#BUT a lot of it is self admitting non radfem bad actors that excitedly jump in to insult whatever women they can
ms-hells-bells · 2 years
you guys know that pretty much every single political group in history has had the moderate reformists and the radical revolutionaries, right? and that even though they disagree about certain methods, their goal being the same means that they cooperate in order to achieve more attainable short term progress while actions are taken at the same time for long term progress? this is what liberal feminists used to be to radical feminists, the two groups did not hate each other, they just had different outlooks, but generally respected what the other group was trying to (and had some success to) achieve. we lost this dynamic and relationship with the post modern, genderist overtake of liberal feminism, and so it is clear to me that we are in dire need of that role again, with the same repeating schisms in approach that appear under the singular label of radical feminism.
at the very least, we need to establish a differentiation in reformist (i don't mean surface level equality feminism, but looking at practicality and realistic, incremental actions, and harm reduction for women while the other group is more about instant action towards the big picture of abolishment of the system, which won't occur tomorrow or any time soon considering most of the world is NOT radical feminists) and revolutionary radfems purely for the sake of having that instant understanding of how the other faction thinks, and not having these aggressive arguments over and over again when it is clear that it's not a misunderstanding or hypocrisy or bigotry (well, sometimes it is, but i mean the core issue), but a fundamental difference in worldview that is unlikely to heavily change with defensive and highly tense online debates that keep happening over and over.
this is all i'm going to say for this round of 'oh my god everything is imploding again'. this is also not saying anything specific about certain people or making judgement upon individual incidents on either side, i'm not getting into that. just a general thought after looking at repeating patterns of conflict.
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