#Back on my BS of writing angst and hurt/comfort lol
cy-fi-theansweris42 · 5 years
These Fears Keep Dragging Me Back The Squirrelanoid nightmares were always the worst ones.
Tw: Nightmares and very brief mentions of a panic attack and blood
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20498240  < AO3 Link if you want to read it there
He had to run faster. The Squirrelanoids were right on his tail, their high-pitched screeching echoing off the sewer walls as Mikey ran with the bag of popcorn clenched in his hands. He had to get to the drain, just had to make it that far and hope that his idea worked, if it didn't then he...he didn't want to think about that. He also didn't want to think about all the horror tropes that played out in his comics that could play out right now, like him tripping and falling or turning the corner to be met by a wall and be trapped or-
Focus Mikey
He needed to focus, he couldn't afford to mess this up. So he ran faster, trying to ignore how the screeching and sounds of claws on cement were getting closer and closer to him.
Finally he reached the drain, turned around and waited for just a moment for the Squirrelanoids to catch up (too short of a moment, they were so close and if he had taken any longer he'd definitely be meeting the great pizza in the sky right now) before catching their attention with the popcorn and throwing it into the water. The moment all three were in Mikey rushed over to the valve, turning it and then watching as the creatures began swirling down the drain, relief flooding through him. 
"Booyakasha!" He turned and started walking, smiling because heck yeah his plan worked, just wait until the guys hear-
Something wrapped around his ankle.
Mikey shouted as he was suddenly whipped backwards and into the whirlpool the Squirrelanoids were also caught in, the tendril that had caught his ankle wrapping further up his body until he was fighting to keep it from constricting around his throat. He couldn't take a breath in as he was dragged under water, could only keep struggling as he was pulled further and further and the world started going hazy. One hand reached out and he saw a silhoutte above, saw as a red stripe came into focus and a hand reach for his, both of them reaching and-
They missed.
The world went dark as he heard a muffled shout.
As Mikey came to, he was aware of a soft green glow and chittering, making him bolt upright and sent his heart racing. It was so dark in the small room, the only light that illuminated the metal walls coming from the heads and open mouths of the three creatures across from him that were slowly walking closer.
"No, get away from me!" Mikey cried out, scrambling backwards until his shell slammed into the corner. The Squirrelanoids only screeched in response, the sound so loud and echoing in the small space and forcing Mikey to cover his ears. Suddenly all three of them lunged, mouths gaping and inner mouths shooting towards him and latching onto his arms as he threw him in front of his face, tearing through the scales as the actual heads chomped down and-
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Mikey screamed, shooting up in bed. There was nothing but darkness around him and he quickly grabbed the flashlight next to his bed, turning it on and whipping it wildly around the room as he gasped for breath.
A nightmare. Just another stupid nightmare. 
He wasn't new to them, not at this point, he'd read far too many horror comics to be new to nightmares. Most of the time he could shrug it off, laugh about how it was something that happened in a comic he'd read earlier, and then go back to sleep.
Right now though? With his breaths still coming in short gasps, his heart racing, and the very idea of closing his eyes while he lay still in the darkness send ice-cold terror rushing through his veins? Yeah no, sleep wasn't happening any time soon.
So Mikey got up, flashlight gripped tight in one trembling hand while he held his nunchucks in the other, and walked out of his room. Head on a swivel and light zooming around to cover as much area as possible, he made his way through the darkened lair to the one place where he knew someone would be awake.
He quickly opened the lab door and zipped inside, closing it behind him with a sigh of relief. He placed his nunchucks back in his belt as he looked around the well-lit room where his immediate older brother worked away while everyone else slept most of the time. (That was a habit he needed to get onto D about, the guy was way too stressed. He saw the bags that formed under his brother's eyes that were mostly hidden by the purple mask, how he'd cling to that fist cup of coffee like his life depended on it and how his grip only loosened on the mug by the end of the second. He could see that Donnie was running himself to the ground, his brother never did know when to stop and put his own health first.) Speaking of, Donnie sat across the room, shell to the door as he mixed chemicals, never even looking up.
"Leo, I swear if that's you again then next time you break the toaster you can fix it yourself."
"Just me, D." Mikey chuckled, thinking about that poor toaster that hated Leo with a passion as he walked over towards Donnie. "Whatcha working on?"
"It's just an experiment and you should be sleeping, not wandering into my lab in the middle of the night."
