#Back to the 2015 Future
s0up1ta · 3 months
are you telling me- you built a time machine... out of a DeLorean ?
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aroaceleovaldez · 9 months
listen i think we should bring back some of the like 2012-2015 era pjo memes and trends so the show folks can get a taste of what the fandom was like back then.
Persassy, "fish jesus," Soldatino, some of the popular ships from then just for fun (remember when Travis Stoll x Katie Gardner was a thing? the extremely brief period of time when people shipped Jason x Butch Walker because Butch is described with "a face like a pile of bricks" so it was a convoluted Brason joke?). i hear people are calling show percabeth "smartwater" so that's coming back already, that's fun. there's potential here.
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Marty McFly VS The Doc-pocalypse or smth like that idk
I put way too much effort into what was supposed to be a stupid doodle so uh. Have this Tumblr. I really don’t have a better explanation for this other than I got two more Doc Pop! Figures today, which leaves me with a growing army of 3 Docs and one singular Marty, and I keep laughing every time I look at them in my display case so here we have Marty dealing with multiple Docs from different times that have all somehow ended up in the garage in 1986. Four dimensional thinking has never been his strong suit, and trying to figure this out is not helping. He’s got two hours of sleep, a bajillion positive encouraging post-it notes from the Doc of the present telling him to sleep, hot chocolate, and four very enthusiastic Emmetts crowding the lab. Send help. And caffeine. And maybe Clara cause he’s not so sure he can keep them from blowing something up for much longer.
Picture of the inspiration under the cut :)
Behold, my growing Doc army and my one single Marty McFly left to deal with them
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At least Marty has his tunes. That might help him stay a little sane
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lotrmusical · 6 months
tell you what. i love being older than i used to be. and more transgender also
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Ford Probe, 1989 (2015). As used as background cars in Back to the Future II (set in 1985 and 2015). First generation Probes were modified with huge slopping windshields, spoilers and side skirts for the movie. Apparently the Probe was chosen because it "already looked futuristic"
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astrosnax · 2 years
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join us for a bite!
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architectural-sims · 1 year
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Henford Hall -December, 18:39PM
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duskstars · 2 years
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*points and laughs at you*
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bgsbracelets · 2 months
mcfly july 2024 || bracelet edition || 🌲 || day 23
Marlene's Plan
Type: Glass || Metal: Silver || Weight 0.6 oz || Beaded Length: 6.00"
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bg-sparrow · 2 months
mcfly july 2024 || 🌲 || day 23 Marlene's Plan
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Griff is not ready when Marlene storms into school Thursday morning, smacks him, and seizes the neck of his shirt with an iron fist. 
“What the hell, Marlene –”
She slams his back into the lockers, finally getting his attention.
“You got my brother put in jail!”
“Hey, he got himself put in jail.”
“Helping you!”
“Well, maybe he wouldn’t have had to help me if you’d’ve gone through with it last week like you said you would instead of bailing over our little breakup.”
“Is that what this is about?”
“You’re going with me to get him out.”
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pinwheel-plant · 11 months
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happy future day! have some assorted marties
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mothercetrion · 1 year
that PhD in quantum physics line MIGHT be a reference to back to the future?? not sure cause i've never seen it but it would be so hilarious if it was true 😭 i like to imagine he went to college for acting/theatre but imagine?? he's got his doctorate diploma hanging up on the wall and everyone notices it and are like "???" but he never elaborates
as someone who has grown up watching "Back to the Future," I was intrigued by this. unfortunately, the only thing I can find is that Doc Brown (the scientist in the film series) likely has a degree in nuclear physics rather than quantum mechanics. I don't know the difference, frankly, but nuclear is definitely not quantum, so that wouldn't track. even then, it's all fandom speculation as of now, and I highly doubt that NRS would reference something that isn't totally confirmed.
(hilariously enough, Johnny does reference "Back to the Future" when talking to Geras.)
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I also headcanon that he went to school for theatre (with a history minor potentially), but the thought of him actually having a doctorate in quantum physics is incredible. it doesn't come up much, given his career, but then his friends see his diploma in his house and they're like "Johnny you have a doctorate? in quantum physics?" and he's like "yeah? so?" just very casual about it. and they're just stunned that he hasn't brought it up until now? mostly because he's not bragging about himself in some way fbdshbfshd
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cyberprinces · 4 months
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wsp tumbla
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esteemed-excellency · 9 months
6, 7, 9 for Hiram and Deviless!
6. Why would extremely online fans call them problematic?
They're getting cancelled as we speak:
they both ignored their respective red flags
they're bad queer representation
age gap: he's old
age gap 2 electric boogaloo: she's even older
one character comes from HellTM therefore the ship is immoral
they both lied to each other about their feelings
they manipulated each other
they manipulate other people
they enable substance abuse
flawed characters are BadTM
monsterfucking discourse (it's BadTM)
7. What are their love languages?
Hiram's love language is gift giving, and the Deviless' is physical touch [Scandal is increasing...], but most of all they value their quality time together.
(loving these two questions one after the other sdjfjfkg yes they would immediately get cancelled. btw here's their love languages <3)
9. What was their last argument about? How did they resolve it? Did they resolve it?
Hiram recently went to the Cumaean Canal to deliver a royal letter to someone very near the surface. The Deviless didn't like the idea because the last time he went near the surface he got a bit carried away and he almost got fried by sunlight. What's the point of subverting all the Judgements' laws if he goes to the only place where those laws still apply? He reassured her it happened only once, and he totally planned to die before the sunlight could get to him (he did not in fact have a plan. he's still thinking about his shortcomings). She wasn't convinced at all and they argued a little, but she knew he wouldn't change his mind.
