#BUT YAAAA hes pokemon
applettun · 2 days
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Hellvantula, the spider king Pokemon!
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jazz-kitty · 8 months
Could I get a bit of Keta maybe.. I don’t super understand rejuv and I haven’t seen more of him yet but I really liked him in sheridan
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asking ME. JAZZ. to draw keta. thank u anony...... u came to the right guy.....
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deathchipz · 9 months
eepy vosims ive made the past few days [vosim jink belongs to @hebezunet]
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yamujiburo · 1 year
I think about Deliah/Jessie/James poly so much dude. Hanamusashipping and Rocketshipping are both phenomenal in their own ways, so I think it's a fun concept to combine the two! You have fully convinced me that Deliah is a lesbian, especially with the whole "turned down *hundreds* of men" like my goodness! Wonder what got her into a relationship with Ash's dad... there's potential for angst there but I can't bring myself to put that on her. But let me propose a concept: Queerplatonic James and Deliah. I would love to see more lil comics and stuff of them together running Deliah's restaurant (which... do we know what the name of that is?), just being remarkably on the same wavelength with aesthetics, food prep, all that stuff. They'd be such cuties! I think it'd be sweet for the two of them to have another person to open up towards about their pasts and insecurities and stuff. James has had to let go of pokemon he cared for a lot (so has Jessie of course, but tbh I can only recall Arbok and Dustox, while James let go of at least Weezing, Chimeco, and Cacnea? Does Growlie count too? I'm not sure... Mimikyu and Mareanie are a lil different since they hang out with Bewear and Stufful, and the whole Alola bit of Journeys emphasized that TR visits them). But he can empathize a lot with how Deliah does support Ash's travels, but at the same time feels guilty for not being "enough" for him, y'know? James had to let Chimeco stay with his grandparents because it was just far too sickly, and Gardenia was able to see potential in Cacnea that James knew he couldn't bring out as much as he tried. But he doesn't doubt that his pokemon know he loved them dearly, and they all wish each other the best uwu. There's just a lot of cute fun for the dynamic. Jessie goes from being unlucky in love to getting *two* wonderful partners. Ash gets a second step-dad, and it's the other guy who tried to kidnap his pet mouse lmao. Ash understanding James' bottlecap collection because it's kinda like his collection of gym badges, or the two of them making a whole powerpoint to show Deliah evidence that Jessies' contest and performance personas are still her. Ash, Pikachu, and Meowth seeing James, Jessie, and Deliah all cozy on the couch, and they all just look at each other like "ew" before running in and interrupting the moment™.
YAAAA this is so cute! Delia and James would have a really fun dynamic. I unfortunately have not done as much with them as I'd like to (i haven't done as much with this au as i'd like to in general lol) but whenever I think about potential ideas or situations, I always imagine them being there for one another and being able to tell each other anything~
Oh and the restaurant is canonically called Masara House (or in english Pallet House)
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Pokemon crack
Lan: Alright,Mega. Playtime is over. Let's finish this.
Mega whispers to Jr: Okay, little buddy. Pretend this hurts.
Mega uses psychic to fly Jr high up off the ground and (very gently) "slam" him the the ground.
Jr: *Fake fainting noises"
Lan: Alright! We did it, Mega!
Patch knows when Jr is faking but decides to say nothing as it's a free out. He picks up a "fainted" He He and walks over to Lan.
Patch: Well, you got your match. And I have to say, you're pretty good.
Lan shakes his free hand as Mayl, Roll and Mega come over.
Lan: Thanks, you're not bad yourself...um.
Mayl: It's funny, we shared a room with you, and we don't know your name. Can you tell us?
Patch hesitantly: It's.....Patch.
Lan: Nice name. I'm Lan, this is Mega.
Mayl: I'm Mayl and this Roll.
Patch: N-Nice to meet you
Lan: So where you headed to? You doing the gym challenge?
Patch: Uhh not really. I'm just...exploring right now
Mayl: That's cool. I'm a coordinator and there's a contest in the next town over. Do you want to join us?
Patch: O-Oh umm, that's very nice but I--
Jr, coming alive: Yaaaa!
Patch, whispering: Idiot, you're supposed to be faking!
Jr: *plays dead again*
Mega and Roll laugh, knowing he's faking
Lan, blinking: Uh, okay, well I guess your Yamask has decided for you. Go heal up at the Center and we can move on!
Patch: O...Okay...
Mayl: It'll be fun! I'm sure we'll get to know each other well!
Patch: Y-Yeah... (let's hope not too well!)
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foolmoonwarlock · 6 years
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finally did something omg
Two of my characters, Wiella (with the pikachu) and Liù (with the eevee)
Pokemon AUs are great 
Also "hands" ? What are "hands" ? Never heard or seen something about it in my entire life...
It's not perfect but i'm so proud i managed to draw something yay 
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klonoadreams · 4 years
Yaaaas Everyone takes Pokemon in stride lol, Somehow I can see a Corviknight just bearing down on Crowley and like forcing him to do his job lol OR THE GHOST POKEMON TEAMING UP WITH THE GRANDPA GHOST SQUAD XD but overall, Yuu is just swramed by everyone lol, the pokemon cuz she is BEAST MASTER EX and her friends because she knows what they are and has info on them so when SHENANIGANS occur, gotta get info from Yuu XDD
Corviknight glares down at Crowley until he do his work. Grandpa Ghost Squad and their ghost Pokemon lol, they’d get along SO MUCH.
Yuu is just swarmed, like...one step, and BOOM, there’s a bird Pokemon on her shoulder. lol.
Beast Tamer EX has now become POKEMON MASTER EX.
Shenanigans ensue, because Pokemon can be chaotic creatures that are capable of mischief.
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lionhearts-proyect · 4 years
Conociendo a... Parte 2 - Pidge
Si usted, amable lector, ya se sabe el orden de cómo hice los análisis, se preguntará porqué me brinqué el análisis a Keith. Sencillo, porque es uno de los personajes que tuvo más cambios y esos los quiero tratar más al ultimo.
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Bueno TODOS tienen bastantes cambios, pero lo que viene siendo nuestro trío favorito (Keith, Lance, Allura... Shiro se unió a esta conversación recientemente) tendrán un análisis más profundo, según yo.  Comencemos.
