ralexsol · 2 months
JRWI FAN! Yes, you!
Do you absolutely love Riptide #114: Still Not Ferin Well? Do you wish someone would make a 90s-style choose-your-own-adventure horror visual novel about E114?
Most importantly, do you have:
A) Expertise in pixel art
B) Experience coding in Ren'Py
C) Skill at writing
D) Lots of free time
If yes to any of those, would you like to MAKE PREVIOUSLY STATED VIDEO GAME WITH ME?
I have been conceptualizing a JRWI video game called Moonlight, Storm, and Blackened Sea for a few months now. Unfortunately, with no motivation to make it beyond thinking "it would be a cool finished product," I have not made much progress. But if I have people working with me, my brain will kick into action because people will be depending on me!
I am a writer first and foremost. While I could theoretically make the entire game myself (as I have experience in writing, art, coding, and music), I would never actually finish the game for previously stated reasons. If I had an artist, coder(s), and perhaps even story consultants (although probably not necessary), MSABS might actually become a reality.
The MSABS project would make no profits, and it would be entirely created from volunteer work. I am a broke ass bitch. But if you don't care and simply want to create something amazing with me, then please, DM me!
So far, I have 2 branches plotted storywise out of - oh, I'm not sure, maybe 25? 30? I have drawn 9 sketches out of around 30 main backgrounds (excluding bg variations). I've recreated 6/9 music tracks from the official Riptide soundtracks into 8bit tunes. If people actually sign onto the project, I'll be moving forward as Creative Director, Head Writer, Storyboard Artist, and Music Producer. Still leaves a LOT of room on the project, especially on the coding side.
I genuinely think MSABS would be insanely cool. Please, if you have any questions about my overall game vision, please send me an ask and I'll try my best to give thorough answers! This game has been living rent free in my brain since March, and it needs to get out!
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
Hello, I just want to know if I can request the Cullens to have an S/o that is in a band like sick puppies or skillet, please, and thank you
Also, I love your work
The Cullens with a reader who's in a Rock Band
Hello! Thank you for requesting!
I am someone who's into alternative music but I've never heard of these two bands. So I did my best to listen to some of their songs to get a feel for what kind of band you were talking about. They both reminded me a lot of Three Days Grace, Seether, Godsmack, and other bands like that so I based it off of that too.
In short, I basically went the route of a 90s-00s rock band
I hope you enjoy!
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He's not the biggest fan
Not of you being in the band, but of the music
He's not really into all the screaming
Even though it's not all screaming lol
He is pretty old fashioned
But overall he'd be an enjoyer
He would be at all of your concerts watching from the front row
He will proudly tell anyone that asks that he is your boyfriend and that you two are very much in love
And if you guys ever wanted to write a slower, ballad-type piece he is so down to compose and play the piano part for it
Also you guys don't need to worry about money
If one of your guitar strings breaks he's sending you 1,000 dollars and telling you to keep the change
He's also a good personal bodyguard
No need to worry about rowdy fans when he's there
He supports all of your dreams
He just doesn't listen to the music in his free time
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She is SO into it
I feel like she doesn't care about genres or anything like that
If she likes a song she likes it
And when you tell her about your band and show her one of your songs, she is in love
You don't need to hire a merch designer or a hair/makeup artist ever
She's on it
She loves helping you choose an outfit and doing your hair and makeup before you go on stage
And it does stroke her ego just a little bit when people post on Twitter about your outfits :)
She's also definitely the type to print out like a hundred posters and staple them to all of the telephone poles in like the whole state
Also always at every concert
Except she's backstage
She prefers to be close
Stands to the side the whole time holding a bottle of water for you whenever you need it
She definitely has a shirt with your face on it that says #1 fan
She doesn't wear it but she does have it
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He's also a little confused by the music
I don't know why but I literally cannot imagine this man listening to music ever
So he doesn't really have a favorite type
But he loves your voice so obviously he loves your music
He doesn't trust himself to be in the crowd at your concerts
So he's always backstage too
Even though it's loud, if you even whisper under your breath that you're thirsty he is there with a bottle of water
For some reason I get the feeling he would be good at audio design tho
This guy can make fire edits to a song
Your bandmates love him tho because he moves all of the heavy equipment
He likes to be in the studio when you're recording
Quality time
And he can be perfectly silent so he never interferes with the sound equipment
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I feel like she'd shock you with the fact that she LOVES alt music
She's so angsty
It perfectly displays her emotions
The screaming is cathartic to her
So when she hears that you're in a band and you make the exact type of music that she loves, she is so excited
She wants to be involved in everything
She would love designing your outfits
And I feel like she would be a good songwriter
She is in the crowd every time
Directly in the center
Directly in the front
One time, when one of your concerts was coming up, she printed out hundreds of flyers and went around the school telling people to show up
Not asking
The show was packed
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I think he would love it purely for aesthetic reasons
Not to say that he doesn't like that you're happy and doing what you love
But I think he would feel so cool with a badass rockstar S/O
Like when he looks up at you on stage he just gets so much pride
Like hell yeah everybody came here to see MY S/O
Also he is your personal bodyguard
He would have so much fun kicking people out of shows
He puts on the sunglasses, the high vis vest, everything
Obviously he is in the crowd every time
But that's because he's the guard
He would proudly wear a shirt with your face on it btw
And no he won't get rid of it
No matter how many times you ask
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She's another one who's not really into the music part
I get the feeling she would like jazz/classical music more
She just gives me calm energy
So she wouldn't really like your music sorry
But that doesn't mean she won't support you
She is at every concert
And she helps you with anything else you may need
She is shockingly good at filming music videos
She also likes to take action shots while you're performing
And then she makes a scrapbook out of it <3
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This man is older than electricity
He's watched the evolution of all music genres
And he is familiar with all of them
He's sort of like Alice in that he likes songs from all genres
He is completely supportive, though
Gives you all the money you could ask for
And then some
He talks about you to his patients all of the time
"Oh you broke your arm at a music festival? My S/O is in a band, you should check them out sometime."
The nurses get a bit annoyed
The only downside is that, because he works so much at the clinic, he can't help that much
He does his best to be at every one of your concerts
But he can't make all of them
When he does show up though he is front and center
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Vampire! Bella:
Stephenie Meyer confirmed that Bella listens to Linkin Park
So yes she totally loves your band
I can imagine her in the mosh pit
She'd love it
She would stay far away from the stage though
Like she does not want to be perceived by the public
She helps doing other stuff though
I feel like Edward probably taught her how to play guitar at some point
So if you're ever stumped on a riff or something she jumps in to help
Obvs she's at every concert too
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bradshawssugarbaby · 11 months
She's in Love with the Boy - Jake Seresin x OC
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A/N: This is part two in my series She Had Me at Heads Carolina, I don't know why I see country music + hangman as a thing (ok so maybe I do know why) but here we are. I wrote this half awake this morning and it's probably a lot less cute than I think it is.
tagging: @mamachasesmayhem for the update lol
pairing: Lt. Jake Seresin x fem! OC
warnings/content: literally just Jake drunkenly singing 90s country music badly again
word count: 2.4k
 It had been two days since your beach trip, and you were thinking over the past 48 hours as you sat at your vanity, brushing your hair out before getting ready to go out that night.
Courtney had been far more bold than you were at the beach that day, having gone home with Bradley as soon as it was offered. You knew she was crazy for him already just by the way she looked at him. She’d always been one of those love at first sight types, the kind who believes in soulmates and finding that perfect person who makes you swoon with one look. It didn’t typically work out for her, wearing her heart on her sleeve and being so head over heels in love every time, but, this one occasion, you really hoped it did. She hadn’t talked about anything but him for the last day and a half it’d been since she got home - he’d been the perfect gentleman, driving her home the next morning in his 1972 Ford Bronco, dropping her off and seeing that she got inside ok, even though it was broad daylight and you and Stephanie were both still home. 
Stephanie had been texting with Bob ever since, giggling and blushing at the small screen every so often. Where Courtney over shared about her time with Rooster, Stephanie undershared about her relationship with Bob. She kept her lips sealed about just about everything, including their date yesterday morning. Bob had shown up in uniform to pick her up on his way into the base, wanting to take her for breakfast before they both had to go into work for the day. 
As far as you and Jake went, you’d been exchanging text messages back and forth with one another. It started with Jake sending you a “Hey there Heads Carolina,” to you responding with “Does that make you Tails California?” From there, it evolved into a near constant back and forth between the two of you, swapping country playlists and favourite songs, facts about your lives back home, yourselves, your likes, your dislikes. You weren’t normally one to fall in love instantly, but after two days of exchanging texts, you found yourself dying to see him again. He’d apologized for not taking you out yet, he’d been called in for an early briefing the first day, and yesterday he’d been stuck late working on something, none of which you could know any details about.  Courtney and Stephanie had tried reassuring you that he was interested in you, but part of you wondered if maybe it was just Jake being too polite to tell you he didn’t want to see you again.
Your phone had buzzed violently against the wooden top of your vanity a couple of hours ago, vibrating and moving across the slick, matte white finish of the furniture. You looked down and saw it was Jake, or as you’d saved him in your phone, Tails, California.
“Hey sweets, I was wondering if you’re free tonight. Karaoke at The Hard Deck. I need a duet partner. I’d sing with Rooster, but he’s a spotlight hog.”
“I can come, but that singing on the beach was a one time thing. I felt bad you were getting roasted alive.”
“I’m not that bad.”
“Are you not going to feel bad if I get booed off stage tonight? I might end up getting drunk and singing Amazed or something.”
“Oh God, can’t have you butchering poor Lonestar. The whole state of Texas might shun you. I’ll be there.”
“Thanks sweets, karaoke starts at 7. I’ll be there a little earlier.”
You breathed a sigh of relief as you realized that Jake hadn’t been avoiding you on purpose. You were never the type to get in too deep after one meeting, but something about Jake had you completely taken by him. You couldn’t put your finger on it, but you could feel the infatuation with him brewing whenever you thought about him. You scrolled through your phone and settled on a country playlist you’d built years ago during college, back when you still lived in Tennessee. You hadn’t even been remotely interested in it in years before the beach, but since Jake got you singing along with him, you found yourself wanting to revisit it for the nostalgia. Plus, you wanted to make sure you didn’t humiliate yourself on karaoke night by not knowing the words to 90s country songs, which were all probably fair game if Jake was choosing.
As the opening notes of She’s In Love With The Boy began filling your room, you hummed the familiar tune. You picked a sweet, pale blue daisy print sundress from your closet, pulling its thin fabric over your head as you got dressed. You began rummaging through your closet, praying you hadn’t left any boxes of shoes at your parents house back in Tennessee as you looked for the perfect compliment to your outfit. Pulling out a pair of classic cognac brown cowboy boots, you gave yourself an eyeroll as you put them on, unable to deny you were doing it purely to impress him. You turned to yourself in the mirror and examined your outfit. Your hair was curled and neatly pushed back off your face with a baby blue headband,  one that perfectly matched hue of your dress. Your makeup was simple and natural, a nice compliment to the vibe of the dress you’d chosen. As you nodded your head once, you grabbed your phone, turning your music off. 
