#Bacon the Dorky Devil
macabre-discotheque · 5 months
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i've had these goobers sitting in the brain pan for months ever since i saw them and i finally got the brain power to draw a bunch of them!!! >B]
ANYWAYS THAT'S MY FIVE MINUTES I better start running before they drag me back to my enclosu[Taser Gun SFX]
[Ahem] Close ups under the cut 😎😎
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crabbypalsart · 3 months
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Murdy-poo!!! Also, yeah X•D thought it'd be fun to insert The Devils in there considering its part of Dynaswap Lore that he possesses himself with demons and like, has demon parties in his room/Winnie or some shit X•D I'll probs draw more when I am not tired! ¦•P
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bits83 · 3 months
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Redraw of this pic ☝🏽
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8bits3 · 3 years
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Its not even october yet and all but like
HallowBits 🎃😈
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demonofpuns · 6 years
Lovestruck Secret Santa
Happy holidays to you,  @musicfeedsmysoul12! I gotta say, I’m still enjoying what you wrote for me, and I finally can give something in return today. I hope you’ll like it! ------ Warmth surrounds you as you wake up. Light is already spilling through the windows, and the white of snow only makes it brighter altogether.You try to stretch, but an arm wrapped around your waist effectively prevents you from it. While it is tempting to just spend the day in bed and relax (and watch trashy monster documentaries on Crispyflix) together with your favorite devil, they promised you a surprise for one thing and you really need something to eat right now for the other. A soon as you move to get up however, the hold on you tightens, and a sleepy groan sounds behind you. “Five more minutes...” With a smile and an amused roll of your eyes, you force yourself out of the warm embrace, ignoring the displeased noises of the devil behind you, and head over to the kitchen. Five minutes later, some strips of bacon are sizzling while you prepare everything else for some pancakes in another pan. “It should be illegal for food to smell this amazing while it's early.” A chuckle escapes your lips. “Early? JD, it's half past 9.” “Said it. Early.” You shake your head and turn over the first pancake. “Ever tried flipping it?” “Once. Ended with a broken pan and one hell of a mess on the floor.” “What a shame. Every formidable millennial should know how to flip a pancake.” “Maybe you could teach me, oh holy master of flipping?” “Holy?” A smirk on their face is soon mirrored by yours. “Alright, unholy master of flipping.” Your partner takes the pan away from you to show you how they do it. Hm. Looks easy enough. Ten minutes and too many failed attempts at trying later, you are ready to become the unholy master of flipping your shit. “I swear to god, if I fail one more time, I'm gonna throw down.” “Can't have that, can we? Let me take over.” So, while you resort to making even more bacon and preparing the table, JD is flipping the pancakes with skillful moves of their wrist. When finally everything is set for breakfast, the two of you dive into the delicious things you prepared yourself. “Really, JD, those are one HELL of pancakes.” “Very funny.” “I know, right?” With a roll of their eyes, they take the next bite. “By the way, didn't you say something of a surprise you planned for today?” “Can't ruin it now, can I? Don't worry, I think you'll like it.” “Heh. I can't make you tell me?” “Not a chance.” “Not even with a huge pretty gay please?” “... I admit, that is rather tempting, but. No.” “Urgh. Fine.” “I can give you a hint, though.” “Go ahead.” “It involves lots of snow.” An hour later, you're perched on JD's motorcycle behind them, holding tight and thankful the helmet keeps out the cold wind. Even more thankful they're that much of a heating, to be honest. You see Havenfall fly by, and then, the fields. The way is familiar, it seems they're taking you to the watertower. Stopping there, you see a giant area full of untouched snow as soon as you get off behind them. “Wait, JD. Are we gonna do what I think we are?” “Exactly.” With a smirk and a dorky laugh, they take a giant leap and let themselves fall back into the snow, moving their arms and legs right on the spot. Walking over, you already scoop up a considerable amount of snow, hiding it in your palm and lean above them. “Why JD, it does seem like you can create an angel right from yourself.” “Aah, very funny.” “You know what else is really funny?” “Spike when he was chasing after the ball and crashed into a bag of glitter?” “Yes, but also... you covered in snow.” With that, you dump the handful on top of them, laughing when they sputter and roll around. You run away just as they get up. “You're so gonna get that back!” You laugh even harder, running further. “Kiss my ass!” “I had something else in mind!” You yelp when a snowball hits the exact spot you mentioned, and you whip around just for another to hit your leg. This. Means. War. You scoop up more snow and press it