A SIMPLE VISTA Tenemos a un�� ¿chico? Un poquito desgarbado, muy delgado y de apariencia nada fuerte, vestido con una amplia camisa blanca y verde con detalles naranjas y pantalones cortos grises.
De enmarañado cabello castaño claro y expresivos ojos del mismo color detrás de unos lentes que acentúan su falta de fuerza, pero detrás de esa aparente debilidad se encuentra una persona de gran intelecto, curiosidad y adaptabilidad. Otra cosa a considerar es que nuestro “joven genio” resultó ser UNA joven genio, pero lejos de usar a su favor las características de su género, sigue siendo “uno de los muchachos”.
Ella sabe quién es, sabe lo que quiere y sabe cómo ayudar al equipo, nada mal para el miembro más débil (físicamente hablando) del grupo.
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Anime/Serie 80´s 
El personaje que sirvió para la creación del joven Pidge responde al nombre de Hiroshi Suzuishi, un niño (si, NIÑO, tiene 12 años, por dios, DOCE AÑOS) con un diseño “amigable” para la época, es decir, no estaba tan “raro” como Avecilla en la Fuerza-G. 
Este peque es un genio, el típico estereotipo de nerd de esos tiempos pero con el plus de que tenía una estupenda condición física. Debido a su edad y estatura recibe el sobrenombre de “Chibi” ("Shorty", que en español traducimos como pequeño, chaparro, chiquito, chiquilín, microbio, pigmeo, liliputense…)
Todas las versiones de Pidge: ¡¡¡BUENO, YAAAA!!!!  
Bueno ya, exageré.
Es el más chiquito, y tal vez sea por eso que el tiene más afinidad tiene con la familia de ratoncitos, aparte de Allura/Fala. Y no solo eso, también aparentemente tiene más facilidad de llevarse bien con los animalitos. Si mi sentido del humor fuera más descarado, diría que Pidge es lo más cercano a ser una princesa Disney de los 90´s casi 2000´es. (y probablemente eso sea su actual encarnación)
Otra ventaja de ser el más pequeño y joven del grupo es la de tener afinidad con la población infantil del “cascareado” planeta Arus/Altea, pues, al ser más cercano a los pequeños por cuestión de edad, es más fácil ganarse su confianza. Y así fue como nuestro chiquitín se convirtió en el “hermano mayor” de varios niños. ^^
La principal diferencia entre el ánime y la censurada versión americana son los orígenes no muy claros del pequeño cegatón. Mientras que en el anime viene de la Tierra, en la versión americana tiene un hermano gemelo y se da a entender que ambos provienen de un planeta llamado “Balto”, mismo que termina destruido (ok, lo bueno es que no querían tanta violencia). 
Su “hermano” es un personaje de “Dairugger XV”, serie que sirvió de base para “Voltron Vehículos”, de esta manera relacionaron dos series que nada tenían que ver.
En cualquier versión, Pidge es el miembro más joven del equipo y el piloto del león verde, (Según un blog que acostumbro, en GoLion/DoTU el León verde representa el Viento. ¿Y que representa el León Negro??? El rayo o la Luz, aparentemente :/), en cualquiera de estas versiones ochenteras el chaparro tiene una gran agilidad, además y como dije antes, mantiene una relación estrecha con la familia de ratoncitos.
Si bien es en apariencia un genio, sigue siendo un niño, por lo que es muy inquieto, intenso y lleno de energía.
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Ejem, sin contar que, por cuestiones biológicas, los niños “crecen” más despacio que las niñas. 
El “Suzuishi” de su apellido significa “Casiterita”, un mineral óxido de estaño, aunque en otros sitios dicen que significa "Hojalata".
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(Volvemos a usar la imagen del trio. No hay muchos paneles donde los nerds salgan solitos T_T)
CÓMIC Según el cómic de DDP, el nombre completo de nuestro cuatro-ojos es “Darrell Stoker”, en esta versión tiene 16 años (todos los personajes son un poco mayores de lo que veíamos en la serie) y no es de Balto, sino de la Tierra. Con un IQ muy alto, su vida en el orfanato no fue muy agradable, pero se dice que le fue peor en la Academia Militar.
Gracias a sus amplios conocimientos en sistemas computacionales, Pidge llamó la atención del Coronel Hawkins, quien le ofreció ir a una misión a otro planeta con otros “agradables sujetos” para buscar a un robot legendario… y antes de decir “agua va”, el muchacho ya estaba dispuesto a explorar más allá del cosmos.
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VOLTRON THE THIRD DIMENSION Tenemos a un Pidge más mayorcito que aparentemente sigue dándole la contra a Lotor. En teoría... no recuerdo mucho. Eso si, su modelo 3-D está horrible, nuestro pobre bebé. :(
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Aqui si me sacaron un sustote... digo, es un adulto en toda la extensión de la palabra (igual de chaparro, pero adulto). Hasta donde se ve, es quien entrena a los nuevos cadetes, además de mostrarles como funciona el sistema de seguridad del Castillo y los convenientes Voltcons.
Una cosa que me da harta risa de esta versión es que en diversos lugares mencionan que Pidge es solo UN año menos que Allura.
Un año.
Allura tiene 25, esta mujer le lleva un año. Así que una de dos, o la gente de Balto es el equivalente a los elfos (o a los hobbits, ¿porqué no?) en el espacio, o nuestro Pidge se quedó chaparro por falta de vitaminas y emulsión de hígado de pescado. XD
Otra graciosada de este Pidge es que tiene complejo de Jerrica Benton, pues a modo de hobby, el enano hace composiciones de música electrónica bajo el pseudónimo de "DJ Prong". (cualquier parecido con Daft Punk es pura coincidencia).
Va, el muchacho tiene talento. ¿Ven porqué digo que es adorable en cualquier realidad? (menos en el comic de Dynamite, ahi si están todos feos)
En japonés fue doblado por Masako Nozawa, en inglés por Neil Ross y en español por Gabriel Cobayassi… Esperen un momento… ¬¬
Para esta nueva versión, la voz corre a cargo de Bex Taylor-Klaus y en español por parte de Angélica Villa (Sanza Stark, y la querida Tiki)
*Curiosidad de doblaje mexicano #23: Gabriel Cobayassi se encargó de doblar tanto a Keith como a Pidge. En el capítulo 2 de “Defensor del Universo” fue Jesús Barrero quien se encargó del doblaje de ambos personajes. Y para acabar, Neil Ross también se encargó de ambos dos (dicen los gringos que Pidge sonaba como un gremlin, yo digo que es más bien uñas en un pizarrón. XD)
*Curiosidad de doblaje mexicano #77: En “La Tercera Dimensión”, fue Eduardo Garza quien le dio voz a Pidge… un montón de años después sería la voz de Matt Holt.
