#scheduling this to post in T-3 hrs so hopefully that works
bakatenshii · 4 years
「 𝔣𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝔞𝔰𝔨𝔰
♡ since I don’t wanna clog the dash
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I only use chinese tiktok aka douyin, and my ig is just my personal one! I’m so flattered you would say that though AHHHH thank u so much, I thought about doing youtube with my best friend at some point a few yrs ago but I realized I don’t really want that recognition if that makes sense? I’d prefer laying low tbh!! I have some friends who do youtube tho and it seems fun enough but I’m too inconsistent hehe THANK U SO MUCH THOUGH EEEEEp I’m blushin (๑꒪̇⌄꒪̇๑)
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HAHAHA I WAS TALKING TO MY IRL BEST FRIEND ABOUT THIS bc she watched Emily in Paris and then screamed to me about how there’s no way that as a broke stressed uni student she can afford that much Chanel. But it totally depends!
Every major has a niche; styling/PR are deffo the most expensively-dressed, most styling majors I know build off of their own igs so they’re always super up there. Design majors tend to stick to more thrifted/vintage/niche pieces, loads of them (and me lmao) are whores for archive pieces over the newest collections. The Chinese international students are always logo’d up HAHAHAHA AS USUAL or in all black rick/yohji it’s like one or the other. But as a whole I think we try to scavenge for unique pieces, bcos it’s easy to make designer look good, but it’s harder to style something cheap and thrifted to look expensive ya know? Always have a mix! That’s the formula hehe
If I’m given a super high budget, I’m assuming I can’t say a flat right lMAOOOOO, in terms of designer goods probably timeless pieces? Something I can get the most wear out of, or some obnoxious accessories/bag/clothing that I can’t justify the price of otherwise bc I’d probs wear it like once.
Everyone’s happy to splurge on different things, if you think you’re gonna get a lot of wear outta the Cartier Love bracelet, get it! It’s timeless and simple enough for everyday wear, so if that’s something you’re interested in dropping a bag on, go for it!
My view is that we’re all allowed our Thing we wanna splurge on, sometimes it’s a bag, sometimes it’s jewelry, if you’re able to save up for something like that that you’d really love to have then I don’t see why not. Just don’t go spending money you don’t have on loads of designer goods for the sake of it, but at the end of the day it’s your money! haha
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I’M HONOURED, I’d like to think I’m still glowing up so pls let’s hold hands and stomp on the world <333
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Just two rings on my right hand! They’re both simple bands, one in silver one in gold because I believe in mixing ur metals ╰༼=ಠਊಠ=༽╯
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I love juste un clou!! I always wonder if the actual top bit might get in the way though? I’m sure it doesn’t but every time I see it I’m like טּ_טּ it looks like it’ll be uncomfy. But deffo rt, it’s cute and simple with a bit of design if simple bands are too boring!
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ooooh for the anon above (and also the anon looking for luxury jewelry) there u go! they’re absolutely a classic I agree, and they’re incredibly iconic. I don’t personally do bracelet stacks, I’m more of a watch person (I don’t own any before yall ask HAHA) BUT I can appreciate it! I think it upgrades a simple outfit easily, and goes well with almost anything. THANK U FOR UR INPUT IM TAKING NOTES <33
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Unpopular opinion (??? sorta) but I’m a whore for reworked anything. I know a looot of people say reworking a luxury item takes away it’s class and worth but imo it gives it a new life. You get new designs, new silhouettes, a whole new aesthetic from an old piece. Often times brands stick to the classics, they stick to what they know will stick around, but sometimes you want smth unique ya know?
