#Banks in Nigeria
mbakuxblackpanther · 8 months
Royal Love +epilogue 👑❤️
Summary: M'baku is a 19 year old prince who will soon take the throne of jabariland. His father has arranged a marriage for him as it has been a tradition for years but, Mbaku is not happy. One day he meets a stunning girl named y/n and his life changes in the blink of an eye.
Mbaku Pov🤎:
I was awakened by the voice of my two guards Amina and Imani. "My prince, wake up. We have very important things scheduled for today." Amina said. "I've already sent for your breakfast to be prepared. It should be done by the time you finish getting ready." Imani added. "Thank you Amina and Imani." I thanked them. They nodded in response. They left my room so that I could get ready. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, took a shower and got dressed in my royal attire for today. I've just turned 19 only two weeks ago and my father is already hassling me about an arranged marriage. I wish to find my own wife but no matter how many times I bring it up he doesn't listen. I made my way downstairs and ate breakfast with my parents. "Mbaku I've found a wife for you. Her name is princess Sarai from the merchant tribe." my dad told me happily. *here we go again* I thought. "Father I've already told you. I'm not marrying her." I said annoyed. "It's tradition. You're about to become king, no? You can't become king without a wife. "IM NOT MARRYING HER!" I yelled. I'm so angry at my father all he seems to care about is the throne and to him, anything outside of that is irrelevant. "Ay you dare to speak to your father this way eh? The marriage is happening in three days end of discussion." My father spat.
When nightfall came I packed all of my things and brought along food and weapons. I planned to run away from the palace. *i can't be forced to marry someone if I'm not here* I thought.
*timeskip for 1 hour*
By now, I was long gone from my kingdom leaving behind my family, tribe, and the throne. I needed to make a point to my father that he can't control me. I'm 19 I should have the right to make MY own decisions especially when it comes to marriage. It was nightfall when I saw a girl walking through the village. Her s/c( skin color) glistened in the moonlight. Her long locs of hair touched all the way to the middle of her back. "Can I help you?" She asked knocking me out of my trance. "Y-yeah. Can you tell me where I am? I've come from jabariland." I asked her. "Sure. You're in the mahi village which is not too far from the molwheni clan" the mystery girl replied. ( A/N: not sure if that's real it's the first thing I thought of 💀). "Do you have anywhere to stay?" She added. "No. Can you tell me the directions to a place?" I asked. I didn't want to trouble her but I also needed somewhere to stay. "Come." The girl replied while offering her hand. I took it and she led us to a large hut house near a waterfall. "This is my house. If you wish, You may stay here for however long you need. I don't want you going off by yourself this late at night." The girl told me. "Thank you. My name is Mbaku. What's yours?" I asked her. "My name is y/n nice to meet you." Y/n replied. "Nice to meet you as well" I told her. We were getting to know each other and I explained why I'd come here.
Y/n pov✨: i normally don't let people stay with me but Mbaku seems nice and I didn't want him out this late at night. When it gets late it's very dangerous and I wouldn't want him to get hurt. We talked for a little and I learned that he was a prince. We talked and eventually fell asleep.
*timeskip to one week*
Mbaku has been staying here with me for a week now and I enjoy his company. I've always lived alone and it was nice to have someone to talk and spend time with. Unfortunately, he is leaving to go back with his kingdom. I have developed strong feelings for him but I feel its way too early for a relationship at the moment. I helped mbaku pack his things and got ready to walk him out. "Y/n Wait i have to talk to you before I go" he spoke. "I'm listening" I told him. "It's only been a week but it feels like I've known you forever. I have strong feelings for you and you're the only person who has made me feel this much happiness in a long time. Would you like to come back to jabariland with me?" Mbaku spoke. I thought about it for a second while taking everything in. "Yes I'd love to come with you under one condition" I responded. He looked up at me to let me know he was listening. "Can we get to know each other more before any relationship between us? I don't want us to move too fast." I added. "Yes princess anything for you. I need a wife to become king but that is the least of my concern right now. I genuinely want to be with you and Im willing to wait however long it takes until you're ready." Mbaku replied. The both of started to walk back to jabariland as we held hands and talked.
Mbaku Pov🤎:
By now y/n and I had made it back to jabariland. She suggested that we both share a room due to her not being familiar with the palace (a/n: y/n didn't want to be by herself) and of course I agreed. While y/n was preparing for bed I went to go speak with my mother. I didn't even want to look at my father let alone speak to him. When it came to marriage and things in general, my mother has always been more understanding than my father. When we talked, I explained to her where I went, why I left, and the reason I didn't want to marry princess Sarai. She understood where I was coming from and she agreed to talk to my father about it. I made my way back to me and y/n's room where I found her already asleep. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and face, and changed into my sleepwear. Afterwards, I got in the bed and snuggled close to y/n and dozed off to sleep.