together, hurling it at JD and managing to hit their chest, dodging the ball they sent flying to you. When you duck for the next snow to throw, they hit your back, but your revenge is sticking to their pants. More snowballs fly between the two of you, with the score being surprisingly even between you two (although no one counts, if we're being honest). In the end, they more or less win by soaring into the air and slamming into you, pushing you into the snow and dotting your face with the stuff, but you pay them back for everything. Panting, you grin at each other. “Peace?” “Peace.” They fall into the snow on their back next to you, waiting for you to catch your breath. “Sooo... snowman?” “I'm sold.” Walking over to a patch of snow untouched by the battle that reigned this field mere minutes ago, each of you rolls one part of the body and you look for decoration and place the two spheres on top of each other while JD rolls the third. The stones you found make a “:3” expression when you're done with them, and your partner can't stifle a small giggle. “Someone saw too many cat memes, huh?” “Guilty as charged.” You take a step closer to them and throw your arms around your favorite devil, smiling when theirs pull yours closer. “What's that for?” “I'm cold. You're hot.” “Tell me something I don't know.” “I'm gonna make hot chocolate for us when we get back home.” “Eager to leave already?” A hint of disappointment rings in their voice, and you smile apologetically. “I'm cold and my clothes are soaked. So no, I don't want to leave, but catching a cold isn't the best either. We can come back later if you want.” “Maybe build another snowman?” “Good idea. I need a change of clothes though.” “That sounds... good too.” The wink is almost obvious in their voice, and you playfully hit their shoulder. “Yes, yes. Now come on, I want to cuddle on my couch.” They're back at their bike in less than a moment.
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noahsegans · 8 years
the great big Valentine’s Day extravaganza!! (otherwise known as, the Dinner J and I Had on February 15th Because Work Schedules Suck and We Were Unable to Hangout on February 14th)
(warning: i’m sappy and gay and obsessed with my man)
i wanted to cook for him, because while i may not do it often, i have an obsession with food and food prep, and i mean, i gotta show off my skillz if i want to become a trophy stay-at-home wife one day right? but anyway he’d told me he didn’t care what i cooked, so i took that as ‘pick your favorite kind of food’ and i went the pasta route because pasta is like my family. i picked up these fresh ravioli that were stuffed with tomatoes, basil, and mozzarella, and then i made a marinara sauce using just a plain jar of it as a base -- added good stuff like onions and mushrooms and i ground up some italian sausage for it. i know we’re meant to be because homeboy got just as excited over the mushrooms as i do when i find out someone’s sauce has mushrooms lmao. so yeah. i made that on Tuesday night, as well as boiled my eggs to make deviled eggs as an appetizer -- because he loves when i make deviled eggs. 
i found a heart-shaped egg/sushi mold online, too! heart-shaped bacon jalapeno deviled eggs, presented on a big plate with a heart on it. because i am super gay. but he loved it and thought it was adorably dorky, so -- mission accomplished. i also got him some peach Sprite, which i had to go to Burger King for because the only place i can find that shit is in those electronic fountain machines with all the flavors. he was so tickled and touched by all that i did for him, and he was telling me how great my sauce was -- and had to go back for seconds -- so it was really friggin nice. it was a really nice dinner and he couldn’t stop looking at me all soft-like with just outright affection in his eyes, and it was everything to me. 
he was super tired because he’s been busy this week, so after we ate, we took a little nap for an hour or two (and McLovin stayed in bed with us, he usually gets offended when we try to lay down with him, but he slept with us, and it was perfect -- me, J, and my cat, all soft and warm and content in bed together, the stuff dreams are made of) and when we woke up, he took me out for dessert.
it was great. and Valentine’s Day is not something that he particularly cares about -- he’s been in way more relationships than i, he’s done this song and dance before, but he knew that it was important to me. he told me that it might not have been his first v day, but it was his first v day with me, and he went out of his way to make sure that it was special for me, and i’m just so beyond grateful to him for it. 
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crabbypalsart · 8 days
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Omg Bacon and Bits, what r u guys doin' here?!?!!1111
X•DD Just wanted to make a silly lil doodle with these two based on this dumb meme:
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Anyways, I gotta go guys!—DynaStu is dragging me by the patas and it appears he is gonna put me in the cage again—
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crabbypalsart · 2 months
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HAPPY B-DAY @bits83 !!!