I’m all for reworked luxury anything! I mean like the concept of reworking anything, it rly depends case by case whether I think the reworked product is worth it, but as a whole— in theory— I love it hehe
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ancommbb · 4 years
nutmeg trip report... using this post to document the experience
preground McCormick Gourmet organic ~18g
T-00:00 took me about ten minutes to get that shit down and wasn't completely successful. once I broke the seal of jar I immediately had that flashback to last time and how horrid the swallowing was. I have no idea how I did it last time with 25g (used almond chocolate "milk" but didn't combine - put the dry 'meg in my mouth by tbsp and chugged the drink as a chaser). this time I decided to put all the powder directly into the water. I didn't wanna use almondmilk or any milk again bc I thought that contributed to the stomachache I had gotten. SO it was so nasty I was using plain water as an extra chaser. had pukey feelings but mostly pushed them away until I was almost done and I gagged up a little bit of my breakfast. it wasn't like traditional puke but still gross. I decided to dump the rest of the cup. it was almost empty but I feel like more of the nutmeg sunk to the bottom so I'm unsure about my exact dosage... I started with about 21g so I'm hoping I consumed at least 18. I'm not in this just for a head high I'm really hoping to trip. I have nowhere to be all day today and tomorrow although i do wanna go for an easy walk at some point. I might have work on monday but might be off. I definitely hav tu-wed off so having monday off too would just tie everything together perfectly. I'd have time to recover and would return from vacation looking refreshed instead of zonked out. I did 'meg last month stupidly a day before work and well everyone knew I was on something it was horrible how blasted I looked. anywayvwaiting for my friend to send me the schedule. either way idc bc I have tomorrow off. still really wishing I was doing lsa or lsd instead of a deliriant bc they bring you closer to true consciousness instead of further away from it but i digress. will make the most out of this trip!
T-00:30 I felt slightly nauseous after dosing which usually blows but I'm happy and hoping that means i will feel the results despite not finishing my cup. I'm about to go smoke some bud and get my day going in another half hour. the only good thing about it taking 3-6 hrs to kick in is that now I have this momentum... idk if I'm describing it right (and it has nothing to do w the meg) but I'm anticipating having a chill afternoon-night so in the meantime I feel motivated to have a good morning. do "productive" stuff that isn't super productive but like meditation, taking a shower, going for a walk. then after all that and my weed-smoking time hopefully I'll feel something.
ps sorry for not enough line breaking and rambling but probably no one is reading this. this is why I'm on tumblr and not reddit bc nobody needs all my unnecessary details :P
T-01:20 having some subtle nausea and still have that nutmeg taste in the back of my mouth. tbh I already feel slightly slow in the brain but probably not anything substantial. everything is very subtle. feeling fine. and idc if I don't trip hard anymore just feeling like this is enough :)
T-03:25 was feeling nauseous earlier. felt laziness without lethargy. same thing happened last time. but when I do get up I feel energized and have that mdma feeling of rush throughout my body. finally ate lunch and the nausea went away slightly. I'm still burping up that gross spicy nutmeg taste, though it's not bad. I didn't do my shower and other semi productive stuff yet bc I was being lazy but now I'm getting up to meet up with my boyfriend for a walk. I feel quicker in my wits this time... no slow thinking yet. I actually feel pretty sharp. my next update will probably be after my next toke sesh so we'll see what happens after that.
T-09:30 yeah this shit wore off hours ago. I mean there's a subtle on/off feeling like there is with mdma so maybe if i get up from this couch I'll get another rush of it. maybe I'll smoke the last of my bud. I definitely felt off earlier though, in a good way. I just wish the sensations were stronger. it was like a functional form of drunkeness. I was able to form thoughts better and conversate better than I do sober. I felt more introspective yet more considerate of the whole picture on things, not just my own POV. ohhh and listening to music (+ driving) felt fucking godly. it's something I already love to do sober but the euphoria intensified it sooo much. I put on ariana grande and a dreamy sounding song bc I knew her voice and the vibes would feel heavenly. (ik I probably shouldn't have driven esp at the peak but I really needed my work schedule. I was definitely functional enough.) maybe it'll be like last time and I'll wake up tomorrow feeling zonked or feeling euphoric like I did today. that would be ideal but for now I'm gonna say this trip is over.
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trademarkblue · 7 years
TMBlue’s R/Hr Prompt Game
I’m in the midst of a bunch of WIPs, a 100 Days prompt list, and just so many other half-completed, partially formed ideas, which is kind of where this comes in. I made this little prompt game, which will hopefully clean up my oneshot docs a bit. Here’s how this works:
Type: 1. Smut 2. Fluff 3. Angst
Location: 🐨 Australia 🛁 Bath/Shower 🛏 Bed 🌾 The Burrow 🚘 Car 👠 Fancy Event 🏠 Flat/House 🏚 Grimmauld Place 🏰 Hogwarts ✈️ Holiday/Vacation 🌊 Lake/Pool/Beach 🍺 Pub 🏏 Quidditch 🐚 Shell Cottage ⛺️ Tent 🌲 Woods/Outside
Year: A. 1997 B. 1998 C. 1999 D. 2000
Rating (other than smut, which is assumed M): K T M
AU okay? Put a + at the end.