No hay que pensarle mucho, nuestra niña verde es el “nerd”, el genio, el cerebro. Y para hacerlo más obvio, que mejor que ponerle lentes.
Aunque después descubriríamos que los mentados lentes eran de su hermano Matt, pues, al menos hasta el epilogo, nuestra Pidge no los necesitaba.
Sin embargo, a pesar de la apariencia, el detrás de (cuando la molestaban en la escuela, aunque se nos mostró muy poco) y todo el vocabulario técnico, tenemos el plus de que nuestra nerd no lo es del todo. No es (tan) débil, tiene buena condición física, cierto orgullo y lo más importante: su género no la define.  
  Y es que como mujer, me he cansado de diversas malas representaciones que nos han dado en diversos medios audiovisuales: desde la inútil curandera/interés amoroso en los animes hasta las toda poderosas mary-sues de Hollywood. No m´ijo, no, ni endiosar ni degradar al personaje femenino hará mas interesante tu obra. Amor propio Kishi...
... canal equivocado, sorry.
No se si el nerd-patea traseros ya sea un estereotipo, porque de que hay, hay, pero no está TAN quemado como el “tipo” donde “la” nerd es una criaturita tierna, tímida y seguramente enamorada del chico malo (libro normal de wattpad, jeje)... NOOO, nuestra Pidge definitivamente no es eso, ella es la nerd patea-traseros, y que bien.
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(Nótese lo “emocionada” que está)
Aaah, los bonitos shipeos con Pidge, técnicamente si haces alguno, el FBI tumbará tu puerta y las hordas de la decencia en Internet te tachará de asqueroso enfermo (aunque estas antes shipearan princesas disney, rogaran por un sugar daddy o shipearan hermanos). Pero bueno, hablemos de los shipeos en donde involucramos a nuestra nena, ninguno canon. Hidge (o Punk): OBVIAMENTE este debía ir primero, su shipeo con Hunk es el más “lógico”, ya que ambos son los nerdots del grupo, se entienden muy bien, tienen ciertos objetivos en común, se ven rete-shipeables juntos (y si, también me refiero a la versión de Voltron Force), el papá de Pidge ya les dio su bendición Otepera, a Pidge le queda el rol del esposo y a Hunk el de la esposa... osea, este ship es bonito, aunque no sea canon, todos lo amamos. :3 (y al que me salga con el chiste de “la/lo vas a matar, perro”, le pego)
Plance: Mi segundo lugar, su shipeo con el atarantadote de Lance, que si te pones a pensarlo si pudo haber quedado. Después de todo, se complementan muy bien con una lista y con un menso. Canon ni por asomo, y si te pones a pensarlo, es más una relación de “hermandad” que otra cosa, pero eso no nos detiene a los shipeadores profesionales.
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(Y si, su versión de Voltron Force también es mega-shipeable y al que no le guste... nos vemos a la salida. )
Kidge: Con el tiempo aprendí a aceptar y luego ser partidaria de este shipeo (algo así me pasó con el dressedinpinkshipping de Pokemon... y sigo maldiciendo a esa youtuber por eso) y al igual que con el Plance, en este shipeo lo que podría embonar es que estos dos se complementan por sus personalidades tan opuestas. No, en serio, si se ponen a pensarlo,  podría ser una versión mas “avanzada” de tu típica novela de wattpad, y por avanzada me refiero a “intelectualmente”.
Además, se ven bien lindos juntitos... eso si, auméntenle la edad a Pidge si van a escribir sobre estos dos. ¬¬
Pallura: Porque el yuri también merece atención. Este es el shipeo con Allura y... no es mucho de mi agrado, pero pues se ve bonito y diversidad. ^^U
Shidge: Su shipeo con Shiro. Tierno, curioso... definitivamente nada canónico... tampoco es mi favorito, y la gente que me conoce de antes sabe que si voy a apoyar shipeos así, debe ser en el aspecto meramente y exclusivamente platónico.
No dudemos que a nuestra verdecita también la shipeen con las bitches de Lotor o con los pilotos de MFE (cualquiera de los cuatro, aquí no le hacemos asco a nada), pero pues yo ya dije los que me gustan. Permisito, voy por mi paraguas anti-pedradas.
La version del 84 NI DE CHISTE debe ser shipeada, todavía está peque. 
PARA PENSAR  Se habrán dado cuenta de que hubo un tiempo en que “X” serie animada de acción se incluyera a un elemento que fuera un niño menor de 15 años. Yo digo que esto era para que el público meta (los niños) se sintieran identificados con el personaje y les fuera más fácil a las compañías vender los juguetes. 
¿Funcionó? Yo digo que sí, una de las primeras cosas que se me viene a la mente cuando escribo sobre la versión del 84 es que entre toda la bola traumados, se encontraba un niño no mayor a la niña que le gustaba ver la repetición de esa serie los sábados en la tarde. T__T
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¿Qué puedo decir? Esta niña resultó convertirse en uno de mis personajes favoritos. No por ser mujer, sino porque se trata de alguien que tomará las riendas del problema para si o si resolverlo. Además, es una nerd y una auténtica chica gamer de esas que si juegan, no patrañas.
Se dice que uno de los ejecutivos sugirió que uno de los paladines fuera mujer desde un principio y que esto no afectara al desarrollo de la historia, y vaya si lo lograron, porque a veces se nos olvida que detrás de esos lentes se encuentra Katie Holt, una chica que perdió a parte de su familia, quien no se creyó la versión oficial y hace todo lo posible por recuperarlos.
El cambio más notable entre todas las versiones es obviamente, el de género, pero algo en común que no cambia es el hecho de que el(la) de verde sabe de maquinaria y sabe moverle. En las últimas adaptaciones se nos da a entender que mientras Hunk se encarga del “Hardware”, Pidge siempre se encargará del “Software”, haciendo de este par una curiosa combinación de cerebritos.
