elytrafemme · 1 year
hi. i'm really really happy right now but today WAS kind of a mess but a happy mess? i spent $60 dollars at a flea market. <3
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 4 months
pleaseeee write some more rafe x weird!reader 🙏🏻🫶🏻
How about some Weird!girl headcanons?🤭🪞🥀
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Weird!girl and Rafe met at the cemetery about a year after Ward died. Rafe was there visiting his grave, boasting to his deceased father about his success when he heard the prettiest little voice. He never expected to find the most beautiful, yet most strange girl he’s ever met sitting by her mother’s grave with a little orange cat.
Weird!girl absolutely adores animals of all kinds. Her family owns one of the most successful dairy companies in the country so she’s spent a lot of time around farm animals. She absolutely adores baby goats and bunnies the most though.
Weird!Girl’s mom died when she was young and her dad was never around so she was raised by her eccentric kook grandma. Everyone in the OBX always thought there was just something a little odd about her entire family.
Weird!Girl is a passenger princess through and through, she tried to get her permit when she was 15 but failed the test twice and honestly just gave up after that. Her grandma always had a driver for her growing up and once she gets with Rafe he happily takes on that position.
Weird!girl loves pretty things, but not in a classic diamond way. She loves random opal rings and pretty lace dresses found at vintage shops. And chunky chokers from flea markets. Rafe can’t stand this. He finds loopholes by buying her custom bat shaped jewelry and expensive platform shoes from her favorite brands.
Weird!girl has never really had a lot of friends. All the other kooks either looked down their noses at her or straight up belittled her. She was written off by Pogues just for being a kook, even if she didn’t feel like one. Rafe is her first real relationship, friendship or otherwise.
Weird!girl has a little white bunny named Lydia who she treats like her actual child.
Weird!girl wasn’t a virgin when she and Rafe met, she lost it to a band geek in high school and has had a few random hook ups as an adult. Rafe likes to pretend those didn’t happen.
Weird!girl smokes cigarettes and weed but she’s really girlie pop about it with her little vintage ashtrays and cute little custom bongs off Etsy. She also loves to hit the pen.
Weird!girl has tons of cute little tattoos. Baby deer, lambs, teddy bears with too many eyes and their stuffing coming out.
Weird!girl collects dolls, some porcelain but mostly Monster High and Bratz dolls. Rafe teases her about this at first but when she gets genuinely upset he realizes how much it means to her and now he’s buying her every single doll she’s ever wanted no matter the price.
Weird!girl absolutely loves horror. Rafe isn’t the biggest fan at first but once he sees how much she loves it and how happy rambling on about it makes her it makes him learn to appreciate it more.
Weird!girl is constantly making Rafe take pictures of her. She will dress up in little costumes or outfits and drag him out to the middle of the woods for an impromptu photoshoot. He’s a well trained Instagram boyfriend at this point.
Weird!girl has Rafe wrapped around her little finger and she doesn’t even really realize to what extent. She says jump and he says how high. He’s very in tune with her needs, before she can even ask him for something he’s already doing it.
Weird!girl is an absolute freak in bed. She’s submissive for the most part but sometimes she straddles Rafe and rides him so hard all he can do is hold onto her hips for dear life and take it. She loves marking him up. Scratches, bite marks, bruises she sucked into his skin. But she wants the same from him, she has a huge ownership kink.
All things Rafe & His weird!girl here
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cal-writes · 6 months
Hi! I just wanna start by saying I adore your writing so much and you inspire me a whole lot!! Everytime a new chapter of yours drops I feel like life gets a bit brighter lol.
Anw, I hope you’re still receiving prompts? There’s one that has been sitting at the back of my head for way too long:
“The Strawhats are convinced Zoro’s foreigner, coin collector, sword user, tattoo enthusiast, bread hater, cardiac surgeon boyfriend is entirely made up, until they realise he’s real.”
I’ve been itching to write it but it never came around soooooo :3
Have a good day ilysm <3
that is so incredibly sweet of you. thank you so much for telling me! I'm glad i can inspire and brighten <3
prompts are always open i just - apparently - do not see them sometimes or dont have an idea
Zoro glares down at the collection of coins as if they have personally offended him. He crosses his arms, brow furrowed in concentration which in turn makes the poor vendor of the flea market stand pale and sweat. The young man lets himself get distracted by an old lady asking about the display of postcards he has laid out
"What's got you so pissy this morning?" Nami asks him, crossing her arms as well before she huffs. "If you didn't want to come you could have said no." She tells him. Usually she asks Robin to the flea market - because Robin loves that sort of thing and because they get coffee after - but one of her classes had her busy on a week long project. Maybe she should have just stayed home.
Zoro's expression turns from murder to confusion as he blinks and glances at her. "I wanted to come?" He says incredulously.
"Then why are you glaring daggers at this crap." She asks, gesturing at the rickety table and its myriad of good before catching the eye of the vendor. "No offense." She adds with a sweet smile which is ignored.
Zoro huffs and rubs the back of his head. "Law collects this stuff and I figured it'd make a good gift but these all look the same." He mutters and Nami narrows her eyes at him.
"Law?" She asks and Zoro gives her another look, as if he thinks she is an idiot.
"Yes?" He shoots back.
"Who's that?"
Zoro rolls his eyes and exhales sharply. "Not this again." He mutters before glaring at her from the side. "You know who he is."
Nami waves her hand. "Ah, yes of course. The 'boyfriend'." She says, making airquotes with her fingers.
"Why do you always say it like that?" Zoro asks and the vein on his forehead announces his irritation.
"Oh, please." Nami scoffs. "You don't have to keep pretending. I won't tell Hiyori. I get it." She tells him, flicking her hair over her shoulder. "Fuck knows I've told people you are my boyfriend before so they'd leave me alone." She says, picking around in a jewlery box of tangled necklaces, trying to find anything of value she can haggle the price down of.