"I could say something similar to you dude." Mikey replied, his stomach flipping at the idea of going back to sleep.
"I'm an insomniac and we all know it. You however, aren't, so go back to bed shell-brain, getting a healthy amount of sleep is-"
"Drop it, Donnie." Michelangelo cut him off, eyes cast at the ground and arms wrapping around himself. "Please."
For the first time since his younger brother walked in, Donnie looked at Mikey, saw the flashlight still clutched in one hand, the faint tremors that still shook his shoulders, and how he seemed to be trying to curl into himself, and put two and two together.
Shit, he was an idiot. "What was it this time?" Donatello asked, his voice taking a slightly softer edge. They all knew about how Mikey would get nightmares, too many horror comics and too many real life horrors to avoid them, for any of them to avoid them really, but Mikey got them the most. 
"Squirrelanoids." Mikey whispered, the hand not holding the flashlight moving to scratch at his arm.
Fucking shit, he was an idiot.
"Hold this, I'm packing this up and then you and me are going to watch some cheesy b-movies, ok?" Donnie shoved an empty beaker into Mikey's hands, giving him something to hold before the scratching got worse. The Squirrelanoid nightmares were always the worse, both to have and to shake afterwards for Mikey, leaving him too shaken to go back to sleep.
(There was one time Donnie just ignored him, too sleep-deprived to care and too focused on his experiment at the time to be willing to spare a moment to see why his younger brother was awake at that ungodly hour as well, just snapped at him to get over whatever woke him up and go back to sleep. It'd taken him too long to realize that Mikey didn't respond and he never heard the lab door close again. He'd turned around to see Mikey just standing there, eyes wide and staring at nothing as he shook from tremors that wracked his entire body and scratched his arms until the scales were irritated and specks of blood began to form. He didn't know how long it took him to drag Mikey out of whatever he was seeing but eventually he did, the younger turtle curling up on the floor and crying softly as Donnie held him and assured him that everything was alright.)
"You don't have to." Mikey said softly, eyes still on the ground.
"You're right, technically I don't have to, but I want to." Donnie quickly replied as he finished putting away the chemicals. He'd heard how the Squirrelanoid nightmare went, how it was bad and then sometimes varied to worse. He wasn't about to let his only little brother be alone after a dream like that.
"You sure, Donnie?" Mikey asked, looking up at Donnie as he ushered him out of the lab, eyes wide and expression open and vulnerable, and Donnie felt his heart break a little. His little brother shouldn't be so scared, and yet he was.
"I'm sure." Donnie smiled, turning away for just a moment to turn on the TV, it's soft glow filling the room. "You find a movie, I'm going to make some hot cocoa."
They both quickly set about their separate tasks, Donnie filling two mugs with fresh hot cocoa (he even added the mini marshmallows, an extra treat), and Mikey finding some movie they both knew was bad in the family tape collection and grabbing a large blanket from nearby. Quickly they both settled in, title card of the black and white movie appearing on the screen as they sipped their hot cocoa.
"Thanks D." Mikey said softly, eyes not leaving the screen as he leaned against his older brother for just a moment.
"Any time Mikey."
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shadow--writer · 4 years
hi! i hope you are still taking requests. I was wondering if you could write something about MC, whose husband died long time ago but suddenly shows up alive and well (MC had really good healthy relationships with him and truly loved him). but the problem is that now MC has romantic relationships with Julian or Lucio. how they would react to this? make it sad pls
I am currently writing a bs essay about home and dying so angst yes yes ANGST. Plus I needed something small before getting into those fic and main six requests lol. Writing is hard.
Hope you’ve enjoyed this, angst with a happy ending of course ;3. Have some self sacrificing idiots being self sacrificing idiots!
Kept things gender neutral on both sides for spouse and MC ^^
Julian and Lucio x MC dead spouse returns 
You’ve been together for a while now. Maybe a year, two by this point 
He’s not as insecure as he once was, you two have built a new life with one another
But when you’re supposedly dead spouse comes back to life he’s....shocked to say the least
And watching the shell shocked turning old love look on your face uhh stings a bit 
Then when you start to cry, dragging him away he feels as if something is wrong 
“Darling, sweetheart, my love what’s wrong?”
He knows you were married in the past, but your reaction here makes him think you spouse was not very nice
But when you start spilling everything to him, your love for your spouse, how happy the two of you were, how you died the day they did
He understands, it hurts a bit, but he’s willing to let you go back to them
If your spouse is who you truly want, he’ll be happy to see you go back and be happy 
But even if your spouse is back, you love Julian 
You’ve built a life with Julian 
You’re happy your past love is alive, ecstatic even!