Otra cosa que me encanta de este personaje es que, si bien es la más débil físicamente hablando, no tardará en cubrir esa “desventaja”, ya sea con un agudo intelecto o con su notable agilidad.
Pidge es un buen ejemplo de que a la hora de crear un personaje, te debe “valer” su género, simplemente crea al personaje con sus defectos, virtudes, fortalezas, debilidades y si se puede, manías… ya más adelante te encargas de hacerlo “niño” o “niña”. Lo importante de un personaje es qué tan agradable te parezca y que tanto te puedas identificar con este. Como dije antes (y dejen me acomodo los lentes) eso me pasó desde la primer serie.
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ae0nx · 5 years
Ok... I just wanna let you know now... that I might swear a lot in this recap, all because of this super shady guy... and if you’re uncomfortable with it then this ain’t the one for you
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I hate love him. This is gonna be a long one, sorry!
- Oh no! Kitten is having a nightmare... Also, his mirror is covered... am I reading too much into things? (a bit of a stupid question considering this anime)
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- Did they add some extra visual flourishes to the opening or have I just been non observant and more so distracted by the beautiful opening song? (Still in love with it after 10 episodes)
- Hana’s cuckoo phenomenon 😂I love her but she definitely reminds me of those people who are naturally gifted and super intelligent but never use their gifts unless they feel an emotional draw to do so or if it is directly affecting them and their happiness and wellbeing... Another Shigure parallel... huuuh...
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- The ‘Kyon-Kyon’ nickname is always so cute, I love that he’s so used to it now that he doesn’t even object to it. Although his mind was kind of preoccupied so...
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- Outfit appreciation time! I really liked Kyo’s jacket! It suited him! Green is a good colour for him. A solid B grade.
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- What a grade A shit stirrer. I can’t. And is it just me or are they drawing Shigure extra sinister in this version?
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DIS BITCH. I’m so worried. And I don’t know why I like it but I just dooo *twirls around listening to Whitney Houston’s ‘So Emotional’*
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- Ok this is where my memory of the manga fails me and I don’t know what any of this means but I’m fascinated and horrified and Kyooo what happened?! (Don’t tell me) (EDIT: I JUST LOOKED A LITTLE CLOSER AND TOTALLY REMEMBERED. OH SHIT. Still trying to put the pieces together as to what this moment has to do with how Kyo feels about Yuki...)
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- It’s a simple thing but I like the way they frame Kyo’s beads in certain scenes throughout the show... I just realised how weird that sounds if you don’t know the full story lol
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My heart...
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- It’d be a beautiful moment if I didn’t despise Shigure and Akito so much... and also on the low-low... it kind of gave me ‘Jacob falling in love with Renesme’ in Twilight kinda vibes? Icky...
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YOU IN DANGER, GIRL. Although, there was something very gentle and sweet about the way he said goodbye to the kids in the english dub, kudos to John Burgmeier. I’M SO FUCKIN CONFLICTED.
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This was a really interesting moment! Tohru not being sure how Shigure actually feels because he is always smiling made me parallel it to her earlier moment with Kyo in the forest.
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Kyo using his anger at Yuki and pretty much everything to protect himself and his fragility (or ‘innocence’ as Hana put it) is interesting when you put it in comparison to Shigure who uses his cheery disposition as a ruse from whatever twisted plans he has in mind. I dunno, I just thought it was funny how in this situation, the guy who’s always smiling is the most sinister. 
I do love parallels.
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And yeah same, Yuki.
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- I had the same reaction when I rewatched Pokemon 2000 as a girl in her twenties (plus I’m a Digimon stan, sorry)
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- Does Hatori even like Shigure? I guess it’s kind of like when you can somewhat tolerate someone’s bullshit even if it is terrible because you’ve known them for so long now that you can’t help but still care about them?... but when it comes down to it, is it even a true friendship in the end?
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I’m so fuckin frustrated. SO FRUSTRATED. Cos the worst thing about this. Is the fact that he KNOWS what he’s doing is bad and will break his ties with a lot of the zodiac members but he just doesn’t CARE. WHILE BEING CARING AT THE SAME TIME. It’s so intriguing but it’s sooo fucking awful. I want cuddly 2001 Shigure, ahaha. (I kid, I’m so invested in manga Shigure)
- That poor editor! I used to find her hilarious when watching the old anime but getting all that information about Shigure in this episode before seeing her just has a grey overcast on that now and I just feel sorry for her 
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I want Tohru to crush Shigure with kindness. CRUSH HIM.
This was way too long. Like long enough to make me question why I do this every week. Ah well, at least my thoughts are dumped somewhere. NEXT WEEK IS THE SPA EPISODE! ONE OF MY FAVOURITE EPISODES. Can’t wait!
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moonlit-manifesto · 5 years
Heartbreak Red Takeover 2019
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Like last year, Heartbreak Red took over the Tsukista twitter account (@tsukiuta1) as part of April Fools’ Day for a little bit to respond to fans’ tweets. The categories are Advice, Requests, and Messages. 
His catchphrase is loosely translated as “Your heart will beat BA-DUMP!” (HAATO ga kyun to kite dokkoisho!). The black text next to his picture in the above photo says “Your heart squeezed? ...That’s just heart arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)” LOL 
Below are the funny or interesting replies he gave! (Some were just regular advice so I skipped those...) There’s a lot of cameos from the other Reds and the other idols~ It’s long, so read after the cut!
[REQUEST] I want to know the color of Shimotsuki Shun’s underwear that he’s wearing today or I won’t be able to sleep tonight, please help me!”
Heartbreak Red: “Shun-san, some perv has a request for you.”
Shun: “Today’s color is... (glances)”
Heartbreak Red: “...(glances)”
Heartbreak Red: “It’s my color (red)!!!”
Shun: “My underwear is red!! What a visit*!!!!”
Curry Red (You from Procella): “I think you confused that with ‘disaster*.’”
*both the words 参上 and  惨状 are pronounced “sanjou”
[OTHER] Please summon “Come, My Sunshine”-san and “First-Love Rose Princess”!!
Heartbreak Red: “Come on out!!”
Curry Red, as “My Sunshine”: “Your smile has a hint of magic! Come, my sunshineeeee!!!”
First-Love Rose Princess: “I hope you have a romantic dream! I’ll wrap you in a gentle fragrance! First-love Rose Princess!!”