A short drive later, you were at The Hard Deck with Courtney and Stephanie in tow, looking for Jake and his friends. Bob waved you all over with a friendly smile, and Stephanie practically ran to him. He put his arm around her affectionately and kissed her cheek. He handed her a drink and smiled. 
“Hey, I know Rooster’s up at the bar, Courtney,” Bob said with a nod towards where Bradley was standing. Bradley waved excitedly, his aviator sunglasses clipped to his white tank top under his open Hawaiian print dress shirt. Bob was sporting a simple jeans and oxford-blue dress shirt combo, with the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to his elbows, showing off his somewhat surprisingly muscular arms. He smiled as he pointed to the dart board where Jake was standing on the other side of the bar, sporting a Texas Longhorns baseball jersey, light washed denim jeans and cowboy boots. 
“Hangman’s currently mopping the floor with Coyote in darts right now. I don’t know how that guy does it, but he hits bullseye every time. It’s literally my job to hit targets and I can’t even do it as accurately as he does every time in darts,” Bob shakes his head in disbelief as he laughs. “He should be almost done, I think. I don’t really know how long a game of darts goes on for?”
You politely excused yourself from your friends for a moment, heading over to where Jake was standing. He leaned in to his step, tossing another perfectly thrown dart at the board again. 
“Nice shot,” you said cooly as you looked at him.
“Hey! I figured I’d play some darts until you got here,” Jake laughed softly as he nodded his head before setting the darts down and leaning on the high top table that his drink sat on. 
“Courtney and Stephanie were invited too, so we just carpooled down, took us a bit longer than I’d hoped because Courtney couldn’t decide what outfit Rooster would like better on her,” You shook your head as you thought about how silly it sounded when you said it out loud, “She really likes him, wants to make a good impression.”
“Oh trust me, he hasn’t shut the fuck up about how great she is over the last two days. It’s kind of cute in a way though. Also kind of annoying in a way but I’m letting it slide because he’s in love,” Jake smirked as he put the amber coloured glass bottle to his lips, taking a sip, “You can tell her though, he doesn’t care what she’s wearing. He’s going to respond the same way if she shows up in a trash bag.” 
“Noted. Stephanie is getting all giggly over Bob, but I she’s always giggly and blushing so it’s hard to tell with her. She’s not as…open as Courtney is. Although, I think she’s pretty smitten since he took her for breakfast yesterday and picked her up in his uniform. That alone probably sold her.”
“Oh she liked that? That was my idea. Bob’s a little shy and a little…inexperienced when it comes to dating. Figured I’d help the poor bastard out a little bit on that one. He really likes her.” 
“Your idea?”
“Yeah, he had to meet me yesterday for a training exercise, but I told him I could stall for an hour if he wanted to take her out or something. I suggested he just wear his uniform, because girls apparently love men in uniform. And I clearly wasn’t wrong,” Jake’s smile was smug, yet genuine as he shrugged his shoulders.
“What are you, some kind of professional matchmaker?” You retorted dryly as you raised an eyebrow at him, trying to hide the fact that you were about to break out into a grin.
“Nah, I just know the poor guy needs the extra push, ya know?” Jake set his beer down as his eyes scanned over your body, taking in your outfit choice for the evening, “You look fantastic, sugar. You even brought out your cowboy boots?” 
“I thought I left them back home, but I found them in the back of the closet, I haven’t worn them since I finished college. Even then, it was just for bars and homecoming. I’m amazed they fit.”
“Hey, I appreciate a good boot,” He nodded, gesturing to his own matching pair of cowboy boots. “Especially if we’re gonna be belting out another classic tonight. I have to see what our options are up there. Any preferences? I think we’re up after Payback and Fanboy. Not really a tough act to follow. The only one of us who can actually carry a fuckin’ tune is Rooster. Not fair he gets to look good with a mustache and sing,” Jake says as he mockingly pouts and rolls his eyes before grinning again. 
“Aw, jealous are we?” You teased, folding your arms across your chest as you raised your eyebrow at Jake.
“Only because when I grow a mustache like that, I look like an 80s porn star,” He shakes his head and laughs, “C’mon, let’s go get a drink and get closer to the stage so we can see what we’re up against.”
He took your hand in his, and you couldn’t help but notice how perfectly your hand fit in his. He smiled at the bartender, a pretty brunette woman, older than you both but by how much, you couldn’t be sure.
“Penny, m’dear, can I get another beer and whatever Lauren here wants to drink?” He smiled at you before turning back to face Penny, nodding his head as he handed her his credit card. “Here, I’ll save myself the trouble and just leave this with you,” He laughed and put his wallet back in his pocket. 
Jake handed you your drink and smiled as he tilted his head back towards the makeshift stage, where two men were currently butchering the entire melody of ‘Yeah!’ by Usher. 
“Tweedledee and tweedledum over here are almost finished up, it’s us next. You ready? Pick a song yet?” His green eyes looked at you full of intrigue as he awaited your reply.
“The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia?” 
Jake flipped through the options and shook his head, “Nope.”
“You want me to get up on stage and sing that opening verse about the river being hotter than a hoochie coochie?”
“Good point,” You laughed and shook your head, feeling the humiliation at the mere suggestion of it now that he’s brought it up. 
“She’s In Love With The Boy is on here. That’s a good one.”
“You wanna sing Trisha Yearwood? Can your voice go that high?”
“Absolutely not but it’s that or I down another beer and start belting out Neon Moon by Brooks and Dunn with or without you.”
“Fair enough, Trisha Yearwood it is.”
“Her daddy says, “he ain’t worth a lick, when it comes to brains he’s got the short end of the stick,” you belted out with as much passion as you and your cocktail could muster.
“But Katie’s young and man she just don’t care, she’d follow Tommy anywhere” Jake harmonized with his adorably out of key baritone, trying to carry the note as best as he could.
“My daddy said, you wasn’t worth a lick, when it came to brains you got the short end of the stick–”
“but he was wrong and honey you are too, Katie looks at Tommy, like I still look at you.”
“She’s in love with the boy, she’s in love with the boy.”
As you and Jake continued to finish the last verse of the beloved country song, you couldn’t help but think about the words. You looked over to Jake who shot you a grin while he gripped his microphone, giving the final line as much as he could as he sang it out. 
“What’s meant to be will always find a way, she’s gonna marry that boy someday.”
You took note of the way the makeshift spotlight highlighted his dark blonde hair and sunkissed skin, his green eyes shining brightly, and the unmistakeable grin of someone having the absolute time of their life on his face. He looked even better in this light than he did on the beach the other day, cowboy boots, off-key singing and all. The more you thought about it, the more you thought that maybe, just maybe, the song might have been more than just a song you chose for karaoke. Whether you wanted to admit it or not, maybe you were in fact in love with the boy this time.
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blacknwhitemood · 4 months
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Back side:
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Some details - behind the Iron Curtain:
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Made in Hungary with the original price:
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Catching Up With - inner paper cover:
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Black Celebration with But Not Tonight at the end (USA edition):
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Blue vinyl (German edition):
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Violator in French and the new edition inside:
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This is my DM vinyl album collection - so far. I also collect 7" singles, you can read about it in another post. These albums released in the "original" year in different countries like West Germany, U.S.A., France, Yugoslavia and Hungary. It shows well the age of Depeche Mode that some of these countries are no longer exist.
Original DM LPs are rare if I don't want to order them from eBay for a fortune and uncertain delivery. I must be lucky - and I was. I bought them from a website where buddies like me sell their used items, a guy regulary sends me e-mails about his duplicates, I'm really appreciated. There is a second hand music recording shop not far from my flat, I remember I went there first time in October to buy MFTM in blue version (haha, now I know how rare it is). The shop was crowded, sellers were busy, I was a bit nervous. One of the customers asked loudly over the LP heap "So where is that Depeche Mode you talked about?" I turned there, he was given MFTM by the shop owner. "I leave it here for now, someone will really need it" - he said and I went to him for the vinyl "I was coming exactly for this album, I'm not kidding. I'm buying this" - we were laughing, the owner said this LP had arrived to the shop 17 minutes before I got it.
Or I just find them in my mother's potato cellar (!) where my sister left them in the early 90s: the Hungarian version of MFTM, and Violator by Virgin Records. I had to wash some black mold off them… I found the original price sticker from 1987 (280 HUF - today it would cost 15,000 HUF) and Violator has sticker at the front in French "L'album inclus Personal Jesus & Enjoy the silence". These were my first DM experience in my childhood when I was prepearing to a music high school and I learnt all of those strange songs on piano.
Unfortinately two important studio albums are missing yet from the 80s: one of my favourite, Some Great Reward, I'm sure we will find each other one day. I could've bought Speak & Spell but only the American version, too much differences, I prefer the other one. My Black Celebration is American too, that means you can find one more song at the end of B side, But Not tonight - this song has never released in Europe. I also love my Catching Up With, because the cover is wow (I mean hot), and the inner paper cover is full of photos, this way they promoted the band in the States. This singles collection released only in the USA, this is the American version of The Singles 81→85 with 4 differences. And I need SOFAD and it' singles, I'm afraid it's gonna be a difficult advanture.
Basicly I don't want to keep 2 or more versions of the albums, beside MFTM Violator is duplicated in a funny reason. I went to Müller shopping soaps and while I was standing in line at the checkout and I got a sight of vinyls next to puffed corn. "What if there is DM?" There was. Violator, new edition that you can order all of the albums in any time. This was my very first DM album, I just couldn't leave it there, my heart was beating loudly. After this I've decided to collect original vinyls only, because they have souls. Decades ago someone bought it and listened to is with joy and perhaps he or she was in love with someone and went to a concert or a flat party and they were dancing… When I hold these old, crumpled albums in my hand I can feel the past. It makes me so happy.
A Broken Frame 1982 Made in Yugoslavia (Jugoton)
Construction Time Again 1983 Made in West Germany
Catching Up With Depeche Mode 1985 Made in U.S.A.
Black Celebration 1986 Made in U.S.A.
Music For The Masses 1987 Made in West Germany (blue vinyl)
Music For The Masses 1987 Made in Hungary (Gong)
Violator 1990 Made in France (Virgin)
Violator 2016 (new edition - Sony)
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swiss-mrs · 6 months
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bestie… what does clubbing with goth and/or post-punk steve look like in your eyes? 👀 i would like to know
Not you opening the floodgates to us sending back and forth requests 🤭
Fun Lil #Swiss Fact: Back in Summer of 2021 my friends and I were trying to club/bar hop in a city/state we weren't familiar with and after 3 failed attempts (including crashing some rando's all-white party [I was in head to toe black]) we stumbled into a goth club and had the time of our lives.
I was in my little big titty goth girl era, so I just so happened to be in perfect dress code LMAO. This request has singlehandedly removed me from my pop girly mode and straight back into 80s/90s alt girl.
