#Balder Adaar
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One big beefy boi. 
It’s on the house!
I wanted to make a better warm up sketch of him, better than this and this.
I felt like playing around with his tattoos again. 
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red-wardens · 6 years
❤️ and/or 💟 - Balder and Isseya. (I've missed that couple~ ;;)
Isseya Mahariel x Balder Adaar
❤️ for a romantic kiss~ Words: 493~
“Isse, there you are,” Inquisitor Adaar smiled, relief in his eyes. “I’ve been looking for you,”
Warden Commander Mahariel turned from overlooking the balcony, a vision of green satin in the moonlight. The gown matched her eyes behind the golden, black feathered eye mask. Despite her vocal disdain for Orlesian fashion there was no denying she pulled off their style with breathtaking ease.
“You took care of the assassin. The empress is safe now and I wanted some air,” she explained frowning. It had been rather disappointing to not get to shoot anyone tonight, but she supposed a success was a success. But she couldn’t return his smile. She raised a hand between them as he approached to embrace her.
“Don’t.” her tone was firm, somewhat bitter. “The Inquisitor with an elf? The Orlesians will have a field day. I’m sure your inner circle have already warned you about being seen too close to me,”
“Isse…” Balder’s orange-hued eyes looked hurt, but he couldn’t deny what she’d said about his advisors.
“Warden Commander and Arlessa of more land than half of them own, but what does it matter if my ears don’t look like theirs. They take one look at my vallaslin and write me off as a savage,” the words from her lips dripped venom but he didn’t flinch, knowing her anger wasn’t directed at him.
Balder sighed before turning around. He closed the curtains of the balcony, then the glass doors. Isseya raised a dark brow.
“What are you- hey!” he pulled her into his arms.
“Forget the small-minded nobles,” he urged, smiling ruefully at her. He kissed her forehead despite her quiet grumble of protest. “Let it be just us right now. I’ve been wanting to dance with you all evening,”
Isseya couldn’t have resisted it. All dressed up, a moonlit balcony, the orchestra still audible through the closed doors. It was terribly romantic and though she would never admit her love for such things, she could at least accept his hand in a dance. She removed her mask and placed it on the balcony before positioning her hands, one in his, the other on his upper arm.
“You’re much better than when we practiced in Skyhold,” she commented as they moved together. He could hardly comprehend her words, bewitched by her completely, his eyes softly adoring. But Isseya would not have her words ignored. She leaned up, the heels of her shoes giving her just enough height to kiss him. It brought his focus back, and the hand from her waist to her hair, deepening the kiss.
“Let’s dance inside,” Balder insisted when she pulled away. He continued before she could protest. “I can’t think of anything more romantic than offending all the snooty humans with you. Please?”
It was half a joke, she knew he wouldn’t press the issue if she said no again, but she laughed. 
“Best idea I’ve heard all night,” she smirked, accepting his arm.
Bonus: In case ya’ll want to see her Winter Palace dress
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��� - Shanedan to Balder. c:
I’m sorry I wasn’t in the mood to be a person today, he wanted to say as he met Balder’s gaze from across the room, his own expression a well trained mask, one that would have made even the Qun proud.
Sorry I forgot to keep a conversation, he wanted to say as Balder looked away to continue talking to Josephine, the small feeling in his chest aching with reluctance.
Sorry my soul needs ironing, he wanted to say as he watched the Ambassador curtsy and leave and Balder rose to his feet, his soldier’s spine straight as he gave away nothing.
I just need a moment. Maybe a day or so, he wanted to say as the Inquisitor’s stride began, clear as day, in his direction as he prayed he could keep the emotions out of his gaze.
It’ll be good, he wanted to say as he drew closer and he hoped his expression didn’t break as he took a step out of the way so Balder could pass.
I’ll be good, he wanted to say.
Right before Balder’s hand found his.
I’ll get better, he wanted to say.
Right before he pulled him in.
He hoped his love didn’t notice the way he trembled when those arms wrapped around him, secure and safe. Strong and more than he ever felt he deserved. But the words he wanted to say fell away as Shanedan tucked his face against Balder’s neck and clutched him back tight.
Thank you for loving a damaged man like me.
My sappy ass cried writing this. Reply if you like.
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marquis1305 · 6 years
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@seboostianillustrations Balder giving Mesara flowers, and her very appropriate response.
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balderadaar · 6 years
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“If I had a chance to take a nap that lasted until Corypheus was defeated, I’d gladly take that opertunity any day.” Balder mumbled as he rubbed his nose, he leant back in the chair, his fingers grasped the mug in his hand. The big Qunari’s fiery orange eyes roamed the Tavern as he sighed a heavy breath. 
