smoshygayness · 3 months
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thoughtsandbones · 1 year
It's been a long time
FIRST TIME WRITING A FANFIC - Since i was on LiveJournal (years ago)
Simon 'Ghost' RIley x F!MedicDoc
WARNINGS: Mention of death, blood, fluff and angst?
Song inspo: Think - Kaleida (Love John Wick <3 and Atomic Blonde <3)
I grew up with the OG MW2 game, so there are some references to the old one, so kind of a mix of both the OG and the new timeline...
All rights reserved to the rightful owners of Call of Duty Modern Warfare.
(FYI: bold sentences... are like this... are supposed to describe redacted data/info to the plot... ;] .. )
Part 1
Back again here. That's what you thought when you actually landed at the base. You're trying to calculate how long it has actually been. The years. The months. The days. The hours. The minutes.
Why? Because time is represented by numbers. And a weird number observer you were. Numbers are always assigned to occasions, incidents, blood pressure, mL of drugs, minutes to save a life, seconds wasted.
You furrow your eyebrows. You don't care about the wrinkles forming. Not anymore. You part your lips, and suck in some air.
The tightness of the black boots yet to be broken in like you were once.. were just painful and added pain of sore feet and legs from getting back into training was just a cherry on the icing.
The pain is just temporary... You think to yourself whilst you close your eyes and inhale for 4 through the nose, hold, and slowly breathe out for four, controlled, of course... and gradually open your eyes.
You should be grateful for this chance.
You take in scene before you. Base. Outside Berkshire... mid August...
The sky above is pale shade of blue with hints of orange as the sun sets in the west. It is surprisingly warm and nice today. Minimal clouds. As you look down you see the trucks on the grey charcoal tarmac, smooth and a few cracks here and there.. Buildings behind, patches of green..? Wow.
You couldn't also ignore the soon to be glaring floods lights surrounding the perimeter of the base. Without these, the views of sky where even more phenomenal. The stars. The realisation that there is a sort of weird chaos also going on out there too. The storm of Jupiter must be a sight to see you wonder..
"Corporal Kaur!" You hear a man shout from the left of you.
You break your gaze and see and old man from where that shout came from. Face still stern. Eyebrows still furrowed.
Captain Price.
You recognise that moustache and boonie hat from a mile away.Next to him where to other men, one bulky and tall, donning a half a skull over his face and wearing all black and the other shorter, still tall. but what was most noticeable was the hawk. Both of them staring at you.
You briefly stare back. Your new COs you assume.
You start to walk over to them, carrying your pack, and duffle over your right shoulder.
Back again. Back here facing death again. That's what you think. Over and over as you stride until you reach your old Captain.
You place your pack and duffle on the ground.
"Captain Price" you say, giving in a salute, heels slamming together. Your back straightening automatically when your right arm swung to the tip of your beret. Palms facing out. Always.
Muscle memory is a wonderful thing.
"At ease Corporal" Price says, giving a slight chuckle. His body turns to the two men beside him.
"This is Lieutenant Ghost" Price said as he gestures towards the masked man.
You put out your right hand for a hand shake. The lieutenant just stares at you, eyes cold and calculating watching you.
You raise your head curtly and trying to suppress the smirk from appearing. I'm watching you too you think to yourself.
"I'm your Sergeant; Soap MacTavish" the hawked man said, in a strong Scottish accent. He brings up his hand for a handshake, grinning hard.
You shake his hand. Soap grinned a bit harder.
"Soap and Ghost." You say turning your head to Price after shaking Soap's hand, you see him in the corner of your eye elbow Ghost and gesture towards you with his hand, you couldn't catch what he was saying as Price started giving you directions and something else he
"The team know you're here as their new medic. The infirmary, somewhat set, thought it was best left to the expert to order whatever you need. You remember where it is?" Price said. "I have to go to the hanger, catch up later" He saids, patting you on the shoulder.
"Thank you sir" You reply.
Yes. The team's medic. Not actually part of the team. Not anymore...
Not able to linger on the past for a second longer, you see Soap move towards your pack and duffle.
You grab your pack just before he does.
"I've got it, don't worry" You say, and this time you remember to smile, with teeth, a soft smile that a younger you adorned each day.
Soap laughs gently, and looks at your face, that smile broke your stern face from before, a kindness washed over your face Soap thought.
After picking up your pack and duffle, swinging them both over and onto your back. You stare back at the two men, and smile again.
"Well, I am going.. to get settled" You say to them "Nice meeting both of you" you said as you turn.
"We'll walk ya to the infirmary" The lieutenant said gruffly. You detect an accent, maybe northern?
"Yeah, that way we can get to know you on the way" Soap chimes in, grinning again
Fuck sake, not this already you think to yourself.
You turn to them, and force a smile, this time no teeth, nostrils flare, you hope they don't notice the force of it. Ghost does. Ghost raises his head, eyes widening slightly.
You did not like that Ghost thinks to himself. He crosses his arms across his chest, slightly puffing it out.
