#Baja calfornia
vayacontacos-zine · 7 years
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Sombrero Mezacal
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sciencespies · 5 years
Powerful winds fan flames as 'historic' California blaze spreads
Powerful winds fan flames as 'historic' California blaze spreads
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The Soda Rock Winery burns during the Kincade Fire as flames race through Healdsburg, California on October 27, 2019
Powerful winds fanned Calfornia’s biggest wildfire Sunday, threatening the city of Santa Rosa and forcing the evacuation of tens of thousands of people.
The Kincade Fire, north of San Francisco, spread to 30,000 acres (12,000 hectares); only 10 percent of it has been contained, state fire authorities said.
An estimated 180,000 people were under mandatory evacuation orders, including parts of Santa Rosa and a large swath of Sonoma County to the Pacific Ocean.
“This is the largest evacuation that any of us at the Sheriff’s Office can remember. Take care of each other,” the Sonoma County sheriff’s office tweeted.
Gusts of 80 miles per hour (130 kph) were fanning the Kincade blaze—which threatens tens of thousands of structures—causing it to burn with greater intensity in remote steep terrain north of San Francisco, the National Weather Service (NWS) said.
A total of 77 structures, including 31 residential buildings, had been destroyed by the blaze as of Saturday, as more than 2,800 personnel were called to the scene, according to Jonathan Cox, spokesman for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.
“Potentially historic fire weather conditions are possible” north of San Francisco, the NWS wrote in a tweet.
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Fire explodes out the entrance of the Soda Rock Winery as it burns during the Kincade fire
“This is definitely an event that we’re calling historic and extreme,” David King, a meteorologist with the service, told the Los Angeles Times.
“What’s making this event really substantial … is the amount of time that these winds are going to remain.”
The gusting winds, which have caused a red-flag warning indicating high risk, will last into early Monday, meteorologists said.
California’s largest utility, Pacific Gas & Electric Co., said it expected to turn off power to 940,000 homes and businesses—a precautionary shutdown that local media reported would affect about two million people.
A map linked to by PG&E showed blackouts affecting large areas stretching some 250 miles to the north of San Francisco Sunday, as well as to the south and east.
The company said it “will need to turn off power for safety several hours before the potentially damaging winds arrive.”
“Winds of this magnitude pose a higher risk of damage and sparks on the electric system and rapid wildfire spread.”
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A boar statue silhouettes against the Soda Rock Winery as it burns during the Kincade fire
‘Don’t know what to do’
“I can’t explain it,” 70-year-old Tina Tavares, who was evacuated from her Geyserville home, told the San Francisco Chronicle.
“It’s like you’re in a bad earthquake, the ground is opening up… and you’re seeing it and don’t know what to do.”
PG&E has come under fierce scrutiny after power was earlier shut down to nearly 28,000 customers in Sonoma County this week, but some high-voltage transmission lines were still operating when the fire broke out.
The same type of line was responsible for California’s deadliest wildfire ever—last year’s Camp Fire, which killed 86 people.
PG&E, which filed for bankruptcy protection earlier this year, has been blamed for several other fires in the state in recent years.
California Governor Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency and hit out at the company on Friday, saying it had put “profits over the people of California for too long.”
He said it was “infuriating beyond words” that a state such as California had to endure blackouts.
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A firefighter sets a backfire along a hillside during operations to battle the Kincade Fire in Healdsburg, California on October 26, 2019
Tick Fire creates chaos
Farther south in California, most evacuation orders were lifted after tens of thousands of residents left their homes near Santa Clarita, just north of Los Angeles, due to the Tick Fire that scorched over 4,000 acres.
Officials said Saturday that human remains were found in the burn area, but that authorities had determined the death had not been caused by the fire, according to the Los Angeles Times.
The blaze forced the shutdown of all schools in the area as well as a major freeway, creating traffic chaos for commuters.
Some 1,325 firefighters backed by air tankers and helicopters had battled the flames close to densely packed communities.
Wildfires also erupted over the border in Mexico’s Baja California state, where local civil protection authorities said on Friday that three people had been killed and more than 150 homes destroyed.
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Map of California showing active wildfires
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Members of an inmate firefighting crew are silhouetted against a hillside with a track of PG&E lines during firefighting operations to battle the Kincade Fire in Healdsburg, California on October 26, 2019
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A backfire set by firefighters burns a hillside near PG&E power lines during operations to battle the Kincade Fire in Healdsburg, California on October 26, 2019
The state’s director of civil protection, Antonio Rosquillas, said the municipality of Tecate, bordering the United States, was the worst hit.
Explore further
Hurried evacuations as wildfires rage in California
© 2019 AFP
Citation: Powerful winds fan flames as ‘historic’ California blaze spreads (2019, October 27) retrieved 27 October 2019 from https://phys.org/news/2019-10-powerful-fan-flames-historic-california.html
This document is subject to copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.
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friendsrpbg · 7 years
E20161026-0002—Polypodium californicum—RPBG by John Rusk Via Flickr: Polypodium californicum—California polypody. The label in the garden calls this Polypodium californicum var. kaulfussii, but Jepson eFlora and Flora of North America says the variety has been subsumed into the species. California polypody ranges throughout coastal California into Baja California and other parts of Mexico. California polpody is in it's glory in wet winters and goes deciduous in the dry summer months. Ferns of the genus Polypodium have been used since time immemorial in folk and Native American medicines. Calfornia polypody is used mainly to treat skin ailments. The left frond shows the sori, the right is the obverse side. The plant that provided the fronds photographed resides at Regional Parks Botanic Garden located in Tilden Regional Park near Berkeley, CA.
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Después de una convulsa mañana decidí agarrar carretera rumbo a San Antonio de las Minas. Hacía mucho tiempo que no escribía y necesitaba inspiración, decidí hacer una degustación de vino y cerveza para después ir a comer. Esta es la historia de la degustación.
Llamé para que me dieran indicaciones porque el Google maps me enviaba a otro punto, estaba de rejego…el mapa. No me respondieron. Giramos en la calle principal del poblado de Villa de Juárez (San Antonio), me confié en la embrollada y escasa señalización hasta que reinicié la aplicación y finalmente ubicó mi destino: Cava El Laurel.
Seguimos las indicaciones de la voz de cortana: “en 100 metros gira a la izquierda en Ignacio Altamirano” imagínate el tono de su voz ¿cuál Ignacio Altamirano? No hay ningún letrero que indique que es la calle correcta, empieza la terracería ¿seguro que Google tiene registrado todo esto? Sí, me acechó la duda por no llamarle ignorancia, pero confiamos y continuamos.
En 50 metros gira la derecha en… y así con su melodioso timbre atravesamos todo un paraje totalmente desconocido para mi, un recorrido laberíntico donde por un momento crees estar en una zona ecológica protegida, muy verde gracias a la pasada temporada de lluvias que aún no cesa.
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La flora va desde arbustos, matorrales, pinos, vides, hasta encinos; luego de la nada aparece una construcción muy moderna o muy rústica, y cerros que no había visto por ningún lado ¿dónde estaban antes? Todo es tan diferente a escasos 350 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Parece ajeno a todo, como un espejismo o un capítulo de la serie netflixera de Dark.
El último tramo de la terracería es una recta con pendientes que termina justo en la cava; un muro de piedra con el nombre en lámina oxidada confirma haber llegado.
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  Ahora sí una imagen boscosa: en el costado izquierdo una cortina de pinos que termina en el principio de una plantación de vides; del lado opuesto en alto, la cava, un petit chalet, muy mono, muy pintoresco.
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    Opuesto a la vegetación hay una gran explanada, una cocina abierta a desnivel como parte de la misma construcción de la cava, al pie de ésta un área de estar sombreada con mesas y sillas; hay flores, plantas y el ruido de agua que corre.
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La escalera que te conduce a la cava tiene una fuente rústica con una figura de San Francisco de Asís, según yo. Al final una pequeña terraza enmarcada por otro enorme pino, vista panorámica y la entrada al rincón de los tónicos del laurel
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Un espacio pequeño pero funcional, una barra del lado izquierdo y el resto ocupado por juegos de mesas de diferentes diseños, muy acogedor. Decidí sentarme en la barra para estar más cerca de quien me tenía que contar la historia de cada cerveza y vino. Si, hacen cerveza y vino.
Elegí el taster con las tres cervezas disponibles: una smash con vino moscatel elaborado en casa, una pale ale y una porter.
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La cervezas smash (single malt and single hop) para quienes no sabemos son cervezas de una sola malta y un solo lúpulo, se usa hasta donde investigué, para identificar las características de forma individual.
Ésta se me hizo muy fresca, ligera y aromática, ideal para una larga conversación. La pale ale tiene más cuerpo que la anterior, de color ámbar y notas de cítricos. La porter es un salto mayor, densa con gran cuerpo, terrosa, con notas de chocolate, café y avellana. Pero mejor te invito a que a las pruebes.
Solo me faltó la imperial stout añejada en barrica de roble francés por 8 meses. Una prometedora excusa para regresar.
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Suena mi teléfono: Si, ¿diga? En el auricular: hablo de cava El Laurel… y yo sentado con tres copas frente a mi, por lo menos devolvieron la llamada.
El jovencísimo caballero que nos atendió tiene noción de todo, es amable y serio. Te cuenta, te informa pero no te invade, te permite que descubras lo que estas a punto de tomar.
Después de una muy refrescante antesala empecé la degustación de vinos. Hay dos opciones a elegir: vinos jóvenes (que son embotellados directamente después de la fermentación) y vinos de crianza (reposan cierto tiempo en barricas de roble). Los jóvenes incluyen un moscatel, un rosado y merlot.
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Y los vinos de crianza:
Guianna Tempranillo 2016
Un caldo color rojo granate, con aroma a frutos rojos, vainilla, pimienta y cuero. Muy dócil en su principio, equilibrado, te deja una sensación de cremosidad en boca, de largo final.
Tetabiate Cabernet Sauvignon 2015
De color rojo rubí  brillante, huele a jamaica, piloncillo, pimienta negra y grafito. Es astringente y de acidez elevada, de entrada ligera que se intensifica en un largo final, te deja recuerdos a clavo y anís estrella.
