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travel-and-taste · 2 months ago
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travelingonvacation · 1 year ago
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prettyhennytea · 1 year ago
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As the Barcelona trip comes to a close, the ladies have one last chance to open up and release their emotions. Sutton, who previously apologized to Kyle for not being a better friend, is now ready to let go of her own personal pain. With her friend Trevor by her side, she prepares to release her father's ashes. However, a mishap occurs as Sutton accidentally spills some of the ashes on the table. This moment becomes a turning point for Sutton as she realizes the need to release her anger and grief surrounding her father's death and her divorce from Christian Stracke. The group gathers at an ocean overlook in Sitges, Spain, as Sutton bravely shares her grief over losing three important men in her life. She encourages her friends to open up and release their own emotions. Kyle, deeply moved by Sutton's vulnerability, embraces her and reveals in a confessional her realization that Sutton has been carrying more pain than the cast might have realized. Sutton and Trevor then proceed to release the ashes of her friend, Merces. Unexpectedly, a gust of wind sends the remains towards the cast, creating a poignant and symbolic moment for everyone present. The vulnerability continues as Garcelle expresses her fear of abandonment and loneliness, while Crystal becomes emotional about her brother's move to Thailand. Dorit privately vows to leave her past traumatic experiences behind and let go of her expectations for her husband. Erika, determined to move forward, announces that she is ready to leave behind the hurt of the past two and a half years and symbolically tosses her flower necklace in the sea. Kyle, burdened by guilt over the death of her friend Lorene and any pain caused by her sister or fellow Beverly Hills co-stars, also seeks closure. During a confessional, Kyle expresses her uncertainty about the outcome of her marital issues but promises to address them with the group when she is ready. Later, Crystal and Erika bond over ice cream, with Crystal apologizing for inadvertently adding to Erika's pain. Erika expresses a desire for an apology from the rest of the group. The evening takes a lighter turn as the ladies attend a flamenco dinner and prepare to perform a dance. While most of them dress in red, Kye stands out in her choice of orange attire. Before dinner, Annemarie sparks a conversation about marriage and Sutton reveals she has no set expectations, while Garcelle shares her intention to leave everything to her sons. At dinner, Annemarie asks the ladies about their favorite part of the trip. Kyle appreciates the healing ritual at the ocean, while Erika feels a sense of happiness and tranquility. In contrast to the chaos of the previous season I Aspen. When Annemarie asks Erika to elaborate on her experience during the previous season, Erika expresses how she often felt misunderstood and mischaracterized, and that winning her appeal seemed tied to her earrings. Garcelle takes the opportunity to asks Erika if she trusts the group more now, to which Erika responds that trust has been built over time. In a heartwarming moment, Sutton proposes a toast to Erika, congratulating her on her residency and acknowledging the group's pride in her accomplishments. Erika reflects on the support she has received from the group, both on Broadway and throughout the trip. As the night comes to an end, some of the ladies feel nervous about their upcoming performance on stage. Dorit tries to find a way out, citing her dress and shoes as obstacles. However, Erika encourages her to go barefoot and hold up her dress. Lastly, Sutton expresses her deep affection for the group, declaring that nothing is more important than friendship, as friends become family. She cherished the bond they share and emphasizes how they are her family. Back in Beverly Hills, Dorit pays a visit to Kyle and asks about her relationship with Mauricio. Kyle opens up about their journey in therapy, uncertain if it has been effective. Their workload and frequent traveling have taken a toll, and Kyle confesses to feeling like she wasn't a priority to Mauricio when she expressed their marriage was in trouble. There is a fear that their relationship might not survive the challenges they are facing!
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springtomorrowfoodtravel · 2 years ago
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(via 39 Things to Do in Barcelona for Every Traveller)
Welcome to the incredible city of Barcelona, where endless enchanting experiences await you. If you’re curious about the top things to do in Barcelona, get ready for an extraordinary adventure. This captivating city offers a treasure trove of attractions and adventures that cater to every interest and passion. Prepare to dive into its fascinating history, immerse yourself in its vibrant culture, and indulge in its mouthwatering cuisine. Whether you find yourself leisurely strolling along its iconic streets, exploring world-class museums, or stumbling upon hidden gems, Barcelona presents a playground of endless possibilities.
In this heartfelt guide, we’ll unveil an exciting array of things to do in Barcelona, ensuring that your visit is filled with unforgettable moments and cherished memories. Together, let’s embark on a captivating journey as we uncover the best experiences this remarkable city has to offer. Get ready to create a personal connection with Barcelona and leave with your heart filled with cherished memories.
