janumun · 1 day
Nomos (Xavier - NSFW/18+)
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Pairing: Xavier/Queen Reader (based on Xavier’s first myth) Word Count: 3.7k Tags: religious imagery/desecration sex, angst, evol bondage, oral sex, orgasm denial, Knight Xavier on his knees repenting to his Queen MC, spoilers for Xavier’s first myth, female dominating, canon divergence, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
Summary: The Queen of Philos had sacrificed her heart ultimately and along with it, part of her humanity, in the wake of Xavier’s failed Backtrack mission; binding it to Philos’ core for eternity. Now, returned to her, centuries after, Xavier seeks his Goddess’ audience, and her forgiveness, within the stone-cold chambers of her castle. 
But centuries suffered alone, and with her heart now gone, she is a former frigid cast of the woman he used to love. Xavier is adamant on repenting, even if it costs him his life this time round. 
[A fic where Prince Xavier manages to return to Philos but he is too late; his Queen has long thrown her powerful core, her heart, into Philos’ centre and now, she has nothing to offer Xavier but her bitter resentment.]
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O celestial body of mine, Slumbering adrift in darkness, Which never heeds the whispers of life, Till it fades into oblivion, nothingness. 
The rolling echo of thunder — knelling an approaching storm — was the only sound that rippled across the heavy, cold silence that had settled itself across the throne room. Wan shadows clung to the wide, dismal stone pillars of the great hall. Barely quelled by the flickering protocore lamps interspersed on either sides of the room. 
A looming, stone figure of the Goddess adorned the space right behind her great throne, staging Her chosen Sovereign to rule and obey, for all of Philos to see, placed by Her will upon the throne. The Goddess; doused in cool shadow, her sculpted eyes stared down glacial and unforgiving, set into regal stone. Her great Sword aimed at length towards the altar Xavier knelt at. 
The flagstone beneath his knee was a harsh and frigid reminder; Xavier considered, not for the first time how it too had frozen in on desolate isolation, just like his Queen’s majestic figure in front. She stood tall and silent — the paradigm of dignity she’d forced herself to be, for the sake of Philos... and for the sake of a lover who’d refused to accept the wretched Crown of a King.  
Solitary and unattended — he’d allowed her to experience the empty desolation that came with a Sovereign’s crown of lonely leadership. And yet, even confined to the yawning silence of her frigid throne room, she’d ushered Philos into an era of prosperity. While he— 
Xavier had failed her; her hopes, her dreams... her yearnings he’d turned blind to each time she’d granted him the soft brunt of her affections sifting like stone against his heart. So in love with her — she would never know — and yet, the distance he’d maintained stretched flimsy in between them; closer than friends, stranger than lovers.  
The burden of her past life, their first life, lived in futility, through a heart that brought her no end of pain until it had burned her life out of existence — and in turn, ended his, in spirit — with her untimely demise.  
And he had — in misguided intentions, she viewed them as — refused to let the cycle of tragedy repeat once more, in the sacrifice of her sole being. As Xavier, prince of Philos. And a mere man in love with a woman. The one heart he could never bear to let go. In the name of a ‘greater good’, his father, the previous King had called it such. For Philos.  
To hell with a nation his father and his wretched co-conspirators had painted from the ground up, drenched in the blood of numerous sacrifices before her. Xavier had wanted no part in the perpetuation of that horrifying ritual.  
Desperation had eventually led him to adopt far perilous measures, to prevent her oblation in this lifetime — two centuries spent in between their tentative meetings, and then several countless more spent traversing the stars and through worlds in search of a solution. To prevent Philos’ downfall without the need to hold on to age old rustic customs. 
And he had promised her, his beautiful lonely Queen, a victory he had failed to bring to her feet. Swore to her in centuries past, when she’d still looked upon him with love naked in her gaze and worry taut in her features, that he’d search for a better path for Philos from among his travel in the stars, while she’d resolved to stay behind as their planet’s sole Sovereign; their Goddess incarnate.  
The tender warmth of her skin as he’d traced her features into memory on their last meeting all those centuries back, within the plaza rife with life; a reminder of what they were fighting for. The way she’d layered her own hand against his, letting her eyes drift shut as if she too wished to forget their fast-looming separation. 
And on the day of her coronation, he’d left her, branded as a traitor. Chancing one last, proud look upon her majestic form as she’d leveled the blade of her sword against his shoulders apiece, in their private ceremony of two, knighting him as her Grandis Knight. 