Una mezcla  40% Cabernet, 40% Malbec y 20% Nebbiolo. Tiene un color rojo granate con tonos violáceos, capa alta. Huele a violetas, vainilla, manzana roja, ruibarbo y canela. En boca es de acidez media, con sabores a cereza negra y de largo final.
Alejandrina Nebbiolo 2015
De color rojo brillante, muy equilibrado, taninos redondos, de gran cuerpo y elegante. Huele a higo maduro, cuero y barro, tiene un final inesperado, deja una nota de menta muy inusual.
No te puedo decir que uno me gustó mas que otro porque los cuatro me sorprendieron, el cuidado de su propietario y el acertado trabajo del enólogo Mario García esta rindiendo frutos. Los vinos tienen personalidad, van bien dirigidos evidentemente y seguramente evolucionarán.
El lugar es mucho muy agradable, estoy seguro de volver a degustar los vinos jóvenes en la parte baja de la cava y la imperial stout o viceversa.
A pesar del espacio que te da el chaval para que disfrutes tu momento, se requiere forzosamente interactuar con el consumidor para hacer más informativo el proceso y vendible la experiencia.
No supe si había recorrido alguno, tampoco supe qué vendían en la cocina abierta, me enteré que había cabañas porque llegó un cliente que había reservado una o varias; y no lo digo con mala intención al contrario, es una oportunidad de darle mayor valor a los atractivos que posee el lugar para que se convierta en información rentable.
El viaje parece largo al principio porque vas siguiendo instrucciones, pero al regresar te percatas de que son escasos minutos los que te separan de la calle principal de San Antonio y qué decir de la autopista.
Vale la pena el trayecto por el paisaje, el lugar y claro sus productos. Si prefieres tintos, bancos o rosados o una porter, pale ale o stout da lo mismo, lo mejor de las preferencias es la oportunidad de visitar, conocer y  aprender.
Es la experiencia lo que en realidad vale la pena, el resto es un complemento.
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Emiliano Castillo-Olachea© Todos los derechos reservados
Vinos: muy buenos
Servicio: bueno
Precios: $$
Ubicación:Manzana 8 Lote 11 La fortuna San Antonio de las Minas. Ensenada, Baja Calfornia.
  Los tónicos del laurel Después de una convulsa mañana decidí agarrar carretera rumbo a San Antonio de las Minas. Hacía mucho tiempo que no escribía y necesitaba inspiración, decidí hacer una degustación de vino y cerveza para después ir a comer.
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sdmattpotter · 7 years
via San Diego Reader photos
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repwinpril9y0a1 · 7 years
5 Reasons San Diego is California’s Best Beach Town
Ever want to get away where you can enjoy an endless coastline by day and immerse yourself in a chic city vibe by night? Well, say hello to San Diego. 
Spectacular beaches, mouthwatering cuisine, marine preserves, art, culture, and an eclectic nightlife, San Diego has it all. Here are five reasons why San Diego just may be California’s best beach town.
1. The Best Mexican Food, North of the Border Bracero Cocina
Less than an hour drive from the Mexico border, San Diego has some seriously delicious Mexican restaurants. Bracero Cocina de Raiz, a sexy downtown hotspot with sweeping city views, celebrates its culinary heritage with a fresh modern twist. Think fresh masa, a (sustainably caught) raw fish bar for tiraditos and ceviche, albacore served two ways with a lime salsa verde and acorn squash in mole negro. Most plates are meant to share. But with flavors so bright and fresh, you might have to negotiate who gets the last bite. A word to the wise, when the waiter says the salsa is hot, believe it. One drop can make you cry. To cool down the heat the ever-popular Javier Wallbanger is the perfect libation.
Puesto, La Jolla
Then there’s Puesto in La Jolla where Chef Luisteen, a self-proclaimed “tacoteur” has reimagined the traditional Mexico City-style taco to make your taste buds sing. At this taco lover’s dream, all salsas and tortillas are made from scratch, proteins are sustainable including slow-cooked guisados, and Taco Tuesdays are elevated to an entirely new level. Puesto has a curated tequila program that will take conventional tequila permanently off your palate. Add in housemade aguas frescas and wines from Valle de Guadalupe region of Baja and you won’t go thirsty.
For more casual beach dining, Pacific Beach Fish Shop serves their award-winning TKO taco with grilled mahi-mahi topped with house made tropical mango salsa. Mix and match (sustainably caught) fish with different marinades to create your own taco masterpiece.
2. The Catamaran Resort Hotel & Spa
Ever wanted to be completely surrounded by views of water? Well, you can at the Catamaran Hotel and Spa, especially when you request a bay view room. A beloved San Diego favorite, it’s a staycation hotspot for locals. A California Green Lodging Program member, the hotel keeps its operations green so that the ocean and sky stay blue. A tropical Polynesian-themed hideaway in Pacific Beach, the Catamaran is pure bliss that puts an all-day smile on your face. Think palm trees, tiki torches, koi ponds, waterfalls, waterfront fine dining, sunset concerts, luaus, a bay view jacuzzi, and fire pits.
Mission Bay is the Catamaran’s backyard and the Pacific Ocean is across the street. Surf in the ocean or sail and paddleboard in the bay. Or rent a bike and cruise the boardwalk. It’s all at your fingertips. Then at sunset, soak in a bay view hot tub. Or rub elbows with locals at Moray’s Bar and enjoy a refreshing libation as the sun drops amongst tiki torches and fire pits. For dinner, mosey on over to Oceana Coastal Kitchen for delicious California cuisine. If the waterfront dining doesn’t already hook you, its seasonal menu with fresh seafood from the Baja and the Pacific will. Don’t forget the spa with holistic rituals and energy treatments such as Shiatsu and The Ancient Ocean Ritual. That after-spa feeling and bay views are what vacation dreams are made of.
3. La Jolla, Sea Bluffs and Sea Lions La Valencia Hotel
There’s so much to do in La Jolla, you might never want to leave. La Valencia Hotel’s ocean-front terrace restaurant, THE MED, is the perfect place to start. It’s an authentic taste of San Diego’s old world Spanish charm. The restaurant boasts a sumptuous sustainable seafood menu and an extraordinary wine list. Don’t miss the roasted cauliflower, daily crudo, or the giant locally sourced Mediterranean mussels. Count La Valencia in for nightlife, too. Live music and bespoke (plant-based) dinners are just a few events that keep the hotel on the pulse of La Jolla’s nightlife scene.
Next, you’ll want to walk over to La Jolla’s children’s pool on the bluffs overlooking the azure ocean. Where you’ll see naturally comical sea lions frolicking in the water and napping on the rocks. If you’re feeling adventurous, get in the water with Everyday Calfornia’s kayak and snorkel tours that will take you through the La Jolla Ecological Reserve where you’ll see the stunning coastline from the water, dolphins cruising by, and bright orange garibaldi swimming through the sea grass. Then, catch a wave back to shore.
The Empress Hotel
When booking a room, stay in the pet-friendly LEED-certified boutique Empress Hotel. Centrally located, it’s just a block from La Jolla’s sandy bluffs and a few minutes walk from quaint coffee shops, the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego and a plethora of excellent restaurants. Recently renovated, the Empress has a sophisticated ocean theme and offers an app for an effortless stay. Ask for the jacuzzi suite and enjoy soaking in the tub with an ocean view.
Although not on the water, lunch at The Farmer and the Seahorse is not to be missed. Under the helm of award-winning chef Brian Malarkey, it’s an eccentric whimsical space that offers not only a culinary adventure but also a lifestyle experience. You’ll be invited to a pickup game of bean bag toss in an adjacent colorful garden. Inside is just as eccentric with a silver Airstream trailer casually parked amongst the tables. Try the local’s favorite butternut squash lasagna with ricotta, kale, and mushrooms. It’s worth coming back for.
4. L’ Auberge Del Mar, Casual Coastal Chic
If you’re not already staying at the historic L’ Auberge del Mar, treat yourself to eco-luxury at one of the “Best Luxury Resorts” on the Condé Nast Gold List. Committed to being clean and green, its spa exclusively uses Osea organic products. And its restaurants Coastline and KITCHEN 1540 share a vertical, hydroponic garden showcasing herbs and flowers used in the menu and cocktails. While Coastline is ocean-front casual al fresco dining, KITCHEN 1540 exudes an elegant artsy vide. Relax in the open-air lobby lounge or walk up to the upper deck where a charming row of white wooden rocking chairs await to relax into while you watch the sunset.
A day spent in Del Mar is a day well spent indeed. With Del Mar Village just across the street from the hotel, you’ll always get a bird’s eye view of Del Mar’s gorgeous coastline. Take a walk along the Scripps Bluff Preserve with an infinity view of the Pacific and inland lagoons and see the sky speckled with hot air balloons. It doesn’t get much better than this.
5. Get Wet with Surf Diva
Who is the best surfer in the water? According to Surf Diva, it’s whoever is having the most fun! Owned and operated by twin sisters Izzy and Coco Tihanyi, Surf Diva has been sharing the stoke of learning to surf for over 20-years. Based in La Jolla Shores, you can book a private lesson with an encouraging and enthusiastic surf instructor who will do everything in their power to ensure you stand up the first time. The occasional beginner’s face plant is well worth the high of gliding with the wave. While Surf Diva began as an all-women surf school, they quickly became a La Jolla institution and now offer all levels of surf lessons to everyone. And actively support charities focused on education and female action sports services.
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3 Luxury Cruises Perfect for the Conscious Adventure Traveler 5 Sailing Vacations Perfect for Beginners Costa Rica’s Pura Vida Secret to Longer, Happier Lives
The post 5 Reasons San Diego is California’s Best Beach Town appeared first on EcoSalon.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2oAz7aE
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chpatdoorsl3z0a1 · 7 years
5 Reasons San Diego is California’s Best Beach Town
Ever want to get away where you can enjoy an endless coastline by day and immerse yourself in a chic city vibe by night? Well, say hello to San Diego. 
Spectacular beaches, mouthwatering cuisine, marine preserves, art, culture, and an eclectic nightlife, San Diego has it all. Here are five reasons why San Diego just may be California’s best beach town.