Haunted Haus
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Steve Harrington x Goth Club Owner!Reader
Word Count:
Warnings: Good Music ✌️🤪, Steve-isms (some bad flirting, not so discreet looking, but also some not well hidden nerves), a lil angst👀, a single, '90s reference (just ignore), Reader being an absolute goddess.
Reader/Unnamed Character Description: No Descriptions Beyond Clothing, No Mentions of Age, Race, Ethnicity, Height, Etc., No Use of Y/N, She/Her Pronouns, Mentioned as "woman" and "madame", Bodily Descriptions kept minimal/gn
Synopsis: Steve may be in a chokehold by the abundance of hot goth girls in media rcently and decides to indulge in the dark and alternative scene irl.
Steve sat in the driver's seat of his BMW, gripping and twisting his hands around the wheel. The car sits stagnant in the grassy parking lot as minutes pass. "Come on, Harrington. You got this." Steve says for the millionth time, this time finally releasing a hand from the poor steering wheel to reach up for the review mirror, abruptly adjusting it to make eye contact with himself. "You got this." He uses his other hand to point at his reflection. Steve drops his hands to his lap as his gaze is taken from himself and to the paper sitting on the passenger's seat.
It was a flyer he'd stumbled across, or more accurately Robin stumbled across.
"I found the perfect thing for you." She burst through the door, taking Steve off-guard. He gave her a skeptical look, shifting his weight to one side, not really amused.
"And what is that, I ask regrettably."
"Ooo, that's a big word." Robin quips back a little too easily, causing Steve to roll his eyes, but Robin pays no mind as she averts her gaze to the paper in her hand.
"Haunted Haus, Goth Night." She flips the paper around to shove the front side in Steve's face. He jerks back, just out of reach. "Found this little baby." Steve’s brows furrow as his eyes adjust to try and read the text on the paper being held far too close to his face. "This may be your chance to find you a Hex Girl." Steve snatches the paper from her grip and gives her an unimpressed look, but Robin remains unfazed, leaning forward and resting her elbows on the counter with a smug look.
Steve props himself on one hand as he leans his weight against the counter with one foot crossed in front of the other. He looks down at the paper in his hands, reading off the provided information and address. "Isn't that the old creepy church looking building?"
"Yeah, the one right outside of town." Robin confirms. "I did a little investigating, and turns out someone bought the cursed thing and turned it into an 'unconventional' night club." She replied, lifting a hand to place air quotes. Steve huffs in response. "As far as I've heard, it's pretty underground but also pretty popular."
"Oh yeah? And who have you heard that from?" He raises a brow, looking over invisible glasses over at Robin. She scoffs in offense.
"I have my sources." She rolls her eyes at Steve's continuous skeptical look. "Look, you obviously still aren't having much luck here, and now that you've officially developed an interesting niche," Steve scoffs again and rolls his eyes at her subtle jab. "I'm just trying to help."
"Where did you even find this?" Robin stands up straight and shrugs.
"Sources." She replies nonchalantly.
Steve lets out a huge sigh before ripping off his seatbelt and throwing the car door open.
As soon as Steve's white nikes hit the field and he stood to full height, it was like the cool night sucked all the warm air from his lungs. He stares up at the gothic structure ahead of him. Even from the back of the lot, you could hear the music flooding from the open doors. It was quite shocking to see the number of people attending, at least to Steve. There was no way there was this many people in Hawkins who were into this scene.
Steve stepped away from his car just enough to close and lock the doors behind him, beginning his tread to the club. The closer he got to the front door, the more he started to feel his heart thump against his chest. He's no stranger to parties by any means, but all his experience was exclusive to house parties and school dances. Since graduation, he honestly fell out of the party scene almost completely. He wasn't in college, and the thought of attending a high school party after graduation made him cringe. This was an exciting new venture for him.
Just as he clears the last row of cars, he gets a good view of the small crowd just outside the doors. People who, outside of their clothing and makeup choices, seemed like unlikely friends. People of all races, ethnicities, and statures all gathered together. It was odd to Steve to see such diversity, but it was refreshing.
He suddenly became a little self-conscious by his own outfit choice. Though he was in the standard all black getup, he was severely lacking the accessories, leather, and/or face paint, and it became extremely obvious as soon as he cleared the lot.
Resting on the doors of the entrance was a scary looking man and a brutish, equally scary looking woman. The man leaning against the left door was tall, a whole head above Steve. His arms were crossed, showcasing the muscle on muscle he was packing. His unamused, grey eyes pierced through Steve with one simple glance. There was no telling how he was able to keep going, but the striking gaze didn't stop Steve's body from moving forward.
Just as his foot met the cement of the sidewalk, the lady on the right side, nearly equal in height to Steve, took as step forward and held her hand up. Steve’s eyes met her green ones. Steve stopped in his tracks, waiting for the woman to speak first. Before she uttered a word, Steve could see her eyes track up and down his body with a keen gaze. "You here solo?" Her deep southern accent through Steve off.
"Yes." He dares to glance back and forth between her and the guy to the left. Once Steve's eyes land back on her, he lifts his chin in fake confidence. "I am." The woman's eyes squint slightly, seeing right through his confident facade. Steve's eyes flit back to the man to find steel eyes staring back with their ever-present empty glare.
"You won't be causing any trouble now, will ya, son?" She asks, bringing Steve's attention back to her. He raises a confused brow. Why is he being singled out? His eyes nervously bounce around.
"No? I'm just here for the..." He trails, gesturing to the lively club behind them. "Why? Do I look like trouble?" His confusion slightly over taken by his sassy tone. The woman steps aside and gestures toward the club.
"G'on." She says before stepping back to her 'post' by the door. Steve stands in place for a few more seconds, still a little thrown off by the interaction. The woman gives him a look as if to dare him to test her patience, and Steve takes that as a sign to get moving.
Steve cautiously walks through the doors, side-eyeing both bodies occupying the entrance, the man's eyes following him. Steve begins to question what he's gotten himself into.
Once he's officially inside, the lights and music are quick to overwhelm his senses. It's dark within the confines of the building, but the red strobe lights cast an intimate, sensual, almost sinister glow over everything. "Nice hair." A voice just barely over the music brings Steve out of his trance. He looks towards the voice to find a short woman behind a pedestal with a raised brow. Her hair was dyed black with short bangs and curled wisps of short layers just above her shoulders. Her skin was as pale as the moon, and her nails were chipped and painted red. "$3.00"
Steve stared at her as he fished in his pocket for the cash. Thankfully, he remembered to check the entry price on the flyer before leaving home. He plops the bills into her outstretched hand before receiving a short nod as an 'OK for entry'.
Steve walks further in, stopping at the top of the short set of stairs that lead down to the main floor. Being slightly above gave him a slight vantage point to get a quick scope of the club. Again, what did he get himself into?
Steve took each step one at a time, pausing on each one as he looked around. There was nothing but black clothing and flowing fabrics on the dance floor, limbs moving in every direction to the mixture of synth, bass, and fast drums. A few years ago, Steve would've viewed this crowd as a bunch of weird freaks in a derogatory sense, but now, Steve just sees the opitome of freedom.
Steve cringes at the thought of his younger self. If only he was as carefree and comfortable to just be himself from the beginning, instead of being so judgemental and close-minded, maybe he could look back fondly at his youth. Well, no time like the present. He buried those thoughts and moved forward, deciding to plant himself at the bar for starters.
Moving through the crowd, he had to dodge arms and legs. Most of those dancing were doing so with their eyes closed, truly doing so as if no one was watching. His head was on a swivel as he walked, not only to make sure he didn't accidentally get hit but also cause he had this itching feeling of being watched.
Steve looked over his shoulder towards the door, but neither the 'security team' nor the wispy haired girl were paying him any attention. He continued to look around the crowd. Maybe someone from town was there and spotted him, but no. He couldn't find eyes on him anywhere.
Shaking off the feeling, he gets to the half empty bar and leans one elbow on the bartop. He looks over to a girl just a seat down from him with gel spiked bangs and a messy, half updo similar to Elvira's. Just as she's handed her drink, she turns and makes quick eye contact with Steve. He tilts his chin up at her with a slight grin, but it must've not been as smooth as he had hoped cause all it did was get him a once over and eye roll in return as she walked away sipping through her straw.
Steve doesn't drop his grin until she's disappeared back into the crowd, and the bartender addresses him. He orders his usual before turning away from the bar and leaning back on his elbows, scoping out the club again. He sighs.
"Just don't pull that same cheesy crap you try on the girls that unfortunately find themselves here." Robin says.
"Hey, it's not-"
"'That bad.' Yes. Yes, it is, Steve. It IS that bad, and quite frankly, it's just as hard to watch." She deadpans. Steve scoffs, offended, shifting his weight as his eyes look around, trying to find a rebuttal.
Steve scoffs out a short laugh, shaking his head at himself. He doesn't know how or why, but ever since Nancy, it just seems like he's lost all 'game', and that loss is really not helping when it comes to moving on once and for all.
The bartender returns, setting the glass down next to Steve, causing him to turn and rest his forearms on the bartop. They exchange nods before the bartender goes back to work, and Steve takes his first sip. Soon, Steve finds himself getting lost in the liquid contained within the glass.
Was he ever really as 'smooth' as he thought? He never seemed to have such an issue with 'charm' before, but then again, he was never really himself back then. Not since her. He was always able to seamlessly put on this charismatic, flirty facade before. Everything he did was the same persona that won her over. When he let it falter, she left him, but now that he's trying that guy back on, it doesn't fit quite right anymore.
A part of him should be grateful that he's found a friend group that is willing to accept him for himself, all his good and bad, his true self, but when it comes to his love life, he can't help but wish he could be that guy again. He's been alone for so long now, and it's lonely.
He just wants someone again. In the beginning, that someone could've been anyone, but the more time he's spent alone, the more he's started to think he couldn't take that someone just being anyone. The idea of him 'peaking in high school' scared the ever loving shit out of Steve.
His fingers fiddle with his glass, spinning it round and round in his hand. He glances down at his fingers through the glass, metal reflecting through. Shit.
His heart suddenly feels heavy at the thought of his fallen friend. Steve retracts his hand slightly from the glass to stare down at the ring on his index finger, a thick silver skull. If only he could see him now. As if he could hear his laugh, Steve turns his head to the right. Out of the corner of his eye, he could've sworn he saw that cheesy grin staring back at him, but he's instead met with a row of empty seats. Steve furrows his brows. If Eddie were here, he would've loved this.
Steve lets out a humorless huff of a chuckle through his nose. He wants to laugh at the thought, but it just feels heavy knowing he's not here to actually enjoy it.
Before Steve can get too deep in his head, he feels an odd sense to look behind him, so he does. He turns his head to glance over his shoulder, only to be caught in awe. Just opposite from him was the woman of his dreams walking down a flight of stairs, staring in his direction. Jesus, you were gorgeous. He couldn't tell if you were actually staring right through his soul or just so happened to look towards the bar.
