0fps · 4 months
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tfshouldidohere · 1 year
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꒰ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ hyello im tachi ꒱
*ੈ♡🪐i identify as grass now. *ੈ♡🪐multi-fandom blog. she/her. asian. 18+. *ੈ♡🪐happily married to @ashitshowforalot. *ੈ♡🪐pink enthusiast. *ੈ♡🪐username is the same thru out every social media. *ੈ♡🪐no my online name does not have any specific meaning. *ੈ♡🪐i like mobile visual novels. and stray kids. *ੈ♡🪐i mainly just fuck around and read and reblog. *ੈ♡🪐ocs named hime will appear on this blog once in a blue moon. *ੈ♡🪐step-mother to baby love risk.
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꒰ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ fandoms im currently in ꒱
*ੈ🍊‧₊˚ #skz -> stray kids *ੈ🍊‧₊˚ #kiof -> kiss of life *ੈ🍊‧₊˚ #twst -> disney twisted wonderland *ੈ🍊‧₊˚ #obey me -> obey me shall we date or obey me nightbringer *ੈ🍊‧₊˚ #tot -> tears of themis *ੈ🍊‧₊˚ #enstars -> ensemble stars *ੈ🍊‧₊˚ #haikyuu -> haikyuu!! *ੈ🍊‧₊˚ #a3! -> a3! act! addict! actors! *ੈ🍊‧₊˚ #whb? -> what in "hell" is bad?
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intertexts · 11 days
imprint & muse heart lockets added 2 my pinned 💥
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endlessummernight · 10 months
its 7am and i just finished my final paper for intro to film. time to eat thanksgiving leftovers & smoke & sleep in celebration
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lucky-clover-gazette · 4 months
captive prince book 1 highlights & annotations
chapter 13 & final notes
indented text is from the book. some quotes have commentary, some do not. some comments are serious, and some are definitely not. most of them will only make sense to people who have read the series. and, like, there are spoilers. so please read the books first if you're interested!
also: part of the reason i'm doing such a close reading is to study cs pacat's style, especially in terms of how she does romance and erotica. there are "craft notes" that might seem weird, like i'm being redundant or restating something rather than analyzing, but those are more things that i want to remember/take away from the writing!
i'm going to tag these longer posts with "sam reads capri" in case anyone wants to read them all at once.
this is a google doc i wrote with overall content warnings for the captive prince series. it's not perfect, but i do think it's important to include.
It was true; it was somehow not even a surprise, more like a truth that had grown for some time on the edge of his awareness, now brought into sharp relief.
some damen brain insight! he’s not stupid or oblivious. he just ends up distracted, often, due to the more pressing things in front of him and/or subconscious avoidance.
‘You can’t go to Delfeur,’ Damen said. ‘It’s a death trap.’
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY damen doesn’t want laurent dead!!!! 🎉
‘Is your reputation so far in the dirt that you think the Council will choose your uncle for the throne anyway, unless you prove yourself?’ ‘You are right on the edge of what I will allow from you,’ said Laurent.
but he does allow SOMETHING, which is new
‘Take me with you to Delfeur,’ said Damen. ‘No.’ ‘Akielos is my country. Do you think I want her overrun by your uncle’s troops? I will do anything in my power to prevent war. Take me with you. You will need someone you can trust.’ Speaking those last words, he almost winced, immediately regretting them. Laurent had asked him for trust last night, and he had thrown the words back in his face. He would receive the same treatment. Laurent just gave him a blankly curious look. ‘Why would I need that?’
context: laurent is delusional about his capability to overcome near-insurmountable odds alone. this frustrates and concerns damen, and he isn’t able to let it go, even though he hates laurent. his values and honor come first. laurent is both confused and mildly amused by damen’s concern, because he doesn’t expect anyone—especially not damen—to actually care about his well-being.
