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waywardmaslow · 3 months ago
The Epic Codependency of Sam and Dean Winchester
• Dean went and got Sam from Stanford not because he needed Sam’s help finding John but simply because he wanted Sam with him 1.01
• Dean threw himself off a bridge just because that’s what Sam appeared to be doing 1.01
• Sam knew immediately when Dean was really a shifter 1.06
• “We accept homeowners of any race, religion, color… or sexuality.” -Larry and Lynda @ Sam & Dean 1.08
• Sam felt no guilt over someone having to die in order for Dean’s life to be saved 1.12
• “A king or two queens?” -Michael “Two queens.” -Dean “Yeah, I’ll bet.” -Michael 1.18
• Dean no longer wanted to hunt down the thing that killed Mary if it meant Sam dying 1.21
• Dean wasted one of the 3 remaining bullets for the colt on a low-level demon who was attacking Sam 1.22
• Sam blindly trusts Dean when he says John is possessed 1.22
• Sam and Dean coming up with identical cover stories and coming to the same conclusion re: “Dana Schulps” clue while separated during a hunt 2.07
• Dean gave Baby to a stranger and locked himself in with a Croatoan-infected Sam, ready to kill Sam then himself once Sam went rabid(or let rabid!Sam infect him too so they’d be monsters together) 2.09
• “So, uh, ..king-sized bed?” -Susan “No no, we’re uh.. 2 singles. We’re just brothers.” -Sam 2.11
• “Bonny to your Clyde” -Hendrickson @ Dean about Sam 2.12
• Dean was willing to cover up a murder Sam may have committed 2.14
• “You two are bickering like an old married couple.” -Bobby @ Sam & Dean 2.15
• Dean’s current relationship with Sam was more important to him than the normal life he could’ve had if Mary never died 2.20
• Dean cared more about Sam going to law school and marrying Jess than he did about any of what he had purely for himself(his job and gf) in his Djinn fantasy 2.20
• When Lily opened up to Sam about accidentally killing her girlfriend, Sam empathized with her by bringing up how Dean might be dead(for all he knew) instead of bringing up Jessica’s death(which he canonically blamed himself for) 2.21
• “Something big’s going down, Dean. End-of-the-world big.” -Bobby “Well then, let it end!” -Dean after Sam died 2.22
• Dean sold his soul to bring Sam back from the dead (which lead to him breaking the first seal kicking off the apocalypse) 2.22
• Ruby used Sam’s fear of losing Dean then grief after his death to manipulate him 3.02/3.16/4.09
• Sam was willing to bleed an innocent human dry in order to summon the trickster to bring Dean back 3.11
• Sam was willing to become an organ-harvesting immortal to keep Dean from dying and going to hell 3.15
• “Whatever the magic pill is, I’ll take it too!” -Sam “What is this, Sid and Nancy?” -Dean 3.15
• “Sammy, all I’m saying is you’re my weak spot. You are. And I’m yours.” -Dean 3.16
• Sam tried to open the gate to hell (risking letting more demons into the world) to save Dean 4.01
• Sam tried to sell his soul multiple times to get Dean back from hell 4.01/4.09
• “Are you two like…together?” -Ruby 4.01
• “You don’t need me. You and Ruby go hunt demons.” -Dean being more jealous of Ruby than suspicious 4.04
• Dean willingly handed Anna over to the angels who wanted to kill her because they threatened to send Sam to hell if he didn’t 4.10
• Dean’s siren was an idealized version of Sam 4.14
• Sam consumed more demon blood than normal to kill Alistair and save Dean (it’s likely that this was the turning point when Sam became addicted) 4.16
• Dean knows Sam’s habits so well that he’s able to track him down even when Sam’s trying to do the opposite of what he thinks Dean would expect him to do 4.21
• Sam hunted down Lilith to avenge Dean (which lead to breaking the final seal releasing Lucifer) 4.09/4.22
• “Whatever we have between us, love, family, whatever it is..” -Dean to Sam 5.04
• future!Dean was willing to sacrifice all his friends (including Cass) to avenge Sam 5.04
• Dean prevented the endverse future simply by reconnecting with Sam 5.04
• “We’re all we’ve got. More than that, we keep each other human.” -Dean to Sam 5.04
• “The relationship that you have with your brother seems dangerously codependent.” -Dr. Fuller to Dean 5.11
• Sam and Dean are soulmates with a shared heaven 5.16
• “Sam and Dean are psychotically, irrationally, erotically codependent on each other” -Zachariah 5.18
• Dean decided against saying yes to Michael because he didn’t want to let Sam down 5.18