Adorning your body was a long black dress with a slit up the side, stopping at the top of your thigh. Your legs were covered with sheer black stockings that had delicate, intricate lace patterns. The leather of your black corest reflected the red lighting, absolutely sinful. Though your dress was lowcut, your neck, shoulders, and arms were covered in a black lacy fabric that flowed out at your wrists. Your red bottom, black heels topping off your entire look.
You stalked down the staircase with a dark elegance that could move mountains. You are the definition of the kind of woman men would go to war for. You must be the queen of the underworld if there is one, and God, did Steve feel some type of way about it.
Unlike Steve, the sea of bodies seemed to unconsciously part ways for you as your eyes locked in on Steve. Steve was the only one in this very spot at the bar. There was no other logical reason for you to be looking that direction besides looking at him, but he still left as if he was not the object of your gaze, not even when you were standing right in front of him.
"Nice hair." Steve scoffed. If he had a nickel for every time he- Oh God, you're on the move again. You maneuver to step around him and claim your spot next to him at the bar. Steve watches you place your 'usual', getting a 'Yes, madame' in response. Steve can't help but raise a brow slightly at the formality, but his face drops when you turn back to face him. "You're obviously," your up and down gaze burns through Steve's skin. "New."
Steve suddenly feels as if he was standing naked in front of you. He'd been 'once-overed' at least four times since he's gotten here, but your eyes make him question if he actually remembered to put on his clothes. When there's a bit of a silence between you two, Steve clears his throat to try and regain his voice. "That obvious?" He holds a slight grin on his lips, but his eyes bounce around nervously, a dead give away of his true inner turmoil.
You raise an amused brow, "Well, to be fair, we don't get many well-tailored suit jackets and non-distressed jeans, but the all-black is at least a start." A glass is placed at your side as you finish your sentence. You give the bartender a quick smile and a thank you before he nods and moves on. Steve's hand self-consciously goes to tug at the lapel of his jacket. He tries to think of a witty, charming come back, but you continue before his mind can catch up. "So, are you here to find a girl to fulfill a fetish, or are you finally coming out of the suburbian closet?" You bring the glass up to your mouth. Steve tries to answer but is too focused on your red colored lips around your straw.
"I, uh," he clears his throat, looking away. He hopes you didn't, but you definitely caught him staring. "The second one." You let out a small giggle.
"Well, that's better than the former, I guess." It's a little bit of both, but Steve would be damned if he admitted that aloud. "Let me guess. Popular boy in high school, couldn't be caught being 'weird'?" You tilt your head in a way that Steve couldn't help but feel was both a bit condescending and also adorable.
"Right on the nose." He leans his forearms on the bartop again, grasping his glass in both hands to discreetly try and cool his sweaty palms. You lean on the bar right next to him. The scent of you overwhelms his nose, replacing the stench of alcohol, evermore heady and dizzying. The fight against gravity had never been so tough on his knees.
"Cute." You state simply, bringing your straw back to your lips and taking another sip. Steve looks over at you, a bit shocked. He was completely ousted from the crowd around him. He's the outsider here. The one trying and failing to fit in. He didn't think this whole 'loser boy' thing would be what got him brownie points, but to hell with it. If it works, it works.
"So," He leans up a little bit to adjust himself to face you, leaning more prominently on only one arm. "Are you a regular here?"
Your brows raise, "Repackaging 'come here often', I see?" There wasn't much room between that sentence and the next, but it was just enough for Steve's stomach to drop to his stomach, already feeling the rejection incoming, but it didn't come. "You could say that." You shrug nonchalantly. "It is a nice space and all." You add. "I haven't seen you in these parts." You shoot back a bit more dramatized, fully leaning into the cheesy line delivery.
Steve looks around, nodding and fixing his jaw as if he got caught red-handed for something. "Touché." A smug grin grows on your lips as you take another sip of your drink. He turns back to look at you, you already holding eye contact. He swallows down the saliva that builds on sight. "This is my first time here, first time at a party type event in a long while, actually." He admits.
"Well, I'm glad I could be here for your first time." You reply seamlessly, fully aware of the innuendo. Steve huffs out a chuckle. His face warms both at the thought of what you're insinuating but also at the slight embarrassment of it all. "Tell me. Are you here because you like the music or is it something else?" The way you adjust yourself has Steve screaming 'something else' in his head, his eyes following your every movement as you turn.
"The music." He replies shortly, still checking you out. He blinks away, trying to control his wandering eyes. He clears his throat, "A... friend of mine was really into heavy metal, and one rabithole after another landed me here." You hum out a response, nodding to confirm your understanding.
"Too heavy for you?" You quip back. Steve scoffs out another laugh, shaking his head and looking down at his glass, a few strands off hair falling into his face.
"I guess you could say that. It wasn't bad, just wasn't quite my vibe." He glances over at you, finding your eyes oh so easily once more. "This fit me better." A genuine, intrigued smile slowly grows on your face.
"So, is your friend here with you tonight?" You already could tell he came here solo, but you couldn't help but ask for confirmation. As soon as you did, though, something in his eyes changed, that little glimmer that was barely there to begin with was stomped out like a dying ember. Steve pauses a second before responding.
"No." You immediately regretted bringing up what must be a sore topic. "He, uh, he couldn't make it." Your smile long faded, but you couldn't stop your brows from quirking up slightly in curiosity.
"That's too bad." You say with a slight kind smile, trying to lighten things up. "Maybe come back next Friday, Metal night." Your smile widens hopefully with your suggestion. It brings a small one to Steve's lips but it doesn't quite reach his eyes.
"Maybe." And you both leave it at that. A few beats go by before you try and change the subject.
"Well, since this is your first time and all," you start, leaning in on the two words with a small brow wiggle. "Would you like to dance?" Your question seems to throw Steve through a loop. You just asked him to dance?
"I, uh, yeah! Sure, of course." He stumbles a little, but overall excited, trying to play it cool. His little 'nonchalant, cool guy' facade fighting with his seemingly more natural 'playful and charming' attitude causes you to squint with a knowing smile. It's a bit comical how you can see right through him.
You finish the remainder of your drink by omitting the straw and drinking from the glass. Once the glass is placed back on the counter and stained red with lipstick, you grab his hand and start leading him away from the bar.
You don't get too far before your path is interrupted by the towering, grey eyed man from the front door. Steve's heart weighs down on his stomach at the sight of the man. He just looks like he could kill. "Pardon the intrusion, madame." His deep Australian accent cuts through. Steve furrows his brows in confusion once more at the reoccurring formality. "There is a matter that requires your attention. It won't take up much of your time." You look up at the man who looms over you even in your heels. You sigh.
"I will be right there." You reply. He takes a step back to give you space, but maintains a close enough distance to lead you away once you're ready. You turn to Steve with an apologetic glance. "I'm sorry. Would you mind giving me just a moment?" Steve is a bit stunned.
"Yeah, sure..." He trails, confused. You give him a smile.
"Save me that dance, will you?" He melts at your smile, thoughts clearing of any and everything just at the sight. He nods mindlessly. Your smile grows in return before you release his hand and turn to follow that security guard who came for you.
Steve watches you leave and can't stop himself from looking you up and down. Once you're out of sight, Steve makes his way back to the bar, returning his grip back to his sweating glass.
Just as you said, you wouldn't take long, but the few minutes Steve had to wait felt like an eternity until you arrived back beside him. "I'm so sorry. You ready for that dance?" Steve stood up straight and turned to face you. Every time you appeared, it was like a God sent. You were ethereal in a way that Steve couldn't quite put into words.
"Y-yeah." But he made no move to get to the dance floor. You close the distance between you both until you're toe to toe. You cock your head to the side, silently questioning him. His heart feels like it'll beat out of his chest, the air wafting your scent straight back into his brain. "Why does everyone keep calling you 'madame'?" He manages to get out. He's not sure that was the question he meant to ask, but that's what came out. You sigh, pouting like you've been caught.
"Fine, I guess that cat's out of the bag." You shift your weight to jut out one hip. "I'm the owner of this place." Steve's brows shoot up. He wasn't expecting that. Maybe a manager or something, but the owner?
"You're the owner?" He repeats the question outside of his own mind. You let out a soft chuckle, grinning proudly.
"The one and only." After a few stunned seconds coming from Steve's end, you reach out for his hand again, stepping back and pulling him with you, leaving his now empty glass behind. You gently guide him away from the bar once more before turning to properly lead him to the dance floor.
Steve's mind floods with more follow-up questions and conversation starters, but there you go again, 'walking away' though with him in tow. His eyes find themselves glancing over your figure again. He wants to continue a conversation with you, to get to know you and all other secrets you're hiding, but as soon as you're away from the safe haven that is the bar, music overpowers all other noises on the dance floor.
You settle on a good spot for you and Steve, ample room for the both of you, but also a safe spot to be experimental, not really knowing if he has any dancing experience. The look you give him forcefully removes the air from his lungs. You start moving and flowing to the beat effortlessly, keeping your movements tame and fluid. Steve's eyes follow your hands as they run up your thighs, your hips, your waist, and eventually in the air.
At first, he's left there just watching you dance, but the show doesn't last too long before he feels your hands on his, pulling him close to follow your movements with his body. He slowly joins in with gentle swaying of his hips with yours, leaving his hands where you placed them, at the base of your waist. You allow your arms to move freely, the fabric of your sleeves flowing along with them. You throw your head back, allowing the music to take over.
The whining of your waist and gentle roll of your shoulders sparks electricity through Steve as he stares down at your body in all its glory. He can't stop the heat from rising within him.
Eventually, your eyes return to him and force his gaze to meet them. You give him a look before bringing your arms down gently to caress the sides of his neck and face. Steve couldn't pinpoint if it was the dancing, the alcohol, or you causing him to sweat so damn much.
You reach a hand up to run through the front of his hair, pushing his damp bangs out of the way. His eyes flutter to look down at your red lips, painfully watching the way they smirk. You tug on his hair, causing his head to get thrown back a bit. His eyes close, and his mouth falls open, and he has to fight the urge to moan at the feeling.
He continues to sway to the music with his eyes closed and head thrown back, just as you commanded, and as predicted, it had the exact effect you wanted. He gets lost in the music, lost in the moment.
Steve was instantly knocked into a state of bliss. He felt equally invincible and nonexistent. Nothing could hurt him. He was just here with you. Nothing else mattered. A weight was lifted off his shoulders that had been weighing down for so long he forgot it was even there. Now that it was gone, he felt weightless, like he would float away if you weren't there to ground him, if his grip on your hips loosened, if your hands on his neck left him. He was in pure euphoria.
Steve couldn't tell you how long you two stayed that way or how many songs passed, but suddenly, the tempo slowed, and the music quieted slightly. Your hands found their way to his cheeks, tilting his head down to no longer be thrown back. As soon as his head was facing forward, those pesky strands of hair flopped down again. Steve's eyes remained closed, so when you reached to run your hands through his hair again, the feeling of your fingers against his scalp felt like they were massaging directly against his brain. He felt lightheaded at the touch.