They didn't resolve the argument until Hiram came back from the Cumaean Canal. He was too excited about the message delivery to even care about their disagreement, and The Deviless was happy to have him back safe and sound so she considered the argument concluded. They went to dinner together that same evening and they actually talked it out, they both don't like to leave things unresolved.
The thing is, the Deviless knows about Hiram's involvement in the Great Game, but she doesn't always understand his reasons for it, and his attachment to London. It all seems a rather useless effort to her, it's just a city, and they'll still be there long after it. She doesn’t always like the lenghts he's willing to go to ensure his plans, and the bargains he conducts. Hiram doesn't like her unwillingness to consider the bigger picture, and he doesn't always understand her concerns about him. They told each other all of this in these exact terms, and they're slowly but steadily working on their flaws (or, to be precise, what they consider their flaws to be).
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doctorbrown · 2 months
1991, Lone Pine Timeline
“Well, Mrs. Parker-McFly?” Marty grins, carrying her over the threshold of their small flat—this isn’t forever, Jen, I promise—just until we’re both done with school. We’ll get a real house with plenty of space, maybe even a dog—hell, two dogs; you know I always wanted a dog—while she clings to him, playfully teasing that if the first thing he does as her husband is drop her, she’s filing for immediate divorce.
They cross into the living room without incident and share a brief, tender kiss—the first away from eager, watchful eyes. The first one for themselves. The first of many more to come as husband and wife.
“Now that we’re married, what’s the first thing you want to do?”
Marty sets her down gently and the first thing she does is plop down onto the sofa and breathe a sigh of relief that Marty mistakes as joy that the wedding is finally over. He doubts there would’ve been a snowball’s chance in hell of this wedding going off as smoothly as it did without Doc and Clara and his parents and Detective Parker coordinating everything—he’s never seen his Mom be so assertive in his life; it was almost scary the way she became an entirely different person—and the closer and closer the date got, the more Jen stressed about everything.
She’s probably happier than him that it’s over, it all went off without a hitch—all things considered—and they’ll be headed off on their honeymoon in just two short days.
“If I had known weddings were going to be that much work—”
“—Or that expensive.”
“—Or that expensive,” Marty adds, taking a seat right beside her, “I would’ve suggested we elope or just—hey!!”
Marty yelps as a pillow suddenly comes hurtling towards his face and the look that Jen gives him could melt through solid steel like butter.
“C’mon Jen, you know I didn’t mean it. I know how important this big wedding was to you—I wouldn’t change a thing.”
Jen’s expression softens, but there’s a layer of frost in her eyes that doesn’t quite melt. “I know. It’s just—hold on a sec.” Marty quirks a brow but stays seated on the couch as Jen stands, disappearing into their shared bedroom.
Alone, Jen allows herself to breathe another sigh of relief, even going so far as to pinch herself on the arm to make sure this is really happening. That the wedding yesterday wasn’t all just some fantasy her writer’s brain concocted out of a fit of jealousy or desperate need for escapism, that the last year—but especially the last two months—weren’t just some stress-filled hallucination courtesy of Christian Delaney and his incredibly punchable face.
This day had been a dream for as long as she could remember. She was going to do it once and only once, marry for love, do it right, and ride out the rest of her life, good times and bad alike, with the person she wanted to spend it with. All of her friends would be there, she’d be stunning in a white dress, her husband would cry when she walked down the aisle—Marty did tear up, just like she knew he would—and everything would be perfect.
Maybe everything wasn’t perfect yesterday, but it was close enough that it didn’t matter.
It wasn’t that horrible future— it wasn’t at the Chapel O’Love.
Jen reaches into the closet, pulling out a storage box almost full to bursting with photo albums and papers they keep saying they’ll sort through but have never found the time to tackle just yet. Her breath hitches as she grabs the green folder that is horribly creased from being carelessly shoved in amongst all the other stuff and she can already see the single paper inside before she even opens it.
It’s been haunting her since 1985.
She should have thrown it away that night after Doc showed up, promising them a bright future that they had yet to mould. She should have banished those thoughts to the darkest, deepest recesses in her mind and locked them away where they could never have reared their ugly heads again.
But every time she tried, an invisible force caught her wrist, warning her that bad things would happen if she didn’t save the only glimpse into their future she had. If the future isn’t written, this could still happen.
Throw this out and you’ll be throwing your future out with it.
“Hey Jen? You okay in there?”
Jen jumps, clutching the still-folded note to her chest. “I’m fine,” she calls back, knowing she sounds anything but.
“You sure?” Marty asks, brows pinched together as he watches her slowly make her way to the couch, holding something so tightly her knuckles are white. “What’s that?”
“You remember that future Doc took us to? The one you told me wasn’t really a dream?”
Realisation strikes him like a speeding train, leaving him wide-eyed and unable to find his voice for a few seconds. “Is that—? Jesus, Jen, you kept that all these years?”
“I didn’t want to, I just—I couldn’t throw it out. What if it changed again, like it did when you decided not to race Needles? I had to know, Marty. I had to be sure that things weren’t going to end up like that again.”
Marty stays silent for a long moment, staring at Jen’s hands. “Did you open it yet?”
“No, not yet.”
Neither of them realise that they’re holding their breath until they’re both letting it out in-sync.
The letter is still blank.
“The first thing I want us to do as husband and wife”—she pinches the letter between two fingers and holds it up between them—“is burn this damn thing. I never want to see it again.”
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Hill Valley Police Cruiser, 2015 (1989). From the Back to the Future trilogy, the police cruiser was designed by concept illustrator Tim Flattery. The full size car was built by Gene Winfield based on a Pontiac Fiero. More recently the movie car was restored by the Propstore
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