• Dean prioritized helping Sam over Adam in the beautiful room and it led to Michael taking Adam as his vessel 5.18
• Dean was ready to die with Sam/let Lucifer beat him to death if Sam couldn’t regain control of his body 5.22
• Sam’s love for Dean gave him the strength to overcome Lucifer 5.22
• “Dean didn't want Cas to save him. Every part of him, every fiber he's got, wants to die, or find a way to bring Sam back.” -Chuck voiceover 5.22
• Having a normal apple-pie life means nothing to Dean if Sam isn’t alive to be part of it. -> “I wanted my brother! Alive!” -Dean / “Had I shown up, Dean, you would have just run off(away from Lisa and Ben).” -Sam 6.01
• “That woman and that kid; I only went to them because you asked me too!” & “I showed up on their doorstep half out of my head with grief. God knows why they even let me in. I drank too much. I had nightmares. I looked everywhere. I collected hundreds of books, trying to find anything to bust you out.” -Dean to Sam 6.01
• Dean chose hunting full-time with Sam over staying with Lisa and Ben 6.02
• “The minute Sam walked through that door, I knew. It was over. You two have the most unhealthy, tangled-up, crazy thing I’ve ever seen.” -Lisa about Dean and Sam 6.06
• “Mallory to your Micky” -Veritas to Sam about Dean 6.06
• Dean died to make a deal with Death to save Sam’s soul from the cage and in doing so chose Sam over Adam 6.11
• Sam took on his cage memories so Dean wouldn’t be left alone 6.22
• Dean became Sam’s stone number 1 when he was having trouble telling what was real 7.02
• Sam and Dean each quickly recognized each others leviathan doppelgängers 7.06
• Sam’s grief over losing Dean is paralleled to Amelia’s grief over losing her husband, both believe their loved one is dead, both get their loved one back. s8 Flashbacks
• “Is it just me or are you getting a workplace-romance vibe from those two?” -Michael & “Dude, they just sat and talked about how they have been apart for a year. You were probably right about that whole office-romance thing.” -Brian about Sam and Dean 8.04
• Sam chooses Dean over Amelia 8.10
• Dean chooses to take on the 3 trials mainly because he doesn’t want Sam to do it and risk his life, he wants Sam to reap the benefits of a demon free world 8.14
• Dean’s perfect ending is simply for Sam to get out of hunting and lead a normal apple-pie life till he’s old and grey 8.14
• “Cass, you got your ears on? Listen, you know I am not one for praying, 'cause in my book it's... it's the same as begging. But this is about Sam, so I need you to hear me.” -Dean 8.16
• Dean killed Benny so Sam could be saved from Purgatory 8.19
• “You two fight like an old married couple.” Charlie to Sam & Dean 8.20
• Dean chose a world with demons over a demon-free world without Sam 8.23
• “You know what I confessed in there? What my greatest sin was? It’s how many times I’ve let you down. I can’t do that again.” -Sam to Dean 8.23
• “Don’t you dare think that there’s anything past or present that I would put in front of you.” -Dean to Sam 8.23
• Dean violated Sam’s trust and autonomy via tricking him into an Angel possession to save his life 9.01
• “There ain’t no me if there ain’t no you!” -Dean to Sam 9.01
• Dean kicked human!Cass -who was being hunted by angels- out of the bunker rendering him homeless so his mere presence wouldn’t drive away the Angel keeping Sam alive 9.03
• Young!Dean gave up a chance at a normal life so he could continue being there for Sam 9.07
• Dean gave Crowley permission to use one of the brothers’ code words to warn Sam about Gadreel 9.10
• Dean didn’t regret letting an Angel into Sam, even though it had resulted in Kevin being killed 9.13
• Sam could break through the MOC hold on Dean like Collette was able to do for Cain 9.16/9.21/10.23
• “You’re lying to Sam like he’s your wife.” - Crowley 9.17
• Sam tricked a man into selling his soul so he could torture the demon for info on where demon!Dean was 10.02/10.03
• “Right now I’m doing all I can not to come over there and rip your throat out…with my teeth.” -Demon!Dean to Sam 10.02
• “What did Sam say? He wanna divorce?” -Dean 10.03
• “I tried to kill him, Cass.” -Dean “It would take a lot more than trying to kill your brother with a hammer to make Sam want to walk away.” -Cass 10.03
• “Homosexual murderers!” -Bev “Like Leopold and Loeb!” -Hetty 10.06
• “Then would come the murder you'd never survive, the one that would finally turn you into as much of a savage as it did me. Your brother, Sam.” -Cain to Dean 10.14