"What's your name?" Even through the ringing of his ears from the unknown stretch of loud music, your voice still flooded in as if you were speaking directly into his mind.
"Steve." He replies softly, not ready to leave his nirvana. You smile softly.
"Steve." You repeat. He was fine until you said his name. Now, he wasn't too sure how long before his legs gave out from beneath him. "Regrettably, the night is coming to an end." At this Steve's eyes open, though remaining half lid.
His eyes bore into yours, causing your soft smile to widen. You tilt your head as if trying to get a better look at his eyes beneath his eyelids. His eyes open up a bit wider at your small action. He looks away from you to let his eyes wander the room.
The dance floor has half the amount of people on it. The bartender is wiping down the bar top and glasses, and the two security guards are talking with the wispy haired girl towards the front doors. You move your hand higher on his cheek to grab his attention.
His eyes take in your face like it's the first and last thing he'd ever see. It causes your heart to warm. "Will I see you again, Steve?" Your voice melts through him. His lips part as he nods gently. His hazel eyes dance around your features with a small smile.
"I've never looked forward to anything more." Your soft laugh causes him to furrow his brows a little as he watches you.
"That was a good line." You approve. Steve scoffs, joining in with your soft laughs. He shakes his head, eyes bouncing around at nothing in particular before looking back to your eyes.
"It wasn't 'a line'." His eyes widen playfully as his grin widens, showing his teeth. "I mean it." His gaze goes from your eyes down to your lips. His head shakes again, hair bouncing as his small antic repeats itself. "You're quite honestly the most beautiful person I've ever seen, and I would really like to get to know you." You give him a genuine smile.
"You are quite the charmer, aren't you?" By now, it's only you and Steve left on the dance floor, the last stranglers leaving out the door, the music just loud enough to hear.
"Is it too much to ask for your number?" He raises his brows with a hopeful expression. You give him a big smile and drop your hands to grab his, leading him back over to the bar. You reach over the bartop to grab a napkin and a pen, writing down your phone number before slipping it into his breast pocket with a smile. Steve smirks, eyes dancing back and forth from your eyes to lips and back up.
A sharp whistle cuts through the venue, grabbing both yours and Steve's attention. The brutish, green eyed security guard waves her hand in a circle, signaling to 'wrap it up'. Steve turns back to you just in time to see your eyes roll in response. He bites back a smile, lifting an arm and offering his elbow. You loop your hand around his arm and begin walking with him to the door.
Just as you reach the entrance/exit, the three employees leave from their posts, heading to the bar to give you both some space. "You better give me a call, cool guy." You raise a brow, releasing his arm to turn and face him properly with your chin held high. He gives you one of the most charming smiles you've ever seen, resting his hands on his hips. His brows quirk up again.
"You better answer, gorgeous." You fight your flustered expression with much difficulty, ultimately failing. You roll your eyes to try and cover up your inability to hold eye contact with him right now. You shake your head, turning slightly back to the inside of the club. You look at him through the corner of your eyes. He raises another teasing brow, awaiting a response. A beat passes before you close the gap between you, lifting your hand to capture his face, dragging his face to yours and planting a kiss on his lips.
Steve's eyes nearly pop out of his head the second he feels your lips on his. His eyes just begin to blink closed as you slowly pull away from the short-lived kiss. Steve chases after you, not wanting the contact to end. He couldn't remember the last time he had been kissed. He didn't realize how touch starved he truly was until you graced him with your touch.
"Goodnight, pretty boy." Steve’s eyes open back up to find you've made your way back inside, hands holding open the doors as you bid him farewell. Steve’s mouth opens to say something, but nothing comes out, his eyes blown wide. All he can do is lift a hand to wave in response as you slowly close the doors.
"She sounds hot. Did you call her?" Robin asks, leaning over the counter with wide eyes. Steve scoffs with a sassy hand on his hip.
"Robin, I didn't get home until like 4am. I could just call her."
"Okay, well, that was Saturday. Today's Monday, and you still haven't called, dingus?!" She looks at him as if he's the biggest idiot in the world. He sputters a he tries to redeem himself.
"I'll call her today." Robin rolls her eyes, smacking her hand down on the stack of movies next to her before dragging them off the counter and into her hands.
"Whatever." She walks around the counter to get back to work. "It's the end of your shift. Clock out and give Morticia a call before I do." Steve's eyes follow her as she walks away until she rounds an isle and is no longer in view.
The entire drive home, Steve was racking through his brain thinking of different scenarios. "How was the rest of your weekend?... What's your favorite band?... How's owning a club like?" He talks to himself, practicing questions and answers. A part of him just wants to skip passed all the introductory questions and just get to the nitty gritty.
He craves to get to know you on a deeper level, on every level. He wants to share with you all his goals, all his fears. He wants to just spend more time with you. He yearns for your touch on his skin again, your hands on his neck, on his face, fingers in his hair, nails scratching his scalp, lips on his. He can't help but laugh at himself. He feels crazy. You've only met each other two days ago, and he's already aching for you.
He parks in the empty driveway, sighing. He's always been used to arriving to an empty home, but since graduation and his parent leaving him the house for his own, it has been even more lonely than before. He locks up the car and makes his way into the empty house. He hangs his keys on the hook by the door and makes a b-line to the phone.
Steve pulls out his wallet, taking out the folded up napkin he's been carrying around with him since Saturday. His heart races in his chest as he listens to the dialing, resting the phone between his cheek and his shoulder as he twirls the chord around his fingers. Just as he's about to give up and hang up with the phone, there's a distinct click of someone answering.
Hope you liked it, bestie☺️☺️😩 Not me making Steve a little hot and heavy in the club🥵
if it wasn't obvious, I'd do anything to run my hands through his hair 😩
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superfallingstars · 2 months
Hey! Wanted to send you another playlist ask prompt (if that's ok) ^^: Percy Weasley in his flat, trying not to think about his family. I'm genuinely wondering what he would listen to
send me playlist asks!
First off, you can basically always send playlist prompts, I’m fine with it, I have a ton of fun with these. It’s just a matter of whether I answer them in a few weeks, months, or years LOL
I confess, before receiving this ask, I had thought about Percy for maybe a grand total of 5 seconds, so suffice it to say that I had no idea what to do about this. However I recently (VERY recently) started rereading the series and I’m slowly remembering who tf he is lol. My playlists for the other Weasley kids all have a huge Britpop influence, so I decided to continue that (along with some other alternative 80s and 90s stuff) on Percy’s. Hopefully it comes across that he is a huge stuck-up nerd, but he is also just a young guy trying to find his place in the world, going through the difficult process of realizing that he's made a mistake, and admitting to himself and the people he hurt that he was wrong... I imagine it was a very humbling experience. Also wow there’s so many great songs about moving on and starting a new life and I don’t think about you at all anymore so idk why you’re even sending me a sweater MOM. Basically I'm quite proud of the lyrics on this one (part of why it took me 10000 years to answer) – so let's get into it
Track list:
Blur - There’s No Other Way: starting off strong with some early Blur. Tbh I don’t really know what this song is about but I enjoy that it starts out with “You’re taking the fun out of everything.” Soooo true Percy you killjoy
The Wedding Present - Box Elder: Great song about leaving (specifically a relationship – unfortunately most great songs about moving on are about relationships, but whatever)! “I’ve got a lot of things to do / A lot of places to go / I’ve got a lot of good things coming my way / And I’m afraid to say that you’re not one of them.” Yeowch!
Lloyd Cole and the Commotions - Are You Ready To Be Heartbroken?: I adore this song in all its 80s glory! The meaning is a bit ambiguous but imo it’s about being an opinionated, idealistic, pretentious young person (“Making your friends feel so guilty about their cynicism”) who doesn’t realize real life is going to – well – break their heart.
The Smiths - London: I just heard this song for the first time two days ago and omg it's perfect. Like it’s literally about leaving your friends and family behind to go move to London and work in the big city. Percy would 10000% listen to this (and uncritically agree that the only reason his family is mad at him is because they’re jealous of his success and his big boy job at the Ministry)
Ned’s Atomic Dustbin - Selfish: from what I can tell, this song is about being an insecure loser so you get all stuck-up and mean about it. "If I don't know what's cool / Will you call me a loser?" ... “I hope your head's aching from having too much fun” ... “The selfish gene in me / Has finally come into being / He’s teaching me how to be mean / But that’s a sorry sorry state to be in” ..Rather fitting, isn’t it?
The Wedding Present - Getting Nowhere Fast: read an article about this song (the original song, this is a cover) that described it as “the feeling that your failing life isn’t what you signed up for” and honestly I can’t describe it any better than that
Blur - Birthday: this song is about spending your birthday alone and feeling really weird and bad about it. Which is something I hadn’t even considered could have happened to Percy but now I 1000% believe that it did
New Order - Weirdo: These lyrics man. “It’s a life that’s made for me / Where I can be completely free / So long as I obey this sound / That echoes all around” Lollll
Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms: This song is a little dated for Percy’s time, but I quite like putting 80s stuff on here because I think older music adds to Percy's supposed maturity as well as making him seem accurately uncool. And “We’re fools to make war on our brothers in arms” wow sooooo true
The Verve - Neon Wilderness: truly captures the vibes of being a lonely young person living on your own in the big city. I can vividly picture Percy listening to this alone in his flat and slowly realizing what a sad and solitary life he has created for himself…
Pavement - Stop Breathing: THE REALIZATION. This song is technically about a soldier dealing with the emotional toll of war but it works fantastically well for this playlist (the guilt of realizing you were wrong, that you truly hurt others, and that your whole belief system was massively flawed). “Write it on a postcard / Dad they broke me / Dad they broke me.” Ummmmm screaming crying throwing up
The Rentals - It’s Time to Come Home: It really is.
WOWWW this one was so fun! It was a challenge to create a playlist for a character I’m not super familiar with, but honestly that was probably the most fun part about it! It’s so rewarding when you spend some time thinking about a character you (initially) feel neutral towards and force yourself to really consider their motivations and relate to them – I like Percy a lot more now LOL. Thank you so much for the ask!