"Okay?" Zoro says. "He is actually my boyfriend though."
"Riiight, the tattoed heart surgeon from Frevance who collects swords and coins, now, apparently. He's definitely real." Nami tells him with heavy sarcasm, as she tries to pull apart two pieces of jewlery.
"Glad we're in agreement." Zoro replies, being deliberately obtuse.
Nami snorts. "Would love to meet him one day." She says to play along.
"Good. Because he's coming this way." Zoro tells her, unbelievably smug, pointing over his shoulder.
She glares at him from the corner of her eye. "Like I'm gonna fall for that-"
A tattoed arm glides over Zoro's shoulders before a tall lanky man comes up to him and Nami turns to stare. "Hey, didn't know you were going to be here." The man says to Zoro before glancing over at Nami.
"Law, Nami, Nami, Law." Zoro introduces them, smirking insufferably at her before she has time to control her expession of shock.
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Watched a few early release reviews last night and my thoughts for the pack seem to be much the same as For Rent.
Femme frame Sims' CAS looks great. Two new heel options that actually look like stuff my Sims would wear and some cute tops and dresses. I didn't really look too much at the masc frame items. It seemed nicely made enough.
Build is Okay but it feels like there needs to be more of it. Actually I prefer For Rent because the furniture is more versatile, but this pack is set out to be more niche so I can't really fault that. A couple of cool items that don't really exist in others (the casing beneath the windows that can actually hold plants) but definitely a wait for the sale. Especially with the $20 price hike here.
In fairness, it didn't seem like people were reporting major glitches this time around, buuut I'm still filing it under Could Cause Problems For Long-Term Saves. Hopefully there's a way to cheat/reset relationship dynamics and a means to turn off autonomous break ups in Settings (especially with the Meanness bug) as I have my chaos saves and my cozy saves.
So yeah. In a perfect world I'd just like the femme cas, a few of the build items and ignore everything else - at least until I know that it won't cause issues. But unlike For Rent, the main gameplay function is so ingrained that you can't really do that.
more on build
With Build my main issue is that it tries to cover two different styles (traditional and modern) so it feels a little thin. Which Get Together did too with the more pub style build and then the club items, but both seemed to be well-covered. City Living also did this with the pricier penthouse/uptown furniture and then the grunged down flea market items, futon bed and kitchen set.
Though in fairness, at this point they're probably assuming it's not going to be your first or only expansion pack purchase. For those I'd recommend Seasons for gameplay and Growing Together for build and CAS. I do like the gameplay for Growing Together but I think that Seasons adds more and that the Growing Together build items go well with the base game.
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knave-of-flowers · 2 months
btw i went to the punk flea market that was in my area recently and i got some awesome stuff!
- a small framed art print with 2 ghosts and a ocean setting
- a 4oz candle with a campfire wick (idk the actual name of these wicks, it’s just what i’ve always called them) that smells like a bakery
- a 50ml lab beaker apparently from the 70s or earlier, the seller got it from a box that wasn’t opened for decades along with some other old medical/lab stuff that they had
- a scrapbooked button pin with a short poem that gave me proud southern queer vibes and reminded me of my childhood
- a flower agate tower, pretty small but it fits in my hand well (but my hands are extra tiny), i love flower agate and it reminded me of xie lian
- a patch with art of totoro in a teacup to have my dad sew onto the back of my wheelchair seat (i would do it, but hand pain)
everything was just over $70 (my parents and i saved for the market) and most was handmade so i’m really happy, i try not to overconsume but i LOVE trinkets. if i had no money i would probably start collecting rocks and road trash (like nails) again. this is the most i’ve bought for myself at once in ages and i’m so excited about it!
it was definitely an overwhelming event and the most i’ve done in AGES. my dad and i were there for 2 hours. i got overstimulated and had to sit to the side for a bit, and i also slept a lot when we got home, but it was still incredibly fun! i’m being careful to make sure i’m not sick over the next few days. we masked ofc, i just have to be extra careful because most folks don’t.
also if i can find everyone’s socials i’ll post photos and add the sellers’ info, but until then it’s just a description.
there were others i wanted to buy from but were out of my budget, everything was priced amazingly well though. i was sad cause i had to skip some gorgeous stuff bc i’m broke. someday though.
i also only really had an issue with 2 people being rude, idk if it was because of my wheelchair or just them sucking. everyone else was super sweet, a couple of people got way too close to me but i honestly don’t think they realized lol, there were a lot of people. folks usually either crowd me or avoid me like they should avoid the plague. but everyone was super kind, didn’t mind my chair or my awkwardness, and treated me like an adult. there was also another power chair user and at least 2 cane users that i noticed!
