punch running around the place.”
Reno looks around as if he’s trying to find the other children of the pack. Cloud tries to just ignore him.
“It’s not the same sire as the other three is it?” Reno asks. His voice low as if there is any secret about the sire of the triplets – like they don’t have Sephiroth’s silver hair and most of his bone structure.
“It’s not.” Sephiroth was still in whatever hell he got sent back to last time.
“Good – just worried we had another revival on our hands,” Reno say with a laugh. Like Cloud doesn’t know better – the Turk is finishing for information.
“Still – didn’t think you were the having babies type. At least not willingly.”
Cloud just shrugs. It’s not like he had gone out of his way to get pregnant. He just also hadn’t done anything to prevent it.
“Although I suppose Barret probably wanted to have one that was actually his right?” Reno says. Clearly baiting. “I mean you’re up to, what is it, six now and biologically speaking he’s still hasn’t got a single one.”
“It wasn’t that.” Sure Barret was excited at the news but he had never expressed any need to have another child. Or disappointment that any of the others were not genetically his. He clearly didn’t care about that – the fact he basically claimed the triplets as his despite Cloud never asking him to evidence enough of that fact. And Marlene had always been his kid from the moment Cloud met him.
“Oh come on – don’t tell me you got clucky First Class SOLDIER Cloud Strife.”
Cloud just shrugs. Maybe. He hadn’t thought about it. Just realized he wouldn’t be against having another.
“Damn, who would have thought,” Reno says with a low whistle. Which Cloud ignores. The Turk will likely do something Cloud can kick him out of the bar for sooner than later. Better to wait until then than rise to the bait of it. Without the full power of Shinra behind them the Turks really more of an annoyance than a threat now days.
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goddessofroyalty · 4 years
Tifa idly mentions a incident involving a purple dress in earshot of Barrett..
I know at least one person wrote a fic based on that idea (it’s here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26914738)
I feel like Barret is interested but certainly doesn’t press it. He can tell Cloud want to pretend the whole event didn’t happen and Barret will respect that. But he wouldn’t mind knowing more about the dress - maybe one day. 
He probably tries to like... imagine the dress and it on Cloud. But he also tries (and probably fails TBH) to hide that fact because he respects that Cloud is probably very embarrased about the whole thing.
Still, you know, if Cloud ever did want to tell Barret more about it, or, you know, show Barret what the dress looked like Barret wouldn’t be against it. Absolutely no pressure though. Just maybe some harmless teasing if they do walk past dress shops of “okay so was it like that one in the window or no?” that earns grumpy, blushy, defensive Cloud responses.
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goddessofroyalty · 4 years
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Verse: Cloud is the remnants carrier
Pairing: Barret/Cloud
Warnings: forced pregnancy, science experiment resulting in pregnancy,
So I was originally planning on this being like a full thing of porn but then the inspiration fizzled off and the ending line worked pretty well so after two weeks of it sitting in the book I figured it type it up and post it. I basically got to explore the idea I wanted to explore with it.
 Honestly it’s a bit surprising it took them so long to do this. They had saved the planet together and then spent the next couple years raising their four kids. Most don’t need either of those things in play to decide to jump into bed with someone when the attraction is clearly mutual. And saying either of them would be the kind to wait until marriage or matehood is laughable.
Spike clearly hadn’t wanted it yet. The demons of his past too fresh after everything and Barret doesn’t think anyone’s seen him naked other than Tifa – a fellow omega even if there’s feelings between them as well. The high neckline clothes armor for Cloud that Barret wasn’t going to be the asshole who tried to coerce him out of when Cloud clearly wasn’t ready.
That same clothing now in a pile next to Barret’s gun on the floor. Leaving the omegas milk-white skin all bare when where he’s under Barret on the bed.
“Damn you are a pretty thing,” Barret can’t help but say, his hand resting on the creamy inner thigh, feeling the strong muscle under it.
And Cloud’s face curls like he sucked a lemon.
“You know we don’t gotta’ do this if you don’t want – it’s fine to back out,” Barret says because Cloud has a stubborn streak wider than most and has the habit of sticking to what he says even after he doesn’t want to any longer.