He looks at you whilst you relax your face as you looked at him do his little chest puff, your eyes widen, slight glare to the ground and then back to the familiar stern look, he lets out a light huff. Amused at the expressions coming and going on your face. He could've sworn there was hint of pink spreading across that brown skin.
"Price said you've worked here before" Soap continues, trying to ease the tension that was stirring between the three of you as the three of you walk across the tarmac, amidst the other soldiers and trucks driving past.
You stare again at Soap, trying to ease the furrowed brows, but they seem glued to their position. The back of your mind still processing your surroundings.
"Years ago. In my early twenties" You reply to Soap
"Wait, so how old are you now?" Soap asks
You look at him and smile slightly. People get so bewildered when they find out that you're a lot older than you look. Given that your face has hardly a wrinkle, no grey hairs, smooth and "fair" skin (for an Indian) that your mother loves to praise you about after years of her nagging of using SPF 50 daily, especially during winter.
"32" You reply
"Steamin' Jesus" Soap exclaims "You don't look a day over 25" he added
"Yeah, it's annoying getting ID'd when getting a drink though" You say back. You realise the two men are beside you, Soap on your left, and Ghost on your right. Glaring at you still, watching your movements. You're stuck in the middle. A rock and a hard place.
You feel the tension creep to your shoulders. You roll your right shoulder to ease the tension. It doesn't help. Not with the added weight your pack and duffle. You then take duffle off your back, and see Soap on your left raise him arm, again gesturing for him to help carry your stuff.
You raise your left hand and tell him again its okay. You've carried heavier. You've carried limp bodies for longer. You hold the duffle on your right hand, Ghost moves slightly further to make room. You take note and swing duffle, smooth and controlled.
The three of you head straight to building 2. You notice the building as been redone slightly since you were here last, a fresh slick of paint and new doors.
Soap runs up to the doors, and opens them for you, and gestures you through with his right hand. You nod and give a weak thanks.
"We have to keep you sweet" he says "Right L.t?" Soap says, nudging Ghost.
Ghost grunts disapprovingly.
"Why?" You turn to him, letting out a deep sigh. Laying the duffle and pack down on the ground. Suddenly the jet lag, the sore feet and legs hit you harder and you feel like you could just melt into the floor. But you couldn't do that.
"Well, you are our new medic, and you'll be patching us up after missions, so need to keep you sweet" Soap says in a chirpy manner.
"That's her job Johnny" Ghost said, voice rough
You smirk, reaching in your pack for a folder containing your documents and forms.
"Actually..." You start but then remember that even Price said your job role to your face. Medic.
"Actually?" Soap questions
"Nothing" You said, opening the plastic folder and retrieving your forms, you look up and see Soap with a puzzling look on his face and Ghost just coldly still staring.
The anxiety is kicking in. You feel it creep across your chest and swarming it's way to your arms and legs.
You pull out the forms needed and held them in your hand, in between Soap and Ghost, unsure who would take them
"Filled these out as requested by Captain Price" You say
Ghost reaches and grabs the papers, eyes weaving left to right from top to bottom across the forms. You see Soap try and peak and he notices a lot of thick blacked out information. His brows furrow and a curious sheen glosses over his eyes as he looks back at you.
"Most of this is redacted" Ghost says those cold eyes still on the paper. "Like your file" His eyes flicker to yours, hoping to catch you out.
But you stare back. Redacted like your face you think to yourself.
"Captain Price surely would've let you know why" You say curtly
The two men looked at each other. Ghost turned his head towards you, Soap still eyeing Ghost, and then peaking at the paper a bit closer.
No forename, no information of her previous time here... Was Ghost right? Soap thought
"Was hopin' to get somethin' outa' you" Ghost said brightly
He folded the forms into four and put them in his back pocket. He then bent down slightly and picked up your pack and duffle before you could. His eyes wondered up and down your body and your stare turned into a glare when you realised what he was doing.
You felt like he could see through the clothes that covered you. You tug the sleeve of your jacket, rolling your shoulders forward, trying to become smaller. And this man made you smaller. Not by his sheer size, but the way he just looked at you up and down.
"Need a hand Lt? Soap says, breaking the silence again. Hoping to at least try and carry the new medic's stuff.
"Nah, I got this Johnny" Ghost sighs, readjusting the grip on your pack and duffle and swinging them over his shoulder. "Let's show her the infirmary" He said walking off, leaving behind a bewildered Soap and yourself.
You follow the two men, wanting this to be over so you can lie down and sleep. And take the damn boots off. Your feet becoming numb with every step as you follow your commanding officers..
As the three of you reach the door of the infirmary, Ghost drops your pack and duffle from his shoulder to his side, still not letting go and places his left hand in his pocket and takes out a key and unlocks the door.
He looks down at you and you look up at him, you smile weakly, furrowed brows still and try and peak into the infirmary.
Ghost doesn't break his gaze from you, he moves from the doorway and gestures you to go in.
You go in first, the room a warm golden yellow, the light is turned off. The big windows let the last of the sun's rays into the room.
Golden hour.
It's so beautiful you think to yourself and as you move through the room to the window staring at the sunset.