the bathroom was too small (like the actual bathroom not the stall) but it looked super old. i was still able to use it though. the parking lot was sloped and there was also a very slight lip at the door but i got over it with no issues. everything else was super accessible and so i got to really just enjoy myself <3
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Broadway Flea Market 2023
Final result: I spent $57 total
note: I'm currently trying to weed out my collection a bit, so if there are any playbills you're on the hunt for from recent years (say, past 10ish?) feel free to ask me if I have it -- pricing is donation-based, but appreciated as I cover all shipping costs out of pocket <3 *the findings listed below are Not For Sale*
Raffle Tickets: 2 tickets to Aladdin 2 tickets to Friends, the parody musical 2 tickets to Titanique much more successful at the TDF table than in years past; I will have a fun time at any of these shows. Originally got tickets for Jaja's African Hairbraiding, which upon further research sounds like it could be an interesting/enjoyable play; but I offered them back because I'm kinda in London the date the tickets were for; and the lovely lady gave me another set (wound up being the aladdin ones) to replace them, which i was Not Expecting at All, I just didn't want the tickets to go to waste! <333
Vinyls: The Pirates of Penzance Film Soundtrack The HMS Pinafore* Cats OLC (the superior recording, in my opinion) Follies OBC Gigi Film Soundtrack Candide (1982) *Pinafore is supposed to be a multi-disk set but it only came with one, which I'm a bit miffed about because they were still selling it at the same price as other stand-alones; but considering how much records usually cost $25 for 6 isn't too shabby
Playbills: The Woman in White OBC (did NOT think I would actually find this, have been on the hunt for years !!) Dracula (wasn't even looking for it, but I had to nab it) Assassins 2004* Lestat* Othello (1982 bway revival with some GOATS in the cast) The Scarlet Pimpernel (I might own one already, I wasn't sure; but it was $1 so I figured why not) Brigadoon (Encores! Revival because come ON) The Frogs OBC KPOP the musical (because I was sad I didn't get to see it) *since Chris Peluso just passed away, I really wanted to get a playbill with him in it (if you didn't know, I saw him as Glyde in the Woman in White revival in 2018) -- and I accidentally found two, so that made me really happy <3
All in all I was very satisfied with my haul, and proud of myself for staying well within my $100 budget yay!
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs Stuff
I have just eaten a bagel. I did not really want to eat the bagel. Not because I wasn’t hungry, or because I don’t like bagels, but because I know I have a problem with gluten and I did not want to let myself in for feeling like shit. But because I’m going to actually get tested for coeliac properly (because it’d be nice to know, y’know?), I apparently have to go back on a gluten-containing diet for awhile in case of false negatives. So I have eaten a bagel. And I already feel queasy. It’s late, and I am tired, but I want to focus past some of this queasy. I just can’t quite think of how. So I’m going to ramble instead.
I’m a child of the 80s. Most of my childhood was seeing a lot of people glorifying a very consumption- and luxury-oriented lifestyle. There were things you were supposed to want, because they were supposed to be seen as marks of success. The big house, the fancy car, the designer wardrobe ... money wasn’t just something you had or used; it had to be flaunted. I honestly don’t remember what I thought about that whole thing when I was a kid. I didn’t feel depressed that I didn’t have those things, I remember that. Like, having a screening room in your home to watch movies sounded great in hindsight, but ... we had the cinema. Big house? I was small. I had enough room. Outdoor pool in the backyard? I swam all the time as a kid anyway - my after-school programme went to the YMCA for swimming and activities 2-3 times a week. I just wanted things to play with and things to read, and I don’t know if even having a library at home would have had me that covetous - my after-school programme went to the library too. TV in my room? I had an old black and white that I picked up at one of the interminable flea markets my father used to drag me to on my weekends with him. I think about the only things I really wanted that fit that mould of conspicuous consumption was one of those big ol’ Wurlitzer jukeboxes, and that only because I thought they were pretty. I thought my little powder-blue tape deck was pretty too. I mean, anything was compared to my old Fisher-Price tape and record players. But they worked well enough for me. I think I wanted to want it because it was a thing people were supposed to want back then ... if that makes sense. But again, I was a kid. At the end of the day, thinking about things like your car and your house and your clothes is an adult thing, especially when your age is in the single digits.
Now, of course, flaunting your wealth takes a very different shape, because wealth of that magnitude is very rare, and only for a very few people. Just about everyone else is either significantly poor or fooling themselves that they’re not one bad accident or disaster away from the poverty line - more so if they’re being flashy about it. Thing is, when I was in my teens and twenties, I wasn’t really thinking about wanting much at all. But then, I was clinically depressed and having all sorts of problems and couldn’t see a future for myself at all, so what was the point in wanting things?
It’s weird, now that I’m really healthy enough to realise that I want things. On the one hand, it’s good because going through life not wanting anything to any serious degree is probably not a healthy thing. On the other hand, the economy’s such a shit-show that wanting much of anything can be a little depressing, because getting it’s so hard. Luckily for me, none of the things I want are the things that I was told as a child that I’d want when I got older. Big house? Fuck that; I’m disabled and it’d be more to clean. Fancy car? I don’t drive, and even if I’d ever really learned, I’d have had to give it up because my condition sometimes comes with leg spasms. Swimming pool in the backyard? See above re: maintenance and leg spasms. My wants are simple, but because of all the things I was told I should aspire to growing up are so ... big, I always feel like simple is somehow bad. ...Okay, sometimes I’m a little smug about it because I don’t need Stuff to be happy. Just ... the lessons of childhood don’t die easy.
Mostly all I want is a couple of kitchen appliances that will make life easier for my disabled ass, a new desk, pet rats (two or three, I think), a tattoo (I already have the design in mind), and to be able to upgrade my PC in a year or two. Plus, y’know, stuff like books and smaller things like that. And for the renovations to finally get done on this flat, but that’s not something I can personally achieve with money.
The best part is, I’m already working at some of those goals! I’m going to be replacing my old rice cooker with a multicooker that combines a pressure cooker, a slow cooker, a rice cooker, a soup maker, and some other fun functions, and I’m looking forward to that a lot. At which point a lot of my disposable income will be going towards gardening stuff because we’re coming on to March and that means planting time! (I need more soil and more ways to hang potted plants on the balcony rail. And seeds. At least I have a better idea of how much of everything to plant this year. I’m probably going to stick mainly to herbs this year. And the strawberries. The strawberries were good.)
So ... it’s not that I don’t need Stuff to be happy, I guess. More that I take great joy from such small things when compared to what my childhood dreams were supposed to be about. I just want to cook better food, play better games, and wear my D&D group around my wrist in ink so that I’ll be looking at a reminder of people who care about me instead of a scar from the days when I didn’t care about me.
