#BYE im so tired
ghostorbz · 4 months
A buncha invader zim stamps I found (with credits!! Awesome cool!!)
Other characters:
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cupcake - tak is awesome - insane fandom - purple - red
Dib centric:
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big head - squee - happy - paranormal head
Zim centric:
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never lie to zim - cute - head pigeons - the bucket - mine - taco human
zadr centric:
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support - space - con 1 - con 2 - zadr - hmm... - not a stamp but im obsessed with it
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everything - stare... - "i love irken letters" - drop
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blu-ish · 9 months
"What is this?" Shadow was already regretting asking. He squinted at the paper in his hand, struggling to read the otherwise indecipherable handwriting.
"Only the essentials dear," Rouge replied with a blithe expression on her face. "I know how much you prefer an on paper list, so I wrote down some of the things I--we need, for your viewing pleasure."
When he wrote down the main things they needed to carry on hand, he didn't intend for it to be added too with the kitchens stray sharpie.
"Rouge, half of these things are beauty products." The hedgehog threw her a glare, they weren't even the ones she regularly uses, why is she experimenting now? She already steals his skin care products and eyeliner anyways.
"Listen hun," She laid a gloved hand on his shoulder. "were going to be in the desert for a year... I need some backups! Anyways G.U.N always provides the important stuff, we could at least get a little something for ourselves along the way~" Or so was Rouge's way of telling him to relax.
Mission Street wasn't too packed, thankfully. People ventured in and out of stores briskly, leaving Shadow with some room to breath. Adjusting the rucksack that was slung over his shoulder, the duo walked across the snowy sidewalk toward one of the larger convenience stores.
He could already tell Rouge was already engrossed with one of the nearby clothing shops window out of the corner on his eye, he momentarily sighed and gave her a nod when she looked back toward him with a smile.
"Try to use your money this time." He said sarcastically, a grin faintly tugged at the corner of his mouth.
"Please, I don't steal from small businesses." the bat said earnestly, waving to Shadow.
The small bell on the door rung as she swung it open, Rouge loudly greeted the person at the counter like a long lost friend, he could still make out faint sounds of warm laughter as he entered the store across.
The stores wide selection of items did not disappoint. He took his time scanning the shelves, carefully examining each product in his hand. The hedgehog nibbled on the end of his pen in thought, out of habit he supposed. Occasionally checking off things from his list.
"pocket knife... water bottles... flashlights..." Shadow mumbled.
He placed them into the basket below his arm. Suddenly, the pocket of his leather jacket buzzed, momentarily peeved about losing his train of thought, Shadow unlocked his phone.
ROUGE Brown or Purple?
She had sent him an image of two different shades of coats, sherpa coats to be exact, the good kind. Puzzled, he responded.
Does it matter?
ROUGE Answer the damn question sweetie <3
ROUGE Thank you!
After rolling his eyes at the exchange. He slipped his phone right back into his pocket without a second thought.
After a few more minutes of walking through the store, eyeing strangers that glanced his way. Shadow double--triple checked his list, he swept a finger down the marks, satisfied. He'll have to try to convince Rouge to go makeup shopping tomorrow.
Hoping the line was short, Shadow was ready to leave.
Well, that was until he saw a familiar shade of blue walk right past his aisle. Ear twitching at the sound of the voice.
"Amy, my arms are dying here!"
"Oh stop it Sonic, its only a few things!"
Peaking ever so slightly from his "cover", Shadow raised a brow at the scene.
It was the blue hedgehog alright, hero of mobius, the one who so frequently bested the doctor, the one who was currently struggling to stand still in a line with four plastic baskets in his arms.
He could see Amy's annoyed expression, hand on her hip as she carried a few baskets of her own. "Why do you offer to help if all you do is complain." She sighed.
Sonics ears flattened, "I'm sorry Ames, its just, lines are so BORING. Cant I do a few laps around the--"
Amy threw him a hard glare, stopping his sentence short. He went back to tapping his foot impatiently, it was somewhat... amusing.
Coming to terms with the inevitable, Shadow sighed and walked up to the line. He tried to ignore how Sonic practically lit up as soon as he saw him.
"Sha--Shadow?!" The blue blur exclaimed, causing Amy to turn around as well, she gave him a bright and cheerful smile.
"Shadow! Oh its so good to see you!" she began, momentarily leaving her spot to greet him. He allowed a quick side hug from the girl, acknowledging Sonic with a nod.
Sonic cocked his head to the side, gesturing to the darker hedgehogs basket. "Isn't it a bit late for some holiday shopping Shads?" So there was the hedgehogs famous snarkiness. Shadow scoffed.
"Isn't it a bit early to be pestering me?"
"Hey! Come on, your not still mad about the parfait are ya?"
Shadow grumbled slightly, crossing his arms, unable to make eye-contact with the other. "You knew full well that was mine Sonic."
Sonics laugh came out more like a exhale, Shadow turned to meet his gaze, the hero's bashful nature peeking out. "
"It was pretty good for an ice cream in the winter time."
Shadow had no energy to correct him on the matter, he instead looked toward Amy, who had since grabbed the items Sonic was carrying and placed them in the self checkout.