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person4924 · 1 year
new about me
my name is sam !! thats basically all u need to know but theres (a lot) more under the cut!! i also have a strawpage that has some basic info (idrk how it works if im being honest tho)
last updated: august 5
i’m sapphic of some sort and ace
u can use any pronouns but they is usually the best !! (this is my pronouns page)
i’m neurodivergent of some sort (i don’t even know anymore)
a minor (don’t be weird)
my personality type is INFP-T
my theme will change like weekly prob bc i wanna change it with every new huperfxation i have!!
things i like (the things bolder r what i talk about the most)
harry potter (fuck jkr)
the marauders
boy meets world
paper girls
teen wolf
owl house
stranger things
andi mack
the last of us (i’ve only watched the show tho, but i know most of what happens in the games)
fictional characters
tv shows
brooklyn nine nine
new girl
stand up comedians
ocean animals (specifically sharks)
moths (and just kinda winged bugs in general)
greek mythology
dawsons creek
bojack horseman
the sky (like stars, the moon, the sunset, etc)
jelly fish
criminal minds
ted lasso
scooby doo (the older movies from the 2000’s ish specifically but all of it too)
everything sucks!
the sun bearer trials
spencer reid
bo burnham
dead boy detectives
will and grace
90’s movies
my fav movies are tick tick boom, my girl, dead poets society, breakfast club, the outsiders, hamilton, stand by me, cmbyn, lady bird, beautiful boy, luca, nimona, (500) days of summer, empire records, etc. i have a lot but this is just the first few i think of
musicals i like are hamilton, tick tick boom and the greatest showman
my fav taylor albums are folklore, evermore, reputation, 1989, ttpd and speak now but i love all of them really (please please ask me abt them omg)
my current hyper fixation is the marauders (more of a life-long obsession atp) and solangelo
i’m currently reading nothing !! i just cannot
my fav music people (i’m really just giving a short list of many): conan gray, cavetown, current joys, queen, rainbow kitten surprise, the front bottoms, harry styles, noah kahan, taylor swift, phoebe bridgers, the fray, coldplay, olivia rodrigo, billie eilish, boygenius, gracie abrams, sufjan stevens, maya hawke, the smiths, lucy dacus, julien baker, the smiths, sleeping at last, mitski, bo burnham, chappell roan, lorde, the revivalists, hozier, the head and the heart, mumford and sons, the revivalists, adrianne lender
i mostly post about whatever hyperfixation and/or character/person/ship has overtaken my brain, music and analysis things
i appreciate tone tags and i try to use them as much as possible
i’m always looking to talk to more people and i’m always bored (don’t be weird istg)
my fav books are any alice oseman book, the outsiders, the perks of being a wallflower, i fell in love with hope
child of athena (i think, idk how to actually figure it out)
i’m probably a reggie kin?? but it also changes with my varying mental state so i just say i’m marauders soup
biggest pandalily shipper you’ll find
i love love love making character analysis’ or song or movie or tv show or books or ships or whatever
i also write sometimes!! (i suck ass)
and i’m person4924 on ao3 but i can’t figure out how to link it
this is my spotify (my character playlists are my pride and joy and reason for living. i also have the best music taste you will ever encounter.)
this is my discord
this is my airbuds idk if anyone actually uses it but i thought it’d be fun to share music with mooties
please please please send me asks i have no hobbies and one friend and im always bored please please please (im on my hands and knees begging please please please (@iluvmultipleppl needs it to be known im only on my knees for them /j (they called me a whore and told me to fix it 😔)))
i have a tagging system!! idk how much ill remember to use it but yeah!! (its also new so only my new posts will have them) #sam shut the fuck up -> any original posts that don’t fit in any of the other tags #asks!!! -> asks #crazy? i was crazy once -> just any kinda longer fandom rants that i think are important sam sings :O -> lyric/music rants!!
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911-on-abc · 7 months
9 questions to get to know me better!
tagged by @jesuisici33 <3 <3 <3
last song: Spotify - Love Potion Number 9 by The Clovers iTunes - a bunch of music my dad produced in the 90s that I FINALLY convinced him to send me the digital files of
favorite color: forest green
last film/show: I genuinely have no idea. Mad Max Fury Road and 9-1-1????
sweet/savory/spicy: SOUR!!
last thing i googled: the population of a city
last book: currently making my way through 'The Executive Office' series by Tal Bauer (again!! highly recommend!!)
relationship status: single :/
current obsessions: OH BUDDY. Buckle the fuck up. Currently, it's historical Southwestern fashion. I'm super curious about what styles and clothing we associate with 'Western wear' were actually worn by the people who lived in the 'Wild West' and what originates from media and advertisements depicting that region and its communities. Also, trains played a big part in the settler colonialism of the Western United States. Many of these communities got their goods, and therefore clothing, from mail-order catalogs so advertisements would have influenced the people of that time. Indigenous fashion and early Hispanic settler colonial communities also contributed to the development of Western wear, so considering that is important too. so yeah. idk I just think that fashion tells you a lot about society and people and it's very interesting to me.
I'm also obsessed with 9-1-1 asdfghjkl
Tagging: @exhuastedpigeon @watchyourbuck @loserdiaz @thewolvesof1998 @cal-daisies-and-briars @pirrusstuff @rainbow-nerdss @pansysgothgf @slycopersicum-in-disguise @wildlife4life @wikiangela @daffi-990 @theotherbuckley @your-catfish-friend @spagheddiediaz
it's been a while since I've done one of these and I'm def missing some mutuals but if you see this hi!!! consider urself tagged too!!!
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blurglesmurfklaine · 3 months
Copying the one you sent Finn: tell me about someone you went to school with that you did not like!
This is so hard to do bc I hated so many people I went to college with not trying to be a negative Nancy or anything but I stg Kingsville was a CESSPOOL for the shittiest people I’ve ever met (and honestly some of the best!)
This is gonna be long and I might put it under the read more. But I went to middle school, high school and college with this person. She was a year above me and with me in choir and was actually an incredibly mean person in middle school?? Like actively bullied me??? Tried to make plans in front of me with my friends and pointedly didn’t invite me, called me annoying, etc. But then in high school she seemed to chill out a bit and we became incredibly close. Because I’m an idiot.
Flash forward and we’re in college together. We’re both music education majors with a voice concentration. Both in the same fraternity and I have faith in her as a human being at this point because I’m young and again pretty stupid.
Strike One
Amidst Fraternity Drama, she is our VMP and in charge of recruitment events (I want to add, I had this job the next year and admittedly was not very good at it but I think she was worse). We’d gotten nominations for exec board earlier that day. @jlmjlmjlm (who is currently my irl bestie) and I had both been nominated for president, but Cassie (the person in question) was not because she was… so bad at her job as VPM.
I arrive to this event and Cassie is lying on the couch, not helping set up, not communicating and not delegating anything and basically having a tantrum over not being nominated when this thing starts in like??? 90 mins??? So I try to rally her ass but that’s a no go, so I start trying to help out and get things running and it’s not perfect but like I did my best with what I got yk? the event runs fine but I’m so overwhelmed with taking on this extra load that I say “I don’t feel well” to J (bestie) and then proceed to go out into the hallway and have my first ever panic attack which was half my fault for biting off more than I could chew but the fraternity was really important to me at the time so
Strike Two
Flash forward a year. I am now VMP of the frat. Which means I’m in charge of giving membership classes once a week for our members in training. I’m going to be in Oklahoma City during one of our scheduled classes to sing with the SWACDA Collegiate Honor Choir and I think “Hey, Cassie’s given this class before I can trust her to teach one class while I’m gone” WRONG
I’m off gallivanting in OKC and text her to remind her and check in and Cassie says she was a little late but she every thing was fine!
I get back to Kingsville and find out FROM MY LITTLE that she and another sister were at the class at the time Cassie was supposed to be teaching it. And Cassie didn’t show up until the last like five minutes so they had to run the class.
Strike Three
As stated above, I’m kind of an idiot. Sometimes bad things happen to me and they’re truthfully my fault because I have zero self preservation skills.
Anyway. Long story short a mutual friend of Cassie and I (who was also @jlmjlmjlm ‘s roommate at the time. I was staying over at their place pretty much all the time bc I was having issues with my roommates) named Kat snuck into my purse in the middle of the night and stole my card, put it in her Apple Pay, and used it to buy Christmas gifts for our squad, send her sister money, and pay rent. twice.
When my best friend and i found out, we told her apartment complex that this roommate had paid rent with stolen money so that we could get her evicted bc truthfully all I wanted was for that bitch to LEAVE the school. I couldn’t enjoy choir bc she was there and felt so sick because before this Kat was a very good friend of mine id known for years (also went to the same high school as Cassie and I)
Then to find out that when Kat WAS evicted, Cassie told her “That’s okay you can just stay with me.” Knowing full well what Kat had done. So that was kind of the last straw for our friendship. But generally she was also the kind of person to blame every single thing on her “mental health” when in reality… she was just sort of a shitty person. I don’t know what Cassie is up to now, but I do know that Kat failed out of college and went back to our home town so
Anyway that’s probably the person I hate the most from school thanks for coming to my ted talk
Honesty Hour!
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wav3y-zzz · 1 year
Didn't realise I'd have to state the obvious over here in the cool kidz club, but if you are a pedo nonce proshipper, GET UP OUT OF HERE!!!!🤢🤮 NO LANKY NONCES ON MY ACCOUNT EWWWWWWWW YUCKY!!!!!!!! THOU HAST BEEN WARNED!!!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫
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If you a proshipper like actually just piss off, I can't be bothered ✋️🙄
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Anyway intro post time ig!!!!! Sorry NOT SORRY about allat at the top, just want to make it clear I don't want any creeps on my account.
The names Wav3y! I don't really mind what people call me, but yk Wav3y is I and I is Wav3y, calling me anything else would just be kinda strange yk 😋
He/him pronouns maybe?? Again I don't really care
Fairly standard dni criteria, proshippers or any of the other variants, racists, homophobes ect. Also dni if you're just like unfunny I don't want among us jokes up in here, I already have to deal with unfunny people in my day to day life I don't wanna have to deal with them online too
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I like to do ART in case you haven't noticed, but I also like other things, like music. 90s and early 00s music if we're being specific, im really into Talkshow boy mostly, but there are a ton of other things i listen to,,,,,old music kicks ass yall just dont get it. Also, i mostly collect fnaf merch and monster high dolls in case you wanted to know how insufferable i am!🤑
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I LIKE OTHER THINGS ALSO!!!!👍 HISTORY I LOVE HISTORY AND HISTORY RELATED THINGS,,,,, like clone high and horrible histories! Mathew Baynton my beloved.. I'm the biggest FNAF fan I've been into the games for years, it's pretty much one of the only things I've liked consistently for years. I like the games, the books and OMG THE MOVIE NOW which feels so crazy to say after all this time. I of course like other games, I like cookie run ovenbreak (not kingdom) and also undertale (I ❤️ METTATON). And ya, I DO LIKE GOTHIC LIT, i especially like when the book is about mad science (yes i do know everything there is to know about jekyll and hyde).In case you couldn't tell I do get weirdly obsessed with random fictional characters, must be the autism..
I've got a couple of other socials, like tiktok and Instagram, but I ain't really all that active on them, JUST STAY HERE ON TUMBLR YOU GUYS! (no but like actually do follow me on tiktok or whatever)
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(Anyways feel free to ask me random stuff, send drawing requests idc go crazy)
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anasamericana · 9 months
🦷 🧸 about me ! 🏛️ 🐚
🤍 15 y/o (soon-to-be high school sophomore)
🤍 united states (central standard time)
🤍 5’7 (~170 cm)
🤍 120 lbs (54.4 kg)
🤍 bmi 18.8
🤍 sw: 125 lbs (56.7 kg) — bmi 19.6
🤍 cw: 120 lbs (54.4 kg) — bmi 18.8
🤍 cgw: 115 lbs (52.2 kg) — bmi 18.0
🤍 ugw: 90 lbs (40.8 kg) — bmi 14.1
the ugw miiight be too low… we’ll see how i look as i lose weight and it may change
fun facts !