Curry Red: “I need to talk to you later about all the crap you’re putting me through today.”
Heartbreak Red: “Okie dokie.”
[This tweet requires some context lol. So, during the Halloween tweets (Oct 2018) Rui blurted out that Kai uses body soap called “First-Love Rose Princess” and they teased him about it. Then Yoru blurted out that You’s soap is called “Come, My Sunshine” and Yoru knows that because he’s the one that bought it for him xD]
[ADVICE] It’s been three years, but I still haven’t given up on getting Mutsuki Hajime of the Afterlife’s piercings. Should I try aiming for Heartbreak Purple’s piercings instead?
Heartbreak Red: “Purple or Hajime-sannnn!!!”
Hajime: “I don’t know who this “Purple” guy is, but I won’t see you when you get your ears pierced. It’s better to properly meet [so I can see them then].”
[ADVICE] It’s painful for me because I like someone named “Uduki Arata.” What should I do?
Heartbreak Red: “Ain’t that great!!! You can stay in pain like that then------!!!!!
[REQUEST] Heartbreak Red-sama! I want you to pick a fight with Pool of Blood Red-sama! 🍅 [Someone asked for this last year too lol. Also it’s a tomato emoji because Pool of Blood Red holds a squashed tomato]
Heartbreak Red: “This time, we caught him up in something even better!! [they dragged Ryota into being a sentai ranger for April Fools Day] Pool of Blood Red!!! Come on out!!!”
Pool of Blood Red (Ryota from Growth): “I’m Pool of Blood Red. I don’t actually dislike tomatoes. I will impart some words to the person who recommended me to be here. ‘Next time, it’s your turn.’” [I can imagine him saying this through gritted teeth with his cold glare lol]
Heartbreak Red: “Coooooool.”
[REQUEST] Please spin around three times and yell “BA-DUMP (DOKKOISHO)!” 
Heartbreak Red: “Your heart will beat...”
*spin spin spin*
Heartbreak Red: “BA-DUMPPP------------!!!! Did you see that? You saw me right!!??”
[MESSAGE] I’m glad we get to see Heartbreak Red today! I’ll keep on supporting you!!
Heartbreak Red: “Thanks. And when I’m not around, please support that guy whose last name starts with “U.” [referring to himself, Uduki Arata]
[REQUEST] Please call on Desirable Prince!! [”Mote-ouji is apparently Heartbreak Red’s rival]
Heartbreak Red: “Prince! Prince, get over here!”
Desirable Prince (Aoi from Gravi): “I knew you’d drag me into this (dry laugh).”
Heartbreak Red: “All right, Prince, how about you tell us a joke~?”
Desirable Prince: “What!? (completely unexpected)”
Heartbreak Red: “3 - 2 - 1...”
Desirable Prince: “I-I’m the eighth ‘Eighth Prince**!’”
Heartbreak Red & Curry Red: “Don’t sweat it...” [because his pun was bad]
** He said 俺が8人で八王子 and the word “Hachiouji” is a proper name but also means “eighth prince”
[REQUEST] Please summon I Love Red Red!
Heartbreak Red: “I Love Red Red~!!!”
I Love Red Red (Issei from Quell): “Good evening! My Red [referring to Ichiru] is so cute!! I’ll burn*** with energy today, too!!! Thanks for summoning me!!
Heartbreak Red: “You’re so cute, too!”
***this is that Quell/kuberu(くべる) pun they do
[REQUEST] Have you seen Mikazuki-san lately? I want to hear about any fun stories you have to share!!!
*ringgg ringg* (phone dialing)
Heartbreak Red: “An assault through the phone, Mikazuki-san is out there!!”
*other end picks up*
Mikazuki: “’Your heart will beat, ba-dump.’ I’m busy right now, so maybe some other time.”
*hangs up*
Heartbreak Red: “He’s half sugar, half salt!
[REQUEST] Please give some praise to me, who goes to work every single day!!!!!!!
Heartbreak Red: “Eh, really, you’re amazing! You were born into this world! I should tweet grandly like this! Look at you, working hard by yourself and earning money! Are you a god? No, maybe a miracle? I’m glad I could come into contact with you even like this.”
[ADVICE] I’m in a long-distance relationship with my boyfriend, but I haven’t seen him in over a year. I want to meet up with him, but it’s hard to contact him because I’m bad at initiating conversation. How do men say they want to meet with someone?
Heartbreak Red: “I want to meet up. But I only have 10 minutes.”
#I want to meet everyone too~
[REQUEST] I want to hear a conversation between Heartbreak Red and Takamura Shiki-san who have a similar kind of energy!
Shiki: “We’re similar?”
Heartbreak Red: “Yeah, we’re similar. To test it, try saying my catchphrase.”
Shiki: “Your heart will beat......BA-DUMPPPPPP-------------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Heartbreak Red: “See, we’re alike.”
[REQUEST] I want to hear a story about Heartbreak Red-san and Minaduki Rui-san getting along well (๑و•̀ω•́)و
Heartbreak Red: “Ruirui~”
Rui: “’The cat goes meow, ba-dump.’ Minaduki Rui (and Yamato) have arrived.”
Yamato: “Meow ♪”
Heartbreak Red: “Yamato looks quite cute in a red bandana.”
Rui: “Yamato likes it too.”
[INQUIRY] Did any Six Gravity or Procellarum member tell a lie for April Fools Day?
Hearbreak Red: “What say you, Kakerun?”
Kakeru: “In the morning, Koi said ‘I evolved from koi [type of love] to ai [another type of love]!!’ but he was just referring to his younger sister, Ai-chan.
Heartbreak Red: “So Ai-chan is the evolved form of Koi...”
[REQUEST] Pick a fight using all your strength with someone you haven’t interacted with yet!!!
Heartbreak Red: “Who!? Uhhh, hey Pinkie!!!”
Koi: “My name’s not ‘Pinkie.’ I’ve evolved from Koi to become... Koi King.”
Heartbreak Red: “I wonder if there’s a monster in your pocket. Let’s see... I choose you: Heartbreak Green!!!” [reference to Pokemon (pocket monsters) so he’s calling out for Green like in a Pokemon fight]
Heartbreak Green (Haru from Gravi): “I want to be shaken like pollen!!! Heartbreak Green!! Glasses sparkle!!”
Heartbreak Red: “Also, Yoruyoru~!”