1. The Best Mexican Food, North of the Border Bracero Cocina
Less than an hour drive from the Mexico border, San Diego has some seriously delicious Mexican restaurants. Bracero Cocina de Raiz, a sexy downtown hotspot with sweeping city views, celebrates its culinary heritage with a fresh modern twist. Think fresh masa, a (sustainably caught) raw fish bar for tiraditos and ceviche, albacore served two ways with a lime salsa verde and acorn squash in mole negro. Most plates are meant to share. But with flavors so bright and fresh, you might have to negotiate who gets the last bite. A word to the wise, when the waiter says the salsa is hot, believe it. One drop can make you cry. To cool down the heat the ever-popular Javier Wallbanger is the perfect libation.
Puesto, La Jolla
Then there’s Puesto in La Jolla where Chef Luisteen, a self-proclaimed “tacoteur” has reimagined the traditional Mexico City-style taco to make your taste buds sing. At this taco lover’s dream, all salsas and tortillas are made from scratch, proteins are sustainable including slow-cooked guisados, and Taco Tuesdays are elevated to an entirely new level. Puesto has a curated tequila program that will take conventional tequila permanently off your palate. Add in housemade aguas frescas and wines from Valle de Guadalupe region of Baja and you won’t go thirsty.
For more casual beach dining, Pacific Beach Fish Shop serves their award-winning TKO taco with grilled mahi-mahi topped with house made tropical mango salsa. Mix and match (sustainably caught) fish with different marinades to create your own taco masterpiece.
2. The Catamaran Resort Hotel & Spa
Ever wanted to be completely surrounded by views of water? Well, you can at the Catamaran Hotel and Spa, especially when you request a bay view room. A beloved San Diego favorite, it’s a staycation hotspot for locals. A California Green Lodging Program member, the hotel keeps its operations green so that the ocean and sky stay blue. A tropical Polynesian-themed hideaway in Pacific Beach, the Catamaran is pure bliss that puts an all-day smile on your face. Think palm trees, tiki torches, koi ponds, waterfalls, waterfront fine dining, sunset concerts, luaus, a bay view jacuzzi, and fire pits.
Mission Bay is the Catamaran’s backyard and the Pacific Ocean is across the street. Surf in the ocean or sail and paddleboard in the bay. Or rent a bike and cruise the boardwalk. It’s all at your fingertips. Then at sunset, soak in a bay view hot tub. Or rub elbows with locals at Moray’s Bar and enjoy a refreshing libation as the sun drops amongst tiki torches and fire pits. For dinner, mosey on over to Oceana Coastal Kitchen for delicious California cuisine. If the waterfront dining doesn’t already hook you, its seasonal menu with fresh seafood from the Baja and the Pacific will. Don’t forget the spa with holistic rituals and energy treatments such as Shiatsu and The Ancient Ocean Ritual. That after-spa feeling and bay views are what vacation dreams are made of.
3. La Jolla, Sea Bluffs and Sea Lions La Valencia Hotel
There’s so much to do in La Jolla, you might never want to leave. La Valencia Hotel’s ocean-front terrace restaurant, THE MED, is the perfect place to start. It’s an authentic taste of San Diego’s old world Spanish charm. The restaurant boasts a sumptuous sustainable seafood menu and an extraordinary wine list. Don’t miss the roasted cauliflower, daily crudo, or the giant locally sourced Mediterranean mussels. Count La Valencia in for nightlife, too. Live music and bespoke (plant-based) dinners are just a few events that keep the hotel on the pulse of La Jolla’s nightlife scene.
Next, you’ll want to walk over to La Jolla’s children’s pool on the bluffs overlooking the azure ocean. Where you’ll see naturally comical sea lions frolicking in the water and napping on the rocks. If you’re feeling adventurous, get in the water with Everyday Calfornia’s kayak and snorkel tours that will take you through the La Jolla Ecological Reserve where you’ll see the stunning coastline from the water, dolphins cruising by, and bright orange garibaldi swimming through the sea grass. Then, catch a wave back to shore.
The Empress Hotel
When booking a room, stay in the pet-friendly LEED-certified boutique Empress Hotel. Centrally located, it’s just a block from La Jolla’s sandy bluffs and a few minutes walk from quaint coffee shops, the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego and a plethora of excellent restaurants. Recently renovated, the Empress has a sophisticated ocean theme and offers an app for an effortless stay. Ask for the jacuzzi suite and enjoy soaking in the tub with an ocean view.
Although not on the water, lunch at The Farmer and the Seahorse is not to be missed. Under the helm of award-winning chef Brian Malarkey, it’s an eccentric whimsical space that offers not only a culinary adventure but also a lifestyle experience. You’ll be invited to a pickup game of bean bag toss in an adjacent colorful garden. Inside is just as eccentric with a silver Airstream trailer casually parked amongst the tables. Try the local’s favorite butternut squash lasagna with ricotta, kale, and mushrooms. It’s worth coming back for.
4. L’ Auberge Del Mar, Casual Coastal Chic
If you’re not already staying at the historic L’ Auberge del Mar, treat yourself to eco-luxury at one of the “Best Luxury Resorts” on the Condé Nast Gold List. Committed to being clean and green, its spa exclusively uses Osea organic products. And its restaurants Coastline and KITCHEN 1540 share a vertical, hydroponic garden showcasing herbs and flowers used in the menu and cocktails. While Coastline is ocean-front casual al fresco dining, KITCHEN 1540 exudes an elegant artsy vide. Relax in the open-air lobby lounge or walk up to the upper deck where a charming row of white wooden rocking chairs await to relax into while you watch the sunset.
A day spent in Del Mar is a day well spent indeed. With Del Mar Village just across the street from the hotel, you’ll always get a bird’s eye view of Del Mar’s gorgeous coastline. Take a walk along the Scripps Bluff Preserve with an infinity view of the Pacific and inland lagoons and see the sky speckled with hot air balloons. It doesn’t get much better than this.
5. Get Wet with Surf Diva
Who is the best surfer in the water? According to Surf Diva, it’s whoever is having the most fun! Owned and operated by twin sisters Izzy and Coco Tihanyi, Surf Diva has been sharing the stoke of learning to surf for over 20-years. Based in La Jolla Shores, you can book a private lesson with an encouraging and enthusiastic surf instructor who will do everything in their power to ensure you stand up the first time. The occasional beginner’s face plant is well worth the high of gliding with the wave. While Surf Diva began as an all-women surf school, they quickly became a La Jolla institution and now offer all levels of surf lessons to everyone. And actively support charities focused on education and female action sports services.
Related on EcoSalon
3 Luxury Cruises Perfect for the Conscious Adventure Traveler 5 Sailing Vacations Perfect for Beginners Costa Rica’s Pura Vida Secret to Longer, Happier Lives
The post 5 Reasons San Diego is California’s Best Beach Town appeared first on EcoSalon.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2oAz7aE
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pat78701 · 7 years
5 Reasons San Diego is California’s Best Beach Town
Ever want to get away where you can enjoy an endless coastline by day and immerse yourself in a chic city vibe by night? Well, say hello to San Diego. 
Spectacular beaches, mouthwatering cuisine, marine preserves, art, culture, and an eclectic nightlife, San Diego has it all. Here are five reasons why San Diego just may be California’s best beach town.
1. The Best Mexican Food, North of the Border Bracero Cocina
Less than an hour drive from the Mexico border, San Diego has some seriously delicious Mexican restaurants. Bracero Cocina de Raiz, a sexy downtown hotspot with sweeping city views, celebrates its culinary heritage with a fresh modern twist. Think fresh masa, a (sustainably caught) raw fish bar for tiraditos and ceviche, albacore served two ways with a lime salsa verde and acorn squash in mole negro. Most plates are meant to share. But with flavors so bright and fresh, you might have to negotiate who gets the last bite. A word to the wise, when the waiter says the salsa is hot, believe it. One drop can make you cry. To cool down the heat the ever-popular Javier Wallbanger is the perfect libation.
Puesto, La Jolla
Then there’s Puesto in La Jolla where Chef Luisteen, a self-proclaimed “tacoteur” has reimagined the traditional Mexico City-style taco to make your taste buds sing. At this taco lover’s dream, all salsas and tortillas are made from scratch, proteins are sustainable including slow-cooked guisados, and Taco Tuesdays are elevated to an entirely new level. Puesto has a curated tequila program that will take conventional tequila permanently off your palate. Add in housemade aguas frescas and wines from Valle de Guadalupe region of Baja and you won’t go thirsty.
For more casual beach dining, Pacific Beach Fish Shop serves their award-winning TKO taco with grilled mahi-mahi topped with house made tropical mango salsa. Mix and match (sustainably caught) fish with different marinades to create your own taco masterpiece.
2. The Catamaran Resort Hotel & Spa
Ever wanted to be completely surrounded by views of water? Well, you can at the Catamaran Hotel and Spa, especially when you request a bay view room. A beloved San Diego favorite, it’s a staycation hotspot for locals. A California Green Lodging Program member, the hotel keeps its operations green so that the ocean and sky stay blue. A tropical Polynesian-themed hideaway in Pacific Beach, the Catamaran is pure bliss that puts an all-day smile on your face. Think palm trees, tiki torches, koi ponds, waterfalls, waterfront fine dining, sunset concerts, luaus, a bay view jacuzzi, and fire pits.
Mission Bay is the Catamaran’s backyard and the Pacific Ocean is across the street. Surf in the ocean or sail and paddleboard in the bay. Or rent a bike and cruise the boardwalk. It’s all at your fingertips. Then at sunset, soak in a bay view hot tub. Or rub elbows with locals at Moray’s Bar and enjoy a refreshing libation as the sun drops amongst tiki torches and fire pits. For dinner, mosey on over to Oceana Coastal Kitchen for delicious California cuisine. If the waterfront dining doesn’t already hook you, its seasonal menu with fresh seafood from the Baja and the Pacific will. Don’t forget the spa with holistic rituals and energy treatments such as Shiatsu and The Ancient Ocean Ritual. That after-spa feeling and bay views are what vacation dreams are made of.