Stuff doesn’t fill a void on its own. I want stuff that helps me keep filling mine with good things.
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tears-of-boredom · 1 year
so like two days ago my wrists and palms were really sore, im guessing from doing computer stuff for days on end. so they were legit so sore that I had to do something to stop it, it hurt. so i found two of those thing infinity scarves and wrapped them around my wrists, because it was the only thing I could think of. and now, couple days later, keeping the scarves on when im on my computer has actually make me much more comfortable. it doesnt even hurt to touch my palm anymore. so i guess i need to find like a more permanent thing to replace the scarves if it actually does help me this much. perhaps i will try and find some soft fabric and sew something. though I know that the only fitting thing in this house would be my blankets. and i like both of them very much... perhaps my mom will agree to give me money to buy some scrap fabric from the fabric store. because I have about 5 euros to my name right now. oh actually i think they calculate the price of the scrap fabric by weight, so it wont be so expensive since the fabric i want to buy should be relatively light.... but I need quite a lot of it because I was planning on buying the same kind of fabric to make a hoodie out of.... oh what if I go search through flea markets for blankets. that could be a good idea. but today is sunday so none will be open when i get there....well, ill go discuss with my mother. although im pretty sure she wont know any better than i.
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sallysgrancanwrite · 2 years
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Chapter Twenty-One
Chloe went to the wedding shop and got her dress and veil. It made her happy looking at it. But she needed to know she would be happy after the “I do’s” are over. She thanked Glenda for everything and asked to look at some wedding shoes. She saw white and silver ones. Then she saw a pair that was kind of holographic it seemed and had sparkles. Every time you moved you saw color and sparkles. They probably weren’t the ones anyone else would pick but she liked them, they made her smile and they were in her size. She bought them and left the store. When she got home Beth was there. She had gotten home from work. Chloe had taken these last few weeks off. She’ll go back after the wedding.
“How was work today. Busy?” Chloe asked Beth.
“Not really. It’s was too slow for me. It made the day seem longer. I miss having you there. Can’t wait for you to get back.” Beth responded.
“I actually miss work,” Chloe laughed, “can you believe that?”
“Beth can you help me get my dress up to my room? It’s a bit heavy and I don’t want to step on it.” Chloe stated.
They got the dress upstairs and hung it on a rack in Chloe’s room to keep it from wrinkling. Chloe pulled out the box with the shoes in them.
“I bought my wedding heels today while I was at the shop.” She said.
“Oh god Chloe, I saw a holographic pair that were so awesome but not sure they’re wedding shoes. Anyway, sorry to interrupt. Show me your shoes”.
Chloe was sick now. Obviously she bought the wrong shoes. She thought they would be fun on the dance floor. She put the box away.
“I just got an ordinary pair of white heels, nothing special. Something else to mark off the list.” she said. “Did you get our room for our long weekend at the Casino?”
“Yes I did,” Beth said excitedly. “I booked the 16th through the 18th. Have you told Michael yet?” She asked.
“No not yet. I have to make clear,” Chloe said, “that he can’t come bothering us. I’ll talk to him tomorrow morning. It Saturday, he’s off work and more relaxed.”
“So it seems,” said Beth, “that Edith is gone. Should we throw something together you think?”
“Okay, let’s go see what kind of damage we ca do.” Chloe laughed.
They looked through the pantry and the freezer and then Beth opened the fridge. “Hey there is chicken in here. How about chicken spaghetti?”
“That sounds good. You take care of the chicken meat and get that boiling and I will start chopping onions and red peppers.” Chloe said
Chloe did wonder where Edith and Bob were. They are always home around this time. They got the meat cooked and shredded they got all the ingredients incorporated and in the oven and still had not heard from them. Beth put some garlic bread in as well. They took the bread out after about 10 minutes and the spaghetti after about 30 minutes. They sat and waited not knowing what to do. Finally the phone rang. It was Edith.
“We were out at the flea markets all day and on our way home the truck started to die or something. The transmission fell we need a knew one. We decided to buy a new truck and give the guy this one for parts. We’re at the dealership now. Bob is haggling over the price of a truck he wants. Oh my goodness, have you girls eaten anything?” Edith asked.
“We’re fine, Edith. We made chicken spaghetti for all of us, how long before you’re home?” asked Chloe.
“We’re not far, just over in Harvey, 30 miles away.” Edith answered. “Put the spaghetti in the oven and we’ll eat when we get home sweetie.”
“Okay, drive safe now.” Beth hollered from the table.
The two girls were relieved Edith and Bob were okay. They sat down and ate and then Chloe covered the pan with aluminum foil and put it back in the oven on warm. As they were washing dishes the phone rang. Beth answered it. It was Michael.
“Chloe, it’s Michael,” she said all excited.
“Why are you excited Michael is on the phone?” Chloe asked.
“So you can tell him about our trip!” She smiled and laughed..
“Okay. Okay I’m going”. Chloe responded.
She picked up the phone and took a deep breath, still upset about their discussion earlier.
“Hello, Michael. I didn’t expect to hear from you tonight.”
“I know,” he said “but I just wanted to say I love you and goodnight.”
“That’s all?” She asked “You don’t need to say anything else?” She said a bit ticked off.
How could he just act like treated her like garbage this afternoon!
“I know I was a bit mad today. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have made you cry. “Michael said
The same apologies he always gave and yet for some reason Chloe couldn’t see it. As long as he was sorry that was enough.
“Michael, I’m going to be gone from the 16th through the 18th. We’re doing a girls last fling bachelorette party before the wedding on the wedding Saturday. “
There was silence on the other end. Then he spoke.
“Why do you feel you need to do such juvenile things? I will need to know where you are going and where you’re at at all times. I have to look out for you.”