A fleeting, tentative touch of her palm she’d pressed against his shoulder in farewell, determined eyes staring into his from beneath the weight of her crown as she’d wished him well. 
“The fate of our nation rests within your hands now, Xavier. And should you fail, the entirety of Philos shall have to pay the price for the Prince’s failings.”  
Her delicate hand had tightened against the pressed shoulder of his regalia, not caring for the badges of honor there, digging into her skin. “May the Goddess be with you. Goodbye, Xavier.” 
 Xavier’s eyes flitter shut in resigned recollection; the very last touch of her warmth still fresh in his mind. In the flex of gloved digits against the badge attached to the hilt of his sword, one she’d gifted to him, in lieu of her star tassel.  
Now, as he kneels at her feet, she hasn’t even moved to touch him. Hasn’t deigned him worthy enough to afford even the mercy of her hands on his body, even if just to strike him. In ire or curses; Goddess, his heart and body have missed her so dearly. And yet, this is not the time for personal weakness. But repentance. And Xavier has always been one devoted to his cause, his one sole duty; to live and serve, to die or be tortured by her will alone.  
His Demiurge regent, his sole Queen.  
She observes great clemency as is expected of a Sovereign of her stature, when her steps shift closer; the dignified brush of her mantle pooling about her feet. Soft fur fabric brushing against the polished heel of pale shoes, the slip of bare skin through the part of her flowing robes at her legs, filling his line of sight as it remains firm, fixated upon the ground. For she has not allowed him leave to freely gaze upon her form. And Xavier is her Grandis Knight, committed to propriety of duty, if it is for her alone.  
He, however, dares: gloved digits reaching for the sweep of her queenly cape brushing the stone-cold flagstone. The pads of them skimming the soft of fur that lines its edges. And when she does not move to refute his brazen touch, he curves his fingers into the fabric and guides it up to his lips, lashes descending shut as he lays a kiss against the cloth, in show of the proper reverence she deserves. “I have returned, my Queen.” 
Xavier feels her shift above his genuflecting form, a response she utters in the voice he has missed. “Why?”  
“I will accept whatever punishment you deem necessary for my failure, your Majesty. If it is my life you seek—”  
“Why have you returned now?”  
“Forgive me, your Majesty.” 
“You are far, far too late.” The first hints of displeasure seep into her intonation, accusing strains of heat Xavier prefers to the thick monotone she’d employed previously.
“Forgive me, your Majesty.”  
An explicable tremor breaks across her still form; minute, missable, were it not for how finely attuned he is to her mannerisms, her emotions, her simmering ire.  
“Why have you returned now, after all this time? You made no promises.” She asks once more, cool resignation in her voice.  
He stares fixedly at the sight of her feet, a response she seeks from him, he has no answer to.  
Silence stretches long and taut, infinite, in between them. 
“After the first five hundred years spent waiting in futility...” she deliberates. “I finally concluded that you’d died. Perished among the unknown.” 
His fist, sunk into the unyielding cold floor at his knee, crushes tighter at her words. “...Please allow me to look upon your Majesty’s face.”  
Her footsteps glide forwards, another step closer. Ignoring his entreaty, she resumes, “I continued to make excuses for your failure to return.” She pauses. 
“It brought me some modicum of comfort to know you had not just abandoned me but that you were simply no more.” The terrifying frigid inflection of her voice numbs Xavier’s heart — cool tendrils of dread coiling vines within his chest, like their first life, he’d held her within his arms. Watched the life pool out of her eyes, leaving her dull and lifeless within his embrace.  
She has lost her heart once more, and the mere thought has Xavier’s nerves driven to near devastation.  
But he is here, he knew of the consequences. And he is here, to bear through them, to accept his Sovereign — and beloved’s — ire; no matter if she remains full or half. She is all he draws breath for, all he fights for, the pinnacle of his existence and his desires. His guiding star, his monarch, his God. 
“Forgive me, your Majesty.” He speaks, once more. 
The first signs of emotion other than cool resentment thread through her low voice: furied indignance. “Utter insolence.” 
The heel of her shoe rises before his very gaze — Xavier’s eyes falling shut to accept the brunt of her oncoming strike. One that does not come. He feels her press the harsh tip of it, instead, underneath his jaw, knocking his face upwards so that his eyes meet hers, glacial turbulence within her gaze. “How does it feel to be demeaned as if you were a mere traitor, at my feet? Do you feel as violated and desolate as I too did all those years ago?” 