3. La Jolla, Sea Bluffs and Sea Lions La Valencia Hotel
There’s so much to do in La Jolla, you might never want to leave. La Valencia Hotel’s ocean-front terrace restaurant, THE MED, is the perfect place to start. It’s an authentic taste of San Diego’s old world Spanish charm. The restaurant boasts a sumptuous sustainable seafood menu and an extraordinary wine list. Don’t miss the roasted cauliflower, daily crudo, or the giant locally sourced Mediterranean mussels. Count La Valencia in for nightlife, too. Live music and bespoke (plant-based) dinners are just a few events that keep the hotel on the pulse of La Jolla’s nightlife scene.
Next, you’ll want to walk over to La Jolla’s children’s pool on the bluffs overlooking the azure ocean. Where you’ll see naturally comical sea lions frolicking in the water and napping on the rocks. If you’re feeling adventurous, get in the water with Everyday Calfornia’s kayak and snorkel tours that will take you through the La Jolla Ecological Reserve where you’ll see the stunning coastline from the water, dolphins cruising by, and bright orange garibaldi swimming through the sea grass. Then, catch a wave back to shore.
The Empress Hotel
When booking a room, stay in the pet-friendly LEED-certified boutique Empress Hotel. Centrally located, it’s just a block from La Jolla’s sandy bluffs and a few minutes walk from quaint coffee shops, the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego and a plethora of excellent restaurants. Recently renovated, the Empress has a sophisticated ocean theme and offers an app for an effortless stay. Ask for the jacuzzi suite and enjoy soaking in the tub with an ocean view.
Although not on the water, lunch at The Farmer and the Seahorse is not to be missed. Under the helm of award-winning chef Brian Malarkey, it’s an eccentric whimsical space that offers not only a culinary adventure but also a lifestyle experience. You’ll be invited to a pickup game of bean bag toss in an adjacent colorful garden. Inside is just as eccentric with a silver Airstream trailer casually parked amongst the tables. Try the local’s favorite butternut squash lasagna with ricotta, kale, and mushrooms. It’s worth coming back for.
4. L’ Auberge Del Mar, Casual Coastal Chic
If you’re not already staying at the historic L’ Auberge del Mar, treat yourself to eco-luxury at one of the “Best Luxury Resorts” on the Condé Nast Gold List. Committed to being clean and green, its spa exclusively uses Osea organic products. And its restaurants Coastline and KITCHEN 1540 share a vertical, hydroponic garden showcasing herbs and flowers used in the menu and cocktails. While Coastline is ocean-front casual al fresco dining, KITCHEN 1540 exudes an elegant artsy vide. Relax in the open-air lobby lounge or walk up to the upper deck where a charming row of white wooden rocking chairs await to relax into while you watch the sunset.
A day spent in Del Mar is a day well spent indeed. With Del Mar Village just across the street from the hotel, you’ll always get a bird’s eye view of Del Mar’s gorgeous coastline. Take a walk along the Scripps Bluff Preserve with an infinity view of the Pacific and inland lagoons and see the sky speckled with hot air balloons. It doesn’t get much better than this.
5. Get Wet with Surf Diva
Who is the best surfer in the water? According to Surf Diva, it’s whoever is having the most fun! Owned and operated by twin sisters Izzy and Coco Tihanyi, Surf Diva has been sharing the stoke of learning to surf for over 20-years. Based in La Jolla Shores, you can book a private lesson with an encouraging and enthusiastic surf instructor who will do everything in their power to ensure you stand up the first time. The occasional beginner’s face plant is well worth the high of gliding with the wave. While Surf Diva began as an all-women surf school, they quickly became a La Jolla institution and now offer all levels of surf lessons to everyone. And actively support charities focused on education and female action sports services.
Related on EcoSalon
3 Luxury Cruises Perfect for the Conscious Adventure Traveler 5 Sailing Vacations Perfect for Beginners Costa Rica’s Pura Vida Secret to Longer, Happier Lives
The post 5 Reasons San Diego is California’s Best Beach Town appeared first on EcoSalon.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2oAz7aE
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grgedoors02142 · 7 years
5 Reasons San Diego is California’s Best Beach Town
Ever want to get away where you can enjoy an endless coastline by day and immerse yourself in a chic city vibe by night? Well, say hello to San Diego. 
Spectacular beaches, mouthwatering cuisine, marine preserves, art, culture, and an eclectic nightlife, San Diego has it all. Here are five reasons why San Diego just may be California’s best beach town.
1. The Best Mexican Food, North of the Border Bracero Cocina
Less than an hour drive from the Mexico border, San Diego has some seriously delicious Mexican restaurants. Bracero Cocina de Raiz, a sexy downtown hotspot with sweeping city views, celebrates its culinary heritage with a fresh modern twist. Think fresh masa, a (sustainably caught) raw fish bar for tiraditos and ceviche, albacore served two ways with a lime salsa verde and acorn squash in mole negro. Most plates are meant to share. But with flavors so bright and fresh, you might have to negotiate who gets the last bite. A word to the wise, when the waiter says the salsa is hot, believe it. One drop can make you cry. To cool down the heat the ever-popular Javier Wallbanger is the perfect libation.
Puesto, La Jolla
Then there’s Puesto in La Jolla where Chef Luisteen, a self-proclaimed “tacoteur” has reimagined the traditional Mexico City-style taco to make your taste buds sing. At this taco lover’s dream, all salsas and tortillas are made from scratch, proteins are sustainable including slow-cooked guisados, and Taco Tuesdays are elevated to an entirely new level. Puesto has a curated tequila program that will take conventional tequila permanently off your palate. Add in housemade aguas frescas and wines from Valle de Guadalupe region of Baja and you won’t go thirsty.
For more casual beach dining, Pacific Beach Fish Shop serves their award-winning TKO taco with grilled mahi-mahi topped with house made tropical mango salsa. Mix and match (sustainably caught) fish with different marinades to create your own taco masterpiece.
2. The Catamaran Resort Hotel & Spa
Ever wanted to be completely surrounded by views of water? Well, you can at the Catamaran Hotel and Spa, especially when you request a bay view room. A beloved San Diego favorite, it’s a staycation hotspot for locals. A California Green Lodging Program member, the hotel keeps its operations green so that the ocean and sky stay blue. A tropical Polynesian-themed hideaway in Pacific Beach, the Catamaran is pure bliss that puts an all-day smile on your face. Think palm trees, tiki torches, koi ponds, waterfalls, waterfront fine dining, sunset concerts, luaus, a bay view jacuzzi, and fire pits.
Mission Bay is the Catamaran’s backyard and the Pacific Ocean is across the street. Surf in the ocean or sail and paddleboard in the bay. Or rent a bike and cruise the boardwalk. It’s all at your fingertips. Then at sunset, soak in a bay view hot tub. Or rub elbows with locals at Moray’s Bar and enjoy a refreshing libation as the sun drops amongst tiki torches and fire pits. For dinner, mosey on over to Oceana Coastal Kitchen for delicious California cuisine. If the waterfront dining doesn’t already hook you, its seasonal menu with fresh seafood from the Baja and the Pacific will. Don’t forget the spa with holistic rituals and energy treatments such as Shiatsu and The Ancient Ocean Ritual. That after-spa feeling and bay views are what vacation dreams are made of.
3. La Jolla, Sea Bluffs and Sea Lions La Valencia Hotel
There’s so much to do in La Jolla, you might never want to leave. La Valencia Hotel’s ocean-front terrace restaurant, THE MED, is the perfect place to start. It’s an authentic taste of San Diego’s old world Spanish charm. The restaurant boasts a sumptuous sustainable seafood menu and an extraordinary wine list. Don’t miss the roasted cauliflower, daily crudo, or the giant locally sourced Mediterranean mussels. Count La Valencia in for nightlife, too. Live music and bespoke (plant-based) dinners are just a few events that keep the hotel on the pulse of La Jolla’s nightlife scene.
Next, you’ll want to walk over to La Jolla’s children’s pool on the bluffs overlooking the azure ocean. Where you’ll see naturally comical sea lions frolicking in the water and napping on the rocks. If you’re feeling adventurous, get in the water with Everyday Calfornia’s kayak and snorkel tours that will take you through the La Jolla Ecological Reserve where you’ll see the stunning coastline from the water, dolphins cruising by, and bright orange garibaldi swimming through the sea grass. Then, catch a wave back to shore.
The Empress Hotel
When booking a room, stay in the pet-friendly LEED-certified boutique Empress Hotel. Centrally located, it’s just a block from La Jolla’s sandy bluffs and a few minutes walk from quaint coffee shops, the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego and a plethora of excellent restaurants. Recently renovated, the Empress has a sophisticated ocean theme and offers an app for an effortless stay. Ask for the jacuzzi suite and enjoy soaking in the tub with an ocean view.
Although not on the water, lunch at The Farmer and the Seahorse is not to be missed. Under the helm of award-winning chef Brian Malarkey, it’s an eccentric whimsical space that offers not only a culinary adventure but also a lifestyle experience. You’ll be invited to a pickup game of bean bag toss in an adjacent colorful garden. Inside is just as eccentric with a silver Airstream trailer casually parked amongst the tables. Try the local’s favorite butternut squash lasagna with ricotta, kale, and mushrooms. It’s worth coming back for.
4. L’ Auberge Del Mar, Casual Coastal Chic
If you’re not already staying at the historic L’ Auberge del Mar, treat yourself to eco-luxury at one of the “Best Luxury Resorts” on the Condé Nast Gold List. Committed to being clean and green, its spa exclusively uses Osea organic products. And its restaurants Coastline and KITCHEN 1540 share a vertical, hydroponic garden showcasing herbs and flowers used in the menu and cocktails. While Coastline is ocean-front casual al fresco dining, KITCHEN 1540 exudes an elegant artsy vide. Relax in the open-air lobby lounge or walk up to the upper deck where a charming row of white wooden rocking chairs await to relax into while you watch the sunset.
A day spent in Del Mar is a day well spent indeed. With Del Mar Village just across the street from the hotel, you’ll always get a bird’s eye view of Del Mar’s gorgeous coastline. Take a walk along the Scripps Bluff Preserve with an infinity view of the Pacific and inland lagoons and see the sky speckled with hot air balloons. It doesn’t get much better than this.