Damen stared at him, suddenly aware that if he asked, ‘Do you think you can juggle attempts on your life, military command, and your uncle’s tricks and traps by yourself?’ the answer was going to be: Yes.
i love laurent. i love that his stubborn determination is very much a virtue, but also something that occasionally makes him act like a total idiot. and damen sees this, and understands this, for better and/or for worse.
‘He asked me to bed you, then report back to him.’ Damen was forthright. ‘Not in those words.’ ‘And your answer?’ That, unreasonably, annoyed him. ‘If I’d bedded you, you’d know it.’ There was a dangerous, narrow-eyed pause. Eventually: ‘Yes. Your style of grabbing your partner and kicking their legs open does stand out in the memory.’
the fact that laurent allowed this kind of banter to happen at all is kind of a big deal. he was definitely close to smacking damen about it, but went for a half-hearted insult instead. for laurent, that’s basically a white flag. and it’s even more meaningful, since the exchange was related to sex, which has proven to be a vulnerable topic.
‘My dear brute,’ said Laurent, ‘I want you to rot here.’
context: laurent is exhausted, stressed, and delusional about his immediate future. damen wants him to survive (for now), to see things realistically, and feel the urgency of his circumstances. i don’t think laurent cares if damen rots—he just wants him to stop saying true and helpful things.
also, this is just kind of a hot thing to say. something about the conflicting affection and contempt. i don’t know.
‘Are you that sure of yourself?’ Damen called after him. ‘I think if you could beat your uncle on your own, you would have done it already.’ Laurent stopped in the doorway. Damen saw the cupped yellow of his head, the straight line of his back and shoulders. But Laurent didn’t turn back to face him; the hesitation only lasted for a moment before he continued out the door.
he’s right! laurent knows he’s right! he’s just too proud and delusional to admit it!
probably because to laurent, admitting weakness only results in vulnerability and pain. he wouldn’t believe that anyone would actually want to offer him help without an ulterior motive. so his guard stays up, and he does what he needs to do alone.
Laurent was leaving tomorrow. Laurent, infuriating, intolerable Laurent, was pursuing the worst possible course, and there was nothing Damen could do to stop him.
“i hope she fries / i’m free if that bitch dies / i’d better help her out” (buffy the vampire slayer, once more with feeling)
It was easier to blame the death of a boy on mischance than that of a young man about to ascend to the throne. Damen could see no reason why boy-Laurent should have escaped that fate. Perhaps familial loyalty had held the Regent back . . . until Laurent had blossomed into poisonous maturity, sly-natured and unfit to rule.
context: the regent kept laurent alive as a child and teenager so he could [redacted] >:(
Laurent could inspire homicidal tendencies simply by breathing. Kastor, he thought, had no idea what lay across the border. Kastor had embraced an alliance with Vere. He was vulnerable, ill-equipped to fight a war, the bonds within his own country showing cracks to which a foreign power had only to apply pressure.
the dramatic irony here is insaaaaaaaane. damen your cognitive dissonance is showing
Did Laurent really believe he could do this alone? Laurent would need every weapon at his disposal in order to navigate this course alive. Yet Damen had not been able to persuade him of that. He was aware, not for the first time, of a fundamental inability to communicate with Laurent. It was not only that he was navigating a foreign language. It was as though Laurent was an entirely other species of animal.
romance is two strong-willed and competent people communicating despite the odds, becoming stronger and more competent together than they would be apart. also doing improv comedy to survive the horrors
He touched the starburst pattern at his shoulder. He was dressed in Laurent’s colours, and bearing his insignia. That was a strange feeling.
kinda hot. like the collar and cuffs, but they actually earned it.
submission vs. respect theme, etc.
He was to serve and obey, as any man.
but NOT, notably, as a slave.
‘Sleeping in his tent?’ ‘Where else?’ He passed a hand over his face. Laurent had agreed to this?
i love how damen’s follow-up question isn’t necessarily, “do i agree with this?” but “how the fuck did LAURENT agree to this?”
After a long moment, Damen said, ‘Whatever else you think, I don’t share his bed.’ It was not a new insinuation. Damen wasn’t sure why it rankled so much now.
probably because there is something resembling mutual respect developing between damen and laurent, so the implication that their interactions are entirely sexual is offensive. submission vs. respect again!