• Sam was willing to bleed himself to death to unlock the Werther Box to get the codex so a cure for Dean could be found in the Book of the Damned 10.19
• Death wanted Sam to be killed because he knew Sam would never stop looking for a way to free Dean from the MOC regardless of the consequences 10.23
• Sam was willing to let Dean kill him so Death would send Dean somewhere he wouldn’t be a danger to anyone due to the MOC 10.23
• Dean killed Death because he couldn’t go through with killing Sam and Death had threatened to do it if he couldn’t 10.23
• Sam’s efforts to get the MOC off Dean result in the Darkness being released 10.23
• “I unleashed a force on this world that could destroy it to save you. And I’d do it again, in a second I’d do it again.” -Sam to Dean 11.01
• Dean: “Where’s Sam?” Crowley: “Don’t worry about Sam.” Dean: “I’m sorry; have you met me?” 11.10
• Dean chose comforting/looking after Sam over helping Cass fight Lucifer in the cage 11.10
• Dean saw a manifestation of dead!Sam(part of his soul in distress) in the soul-eater’s nest 11.16
• Dean killed himself so he could bargain with a reaper to bring Sam back from the dead 11.17
• Because Dean thought Sam was dead, he was ready to let himself (and the couple they were trying to save) be killed by the werewolf pack they’d been hunting 11.17
• Michelle: “I just watched the man I love die; there’s no normal after that.” Dean: *thinking about how he’s just experienced the same thing with Sam except with a different outcome* 11.17
• “You fight like brothers; you’re almost as bad as [me and Sam].” -Dean “Actually, it’s more like an old married couple.” -Caesar 11.19
• Sam got infected by the Darkness fog and Dean abandoned the people they were trying to protect and instead tried to infect himself so he could die with Sam 11.20
• Dean used his relationship with Sam to relate to Amara and get her to reconcile with Chuck 11.23
• Amara in 11.09: *kisses Dean* -> Dean in 11.23 to Amara: “You simply need your brother. I mean, hell, maybe that’s why you wanted me. But deep down, you didn’t really want me…cuz I’m not him.”
• Sam and Mary: *trapped in Asa’s house by a demon* -> Dean: *stuck outside* “Sam! Sammy! Hey!” *after breaking in* “Where’s my brother?” 12.06
• “We’re like the American Oasis.” -Dean comparing himself & Sam to Liam & Noel Gallagher 12.07
• Sam and Dean were each willing to die so the other could escape the federal prison and live on 12.09
• “You know, sometimes me and Sam have got so much going on that…we forget about everyone else.” -Dean to Cass 12.23
• Dean began to warm up to Jack because he saved Sam’s life 13.04
• Sam and Dean were unfazed by being stuck in the Bad Place because they had each other 13.10
• “I don’t care what happens to me. I never really have. But I do care about what happens to my brother.” -Dean 13.20
• “And if we die? We’ll do that together too.” -Sam to Dean 13.20
• Dean went mute after Sam was killed and later set off on a suicide mission to retrieve Sam’s body or die trying 13.21
• Dean said yes to AU!Michael to save Sam from Lucifer 13.23
• Dean knows Bert and Ernie are gay 5.03 and suggests he and Sam dress as them for Halloween 14.04
• Though Dean was unable to take back control or cast Michael out, his resistance due to his attachment to Sam made him enough of a nuisance to Michael that he willingly let Dean go(temporarily) 14.09
• Sam was able to figure out where Michael had Dean trapped in his mind via knowing how Dean could be best subdued/distracted 14.10
• Sam broke through Michael’s hold on Dean with just one word: “Poughkeepsie” 14.10
• Sam was the only one who could talk Dean out of locking himself in the Ma’lak box with Michael for all eternity at the bottom of the ocean 14.12
• The thought of letting Dean down broke Sam free of Chip Harrington’s mind control 14.15
• “We have lost way, way too much. And it’s hard not to feel like just… cashing out. I felt like that. After Chuck, back at the crypt. But you know what brought me back? You did. By sayin’ that what we do still matters.” -Dean to Sam 15.04
• Dean was willing to abandon Cass in Purgatory, so he could get back home before the portal closed and save Sam from Chuck (that’s the only reason he sent up that prayer to Cass) 15.09
• Dean was willing to sacrifice Jack so he and Sam could have a life free of Chuck’s influence/control 15.17
• Dean was willing to trade everyone(who’d be collateral damage if Billie became the new god) except Sam for a shot at getting rid of Chuck 15.17