But you’re in love with someone new now, and that’s okay. Life is about letting go
You want your spouse to find someone new too 
Julian is...touched at the sentiment. You’re willing to give up comfort of a past love for...him
And he loves you so...so much 
He won’t ever let you go, even as you watch your spouse walk through the market with a sense of melancholy
You’re okay to let them go, because you have something new
And that’s okay
You and Lucio were in disguise wandering around town and laughing with one another
When you run into your past love and freeze on the spot
Lucio stops what he’s talking about to look at you, the horror, awe, and doubt on your face clear
He looks up in time to see your not so dead spouse walk down another street 
“MC are you alright? Did that person do something to you?!”
Of course you’re fine, just...startled is all
You thought they were dead. But here they are all this time later and you’re...in love with someone else
It cuts deep thinking about it. Of course you’re allowed to be happy! Even after their death but...
Seeing them alive pulls a whole new layer onto this whole situation and you don’t know what to do
You still love and adore your spouse but...you’re with Lucio and you love Lucio now
Lucio sees your dilemma and is...willing to let you go
Having you be happy is his main goal and if that’s with someone else...
He’s okay with it. Well not okay okay with it, but...he’ll live
He’s happy if you are, but you aren’t in love with your spouse anymore
They died some time ago, and you’ve had to move on. You have moved on
You are allowed to be happy, and you want your spouse to be happy too. Even if it’s not with you, because you’ve found happiness in Lucio
He’ll sob about it
Very uglily
But it means a lot that you feel and think that way. And it shows a lot of your growth over the fact you’ve...moved on
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thereignwoman · 3 years
Okay but time to share some wlw ships I adore cause its 2 a.m. and I can't sleep xx
I'll organize them so followers can skip to stuff they know
The owl house
Lumity: obviously just an amazing ship, a healthy enemies/rivals to lovers queer romance suitable for all audiences, as well as some bi x lesbian support.
Ever after high
Darling x Apple: They 👏 Kissed 👏 2016ish. That is huge for that time, like yes, now there is Lumity and Catradora and etc., but back in 2015ish-2016ish it wasn't as expressed or shown in shows as it is now. And I just love the potential development they could have brought each other, especially Apple.
Bmblb: literally they are the reason I am so comfortable with my own sexuality. They will always hold a special place in my heart for being the comfort I needed when I was questioning sexuality, and also they are gay af. Love them so much x
Whiterose: same as above, but they are less canon but still deserve so much love. Another rivals/enemies to lovers, but a bit more one-sided for the enemies/rivals part lol.
New Game!
Aoba x Hifumi: I just love how playful Abba can be with her, and how comfy Hifumi gets with Aoba. She is just so adorable and shy, and Abba brings out such a cute side of her.
Meariri and Kirisaya: just very very gay, and I love them. Gambling lesbians for the win
I also like others, but these are the main ones that come to mind when I think about stuff xx
Danganronpa (dear lord are there a lot, so I limited it to the top 4)
Soapies/mahiyoko: borderline canon. Love the mean lesbian soft for one person vibe Hiyoko has, and her relationship with Mahiru makes her a better person and I just love to see that cause the poor thing has been put through so much.
Ikuzono: body guard x pop star au anyone??? Okay but seriously, the potential angst and hurt comfort is strong with these two and I love it! They are both totally underrated too so <3
Celesgiri: ENEMIES TO LOVERS!!!! ROMANTIC GAY TENSION!!!!! CRIME X SOLVES CRIME. 1000000/10. Also they are both just aesthetically pleasing next to each other. And also they are the mean bisexual x meaner lesbian meme/trope. Done with everyone's bs 24/7 and the two gay disasters who actually have braincells in their friend group.
Bandaid/tsumioda: for six fans, they are very similar to katanna vibes. Just genuinely an adorable pairing of loud and accepting gf x soft , shy, and kinda traumatized gf that can be very sweet as they give each other the love they both need and deserve. Also Ibuki is my highest kin and Mikan is my type, so bonus comfort for projection reasons.
Your turn to die
Naoreko: the domestic lesbians who adopted their autistic catboy son and have a lovely cottagecore family vibe i didn't ask for, but needed. Seriously though, if they weren't in the game they would have adopted Gin and Sara and possibly Joe and live as Cottagecore wives being supportive moms, and I love that. Also they are such a tattoo artist x flower shop owner vibe and I love that so much.