She is kind, she remains so gentle; her punishment, she considers it humiliation for him to be put at her feet when it is anything but. As if it could ever be. She offers him her worship instead, and so he follows her regal command. 
Pitching his face to dig deeper against the tip of her shoe, his eyes remain devoted upon hers. Gloved fingers he brings to curl, slow beneath the sole of her boot to support, mouth skimming a kiss of reverence to the polished surface.  
Ire and heat fulgurate within her gaze at his brazen actions, she continues to watch as his mouth parts, pink tongue darting forth to slick a slow, deferential path against the cool leather of her shoe. “This is not punishment enough, your Majesty, when your Grandis Knight has been ever prepared to end his life at your feet, were it your will.” 
The spark of heat within her gaze retreats and shutters itself behind its glacial curtain. “Do you remember what it is I told you when you embarked on your journey, my Knight?” 
“I do.” He murmurs, just as she digs the edge of her heel deeper against his cheek.  
She rips herself away from his worship, sweeping right up close against his kneeling figure, until he can catch the drifts of her perfumed scent emanating from her bone-ivory robes. Can feel the brush of the silken cloth adorning her thighs, against the tip of his nose. 
Wretched, blasphemous desire churns vicious within his belly at having the woman he loves this close, after centuries spent without her — a woman that is not his, never will be. Immoral desires of a sinner for Philos’ Mother. A woman — and their nation — he brought to ruin by his own hand; Philos’ branded traitor. 
“I told you,” she speaks, in the neutrality of a Sovereign, “that were you to fail, all of Philos would have to pay the price for the Prince’s failure.” She stills. “And I am Philos, I am centered to Her core. I am Her life-force as she is mine. Our people paid a hefty price for our peace, oh Grandis Knight.” 
Xavier’s face sinks forward, brushing the edges of her silken robes against his cheek. “Forgive me, your Majesty.” In the harsh clench of his jaw; and when she does not move to spurn him, he devotes a kiss of resigned reverence to the cloth above her thigh. Her body loses part of its stillness at the action.  
“Even after all this time...” she murmurs under her breath. “You refuse to address me by my proper name, like a foolish coward.” A slipping fracture of something akin to torment in her voice.  
Xavier lets his mouth glide further up across the lustrous cloth in begging of her pardon, for the ache he has caused, has continued to cause to her. To Philos. For his protection that he has always known held a double cutting edge to itself.  
He drifts towards her other thigh, mouthing proper worship onto it and his Queen — benevolent, tender in heart still — lets the Sinner at her feet do as he pleases. Canting his gaze heavenwards to watch as she allows; her own eyes that burn into his kneeling form, observing him from her place on high.  
Her legs shift, allowing Xavier the fleeting sight of unblemished skin in between the loose flow of her fabric and like a devotee starved, he’s drawn to the catch of her inner thighs revealed with the slight disarray of her robes beneath his questing mouth. Finding her undeniably warm when his lips brush near the junction of her thighs at bare skin.  
“My Knight—” 
“You may call me by my name, your Majesty.” His hungering tongue slips past his lips to lave gentle at her. “After all, I am no more than servant to your Majesty and her great throne.”  
“Grandis Knight, you are—” 
“I am your Xavier, your sinner.” His hot gaze rolls up towards hers and beseeches. “So, please call me by name so you may curse at me.” 
He feels the fire of her indignant resentment sputter within her gaze, receding the glacial indifference of it. Her cold fingers slink into his hair and wrench harsh at the argent strands, ripping a groan free of Xavier’s throat. The very first gift she makes of pain, to him, one he receives with the reverent ardour it deserves.  
Xavier heaves forward once more to settle in between her legs, nosing at the fabric of her mound, breathing in her scent. Teeth catching at the cloth that keeps her concealed from view before he loosens it apart with a violent jerk of his head.  
Moisture glistens tempting in between her folds — the firm press of her digits against the back of his head is the sole permission Xavier requires to engulf her entirely against an open, hungering mouth, a low moan of desire breaking past his throat at the intoxicating taste of her on his tongue.  
He laps up at her; a man starved — one he is, after the emptiness of her endured in his soul, the burdens of his failures and desires commingled in the wet lave of his tongue from base to hood. Slicking the edge of his tongue against the pearl at her apex. Her low sigh follows the incessant push of his face deep into her mound, his nose brushing at the curls of it, accepting the gift of her benevolence.  