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vulpixelates · 6 years
For the Ask meme - How hot is that character - Balder Adaar. c:
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY 
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krempuff · 6 years
Children of War //
Closed RP W/@seboostianillustrations' Balder Adaar
As the remains of the village smouldered around them, the throat cutters got to work making sure every last Venatori bastard was truly dead. Bull congratulated his Chargers on a job well done, and praised the Inquisitor for his fighting when Krem called out to them from inside a burnt and crumbling house, still smoking in places.
"Inquisitor, Chief! You might wanna take a look at this." He told them, eyes glued firmly to the sight of a young child huddled in a closet. The only reason he'd seen her was because one of the charred doors fell off its hinges as he walked past, revealing a small grey-skinned figure with flash white hair staring back at him in fear.
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ironbullsmissingeye · 6 years
Rate Balder Adaar. c'x
looks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY
can you relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me
would you date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady boyfriend/ girlfriend | neither | i don’t kno
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amorsurtido · 8 years
so like sebby @cavoadoe tagged me in this rlly rlly long thing and dont rlly do these but ill do Anything for sebastian so ... here we Go lol
1. coke or pepsi: coke
2. disney or dreamworks: dreamworks
3. coffee or tea: coffee all the time
4. books or movies: books, but i have no motivation to open them lol
5. windows or mac: mac lmao
6. dc or marvel: im rlly not that into comics but marvel seems rlly White... idk if dc is better ,... idk
7. x-box or playstation: playstation (my bro has some cool games i like so..)
8. dragon age or mass effect: what even is this ???
9. night owl or early riser: both in one ?? i kinda want to be a night owl but i fall asleep early so ...
10. cards or chess: cards. bc idk how to play chess ,... lol
11. chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
12. vans or converse: vans, bot like the classy ones and w the low ankle 
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: i have rlly no ude wtf this is ... sorry ..
14. fluff or angst: fluff, but angsty fluff
15. beach or forest: beach, it feels so much like home, and the Smells !!
16. dogs or cats: Both lol
17: clear skies or rain: clear skies bc stars (stealing sebby’s answer bc that shit is Good)
18. cooking or eating out: cooking 
19. spicy food or mild food: spicy
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: i rlly like easter, but out of these i think christmas.
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: i dont like cold weather (and i live in denmark lmao) but too hot is not nice either. so idk
22. if you could have any superpower, what would it be: being v pretty and v clever and not having panic attacks would be really nice.
23. animation or live action: live action
24. paragon or renegade: i have no idea what this is 
25. baths or showers: baths for when i really am treating myself. but showers everyday
26. team cap or team iron man: i really dont know the big difference tbh ....
27. fantasy or sci-fi: like i was rlly into fantasy once but not so much more
28. do you have three or four favorite quotes, if so what are they: like when i was reading Antigone there was a line i found rlly interesting and good but i dont remember it  haha ...
29. netflix or youtube: netflix
30: Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: percy jackson
31. when you feel accomplished: when i get top grades in a test, but then also not bc like i still feels like im not doing it good enough ??? lol idk
32. star wars or star trek: star wars
33. paperback or hardback: paperback
34. horror or rom-com: its really weird for one whos afraid of the dark to prefer horrors ... but im not rlly into rom-coms 
35. tv shows or movies: both
36. spotify or pandora: spotify
37. zootopia or inside out: ive only watched zootopia so i guess that one
38. winter or summer: summer. winter is too cold and taking vitamins and fish oils and shit kinda suck
39. red or blood orange: red, but it like really depends
40. favorite book?: frankenstein or the shock of the fall
41. favorite character/story from mythology: like the story of balder og høder (lol im too lazy to look up their english names) is so tragic and one of my faves. so i guess thise 2
42. favorite fictional characters: i really have no idea
43. favorite flowers: a paeonia lol (u kno my url? baeonia - paeonia ... lol)
44. pineapple on pizza, yay or nay: Y A Y call me a heathen and push me under a buss. i wont change my mind
tagging ppl who wanna be tagged
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OC Kiss Month 2018
Since I’ve got such a scattered schedule, I’ve finally decided to do this the whole month, so I’ll draw those I have time to do. 
Want one of your OCs kiss one of mine? 
Submit some images to me, reblog pics on this post or pm me and give me pics of the OC you want to kiss or be kissed by one of mine!
