lunarreaper-ut · 1 year
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A new lad enters the scene! Meet Ex(ecutor)!
Ex is a bara!cross, who's extremely diligent in his work. He helps his Dream to maintain the AUs of their multiverse, preventing unstable AUs from collapsing. His sword can also split into two!
Ex is available for asks, as with all of my other beans!
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stompsyeen · 3 months
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Mr Resetti! ⛏️
Wanted to draw this guy in my own style!
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wishingstarinajar · 1 year
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Monarch won't think of anything else but that booty now.
Knight belongs to @stankychee~
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mothiepixie · 1 year
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He just needs a moment of normality
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zappyron · 12 days
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maned-dog · 7 months
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Tigers hanging out!! 💪🐯
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tehrogueva · 1 year
Hey @mothiepixie Hope you enjoy the dance
Audio inspired by Art here!
Cross belongs to Jakei95
Bonus Under the Cut!
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mothiepixie · 1 year
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Hanging on by a thread
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arctic--storm · 1 year
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Gotta pay my taxes someway if you know what I mean 😈
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skeletonmob · 2 years
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Gee E_Zoid, how come you get TWO birthday buddies?
Posting this now since he lives like, 10 hours ahead of me. Twitter profile is also NSFW.
Also check out my game!
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mothiepixie · 1 year
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Fuck or flight, Cross??
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delusional-mishaps · 4 months
THE COLOR PALLETE IS A GOD SEND THANK YOU YIPEE, also important question is cross taller or shorter than your sona or just the same eye level 👁👁-😗🔪 anon
HE'S A FOOT SHORTER!!! i like to use his canon height (4'7"/140cm) :]
he's a short king and i love him
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kurniawangunadi · 2 months
Bergesernya Rasa Kagum
Sekarang, di dunia yang penuh dengan beragam pemikiran. Harus makin hati-hati sama ragam pemikiran yang diterima melalui media sosial, yang akhirnya kita konsumsi, dan menelusup ke dalam alam pikiran kita. Mungkin beberapa kali kita pernah mendapati pemikiran yang sesuai dan langsung menyetujuinya tanpa cross-check dasar pemikirannya.
Dan hari ini, kekagumanku yang dulu kuberikan kepada orang-orang yang menurutku keren pemikirannya kini bergeser menjadi lebih waspada. Mulai ngecek latar belakang orang yang menyampaikan pemikiran tersebut. Terus kalau hanya satu pemahaman yang kuterima, aku akan ngecek pemahaman2 lainnya yang dia miliki sehingga memiliki data komprehensif. Penilaianku menjadi makin kompleks, tapi aku suka.
Mungkin terkesan ribet. Tapi bagiku, ini sangat menyelamatkan. Aku tidak mengagumi orang yang salah. Ibarat ia memiliki 100 pemahaman, mungkin aku hanya melihat dan mendengar yang 1 aja dan aku sangat setuju, 99 lainnya harus diriset. Eh ternyata yang lainnya itu PRO LGBT, pernikahan beda agama, dan lain-lain. Pendapat-pendapat dari orang yang seperti ini yang berbeda value denganku, pasti tidak akan langsung menjadi pendapat utama yang akan kupertimbangkan apalagi kukagumi. Kekagumanku telah bergeser kepada para ahli ilmu dan ahli agama. Yang dasar pemikirannya selalu berdasarkan Al Quran dan Hadist. Ada alasan-alasan yang kuat mengapa sebuah pemikiran itu benar dan sesat. Bukan semata pada perasaan dan logika manusia. Tapi pemikiran yang langsung bersumber pada Maha Pencipta. Dan kita manusia, benar-benar seperti setitik debu dibandingkan dengan luasnya alam raya ini. Kita hanyalah tanah yang diberi nyawa.
Aku tahu ini mungkin sangat keras dan kaku. Tapi aku tidak peduli dengan apa kata orang atas prinsip hidup ini. Segala pemikiran yang akan kuadaptasi adalah pemikiran-pemikiran yang telat melewati filter-filter value khususnya keyakinan yang aku yakini dan imani. Dan itu menyeluruh.
Sebagaimana kita di sini, jika punya keyakinan yang sama. Tidak bisa memilih aturan mana yang mau kita pakai dan tidak dalam keyakinan ini, harus satu paket. Tidak boleh memilih-milih hukum berdasarkan perasaan dan pertimbangan akal kita sebagai manusia.