🤍 i play guitar
🤍 i loooove diet coke
🤍 my music taste is kinda all over the place but i’ve been into big thief (and adrienne lenker in general), alex g, phoebe bridgers, and billie eilish lately!
🤍 i love brandy melville
🤍 summer is my favorite season
i would love to be moots/ana buddies! send me a message :)
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thelediz · 5 months
Sonic Underground Episode 20: When in Rome
I’m watching Sonic Underground in search of inspiration to finish a fic I’ve been writing forever. It’s a sad state of affairs. See the recap of the first three episodes here, if you're interested!
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The plot (for want of a better word): The Oracle of Delphius sends the triplets to another world under the control of an evil Roman emperor. But this time, the Sonic Underground has to save the day without their powers! Can they find their inner strength to save this other world, and learn something about themselves while they’re at it?
Not gonna lie, I mostly picked the image above because it embodies my general feeling about this episode, unfortunately. Manic speaks to my soul.
So this episode does not open with Aleena’s voice over, and does remind us that as much as they complain, Sonia and Manic do kind of expect Sonic to handle everything in an emergency because they’re not only insisting he get them through a ‘forty-foot' thick door, but also run them away from the bad guys when they’re surrounded. This is all fine in the moment, but it does make me raise my eyebrow when they complain about him in other episodes.
Apparently this is the third mission that’s failed recently. It leads to Sonic having a well-deserved vent session about how they’re not getting anywhere. Sonia, who is apparently the optimistic one this episode, suggests they go see the Oracle.
The omniscient oracle doesn’t know why they’re here though. I don’t actually mind the Oracle, mostly because I think he’s screwing around with everyone for funsies and/or fate, but you do have to roll your eyes at him.
The triplets rightfully ask him to, you know, help out. He offers to share some of his knowledge if they go help some people in another world. He does not tell them they have to do this without their medallions.
NOW. Here’s the thing about this episode. They leave their medallions behind, sure, but they also lose all their powers, including Sonic’s speed, which has never before and will never again be implied to have anything to do with his medallion. I make too much of this in my head. In universe, we just accept and move on.
Manic is in the new world for less than a minute before he runs afoul of this world’s Dingo and gets himself arrested. He does it for heroic reasons, but still.
Sonia also manages about the same amount of time (in her defence, she got dropped in the middle of the highly restricted palace), but this is also where we discover the triplets have lost their powers because Sonia can’t defend herself (Manic never can, remember, so his capture is less shocking).
Meanwhile, Sonic is on the outskirts of the city, and trips over himself when he tries to run. Because apparently his actual power is coordination, not speed. But the point is that he can’t get away when he’s approached and is asked for papers. So they’re all immediately captured.
The Song: Where there’s a will (there’s a way), which is just so ridiculously 90s, with the rap, and the funky ‘whoa’ and the bass, and the appropriate music video cuts and camera angles and yep. Yep, it’s… circa ’93, if I had to place it.
 And we meet this episode’s version of Sleet, who is some kind of Caligula or Roman Prince John or something, who knows what they’re actually going for. The point is he’s all for raising taxes and anti-music and who knows what else. The world building is not great this episode.
As punishment for playing music, Sonic is sent to serve as a gladiator who were the first celebrities, Manic is made a jester which was actually quite a high station and Sonia is made the emperor’s hand maiden which was a role only filled by minor nobles in medieval society and has always been a high serving role. This allows them to use all their personal skills to escape. Which are, in order, Sonic’s silver tongue (by teaching the guy threatening him how to pick up girls), Manic’s sleight of hand, and Sonia’s (irrational) political savvy.
Side note, Sonic, you have not shown any romantic or sexual interest in this entire series and you never will, do not pretend like you are good at picking up. You aren’t. Girls like you because you are sweet and comforting, guys become obsessed with you because you’re heroic and have a nice smile. It is NOTHING to do with you being slick.
Manic, on the other hand, really likes this world’s princess Lydia. This will not be a thing, it’s just a blink-and-you-miss it Manic-has-feelings reminder while we introduce this world’s real imperial family.
So while Sonic’s trying to teach the gladiator centaur-minotaur-thing swag, Sonia and Manic have been thrown to the lions. With spears. One could make too much of this. Sonia is not concerned, however, because she’s convinced that if the crowd that have come to watch her die a gory death via lions will see their rightful ruler, they will rebel. Because divine right or something. The world building is not great in this episode.
After some implication that his ability to pick any kind of lock is part of his medallion’s power (yes I make too much of this), Manic gets them out of the lion pit, they meet up with Sonic and the centaur-minotaur-thing, and they run to save Lydia’s father.
For some reason, Sonia’s divine right theory is proven correct. And the centaur-minotaur-thing is actually the Oracle of Delphius in disguise, and declares them announcing the emperor’s return as the right outcome. He returns their magic, and Sonia immediately uses it to get rid of emperor Sleet.
We end on a new prophecy: “You will rejoin Queen Aleena and become the Council of Four: destined to defeat Robotnik, if you are true to yourselves and your powers. And if your hearts never lose faith.” And an image of a multi-tiered… building... thing… that will supposedly be a sign of where they need to go.
I give the whole episode some serious side-eye, because this was clearly supposed to be An Important Episode, narratively (and it’s even the half-way point!), but it… mostly was a mess.
So appropriate to the Trashfire then!
Okay, so… I don’t like the idea of rewriting things to improve them, but I’ll give you a quick rundown of how I think the same story could have been told more effectively. The point was that the triplets aren’t the rightful rulers because they have magic medallions, it’s because they have inner abilities that make them good leaders. And granted, when you have three main characters, that is very difficult to SHOW in 20 minutes, let alone with 90 seconds spent on a musical number. But still. Let’s outline the things that actually make them good royalty:
Sonic (underneath his impatience and attitude) is heroic and kind
Sonia is politically and business savvy
Manic… has not actually shown any good leadership traits in the series so far, but he’s implied to be the most emotional, honest, and caring of the three.
So in theory, these should have been the things highlighted in this episode through an act of self-sacrifice by Sonic, some emotional connection with people by Manic, and some manipulation of Sleet by Sonia. Lydia could have been trapped in the dungeon with them, Manic could have sung her a song about not giving up hope. The centaur-thing could have been in the dungeon and Sonic could have told everyone to run while he fends off certain death alone. Sonia could have demanded to speak to Sleet and found some legal loophole that meant he never should have become emperor, or that Sleet had used underhanded means to dethrone the old one, or some actual and legitimate reason for the people to stop backing him.
As it was, it was just a weird sort of… ‘yeah, you’re going to get the throne back because you’re supposed to be the ruling class’ thing and it’s… it’s weird. Awkward and weird and…
Anyway. Anyway… we move on.
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nomsfaultau · 1 year
SBI Whumptober prompt 3) Dehumanization and 26) Shock (but only as a pun)
Disclaimer: this blurb is set in the SCP SBI AU I have called Fault, specifically prior to Part 1. Explanation of AU; tldr. 
[Exposure to object: ████’s voice may result in physical harm to ear drums. In extreme cases, it causes severe psychological distress that necessitates the termination of Foundation personnel. The objective of this treatment is to reduce the lives and sanities lost containing this anomaly, as its escape would cause countless casualties. 
As it is dangerous to check the content of auditory recordings, success will be measured based on the audio level in room 15021. Report attached below. For further information contact the archives division, but proceed with caution. 
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(Legend: 60 dB is normal speaking range; 90 dB is a human scream; at 150 dB ear drums rupture.) 
Treatment introduced at 8:57 AM. No injuries were sustained. Post 9:23, object ████ did not produce volume above that of the 30 dB threshold. Treatment was suspended to permit sustenance intake. Early results are promising.]
— — —
The calming song he’d been humming pooled into the air. Velvety low notes, meaningless lyrics. Wilbur found it soothing. For all that he’d grown up with nothing to his name, music was always his if only because no one could rip it out of his hands like they did everything else. A small rebellion, but it was Wilbur’s, and it was a well-honed act of honey-sweet spite. 
It was a song to forever remain unfinished as footsteps echoed closer. A faint sound, but his gut was well-tuned to it by now. He backed away from the entrance as employees poured into his cell. “Stay still and make this easy or you’ll wish you had, ████.” 
Wilbur bristled at the moniker. “My name is Wilbur,” he snarled, jaw ripping apart into a horrendous, seething mass of teeth. He refused to let them steal his name, too. He wasn’t an object, or an it. For all that the Foundation refused to admit it, Wilbur was a person. 
“Unless you’d like to be tased again, cease the threat display.” The voice was bored for all the fear their words stabbed in Wilbur’s guts. Scowling, he wrenched his jaw back into place, shoving the mandibles to proper alignment with the rest of his skull. 
“So what’s up? Want to stab more needles in? Or, oo, you’re going to send more criminals in to see what happens? You humans really are eager to sacrifice your own,” he said conversationally even as he retreated from the sprawl of guards. Hands seemed to grab him from every direction and Wilbur just had to grit his teeth and bear it. “Come on fellas, there’s really enough of me for everyone, no need to get handsy-” He was scruffed, head shoved down. He suppressed the instinct to rip every one of them to shreds. Unfortunately, by now Wilbur was incredibly familiar with just how extreme Foundation punishments were, and he wasn’t eager to taste them. He’d been behaving, even, which was a tall order for him. All he’d been doing for days now was lay in his cell and hum stupid little songs to himself. Not jeopardizing people or devouring the world whole or anything! It made everything inside him howl, but even Wilbur could learn to submit to authority if the repercussions were extreme enough. 
So when they ordered him to shut up, Wilbur did, even if he had to bite his tongue to manage. Something snapped shut around his throat and he managed to make zero (0) snarky remarks. Phil would be proud. 
Almost immediately, the employees fled. Huh. That was a weirdly short experiment. Wilbur sighed in relief. Eventually, he prodded curiously at the thing around his neck. It was oddly bulky, tight enough to make him conscious of his pulse. What the hell?
“What th—!?!” the world dissolved into pure agony. A horrific scream tore from his throat as electricity poured through it.
— — —
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Legend: Asterix indicates when treatment was applied. Shaded areas average periods where object: ████ was in an inactive state and treatment was deactivated. 
Day 1 offers a baseline for audio levels prior to treatment.
Treatment was introduced Day 2. 
Day 2: Volume spike at 21:41. If object: ████ is presumed to have a REM cycle akin to that of a human’s, it is hypothesized the initial increase in decibels was the result of a nightmare. This was an irregularity not accounted for when planning the procedure and thereafter was rectified by discontinuing treatment applications when it slept. 
Object: ████ is not given an artificial night block for obvious reasons and has an irregular sleep schedule. It tends to sleep whenever it collapses from exhaustion. Post 22:00 it was monitored for consciousness.