‘If I’d sent them after you,’ said Laurent, ‘I would have told them you went out the only way you knew, through the courtyard off the northern training arena. Did you?’ ‘Yes,’ said Damen.
The pre-dawn light bleached Laurent’s hair from gold to something paler and finer; the bones of his face appeared as delicate as the calamus of a feather. He was relaxed against the doorway of the stables as though he’d been there quite a while, which would explain the colour of Jord’s face.
laurent lean #9. smug eavesdropping.
And he did not need gilt to be recognised under a parade standard, only the uncovered bright of his hair.
i’m counting this as damen likes blondes mention #6. implies that laurent is “parade standard” simply because of his pretty hair.
Laurent paced forward. His eyes passed over Damen in turn, displaying jagged distaste. Seeing him in armour seemed to have drawn something unpleasant from the depths. ‘Too civilised?’ ‘Hardly,’ said Laurent.
context: “i cannot fucking believe i’m dressing up my brother’s barbaric killer like a veretian and letting him join my traveling party”
‘What is he doing here?’ ‘Captaining the Guard.’ ‘What?’ ‘Yes, it’s an interesting arrangement, isn’t it?’ said Laurent.
oh, he’s SEETHING. humor as deflection.
‘You should throw him a pet to keep him off the men,’ said Jord. ‘No,’ said Laurent, after a moment. He said it thoughtfully.
context: mainly i think laurent knows that govart’s unsatisfied libido is likely to make him screw up. but also i’d like to believe that he’s just super over the pet stuff
Laurent took it without saying anything. He tucked it carefully into a fold of his riding clothes. Then after a moment, he reached out, and touched Nicaise’s chin with one knuckle. ‘You look better without all the paint,’ said Laurent.
oh he cares about this kid so much, and clearly values his gift. this is the most affectionate we’ve seen laurent in the entire book.
‘Do you think a compliment will impress me?’ said Nicaise. ‘It won’t. I get them all the time.’ ‘I know you do,’ said Laurent.
“so did i.”
‘I’m coming back,’ said Laurent. ‘Is that what you think?’
context: this is meant as a comfort to nicaise, but nicaise hears it as a threat.
neither of them believes that they would ever deserve or receive protection.
‘I’m coming back,’ said Laurent. ‘To keep me as a pet?’ said Nicaise. ‘You’d love that. To make me your servant.’ Dawn passed over the courtyard. Colours changed. A sparrow landed on one of the stable posts close by him, but lifted off again at the sound of one of the men dropping an armful of tack. ‘I would never ask you to do anything you found distasteful,’ said Laurent.
context: this is the truth.
It didn’t surprise Damen that Laurent was popular with the townspeople. He looked the part, all bright hair and astonishing profile. A golden prince was easy to love if you did not have to watch him picking wings off flies. Straight-backed and effortless in the saddle, he had an exquisite seat, when he was not killing his horse.
NICE VS. GOOD THEME! damen thinks that if the townspeople saw laurent as he does—a bitch—they would realize that he isn’t good. because he still believes, most of the time, that niceness equates to goodness. and so every pleasant quality laurent possesses—his appearance, his title, and his skills—is in opposition with his unpleasant behavior. laurent’s unpleasant actions and qualities are, simply, Not Good. and damen is too distracted by laurent’s more tasteful qualities to consider how his distasteful decisions could be more ethical than they appear (for example, mercy killing the horse his uncle poisoned).
inversely, we have damen and akielion slavery. damen knows the gentle submission of slaves in ios, and the way their masters “honor” them—in that, he sees goodness. but when he sees the cruel way veretians treat akielion slaves, he sees wrongness, which he then advocates against. but what he can’t see, is that “palatable slavery” (gag) is still slavery, and just as wrong in akielos as it is in vere. and it is just as evil of akielos to partake in the institution, if not more evil since it’s their institution in the first place, than whatever is going on in vere. 