Example prompts:
1🌲B+ = smut, in the woods/outside, in 1998, AU okay
2🏰AT = fluff, at Hogwarts, in 1997, rated T, no AU
Picking one genre or one location doesn’t mean I won’t combine them with something else, but I will try to focus on that as the main “feeling” and/or “location” of the bulk of the story, if that makes sense.
Send in your asks any time! I will warn you that I am not putting myself on any kind of schedule with these, so they will just go up as I have something that doesn’t fit a 100 Days prompt or a WIP, so it will likely be fairly inconsistent and spaced randomly, but it should be fun, yeah?
Also, if you think of another location, reply to this post, and I’ll consider adding it!
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erynspencer2187 · 7 years
A full time pre-HRT Transgirl's survival guide - BODY/FACIAL HAIR!!
Konbanwa you beautiful people!!🐯
I’ve developed a trans girl’s survival guide designed to maximize personal comfort, minimize time consuming dysphoria-fighting activity and do it all in a logistically feasible manner! My schedule goes a little something like this; also feel free to offer input and advice as well as constructive comments to help others!
Start by washing your face with soap & water and pat dry with a clean, soft towel.
1.) Exfoliate! I use - Neutrogena Razor Defense facial scrub (for men), because yes, even after HRT, everyone says that facial hair is still an issue.
LASER/ELECTROLYSIS SIDEBAR - I will be doing one full round (about six sessions) of laser, then one to two (hopefully not more) sessions of electrolysis on my face before officially starting HRT. Then, once I start hormones, I’ve been told that facial hair grows back much less intensely as it would otherwise; thank you to @bloodcountessabendroth for the awesome advice regarding this process!❤️
2.) Pat dry; leave damp
3.) Shave, I use a Gillette Mach 3 Turbo with NIVIA Men’s foaming shave gel with aloe and a full sink of warm water, clearing my razor every 4-5 passes to avoid clogging the razor and irritating my face. I start be shaving downwards on the whole face, then across, side to side, and finally …
4.) Using a CONSISTENTLY WET BLADE, I proceed to shave against the grain 😬 Ladies, seriously the most important part of the whole process - while your face is still moderately DAMP (pls. use common sense at this point) 🤦🏻‍♀️, fire up an ELECTRIC! You heard me! I use - Braun: Series 7 with a self cleaning device to really get rid of that nagging shadow and extra troublesome hair(s).
5.) After shave … 🙄 – as dishearteningly dysphoric and psychologically counter productive as this may seem, you really can’t skip this step … trust me! I use - NIVIA men’s SENSITIVE ALCOHOL FREE post-shave balm.
For me, that’s laugh lines, under eyes and the corners of the eyes in addition to the top of my t-zones. I use - Affinic snail cream from Korea (🐌) for special event days/nights and on normal days I use NIVIA Maximum Hydration Nourishing Lotion with Sea Minerals.
TUESDAY! - I start on Tuesday because this is the start of my week … long story tldr; better to just roll with it. This is the day that I shave my WHOLE BODY head to toe. I honestly find that using men’s shaving cream with or without aloe, or any women’s shaving cream or gel works PERFECTLY for the body. Don’t worry about using soap or conditioner or other alternative products, shaving cream or gel works great for me and I have minimal razor irritation. I also use a Gillette Mach 3 TURBO; pay the extra $4 for the refills, it’s worth it. You can use the gels or cream on your whole body.
Wednesday - Guess what? No shaving necessary - I shave my face only because I’m at work for a 24. Now
PAUSE BREAK - If you’re going to be out and up from say, around 6AM to 11PM or later, here’s what I do between 7 and 10PM, sometimes later depending on what time I can get to a clean bathroom and working surface/space.
1.) Using a high quality makeup remover; again, you really should spend the extra money - remove from BELOW YOUR CONTOUR LINE down. I use - Clinique “take the day off.”