A/n: i don't feel like putting a bunch of different pov's and time skips and I also didn't wanna leave y'all on a cliffhanger so i wrote a epilogue😭
Epilogue: y/n and mbaku dated for about 2 years and 6 months before they got married. M'baku's mom talked to his dad and after some time he agreed to call off the planned wedding for princess Saraí and mbaku. Instead, mbaku and y:n got married and a bunch of gifts were given to them by the people of their tribe. They received clothes, jewelry, etc. about 6 months after their wedding y/n discovered that she was pregnant. She had birthed one girl and one boy. Mbaku and y/n named them g/n and b/n( girl name and boy name. it can be any name you want btw). Y/n and mbaku both ruled as king and queen until their son b/n became old enough to inherit the throne. Their daughter was next in line but she had chosen to be a warrior instead of a ruler.
A/n: thats it for this imagine but the next one will be about tchalla since I haven't done anything about him yet so stay tuned! Hopefully you enjoyed this imagine and let me know what you would like to see more of, comments, etc.
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[…] "The report on children and armed conflict, which has been seen by the Guardian, verified more cases of war crimes against children in the occupied territories and Israel than anywhere else, including the Democratic Republic of Congo, Myanmar, Somalia, Nigeria and Sudan."
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nirvnabj · 1 year
Photo of the Week: The colour of money
Bring am – Bolaji Alonge Money is on the mind of Nigerians this week. The Central Bank of Nigeria has extended the period for exchanging Naira notes to February 10 after it became obvious that the deadline of January 31 could not be met. Banks worked all weekend with some customers lining up carrying bags of old Naira notes, while others were distributing new notes to rural areas. For many…
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qruzpayservices · 2 years
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yohane23 · 2 years
AfCFTA could boost African incomes by 9%, says World Bank report
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premimtimes · 2 years
Carbon capture: Nigeria’s climate plans and World Bank’s fake solution, By Jonah Gbemre
Carbon capture: Nigeria’s climate plans and World Bank’s fake solution, By Jonah Gbemre
A future fit World Bank must help reduce carbon emissions by shifting financing from fossil fuels to renewables such as solar and help ensure that new infrastructures are decentralised, while benefitting local communities and preparing workforces to operate a clean economy. The World Bank should stop using public money to bankroll dirty polluters, it should sign the Glasgow Clean Energy statement…
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coinatory · 4 days
Blockchain Pioneers a New Era in Combatting Illicit Fund Transfers, States Nigeria’s EFCC Chief
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Blockchain and AI: Vanguard Against Financial Crime Blockchain technology and artificial intelligence (AI) can effectively combat illicit activities, asserts Olanipekun Olukoyede, Chairman of Nigeria’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). Speaking at the Pan-African Conference on Illicit Financial Flows and Tax Evasion in Tunis, Tunisia, Olukoyede emphasized the critical need for these advanced technologies in addressing the $88.6 billion Africa loses annually to illegal fund flows. Harnessing Technology to Safeguard Africa's Future Olukoyede voiced concern over the misuse of funds that could otherwise bolster infrastructure, healthcare, and education across the continent. He underscored the necessity of enhanced legal and institutional frameworks to curb illicit financial flows (IFFs) more effectively. Asset R
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saynaija · 8 days
CBN To Tame Inflation Via Conventional Methods, Says CBN Governor Cardoso
CBN To Tame Inflation Via Conventional Methods, Says CBN Governor Cardoso The Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Olayemi Cardoso, on Tuesday said the apex bank is determined to tame inflation through conventional methods. He stated this during an interview with Bloomberg in London while sharing key insights on the current state of the market, mainly focusing on the stability of the…
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touchaheartnews · 9 days
Wema Bank completes first tranche of capital raising program
Wema Bank, Nigeria’s foremost innovative bank and pioneer of Africa’s first fully digital bank, ALAT, has successfully concluded the first tranche of its recapitalisation exercise having secured all relevant regulatory approvals for the allotment of its N40bn Rights Issue which was initiated in December 2023. In view of macroeconomic conditions, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in March 2024,…
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morganablenewsmedia · 16 days
The Synopsis of Titans of Industry and Wealth Creators In Nigeria
The Synopsis of Titans of Industry and Wealth Creators in Nigeria explores distinguished individuals who excelled in their choice of industries within the Nigerian entrepreneurship and socio-economic spaces. In the dynamic landscape of Nigerian entrepreneurship and socio-economic spaces, a select group of individuals stands out as titans of industry, commanding influence, wealth, and respect on…
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apexnewshub · 20 days
World Bank approves Nigeria's $2.25 billion loan request