• Sam broke through Dean’s desperation to be rid of Chuck no matter what the cost, thwarting not just Billie’s plan but also Chuck’s brother-kills-brother endgame 15.17
• Dean stood outside Sam’s Stanford dorm for hours because he was so afraid of Sam possibly rejecting him, he didn’t know what he’d do if he didn’t have Sam 15.20
• “It’s always been you… and me.” “I love you so much..my baby brother.” -Dean to Sam 15.20
• Dean wouldn’t let go till Sam told him it was ok, he wanted to be sure Sam would be ok without him 15.20
• Sam spent the rest of his life mourning Dean and honoring his memory, named his son after him 15.20
• Dean’s heaven was not perfect till Sam got there 15.20
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miawinchester794 · 3 months ago
sam & dean || i will be.
happy barniversay ♥
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wincestendgame · 1 year ago
Alone Again... Naturally
It's barniversary!
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digitalmeowmix · 1 year ago
I just realized that I forgot to upload the jpeg from my barn scene photo op from Denver last year
So here is as late Barniversary gift
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Please don't remove the credit.
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kvitka97 · 1 year ago
Happy 3rd Anniversary of the epic Barn scene and the following 🤣🤣🤣
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babyhasohioplates · 1 year ago
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Barniversary 🥺🥲
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walkergirlsposts · 3 months ago
Like he says everytime. The barn scene is one of his most favourite moments in the show. And people have the gall to act as if he was traumatized??? No. YOU were traumatized. You can't accept the fact that he died, and project your feelings onto a grown ass man. How pathetic. And you wonder why he's ok with the barn scene ops?? Simple. It was one of his favourite moments in the show.
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Favorite episode? [x]
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according2thelore · 3 months ago
they don’t know it, but as of today, dean dies in one year.
to them, it’s another day on the calendar, and dean spends it working on a busted-up ford in the garage. sam spends it on the phone with one of garth's contacts, filling them in on kitsune lore. in the afternoon, they both take miracle on a trip into town to get another bag of kibble and argue over buying another bag of tennis balls to replace the ones he keeps losing.
they eat leftover meatloaf tonight for dinner, and sit in front of a the mentalist rerun. dean's not happy with the meatloaf that he made the night before, stating that he should've seasoned it more, but sam insists that it's fine. they make plans to go up to the lake this weekend, because they haven't been in a while.
chuck is gone. life is good. life is short, but neither of them realize how short, quite yet.
sam doesn't know that next month, he and dean will have their last christmas. he doesn't know that these are the last fits dean will pitch over the strength of the eggnog and the quality of the tree they chop down. he doesn't know the debate of which beer to pair with their christmas dinner that he's rolling his eyes over now will be a memory that'll he'll think about for every christmas for the rest of his life.
dean doesn't know that he has one more birthday with his brother, sam sliding him a year's membership to a DVD rental service, and that he will be thrilled. he already has everything he could want. but he still insists they request the full james bond collection first.
they don't know, of course.
but the night is pleasantly quiet and cool, and they trade their goodnights in front of dean's door.
dean has three hundred sixty four days to live, and he trips over a discarded pair of jeans on his floor. damn, he's getting old.
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fictionallemons · 3 months ago
I've been happy to participate in the Now It's Perfect Fest for 4 years running. I'll never get enough of Sam and Dean happy in heaven fics! Thanks to @digitalmeowmix for hosting the fest again this year.
I thought I'd link to my new fic and my previous contributions so they are all in one spot. These are all short wincest fics with canon-levels of angst and happy endings.
2021: One Sweet Day: Dean would always be worth an eternity of waiting.
2022: Before Forever: If Heaven is perfect, then why does Sam feel like he’s missing the most important piece?