Di tumblr ini pun demikian, ada banyak sekali value yang bertebaran. Ada yang berseberangan, ada yang mirip, ada yang bertentangan, segala rupa. Kemampuan kritis kita dimasa perang pemikiran saat ini dibutuhkan. Terlebih kita mungkin akan mengalami bias antara mencari kebenaran dan mencari pembenaran.
Sebagai penutup. Mudah-mudahan, di zaman yang benar-benar sangat menantang ini. Pikiran kita terjaga, kita diberikan kemampuan untuk menganalisa dan kritis terhadap apa yang kita konsumsi, dan diberikan keteguhan atas iman yang saat ini benar apa kata hadist : Akan datang kepada manusia suatu zaman, orang yang berpegang teguh pada agamanya seperti orang yang menggenggam bara api..
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kamotecue · 11 months
the forgotten love ✮ k. cooney-cross
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pairing: kyra cooney-cross x reader
summary: you were her first love—truly unforgettable as people would say. you had met in year 5 as an exchange student from sweden, you were her defender. swedish!reader
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ever wonder what it’s like—when you’ve forgotten someone who’s dear to you? for you, it was extreme agony, you had photographs and polaroids of a freckled girl you don’t remember.
whenever you tried to ask, the ones around you would say “she’s just someone you used to know”, or that “she isn’t that important.” but they had lied—she was your entire world, the light that you’re supposed to find in the darkness.
you met her in year 7, an exchange student coming from sweden. you had accidentally bumped into her in the hallways, and that’s how you became friends.
the history between you—wasn’t just friends. you were friends to lovers, and had become strangers again. the freckled girl who you had yet to learn the name of—was the one who got you into football.
she was your midfielder, and you were her defender. however, your thoughts were interrupted as you heard the studs that pitter-pattered on the locker room floor.
it was magda, one of the team’s co-captain. ever since you made your debut for the senior team at 15 years old, she had taken you under her wing.
“du verkar lite distraherad på sistone, n/n. [you seem a little distracted lately, n/n.]” you hummed, knowing that she was right.
“det är bara något som upptar mitt sinne. [there’s just something that occupies my thoughts.]” you confessed as magda gave you a soft nudge, taking the seat beside you.
“det finns alltid, en riktig tänkare du är n/n. men jag vill att du fokuserar på spelet idag. [there always is, quite a thinker you are n/n. but i want you to focus on the game today.]” you gave her a short nod, it was the bronze match after all—the matildas have been a powerful team throughout the tournament.
your coach had clapped, signaling for the starting line up to head to the tunnel, as the game was about to begin. you hummed, slipping on the trainer jacket, this was the first time you’d be starting—as you mostly changed the game as an impact sub.
the tunnel was filled with small chatter from both teams, but you kept silently wanting to not get distracted. you didn’t notice the way australia’s number 23 had looked at you, it was filled with pining, the need to have you in her arms again.
you knew everything was going smoothly, until it was time to shake the hands of the other players. but when you came across the midfielder, your eyes has widened in realization.
she’s the freckled girl in the photos you don’t remember. asllani, the one wearing the captain’s armband had nudged you softly as you were holding up the line.
“focus, little one.” she commented as you gave her a small nod, the game was about to start and you swiftly headed to your position in the back line.
the game started with ease, as a penalty was rewarded in the 27th minute—due to stina going down under the pressure from australia’s polkinghorne.
you watched from your side of the pitch, as frido stood up to take it. zecira had hummed beside you, as you turned to glance at her.
“när kommer du att göra ett fantastiskt kors? [when will you make an amazing cross?]” you gave her a small chuckle as you simply shrugged your shoulders.
“snart, antar jag. [soon, i suppose.]” you commented, and that’s exactly what you did. just before the first half had ended, you had sent a cross to stina who had headed it in, scoring the second goal of the match.
the first half had ended just exactly how the coach had wanted it, but there was this gut feeling that you had—as if something bad was going to happen. frido had jumped on your back, easing your worries as you stumbled a bit.
“onwards.” she joked, as you laughed at her silly behavior. you hummed, wrapping your arms around her legs to support her.