2.) Remember that Braun Series 7 or higher self-cleaning electric razor? Ding! Fire it up!!🦄
3.) Moisturize or apply after shave IF necessary.
4.) Re-apply primer, dark spot corrector, foundation, powder and contour/bronzer. (This whole process takes about 20-25 minutes … not bad for a fresh face, right?)
5.) Remove oil from other parts of your face. I use - Boscia green tea blotting papers.
Finally, touch up any other areas while you’re here, as it’s needed … why not, right?
Thursday - Guess what? Still only need to shave your face (if you want; if I’m not leaving the house, I won’t even bother.)
Friday - OKAY! Pro-tip for Friday - by now you’ll have stubble, so here’s what I do, to keep myself sane, even if it’s warm out! … Blue jeans! OR! Shorts with black tights! For a top I wear a t shirt or other shirt that only reveals my arms and the nape of my neck. If you’re wearing a jacket or long sleeves, you’re good to go Girl! However, if you need to, I shave the top of my feet, my arms and touch up the back of my neck.
IF YOU PLAN ON BEING INTIMATE THIS WEEKEND - You should probably repeat the Tuesday full body routine, it will be worth it!
Obviously you should be repeating the facial shaving routine on Friday as well if you have dysphoria about it; I allocate every Tuesday and Friday as “me time” to go out with friends and have fun!! 💁🏻
Saturday - I work a 12 hr. shift so I shave my face in the morning and that’s it; I catch up on sleep Saturday night. If you have a Saturday night event, switch your Friday contingencies to Saturday and repeat the Tuesday full body on Saturday (instead of Friday or vice-versa) if you are wearing a revealing outfit or planning on being intimate with your partner!!
Sunday - I work a 24 hr. shift again and wear long pants and a shirt that only reveals arms - I will shave my arms again if I need to, as well as my face.
Monday - I really just try to keep Monday as a stay inside and complete tasks day to completely let go of everything and give my body a day to rest and recover before I shave my full body again on Tuesday. EXCELLENT Monday activities that I find fulfilling and that take up most of my Monday recovery - 10-15 minute plyometric workouts, napping, Netflix, reading, practicing my Japanese, CrunchyRoll, tabletop games with your closest friends willing to come to you, PS4 and trolling the internet … Tumblr, household chores, cooking, paying bills, doing homework or studying, or whatever else it is that you personally enjoy yourself!! 💋💅🏻✌🏻
I hope this helps! Have fun my trans-warriors!! 💜🦄🌸
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princettegil · 5 years
Life Updates before the year ends!
I haven’t posted a life update on here in a while (minus vague lil posts here and there) and since it’s the very end of the year, now’s a good a time as any! So much has happened!
So, going back about as far as I can remember this year:
APRIL-JULY: I went to Pittsburgh to attend the first con I’ve been to in a few years as well as interview for a job and prepare to move! Some of the visit was okay but a LOT went wrong! It ended in me going home AFTER getting the job and then calling to say I had to turn them down, I also had to get my apartment deposit back cause I decided to no longer move. Why? Lots of things but mostly what eventually occurred around July - I broke up with a longtime, SUPER close friend of mine (who was also my main reason to move in the first place.) So, the whole first half of the year had a LOT of intense emotions! And though I kinda regret that all that had to happen, I’m not that sad about it now. I’ve honestly flourished since then! Some things have to happen, some things have to change. I always hated and feared change and I didn’t think I’d ever go forward in life without him by my side but I think I’m actually doing a lot better without him. Pros: I realized I really want to host a panel! Also, that cute Tenn cosplayer I kept running into at the con!! Cons: Suicide urge and longtime friend breakup.
JUNE-SEPT: I got a job being a dishwasher at a new bar in town. I thought I’d hate it but it was pretty alright. Sometimes hella busy, a lot of the time hella chill, I had good co-workers and got to listen to music in my own little space and enjoy good internet on the weekends they were open. Eventually I got let go cause the business wasn’t doing too great (they closed a few weeks after) but it was good fun even if the pay sucked. Pros: Comfy job and good co-workers. Cons: Loss of job, upset from friend breakup continuing.
August: I made my first HRT appointment! It went very well (the doctor there was super nice!) and I officially started on testosterone in September! Pros/Cons: Moving on.