"Best view on this side o' the buildin'" Ghost says, approaching you as you watch the sunset, he gently places your pack and duffle next you.
"It really is something" You say, smiling brightly at the sunset
Ghost sees the shift in your expression in the window, and looks down beside you, your eyes, they appear softer and warm. Not like the ones he experienced earlier.
"Johnny and I will get your room key" Ghost says turning to Soap who was about to take a photo of the sunset with his phone. "C'mon sergeant" as he walks past him and leans against the doorway.
You turn to look at them, Soap desperately trying to take a photo despite the sighing coming from Ghost as he watches him take endless photos of the "sunset". He saw Soap sneak a picture of you.
"Thank you Lieutenant Ghost and Sergeant Soap" You say, struggling to comprehend these codenames. Ghost you kind of get, given the mask. But Soap? There has to be some kind of gay connotation you think as you remind yourself of the saying 'Don't drop the soap'
The two of them turn to you, Soap smiles and Ghost just staring.
Soap eventually makes his way out past Ghost, and walks out.
"Meet you at the Hole Lt, need to take a piss" Soap whispers as he passes him.
You and Ghost lock eyes as he holds the doorknob and begins to just it close, you make your way over, ensuring that he will actually leave and not linger (like a ghost).
"Thanks again for carrying my stuff" You say, trying the fill the silence and encourage this man to leave.
Ghost's grip tightens on the doorknob, and brings the door closer.
"You are most welcome" He says
You smile again as you edge closer to the door. Leave dammnit
The smile on your face disappears, the mouth drops open slightly in an O. Eyes widen in shock.
You see Ghost's eyes wrinkle, a sign he's possibly smiling under that skull mask.
Got ya He thought as the took in the shocked face and closed the door leaving you bewildered on the other side.
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st-a-y · 1 month
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fenrir77 · 27 days
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[F] Im Back Posepack /free
Hellooww :)
today something short :) 4 little Poses for Daddy and child
thumbnail and description available
dont reclaim/reedit etc.pp
thank you for all your kind words <3 You can download it here : CLICK ME - Patreon
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lu-zijing · 1 year
Hey everyone! I'm back online again and will be able to comment, talk, DRAW! You know~ But. I won't guarantee how many drawings I'll have time to make.
I do think I will have some time, still need to figure some things out. But I have made some paper drawings in my hiatus though! And I can't wait to finish them on my computer-!!
Take care, and THANKS for the few extra notes/likes to my latest couple of posts!!! Until next time~!
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simpofmanymen · 2 years
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Ik I have been gone for awhile, I've been working on a oneshot for my book! If you havent read my book its called "gear hearts" its on wattpad, its a work in progress.
(i might post it on ao3 if someone teaches me)
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soleanticipation · 5 months
Still me.
I hear the nights
as the owl hoots
a grand gesture from the stars
my nose starts working
Lilly is depressed
she loves to miss the sun
yet she fight moonshine.
Every night.
Just like me, I fight.
To stay alive.
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kashiroooo · 9 months
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heartgato · 1 year
Whew back once again 🥸
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2009toyotacamry · 1 year
back again
whats up gang, im back again. the car i named my page after is wrecked so now this page is a memorial to her </3
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moosekateere · 1 year
Guess who’s back
Back again Yeah that’s right, it’s been a while but I’m back and revamping this page for my art blog. Been through a lot of growth where my art is concerned the last several years and was posting semi-regularly on my instagram when I remembered “Hey I have a tumblr!” o.o  I’m not the smartest but nothing new there Anyway if you are a follower from the before times, welcome to my art blog ^^ Please stay...or don’t and be the instigator for a tragic fated lovers backstory~ Choice is yours muahaha
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strychn1ne · 1 year
after over a years hiatus i have returned. hallelujah.
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whoreabledelight · 2 years
So what does one have to do to find the joy in tumblr again? Get followers, be able to interact with them, and have fun with it. I am coming from having 1k plus to having 6 followers now after all the bans and such. I find it kind of me now. Change my mind come say hello, and make this worth it for me again?
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vikaskhair · 2 years
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People ask me what am doing and disappeared from Instagram, well I am back. . . Model - @mohinichaudhary94584 Hair - @hair_artist_nadeem MUA - @makeupartistry_official Style - @shadabtheartist Location - @a.s_salonacademy . . . . . . #iamback #backagain #portrait_mood #portraitphotography #photographers #photographylovers #photosoftheday #photographersofinstagram #photo #delhiblogger #aibs #delhi #india #uk #indian_classic_portrait #portraits #portfolioshoot #usa #brazil #mexico #indian_fashion_bloggers #argentina #indianphotographers #portraitblog (at A.S Academy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpxY7xMvN3c/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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finkenfunk · 2 years
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Back on Bali after almost five years. Exploring new places and making new friends on land and under water. . . . #bali #indonesia #backagain #sabbatical #vegantravels #animalfriends #stopeatinganimals #amed #diving #tulamben #ontheroad #ricefields #welovevillagestoo https://www.instagram.com/p/CpcV2xmrYMh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I think that’s borderline harassment if I just look at you... constantly
Mehmet to Liliia
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