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angelateria · 5 years ago
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Casa Mila, Barcelona, Spain
July 2015
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boyangeorgiev · 6 years ago
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Moltes gràcies Barcelona and beautiful catalan people! Barcelona is such an amazing city, full of beautiful plaças. The people here I’ve met were wonderful - kind and cheerful. I’m in love with the architecture, with a big influence of the Gaudí style. Seeing palm trees 🌴 everywhere made me feel like I’m in the Caribbean. I can’t wait till I come back here! • • • #parkguell #gaudi #gaudiarchitecture #catalonia #catalan #barcelona #barca #springholiday #Iberia #casagaudi #guell #spain #barcelona🇪🇸 #barcelonatrip (at Park Güell) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxMdeCPgYca/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ckztl18lrlnj
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travelingonmyagenda · 6 years ago
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This is a building on a side street just off of La Rambla in Barcelona. Does anyone know what the globes are for? #larambla #barcelona #spain #barcelonatrip #travelguide #travelcouple #startplanningyourtrip #travelingonmyagenda (at Barcelona, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs-i8QXFR33/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16rbfy3debnor
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weedclubgv530 · 2 years ago
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izzy1982 · 2 years ago
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⭐️ B C N ⭐️ „Even the moon was embarrassed by the beauty of Barcelona.” Andrew Barger. ▫️▪️▫️▪️▫️▪️▫️▪️▫️▪️▫️▪️▫️▪️▫️▪️ #bcn #bcn_turisme #bcnlovers #bcncity #bcn❤️ #barca #barcelona #barcelonacity #fcbarcelona #barcelonaspain #spain #españa #barcelonaespaña #barcelonaexperience #kurztrip #visitbarcelona #barcelonatrip #barcelonatravel #spätsommer #latesummer #laplazadecatalunya #ilovebarcelona #qualitytime #streetsofbarcelona #strassenvonbarcelona #barcelonalovers #katalonien #katalonia #beach #ocean (hier: Plaza De Catalunya (Barcelona)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkTivuJsMps/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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robimypodroze · 3 years ago
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Majowy długi weekend ma się ku końcowi i mamy nadzieję, że Wam się udał. My poświęciliśmy go rodzinie, przyjaciołom i znajomym, za którymi się stęskniliśmy trochę i oczywiście grillowaniu 🥓Czekamy na kolejne przedłużone weekendy, żeby gdzieś wyruszyć. Jeszcze nie wiemy dokąd, ale na pewno coś wymyślimy 😉 A może Wy macie jakieś swoje miejsca, które moglibyście nam polecić? 🔹 Barcelona zdaje się świetnym pomysłem na taki wypad. Niedawno z niej wróciliśmy i jesteśmy pod ogromnym wrażeniem jej różnorodności, zieloności, architektury i atrakcji, których można tu doświadczyć. Nade wszystko jednak urzekła nas dostępność Barcelony, która jest po prostu niesamowita. 🔹 To miasto jest dowodem na to, że ludzie niepełnosprawni mogą brać udział w życiu świata bez ciągłej walki ze schodami. Dowodem na to niech będzie choćby te kilka kadrów z Parku Güell, który znajduje się na wzgórzu i zdawałoby się, że nie ma szans osiągnąć go na wózku ♿️ inwalidzkim. A jednak jest inaczej, bo pomyślano tu o utwardzonych ścieżkach, które pozwalają dotrzeć w każde niemalże miejsce parku. A park nowym tworem nie jest, bo powstał w 1922 roku. 🔹 Wtedy to władze Barcelony odkupiły teren niedokończonego osiedla mieszkaniowego, nad którym przez 14 lat pracował wybitny architekt, Antoni Gaudi. Efekty jego wizji nadal tu są i stanowią niewątpliwą atrakcję tego miejsca. Nietuzinkowe mosty, sala kolumnowa ze znajdującym się ponad nią tarasem widokowym i najdłuższą w Europie ławką, cudne mozaiki czy budynki wyglądające, jak wyjęte z bajek dla dzieci. A wszystko to w cieniu przyrody i porywających widoków na Barcelonę. Po prostu, pięknie 🤩💙 . . . #barcelona🇪🇸 #catalunya_foto #parkgüell #gaudiofficial #citybreak_vacations #hiszpania🇪🇸 #spainphoto #accessibilityforall #barcelonatrip #robimypodroze #wheelchairtravel #disabledtraveller #niepełnosprawność #weekendbarcelona #wheelchairblogger (w: Park Guell, Barcelona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdF_PVdMbww/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vivamundoreisen · 3 years ago