5. Get Wet with Surf Diva
Who is the best surfer in the water? According to Surf Diva, it’s whoever is having the most fun! Owned and operated by twin sisters Izzy and Coco Tihanyi, Surf Diva has been sharing the stoke of learning to surf for over 20-years. Based in La Jolla Shores, you can book a private lesson with an encouraging and enthusiastic surf instructor who will do everything in their power to ensure you stand up the first time. The occasional beginner’s face plant is well worth the high of gliding with the wave. While Surf Diva began as an all-women surf school, they quickly became a La Jolla institution and now offer all levels of surf lessons to everyone. And actively support charities focused on education and female action sports services.
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3 Luxury Cruises Perfect for the Conscious Adventure Traveler 5 Sailing Vacations Perfect for Beginners Costa Rica’s Pura Vida Secret to Longer, Happier Lives
The post 5 Reasons San Diego is California’s Best Beach Town appeared first on EcoSalon.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2oAz7aE
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rtawngs20815 · 7 years
5 Reasons San Diego is California’s Best Beach Town
Ever want to get away where you can enjoy an endless coastline by day and immerse yourself in a chic city vibe by night? Well, say hello to San Diego. 
Spectacular beaches, mouthwatering cuisine, marine preserves, art, culture, and an eclectic nightlife, San Diego has it all. Here are five reasons why San Diego just may be California’s best beach town.
1. The Best Mexican Food, North of the Border Bracero Cocina
Less than an hour drive from the Mexico border, San Diego has some seriously delicious Mexican restaurants. Bracero Cocina de Raiz, a sexy downtown hotspot with sweeping city views, celebrates its culinary heritage with a fresh modern twist. Think fresh masa, a (sustainably caught) raw fish bar for tiraditos and ceviche, albacore served two ways with a lime salsa verde and acorn squash in mole negro. Most plates are meant to share. But with flavors so bright and fresh, you might have to negotiate who gets the last bite. A word to the wise, when the waiter says the salsa is hot, believe it. One drop can make you cry. To cool down the heat the ever-popular Javier Wallbanger is the perfect libation.
Puesto, La Jolla
Then there’s Puesto in La Jolla where Chef Luisteen, a self-proclaimed “tacoteur” has reimagined the traditional Mexico City-style taco to make your taste buds sing. At this taco lover’s dream, all salsas and tortillas are made from scratch, proteins are sustainable including slow-cooked guisados, and Taco Tuesdays are elevated to an entirely new level. Puesto has a curated tequila program that will take conventional tequila permanently off your palate. Add in housemade aguas frescas and wines from Valle de Guadalupe region of Baja and you won’t go thirsty.
For more casual beach dining, Pacific Beach Fish Shop serves their award-winning TKO taco with grilled mahi-mahi topped with house made tropical mango salsa. Mix and match (sustainably caught) fish with different marinades to create your own taco masterpiece.
2. The Catamaran Resort Hotel & Spa
Ever wanted to be completely surrounded by views of water? Well, you can at the Catamaran Hotel and Spa, especially when you request a bay view room. A beloved San Diego favorite, it’s a staycation hotspot for locals. A California Green Lodging Program member, the hotel keeps its operations green so that the ocean and sky stay blue. A tropical Polynesian-themed hideaway in Pacific Beach, the Catamaran is pure bliss that puts an all-day smile on your face. Think palm trees, tiki torches, koi ponds, waterfalls, waterfront fine dining, sunset concerts, luaus, a bay view jacuzzi, and fire pits.
Mission Bay is the Catamaran’s backyard and the Pacific Ocean is across the street. Surf in the ocean or sail and paddleboard in the bay. Or rent a bike and cruise the boardwalk. It’s all at your fingertips. Then at sunset, soak in a bay view hot tub. Or rub elbows with locals at Moray’s Bar and enjoy a refreshing libation as the sun drops amongst tiki torches and fire pits. For dinner, mosey on over to Oceana Coastal Kitchen for delicious California cuisine. If the waterfront dining doesn’t already hook you, its seasonal menu with fresh seafood from the Baja and the Pacific will. Don’t forget the spa with holistic rituals and energy treatments such as Shiatsu and The Ancient Ocean Ritual. That after-spa feeling and bay views are what vacation dreams are made of.
3. La Jolla, Sea Bluffs and Sea Lions La Valencia Hotel
There’s so much to do in La Jolla, you might never want to leave. La Valencia Hotel’s ocean-front terrace restaurant, THE MED, is the perfect place to start. It’s an authentic taste of San Diego’s old world Spanish charm. The restaurant boasts a sumptuous sustainable seafood menu and an extraordinary wine list. Don’t miss the roasted cauliflower, daily crudo, or the giant locally sourced Mediterranean mussels. Count La Valencia in for nightlife, too. Live music and bespoke (plant-based) dinners are just a few events that keep the hotel on the pulse of La Jolla’s nightlife scene.
Next, you’ll want to walk over to La Jolla’s children’s pool on the bluffs overlooking the azure ocean. Where you’ll see naturally comical sea lions frolicking in the water and napping on the rocks. If you’re feeling adventurous, get in the water with Everyday Calfornia’s kayak and snorkel tours that will take you through the La Jolla Ecological Reserve where you’ll see the stunning coastline from the water, dolphins cruising by, and bright orange garibaldi swimming through the sea grass. Then, catch a wave back to shore.
The Empress Hotel
When booking a room, stay in the pet-friendly LEED-certified boutique Empress Hotel. Centrally located, it’s just a block from La Jolla’s sandy bluffs and a few minutes walk from quaint coffee shops, the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego and a plethora of excellent restaurants. Recently renovated, the Empress has a sophisticated ocean theme and offers an app for an effortless stay. Ask for the jacuzzi suite and enjoy soaking in the tub with an ocean view.
Although not on the water, lunch at The Farmer and the Seahorse is not to be missed. Under the helm of award-winning chef Brian Malarkey, it’s an eccentric whimsical space that offers not only a culinary adventure but also a lifestyle experience. You’ll be invited to a pickup game of bean bag toss in an adjacent colorful garden. Inside is just as eccentric with a silver Airstream trailer casually parked amongst the tables. Try the local’s favorite butternut squash lasagna with ricotta, kale, and mushrooms. It’s worth coming back for.
4. L’ Auberge Del Mar, Casual Coastal Chic
If you’re not already staying at the historic L’ Auberge del Mar, treat yourself to eco-luxury at one of the “Best Luxury Resorts” on the Condé Nast Gold List. Committed to being clean and green, its spa exclusively uses Osea organic products. And its restaurants Coastline and KITCHEN 1540 share a vertical, hydroponic garden showcasing herbs and flowers used in the menu and cocktails. While Coastline is ocean-front casual al fresco dining, KITCHEN 1540 exudes an elegant artsy vide. Relax in the open-air lobby lounge or walk up to the upper deck where a charming row of white wooden rocking chairs await to relax into while you watch the sunset.
A day spent in Del Mar is a day well spent indeed. With Del Mar Village just across the street from the hotel, you’ll always get a bird’s eye view of Del Mar’s gorgeous coastline. Take a walk along the Scripps Bluff Preserve with an infinity view of the Pacific and inland lagoons and see the sky speckled with hot air balloons. It doesn’t get much better than this.
5. Get Wet with Surf Diva
Who is the best surfer in the water? According to Surf Diva, it’s whoever is having the most fun! Owned and operated by twin sisters Izzy and Coco Tihanyi, Surf Diva has been sharing the stoke of learning to surf for over 20-years. Based in La Jolla Shores, you can book a private lesson with an encouraging and enthusiastic surf instructor who will do everything in their power to ensure you stand up the first time. The occasional beginner’s face plant is well worth the high of gliding with the wave. While Surf Diva began as an all-women surf school, they quickly became a La Jolla institution and now offer all levels of surf lessons to everyone. And actively support charities focused on education and female action sports services.
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3 Luxury Cruises Perfect for the Conscious Adventure Traveler 5 Sailing Vacations Perfect for Beginners Costa Rica’s Pura Vida Secret to Longer, Happier Lives
The post 5 Reasons San Diego is California’s Best Beach Town appeared first on EcoSalon.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2oAz7aE
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porchenclose10019 · 7 years
5 Reasons San Diego is California’s Best Beach Town
Ever want to get away where you can enjoy an endless coastline by day and immerse yourself in a chic city vibe by night? Well, say hello to San Diego. 
Spectacular beaches, mouthwatering cuisine, marine preserves, art, culture, and an eclectic nightlife, San Diego has it all. Here are five reasons why San Diego just may be California’s best beach town.
1. The Best Mexican Food, North of the Border Bracero Cocina
Less than an hour drive from the Mexico border, San Diego has some seriously delicious Mexican restaurants. Bracero Cocina de Raiz, a sexy downtown hotspot with sweeping city views, celebrates its culinary heritage with a fresh modern twist. Think fresh masa, a (sustainably caught) raw fish bar for tiraditos and ceviche, albacore served two ways with a lime salsa verde and acorn squash in mole negro. Most plates are meant to share. But with flavors so bright and fresh, you might have to negotiate who gets the last bite. A word to the wise, when the waiter says the salsa is hot, believe it. One drop can make you cry. To cool down the heat the ever-popular Javier Wallbanger is the perfect libation.
Puesto, La Jolla
Then there’s Puesto in La Jolla where Chef Luisteen, a self-proclaimed “tacoteur” has reimagined the traditional Mexico City-style taco to make your taste buds sing. At this taco lover’s dream, all salsas and tortillas are made from scratch, proteins are sustainable including slow-cooked guisados, and Taco Tuesdays are elevated to an entirely new level. Puesto has a curated tequila program that will take conventional tequila permanently off your palate. Add in housemade aguas frescas and wines from Valle de Guadalupe region of Baja and you won’t go thirsty.
For more casual beach dining, Pacific Beach Fish Shop serves their award-winning TKO taco with grilled mahi-mahi topped with house made tropical mango salsa. Mix and match (sustainably caught) fish with different marinades to create your own taco masterpiece.
2. The Catamaran Resort Hotel & Spa
Ever wanted to be completely surrounded by views of water? Well, you can at the Catamaran Hotel and Spa, especially when you request a bay view room. A beloved San Diego favorite, it’s a staycation hotspot for locals. A California Green Lodging Program member, the hotel keeps its operations green so that the ocean and sky stay blue. A tropical Polynesian-themed hideaway in Pacific Beach, the Catamaran is pure bliss that puts an all-day smile on your face. Think palm trees, tiki torches, koi ponds, waterfalls, waterfront fine dining, sunset concerts, luaus, a bay view jacuzzi, and fire pits.