Yoru: “S-SOY YAAAA----!!!”
Heartbreak Red: “Thank you, my comrades!!!”
#they kept up the momentum
[REQUEST] I want you to make me fall for you with all your strength!!!!!
Heartbreak Red: “I love you.”
Heartbreak Red: “Saying that made me a little embarrassed.”
[REQUEST] Blushing Red, come on out!!!
Blushing Red (Ren from SOARA): “I think I’ll manage to get through it this time! B-Blushing Red!!!”
Blushing Red 2 (Dai from SolidS): “... Blushing...Red.”
Heartbreak Red: “THAT------WAS------SO-------CUTE.”
#thank you very much
[REQUEST] Please do your signature pose together with Warrior Red!!
Heartbreak Red: “Warrior~!! Warrior, come over here~~~!!!”
Warrior Red (Haruto from ROCK DOWN): “You called, and I popped out like a shochiku plum. WarriorRedWarriorRedWarriorRed...”
Hearbreak Red & Warrior Red: “YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!”
[OTHER] Please tell us your favorite saying in a few words!!
Heartbreak Red: “Cheer up, I’m here. Because everyone is loved.”
Heartbreak Red: “Alrighty, my work here is done!! Ah~ That was fun!!!”
#thank you
#I hope you sleep well
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myhobbyblog-stuff · 5 years
Japan what a weird place II
And now the rest:
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Suuuure for your “son’s sake” yaaaa.
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Was it a good idea? No, was he unemployed and said he had to be somewhere and couldn’t wait? Maybe but yes what a stupid person! XD
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Next one:
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To be honest, i NEVER saw anybody in a pajama going somewhere. Of course maybe i depends on the state but nope...sweatpants YES (99% guys) but a pajama? The most guys i know are wearing just pants...and woman...nah never. But ya saw a lot of elderly wearing Pokemon shirts or anime kinda shirts why not? I think that’s cool if they like to wear it go ahead!
A lot of peeps are thinking that in japan you can wear stuff like “Lolita” fashion or overly colored things but i talked to a friend (who is Japanese but now moved to an western country) she told me that you see the SAME fashion for over 20 peeps over and over again. It’s more conservative, just don’t stand out! That’s crazy but okay for me because i don’t live in japan
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And next:
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WTF? They get on a bike and....with a VR and porn on it? And Japanese peeps thought THAT is a good idea? I guess IF they watch VR Porn they DON’T wanna be on a freaking bike!
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And last:
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LOL, ridiculous is the right word. Sadly IF you are an drug addict you don’t just eat Udon and you are HAPPY and don’t think about drugs anymore! That is NOT how this works JAPAN! Plus if you just eat udon the whole time you get into trouble because you become TOOOO FAATTY for Japanese society ...honestly...
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That’s it for today. Thanks for reading and have a great day.
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ladycremecaramel · 3 years
My Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke Chapter 4
Number of deaths: 0
Hey we are back and I'm gonna play it through bit by bit so my posts are bigger. Let's see how this goes.
Last where we left off, I now have a full team and we're going to level up so we can get past the trainers on Route 203 and the Oreburgh Gate. Here's my team right now.
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I'm gonna start with Ludo since he is the lowest level.
Ok uneventful once he was at level 6, I went to Route 202 to finish leveling him up to level 8 for now. Now that he is done, next is Sasha. Hopefully it won't be too bad because of the Starlys.
Ok so that took awhile longer. I tend to fall asleep on long level grinds. Anyway I got the rest leveled up and I managed to get through the trainers on route 203 without anyone dying!
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Now to Oreburgh gate for my next pokemon!
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Ooooh I was expecting Zubat but this is good! I see a future team up when Splish evolves. That be pretty dang dope! Okay let's get Sasha out there to do a bit hit and hope she doesn't kill him.
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She oneshotted him. Well fuck. Moving on. I took out one of the kid campers and snuck past the other one just so I can get to Oreburgh city. Once I'm in, I try to go looking for the Pokemon Center when a tater tot of kid stops me and drags me off to see the gym.
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There we see our hyperactive friend, Barry who was waiting for the Gym leader since the guy isn't home. I take that opportunity of distraction to run away and get to the healing center for healing.
Now that that is done....Do I look for another pokemon or look for the gym leader?
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Time to look at my notes.
Ok off to Route 207! Time to find another friend.
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Omgomgomgomg!!!!!!! That was LAST THING I was expecting! Ok ok deep breaths....deep breaths....let's do this. Chewy is out and I gotta do this carefully.
First tackle it to see how much damage we will do. And so far so good not too much. Another tackle....OK it's in the yellow, let's throw a ball.
Fuck, it broke out. OK no problem we have 6 more balls.....um....it's using a lot of tail whip....I better switch out to Breezy and spam growl.
Oh shit the ponyta is faster than Breezy and she is lvl 10! And...OK now that I maxed out growl, let's see if I can catch it again.
Nope...dangit....OK another one.....dammit. oh shit Ponyta almost killed Breezy with a crit!. OK ok switch back to Chewy. The stat changes should have defaulted to normal after switching. Throw another ball just in case.....nope....dammit. *deep breath* oh lordy my heart is pounding cuz Now I have to hit it....pls don't crit Chewy.....
Yaaaas the ponyta isn't dead! It's health is still in the yellow but let's see if we can catch it now.
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I'm so excited. I love ponyta! Now I have an extra fire type!
Helloooooo Cinderella♀️
Yays. I'm excited now and at my 10 image limit. See y'all in the next post.
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britishchick09 · 3 years
sailor moon eternal part 2 livewatch
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happy birthday usagi and chibiusa! it’s time to see them advance into their eternal forms and discover their true dreams in the thrilling part 2 of ‘eternal’! i already know it’s gonna be amazing!!! :D
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what a pretty house! :D
omg this guy is fangirling so hard over michiru!