“Did you know, my dear Knight—” her voice skitters mildly in pleasure with the press of the tip of his tongue, cleaving gentle into her slit. “It did get easier.”  
Her wetness seeps past her opening and onto his fervent tongue as he dutifully swallows. He feels incredibly parched, open mouth pressing deeper against her as he works her pleasure, tongue slinking into her depths. She clenches around him at the intrusion, knocking a muffled groan free of his throat.  
“When time finally ran out for your chance to return and Philos neared the end of its life, with our people on the brink of desolate death,” her breath jolts. “I marched out there.” 
His brows knit into a severe frown, stroking his need for her ire to sheath itself deeper into his body. He requires it; his Queen’s rightful anger so that he may take all of it and her, let her bruise her emotions into it, until the moment she’s used him up to her heart’s desires and she finally weeps and hurts no more.  
And so, his lashes descend with the tight spasm of her fingers carded through his hair, steering his mouth however she pleases. 
“And I willingly bound my life force to Philos’ core so that it could continue to live. Cut out the part of me that loved and felt until I turned myself into something entirely non-human for the sake of our people. A true God.” A slow, desolate string of weak sound tapers out of her body before it augments itself into mirthless laughter that rings hollow through the great, empty space of her throne room. “It was all too easy to do so, in a world I knew my Star no longer existed. For my heart had beat for him alone.” 
A heavy bludgeon of agony rips through his chest, tries and clambers its way out of his body before Xavier tamps it mercilessly in the gentle scrape of his teeth against her tight bundle of nerves. Her violent shudders, he feels buffets her limbs before he’s reaching out for her on instinctual, fervid desire in the clasp of gloved palms against the sides of her legs, trekking his touch up her thighs. A low moan parts her lips at the touch. 
Xavier’s audacious attempt at desecrating his God further underneath his obsidian worship is foiled in the twin blades of light that cleave around his wrists, whipping them swift and away from her body to shackle them together at the base of his spine. 
His body jolts through the glaze of his desires, part sense rending through the thick of pain knocking at the back of his breastbone to realize she’s forced his submission in the resonation of her Evol against his. Emulated his Light seamlessly in the binds of radiance — befitting of Philos’ Sovereign — wound tight at his wrists. Even centuries past now, she remembers the precise shape of his Light. 
He tests a flex against his restraints, finding they do not give an inch. “You’ve grown far too bold in your time away,” her voice is a cold dagger that scotches itself right beneath his ribs. She heaves him away from her body, reluctant mouth drenched in the strings of slick and spit that trail from his mouth to the soaked space of her legs. “Grandis Knight, what makes you think you’ve earned even an ounce of me to embrace as you would, a lover?” 
“I have not, your Majesty, forgive—”  
Severing through the rest of his apology in the quiet catch of Xavier’s breath when the sole of her heel comes to rise, knocking a firm, uniformed thigh apart to reveal the indecency of his arousal to her gaze, straining painful against the placket of too tight trousers.  
The edge of her heel trailing the inside of his thigh, she switches towards the heavy length of him. Brushing the underside of his arousal, Xavier’s shoulders tense in heavy need at the barely present stimulation. Before her heel sinks firmer against the length of him, jolting a groan free of him. “Does that feel good then?” 
“Yes, your Majesty.” He breathes heavily.  
“Look at you, coming apart under the mere, filthy touch of my foot.” Her brow bunches in an irked frown.  
“No part of you—” His voice breaks apart into quiet, ragged breaths at the stimulation of her heel against the increasingly sensitive strength of his arousal. “—is filthy to me, your Majesty.”  
Xavier tugs against the leash she’s made of her fist at the back of his head and she allows him, in that moment, to arch forwards and nudge the part of her dress aside. Sink into the wet heat of her; a man imprisoned to her tender mercies and the flood of her taste in his mouth. 
He works her open against his tongue, laving at her desires. Back and forth, he doesn’t let a single drop spill past his hungering mouth until he feels the tell-tale evidence of her orgasm in the insistent clench of her walls.  
Her hips gyrate forward in tandem to the suck of his mouth against her tightened bead and Xavier lets his shoulders fall slack to allow her free reign of her release as she grinds herself against his tongue to a precipitous finish. The gush of her desires Xavier drinks down, humming in dazed arousal, to have let her find her relief; used as her personal seat of pleasure, to be tossed at her will alone.  