Mission Bay is the Catamaran’s backyard and the Pacific Ocean is across the street. Surf in the ocean or sail and paddleboard in the bay. Or rent a bike and cruise the boardwalk. It’s all at your fingertips. Then at sunset, soak in a bay view hot tub. Or rub elbows with locals at Moray’s Bar and enjoy a refreshing libation as the sun drops amongst tiki torches and fire pits. For dinner, mosey on over to Oceana Coastal Kitchen for delicious California cuisine. If the waterfront dining doesn’t already hook you, its seasonal menu with fresh seafood from the Baja and the Pacific will. Don’t forget the spa with holistic rituals and energy treatments such as Shiatsu and The Ancient Ocean Ritual. That after-spa feeling and bay views are what vacation dreams are made of.
3. La Jolla, Sea Bluffs and Sea Lions La Valencia Hotel
There’s so much to do in La Jolla, you might never want to leave. La Valencia Hotel’s ocean-front terrace restaurant, THE MED, is the perfect place to start. It’s an authentic taste of San Diego’s old world Spanish charm. The restaurant boasts a sumptuous sustainable seafood menu and an extraordinary wine list. Don’t miss the roasted cauliflower, daily crudo, or the giant locally sourced Mediterranean mussels. Count La Valencia in for nightlife, too. Live music and bespoke (plant-based) dinners are just a few events that keep the hotel on the pulse of La Jolla’s nightlife scene.
Next, you’ll want to walk over to La Jolla’s children’s pool on the bluffs overlooking the azure ocean. Where you’ll see naturally comical sea lions frolicking in the water and napping on the rocks. If you’re feeling adventurous, get in the water with Everyday Calfornia’s kayak and snorkel tours that will take you through the La Jolla Ecological Reserve where you’ll see the stunning coastline from the water, dolphins cruising by, and bright orange garibaldi swimming through the sea grass. Then, catch a wave back to shore.
The Empress Hotel
When booking a room, stay in the pet-friendly LEED-certified boutique Empress Hotel. Centrally located, it’s just a block from La Jolla’s sandy bluffs and a few minutes walk from quaint coffee shops, the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego and a plethora of excellent restaurants. Recently renovated, the Empress has a sophisticated ocean theme and offers an app for an effortless stay. Ask for the jacuzzi suite and enjoy soaking in the tub with an ocean view.
Although not on the water, lunch at The Farmer and the Seahorse is not to be missed. Under the helm of award-winning chef Brian Malarkey, it’s an eccentric whimsical space that offers not only a culinary adventure but also a lifestyle experience. You’ll be invited to a pickup game of bean bag toss in an adjacent colorful garden. Inside is just as eccentric with a silver Airstream trailer casually parked amongst the tables. Try the local’s favorite butternut squash lasagna with ricotta, kale, and mushrooms. It’s worth coming back for.
4. L’ Auberge Del Mar, Casual Coastal Chic
If you’re not already staying at the historic L’ Auberge del Mar, treat yourself to eco-luxury at one of the “Best Luxury Resorts” on the Condé Nast Gold List. Committed to being clean and green, its spa exclusively uses Osea organic products. And its restaurants Coastline and KITCHEN 1540 share a vertical, hydroponic garden showcasing herbs and flowers used in the menu and cocktails. While Coastline is ocean-front casual al fresco dining, KITCHEN 1540 exudes an elegant artsy vide. Relax in the open-air lobby lounge or walk up to the upper deck where a charming row of white wooden rocking chairs await to relax into while you watch the sunset.
A day spent in Del Mar is a day well spent indeed. With Del Mar Village just across the street from the hotel, you’ll always get a bird’s eye view of Del Mar’s gorgeous coastline. Take a walk along the Scripps Bluff Preserve with an infinity view of the Pacific and inland lagoons and see the sky speckled with hot air balloons. It doesn’t get much better than this.
5. Get Wet with Surf Diva
Who is the best surfer in the water? According to Surf Diva, it’s whoever is having the most fun! Owned and operated by twin sisters Izzy and Coco Tihanyi, Surf Diva has been sharing the stoke of learning to surf for over 20-years. Based in La Jolla Shores, you can book a private lesson with an encouraging and enthusiastic surf instructor who will do everything in their power to ensure you stand up the first time. The occasional beginner’s face plant is well worth the high of gliding with the wave. While Surf Diva began as an all-women surf school, they quickly became a La Jolla institution and now offer all levels of surf lessons to everyone. And actively support charities focused on education and female action sports services.
Related on EcoSalon
3 Luxury Cruises Perfect for the Conscious Adventure Traveler 5 Sailing Vacations Perfect for Beginners Costa Rica’s Pura Vida Secret to Longer, Happier Lives
The post 5 Reasons San Diego is California’s Best Beach Town appeared first on EcoSalon.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2oAz7aE
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exfrenchdorsl4p0a1 · 7 years
5 Reasons San Diego is California’s Best Beach Town
Ever want to get away where you can enjoy an endless coastline by day and immerse yourself in a chic city vibe by night? Well, say hello to San Diego. 
Spectacular beaches, mouthwatering cuisine, marine preserves, art, culture, and an eclectic nightlife, San Diego has it all. Here are five reasons why San Diego just may be California’s best beach town.
1. The Best Mexican Food, North of the Border Bracero Cocina
Less than an hour drive from the Mexico border, San Diego has some seriously delicious Mexican restaurants. Bracero Cocina de Raiz, a sexy downtown hotspot with sweeping city views, celebrates its culinary heritage with a fresh modern twist. Think fresh masa, a (sustainably caught) raw fish bar for tiraditos and ceviche, albacore served two ways with a lime salsa verde and acorn squash in mole negro. Most plates are meant to share. But with flavors so bright and fresh, you might have to negotiate who gets the last bite. A word to the wise, when the waiter says the salsa is hot, believe it. One drop can make you cry. To cool down the heat the ever-popular Javier Wallbanger is the perfect libation.
Puesto, La Jolla
Then there’s Puesto in La Jolla where Chef Luisteen, a self-proclaimed “tacoteur” has reimagined the traditional Mexico City-style taco to make your taste buds sing. At this taco lover’s dream, all salsas and tortillas are made from scratch, proteins are sustainable including slow-cooked guisados, and Taco Tuesdays are elevated to an entirely new level. Puesto has a curated tequila program that will take conventional tequila permanently off your palate. Add in housemade aguas frescas and wines from Valle de Guadalupe region of Baja and you won’t go thirsty.
For more casual beach dining, Pacific Beach Fish Shop serves their award-winning TKO taco with grilled mahi-mahi topped with house made tropical mango salsa. Mix and match (sustainably caught) fish with different marinades to create your own taco masterpiece.
2. The Catamaran Resort Hotel & Spa
Ever wanted to be completely surrounded by views of water? Well, you can at the Catamaran Hotel and Spa, especially when you request a bay view room. A beloved San Diego favorite, it’s a staycation hotspot for locals. A California Green Lodging Program member, the hotel keeps its operations green so that the ocean and sky stay blue. A tropical Polynesian-themed hideaway in Pacific Beach, the Catamaran is pure bliss that puts an all-day smile on your face. Think palm trees, tiki torches, koi ponds, waterfalls, waterfront fine dining, sunset concerts, luaus, a bay view jacuzzi, and fire pits.
Mission Bay is the Catamaran’s backyard and the Pacific Ocean is across the street. Surf in the ocean or sail and paddleboard in the bay. Or rent a bike and cruise the boardwalk. It’s all at your fingertips. Then at sunset, soak in a bay view hot tub. Or rub elbows with locals at Moray’s Bar and enjoy a refreshing libation as the sun drops amongst tiki torches and fire pits. For dinner, mosey on over to Oceana Coastal Kitchen for delicious California cuisine. If the waterfront dining doesn’t already hook you, its seasonal menu with fresh seafood from the Baja and the Pacific will. Don’t forget the spa with holistic rituals and energy treatments such as Shiatsu and The Ancient Ocean Ritual. That after-spa feeling and bay views are what vacation dreams are made of.
3. La Jolla, Sea Bluffs and Sea Lions La Valencia Hotel
There’s so much to do in La Jolla, you might never want to leave. La Valencia Hotel’s ocean-front terrace restaurant, THE MED, is the perfect place to start. It’s an authentic taste of San Diego’s old world Spanish charm. The restaurant boasts a sumptuous sustainable seafood menu and an extraordinary wine list. Don’t miss the roasted cauliflower, daily crudo, or the giant locally sourced Mediterranean mussels. Count La Valencia in for nightlife, too. Live music and bespoke (plant-based) dinners are just a few events that keep the hotel on the pulse of La Jolla’s nightlife scene.
Next, you’ll want to walk over to La Jolla’s children’s pool on the bluffs overlooking the azure ocean. Where you’ll see naturally comical sea lions frolicking in the water and napping on the rocks. If you’re feeling adventurous, get in the water with Everyday Calfornia’s kayak and snorkel tours that will take you through the La Jolla Ecological Reserve where you’ll see the stunning coastline from the water, dolphins cruising by, and bright orange garibaldi swimming through the sea grass. Then, catch a wave back to shore.
The Empress Hotel
When booking a room, stay in the pet-friendly LEED-certified boutique Empress Hotel. Centrally located, it’s just a block from La Jolla’s sandy bluffs and a few minutes walk from quaint coffee shops, the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego and a plethora of excellent restaurants. Recently renovated, the Empress has a sophisticated ocean theme and offers an app for an effortless stay. Ask for the jacuzzi suite and enjoy soaking in the tub with an ocean view.
Although not on the water, lunch at The Farmer and the Seahorse is not to be missed. Under the helm of award-winning chef Brian Malarkey, it’s an eccentric whimsical space that offers not only a culinary adventure but also a lifestyle experience. You’ll be invited to a pickup game of bean bag toss in an adjacent colorful garden. Inside is just as eccentric with a silver Airstream trailer casually parked amongst the tables. Try the local’s favorite butternut squash lasagna with ricotta, kale, and mushrooms. It’s worth coming back for.