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same! :D
AWW michiru bought roses for 6 months!!!! :D
girl” that must be her super hot lover!” lol haruka HAWT
poor setsuna hotaru’s crashing everything!
aww hotaru! :D
the outers fam is RICH!!!
poor michiru and her plates!
haruka: “every day is like a dream!” awww!!! :D
michiru straightening hotaru’s dress! ♥♥♥
woah cool lemur transition! :o
scientist: “the solar eclipse ended with no problems!” NO PROBLEMS YOU SAY???
aww setsuna stroking hotaru’s hair!!! ♥♥♥
ooh violin practice! :D
the pegasus ghost! :o
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what a happy fam! :D
hotaru: “bye bye!” aww! :D
aww the adult outers kiss their rings!
the solar system is so pretty! ♥
hotaru has a space simulation!
woah michiru was in germany and haruka was in africa? :o
OMG lightning! :o
it’s sailor saturn!
i can’t wait to se how they make her taller!
woah inners montage!
yay they’ll newly awaken! :D
hotaru: “now it’s my turn to guide you!” aww!! :D
their crystals! :D
a cgi holy grail!
oh no poor usagi! :(
rei: “neptune, uranus, pluto, saturn...” just say outers!
chibiusa’s solo transformation! :D
diana said ‘small lady’ for the hundredth time!
poor usamo :(
the amazon quartet with their powers reminds me of pokemon! (it’s that background!)
everyone being devoured by nightmares sounds scary af! :o
sailor moon and tuxedo mask are back! :D
why did chibs only acknowledge usa and not mamo? :/
now they spell n-bish’s name right!
tux’s mask fell off! :o
helios’ feathers are so pretty! :D
aww saturn wants to fight alongside chibs! :)
woah did jun jun just breathe fire? :o
the nightmares are getting in chibs’ head! :(
YAAS protect her saturn!
hotaru knows the truth!
omg jun jun reached out to saturn
she put hotaru and chibs in the mirror!!! :o
usa and mamo are kids! :D
mamo: “i’ll make you an omelet!” *makes french toast* BOI
aww mamo’s so nice! :)
he wants to make all her dreams come true!!! ♥♥♥
aw that ended fast :/
i love how helios tells her to ‘shh’ and she claps her hand over her mouth :D
elysion is so sad! :/
the shrine priestesses look just like queen serenity!
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nice crystal s1/2 callback! :D
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OMG IT”S SO FLIPPING PRETTY!!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
the golden crystal is mamo’s crystal AND THUS SAILOR EARTH! :D
OMG adult small lady!
BOI the princess you saw had PINK hair helios USA HAS BLONDE!
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her eye are so sparkly! ♥
mamo: “although i always cause you trouble?” NO MAMO YOU CAUSE LOVE!!!
oh no helios is in his cage! :(
n-bish: ‘those rats got in!” boi this isn’t dan!
woah helios’ forehead gem is powerful!
how long have the senshi been standing there?
i love how ‘mina’ is the word for ‘everyone’! :D
aww mamo and usa transform together! :D
is the zombie moment coming up? that’ll be so gross!
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helios was responsible for the black rocks in tangled the series!
no helios!!! :o
omg i just realized n-bish has a gold line in her eye just like the mirror shard in sailor stars!
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...is that the zombie part? lame!
ami: “we’re in a nightmare!” duh you’re at the dead moon circus!
the zombie part is just stone LAME!!
aww poor diana! :/
mamo: “have a strong heart!” just like kirsten! :D
the outers are ready to protect! :D
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mina and rei working together! ♥♥
OMG zicornia slid tho! :o
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you’re in room 101 usa!
OMG the captions went back to the old way of spelling n-bish’s name!
her echoey laugh tho :/
usa’s smile is bigger when she talks to chibs instead of saturn!
ami and mako broke the mirror! :D
hotaru saved the quartet balls! :D
the dead moon circus is gone! :D
...but the moon is still dead! :/
all the senshi are taking a field trip to elysion! :D
poor chibs and helios! :/
her twinkle yell bell has such an echo!
neptune said ‘a weird air’... you mean aura?
even though she’s a bish, n-bish’s name being spelled wrong is so >:(
get ready for the sleeping beauty story!
why did ‘i’ll punish you’ sound different?
usa’s little ‘ah!’ when the attack hits them! ♥
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pretty! :D
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little inners! :D
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and here comes n-bish with her maleficent vibes!
rei: “the moon at that time was a bright planet full of light!” ...whoops
n-bish: “if you could lend me a hand...” NOT WHEN YOU’RE HAND LOOKS SO OLD BOI
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aww serenity is crying! :(
the cgi mirror shards are so pretty!
oh yeah the blood exists!
n-bish’s laugh is literally ha ha ha!
aww haruka is holding usa!
mamo: “give me the power usa!” the power of love! :D
omg this rock music though! :D
omg the transformation moment is coming YAAAS!!! :D
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PRINCESSESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
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OMG!!!!! :D
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i paused this parfectly! :D
oh hey it’s the mini senshi!
i like how mini saturn explains everything just like hotaru earlier! :D
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squad goals! :D
omg the powers!!!!!
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her!!!!!!! :D
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they took it straight from the manga! :D
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this is why it took 5 years to make this movie- THEY WERE MAKING THE CRYSTALS PRETTY AF!!!!! ♥♥♥♥
it’s happening
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n-bish: “i am forever the beautiful queen!” suuuure you are...
why do all the villians lust after mamo tho
n-bish’s was so last minute AND IDC ABOUT HER BYE BISH!!!
rapunzel should’ve called the eternal sailor senshi to take care of the black rocks!
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he finally figured it out! :D
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this is truly sailor moon crystal! ;)
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indeed it was helios! ♥
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how beautiful! ♥
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royalty has arrived! :D
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woah that looks so real!!!! :o
the senshi are back to being princesses! :D
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them!!! :D
omg what if you put sailor vesta on windows vista lol :D
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aww :)
helios has a horse lol :D
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a rainbow lens flare! ♥
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♫ and i know we’ll meet again some sunny day! ♫ :D
chibs: “i need to work hart even though i’m still little!” aww!!! :D
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straight from tha manga! :D
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watashi tachi ni naritakute in the end credits is so nice! :D
and thus the eternal movies are done! the animation in these is the best and most detailed 2d animation i’ve seen and it was so stunning to look at! the story was awesome and i can see why it wasn’t a tv show. it’s perfect for a movie! this was definitely worth the 5 year wait! :D
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drewxmay · 8 years
Contestshipping Masterpost - Part 7 - A Fan with a Plan
A Fan with a Plan (So is one of Drew's fangirl's have a plan?)
1:02 buut we heard you hear people talk about it (or you weren't listening)
1:07 It should!