Genshin impact
Jeanlisa: oblivious x flirt who has eyes only for them. Everyone knows they are dating... but Jean.
Doki doki literature club
Sayonika: gay cottagecore vibes and very sweet gfs. Mental health rep woooo! Both deserve the world.
Natsuri: enemies to lovers, huh, who would have thought that I would of liked this trope? /lh /s
Musical theater:
Katanna: literally the only thing I still have no issues with from the six fandom, these two I still adore and am proud to support as Kat and Anna both deserve the world.
Pinkberry: angry and bitchy character x literal ray of sunshine. They feel like the most likely to fit a coffee shop au on this list so xx
Kateva: Eva and Kate both are just interesting characters from a psychological and writing standpoint, so I love to think about how their relationship works out, especially since they are canon.
Live action:
Agentreign: haven't talked about them in a while, but I still love them. Bring sam back 2021.
Supercorp: seriously they need to be canon /srs. Otherwise, ima flip a table.
I would add more but now its almost 3 a.m. so xx
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Bout me:
I am a non-binary person on T that uses They/He pronouns. I have ADD and PTSD. I say this so that ya know like if I’m writing about Trans feels I’m not like makin it up from nowhere. I will write for Trans identities not my own IF IT IS REQUESTED BY A PERSON OF THAT IDENTITY. Hope that makes sense, lmk if you have questions
I will write for:
- Marvel Women (I may not know who everyone is, but I’ll google them and some clips if I don’t know em). I looove Wanda, Natasha, Yelena, Valkyrie, Maria, WandaNat, BlackHill, etc. but I will write whoever within Marvel. (I only write Marvel men as side characters cuz come on let’s be real why would I pay attention to the over their more bad ass counterparts. I do enjoy writing them tho)
-Nadja from “What we do in the shadows” omg plz send in requests for her that’s my wife
-Supergirl (I’ve only seen clips and edits lol feel in Love with supercorp): Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers/Zorel, Alex Danvers, Nia Nal
-Eternals (yes ik it’s marvel but whatever):
Druig/Makkari/reader only cuz come one who does not want to be in a trio relationship with those gorgeous sweeties
-Devil wears Prada lmaoo random but come on everyone is gayyy in that fight me bout it
-DC Ladiesss! Def know even less of those characters but i love themm
I will write:
-Fics dealing with Transphobia, Racism, other oppressive BS
-Age regression
-Pet regression
-Angst/with happy endings
-Hurt and Comfort
-Jealousy but with health communication (at least in the end)
-Cute goofy fics
-Those cheesy karaoke fics
I will NOT write:
-Fics encouraging oppressive behavior (there is a rea
-Sexual assault fics even as post happening comfort-it’s triggering ti write cuz i have to like get back into memories if that makes sense
-graphic smut or smut really in general lol i just am like ehh i dont mind like they get a lil saucy but there are so many smut writers find them lol it’ll be much better than what id come up with
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liamoftheirish · 4 years
Task 24 - OOC About Your Character
1.     What do you want to get out of playing this character(s)?
To see him and his story develop, especially with relationships. 
2.     Describe your character(s) with three words.
Strong, fierce, caring.
3.     What made you decide to write this muse?
Liam was my first muse in this game, and I always wanted to play someone that went against typical fantasies of wealth and power, instead someone simple-life oriented, quiet, reserved, cold who could develop into something more if unlocked.
4.     If you could change one event in your muse’s life (in their main or canon verse), what would you change?
Nothing really, everything is carefully crafted to put Liam in the mindset he needs to be in; I already re-wrote his history when I left the game and came back, to flesh him out better. 
5.     If you could tell your muse one thing, what would you tell them?
Don’t be afraid to open up and love again.
6.     If you could give your muse one gift, what would you give them?
He’s not very sentimental or materialistic, but if possible, maybe one more day with his wife that would let him get closure. 
7.     If you had to take one positive thing away from your muse, what would you take away?
His unwavering conviction: He has his beliefs, he has his loyalties, and those don’t stray, and it’s an admirable trait to have a strong conviction that you don’t let falter. 
8.     If you could “borrow” one aspect of your muse and apply it to yourself or your own life, what would you borrow?  
His confidence in himself and his beliefs, to not care so much what others think.