The World Bank has approved a total of $2.25 billion loan for Nigeria to help stabilise its economy following reforms and scale up support for the poor, it said in a statement on Thursday. In April, Finance Minister Wale Edun said Nigeria was seeking up to $2.25 billion in World Bank loans and expects the bank’s board to approve the request in June. Nigeria President Bola Tinubu last year in…
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Tinubu, AU Mourn Malawi VP, Others Killed in Plane Crash
Tinubu, AU Mourn Malawi VP, Others Killed in Plane Crash
Tragedy Strikes Malawi as Vice President Saulos Chilima and Officials Die in Plane Crash President Bola Tinubu extended his condolences to Malawian President Lazarus Chakwera and the people of Malawi over the tragic loss of Vice President Saulos Chilima and other officials in a plane crash on Monday. On Tuesday, President Chakwera announced that the wreckage of a plane carrying Malawi’s Vice…
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fbnquest · 1 month
Investment Banks in Nigeria
Driving Economic Growth and Financial Prosperity With Investment Banks in Nigeria
Investment banks in Nigeria are pivotal players in fostering economic growth and facilitating the creation of capital, with FBNQuest standing prominently among them. These financial institutions serve as intermediaries between investors and companies, providing avenues for capital raising through equity and debt issues. By enabling companies to expand, create jobs, and drive economic progress, investment banks contribute significantly to Nigeria’s development.
Benefits of Investment Banks
Promoting Economic Expansion: Investment banks facilitate capital raising, allowing companies to invest in growth opportunities, develop infrastructure, and contribute to overall economic expansion.
Advisory Services for Strategic Transactions: Investment banks offer expertise in mergers, acquisitions, and other financial transactions, fostering a healthy business environment and promoting economic stability.
Efficient Allocation of Capital: By providing investment opportunities, investment banks ensure the efficient allocation of capital in the economy, leading to increased productivity and technological advancements.
Wealth Creation and Financial Stability: Investment in financial instruments offered by investment banks enables individuals to grow their wealth, secure their financial future, and diversify their portfolios, contributing to personal financial stability and long-term wealth creation.
Tailored Financial Services: Investment banks in Nigeria offer a comprehensive suite of financial services, including investment management, corporate and investment banking, wealth management, and agency services, tailored to meet the diverse needs of clients ranging from individuals to institutions.
FBNQuest as an investment bank in Nigeria is instrumental in the nation’s economic growth, facilitating capital formation, and providing valuable financial services that benefit both individuals and the nation as a whole. Through their expertise and comprehensive offerings, investment banks play a crucial role in shaping Nigeria’s financial landscape and fostering sustainable development.
FBNQuest, stands out as a premier choice for investment in Nigeria. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, FBNQuest is renowned for its reputable asset management services and investment banking solutions. The institution’s wide range of clients, which includes major firms from all economic sectors and federal and state governments, attests to its dependability and competence in the financial services industry.
Furthermore, FBNQuest’s dedication to providing excellent investing options across traditional and alternative asset classes is demonstrated by its strong track record of consistent performance, commitment to sustainable investment, and awards, like Best Asset Manager for Five Consecutive Years from the EMEA Finance Africa Banking Awards.
Become a client with FBNQuest and invest today!
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brandspurng · 1 month
Navigating the Waves of Banking and Finance News in Nigeria
In recent years, banking and finance news in Nigeria has captured the attention of investors, policymakers, and the general public alike. This surge in interest is not without reason; the country's financial sector has undergone significant transformations, presenting both challenges and opportunities. As Nigeria continues to position itself as a major player in Africa's economic landscape, staying informed about these developments is crucial.
One of the most notable trends in banking and finance news in Nigeria is the increasing adoption of digital banking. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift towards digital financial services, with many Nigerians turning to online platforms for their banking needs. Major banks have responded by enhancing their digital offerings, making banking more accessible to a broader segment of the population. This move towards digitalization is expected to boost financial inclusion, a long-standing goal for Nigeria, where a significant portion of the population remains unbanked.
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Another critical aspect of banking and finance news in Nigeria is the regulatory landscape. The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) plays a pivotal role in shaping the sector, with policies that aim to stabilize the economy and promote sustainable growth. Recently, the CBN introduced a series of measures to curb inflation and support the naira, the national currency. These measures include adjustments to interest rates and interventions in the foreign exchange market. Such regulatory actions are essential to maintain economic stability, but they also present challenges for banks and businesses operating in the country.