This isn’t something for him to just grin and bare just because he said yes in a moment of overconfidence. Barret’s more than happy to wait. Hell, he’s happy for it to never happen – he ain’t throwing away the good relationship with Cloud just for some sex.
“It’s not that,” Cloud says firmly, “it’s just, I- look it doesn’t matter. I want this.”
“No, what were you gonna’ say?”
Cloud winces like he had been caught out then his eyes find the ceiling.
“I’ve never done this,” he says finally.
“You had three babies,” Barret says before he can think.
“Yeah, Hojo did that,” Cloud says looking at Barret again with anger-filled eyes. But it’s his defensive anger when he’s got an open wound and trying to stop anyone from pouring salt into it.
“Shit,” is all Barret can say. He already thought the whole situation that resulted in Cloud’s three was completely unfair and wrong, but somehow Cloud never having had sex before just makes it more so.
“It’s fine,” Cloud says, eyes tracking back to the ceiling. Barret gets that he doesn’t mean that in thinking what happened was okay because it damn well isn’t, more just he doesn’t want to keep talking about.
“You sure you still want to do this?” Barret asks.
“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t,” Cloud says with the determined set to his face he gets. “Just – I don’t really know what to do.”
“Don’t worry it’s been years for me so I’m probably rusty – we’ll figure it out.” The last time for Barret had been his wife. That was so many years ago now it felt like a lifetime.
Cloud just snorts at it.
“If I’m not good enough you can always find someone else.” It wasn’t like there was a lack of alphas interested in Cloud. A fact that seemed to cause the omega more than a fair share of annoyance.
“No, it’s fine,” Cloud says, his arms coming to loosely wrap around Barret’s neck, “at least you have more than me.”
Barret leans down to connect their lips. And while kissing isn’t exactly new between them the difference context and the privacy of the bedroom makes it feel that much more intimate.
Cloud feels it too going by how his eyes are dark with lust when they separate. All the invitation Barret needs to keep going.
Barret pulls back for a better view. Running his hand down Cloud’s chest and stomach. There’s the evidence of motherhood on the flesh as clear as there is evidence of the battles Cloud fought – stretch marks and extra skin next to healed-over wounds. Not as much as should be expected considering Cloud had carried three babies all at once.
Tifa had said Cloud had been skin and bone when she found him. The way he had filled out with regained health obviously filling out the stretched skin some.
Cloud’s breath falters at the touch.
“You sensitive there?” Barret asks.
“And what if I am?” Cloud asks. The defiant edge still so strong in him.
“Nothing – just might be able to have some fun with it is all,” Barret says, bringing his face down to Cloud’s stomach and watching how the ‘mega shudders at it.
Yeah, they can have some real run with it. Something Cloud honestly deserved for once.
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goddessofroyalty · 4 years
So I know you said that Barret/Cloud is probably the end game pairing in the Cloud's the remannts mum thing. Do Barret and Cloud end up having a baby together then?
Short answer - probably.
Like it’s past the point of any sort of concrete thoughts on the verse but I do find the idea of Cloud getting pregnant with Barret’s child in it an entertaining one. Just because witht he five other’s it ends up being a No Big Deal thing to them despite it also not being planned.
Sure Barret’s excited because he loves all his kids and will love another one. And sure technically this one is different because they know about it from during the pregnancy and not... when Barret adopted Marlene, or Cloud when he woke up from his mako coma to three babies (or for Tifa finding half out of it Cloud with three babies) or when Cloud showed up with Denzel. But honestly they feel like old hands at it so they’re not stressed.
Of course the fact they’re not stressed doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t think they’re crazy for not being stressed and take on the stress for them. Because this ist he first baby born into Avalanche, also what the hell are they supposed to do if Sephiroth decides to come back while Cloud’s pregnant?
But also like... Cloud tells Barret by basically being like “so we need to build a cot” because he is a bit of a shit that enjoys the couple of seconds it takes to click in Barret’s head what the actually means.
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goddessofroyalty · 4 years
Me writing this fic: So is this Barret/Cloud
My brain: Well it could be interpreted that way
Me: so are we going to make it clear which way?
My brain: No!
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