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Weiter geht es mit den neuen Frauenreisen - wir nehmen Euch mit nach BARCELONA! 💃☀️💃 Über diese Kooperation freuen wir uns ganz besonders, denn Eure Reiseleiterinnen Cris und Resi sind absolute Insiderinnen! Mit ganz viel Liebe haben sie ein außergewöhnliches Wochenende Ladies only zusammengestellt: mit ganz vielen Geheimtipps, urigen Bars, Restaurants mit lokalen Spezialitäten, Besuche in den In- Vierteln und bei einer Schmuckdesignerin und noch vieles mehr. Hier geht’s zur Reise: https://frauenreisen-weltweit.com/europa/spanien/frauenreise-barcelona-mit-insiderinnen/ Ihr wollt erst mal reinschnuppern, was Euch erwartet? Am 15.01. um 10.30 nehmen Euch Resi und Cris mit auf einen Live-Online-Spaziergang durch die Altstadt Barcelonas. Kostenlos und bequem über Euer Handy oder Laptop. Schickt mir für die Zugangsdaten gern eine PN #frauenreise #frauenreisen #frauenreisengemeinsam #frauenurlaub #freundinnenurlaub #reisenfürfrauen #urlaubfürfrauen #mädelsreise #mädelswochenende #mädelstrip #mädelsurlaub #barcelona #barcelonatrip #städtetrip #städtetripbarcelona (hier: Barcelona, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYbLo7Ds34L/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mackygl · 3 years ago
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Mi viaje a España debería llamarse: persiguiendo a Gaudí y a otras increíbles piezas arquitectónicas 😍✈️😅 . . . #spain #spain🇪🇸 #spain❤️ #spaintravel #spainphoto #visitspain #españa #españa🇪🇸 #españaviva #instagramespaña #barcelona #barcelonacity #barcelonatrip #gaudi #gaudí #gaudiarchitecture #catalunya (en Barcelona, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYE9c6crkPM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vacantology · 4 years ago
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🍷Barcelona is a city that has it all. It’s got the beach, mountains, and of course great food! The province of Catalonia is the most populous in Spain, with a population of about 7.5 million people. The city of Barcelona is its capital and seat of government. It has its own flag and a distinct language known as Catalan, which you see on street signage. Although it appears to be invulnerable, the Spanish government is attempting to suppress them. Catalonia has always had a unique personality. After being seized by the Islamic Moors in the 8th century, it was one of Spain's first regions to be recovered by Christian authorities in 1492. Catalonia has also always had its own flavor. Whether you're Catalan or Spanish, you can't help but feel different from everyone else in Spain. Barcelona has a long history of rebellion. It's possible that Catalans were among the most enthusiastic supporters of Generalissimo Franco because they wanted to demonstrate their independence from Madrid, even while he ruled with an iron fist! Many Catalans spoke both Castilian and Catalan, however they were prosecuted for speaking the latter because it was not the country's national tongue - Spanish was declared to be their only lawful language, but many spoke both. With artists from all around the globe flocking there to be a part of that exciting scene, Barcelona has been gradually regaining its position as Europe's cultural capital in recent years. Catalonia is one of Spain's wealthiest regions and has long lobbied for greater autonomy. Catalonia presently enjoys a high level of self-government, including its own flag and police department. However, a stronger movement has emerged demanding independence from Madrid.
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Welcome to Apolo Apartment in Barcelona. Entire home to yourself: ✔️ 2 bedrooms ✔️ 2 bathrooms ✔️ Living Room with sofa bed ✔️ Kitchen Great location. Everything is close: shops, food, beach, the best tourist attractions and much more. Check link in bio ❗ #apoloapartment #apoloapartmentbarcelona #barcelonaaccommodation #accomodationbarcelona #barcelonaaccomodation #apartmentbarcelona #apartmentinbarcelona #barcelonaroom #barcelonarooms #barcelonaairbnb #barcelonacovid #barcelonacitytravel #barcelonatour #barcelonatrip #barcelonavacation #barcelonaweekend #barcelonaflat #roomsinbarcelona #visitbarcelona #barcelona #barcelonaspain #barcelonacity (w: Barcelona, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRTsBxEFwze/?utm_medium=tumblr
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springtomorrowfoodtravel · 2 years ago
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(via Barcelona's Gaudi Gems: A Journey into Artistic Brilliance)
Barcelona is a city famous for its breathtaking architecture, and one name that stands out in particular is Antoni Gaudi. Gaudi was a Catalan architect who was known for his unique style and innovative techniques, and his work has become synonymous with the city of Barcelona. From his most famous masterpiece, the still-unfinished La Sagrada Familia, to the whimsical Park Guell, Gaudi’s works are must-see attractions for any visitor to Barcelona. In this blog post, we will take you on a journey through Gaudi’s masterpieces in Barcelona and provide you with tips on how to make the most of your visit to these iconic sites.
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angelateria · 5 years ago
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Casa Balló, Barcelona, Spain
July 2015
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