“No, Michael. This is for us girls. We can take of ourselves like we always have. And by the way, it isn’t juvenile, it’s a little bit of fun. Get some friends together and have some fun too.”
“I’m not happy about this but go ahead. We’ll goodnight. I love you.” Michael said a bit cold.
“Good night darling” I love you too.” Chloe said as she hung up.
When Michael got off the phone he was full of rage.
“Go ahead on your weekend but when we are married things will be different. We’ll see who is in control!”
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arsenalsquid · 4 months
Idk if I ever made a post about how retro game prices are extremely bullshit, but I have a wonderful story about a seller at a flea market.
This lady has been here forever. Many years ago I bought Trauma Center 2 from there for $15. There was no written price on the dang box or a sticky sticker on it, I think all the Wii games were equally priced. $15 for a Wii game in the middle of the Wii U era, you know, maybe for $10, but hey it looked okay, had the manual, and Wii games were still a little relevant.
I went there recently and saw their stand as usual. Even back then they still have the biggest collection... but, now, they also have the worst prices out of the entire flea market. I mean, WOW, Resident Evil 2 for PS1: dirty case, sleeve is okay but normal wear, no inserts, uhhh $140. What?? Huh??? $140 for a lovingly used game?? And I don't even know if the game works!
But look, I've been knowing they have bad prices for a while now. I know they probably price checked the games and slapped the high price without realizing that's for clean and good condition games. I mean dear lord, $60 for Gamecube games where the sleeve is COMPLETELY washed of all color.
But I wasn't looking for any of that. No first party Nintendo game or popular Playstation game. Literally all I was looking for was The Spongebob Movie Game for Gamecube and Hot Wheels Beat That for Playstation 2. Licensed games. Something I don't expect to be freaking $70 or whatever.
So, no Spongebob in the Gamecube section. Alright. Playstation section. And, wow, they actually do have it. But then I look at the price. $40. Fucking... what? Fourty? For a dumbass Hot Wheels game? For a game I bet NO ONE is desperately looking for and therefore shouldn't have such a high price. But, yeah, wow, fuck, $40. Oh but it's old! Old = expensive! Retro!! Ohh it's so hashtag retro! God. No I didn't buy it. Ugh..... well, I do need a new Wii remote. I ask how much it is, it comes with a Nunchuk so that's cool. And- okay, $15. I just leave.
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Extra story. Before we visited that stand, we went to a different seller that also focused on selling games. Nothing crazy or a lot, but I found SSX Tricky and got it for $7. No set price, it was made on the spot by him. I mean, DAMN. I am,,, literally stealing from you. However, it kinda baffles me because he knows his old gaming stuff too, he knows how the market for this stuff is, but didn't jack the price to hell to me. I was with my younger cousin and he got OG Xbox Halo 1 for $5 and Atari Donkey Kong for $5 too I think. I was really surprised because I thought such prices were long gone, but, I think he did appreciate us for liking these older things and genuinely wanted us to enjoy what we bought. Would he have sold the same things higher to a much much older adult? Maybe, but I don't know for sure. But he was really cool.
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donutwares · 8 months
Evil returns to the mindspaces even after our teaching about the nuts and bolts of stress, trauma, and morality whole of last night. I guess there’s no shortage of sinners for them to power up on. Just too bad for us who love and forgive easily, who are not violent, who are meek.
Planning to visit the flea market at 10ish. Not sure if I’ll buy anything. I only have 900RM saved and no more coming in until 10 February (CNY angpow from the folks).
Feeling okay, just a bit lived on / in which is something I handle well. Bearing people with asthma, nymphomania, broken hearts etc. I don’t think I will get a Bambino or Chinese Benyar watch after all. After CNY, I guess I’ll source a new Casio for under 200RM provided prices don’t balloon.
No work done on my novel or STT board game. Few downloads of mss2, actually just one so far plus a bunch from bots. Feels sometimes like I’ve been shut out of the economy and from making friends.
Did my usual pre dawn workout. Trying not to eat too much ramen instant noodles. Skipped my run because I will be walking a lot today. Will shake up a Milo chocolate drink for breakfast now. More later…
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earaercircular · 11 months
Against excessive use of new equipment
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3000 euros for ski equipment? No thanks. More and more people are stocking up on used equipment because they don't want to take part in the consumer frenzy.
A weekend dedicated to mountain and ski sports. While in Sölden, Austria the Ski World Cup starts the season with grotesque expenditure, hundreds of interested flock in Munich on Sunday to the grounds of the Flower Wholesale Market Hall[1] in Sendling - and pay homage to mountain sports sustainability. The Alpine Flea Market of the Munich and Oberland Alpine Club section[2], as a huge used goods market for ski and mountain equipment, experiences a huge rush first thing in the morning.
“The material has become so expensive,” say student Natascha Muth and her friend Jonas De Lorenzo. She is 28 and was a ski instructor; he is 31, and both are critical of buying "brand new ski touring equipment for 3,000 euros" in the store. They find new, good backpacks for 60 euros instead of 300 euros new, and Natascha Muth soon found some fantastically beautiful touring skis with skins for 320 euros and strapped them to the right and left of the new old backpack. They find the flea market “extremely friendly” and praise the experienced, fair sellers, “the good atmosphere and the honest prices”. They only returned from climbing in Berchtesgaden on Saturday and are now beaming happily in the Munich sun after their shopping.
Jonas De Lorenzo also sees a worrying development in mountain sports. He thinks it's "really wild that people go to a sports store, buy maximum equipment, go to the mountains once - and then sell it again." This is also a development as a result of social media, where “extremes are made appetising” on all possible channels. This actually leads to more accidents in the mountains because some people overestimate themselves, even when relying on the expensive maximum equipment. That is deceptive: "The equipment does not compensate for your own performance level."