The OCs I’m offering -
Naïlo Leuciis - Transgender Man - Tiefling - Dungeons and Dragons
Balder Adaar - Male - Qunari - Dragon Age
Thelvin Lavellan - Transgender man - Dalish Elf - Dragon Age
Hallalin Lavellan - Male - Dalish Elf - Dragon Age 
Halla’len Lavellan - Non binary - Dalish Elf - Dragon Age
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red-wardens · 6 years
11 and/or 13 for Balder and Isseya, maybe. c:
Platonic Touch Prompts - Balder Adaar x  Isseya Mahariel
11. Pulling mine into their lap / 13. Forehead kiss
“Psst, dee Warden Commander, she ees quite scary, no?” “Yes yes, scary beautiful- what a lovely addition she would make at Court.” “Surely you jest- she ees so frightful! I feel like I’m doing something wrong and she ees about to yell at me- the Dalish dey are so savage, no? Not at all like my sweet servants,” “Shhh! She’s coming!”
The gossiping Orlesians fell silent as Isseya Mahariel entered the Skyhold throne room, hard frown on her face. She walked confidently past the chatter, repelling them with fear but also increasing their awe. The gravity and restrained fierceness the woman carried herself with was nearly tangible.
“Isse!” the warm voice of the Inquisitor boomed as he saw her approached. Balder Adaar seemed to be the only one in the room not intimidated by the Dalish Grey Warden. Isseya Mahariel frowned and reminded him to address her properly. Balder grinned and did so, bowing his head to her as well.
“Are the Orlesians giving you any trouble, my love?” he asked in a low voice, standing close to her and blocking her from sight with his broad, muscled body. He knew the nobles were still watching.
“No. Not even a little. Wolves don’t concern themselves with the opinions of sheep,” she answered, disdainfully. “Are we going to begin the trials? There’s no chair by your throne, shall I stand?”
“Of course not, you can sit right here,” Balder answered, teasing her with a smile as he patted his upper thigh. The strict woman’s cheeks tinged red imagining the Inquisitor pulling her onto his lap in front of all the nobles gathered for the trial.
“I-idiot!” she growled, looking away and trying to regain her composure. Balder laughed and gently squeezed her shoulder before bringing up a chair for her.
Later, Isseya entered Herald’s Rest, more than ready for a drink. She’d thought the trials she had to preside over as Arlessa of Amaranthine were tedious, but some of the Skyhold trials were just ridiculous. Still, she appreciated Balder asking for her input on judgements. He treated her like a queen, letting her sit at his right hand and really valuing her opinions. She loved him for it.
“Isse!” the familiar voice called again as she approached Balder who was sitting with The Iron Bull and his Chargers. He gestured to the drinks on the table, indicating one was for her. She made a comment of there not being enough seats.
“Sure there are,” Balder grinned, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into his lap. The Chargers cheered and whooped, raising their mugs of ale as Isseya’s whole face turned red. She was glad the Orlesians never came into the bar.
“Are you angry, my love?” Balder asked softly into her ear. Fighting the warmth in her cheeks, Isseya regained her composure. Sitting up properly in his lap, she shook her head and crossed her legs.
“No,” she answered, a slight smirk tugging at her lips as he handed her her drink. She pressed a soft kiss to his forehead in thanks. “Not even a little,”
((they are too in love to be platonic lmao. but I’m always happy to write our sweet ship thanks for asking!))
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📲 - Balder and Hallalin for both Shanedan and Aether. c:
AetherBalder: BalderAether’s boring.Hallalin: 💞 Vhenan 🕊His petname for Hallalin is ‘pretty dove’ u3u ❤
ShanedanBalder: DearestThere arent many people who Sha will actually nickname so, consider yourself lucky, B u3u/Hallalin: Inquisitor Hallalin Lavellan
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marquis1305 · 6 years
15 or 26 - Mesara and Balder. c:
26. “Is that my shirt?”
These two make for very cute fluff. They officially have their own document for ficlets and drabbles.
There were very few things that held sentimental value for Mesara. As a child, her material belongings were easily replaced when broken or overused; as an adult, the Circle allowed for very few concessions to the rules regarding belongings. She had a locket given to her on her fourteenth birthday, engraved with her family crest. A bracelet of silver daisies, given to her by a dear friend. A bottle of perfume, gifted by her closest cousin, which she sprayed over her chest of clothing to keep the scent close to her.
And the piece of cloth in her hands. Taken carefully from its hiding place beneath her pillow. The cotton was worn, nearly fraying in some places. Rough travel and bloody battles inked into each of its threads. It was rougher than any of her shifts or dresses, not nearly the silks that she had grown up with. But softer than any of her Circle Robes.  
Bringing it tight to her chest, she savored the feel of it. Fingers gripped tightly. Letting the scent that was saturated into the material surround her.
She did her best to ignore the fluttering in her chest.
This was the last time, she swore it.  
As she had sworn it each night for the past week.  
“Is that my shirt?”
Balder’s voice interrupted her musings.  
“I don’t know what you mean,” her voice was definitely an octave higher at least. Green eyes wide with panic as she shoved the shirt down into her lap. Covering it as best as she can without making it even more obvious.  