1:10 "That's right" I dunno I had somthing to say about that
1:19 ...? oooh ya! I forgot this is when May was still kinda ignorant.
1:30 older you would
1:32 http://itstimetodrew.tumblr.com/post/140119040363/may-gets-brutalmp4
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1:52 NO
1:58 Somebody help this kid
2:00 Drew thought up how to make them go away. Look cool and say no.
2:04 What do you put in your hair to make it do that?
2:12 May he wanted to talk to you he is unhappily surrounded by fangirls they asre getting in the way of you and him gha
2:15 ya the girls they are trying to date a kid and are pedo's think he is cute. Bulbapedia what do you want?
When Drew's fangirls are surrounding him, May seems upset that he is more popular than her.
... You were doing so good...
2:21 May has a fan.
Normal fan.
2:31 All Drew wanted is to talk to May...
2:40 okay this isn't as creepy but Nroman is MERRIED.
2:24 Please don't have a crush on the smaller kid...
I'm just gonna... ignore that the fangirls have a crush on Drew... and Norman but he is married... yup.
3:19 Wonder what the stands for.
3:35 "Mothers for pokemon". . . . YOU GUYS ARE MARRIED WTFH
3:48 keep your mouth shut Savhana
4:09 "Hmm, my list of promising and young trainer's doesn't seem to have you." Normann isn't new, why do you have a book, and do your husbands know about this?
4:18 Lucky ship? I dunno when I heard that I thought about shipping (pairing of two characters) and that lead onto Rocketshipping so... Oh look the writers refferenced it again.
5:05 nope. Not you guys again.
5:13 I still hate you. You people have crushes on KIDS.
5:17 I feel you Max. i am your expression.
5:40 I'm still Max
6:19 "A mother's work is never done! We have kids to take care of, and they have no idea we are hitting on 10 year old boys!
uh I wanna skip this episode. I really don't like these people...
(Is Drew here again?)
"TRAINERS, WHICH ONE OF THESE POKEMON EVELVED INTO SEVIPER? Your choices are Sableye, Arbok, and Suicune. (I'm not kidding, I'm taking a screenshot!)
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So in this episode we have adults who are married and have kids flirting with kids and the show trying to fool kidsabout what eveolves into Saviper
11:23 Ever wondered why Bulbasour had hearts on it's head? Becuase contestshipping that's why
12:19 :')
12:33 No she is being impressed. Drew is happy :3 OH WAIT WTF FLIRTING HOW DID I MISS THAT "If you're studying my moves you should probably come closer..." wtf flirting (with people the same age! yay!)
12:45 Hey I forgot I can tag the post now
Something I find interesting about ContestShipping is the fact that two of Drew’s Pokemon are based off of the word masquerade: Roserade and, more importantly, Masquerain. The word is a noun meaning a cover-up, or a false show. What’s interesting is that Drew always says that the roses he gives May are for her Beautifly and not her. This is essentially a masquerade. And what’s more, we know that he caught Surskit to face May’s Beautifly. For all we know, he very well could have done this hoping that she might catch on without him having to lessen his pride and still be “cool”, i.e. not having to tell her himself. At the very least, it could be an implication from the writers.
there we go!
12:55 He is asking he she liked it.
13:01 He is happy that she liked it :3
13:18 Bulbasour show him that you have hearts on your forhead implicating that Contestshipping is canon!
13:33 Drew says things in his own way. He is seeing if she really thinks that Bulbasour is good enough so that she will train it more (also he wants to battle with her again)
When she finds Drew practicing she watches from behind the bushes, until he tells her to come closer. Then they compliment each other on their new Pokémon.'
Eh not much but okay!
"Skips to when we see him again" woh oh oh oh (nvm i have when can I see you again stuck in my head) oh nvm we don't next episode!
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sandorayukiko · 6 years
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Broke my record for not owning aby single #shinypokemon in #pokemongo . . . He only thing I changed was that I subscribed in the settings to get all infos (which I cannot find anymore Aaand put the music in the background again. Second #pokemon after doing those things that one appeared. Yaaaas got rid of my curse Ahahaha. *maniac laughing*
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valeriovega · 7 years
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feliz año amigos.. este 2017 renuncie a varias cosas.. despues de 10 años, deje animaturas.. despues de mas de 10 años deje de colaborar en televisa.. despues de 6 renuncie a nostromo ediciones.. nadie me dijo que renunciara a nada, al contrario.. con algo de decepcion o incredulidad me dijeron que habia sido un tiempo maravilloso.. el tiempo compartido juntos. y la razon.. bueno, entre otras cosas que facebook no debe escuchar; es porque deseo encontrar mi voz, la mejor version de mi persona.. preguntarme que quiero. asi de simple y asi de dificil. un primer paso para mi fue el desarrollo de mi librito Apocalyptic Girls. y no queriendo sonar derrotista, aun trato de encontrarme.. sip, ademas de estar feliz, tambien he dedicado mucho del año a estar triste.. ahi voy ahi voy... en especial habia casi que abandonado la ilustracion.. este año retome y fue de mucha ayuda la combinacion de estas cosas: clip studio+artweek(los que acabe)+ipad los comics??? bien bien.. como por tercer año supere las 100 paginas hechas.. ademas claro, de proyectos y publicaciones que estan acercandose cada vez mas.. no seria posible sin tanto apoyo de quienes me rodean. y aun asi.. hay que buscar mas.. este año publique Gynoid y wuooow, que gran comic..!!! me quede como a 50 ejemplares de acabarme el tiraje en menos de un año.. (lo publique en marzo) eso es genial, algo que no esperaba. el año que viene me enfrento a decisiones importantes para reimprimir y publicar comics.. :S tanto dinero... y sin becas, sin trabajo, pero con muchas ganas, muchas. y ese es parte del reto para 2018, lograr obtener mas dinero.. ser redituable. y es que siento que trabajo, pero que estoy disperso... es parte de freelancear.. (lo es???), pero estoy cansado de dividirme para obtener lo que quiero. supongo que es una especie de crisis existencial que te da a los 15 años.. solo que me llego a los 40. ufff, yaaaa basta, feliz año, los quiero mucho; multitud virtual, un fuerte abrazo. :3 y si.. aun juego pokemon go.. y nunca transferi ni evolucione a mi charmander inicial.. llevamos mas de 200 kilometros caminando segun la app. (at Garritas Garage)
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