damen has moral integrity. he has a mind and he uses it. but he also has a massive blind spot, because he believes that everyone else in the world is as honorable as he is.
laurent has the opposite blind spot. he doesn’t expect anyone to be honorable, ever. least of all his brother’s killer.
the two of them make a good team.
final notes
damen likes blondes mentions: 6
laurent leans: 9
character elements to watch out for: 
laurent perspective context (knowing what i know, what sense can i make?)
laurent & nicaise
laurent coping mechanisms (pretending, delusion)
damen coping mechanisms (avoidance, distraction)
damen reconsidering the ethics of akielios
mutual moral arbitration
series themes: 
niceness vs. goodness
submission vs. respect - “there is no honour in obedience”
suffering alone vs. fighting together
pain and humor
honor and integrity
sex, power, innocence, violence
trauma, desire, consent
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I finally got a Nine inch nails hoodie
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy also don't shoot up your school cuz that's a thing nine inch nails fans like to do
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We are the same...
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shrimppose · 6 months
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finally I have that costume!!! yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 2 years
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I am so happy to say that this chapter is finally ready! Alittle early Christmas gift for yall!
As always the clean version will be posted here and the 18+ version will be up on AO3. The link to this will be posted by @jann-the-bean
If you're new to the blog hi! The info about what I'm talking about is here
As always, here's a snippet!
Mornings he'd picked Dream for days out, dressed undercover to avoid attention.
So many times he'd been greeted by a tight hug and a soft kiss on the cheek. Night's bringing over take-out for a movie night, leading to them cuddling up on the sofa, before falling asleep.
The idea that this could be the last time made him feel sick, but… He was a strong man, he wasn't going to get himself worked up. Whatever happened, he was going to take every hit.
He approached the door and knocked, not wanting to delay it further.
It took only a couple of minutes, but it felt like hours before Dream opened his door.
The small skeleton greeted Cross with a light smile, and it was almost like all the weight on his shoulders had been lifted at that moment, before it all came crashing down.
This was still a tense situation, even if seeing Dream made Cross feel better.
"Hello Cross…thanks for coming over," the golden skeleton said, stepping to the side, "Please do come in".
To be continued on Friday YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!
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cantdanceflynn · 7 months
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its-a-hil · 11 months
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy fuck daylight savings we're finally fucking back
gonna sleep now nini
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gemharvest · 3 months
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goat-boy-sounds · 7 months
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taylorswifts-posts · 3 years
You have come a long journey.....from your debut to your ending of contract with big machine records....to joining of republic records and releasing the most underrated album(I don't even know how can it be so underrated) - Lover......to a whole new genre of music....... folklore and evermore........to your announcement that we will get to relive 6 of those eras again........to Fearless(Taylor's Version) era...... and now to finally Red(Taylor's Era).
You were strong, very strong for having reached this far and that is one of the thousands of reasons that I am a swiftie. I hope you to be always in the best of your health. You know health is wealth.
You will do great. New experiences, memories, songs will come, but you will do great. You are a great inspiration. Thank you so much, for being a musical part of my life.
Happy Birthday, @taylorswift , congrats for turning 32. For surviving this tough life for 32 years.
Some smiles, some good moments of Taylor.
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A very happy birthday once again. It's Taylor's Day today. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!
Party time. Actually musical party. Gotta go and listen to Taylor's songs. And my start is with this song. I would suggest y'all to go and listen too. It's TS day!!!!!!!!!!
Posted at 13:00
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darkenokami · 3 years
this halloween, i get to dress as a fbi agent..... finally my opprotunity TO WEAR A SUIT YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
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I thought ATWI80D got renewed?
It did (yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!), the showrunner just said they aren't going to be doing 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea -- as playfully hinted at in the s1 finale -- because Disney is going to be doing a big budget adaptation/prequel/idk of it. :( I'm sure s2 will still be great, I just loved the specific idea of the characters hopping over into 20,000 Leagues!
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