“Why Mesara, I think you’re blushing,” his smile broadening as he stepped out of the doorway and into her room. “When did you even manage to steal that?”
Mesara flushed further, the tips of her ears nearly matching the red of her hair. “I- when you went to the Hinterlands a few weeks ago. It was laying out on your bed when we were talking, and I- well.”
Laughing, Balder sweeps Mesara up into a hug. Surprised, her arms automatically lift to wrap around his neck. Her toes not quite touching the ground.
Shirt still held tightly in one of her small fists.
“If you had wanted to keep one of my shirts, you could have just asked me.” His voice is still tinged with amusement, making Mesara huff in annoyance.  
“It is not something that a proper lady does, not the type of gift one would usually request,” her voice returns to its usual hint of haughtiness. Though the effect was largely spoiled by her shy smile.  
“As I am not a proper lady, I’m sure no one would mind.”
At that comment, Mesara giggles. “Very well, but as I already have this one in my possession… perhaps I can just exchange it when it no longer smells of you?”
“Sure, just let me know.”
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balderadaar · 6 years
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE. repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some others of your own! when you’re done, tag 15 other people to do the same!
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NAME: Balder Adaar.
NICKNAME: Katari (Under the Qun), 0013 (Number under the Qun).
AGE: 32
INTERESTS: Sparring, training, hard work out sessions, smithing, going on walks around Skyhold, helping the construction in Skyhold, helping out with heavy lifting of objects and things, going on small secret walks around the camps and outside of Skyhold, singing and entertaining in the Tavern, taking a drink with The Chargers, cheering people up, playing and babysitting the children in Skyhold.
PROFESSION: Former high ranked warrior under the Qun, ex-mercenary leader, inquisitor, General of the Divine’s army (post-Trespasser).
BODY TYPE: Muscular and lean. Balder’s body is truly built to take endless amount of hits without falling. His body is literally a Tank built for endurance. Under the Qun, he was the greatest weapon they had, striking the enemy from within and creating chaos amongst the enemy lines. Balder’s body was sculpted and formed a lot during his upbringing under the Qun. The endless harsh work outs, training, and climbing up the ranks of the Qun made him into a fierce and feared warrior, even amongst the Qun.
Despite Balder’s big muscles and very tall frame, standing a few inches taller than The Iron Bull, Balder is actually quite soft to the touch.
EYES: A deep fiery orange hue. Some has described his eyes like looking into the deep depth of a fire or staring into the eyes of a fierce Dragon. Balder’s eyes are a mix of Orange and yellow hue, they’re known to have a bioluminescence glow to them, especially in the dark.
HAIR: Soft wavy black hair. Balder usually keeps it up in a bun, with the sides shaved, showing off his tattoos. Balder only lets his hair down on rare occasions.
SKIN: A slightly darker brown grey hue. His nose are usually more flushed than the rest of his face, especially in the cold. Balder deep cut right under his right eye, from the time he saved his old lover from a group of Slavers the first time they met. The rest of Balder’s body is littered with scars and tattoos. (Of course, the in game character doesn’t show them.)
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(A image to show his headcanon tattoos and scars.)
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Balder has two tattoos on his chin, they’re not very visible under all his stubble.
A long scar runs along Balder’s throat. The numbers 0013 are burnt into the skin just above his collarbone.
The entire right side of his arm is covered in a burn mark, it’s mostly covered with tattoos. Balder’s right hand has tattooed finger tips, while the other does not.
HEIGHT: 6′9″
COMPANIONS: Beside his Inquisition companions, Balder is completely alone. His mercenary band disbanded once his former lover; Loke, died in the conclave.
ANTAGONISTS: Corypheus and anyone who treathens his and his friends’ safety and well being.
COLOURS: Crimson Red and Black.
SMELLS: Balder has a deep rich smell of smoke from a fireplace, it’s lingering, but never sticks to object and things much, unless it’s things he uses a lot. Balder loves any sweet or deep smell.
FRUITS:  Pineapples.
DRINKS: Elfroot Tea, any alcoholic beverage and water.
SMOKES?: Never.
DRUGS?: Unless it’s Elfroot to heal his wounds or any healing urbs and plants, then no.
DRIVER’S LICENSE: Yes, in the modern AU he does. Driving is basically his life in the Modern AU, he literally lives in his old pickup truck.
TAGGED BY: @kaaras-adaar
TAGGING: @smolpocketmonstercoffee @keeperscompanionsdai @marquis1305 @dickeybbqpit @hoehoehoelt 
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Guess who I miss making gifs of and sharing screen shots of.
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Hi I just went through your blog a little and I really like Balder
Oh gosh! Thank you so much for this kind ask, Dear Anon. ;;
I’m glad people like Balder (too).
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“I like you too, stranger.”
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