"If you two are done can you help a gal out?"
After a few minutes of placing what Shadow now realized was party suppiles into the bags, he hummed.
"For the party, I presume?"
Amy nodded happily, "Sure is! I've been buying the things I'll need all day. Sonic's has been helping me, in this own way." She muttered, shaking her head with a chuckle.
He who has been mentioned quickly turned around with a dramatic flare, "Well, excuse me!" He swiped a few more bags off the counter and ran out the door to make yet another trip to Amy's car. Shadow could tell he was happy to finally move his legs again.
"This will definitely be my best one yet!" Amy pumped her fist confidently. "I have so many new recipes planned, oh, and games too!" she let out a squeal in excitement. "Its going to be so much fun!"
Shadow wouldn't necessarily say that was his idea of fun, but he smiled all the same. "That sounds wonderful Rose."
"Thanks!" She placed another bag on the counter, just as Sonic zoomed by, he stuck out his tongue at Shadow, who in turned blinked at him dumbly. He will never understand that hedgehog.
Amy continued, "Some of the girls and I are getting together at the start of the New Year for a road trip, we've been planning it for months and I'm so excited to go!" she clapped, staring off into space at the thought. Shadow tilted his head in curiosity.
"I wasn't aware you were planning to travel." He supposed that made things easier, with Team Darks mission and all. "For how long? If you don't mind me asking."
"Oh not long! Just a few weeks or so, we'd be back before you'd know it!" She naively reassured him, she didn't know, so Rouge was really planning on saying goodbye the day of. He imagined it was for the best.
"In fact, it seems like everyone has their own little adventure planned! Knuckles is finally letting himself explore beyond Angel Island. Tails is going abroad, even Sonic said he'll be traveling. I'm so happy everyone finally has the time to really enjoy themselves next year."
Before Shadow could respond Sonic walked in, rubbing his gloved hands together. "That's the last of them Ames! It was the most intense game of Tetris I've ever played but I made it work." He smiled.
Shadow didn't even want to see what sort of stacking game the blue quilled mobian played with Amy's shopping bags. He could clearly sense Amy's dread as well. She patted Sonic on the shoulder.
"Thank you Sonic, your free to go. You dork."
"WOOOOOO, YEah--!" he cleared his throat, fixing his quills. "I-I mean are you sure--?"
"If ya say so!"
Amy waved the boys goodbye, leaving the hedgehogs alone at the stores entrance. Shadow was busy fitting his purchased items in his rucksack on a nearby bench. Eyeing the blue hero, who gave him a mischievous smile.
"Wanna race?"
Now it was Sonics turn to blink in confusion, if Shadow listened hard enough he could almost hear the hedgehog give a soft whine. He again, just tried to ignore him.
"Why? I mean, I'm not gonna force ya or anything but... your usually always up for a quick race. What gives?" Shadow huffed, he just wasn't at his beck and call whenever he needed to burn energy. He was busy, why couldn't Sonic just get the hint and leave him be.
After making it a point to zip up his bag, Shadow slung it over his shoulder with a huff. "I don't have any more time to waste," he bit back a hiss. "don't you have to prepare to leave, for your own trip?"
Sonics ears flattened for the second time that day, "Oh, yeah. Amy must've told ya that, huh." He sheepishly looked away from Shadow. Seemingly lost in thought, before Shadow could question it. He smiled, "Nah, I don't really plan for that kinda stuff, I'm just going wherever the wind takes me!"
Shadow pressed a finger to his temple, sighing. "Of course you are." He's Sonic after all.
"What about you, you uh, headed anywhere?" He gestured to his rucksack. Shadow couldn't exactly pin point what as different about Sonics attitude, but it was there, and it was starting to annoy him to no end.
"no." he replied flatly, that was classified information, simple as that.
Sonic eyed him, he shrugged nonchalantly, or at least he seemed too. "Whatever dude, was just asking." Sonic covertly stomped his foot a few times, crossing his arms.
The air grew awkward, Shadow took it as a sign to leave. "Goodbye, Sonic." He pulled his leather jacket closer to his body, walking away into the busy cold sidewalk of Mission Street.
He received no quippy banter, no sarcastic remarks or headache inducing laughs. He turned around to find the hedgehog a streak of blue over the horizon. All that was left behind was the fresh breeze he carried with him, it hit Shadows muzzle, sending shivers down his spine.
He scoffed, turning away to walk into the crowd. Where he couldn't breathe.
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sunlit-mess · 2 months
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collab with an art friend 🖤🤍
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umblrspectrum · 5 months
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i got lazy in the second panel and didnt feel like coloring or whatever bite me
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spteez · 22 days
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did you have fun? 😁
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rapidhighway · 9 months
Um hello do you ever make an au and then are too lazy to make an actual story so you just skip to the ending and draw that 👍👍👍 also in archie style because im obsessed and i really needed to try doing that
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or whatever. Something from my au that gets rid of the paradox prism and is simply a ‘journey to alternate dimension where something went wrong’ type story
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bellamyblakru · 5 months
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why do we continue to love bbc merlin over a decade after it's finale?
for the lovely @aemelia who made me giggle, and for @eddiediaaz, a very belated birthday gift because my writing is absolutely garbage and you deserve only the fuckin best of me. i love you, and i hope the next year of your life is nothing but beautiful and fun and everything good--you deserve the world, i'm sorry i can only give you this lil thing.