Her hands flitter about his head, curling on either side of his jaw to pull away from the heaven of her body, and up as she descends, her mouth settling against his in a violent kiss he receives with vehement pleasure.  
Releasing herself, slow, from him only when her desire to breath turns overbearing. The edge of her thumb slips just past his damp bottom lip, urging his mouth open further. Before she spits against his revering tongue and instructs him to, “Swallow.” 
Xavier’s mouth clamps shut on instinct, working the taste of her against himself. Gaze flittering in darkening, vicious desire at the heat of his Goddess’ gift.  
A low hush of withering laughter leaves her mouth. “I’ve tethered a rabid beast to my side.” 
Her thumb and index cup about his jaw, coaxing his gaze to remain on hers, bright, burning. “Swear to me,” she speaks. “Swear that your loyalty shall never lie with another.”  
He feels his Queen curl a tremulous fist into the robes at his shoulders, crumpling the fabric hard in between her fingers. “Swear that you shall remain mine, my Grandis Knight, for all time. That you shall never abandon me again, Xavier.”  
His gaze quivers in fleeting emotions for a moment’s weakness, steel gray resolve returning once more to utter his vow renewed. 
“I have always been yours to have or reject, your Majesty. This Knight — his Body and Soul is yours alone to wield.” 
Making of himself, a promise, he commits to her in the life she shall have; to end at the sweep of her sword, should he ever dare renege on it.  
Declaring himself, at long last, in his clear devotion; to his one Queen and God.  
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Tagging: @samanthagnicole , @catboi-anon , @beebumbo , @hellinistical , @dangerousluv1 , @webmvie , @aria-tempest , @raendarkfaerie , @lamentinee , @unhingedsillygod , @tiredas
(Skipping folks who do not have tagging permissions on, so they cannot be mentioned, unfortunately)
I had the angsty pleasure of reading Xavier’s first myth for the first time a few weeks back and with the help of a Xavier main friend and inspiration drawn from Xavier’s prayer pose in photobooth, this fic was born. I hope you enjoyed your read! 
Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated, if you are so inclined, lovelies!
If you’d like to be tagged in my future stories, you can fill this short form here. If you’d like to be removed, shoot me a DM! You can also find me on Ao3 and twitter, if you’d like to chat or just squeal with me about hot characters, in general.
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Apologies for not being as active on here as I’d like to be. In addition to the fact that I’m traveling at the moment, I’ve also started posting more on Twitter (ew gross, I know, but desperate times call for desperate measures, I fear 😔) to get @netflix’s attention and hopefully get Dead Boy Detectives renewed.
I won’t abandon this account, don’t worry, I love this wonderful Tumblr fandom far too much for that, but if you notice me not being as active on here as I used to be, this is why.
If you’d like to join the fight in getting the DBDA cancellation revoked, I highly recommend you start posting on Twitter about the show. Unfortunately, Netflix is far more likely to pay attention to what’s going on there than on Tumblr (that being said, please only do this if you truly want to; don’t feel obligated to do it. There are many really sweet DBDA fans there, but at the end of the day Twitter is a total shithole, and I definitely wouldn’t recommend it if the conditions were any different)
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spikesbunny · 2 days
+ warnings: unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, cam girl! reader, praise?, modern au!, sex on camera, creampie, mentions of jealousy, mentions of vibrators, porn w plot, sorta rough + ooc albedo
+ ft: best friend albedo 
+ desc: he was and still is your best friend, and has always supported you through your ups and downs. but this new career you’ve pursued and kept from him has him jealous of the attention,,, maybe it’s time you have a guest star for a stream?
nsfw under the cut,, mdni !!
reposting from @/roronoaism, all content is mine!!
for @/ayatomic​ girls on film collab !
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you and albedo had always been there for each other. the two of you were seen as inseparable, and had promised to be there for one another through thick or thin. time had proven you two right. 
normally, there weren’t any secrets in your relationship. you told him everything, and he told you everything, whether it was embarrassing or not. 
but this, this you couldn’t tell him about. and somehow, he hasn’t found out.... yet. 
summer had swept the city, and with the season comes boredom. normally, you would help albedo with his alchemy studies, since he took courses over summer. but this one would be different. it was time you got a job to help pay for the shared rent, and desperate times call for desperate measures. 