9.     Do you genuinely want your muse to be happy? What do you think would make them most happy in life?
I would love Liam to be happy, I thought there was a chance at first, but that fell off; since then, it seems the options are there, but it’s on him to be more open to allow for it. Clearly the man has lived a violent, angry, and lonely life, one that he created himself because of his nature. He hasn’t allowed himself to love since his wife passed (by his hands in a blood rage), and he hasn’t allowed himself to love again. There’s been a few that have nearly unlocked that, but it’s not until he allows himself to admit it and forgive himself, that he’ll ever be truly happy.
10. Do you enjoy putting your muse through angst? What do you think would break their heart the most?
I do, even if he doesn’t seem ‘angsty’, fact is stuff bothers him inwardly and he worries. He just doesn’t like to show weakness or too many sides to himself. He has been more open, and recently been questioning some of his actions. Hurting him the most would be him harming someone he cares deeply about.
11. What do you love about your muse?
His confidence, and again, his unwavering conviction. His simple-life mindset is also something I greatly appreciate.
12. What do you hate about your muse?
His coldness and closed off mindset.
13. What about your muse amuses you?
The fact that pop-culture references just go flying over his head, because he just does not care a thing about film or TV.
14. What about your muse makes you sad?
The fact that he feels so lonely despite his friends. 
15. How would you describe your muse to someone about to meet them, in person, for the first time?
He’ll be cold, distant, a bit stand offish. May be a bit intimidating, and maybe a bit too matter-of-fact in speaking, seems to lack any real filter. If you can accept that and work past it, he’s a good friend to have though.
16. Would you like your muse as a person if you met them in real life?
Probably, but it’d be hard for me to feel comfortable to call him a friend; I’d be pretty intimidated around him until I got to know him.
17. In what ways are you better than your muse? In what ways are they better than you?
I’m more open, empathetic, able to befriend people easier, but Liam has a confidence and conviction that I lack and wish I had. I wish I could care less about what people think of me, and be more confident in who and what I am.
18. Why do you think you connect to your muse?
We both care deeply about people we love, we’re both a bit quieter, and both of us aren’t the most social of butterflies; while Liam would prefer to sit at home wood working and working on cars, I’d more than happily sit at home and write or watch movies.
19. What aspect of your muse’s personality is most important to you? What aspect of your muse’s personality do you think is most important to them? Is it the same? Why or why not?
Again, it’s his pure and unwavering confidence and conviction. I think that probably is the same with Liam as well, holding onto his identity is so invaluable to him, because if he loses that he’ll lose control and that’s when he’ll slip back into what he used to be. He struggles with the fact that he’s a violent, insatiable killer, but at the same time has compassion for life and doesn’t WANT to just attack and kill. And he has to make sure he accepts that aspect of him, of what he WANTS to be, so he can balance that against what he can be. His confidence and conviction helps maintain that balance.
20. Has your character(s) changed over the time that you have been playing them? How have they changed?
While Liam’s fundamentals, his rules to live by and moral convictions have mostly stayed the same. He has slowly opened up more, been more open to listen and talk with people; though, he doesn’t often talk about himself, he can let a bit of his past slip in here or there. He’s learned to not look at others as potential enemies or victims, but instead daring to call some of them friends. He’s able to laugh more, joke more, hopefully someone’s willing to push that to the next level someday.
About You!
1.     What is your name?
2.     What is your profession?
Beer and Wine Steward
3.     What do you do to relax?
Listen to music, write, watch films, play video games.
4.     What is your favorite treat (desert)?
Ice Cream on fresh-baked brownie/cookie with fudge dripped over it all.
5.     Favorite movie -
I’m a massive film buff, so almost every movie is a favorite to me in some fashion. I adore Star Wars for several reasons, not all of them good. Maybe my favorite movie is probably a toss up between The Big Lebowski or No Country for Old Men, any film with incredible dialogue really. But then I also absolutely love beautiful BS like the MCU films and got shivers during the Portals scene in Endgame, so yea... no idea really.
6.     Favorite book -
Currently: The Immortal Irishman - Timothy Egan (This needs to be made into a movie)
7.     Favorite vacation spot -
My favorite vacation I ever went on is a toss up between trip with friends to Portland for a wedding, and Chicago for Star Wars Celebration, but I’ve always wanted to visit Ireland. I intend to try next year.
8.     Favorite Disney movie -
The Lion King (I’m basic bitch like that, don’t at me.)