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raggedytiger · 7 months
ragatha/agatha and pomni/penny human hcs!
is an english teacher!
yes she still loves horses. she used to ride them, & she loves old western movies.
owns cowboy hat and boots.
analytical and loves long & winding conversations.
has a very happy cat named sandwich.
patches her own clothes, doesn't have kids but if she did she would embroider their names into their belongings.
she still plays cello, she loves music in general, probably sings like an angel.
can't do any mathematics.
can drive, but like a lunatic. somehow has never had an accident though, so it's fine.
probably has a cute little baby blue/yellow car now, but definitely had a beat up offroader truck at some point that got put to good use. or maybe she still does, i'm not the boss.
total lesbian, a bit of a heartbreaker but not intentionally (women just keep falling for her)
goes to town/neighbourhood/community meetings. likely is/was in a knitting circle
absurd number of quilts in her home
is an accountant as we know, and cannot cook for shit as we know.
no pets she can barely take herself for walks. is more similar to a cat, but had a dog growing up. would love a collie or a dalmatian probably.
would name the dog something stupid like Thermometer Johnson.
she can drive, but nervously.
really quick thinker, like impressively, unless she's under HUGE amounts of stress. is literally always thinking at 100mph.
no sense of interior decor or personal style. all practical, kind of butch. really does kill a suit.
very much lesbian but not fully to terms with it. probably had short-lived relationships with men in which she was 'content' but didn't really care for it. seeing agatha as agatha for the first time was probably a crazy punch to her little gay heart. not to mention the cowboy gear.
watches 90s anime to wind down
listens to every single genre of music. passes a lot of time with headphones in, slowly making her way thru the entire world's discography
owns no band merch or anything though she just listens
can't sleep without a fan on, thunderstorm 12hr audio, blackout curtains, weighted blanket, water nearby
does not sleep a lot
both of them (going to call them pomni and ragatha for convenience):
didn't immediately recognise one another. i havent got an exact idea of how they reunited after getting out, but there were tears.
bonded in a very rare and unique way - they got to revel in the newfound joys of real life again. they got to eat delicious food, go on long, unobstructed walks in the real sun, be warmed by it, chew on ice cubes and shiver at the pain, listen to each other's heartbeats, listen to real music, read real books, smell soaps and flowers and sauces. they went to the supermarket together and read all the labels, and bought one of each type of fruit to try between them, and smelled all the candles, and touched all the blankets. spent a lot of time holding hands and kissing and i'm sorry to say, probably having sex, because holy shit, i'm real, you're real, we're real
now live together in ragatha's apartment, after pomni moved out of her small and confusingly-furnished flat.
both of them feel inadequate from time to time. this is resolved by a stern-but-loving talking-to.
sandwich likes pomni very much. pomni doesn't really get cats, but loves sandwich a great deal, and enjoys letting her sleep on her lap.
ragatha is very pleased to see her girls getting along.
ragatha cooks, pomni chops the veg. she often doesn't fuck it up
pomni cleans a lot as a 'thank you for letting me live here, i love you'. she's very much acts of service, ragatha is words & physical touch <3
they watch a lot of movies together. depending on how long they've been stuck, they might have culture to catch up on
ragatha wants to have a house with a garden one day. pomni starts germinating seeds from their fruit & veg like a weird science experiment. ragatha is delighted when she is presented with a baby tomato plant.
clothes are shared. ragatha's are bigger, but most of pomni's are ill-fitting anyway so it can go both ways. ragatha likes to dress pomni up in different outfits and have her do a little fashion show. pomni pretends not to savour the confidence boost.
pomni starts sleeping more
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ratajota · 6 months
we argentinians got less fucked by covid thanks to public health policies but now under mr. i dont care if people live or die i need to make galperin richer or else i can't cum we're experiencing what is like to be in an epidemic without a hint of care from the government. dengue is. definitely something. potentially deadly. there's a mosquito repellent shortage and overloaded hospitals... what can we even do, stay home?? if the damn mosquitos grow in my drain in my balcony there's no prevention. god(atheistically) help us
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noxious-fennec · 1 year
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Happy independence day, brought to you by your favourite autocrat
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deoidesign · 3 days
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Return date for my webcomic, Time and Time Again!
It's been set for a while but sometimes they change the date without warning, so I'll keep you updated if anything changes!
I'm extremely proud of the work I've been doing on it, I can't wait to share everything!
See you then!
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moeblob · 4 months
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Lif trusts Sharena more than he trusts Alfonse cause he knows what he's about. He's been there done that.
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jimimn · 2 years
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yoongi has planned it all out and i am ready 😁
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lightbulb-warning · 5 months
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shit man he's downright POSTITNOTE'D
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kitamars · 5 months
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dreamsy990 · 6 months
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some of the less nice thoughts about being aroace
extras below the cut
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closeups on my favorite panels
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bonus: adios
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