greyias · 6 years
👏🏻give👏🏻us👏🏻more👏🏻shan👏🏻trivia/facts👏🏻☕️ :’) I love your posts on all the disaster family that are the shans
I’ll give you one for each member of the Disaster Space Family!
Before the age of 23, Theron had earned the regard of the Skyraiders of ThonBoka to the point where he had a standing invitation to go fly around with them (very likely as a result of a previous assignment with the SIS). Considering he mentions that they fly in a saddle, and the most famous flying creature in the ThonBoka nebula grows between half a kilometer to over 1.5 km long, one has to wonder exactly what sort of insane vacation our favorite disaster spy princess was supposedly considering before plot purposes took him in another direction–
—just kidding, we all know Theron never takes vacations.
Page 44 of the SWTOR Encyclopedia tells us that Jace was a stereotypical, small-town, All-AmericanGalactic good ole boy. His parents owned a ranch on the planet Bacaria that he worked on while growing up, and was also a big fan of grav-ball. He was just a small town boy wanted to see the galaxy, so he enlisted as soon as he came of age (and possibly escape the noxious fumes of his home planet’s main export, “Bacarian claw salt”, as far as I can tell, a stinky salt that somehow looks like eyeballs WTF STAR WARS YOU’RE SO WEIRD). 
The status of Jace’s parents as far as I can tell are not confirmed one way or the other — so it’s possible Theron’s paternal grandparents are still around.
Kao Cen Darach, the Battlemaster of the Jedi Order, was Satele’s last master as a Padawan. She began training under him to learn about the dangers of the dark side, something that was slightly more academic in the time of relative peace that Satele had grown up in to that point. He’s the one who taught her in the art of the dualsaber, and was apparently so uptight about the Dark Side he got on the nerves of some Republic politicians and got assigned to go patrol this nearly forgotten outpost above a planet called Korriban. This of course is ironic because everything about this mission introduced Satele to the dark side (Jace, the return of the Sith Empire, her first real lightsaber battle), and sadly led to the death of Master Kao as depicted in the Return trailer. 
According to The Journals of Master Gnost-Dural, the death of Master Kao left a lasting impression on Satele, and she had vowed to make sure his sacrifice wasn’t in vain, a promise that as of the beginning of the Vanilla game, she was still striving to keep.
The fate of Tasiele (Satele’s mama) is interesting —  she was exiled on an unnamed planet in the Outer Rim, but when the Jedi later went to retrieve her years later they found no trace of her “except for her clifffside dwelling and a set of journals dedicated to her daughter Satele”. One of these journals, Aspects of the Force, The Light and the Dark, can be found in Satele’s camp in KotFE Chapter 12. However, it should be noted, they never found any actual proof that Tasiele perished on the planet. She was simply… not there.
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