“children.” magda teased, ruffling your hair as you three entered the locker room. the tactics were interesting, as you played with the tumblr that was given to you.
yet what happened next was something you didn’t expect—no one did. as the matildas were eager to equalize the score, you had collided with mary who had went for a header.
as you headed straight to the floor, zecira was quick to get the ball—making australia have no chance at scoring that close goal. you weren’t getting up, no one had noticed you—until after zecira had kicked the ball forward.
her eyes had landed on you, your hands were holding your head—as you had groaned, loudly. she stepped closer to you, while watching ahead.
“n/n?” her voice rang, as you slightly leaked through your fingers to see a blurred face. the ringing of your ears made it harder to distinguish who it was.
“mitt huvud, det gör ont. [my head, it hurts.]” you softly said, as zecira hummed noticing how the referee had blew her whistle seeing you on the ground.
you mumbled in pain hearing the loud whistle, frido and stina were first to come beside you as the swedish medical team made their way towards you.
from afar, you hadn’t notice the way her eyes had gazed to where you were—nor did you realize how katrina gorry had looked at you. she had heard about you from kyra who was like her daughter figure.
“a terrible collision that was.” frido said as she looked at the huge screen, before kneeling down beside you—making sure she was away from the medics space as she didn’t want to interrupt.
“jag tror inte att jag kunde hålla ögonen öppna. [i don’t think i could keep my eyes open.]” you had stuttered, your eyes fluttering now and then. you heard a huge commotion, as you tried to keep your eyes open—but it was bound to happen as your eyes had closed.
zecira noticed kyra coming closer, as she extended her arm to not make her go any closer to you. but stina had spoke in swedish, the goalkeeper just hummed before bringing back her hand.
she took a deep breathe before she saw you—there was a bit of blood above your right eye, as the swedish medic swiftly did his job.
“so, you’re the one y/n had fell for.” frido spoke in english, her swedish accent was evident as kyra looked at her with wide eyes, clearly surprised at this.
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nutrientbroth · 1 year
Buggy is in a scientific paper
Some researchers who study Drosophila (fruit flies) named a gene after Buggy's devil fruit power (BaraBara). The gene encodes a protein that can be broken into smaller fragments.
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His name is even included in the acknowledgment section! He's described as a...Bara-Bara superhuman???
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I thought this was pretty neat, as a guy who studies genetics I did not expect my fav clown to be crossing over into my work????
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ultram0th · 7 months
I've always wanted to be a big and hairy muscular man, but I was not blessed with that kind of body. Any way you can help me out?
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Imagine if it were an instant transformation...
You were sitting at your desk at work, annoyed that you had at attend some stupid meeting that really could've been an email. You glanced at the clock and knew that you had to head to conference room soon.
You were in the middle of rolling your eyes when-- BWOMPH!
All of your clothes were torn to shreds as your body exploded. The chair you were in groaned as it supported your new immense weight.
"Wh-what..." you trailed off, struggling to wrap your head around what happened, or why your voice sounded incredibly deep. Your body clashed together in ways it wasn't supposed to: arms rested on lats, thighs pressed together, and pecs rested on a cresting roidgut.
You glanced down at yourself, shocked when you saw an incredibly hairy and muscular body, looking like you were a bara, off-season bodybuilder.
"Holy shit," you muttered to yourself in awe as you bounced your new hairy pecs and flexed a massive bicep, marveling at its sheer size.
Even your cock had packed on some serious size, looking like it struggled to be contained in the colorful speedo that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. It strained to wrap around your new, hairy bulk, looking painted on. The back of it even shifted up between your rotund cheeks.
Your warning alarm beeped, letting you know that it was time to head to the meeting. You looked down at your hairy new muscles and knew that none of the clothes you had on you would cover up your inflated form.
But then a new memory popped into your head...
For some reason, you knew with one-hundred percent certainty that if you were to go home and shuffle through your closet and dresser, the only article of clothing that you'd be able to find would be the skimpiest, brightest colored speedos.
You owned no pants to cover up your thick thighs and shield away your bubblebutt. And you had no shirts to cover your hairy muscletits.
Your new bulk would be forever on display.
And you loved it!
You leapt out of your office chair and headed out the building instead of going to the stupid meeting, eager to show off your new body to everyone who crossed your path.
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