so that’s how you got here. you started streaming as a camera girl, getting yourself off on streams whenever your albedo wasn’t home. it got you a LOT of money, quickly, and he didn’t question where it came from (after all, he thought so highly of you, why would he ever CONSIDER the fact you might be showing 40 year old men your glistening folds on cam?)
of course, every secret finds its way out.... eventually. and sometimes, the way those secrets are found out are embarrassing. 
you didn’t want him to find out like this, archons, you didn’t even expect him to come home this early. yet here he was, standing in the door, watching you get off in front of your webcam. 
you stared at him, his face blushing and warming. please, shhh, you mouthed to him, hoping he would get the cue. albedo nodded, a look of worry and confusion on his face. he sat by the door, and stared at his lap. 
a couple more minutes passed, and you wrapped up your stream. 
“albedo, what the fuck?” you said, without making any eye contact.
“i should be saying that, y/n.... what was that stunt back there? are you selling yourself? making porn? what’s going on?” your best friend looked up at you woundedly. “if your having some sorta self confidence issues, you know you can tell me, right?”
“i’m sorry, bedo, i shoulda be more honest. i’ve been doing this for a couple weeks to make money so i can help with the rent, i felt guilty and-”
“it’s fine, i just wish you woulda told me......”
“‘m sorry bedo” you whispered, hugging him. you didnt realize how awkward it was until he said “uhm, y/n, your clothes are still off-”
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the next couple of days passed by in a blur. albedo went back out to research, and you continued on with your streaming. everything seemed normal again, at least to you. however, on albedo’s hand, that wasn’t the case.
he grew jealous of the attention you were giving to others, and vice versa. it felt like you just didnt have time for him anymore, let alone that there was probably some other things you were keeping from him. 
albedo had a nice surprise for you, and defiantly one for your sick twisted ‘fan base’.
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albedo came home earlier the next day, walking into you shoving a vibrator in and out of your abused cunt and rubbing your tits while moaning some random guys name.
he rolled his eyes, waiting in the living room for you to be done with whatever nonsense some man with unlimited cash had asked you. it only took ten more minutes till you walked out, fully dressed and cleaned up.
“hey, bedo! how was your day”
“it was normal, but sweetheart, you better turn that camera back on.” he whispered into your ear, cornering you back into your room.
“huh? why do i-” you were cut off my albedo jabbing his knee between your all ready sensitive pussy, giving him a small mewl from the shock.
“maybe its time you had a guest star?” albedo cooed in your ear, turning your legs into jelly. “after all, youve been keeping some attention away from me...”
you slowly walked over to the computer, booting up another live stream. the amount of views spilling in was insane, and you payed no attention to albedo until you realized he was grinding against you, kissing and marking up your neck.
he roughly grabbed you, pushing you down on the bed and ripping off the robe you had grabbed. “lets see how messy i can get you, not some rich bitch.” he hissed in your ear.
albedo pulled aside your panties, the pretty lace ones you normally wore on streams, and jammed two fingers inside. “look at you, already a wet soppy mess, and all i did was tell you maybe you needed a guest star. it’s fine, you look pretty like this~” he nibbled at your ear lobe, listening to the enticing sound of your pretty pussy taking his fingers in and out, and the heavenly mewls and moans you were giving him.
“fuck, your so good princess, look at you, sucking in my fingers,, archons, wonder how desperate youd be for my cock”
you rolled your head to the side, hearing the blings from the computer over your moans and albedo’s fingers squelching in and out of you. comments about the new guy were pouring in! it seems your fans liked seeing you get fucked by someone.
“oh? they like it, huh? guess we’ll give them more~” albedo pulled his fingers out roughly, before sucking them. “god, you taste heavenly sweetheart,, such a shame im gonna demolish your pretty cunt in fronta all these people, huh?”
albedo pulled off his boxer, and threw them near the webcam, before aligning himself with your pussy. he gave you a single smirk, then thrusted right into you. oh, the pleasure! his dick was hitting all the right spots, your best friend had you moaning and mewling like a starved women!! and the viewers were loving it, thousands of dollars were just being dropped into your account!
“b,bedo, please please more!! more-” you whimpered, who knew your best friend could have u wrapped around his finger AND film you two fucking? your pussy was spasing around his dick, sucking him further into your gummy walls.
“l,love ,, your so tight holy shi-it,, ‘m gonna fuck you stupid, got it?” he pounded into you, pushing his face between your neck and shoulders so he could cover your body in precious hickies
“princess, you’re doing so well for me, so well,,, mm”
you felt your high approaching, the knot growing in your stomach. albedo could tell too, so he did nothing other than pound you further into the bedsheets, his dick hitting your cervix. “bedobedobedo” was all you could chant, head rolling to the side from the pleasure coursing through you.