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crabbypalsart · 10 months
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Jan messes with Bacon on the wrong day. 🫢
Yeah, saw this stupid ass meme and thought "Yeah, this is exactly how it would play out when Bacon finally stands up to Jan." X•D
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crabbypalsart · 7 months
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Another 80's Bacon.
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crabbypalsart · 8 months
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I don't recall ever posting these. They're kinda funny X•D they're also from 2 years ago xdd
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crabbypalsart · 1 year
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I figured I may as well make this, this and this an AU X•D Takes place in the same "Who Framed Roger Rabbit"-esque universe Bacon and Bits live in. They find him and take him home, in the meanwhile doing their best to find out what happened to the rest of Wally's friends. Don't worry, I imagine there's a happy ending to this AU :•) More talk under the cut!!!
-Bacon is kind of a dick to Wally in the beginning. This is mostly due to his frustration caused by his inability to properly read Wally's emotions; therefore obscuring what his true intentions may be. Bacon has some pretty bad trust issues, and his ability to read people's emotions is what tends to keep that at bay. Unfortunately for him, Wally can't entirely process/express emotions like others can, which throws Bacon off and causes him to act all bitchy towards Wally at first. With time, as Wally learns to process/express certain emotions and Bacon learns to read him through gestures and body language, Wally grows on him.
-Bits and Wally have almost the same bond Barnaby and Wally have. However, rather than just cracking jokes and engaging in silly antics, they also bond from the unsettling energy they both radiate, as well as their tendency to stare.
-Bits and Emi like to teach him bad words. X•D Sammy pretends to have no part in it, but they totally do.
-His new outfit was sewn and put together by Bacon and Laly.
-Wally is physically drawn to Bacon because he is very, very warm (fire guy X•DD). Bacon is only mildly annoyed by it, but allows it.
-Bacon and Bits take Wally to work the first couple of times he's living with them cause Bacon didn't trust him to stay alone back at the house. Everyone at work loves him! :•)
-Wally likes to sit on Bacon's parlor chair because it is huge, and because of the warmth. Bacon nags and complains about it, but will eventually just lift Wally up like a cat and sit him on the arm of the chair as he sits reads the paper because he ends up feeling bad about actually having to remove him from it. X•D
-Wally acts pretty much the same! Just ends up catching a bit of attitude throughout time, so he's not as patience as before if he is being pushed. He has gone, and is going through a very tough time in this AU, and that causes him to behave in ways that may seem a little out of character for him.
...that is all for now X•D I will continue to develop this, as well as Bacon N' Bits' storyline, as I go when I feel the need to.
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crabbypalsart · 8 months
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Had this in my drafts and I forgot to post it X•D)
So, here's Pepe Giorgio Roni (AKA "The Pizza Don")! He's the owner of Roni's Pizza, and the Don of the infamous Roni Family; a mafia family well known around the area.
Easy to anger, but will tolerate you if you're already on his good side. He has a goddaughter named Rita (who I will introduce later on X•D), who he wants to pass his business down onto one day (though she feels as though she's not qualified). He's very serious about his business and family, and will send his men after anyone who dares disrespect either (given that he doesn't get his hands on you himself first).
When in the pizzeria, he puts Bacon and Bits in charge of the "shadier jobs" when they're not waiting the tables or making the food; they also keep on the lookout for any suspicious figures/activity.
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crabbypalsart · 2 years
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Well, here's a redraw of a redraw and just in time for Throwback Thursday I guess X•D
If you remember Abel the Rebel Angel, you are certified for a veteran's discount in the BATIM fandom 😂 Now, It would be wise for him to step out of the way before Bits hits one of her world famous home-runs X•D
I miss the-vampire-inside-me, I hope she is doing alright :•)
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crabbypalsart · 1 year
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In his defense, you didn’t ask him for elaboration, Bacon X•D
[Not pictured: Bacon aggressively trying to take a bite out of Wally’s own hair out of “revenge” as he just sits there all non-chalantly like @: ) ]
Yeah, I just wanted to draw out a lil interaction between the two of them X•D This could be part of an AU or something where The Devils find him in an abandoned warehouse, take him home, and chaos ensues idk 🙃
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crabbypalsart · 10 months
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Bacon and Bits, except they're HUMAN human X•D I was gonna draw Bits with her cool helmet and all, but I got tired 😂
Bonus Under the Cut: Bacon without hat xdd
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