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Többet tanyázott rajtam mint a Tigris sokszor egy egész hét alatt. :D
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"Legalább egy tucat fajt csak itt írtak le, mint például a Hungarosaurus tormai páncélos dinoszauruszt, az Iharkotusuchus makadii nevű krokodilt, a Bakonydraci galaczi nevű repülő hüllőt, vagy az Ajkaceratops kozmai nevű növényevő dinoszauruszt, amelyek nevükkel a vidéket is megidézik. Ne hagyjuk ki a Foxemys trabanti teknőst sem, amelyet az ásatásokon használt strapabíró Trabantok után neveztek el."
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Megvolt az év utolsó mászása is. Még kell egy utolsó futás is ha hazaértem.
Szerintem nekem már 9-kor vagy 10-kor végem lesz és megyek aludni, regenerálódni.
Ez a Bucsek Henrik emlékút nagyon jó amúgy. Sokszor végigmentem már rajta, de egyes részei még mindig tudnak picit ijesztőek lenni ilyen nyirkos időben. Nagyon ki tudja kapcsolni az agyat. Két gondolat létezik ilyenkor. Ahol állok, ott stabilan állok-e, és hogy hova fogok lépni következőnek.
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A Bakony az egyik legcsodálatosabb kirándulóhely Magyarországon. #magyar #Magyarország #magyartájak #népviselet #magyargasztro #példaképeink #népzene #magyartudósok #Bakony
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The Mangalica (also Mangalitsa or Mangalitza) is a Hungarian breed of domestic pig. It was developed in the mid-19th century by crossbreeding breeds from the nearby Romanian Salonta and Hungarian Bakony with the European wild boar and the Serbian Šumadija breed.[3] The Mangalica pig grows a thick, curly coat of hair. The only other pig breed noted for having a long coat is the extinct Lincolnshire Curly Coat pig of England.
The name Mangalica derives from Serbo-Croatian, meaning approximately roll-shaped and suggesting the animals are well fed.[4]
Mangalica was the most prominent swine breed in the region until 1950 (30,000 of them were in Hungary in 1943).[1] Since then, the popularity as well as the population of Mangalica has been decreasing, with the rising availability of food from farther away and refrigeration.[7] In 1991, there were fewer than 200 remaining Mangalica in Hungary. Monte Nevado, a Spanish company began the breeding and recovery of Mangalica, and they were awarded with the Middle Cross of Hungary in 2016.[8] Nowadays, the keeping of Mangalica has become a popular hobby.[1] Slightly over 7,000 Mangalica sows in Hungary are producing around 60,000 piglets a year.[9] [this seems like a crazy number of piglets but the source corroborates it. i guess theyre all being eaten?]
In Serbia, the breed (which is called mangulica in Serbian) almost completely died out in the 1980s. In 1998, Mangalica were introduced into the Zasavica wetlands. They are left to roam free in a reservation, becoming partially feral, with cases of breeding with wild boars known.
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Phalacrocorax bakonyiensis Horváth et al., 2024 (new species)
(Type humerus [upper arm bone] of Phalacrocorax bakonyiensis, from Horváth et al., 2024)
Meaning of name: bakonyiensis = from the Bakony Mountains
Age: Miocene (Tortonian–Messinian)
Where found: Várhegy Cave No. 2, Veszprém, Hungary
How much is known: Three fragmentary humeri (upper arm bones), including one belonging to a juvenile individual.
Notes: Phalacrocorax is an extant genus of cormorants, a group of waterbirds that primarily catch prey by swimming underwater, propelling themselves with their feet. P. bakonyiensis was relatively small for a cormorant, being smaller than the extant great (P. carbo) and double-crested (Nannopterum auritum) cormorants, but larger than the pygmy cormorant (Microcarbo pygmaeus).
Remains of P. bakonyiensis were discovered in a cave, where they might have been accumulated as the remains of prey that had been fed on by an owl. Additional cormorant fossils that might belong to P. bakonyiensis had been previously collected from the same site in 1991, but have since been lost.
Reference: Horváth, I., J. Futó, and J. Kessler. 2024. Phalacrocorax bakonyiensis n. sp., a new species of cormorant from the Late Miocene of Hungary. Ornis Hungarica 32: 222–230. doi: 10.2478/orhu-2024-0016
#Palaeoblr#Birblr#Dinosaurs#Birds#Phalacrocorax bakonyiensis#Miocene#Europe#Phaethoquornithes#2024#Extinct
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Két hét:
Rendszerhiba miatt átmenetileg nem lehet helyjegyet váltani a nemzetközi railjet vonatokra
Új rekord a MÁV-nál: a csigajelmezes vonalon 4529 percet késtek a vonatok júliusban
A nyilvántartás elindítása óta soha nem késtek annyit a feláras vonatok júliusban, mint idén
Nyitott ajtóval, 100 kilométer/órával robogott a Bakony InterCity
Egyelőre csak a tervek nyilvánosak, de új menetrend szerint, több vonalon negyedórával tovább tarthat majd az utazás
Az ötvenéves járművekkel nem tudnak nekivágni a 40 foknak, ezért jövőre vonatok helyett pótlóbuszokkal kezeli a hőséget a MÁV
Eltört a sín, teljesen leállt a forgalom a dél-balatoni vasútvonalon
Kisiklott egy 50 éves - klíma nélküli - kocsikból összetákolt InterCity a Keleti pályaudvarnál, egy másik vonat majdnem belerohant
Mit is mondott Lázár János közlekedési miniszter, mennyi narancs kellene a Fantába, hogy minden jó legyen?