“fuck, ‘m gonna cum, r,right into your pretty hole, mkay love?” albedo moaned into your ear, his thrust becoming sloppy and uneven. his words sent you over, your orgasm crashing down on you.
albedo groaned at your cunt tightening around his dick, before cumming right inside of you. he pulled out, watching his seed slowly flow outta you. albedo grabbed the camera and pulled it closer to your cunt.
“see, this is what you could do if you fucked this toy in person, and not your fist” he said to your dedicated fans, slightly out of breath.
as for the money, that just kept flowing in. you guessed albedo might have to be featured on here more often. and that idea had you flustered and a wet,, again.
©2023 spikesbunny - please do not repost or translate my works on other media sites ♡
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bonebrokebuddy · 2 months
“You’re posing as a gay man but there’s no lover beside you.”
- normal things you say to your twin when you wake her up from dead sleep so you can use her as a art reference when she blearily asks why the fuck you woke her.
@stealingyourbones im so sorry bro I just couldn’t a ref image at the right angle, u can go back to sleep now.
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ma-du · 17 days
I guess I'll have to take desperate measures then *opens tab to ff.net*
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wikitpowers · 3 months
everybody shut up i have something to say
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everyday it’s them who are on my mind
art: @cassandrajean
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ilyamatic · 1 year
Hello my name is Abby
and ya girl needs help
As we all know, times are tough. Times have been tough round these parts specifically because I am now disabled. Last year I got diagnosed with Primary Progressive MS and have a lot of mobility issues. I am lucky enough to work from home (and am able to work at all) but all the changing expenses with my condition have added up. So much so, I owe $1200 to my community in back fees. Nor am I able to move like I wanted to a more accessible apartment.
And listen, I am not asking for y'all to break y'all's backs for a stranger on the Internet. But if you got a couple of bucks you could throw a Black queer disabled woman, it would mean the world to me.
And if not for me, do it for the cats:
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They are just little babies and deserve to stay in a nice warm home.
Cash App: $AbbyJ92
Venmo: @Abigaille-Bernard
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skyhawkstragedy · 1 year
I feel like if Meme campaigned to Cameron it would stroke his ego so much he would consider taking her off the block
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kaleirots · 1 year
in my will graham era (just took an aspirin)
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I always thought I was the exception to the whole white people love cheese thing but now here I am, too stressed because of finals, and what do I do? I buy a baguette and some brie. Emotional support cheese.
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Unfortunately, I think I must buy things on Amazon
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i won
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sugadolly · 9 months
the dark depraved fics i read just to get off are disgusting
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radlymona · 10 months
It’s a genuine hate crime that the hunger games tag is now filled with smut Snow/reader self-insert fics. Can’t y’all be normal and ship yourselves with the actor on Wattpad
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goyurim · 1 year
Hi there,My name is Claudia and I'm currently writing my MA dissertation which will be on how the subtitles of K-dramas may influence people's opinion of Korean culture of their viewers.I'm doing a survey to understand more deeply to what extent this is, and I was wondering if you could help me share it around. Here's how the survey works:> It will take roughly 15 minutes to complete as there are quite a few questions and clips to watch.> The survey is anonymous, it requires the email to do it but that information is strictly confidential and won't be shared with others.> I have used short clips from the following dramas: The Glory, All of Us Are Dead, Extraordinary Attorney Woo and Squid Games. However NO SPOILERS to the plot have been used - all the clips are a few seconds long and only include idioms, expressions and cultural elements so no spoilers are intended nor shown.> In the last section you'll be asked to watch said clips and reply to the questions related to it but again NO SPOILERS to the plots.I'd really appreciate your help!Here's the link: https://forms.gle/6hkJMG9p3232LZB47 
hi there claudia. as a person with a masters degree in psych/neuroscience i understand the desperation when it comes to lack of survey responses so i really do want to help you (and it really does sound like a fun little survey too!) however i have been followed by so many porn/aibots recently who immediately send me such elaborate asks that i have been sentisitised to links i always believe they are malware. so if you can prove to me you are human i would gladly complete this form for you. thank you for your time
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whorenerdking · 2 years
if anyone wants to send me some money for food I’d appreciate it
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