9.     How did you first get into role playing?
I started playing back when I was around 13 or 14, back on AOL, playing a Jedi in a D&D like setting... because that’s what I knew. People were accepting of it, and it was some of the greatest experience. I love story telling. 
10. What was your first platform? If it was something other than Tumblr, what made you get into Tumblr?
AOL. And why Tumblr? AOL moved to Greatest Journal, which died, and moved to Insane Journal, and I met a girl there who told me about Tumblr RP, which I said ‘that sounds stupid’... and now I’m here. So there’s that. I still really don’t know what I’m doing half the time on Tumblr, no idea how to discover games on this platform, lol.
11. What’s a grammar rule you find yourself breaking or ignoring a lot?
100% it’s tenses. Past/present, I just write how I talk and it’s bad writing, I know. I will also simultaneously explain way too much in depth, and other times get ridiculously lazy writing in-depth.
12. Are there any languages besides English in which you think you could comfortably roleplay?
Just English. I’ve tried to learn other languages, but for whatever reason it’s very hard for me to wrap my mind around sentence structure and grammar rules in other languages.
13. Do you listen to music while your write?
Depends. If it’s just basic writing, an easy-going scene, probably not? I can get distracted from time to time; however, if I’m trying to get into a specific mood most definitely. Or if I feel a scene is heading somewhere that needs a good soundtrack? I’m a sucker for soundtracks in film, and music can really drive my mood (which is why it can be a distraction). And sometimes I write a scene specifically because I was hearing music that put me in that mood.
14. Are you a morning, day, evening, or night writer?
Evening. Which is why changing positions at work will help me, when I start working more during the day. When I work at night it’s hard for me to get up and get going enough in the morning to write. 
15. How does tiredness affect your writing?
Do you know how many times I write something exhausted, and when I come back to read it I absolutely hate it? It affecs me greatly...
16. What is your biggest obstacle to writing every day, if time doesn’t count?
Motivation, mood. I’m up and down in my moods, and sometimes I’m feeling down, exhausted, both, or sometimes I just feel inadequate in my writing and hate writing because I judge my abilities and suddenly don’t want to write. 
17. How many drafts is a paralyzing amount?
None? It’s more my mood and how far I get behind that’s paralyzing, but when I’m not feeling down or depressed, I’m in a normal mood or a great mood, I can write 30 threads in a single sitting and not miss a beat. I’m sure others can attest to how far I can turn around a reply when I’m on my game. (probably annoyingly).
18. Is there anything character-wise or writing style-wise that you can’t stand?
It’s probably Godmodding, it takes away from the fun of writing WITH people if you’re trying to control their actions.
19. What kind of anonymous questions are your favorite?
Things that make me think about my character, or have my character think. Things that make me really develop my character’s mind.
20. What is your weakest point in writing? Angst, fluff, dialogue, etc.?
I love dialogue in film, so maybe it’s a bit ironic that writing dialogue can easily be an achilles heel for me. It’s hard for me to write fluff or small talk, because I’ve personally never been very good at small talk, and focusing that in my writing is difficult. Fluff is kind of the same way, because it’s all romantic and cheesy and really? I feel a bit embarrassed when writing it. Though that’s more or less for some characters more than others. Murad I can get a bit more fluffy and small talky because I can be outwardly weird with him, where as Liam... his quiet reserve and demeanor make those difficult.
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
ishqbaaz 28.07.17 lb
plain text version here. 
svetlana - queen of on-the-fly plan making. on how to dispose of a dead body even. my flawless queen. 😍😍😍
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“godddd, mujhe is duniya ki sabse irritating sautan mili hai.”
god jhanvi’s actually the worst. she’s got zeroooooooooo chill. 🙄🙄🙄
what’s with the raaaandom white tie around her waist? it’s ruining the otherwise hot outfit. 😣😣😣
svetlana’s A+ handling of incident. she should go into PR! 🙃🙃🙃
oh boy. the press has gotten photos. this is notttttttt goood. 😬😬😬
ugh gauriiiiiiiiii, i don’t like these dheelam dhaaale kapde of yours. 😑😑😑
like shrenu’s so tiny to start with. uske upar, swathing her in waaaaaaay too much kapda like this is just so ugh. 😫😫😫
ooh nice comforter. someone leak where it’s from. 😙😙😙
why are they playing this happy happy sanskaari music, usually used for establishing shots of family scenes? 😐😐😐
musiccccc just changed into EXTRA DRAMATIC AND SCARY. 😯😯😯
girl chill. it’s not like you were reading his diary. 😕😕😕
even om is like girl calm down, it’s your room too. 