2023: Tears in Heaven: What if he’d gotten confused while he was dying in Sam’s arms and had accidentally told him?
2024: Time Out of Mind: Time had never been on Sam’s side.
Interesting(?) that 3 of the 4 titles are music related and 3 out of 4 are in Sam's POV.
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masoena · 3 months ago
You make some very compelling arguments and I'd have to agree. 👍
Why I love the SPN finale so much
There are exactly 4 possible ways the show could have ended for our boys.
a) Both Sam and Dean live
b) Both Winchesters die together
c) Sam dies
d) Dean dies
So why do I think d) was the best possible outcome? Lets have a look at the different scenarios.
a) Both Sam and Dean live
While it would have been nice, I dont think it would have really concluded the show. "There will be peace when you are done." Well, on earth they would never have been truly done. There would always have been another horror lurking just around the corner, even if it was just a Monster of the Week. To find true peace, I think the boys had to enter heaven. And we actually had a bit of the they were done and lived happily on earth scenario in that domestic life openening of the finale. For the boys to live would just have meant more of the same, seasoned with hurts and horrors and a sprinkle of pain on top.
b) Both Winchesters die together
I wouldn't have minded that. It sure would have made for a tragic ending. In fact, that was what I kind of was hoping for, at least I imagined that this would be how the finale would go. Both boys going down swinging, blaze of glory style, preferably dying hand in hand, saying something like "Good night Sammy" or "See you on the other side, Dean". But in retrospect I see that this would have robbed us of their 7 Minute good bye scene. Of all the things Dean needed to say to Sam because he was saying good bye for quite a while. Of Sam being devastated and breaking down with his dead brother in his arms. There would have been no need for love confessions and "I must have stood outside your dorm for hours" and "When it came down to it it has always been you ... and me". Because they just could have picked up their normal conversation on the other side.
c) Sam dies
Dean would have comitted suicide right after burning Sams corpse. Jensen said so, and regarding Deans feelings and intentions, Jensens words are as good as canon to me.
I wouldnt have minded the tragedy of that, but in that case it really would have had an undertone of suicide ideation, which enough people scream about Dean's death as it is. (And which it really, really wasnt!)
c) Dean dies
Did I cry my eyes out? Yes. But the show I love is a drama show. Otherwise I`d choose a feelgood comedy show.
I wouldnt have minded for Sam to follow Dean soon after, to be honest. Maybe by being extra careless on hunts. But in keeping fighting, living through the grieve and pain day by day and coming out strong enough on the other side to actually have a kid and give him a stable, loving home, the message of the finale was actually so powerful. Opposite of glorifying suicide, it said "hold on, stay strong, there is a light at the end of all this trauma and horror and darkness you currently walk through".
The best part about the finale is, though, that it did not end there. Supernatural DID. NOT. END. WITH. DEAN'S. DEATH!!!
I would have hated it, if the end of the show would have been the brothers seperated. But they weren`t. The show literally ended with the boys arm in arm, looking out over a peaceful valley in a heaven better than the one they knew from before.
There was peace and they were done. Together.
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kvitka97 · 1 year ago
This one might win best Barniversary post:
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wigglebox · 3 months ago
i need to interact with some destiel
i love bluesky but it for some reason thinks i'm a cestie and i kept seeing barniversary BS today i wanted to scream
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Barniversary 🥲
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kerkhofbloemen · 1 year ago
19 November. Problematic ship's day.
Today's problematic ship is Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester from Supernatural
Brother/brother incest
Requested by anonymous
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walkergirlsposts · 3 months ago
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Will forever love these finale reactions. The way they thought they were going to kiss is telling. Literally no GA thought that. The show was never going to show something like that when will they ever get it??? And we've always said they were never upset at the fact that Dean died.
"We should've had deancas forehead touch, not this." It was the fact that Sam wasn't Cas. They're pissed Sam got what they wanted cas to have.
"The way wincesties and bibros get actual canon material and we have to rely on fix it fics." Erm........that's because THAT WAS THE SHOW!!!! It's been canon since the pilot!!! It was never going to end with Dean/Cas which is why you have to rely on fics. THAT WAS NOT THE SHOW!!!!!
It was the Sam and Dean show, the sooner they realize it, the happier they'll be. Why antis watch or pretend to watch a show they hate I'll never know.
Anyway, happy barniversary Sam and Dean fans!!!
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