4. L’ Auberge Del Mar, Casual Coastal Chic
If you’re not already staying at the historic L’ Auberge del Mar, treat yourself to eco-luxury at one of the “Best Luxury Resorts” on the Condé Nast Gold List. Committed to being clean and green, its spa exclusively uses Osea organic products. And its restaurants Coastline and KITCHEN 1540 share a vertical, hydroponic garden showcasing herbs and flowers used in the menu and cocktails. While Coastline is ocean-front casual al fresco dining, KITCHEN 1540 exudes an elegant artsy vide. Relax in the open-air lobby lounge or walk up to the upper deck where a charming row of white wooden rocking chairs await to relax into while you watch the sunset.
A day spent in Del Mar is a day well spent indeed. With Del Mar Village just across the street from the hotel, you’ll always get a bird’s eye view of Del Mar’s gorgeous coastline. Take a walk along the Scripps Bluff Preserve with an infinity view of the Pacific and inland lagoons and see the sky speckled with hot air balloons. It doesn’t get much better than this.
5. Get Wet with Surf Diva
Who is the best surfer in the water? According to Surf Diva, it’s whoever is having the most fun! Owned and operated by twin sisters Izzy and Coco Tihanyi, Surf Diva has been sharing the stoke of learning to surf for over 20-years. Based in La Jolla Shores, you can book a private lesson with an encouraging and enthusiastic surf instructor who will do everything in their power to ensure you stand up the first time. The occasional beginner’s face plant is well worth the high of gliding with the wave. While Surf Diva began as an all-women surf school, they quickly became a La Jolla institution and now offer all levels of surf lessons to everyone. And actively support charities focused on education and female action sports services.
Related on EcoSalon
3 Luxury Cruises Perfect for the Conscious Adventure Traveler 5 Sailing Vacations Perfect for Beginners Costa Rica’s Pura Vida Secret to Longer, Happier Lives
The post 5 Reasons San Diego is California’s Best Beach Town appeared first on EcoSalon.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2oAz7aE
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rtscrndr53704 · 7 years
5 Reasons San Diego is California’s Best Beach Town
Ever want to get away where you can enjoy an endless coastline by day and immerse yourself in a chic city vibe by night? Well, say hello to San Diego. 
Spectacular beaches, mouthwatering cuisine, marine preserves, art, culture, and an eclectic nightlife, San Diego has it all. Here are five reasons why San Diego just may be California’s best beach town.
1. The Best Mexican Food, North of the Border Bracero Cocina
Less than an hour drive from the Mexico border, San Diego has some seriously delicious Mexican restaurants. Bracero Cocina de Raiz, a sexy downtown hotspot with sweeping city views, celebrates its culinary heritage with a fresh modern twist. Think fresh masa, a (sustainably caught) raw fish bar for tiraditos and ceviche, albacore served two ways with a lime salsa verde and acorn squash in mole negro. Most plates are meant to share. But with flavors so bright and fresh, you might have to negotiate who gets the last bite. A word to the wise, when the waiter says the salsa is hot, believe it. One drop can make you cry. To cool down the heat the ever-popular Javier Wallbanger is the perfect libation.
Puesto, La Jolla
Then there’s Puesto in La Jolla where Chef Luisteen, a self-proclaimed “tacoteur” has reimagined the traditional Mexico City-style taco to make your taste buds sing. At this taco lover’s dream, all salsas and tortillas are made from scratch, proteins are sustainable including slow-cooked guisados, and Taco Tuesdays are elevated to an entirely new level. Puesto has a curated tequila program that will take conventional tequila permanently off your palate. Add in housemade aguas frescas and wines from Valle de Guadalupe region of Baja and you won’t go thirsty.
For more casual beach dining, Pacific Beach Fish Shop serves their award-winning TKO taco with grilled mahi-mahi topped with house made tropical mango salsa. Mix and match (sustainably caught) fish with different marinades to create your own taco masterpiece.
2. The Catamaran Resort Hotel & Spa
Ever wanted to be completely surrounded by views of water? Well, you can at the Catamaran Hotel and Spa, especially when you request a bay view room. A beloved San Diego favorite, it’s a staycation hotspot for locals. A California Green Lodging Program member, the hotel keeps its operations green so that the ocean and sky stay blue. A tropical Polynesian-themed hideaway in Pacific Beach, the Catamaran is pure bliss that puts an all-day smile on your face. Think palm trees, tiki torches, koi ponds, waterfalls, waterfront fine dining, sunset concerts, luaus, a bay view jacuzzi, and fire pits.
Mission Bay is the Catamaran’s backyard and the Pacific Ocean is across the street. Surf in the ocean or sail and paddleboard in the bay. Or rent a bike and cruise the boardwalk. It’s all at your fingertips. Then at sunset, soak in a bay view hot tub. Or rub elbows with locals at Moray’s Bar and enjoy a refreshing libation as the sun drops amongst tiki torches and fire pits. For dinner, mosey on over to Oceana Coastal Kitchen for delicious California cuisine. If the waterfront dining doesn’t already hook you, its seasonal menu with fresh seafood from the Baja and the Pacific will. Don’t forget the spa with holistic rituals and energy treatments such as Shiatsu and The Ancient Ocean Ritual. That after-spa feeling and bay views are what vacation dreams are made of.
3. La Jolla, Sea Bluffs and Sea Lions La Valencia Hotel
There’s so much to do in La Jolla, you might never want to leave. La Valencia Hotel’s ocean-front terrace restaurant, THE MED, is the perfect place to start. It’s an authentic taste of San Diego’s old world Spanish charm. The restaurant boasts a sumptuous sustainable seafood menu and an extraordinary wine list. Don’t miss the roasted cauliflower, daily crudo, or the giant locally sourced Mediterranean mussels. Count La Valencia in for nightlife, too. Live music and bespoke (plant-based) dinners are just a few events that keep the hotel on the pulse of La Jolla’s nightlife scene.
Next, you’ll want to walk over to La Jolla’s children’s pool on the bluffs overlooking the azure ocean. Where you’ll see naturally comical sea lions frolicking in the water and napping on the rocks. If you’re feeling adventurous, get in the water with Everyday Calfornia’s kayak and snorkel tours that will take you through the La Jolla Ecological Reserve where you’ll see the stunning coastline from the water, dolphins cruising by, and bright orange garibaldi swimming through the sea grass. Then, catch a wave back to shore.
The Empress Hotel
When booking a room, stay in the pet-friendly LEED-certified boutique Empress Hotel. Centrally located, it’s just a block from La Jolla’s sandy bluffs and a few minutes walk from quaint coffee shops, the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego and a plethora of excellent restaurants. Recently renovated, the Empress has a sophisticated ocean theme and offers an app for an effortless stay. Ask for the jacuzzi suite and enjoy soaking in the tub with an ocean view.
Although not on the water, lunch at The Farmer and the Seahorse is not to be missed. Under the helm of award-winning chef Brian Malarkey, it’s an eccentric whimsical space that offers not only a culinary adventure but also a lifestyle experience. You’ll be invited to a pickup game of bean bag toss in an adjacent colorful garden. Inside is just as eccentric with a silver Airstream trailer casually parked amongst the tables. Try the local’s favorite butternut squash lasagna with ricotta, kale, and mushrooms. It’s worth coming back for.
4. L’ Auberge Del Mar, Casual Coastal Chic
If you’re not already staying at the historic L’ Auberge del Mar, treat yourself to eco-luxury at one of the “Best Luxury Resorts” on the Condé Nast Gold List. Committed to being clean and green, its spa exclusively uses Osea organic products. And its restaurants Coastline and KITCHEN 1540 share a vertical, hydroponic garden showcasing herbs and flowers used in the menu and cocktails. While Coastline is ocean-front casual al fresco dining, KITCHEN 1540 exudes an elegant artsy vide. Relax in the open-air lobby lounge or walk up to the upper deck where a charming row of white wooden rocking chairs await to relax into while you watch the sunset.
A day spent in Del Mar is a day well spent indeed. With Del Mar Village just across the street from the hotel, you’ll always get a bird’s eye view of Del Mar’s gorgeous coastline. Take a walk along the Scripps Bluff Preserve with an infinity view of the Pacific and inland lagoons and see the sky speckled with hot air balloons. It doesn’t get much better than this.
5. Get Wet with Surf Diva
Who is the best surfer in the water? According to Surf Diva, it’s whoever is having the most fun! Owned and operated by twin sisters Izzy and Coco Tihanyi, Surf Diva has been sharing the stoke of learning to surf for over 20-years. Based in La Jolla Shores, you can book a private lesson with an encouraging and enthusiastic surf instructor who will do everything in their power to ensure you stand up the first time. The occasional beginner’s face plant is well worth the high of gliding with the wave. While Surf Diva began as an all-women surf school, they quickly became a La Jolla institution and now offer all levels of surf lessons to everyone. And actively support charities focused on education and female action sports services.
Related on EcoSalon
3 Luxury Cruises Perfect for the Conscious Adventure Traveler 5 Sailing Vacations Perfect for Beginners Costa Rica’s Pura Vida Secret to Longer, Happier Lives
The post 5 Reasons San Diego is California’s Best Beach Town appeared first on EcoSalon.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2oAz7aE
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sdconnection-blog · 8 years
January 3, 2016
The upscale Mexican food trend may be nearing an end. The face of Baja Calfornia Mexican cuisine, celebrity chef Javier Plascencia has announced that he has separated from his San Diego-based restaurants Bracero Cocina de Raiz in Little Italy and Romesco Mexiterranean in Bonita to focus on his ventures south of the border. Chef Javier Plascencia recently published an article on VICE entitled, “Why It’s So Hard to Open a Modern Mexican Restaurant in the US“, that, combined with the recent minimum wage hike in California, makes it of little surprise that his frustrations with operating a restaurant north of the border have finally boiled over. In his VICE article, Plascencia detailed the hurdles of opening a restaurant in the United States.
“In Mexico, you can kind of do whatever you want when you open a restaurant,” Plascencia stated in his October 2016 VICE article. “They are not as strict with permits and laws. When you open a restaurant in the US, the legal processes for things can be horrible.”