poor gauri. she still doesn’t know his original om waala personality and is walking on eggshells all the time around him, scared of what he’ll accuse of her next. 😔😔😔
is this the first time he’s recited poetry in front of her???? look at her starstruck expression! girllll, you don’t even know the level of how dreamy this boy can get. just you wait. you’re not gonna know what hit you when he starts putting the moves on ya! 😊😊😊
no but really, have they changed the team of who was writing om during DBO and gone back to the original? coz this is pure classic Original Omkara™ and i can’t stop crying because of how perfect he is. my boyyyyy. he’s baaaaaack. i had lost all hopeeee, and now he’s back!!!!! 😫😫😫
ok again... CANONICALLY, om was 4 when rudra was born. are you telling me a 5 year old om made that picture??? ffs, come on; we all know he’s closer to shivaay’s age. just make that canon already. make him like 6 months - a year younger or whatever, but come on. 😒😒😒
om opening up to gauri this way, god, i’m crying. when have we seen him express himself like this, even to his brothers? he hasn’t. ughhhh, i’m soooooo happppyyyyyyy. *weeping* 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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the way they’re looking at eachhhhhhhhhh otherrrrrr. 💘💘💘
“hunar ki aisi ki taisi! hum hunar ko ek jhaaanp mein deewaar pe sataa denge!” 
actually me. my solution to every problem is “can i beat it up and make it comply?” 😗😗😗
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om’s affectionate smile at her! she’s just so endearing! 😍😍😍
imma need the writers to make @ilovefusion ‘s idea canon and use That Scene from titanic as inspiration. #tharkisUnite 
bhavya’s out for some casual friday night grave robbing. 😊😊😊
first of all, why do all the names have “late” in front of them? yes, they’re ALL “late”, and that’s why they’ve been buried???? “late” is a prerequisite for burial. 😐😐😐
secondly, that’s not how you spell JOHN. jesus. 🙄🙄🙄
she’s actually doing this. she’s actually desecrating a grave. 😶😶😶
um, why the the locket out there in the mud? didn’t john’s family spring for a damn coffin before burying him????????? they just put him directly in the ground? 😟😟😟
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snort, these two woke up on the wrong side of their beds today. 😆😆😆
awwwwwww, hiiiiiii babyyyyyy. 👶🏽👶🏽👶🏽
eeeee, bringing back the “awwwwwww”! 😊😊😊
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a nakuul smile - not a shivaay smile. 😄😄😄
ooooh yeah baby, tie him upppppppp. #tharkiAF 😏😏😏😏😏😏
lolllll rudra ko bas maukaaaa chahiye ragini ka band bajaane ka. 😆😆😆
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too cute!!!!!! 😚😚😚
oufffo shivaaaaaay, backkkkk on your BS. i thought kal ke baaad sudhar gaye honge. but hmph. of course not. 😒😒😒
devar squad is not happy. shivaay will have to pay for this. 😬😬😬
lmao ok wow, this has actually become a screaming match. the who tied his APRON waala issue. 😕😕😕
“tu sochta hi kab hai?????”
ooooooooooh. omki - 1, shivaay - 0. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
pft. we know you’ve forgiven her already dil se. bas tumhara stupid dimaaaag hasn’t gotten the memo yet. 😑😑😑
ohhhhh boy, this one still thinks that the omkara thing might be true, and is hiding it. 😶😶😶
why didn’t he get stealth dna test done, ala khushi kumaari gupta??? 🤔🤔🤔
omkara has haaaaaad it with shivaay’s shit today. he’s not holding back even a little. 😇😇😇
oh god please don’t show me flashbacks from the wedding from hell. it’s been over half a year and i still haven’t gotten over it. seeing anything from that episode feels like a punch to the gut. 😖😖😖🤢🤢🤢
hells yeahhhhhhhh devar squad. callllllll him outttttttt. MAKE HIM AWARE OF ALL HIS GARBAGE BEHAVIOUR. 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
lmao, shivaay still trying to win - EK POINT AUR HAI MERE PAAS!!!!!! (said in the most insecure, stammering voice) 😆😆😆
too late though. shivaay’s suspicion has been raised. 🙈🙈🙈
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god i love these two buff, bearded stupid cupids too much. 👼🏽👼🏽
girlfriends out on a chaiiiiiiiiiiiii date! 😊😊😊
svetlana’s sooooo not the tapri se chai peene waali type tho. the things we do for love! 😚😚😚
oh ho jhanvi, jo ho gaya, woh ho gaya. live your best life from now on! (WITH YOUR NEW HOT MURDER GIRLFRIEND.) 👭🏽👭🏽👭🏽
oh wait. they did cover him up? HE’S DEAD FOR REAL? *gets hopes slightly up again* 😶😶😶
lmaooooo, ek toh phone gumaa deti ho, upar se svetlana se attitude. pft. get your shit together, jhanviiiii. 🙄🙄🙄
lol oh no, what are these two idiots cooking up now? 😟😟😟
again with this dinner plan. kitni baaar dinner karwaoge in dono se? kuch naya socho yaar. 🙄🙄🙄
“embarrassed, AUR WOH?” 