This danger does not exist for Tobias Pannemann from Grafing[3]. The young adult looks satisfied at his used white and green Carver, which he just bought for 80 euros. “New skis from the store with which one maybe goes skiing once, just costs a little too much,” he laughs. Sabine Pannemann, his mom from Munich, even got some for 65 euros and is now giving up her retro status: her old skis, which she says are 40 years old, are now on retirement. She no longer trusts the old ties.
The Pannemanns were arrived half an hour before opening on Sunday morning and were able to rush through as soon as the barrier tape went up at 9 a.m. They were by no means the only ones, the Alpine flea market with its 86 registered stalls is a hit for everyone who watches the price increases for equipment and lift tickets in horror, but still wants to practice their sport. A quick look at the price table in Sölden, just 200 kilometres away: adults pay 69.50 to 74 euros at the "lift cash desk", depending on the low, high or "top season", young people 55.50 to 59.50 euros and Children 38 to 41 euros.
One can understand why Daniela Kowitz from Munich got up early this Sunday with her school-age sons Theo and Hannes. You find what you are looking for at a huge dealer stand from a ski rental company in Jenbach[4] in Tyrol and go home satisfied with a pair of skis, two pairs of ski boots and a sports luge. "When the weather is nice, we like to go skiing from Munich into the mountains - it's worth it!" What you save on equipment is available for lift tickets, clear calculation. And probably also a success within the family for the mother, because the sons even got out of bed early. Well, the winter time change made it milder by an hour.
While the saleswoman at the Jenbacher ski rental shop is constantly feeding her belly bag with new fifty-euro notes because business is obviously doing particularly well in the wonderful weather, Hannah Trowal is also happy at the Alpine Club stand. She is press spokesperson for the Munich-Oberland section and helped organise the Alpine flea market. Trowal reports that there have been many more inquiries from sellers - so word is getting around among sellers about the success of this used stuff trade fair.
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The Alpine Club (DAV) has been proposing this flea market since the early 1990s. Margot Lapp knows exactly what it was like at the very beginning. She is also at the DAV stand, sporty type with the same tan, 76 years young, still active in cycling, skiing, cross-country skiing and climbing. She came up with the idea of the Alpine flea market back then and organised it for the first time, “in the Augustiner Hall on Hirtenstrasse”[5]. That was an immediate huge success.
When Margot Lapp looks around in front of the flower wholesale market hall today, she is happy at how much it has developed. She also advertises an analogue altimeter to a young prospective buyer, "150 euros, from an older gentleman who no longer needs it." She has been at the DAV for 55 years, comes every year and helps out, and is also an experienced saleswoman: "People just want to keep bargaining down, but then I'm tough; I'd rather take it home with me." There is a next alpine flea market.
How much the mountain friends care about sustainability with this flea market is also demonstrated by a stand where master tailor Barbara Heinze mends, sews and repairs equipment for free. The Alpine Club booked her for the flea market. The queue at her stand is getting longer and longer, at some point she has to stop accepting items and direct people to her shop at Oberländerstraße 20 in Sendlinger[6]. There it is expensive, but at least everything is in experienced hands.
Heinze has worked and designed for large outdoor equipment companies and has now specialised not only in custom-made outdoor items but also in the maintenance of often expensive equipment. Theresa Möhrle from the Munich mountain rescue service is just passing her merino wool shirt across the table to be mended - she once bought it at a DAV alpine flea market. Circular economy in the best sense. And somehow the pleasant opposite of the high-speed commercialism that the World Cup opener on the glacier 200 kilometres away represents.
Tom Soyer, Wider die Materialschlacht, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung,  29/10/2023; https://www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen/wintersport-flohmarkt-alpenverein-1.6295625
[1] The Blumengroßmarkt (wholesale flower market) in Munich-Sendling is well known due to its large selection, especially in the regional summer cut flower sector. The customer base extends as far as South Tyrol and from Bad Wörishofen to Regensburg. The flowers are sold by around 32 suppliers, from regional gardeners to cut flower dealers who offer flowers from all over the world, as well as perennial gardeners, potted plant dealers, fir dealers, Ribbon printing, decoration and consumer goods retailers have a wide range of products in all their diversity.
[2] Mountain athletes from Munich and the surrounding area can buy used equipment again on Saturday, March 26, 2022. Then the traditional spring alpine flea market of the Munich & Oberland Alpine Club sections (in German: Alpinflohmarkt der Alpenvereins-Sektion München und Oberland) takes place - in the Sugar Mountain cultural centre in Munich.
[3] Grafing near Munich is a town and the third largest municipality in the Upper Bavarian district of Ebersberg and is located in one of the economically strongest districts in the Munich area.
[4] Jenbach is a municipality in the district of Schwaz in the Austrian state of Tyrol.
[5] https://www.augustinerkeller.de/de
[6] https://barbaraheinze.com/kontakt/
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nebulaleaf · 1 year
hiii!! i love seeing your collection, do you have any recommendations of websites etc for hunting down p5 merch? im outside the usa so things like mercari arent an option for me unfortunately T_T
Hi! I have many but some might be more or less effective depending on Where outside of the US you are. As I am Canadian, my options are a lot more feasible than say... someone from Europe yk. (god shipping fees are insane)
I will say, a huge chunk of my collection was bought off of Mercari or American Ebay, or American stores like BigBadToyStore and I just wanna make that clear. Two of these sites ship to places outside of the US still, but it's so much cheaper to get it sent to American friend and then over to me.
This got longer than I thought whoops under the cut it goes.
