i984 · 1 year
I just got off work and opened my notifs-
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bakatenshii · 4 years
「 𝔣𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝔞𝔰𝔨𝔰
♡ since I don’t wanna clog the dash
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I only use chinese tiktok aka douyin, and my ig is just my personal one! I’m so flattered you would say that though AHHHH thank u so much, I thought about doing youtube with my best friend at some point a few yrs ago but I realized I don’t really want that recognition if that makes sense? I’d prefer laying low tbh!! I have some friends who do youtube tho and it seems fun enough but I’m too inconsistent hehe THANK U SO MUCH THOUGH EEEEEp I’m blushin (๑꒪̇⌄꒪̇๑)
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HAHAHA I WAS TALKING TO MY IRL BEST FRIEND ABOUT THIS bc she watched Emily in Paris and then screamed to me about how there’s no way that as a broke stressed uni student she can afford that much Chanel. But it totally depends!
Every major has a niche; styling/PR are deffo the most expensively-dressed, most styling majors I know build off of their own igs so they’re always super up there. Design majors tend to stick to more thrifted/vintage/niche pieces, loads of them (and me lmao) are whores for archive pieces over the newest collections. The Chinese international students are always logo’d up HAHAHAHA AS USUAL or in all black rick/yohji it’s like one or the other. But as a whole I think we try to scavenge for unique pieces, bcos it’s easy to make designer look good, but it’s harder to style something cheap and thrifted to look expensive ya know? Always have a mix! That’s the formula hehe
If I’m given a super high budget, I’m assuming I can’t say a flat right lMAOOOOO, in terms of designer goods probably timeless pieces? Something I can get the most wear out of, or some obnoxious accessories/bag/clothing that I can’t justify the price of otherwise bc I’d probs wear it like once.
Everyone’s happy to splurge on different things, if you think you’re gonna get a lot of wear outta the Cartier Love bracelet, get it! It’s timeless and simple enough for everyday wear, so if that’s something you’re interested in dropping a bag on, go for it!
My view is that we’re all allowed our Thing we wanna splurge on, sometimes it’s a bag, sometimes it’s jewelry, if you’re able to save up for something like that that you’d really love to have then I don’t see why not. Just don’t go spending money you don’t have on loads of designer goods for the sake of it, but at the end of the day it’s your money! haha
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I’M HONOURED, I’d like to think I’m still glowing up so pls let’s hold hands and stomp on the world <333
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Just two rings on my right hand! They’re both simple bands, one in silver one in gold because I believe in mixing ur metals ╰༼=ಠਊಠ=༽╯
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I love juste un clou!! I always wonder if the actual top bit might get in the way though? I’m sure it doesn’t but every time I see it I’m like טּ_טּ it looks like it’ll be uncomfy. But deffo rt, it’s cute and simple with a bit of design if simple bands are too boring!
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ooooh for the anon above (and also the anon looking for luxury jewelry) there u go! they’re absolutely a classic I agree, and they’re incredibly iconic. I don’t personally do bracelet stacks, I’m more of a watch person (I don’t own any before yall ask HAHA) BUT I can appreciate it! I think it upgrades a simple outfit easily, and goes well with almost anything. THANK U FOR UR INPUT IM TAKING NOTES <33
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Unpopular opinion (??? sorta) but I’m a whore for reworked anything. I know a looot of people say reworking a luxury item takes away it’s class and worth but imo it gives it a new life. You get new designs, new silhouettes, a whole new aesthetic from an old piece. Often times brands stick to the classics, they stick to what they know will stick around, but sometimes you want smth unique ya know?
I’m all for reworked luxury anything! I mean like the concept of reworking anything, it rly depends case by case whether I think the reworked product is worth it, but as a whole— in theory— I love it hehe
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