The Nigerian banking sector has also seen a wave of mergers and acquisitions, driven by the need to strengthen financial institutions and improve their competitiveness. These mergers are often headline news, reflecting the dynamic nature of the industry. For example, the merger between Access Bank and Diamond Bank created one of the largest banks in Africa, demonstrating the potential for Nigerian banks to scale and compete on a global level. These consolidations are aimed at creating more robust institutions capable of withstanding economic shocks and supporting large-scale economic projects.
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Furthermore, fintech innovation is a significant highlight in banking and finance news in Nigeria. The rise of fintech startups has introduced new ways of doing business, offering innovative solutions for payments, lending, and investments. Companies like Flutterwave and Paystack have gained international recognition, attracting substantial investments and partnerships. This fintech revolution is not only transforming the financial landscape but also contributing to economic growth by creating jobs and fostering entrepreneurship.
Well, keeping abreast of banking and finance news in Nigeria is vital for anyone interested in the country's economic progress. The sector is characterized by rapid digital transformation, evolving regulatory frameworks, strategic mergers, and vibrant fintech innovation. As Nigeria navigates these changes, staying informed will help stakeholders make better decisions and seize emerging opportunities. Whether you are an investor, business owner, or simply a curious observer, understanding the nuances of Nigeria's financial sector will provide valuable insights into the broader economic trends shaping the future.
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sageglobalresponse · 2 months
Top 10 banks with lowest lending rates for Nigerian manufacturers
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The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), under Yemi Cardoso, has increased the monetary policy rate (MPR) by 600 basis points so far, from 18.75% to 24.75% to combat inflation and foster economic stability.
Each bank offers different lending rates that reflect their respective approaches to lending to the manufacturing industry.
The prime rate indicates the best possible rate offered to the most creditworthy customers, while the maximum rate suggests the upper limit of interest rates for loans provided to the sector, which might apply to higher-risk scenarios or different loan structures.
As Nigerian manufacturers navigate a landscape of escalating interest rates, there is a silver lining for those in need of funding.
In a time when interest rates are a critical factor for business sustainability, Nigerian manufacturing firms can find solace in some financial institutions that are offering lower prime lending rates.
Below are the top 10 banks that are standing out by providing the most competitive and lowest rates to the manufacturing sector as of April 12, 2024:
10. Access Bank
Starting off our top 10, Access Bank offers a prime lending rate of 22.00%. Though on the higher side, it remains a competitive player in the industry. Borrowers should be aware of the maximum rate of 28.50%, which is worth considering in their financial planning.
9. Guaranty Trust Bank
Like Access Bank, Guaranty Trust Bank provides a prime rate of 22.00%. The maximum rate at Guaranty Trust Bank is slightly better at 22.50%, making it a viable option for firms looking for more stability in their interest expenses.
8. Globus Bank Ltd
Coming in eighth, Globus Bank Ltd’s prime lending rate stands at 18.33%. Its maximum rate goes up to 29.00%, which manufacturing firms will need to account for when considering their loan options.
7. Citi Bank
Citi Bank features a prime rate of 18.00%, taking the seventh position. However, the maximum lending rate extends to 29.00%. While the starting rate is advantageous, the potential for a higher cap should be kept in mind.
6. Unity Bank
Unity Bank also offers a prime rate of 18.00%, on par with Citi Bank. They are at the sixth spot, with a maximum lending rate of 30.50%, which is on the higher end and should be taken into consideration by manufacturing firms.
5. Greenwich Merchant Bank
Greenwich Merchant Bank is at the fifth position with a prime rate of 18.00%. Its maximum rate of 25.00% offers a less volatile range compared to other banks, which might be suitable for manufacturers looking for moderate terms.
4. Titan Trust Bank
Titan Trust Bank has a prime lending rate of 18.00%, putting it in fourth place. Notably, it offers a stable maximum rate that is the same as its prime, at 18.00%, offering predictability for firms that prioritize consistent lending costs.
3. Nova Merchant Bank
Securing the third spot, Nova Merchant Bank has an appealing prime rate of 12.00%. It also has one of the lower maximum rates at 20.00%, making it an attractive choice for manufacturing firms looking for favorable borrowing terms.
FSDH is second with a prime rate of 9.00%, tied for the lowest on the list. Manufacturers should be vigilant, though, as the maximum rate at FSDH can soar to 38.00%, the highest maximum on our list.
1. Coronation Bank
At the top, Coronation Bank offers the joint-lowest prime rate of 9.00%. This prime rate is the most competitive for manufacturers, although the maximum rate can reach up to 30.00%, which must be factored into any long-term financial considerations.
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runalongprincevaliant · 4 months
News Updates 3/13/2024
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