Anyway onto the actual recs. As always I have to shill Myfigurecollection.net. You can sort by the exact figure you're looking for, local currency, free or paid shipping and it's really handy. On top of that you can interact with the sites database or forum features! Make a wishlist or a list of a fave character's merch you want. Track what you've ordered already and when it's expected to arrive or be released from preorder. Find forum posts from your region about people discussing good places to buy from and so much more. It's such a huge and amazing tool for someone into collecting so long as you can get over the UI. Personally I've never found issues with it but I'm used to how older websites work anyway.
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(Here is me sorting by European currency. There are so many euro sellers im jealous.)
Pros of mfc:
• Figures are usually in good condition and can even be mint in box. (you can even sort by condition, wow!)
• users are polite and can be negotiated with for a better deal oftentimes
Cons of mfc:
• This is not a site that focuses solely on selling like ebay, it's more like an ad section in the newspaper
• You have to trust who you are buying from as there's no 'insurance' so to speak. If you get scammed, there's no refunds and mods won't help you aside from banning the user, unlike actual buy and sell sites which have policies or insurance.
Next up is Zenmarket. This is a proxy site that allows me to buy straight from japan! What's handy about it is that you can browse multiple japanese sites straight within zenmarket's site. I can pick up items from Amazon.jp, JP Mercari, and Yahoo Auctions and have 'em all in one cart! You can also paste links into a special search bar if you've found a specific item you'd like to buy from a JP site. I personally browse JP Mercari and Rakuma the most. I like second-hand figures and both these places have good deals since they're flea-market esque sites. Yahoo!Auctions I've only bought one thing from, and I haven't had a *bad* experience per se, I just don't like auctions and buyout prices lol. Always so pricey... but I'm sure there's good deals to be had if you're willing to do a bidding battle. Pro tip! Search with japanese terms to get better results.
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(Browsing a listing and the main mercari page, unsorted)
Zenmarket hasn't let me down before. They're speedy, and all my stuff has been well packed.
• Can get the best base prices buying straight from japan
• Super simple layout and bundling orders is really easy
•Items can be held in their warehouse for 45 days if something happens/you wanna wait before bundling it into a package. You can also pay to extend this time.
•Quick shipping from the warehouse
•probably more lol
•If you're not american, shipping is gonna be like $30 CAD lol. At least you can fit multiple items in one box...? I got 2 books and several t-shirts without going over the small packet limit. i haven't used zennarket express, but if your shit is very small i think its about 10 dollars cheaper.
• ¥300 yen fee per item batch. So if I get a figure and book from Mercari I'll have to pay a ¥300 fee. If I then add something from Amazon or a different site other than Mercari to my cart, I'll have to pay another ¥300 fee. I don't mind this as its like what. 3 dollars? but if you're buying a lot from all over it can potentially rack up shit. also ppl just dont like fees so it's a con.
I also of course use ebay. I feel like I don't need to get into how ebay works so onto BRAND NEW MERCH CONDITION sitessss
I used to use Aitai Kuji but their selection of stuff is kinda mid these days so I stray from it. I've had good experiences with Ukiyo Kumo but it has a similar problem with Aitai Kuji.
Another site for brand-new merch is Meccha Japan, but holy fuck I hate their shipping and prices. If something becomes low in stock they jack up the price and label it as 'rare' or ultra rare or whatever and I find that irritating. They also use fedex and dhl for shipping which means fun fees woohoo yipee!!! i had to spend over 100 dollars to get my package wrangled from their graaaaaasp!!!!
So yeah, sorry for lame New Merch recs, I don't really buy brand-new figures since P5 hasn't released anything lately. I bought the Hello!Goodsmile mona and joker from BigBadToystore and I think shipping was only 15 usd? I like BBTS but if you're not american they're kinda slow in the shipping department.
I probably have more reccs but I can't think of any so. enjoy this. Anon if you wanna talk more thoroughly about this feel free to dm me! Talking about this stuff makes me so happy it's my lifeblood ♪♪
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savagenewcanaan · 2 years
Michael Savage New Canaan Muscle Mass Auto Mania
Anyone who has actually been flipping though the channels has seen the Barrett Jackson auctions on The Rate Network as well as the ridiculous rates muscle mass cars bring. Do you have a hunkering for a tire burning, fuel guzzling muscle car? Below is exactly how to set about it.
I classify muscle cars and trucks into three classifications ... Recovered, Resto-Mod as well as Survivors. All 3 have their benefits as well as drawbacks, yet all 3 are true muscular tissue autos. Your budget as well as skills will dictate what category you build your muscle mass automobile.
The restored muscle mass auto is one that has been absolutely torn down to the structure as well as rebuilt without (brand-new old stock) parts and also refurbished original components. This method of repair is one of the most costly, yet often causes a better than brand-new car. Some cars and trucks can be over recovered. When muscular tissue vehicles left the factory back in the 1960's they were never ever best. The develop quality was absolutely nothing like it is today on contemporary automobiles. During a complete reconstruction often times the body panel fit, paint job and also information are completed to a level never dreamed of from the factory. If you are interested in building a totally recovered muscle vehicle you can review your repair abilities, or pay somebody to do it. Be cautioned, if you pay an expert, you will certainly nearly never ever get your money back when it's time to sell. If you do the job yourself and also see your time spent as a pastime and also recreation, you will generate income if and also when you offer it. If you are not curious about doing the work yourself, think about getting an automobile currently done, as mentioned in the past, you can acquire it for less than the expenditure to have actually one recovered. Browse Ebay.com, local publications and on the internet websites like classicjunkyard.com for some warm offers.
