i hate Robert Lightwood. like i knew this was coming. i knew what happened between him and michael, I've read it before, but I forgot how selfish he was. they were parabatai and Michael trusted him enough to come out to him and he hurts him and says he's disgusting just to save himself and his image
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ghastigiggles · 1 month
if you comment/tag my art implying that its nsfw in any way you're on thin fucking ice. i'm boutta start blocking people it bothers me so much lmao
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allmightluver · 2 days
Man I gotta love the American Government 🙃
Acknowledging that I “have issues” with my health and mental health and think the only kind of work I could possibly handle would be assembly line, while completely ignoring the fact that repetitive motions would only make my pain worse and my mental health tank, I still don’t qualify for disability or any social security financial help. Or unemployment.
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shayeris · 6 days
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This is some cruel shit to do to a kid who thinks the world of you. Arthur Curry when I catch you
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
I'm gonna start sending death threats and suibait to the email address of this public transport company
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milfhandholder · 2 years
I still call bullshit on the fact that Grell is incredibly insecure of her bare face bcs have you SEEN what she was like?? Before makeup??
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She would call you babygirl if she knew what that was
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bubblegumbarbie33 · 9 months
Lip being the only one to ever mention Mandy again after she leaves the show for the final time and not her ACTUAL FUCKING BROTHER (or even her cousin????) is my roman empire because who let Lip have the final say on her life
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daisies-on-a-cup · 7 months
some of yall will rewrite the fabric of the universe and pull every excuse you can out of your ass to explain away the actions of a man, but won’t hesitate to call a woman who DID THE SAME THINGS every name under the sun and think the absolute very worst of her
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hunter-rodrigez · 8 months
Twenty-six letters in the Alphabet, and we couldn't even manage to come up with seven names for the days of the week that all have different first letters...
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steveharrington · 2 years
i need to be dramatic and uptight for a second i realize this is a stupid thing to be mad about but just. i saw a tiktok that was like “when i listen to phoebe bridgers cover of day after tomorrow and pretend it’s just about a depressed girly like me working at the coffee shop” like GOD i know they’re kidding but it annoys me so bad. can you guys try thinking abt other people and experiences…….can you try listening instead of centering…….it is about a young boy in the war….. like “you can’t deny the other side don’t wanna die anymore than we do what i’m trying to say is don’t they pray to the same god that we do tell me how does god choose whose prayers does he refuse who turns the wheel who throws the dice” HELLO how can you listen to that and be like ugh whatever i’m gonna pretend this is about me
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coockie8 · 1 year
hey soo remember when i asked you to share that rant in the authors note of one of your Wips? and you mention in passing that jack and maddie are boredline sociopathic so i thougt to ask that ya go into that deep dive!
The dive honestly doesn't go much deeper than Jazz literally had to explain to Jack and Maddie in Reality Trip that Danny didn't tell them he's half Ghost because literally all they ever talk about is how they want to dissect Ghosts.
This had to be explained to them. It didn't immediately occur to them to think "Oh, hey, maybe the reason our half Ghost son didn't tell us he's half Ghost is because we are literally Ghost Hunters who regularly threaten Ghosts like him and him directly with dissection. Hmm, maybe that might have something to do with our son having trust issues with us?"
Not for nothing, but if I were a Ghost Hunter and found out my kid had been hiding the fact they'd become half Ghost from me, my first thought wouldn't have been "Well I love him! Why doesn't he trust me?"
It would be "Oh, yeah, I'm a literal Ghost Hunter. That checks out."
And this is not even addressing all their emotionally tone-deaf issues where Vlad is concerned. This is just how they are with Danny specifically.
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madamairlock · 1 year
Oh, sure, NOW Lee wants to support Laura. Massive eye roll
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mntds · 1 year
The raw audacity of the surgeon I contacted to keep sending me add for plastic surgery without ever responding to my actual inquiry
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plangentia · 2 years
i'm so mad rn
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marunalu · 2 years
Okay seems like the anime studio has turned really lazy lately. Not only is the animation of season 6 really lacking this time, but now they cant even animate the pupil colours of the characters properly anymore!! Izuku and yoichi have WHITE pupils! So how is it possible we went from that
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And that
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spitblaze · 1 year
considering how many transmascs were legitimately way angrier BEFORE starting T and have since calmed down significantly have we perhaps considered that maybe the reason so many cis dudes are angry and aggressive isn't because of testosterone but maybe. like. personal issues. unmet needs. a social climate that teaches them that there are only like three acceptable emotional outlets for men max and one of them is being angry and shouting
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