Javier Plascencia was born into the restaurant industry, as his father opened one of Mexico’s first pizzerias. Plascencia now has ownership interests in at least a dozen different concepts in Mexico’s Tijuana and Valle de Guadalupe regions under his family’s Grupo Plascencia company, including Mision 19, Caesar’s, Finca Altozano, Giuseppis, Villa Saverios, Khao San, Erizo, and Finca La Divina bed and breakfast. During hard times in Tijuana in the early 2000s, Plascencia sought refuge from the violence and hardships in Mexico and moved to San Diego County, which inspired him to open Romesco in Bonita in 2006 to critical acclaim. He steamrolled his successes and launched Bracero in 2015, a highly anticipated concept in the heart of San Diego’s culinary hub of Little Italy that was nominated for the James Beard Award as best new restaurant in the US.
Plascencia announced that in 2017 he will part ways with Mexiterranean Hospitality, the company that owns and operates his United States-based eateries – Bracero & Romesco. He intends to focus his energies on his Mexico concepts, including opening a chain of boutique hotels. Plascencia remains highly active on the culinary front south of the border. He recently opened Lupe food truck, a torta-centric concept sited at his Finca Altozano restaurant in Valle de Guadalupe, which he has indicated as a possible concept for expansion in San Diego. Plascencia is also currently working on the opening of Restaurant Jazamango in Todos Santos, Baja California Sur, which he aims to open in early 2017.
“I truly wish Javier the best of success, and along with reflecting upon so many highlights we have shared together, such as being nominated for the James Beard award, San Diego’ Best Restaurant awards and creating unique spaces for people to savor the roots of Mexican cuisine and history, I continue to look at the road ahead with great anticipation,” commented Mexiterranean Hospitality co-founder Luis Peña.
With Plascencia’s departure Chef Eduardo “Lalo” Covarrubias has been tasked to lead the Bracero kitchen. Chef Lalo plans to continue Bracero’s legacy, including maintaining the effort to bring Mexican-Mediterranean cuisine into more of a traditional-contemporary focus for the restaurant. As a tribute, many of Javier’s special dishes will remain.
As far as Romesco, Mexiterranean Hospitality, now lead by Luis Peña, is looking into further expanding the traditional bistro more northward into San Diego proper, possibly downtown or further up the coast.
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La Jolla Cave
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Community Groups La Jolla
Landmarks in La Jolla
Rolf Benirschke
Gerry Driscoll
Dick Enberg
Doug Flutie
J. J. Isler
Gene Littler
Rey Mysterio
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Joel Skinner
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Beach Barber La Jolla High School
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Mission Valley Carjacking at Promenade
Original Article Provided By: SanDiegoVille Javier Plascencia Bows Out Of The United States Culinary Landscape | Celebrity Chef Parts Ways With His San Diego Restaurants January 3, 2016 The upscale Mexican food trend may be nearing an end. The face of Baja Calfornia Mexican cuisine, celebrity chef Javier Plascencia has announced that he has separated from his San Diego-based restaurants Bracero Cocina de Raiz in Little Italy and Romesco Mexiterranean in Bonita to focus on his ventures south of the border.
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chpatdoorsl3z0a1 · 7 years
5 Reasons San Diego is California’s Best Beach Town
Ever want to get away where you can enjoy an endless coastline by day and immerse yourself in a chic city vibe by night? Well, say hello to San Diego. 
Spectacular beaches, mouthwatering cuisine, marine preserves, art, culture, and an eclectic nightlife, San Diego has it all. Here are five reasons why San Diego just may be California’s best beach town.
1. The Best Mexican Food, North of the Border Bracero Cocina
Less than an hour drive from the Mexico border, San Diego has some seriously delicious Mexican restaurants. Bracero Cocina de Raiz, a sexy downtown hotspot with sweeping city views, celebrates its culinary heritage with a fresh modern twist. Think fresh masa, a (sustainably caught) raw fish bar for tiraditos and ceviche, albacore served two ways with a lime salsa verde and acorn squash in mole negro. Most plates are meant to share. But with flavors so bright and fresh, you might have to negotiate who gets the last bite. A word to the wise, when the waiter says the salsa is hot, believe it. One drop can make you cry. To cool down the heat the ever-popular Javier Wallbanger is the perfect libation.
Puesto, La Jolla
Then there’s Puesto in La Jolla where Chef Luisteen, a self-proclaimed “tacoteur” has reimagined the traditional Mexico City-style taco to make your taste buds sing. At this taco lover’s dream, all salsas and tortillas are made from scratch, proteins are sustainable including slow-cooked guisados, and Taco Tuesdays are elevated to an entirely new level. Puesto has a curated tequila program that will take conventional tequila permanently off your palate. Add in housemade aguas frescas and wines from Valle de Guadalupe region of Baja and you won’t go thirsty.
For more casual beach dining, Pacific Beach Fish Shop serves their award-winning TKO taco with grilled mahi-mahi topped with house made tropical mango salsa. Mix and match (sustainably caught) fish with different marinades to create your own taco masterpiece.
2. The Catamaran Resort Hotel & Spa
Ever wanted to be completely surrounded by views of water? Well, you can at the Catamaran Hotel and Spa, especially when you request a bay view room. A beloved San Diego favorite, it’s a staycation hotspot for locals. A California Green Lodging Program member, the hotel keeps its operations green so that the ocean and sky stay blue. A tropical Polynesian-themed hideaway in Pacific Beach, the Catamaran is pure bliss that puts an all-day smile on your face. Think palm trees, tiki torches, koi ponds, waterfalls, waterfront fine dining, sunset concerts, luaus, a bay view jacuzzi, and fire pits.
Mission Bay is the Catamaran’s backyard and the Pacific Ocean is across the street. Surf in the ocean or sail and paddleboard in the bay. Or rent a bike and cruise the boardwalk. It’s all at your fingertips. Then at sunset, soak in a bay view hot tub. Or rub elbows with locals at Moray’s Bar and enjoy a refreshing libation as the sun drops amongst tiki torches and fire pits. For dinner, mosey on over to Oceana Coastal Kitchen for delicious California cuisine. If the waterfront dining doesn’t already hook you, its seasonal menu with fresh seafood from the Baja and the Pacific will. Don’t forget the spa with holistic rituals and energy treatments such as Shiatsu and The Ancient Ocean Ritual. That after-spa feeling and bay views are what vacation dreams are made of.
3. La Jolla, Sea Bluffs and Sea Lions La Valencia Hotel
There’s so much to do in La Jolla, you might never want to leave. La Valencia Hotel’s ocean-front terrace restaurant, THE MED, is the perfect place to start. It’s an authentic taste of San Diego’s old world Spanish charm. The restaurant boasts a sumptuous sustainable seafood menu and an extraordinary wine list. Don’t miss the roasted cauliflower, daily crudo, or the giant locally sourced Mediterranean mussels. Count La Valencia in for nightlife, too. Live music and bespoke (plant-based) dinners are just a few events that keep the hotel on the pulse of La Jolla’s nightlife scene.
Next, you’ll want to walk over to La Jolla’s children’s pool on the bluffs overlooking the azure ocean. Where you’ll see naturally comical sea lions frolicking in the water and napping on the rocks. If you’re feeling adventurous, get in the water with Everyday Calfornia’s kayak and snorkel tours that will take you through the La Jolla Ecological Reserve where you’ll see the stunning coastline from the water, dolphins cruising by, and bright orange garibaldi swimming through the sea grass. Then, catch a wave back to shore.
The Empress Hotel
When booking a room, stay in the pet-friendly LEED-certified boutique Empress Hotel. Centrally located, it’s just a block from La Jolla’s sandy bluffs and a few minutes walk from quaint coffee shops, the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego and a plethora of excellent restaurants. Recently renovated, the Empress has a sophisticated ocean theme and offers an app for an effortless stay. Ask for the jacuzzi suite and enjoy soaking in the tub with an ocean view.
Although not on the water, lunch at The Farmer and the Seahorse is not to be missed. Under the helm of award-winning chef Brian Malarkey, it’s an eccentric whimsical space that offers not only a culinary adventure but also a lifestyle experience. You’ll be invited to a pickup game of bean bag toss in an adjacent colorful garden. Inside is just as eccentric with a silver Airstream trailer casually parked amongst the tables. Try the local’s favorite butternut squash lasagna with ricotta, kale, and mushrooms. It’s worth coming back for.
4. L’ Auberge Del Mar, Casual Coastal Chic
If you’re not already staying at the historic L’ Auberge del Mar, treat yourself to eco-luxury at one of the “Best Luxury Resorts” on the Condé Nast Gold List. Committed to being clean and green, its spa exclusively uses Osea organic products. And its restaurants Coastline and KITCHEN 1540 share a vertical, hydroponic garden showcasing herbs and flowers used in the menu and cocktails. While Coastline is ocean-front casual al fresco dining, KITCHEN 1540 exudes an elegant artsy vide. Relax in the open-air lobby lounge or walk up to the upper deck where a charming row of white wooden rocking chairs await to relax into while you watch the sunset.
A day spent in Del Mar is a day well spent indeed. With Del Mar Village just across the street from the hotel, you’ll always get a bird’s eye view of Del Mar’s gorgeous coastline. Take a walk along the Scripps Bluff Preserve with an infinity view of the Pacific and inland lagoons and see the sky speckled with hot air balloons. It doesn’t get much better than this.
5. Get Wet with Surf Diva
Who is the best surfer in the water? According to Surf Diva, it’s whoever is having the most fun! Owned and operated by twin sisters Izzy and Coco Tihanyi, Surf Diva has been sharing the stoke of learning to surf for over 20-years. Based in La Jolla Shores, you can book a private lesson with an encouraging and enthusiastic surf instructor who will do everything in their power to ensure you stand up the first time. The occasional beginner’s face plant is well worth the high of gliding with the wave. While Surf Diva began as an all-women surf school, they quickly became a La Jolla institution and now offer all levels of surf lessons to everyone. And actively support charities focused on education and female action sports services.
Related on EcoSalon
3 Luxury Cruises Perfect for the Conscious Adventure Traveler 5 Sailing Vacations Perfect for Beginners Costa Rica’s Pura Vida Secret to Longer, Happier Lives
The post 5 Reasons San Diego is California’s Best Beach Town appeared first on EcoSalon.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2oAz7aE
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