Michael Savage New Canaan
It utilized to be that customized muscle cars and trucks would certainly never bring big cash at public auctions and also were believed to be impure. In the last few years at public auctions in this manner of thinking has actually been turned upside down. Resto-Mod vehicles are cars and trucks that have been brought back and also modified to make them much better than the manufacturing facility product. The owner might have added an aftermarket exhaust, carburetor, or even put a much more modern-day engine in the vehicle. Animal comforts like a great stereo or cooling might be included, also if it was never ever an alternative from the factory. A resto-mod muscular tissue car can be one of the most fun to build as well as one of the less costly means to get involved in the hobby. You get the personal satisfaction of constructing the cars and truck the method you desire without the cost of a complete reconstruction. Matching numbers are not crucial in a resto-mod cars and truck, so you can avoid hunting down those none at the flea market.
The last category of muscle mass cars and trucks, is the survivor automobile. A survivor is simply what the name implies; it's an original auto, which has survived the years in its mostly initial states. Pipes, belts as well as tires might have been altered, but the remainder of the car is greatly initial as it originated from the manufacturing facility. The paint might be a little discolored or damaged, yet it's still all one shade and looks great from 10 feet away. Several survivor cars work as a library of details for people restoring their automobiles. If you possess a true survivor, plan on having your auto photographed as well as inspected by conservators, so they can get their repair as near manufacturing facility original as feasible. Survivor vehicles are rare, but they can still be located and also sometimes at a sensible price since the proprietor occasionally believes that the car is unworthy a mint considering that it's not fully recovered. If you are short on abilities as well as do not have the cash, a survivor vehicle can be a wonderful means to get involved in a muscular tissue car. You can maintain the car, drive it, as well as enjoy it for a very little financial investment. If you later on get the abilities and also or money, you can then take it to the following degree as well as turn it right into a resto-mod or complete remediation.
Michael Savage New Canaan
Whatever kind of muscle mass cars and truck you acquire or develop, appreciate it! It's an excellent financial investment if done right, and will certainly give tons of smiles from you and also everybody that sees you cruising down the road.
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binndnguyen02 · 2 years
How to Incorporate Black Wall Decor for a Stylish Touch
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When it comes to home decor, the color black often gets a bad rap. Some people consider it to be too dark or moody, while others see it as a color that should only be used in small doses. However, when used correctly, black can actually be a powerful and sophisticated design element, especially when it comes to wall decor.
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take a deep dive into the world of black wall decor, exploring everything from its history and symbolism to the best ways to incorporate it into your home. Whether you’re a fan of minimalist design or you love bold, statement-making pieces, this guide has something for everyone.
First, we’ll explore the history and symbolism of the color black. From ancient times to modern day, black has played a significant role in art, fashion, and culture. We’ll discuss its associations with power, elegance, and sophistication, as well as its darker connotations of mystery and danger.
Why Choose Black Wall Decor?
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There are several reasons why you might choose black wall decor for your home. Here are just a few:
Sophistication: Black is a timeless color that exudes sophistication and elegance. When used in wall decor, it can give a room a sense of luxury and refinement.
Versatility: Black wall decor can work well in a variety of different styles and aesthetics, from modern and minimalist to bohemian and eclectic.
Statement-making: If you want to make a bold statement with your wall decor, black is a great color choice. It can create a dramatic focal point in any room.
Neutral: Despite being a strong color, black is also a neutral that can complement a wide range of other colors and patterns.
Timeless: Black wall decor never goes out of style, making it a great long-term investment for your home.
How to Hang Black Wall Decor
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Once you’ve chosen your black wall decor, it’s important to hang it properly to ensure it stays securely on your wall. Here are some tips for hanging black wall decor:
Choose the right hardware: Depending on the size and weight of your black wall decor, you may need to use different types of hardware to hang it. For smaller pieces, you can use picture-hanging hooks or adhesive strips. For larger pieces, you may need to use a wall anchor or a heavy-duty hanging bracket.
Measure carefully: Before hanging your black wall decor, use a tape measure to determine the exact placement you want. This will ensure that your piece is level and centered on the wall.
Use a level: To ensure that your black wall decor is hanging straight, use a level to check that it is not tilted.
Consider grouping pieces: If you have multiple pieces of black wall decor, consider grouping them together to create a cohesive display. Use a level and measuring tape to ensure that the pieces are evenly spaced and aligned.
Avoid direct sunlight: To prevent your black wall decor from fading or discoloring, avoid hanging it in direct sunlight.
Where to Buy Black Wall Decor
There are many places where you can buy black wall decor for your home. Here are some options to consider:
Home decor stores: Many home decor stores carry a variety of black wall decor, from framed prints to wall sculptures.
Online retailers: Online retailers like Amazon and Wayfair offer a wide selection of black wall decor at varying price points.
Art galleries: If you’re looking for unique and high-end black wall decor, consider visiting an art gallery. You may be able to find one-of-a-kind pieces that are not available elsewhere.
Thrift stores and flea markets: If you’re on a budget, thrift stores and flea markets can be great places to find affordable black wall decor. Look for vintage pieces or pieces that you can upcycle to fit your style.
DIY: If you’re feeling creative, consider making your own black wall decor. You can paint a canvas or create a collage using black and white images.
In conclusion, black wall decor can add a touch of sophistication and elegance to any room in your home. By following these tips for choosing, hanging, and buying black wall decor, you can create a stylish and timeless look that you’ll love for years to come.
black wall decor
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hakesbrother · 2 years
Superb Lot For Sale In Timberwood Park, San Antonio Tx Ready Blueprints For 2900sqft One Story!
Singing Hills is located within the stunning Texas Hill Country simply minutes from the Guadalupe River and Canyon Lake. Together we'll create a home that is a real reflection of your style and your passions. Whether inspired by the natural symmetry of the surrounding nature or by your personal creativeness, at Singing Hills, you will love the chances. You may even be solely minutes from Sea World, Alamo Ranch buying heart and downtown San Antonio.
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