lololol shivaay knows his wife too well. 😆😆😆
snort. height jokes. bechaara. 😂😂😂
ohhhhhhhhh boy. pichli baar 15000 rs. ka phatka laga tha, door tod ke. is baar naa jaane shivaay kya kya tod dega aur kitne ka bill aayega. 😬😬😬
just calllll the damn phone. 😒😒😒
thank god. jhanviiiiii has the same brainwave. 
ok fwd fwd fwdddddd till they get the phone. ⏩⏩⏩
random musing while fwding: i’m really digging the red hair on reyhna, man. it looks sooooooooo good on her. 😍😍😍
what if this was tej/svetlana’s plan? to make jhanvi think she killed him, and then gaslight her with the guilt into going insane and then putting her in the same asylum as buamaa. *sigh* i bet this is the plan. 😞😞😞
ugh, why this stupid plaid suit? kal ka sweater waala look waapas laooooooooooooo! 😣😣
oh it’s in the “STOREROOM” again huh???? 
still can’t get over how they tried to pass THIS hugeasssss hall, which is twice as big as my whole apt. put together, as a “storeroom”. 😒😒😒
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OH DAMN. MY GIRL LOOKS HOT AFFFFFFFFFFFFF. *pushes shivaay aside and steals his girl from him* 😍😍😍
Awareness™ . haaaaaaaaaaye. 💘💘💘
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ouff, again with the contrived trip fall. why couldn’t she fall towards him this time, and press up against him all deliciouslyyyyyy? 😏😏😏
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ugh, why’re they using the exaaaact same flashback moments from the earlier scene. so boring. 😑😑😑
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ok not to kill the moment or anything, but how do nakuul/surbhi shoot scenes like this? must be hellllllllll on their kamars no? is the show sponsored by moov? just looking at them is making my kamar hurt.  🤔🤔🤔
god. why are these two not banging?!?! the sexual tension is fucking killing ME. how are they even standing it????? 😩😩😩
... how quickly will this date degenerate into accusations and angst? 
i saaaaaaaaaay 10 minutes. tops. 😗😗😗 place your bets in replies. 
yet another reason to get rid of bhavya: jhanvi cannot have an cop for a bahu now that she’s a (attempted?) murderer. come on. bring back sumo, who will give jhanvi A+ ideas on how to get out of this, based on her research. 😊😊😊
honestly, kya kismat hai jhanvi ki; two cops as kids-in-law. not the best position to be in as a murderer. 😬😬😬
oh shit. this is why you should have set up a google alert for the oberoi name, jhanvi. 😬😬😬
since when do any of the kids in this house bother talking to their parents??? like... rudra’s concern for tej is honestly looking bizarre. 😕😕😕
wtffffffffffffff, after alllllll this, bhavya doesn’t even know what the fuck is in the locket?????? goddddddddd. 😤😤😤
why the fuck does her denim jacket say TOY STORY on the back? 😟😟😟
who the fuckkkkk even is rudra to ask her these things? 😑😑😑
good. put him in his place, bhavya. honestly. such a weird entitlement rudra seems to have towards her for no good reason??????? 😕😕😕
anika, haath se khaana hai, theek hai, par please, insaano ki tarah khao! WHY WOULD YOU SERVE YOURSELF WITH YOUR HAND????? GROSS. COME ON GIRL. 😬😬😬😒😒😒
is ragini spying on them through some hidden camera or something??? 🤔🤔🤔
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