October: I made a HUGE change! I MOVED! Not as far as Pittsburgh but to Lexington, KY - a place I had always thought about living one day (it is one of the biggest cities in the state, has great shopping, a chill atmosphere, lots to do, is still relatively close to home (2.5-3 hr drive one way), and lots of job opportunities. One of my aunts used to live there and I LOVED visiting every summer to be spoiled rotten!) I moved in on the invite of my cousin and her husband, got a job doing cake decorating again (on the highest pay grade cause I had experience!) and am enjoying life here as a new Lexitonian! Pros: Moving! New job! Good coworkers! Trans respect! Good internet! Cons: Moving stress.
Oct-Now: Thanks to a busy schedule, being new to the roads here, new move stress and just getting started money-wise, I missed a LOT of the cool happenings that went down around Halloween. But now I’ve gotten rather used to my schedule and (most) of the area and have settled in rather well considering how quickly my moving decision was (hopefully I can hit up the Halloween scene here next year!) I adopted a new cat to keep me company after getting my psychiatrist to write me a letter for a companion animal - I couldn’t afford the deposit otherwise and cats help to chill me. She’s a lovely, small, 5 year old black cat I eventually named Nebula (names are hard orz - though her full name is Princess Nebula Crescent the First cause I wanted to be one of THOSE cat people! But I mostly refer to her as Neb.) Neb started off chill and loving to be held but she’s since gotten used to things around here too and now she wakes me at 6am every morning by knocking my phone and glasses off my bedside table, following me in the bathroom (and screaming at the door if I don’t let her in), stealing random weird household items overnight and leaving them in my floor, walking on my keyboard causing my laptop to spaz out and trying to destroy my brand new sheets - but she’s still a super sweetheart who demands attention and loves to be loved! I live on the second floor of the house in a sprawling suburb that’s rather conveniently located near one of the larger shopping areas in the city. It’s a zero crime area and everyone keeps to themselves in the neighborhood, it’s a nice place. I live with my cousin, her hubby and one of his friends along with their big baby Great Dane and her fiesty, old man chihuahua. The internet is great (I’ve missed that since I lived in London!), my coworkers are all pretty nice and chill, I’m out as trans to EVERYONE there and they’ve been really nice about it (my pronouns are respected!), my cuz makes sure I’m fed (too well lol I gained weight!) Some weeks are a little shaky with pay and bills but so far I’ve been able to make ends meet alright and enjoy myself time to time with a little shopping. I’m now on a  larger dose of testosterone (giving myself shots is still hard tho! Eek! Big needle stab! >_<) I’ve attended a few of the local LGBTQ gatherings (first actual non-event meet is this Saturday - wish me well! I’ve been super shy at the last few and pretty much managed to talk to NO one! I’m hoping to be a little more social next time (fingers crossed!) I’ve become open to the idea of dating (and possibly sex...I’d like to try it at least.) Some days (like the last two) the depression likes to come back and smack me upside the head but all in all, I can tell that I’m doing SO much better than I was at the beginning of the year! Heck, I’ve only had ONE anxiety attack since July! My biggest issue lately has been feeling left out and lonely with no one to really talk to but I hope I can fix that next year! One of my goals is to not have to spend another holiday single (one can dream!) Pros: New cat! Adapting to new job well. Furthering the tans journey. Hopes for the future. Getting better acquainted with my body and sexuality. Cons: Having to get used to the new manager. Shorter work hours over the holiday weeks. Awkward with social situations and bad lonely feels. I really need a new laptop. Neb, please let me sleep! Still got that ‘have to stab myself in the leg’ fear. Gotta do more Halloween stuff next year!
So, to sum up the most important bits (tl;dr) - lost a super close friendship, started taking T, got a job, moved, got a new cat and have been doing much better the last several months! I’m really proud of myself actually! I hope to reach out and be a little more social in the new year (especially in the LGBTQ and anime communities) and hopefully score me an adorable, sweet partner before the end of 2020 as well as attend another anime con (missed YamaCon this month due to last minute financial issues OTL.) I have #GOALS! I’m feeling better, doing my best to keep depression at bay, and actually WANT to branch out! Wish me well, ya’ll! See you in the new decade soon!
Nerd comments: I’m HEAVY into Idolish7 hell! And finally watched Promare! Lio and Tenn are life now.