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Az egyik legszebb szakasz az Országos Kéktúrán ez a patakvölgy. Most meg nincs patak. De ötezerrel irtjuk az erdőt.
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Linquenda tellus et domus et placens uxor… Horatius
Csak az a langyos ősz ne jusson már eszedbe! A gomba, cserfa illatú, a szarvashangon bődülő Bakony! Nézd a szomszéd ház málló tűzfalát a kórházablakon. Hidd el: már csupa november jön eztán, szél és eső csapkodja a világot. Minden halálos szürkeségbe vész. Ahogyan most te látod. A víztükör se jusson már eszedbe! (Négy napja szomjazol.) A tó tegnap kiszáradt. Partján üres a ház. Bezörgettem. Senki se válaszol. Nem esik többé kék reggeli hó, szétszakadozott gyöngysora a zománc nyakú vadkacsáknak, Elmennek ők is egyesével, a régi társak. Latin poéták, görög istenek – ők is elúsztak cifra gályán. Törött karjukkal, csonkán intenek. Mosolyuk csorba márvány. Hallod, már világűri szél fütyül papírcafattá málló tetteinken. Ablak, tűzfal és mennyezet. Milyen jó lesz elmenni innen.
A karcsú feleség megőszült tegnap óta. Holnap kivágják azt a kertet.
Így könyörögtem apámhoz magamban haláloságya mellett.
Rab Zsuzsa, 1967
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A Bakony az egyik legcsodálatosabb kirándulóhely Magyarországon. #magyar #Magyarország #magyartájak #népviselet #magyargasztro #példaképeink #népzene #magyartudósok #Bakony
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Favorite History Books || The Realm of St Stephen: A History of Medieval Hungary by Pál Engel ★★★★☆
This book was written for the non-Hungarian reader who wishes to discover what happened in the Carpathian basin during the Middle Ages. It is to be hoped that nobody living in that region who has strong national feelings will find comfort in it. Each of the nations of the region has its own vision of the past, incompatible with that of the others, and it was my firm intention that none of these visions should be represented in this volume. ...
Hungary is now one of the smallest countries of Europe. This book, however, is concerned with the medieval period, and here the name ‘Hungary’ will refer to the former kingdom of Hungary, which (even without the kingdom of Croatia which was once united with it) was more than three times larger than the present-day republic, and also somewhat larger than the combined area of Great Britain and Ireland. It extended over the whole of the Carpathian basin, including not only present-day Slovakia, but also considerable parts of Romania, Ukraine, Austria, Yugoslavia and Croatia. Although the kingdom of Hungary ceased to exist as an independent country at the end of the Middle Ages, politically it survived as an autonomous part of the Habsburg Empire until the end of the First World War in 1918.
The medieval kingdom of Hungary was born in a geographically well-defined region that is usually called the Carpathian basin. This is the drainage-area of the middle Danube valley, and is named after those mountain ranges with 2000 metre peaks that border it to the north, the east and the south. It is divided by the Danube into two parts of unequal proportions, and its centre is surrounded by mountain ranges of medium height. The region to the west of the Danube has been called Transdanubia since the period of the Ottoman occupation when the capital of the country was temporarily moved from Buda to Pressburg, on the northern bank of the river. The climate here is predominantly temperate, with a relatively heavy rainfall. This is a fertile landscape with hills of modest elevation interrupted by valleys and basins, and with the Balaton, the largest warm-water lake in Europe, at its heart. There are also mountain ranges – the Mecsek in the south-east, the Bakony and the Vértes north of the Balaton – but none rises higher than 600 metres. The landscape east of the Danube is profoundly different. The Great Hungarian Plain, which stretches without a single hill from Budapest to Oradea in the east and Belgrade in the south, can be regarded as a kind of appendix to the Eurasian steppe. The climate is rather more extreme here, with hot, dry summers, but the region is abundantly supplied with water by its main river, the Tisza, and its tributaries, which, before the nineteenth-century regulation works, meandered across the Great Plain. These rivers were flanked by marshlands, swamps and inundation forests, and also by fertile pastures and meadows, offering favourable conditions for fishing and livestock breeding. To the north, east and south-east of the Great Plain, in present-day Slovakia and Romania, there are mountain ranges that become progressively higher as one travels outwards from the Plain. They were formerly extremely rich in minerals; but, with the exception of the valleys, they have never been propitious to human settlement. Consequently, until the late Middle Ages these mountains were covered by forests and largely uninhabited, and colonization of them continued into the early modern period.
#historyedit#house of arpad#hungarian history#capetian house of anjou#medieval#european history#history#history books#nanshe's graphics
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got a translation gig and i have to translate terms like bakony művek járműtechnikai biszbasz főmérnökség why would you do this to me
#guy who wrote that text: im going to share all the gritzy details (electrotechician jargon) of my life so the poor bastard who translates#this can really work for their money#my post
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