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mrsavis-blog · 5 years
Here we are again..
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My brain is fried and I’m tired but not sleepy.. Like I just need to lay flat for a couple of hrs without mentally processing a d@mn thing.
I’ve literally been filling out applications since my last post.... sooo about roughly 10-11hrs straight.
Let me tell you what, job hunting is TEDIOUS and exhausting!! It is a full out job itself if you’re actually cross-referencing multiply hir sites and salary reports. “Ain’t nobody got time to end up at a suck @ss​ broke job”
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I’ve personally been focusing on gigs that pay around $ 28-40k, gotta be sure I can pay these bills and get rid of this debt.
I got a couple of phone calls today about owing some company, and another one was soo BOLD enough to send someone to our home AROUND 9 PM!!
Mind you the company that came to our residence was trying to get our business back from a canceled subscription.
*Deep sigh* ... “UUuugghhh”...
Let’s just leave that topic right there, I’m not a fan about talking about my debt. But it is super relieving to get it out; the only other person I can talk to is the one I’m in it with. * Kanye shrug*
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So moving right along... Am I the only one who gets so mentally drained from the mundane tasks of daily responsibilities, that by night time your brain switches off. I’m like a few neuron cells short from walking into walls at this stage.
BUT!!! I am super excited that I’ll be able to blow my stress away tomorrow night! It’s cheap drinks night at a local bar, and my brother is coming down to catch up on basically half a yr’s worth of celebrations he’s missed.
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Okay, that gif is a little intense but it fits perfectly lol..
So I don’t know if it’s due to hormones or just the constant stress I’ve been living in.. But today I had a Visual Migrain... That sh!t was not in the least bit okie doke... In fact, it was very much the opposite and left me feeling like WTF!?
I was filling out an application (obviously) and then out of nowhere w/o warning, this bright @ass geometric shaped dot was in my dead center vision... It slowly grew and developed into more of a crescent moon with even more vivid super-bright @ss colors with geometric shapes... I looked it up as the average person with Wifi access... Turns out this sh!t happens...
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This is very close to sort of how it looked but without all the different shapes and rapid movements, I could still see passed it but not very well.
OH and if that wasn’t a concern enough.. my right knee has been f#cking with off & on about a week now.. I swear you have a kid and then your body starts to fall apart. It’s morbidly disturbing and NO I haven’t come to terms with any of this aging sh!t yet. I’m still not even at peace with my new body...
I’ve already told my partner that when I finish having kids I’m getting a mommy makeover (basically tummy tuck & breast lift) and having my nipples pierced to reclaim my tits. Might even get something much lower pierced as well but I doubt it lol.
I did, however, get my nose & tongue pierced after having my dragon (that’s how I see my baby, the kid can totally blow fire & fly).
Honestly, I just have to stick to my schedule.. I have every hr planned out.. But when sh!t got real all I could do & focus on is this job search bullsh!t.
At this point, I just see it like a bandaid just rip the sh!t off. I’m soo ready to skip the applying, hiring, training, adjusting process.. Someone wake me up with 3 months pay so I can get back to other sh!t that matters.
This is another issue of mines I get completely tunnel vision on a certain task, I can lose hrs-months focusing on one thing. But I’ve been told it can be a gift if I learn how to hone it. Eh I suppose... hopefully someday soon.
At this point, I’m just manifesting a high paying, medium to low demanding, a relatively easy-going job for myself.
I can’t even stop talking about it... UGh, and if I take a break I immediately am just filled with guilt over the whole situation. I barely even eat anymore and this is a bad cycle of mines.
I’ll stress out, stay up night & day working hard & focusing on something, then barely get sleep or eat, and eventually get sick, and then depressed. While through the whole process being bombarded with guilt over everything I do.
This job is more than just a solution to my financial woes & related stressed, it’s going to help my psyche as well. Get me out of a rout and out of this home.. I’ve been tucked away in my home since April.. It’s been extremely maddening.
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Whelp I have an early celebratory cold dessert calling my name, and I totally deserve to get my @ss off of this laptop!
If there as to be one the Moral of the sess is: “Sometimes you just have to pound sh!t out. Sit down and do it!”
Eh kinda crummy but did I mention that my brain is mush right now.. It’s a wonder I can even type.
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