Day 3: At 3:20 AM it screamed in its sleep again. It did not immediately resume sleeping, instead staying up and continuing to produce sounds. Researcher █████ ███████ bravely volunteered to check the audio in case it was a security risk. Fortunately, researcher █████ ███████ was unharmed and reported it was mimicking vocal sounds ranging from soft humming to crying. It would not cease. At 4:10 treatment was applied to disincentivize exploiting the choice to leave the treatment device inactive during periods of unconsciousness. 
Conclusion: Object: ████ self-regulates volume to levels below 30 dB threshold, which drastically reduces the chance of harm for personnel. 
This Special Containment Procedure has been deemed a success.]
— — —
Wilbur rubbed his aching throat. It hurt, but it felt good to have the shock collar off his neck. Unfortunately, he reckoned the respite would only last the duration of the coming visit with Philza.
The Foundation hated the visits for their security risk. But the threat to humanity was far greater if Philza went unchained, and so they lured him in with promised glimpses of his stolen children. Wilbur hated to be a pawn, but there was nothing any of them could do. Still, he was grateful for the visits. He wouldn’t have lasted this long without them. 
He needed this to be normal. Jokes and quips and jabs and everything he needed to say before his voice was locked up again. Wilbur smiled brightly the moment the door opened and revealed Philza. 
And yet one look and concern spooled in his features. “Are you okay?” 
Yes. But the word never fell from his tongue. It should’ve been an easy lie, but Wilbur’s throat constricted, expecting punishment. Panic set in, this was supposed to be the one time Wilbur was safe and yet he couldn’t speak. His fingers jolted to his throat as if anticipating a shock simply for thinking of trying. 
Philza surged forward, wrapping him in a warm hug. “Hey, hey, I got you. What happened?” Wilbur tried to force out an answer, choking on it. Nothing came out. He tried over and over to speak only for his vocal cords to lock on him. It grew tight to the point of pain as his distress spiked. Philza ran a comforting hand down his back even as Wilbur clawed into him desperately. “You don’t have to tell me, that’s perfectly alright mate. Here, I saved some extra food for you…” 
He curled up with Philza the rest of the visit, sheltered in his arms. It was the closest he’d had to anything resembling safety in weeks. Philza’s heartbeat thumped comfortably from where Wilbur rested on his chest. Quiet, not loud enough to risk a shock. That was safe then. A low, sweet rumble began to vibrate in Philza’s chest, an ancient lullaby spilling over its gentle aegis. 
Wilbur shoved Philza away, terrified the current pouring through his body would be shared. It took a beat to realize there was no voltage forthcoming. Phantom electricity trickled down his spine, but it was all in his head. 
The lullaby stilled on Philza’s tongue. How often had Wilbur heard it as a child, the familiar tune used to lure him to peaceful slumber. It felt like a betrayal that a song that had soothed him so many times before now kindled only fear. Wilbur swallowed roughly, unable to look at Philza. 
“Sorry,” Philza murmured, confused. “I can be quiet?” 
Wilbur shook his head. He didn’t want the Foundation to win like this. Wilbur buried himself in Philza’s embrace, shoving the panic down and forcing himself to feel safe. Claws stroked through his tangled hair, lyrics half tumbled into gentle assurances. Slowly, the vice on his throat eased. Tentatively, he joined the song, so quiet it hurt. His throat ached from all the abuse poured into it, hoarse from disuse. Too far above the echo of a whisper and the fear returned, seizing his voice once more. Still, it got a little easier as the hour spent itself. 
But then the visit was over, and the panic spiked, knowing this might be the last chance he got to speak for the rest of the month. Wilbur pressed his mouth to Philza’s cheek in a parody of a farewell kiss. His words came out ragged and husky and so, so scared.
“I can’t do this anymore, Dad.”
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opossumanon · 3 months
Me :3
Hello!!! On most of my blogs I'd share my name cuz it's common but this is my secret blog so putting my name on here could help some people find it, which wouldn't be the end of the world ig but then it wouldn't be a secret blog anymore, so yall can just call me Opossum Anon, Opossum, Possum, etc. Literally whatever the fuck works go for it I don't care.
My pronouns are mainly He/They. I'm iffy on she cuz 90% of the time I hate when it's used on me but the other 10% of the time it actually feels kinda neat. Not sure what that's about.
I've been out (as trans) for nearly 5 years now, and I spent most of that time identifying as a binary trans man. It's only recently (at the time of this post) that I've realized that I'm actually a fagdyke: A faggot and a dyke, a gay man and a lesbian, a butch and a twink, all at the same time. I still feel attachment to the label of trans man, but not in a binary way like before. If you have some questions about this feel free to send me asks and I'll try to explain it because I like teaching people things. If you're personally upset by how I identify for some reason then I suggest using the block button now.
Other things about me:
I may be punk???? I like some punk music, mainly queercore. Some artists I like include X-Ray Spex, Tribe 8, and The Oozes. Please don't quiz me on these bands I haven't listened to all their songs yet and I don't get nosy about the lives of the artists I like. I also believe in stuff like community, abolishing the police, getting rid of billionaires, hating bigots because I love minorities over loving minorities because I hate bigots, capitalism is a system which rewards selfishness and directly opposes creativity, housing and food are rights that EVERYONE deserves, death penalty does more harm than good, etc.
I'm autistic and have adhd. I yap about it a lot.
I'm aroacepec!!! It's neat :> (I also yap about this)
"Contradictory" labels are fun and define queerness, yall rule enforcers are just weird and trying to replicate heteronormativity but with a rainbow slapped on top of it
Queer isn't a slur. I also say fag(got), dyke, and tranny sometimes cuz I believe that anyone in the queer community can use them because we're unique in that a faggot can be mistaken for a dyke, a dyke can be mistaken for a faggot, both can be mistaken as trannies, and a tranny can be mistaken for either one.
Minding your own business is such a healthy and happy mindset to have, it's definitely one of the reasons my depression is cured and my skin is clear, highly recommend it.
I live in the Southwestern United States and I like to drive through my home city while listening to my cd collection in my 10-year-old car.
No sending nsfw stuff to me please! Me liking a post about nsfw topics =/= Me flirting with you
Bigots go away
Just don't be a dick in general I guess?
My tagging system (Not that I remember to use it very much):
"insert thumbs up emoji" - I am not a part of this group and I don't have anything to say and/or the op doesn't want me to say anything so I'm giving a vague and quiet show of support with my reblog
"putting you on blast" - Has nothing to do with me whatsoever but I think it's neat (Usually used for pictures and drawings and stuff)
"my life is your problem now" - Personal stuff
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racmune · 11 months
heyyyy im racmune, i use he/him pronouns. i draw a lot and write fic sometimes! im a weird n i post whatevers :P
my inbox is always open n im pretty friendly, if you wanna send in an ask u dont gotta be shy!
art commissions: CLOSED (subject to change)
dni, excluding what should be obvious: support israel, te(rf), swerf, truscum, exclusionist, etc
i also block very liberally, if you dont fit this criteria n ive blocked you it aint personal
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more about me
current hyperfixations: scoutpauling, tf2 :3333
likes include but not limited to: music, anime, fanfiction, video games, chattin w/ buds, sleeping, computers n web design, ftm history, early 2000s aes, n gothic romance
dislikes include but not limited to: rude people, intense unfamiliar tastes n textures ..... uhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk what else tbh
@gnu-metal - 90s-00s internet/computers (etc) aesthetic. for the gender.. AND THE AUTISM.
tag list :P
blacklistable tags
#body horror
#flashing lights
#liminal spaces
#fnaf movie - for spoilers
#spto - scott pilgrim anime spoilers
#deadlock - deadlock leaks
personal tags i guess?
#queue - my queue tag, mehh ill make it a pun at some point
#fave - fave posts tag
#favefavefave - super/ult fave posts tag
#andy rambles - my text post tag
#ask - ask tag
#anon - anon tag (non-anons are tagged by username but tooo many to list here)
#tagged/sent - posts sent to me via dm or that ive been tagged in :3
#racmune art - my art tag
#racmune fics - my fic tag
#commissions - art commissions ive done and posts relating to my commissions
#clips - tag for game clips
#scoutposting - my scout tag :3c
#mongusposting - mongus tag
#friend art - art made by friendsss
#trans scout - tag for scout being trans (i dont use this tag as much anymore)
#ftm stuff - tag for ftm related stuff :P history, art, etc
#rule 63 - genderbend tag
#art inspo - tag 4 my art inspiration
#later - tag 4 posts i want to come back to
#gif - gif tag
#gifset - tag 4 posts with more than one gif... this is not what a gifset is but its what ive been using this tag for oops
#stim - stim tag
#mecore - stuff that is genderful.... "MEEEEE"
#important - important posts (i dont use this as much anymore either)
#bangers - posts w over 100 notes :p
#1k - posts w over 1k notes
#2k - posts w over 2k notes
old dtiys
fandoms/stuff im into
#the scratched universe
#nope 2022
#rope 1948
#emesis blue
#lil pootis
#uramichi oniisan
#danshi koukousei no nichijou
#cool doji danshi
#john k samson
#mf doom
#king missile
#re - resident evil
#mlb - miraculous ladybug
#tadc - the amazing digital circus
#paradigm game
#brokeback mountain
#i love you phillip morris
#dog day afternoon
#romeos 2011
#wild zero
#half life
#deus ex
#the boondocks
#hi-fi rush
#legend of zelda
#disco elysium
#scott pilgrim
#brba - breaking bad
#death note
#delta state
#rtvs - radio tv solutions
#eftf2 - escape from tf2
#bully game
#dungeon meshi
#sally face
#emh - everymanhybrid
#thief and the cobbler
#csm - chainsaw man
#gay shame
ship tags
#scoutpauling - scout x miss pauling
#heavymedic - heavy x medic
#freedom fries - soldier x spy
#boots n bombs - soldier x demoman
#scoutcest - scout x scout
#flash fire - scout x pyro
#hop scotch - scout x demoman
#heavyscout - heavy x scout
#pyrosoldier - pyro x soldier
#soldierheavy - soldier x heavy
#helmet party - soldier x engineer
#fruit scones - soldier x medic
#american aviators - soldier x sniper
#soldierpauling - soldier x miss pauling
#demopyro - demoman x pyro
#texas toast - engineer x pyro
#pyropauling - pyro x miss pauling
#burn ward - pyro x medic
#bushfire - sniper x pyro
#pyrospy - pyro x spy
#demoheavy - demoman x heavy
#demoengie - demoman x engineer
#jagerbombs - medic x demoman
#sword van - demoman x sniper
#bomb voyage - demoman x spy
#engieheavy - engineer x heavy
#spoovy - spy x heavy
#science party - medic x engineer
#sniperpauling - sniper x miss pauling
#trucks n vans - engineer x sniper
#bushmed - sniper x medic
#napoleon complex - engineer x spy
#medispy - medic x spy
#adminhale - administrator x saxton hale
#zhannascout - zhanna x scout
#soldierzhanna - soldier x zhanna
#scoutmaspy - scouts ma x spy
#zhannapauling - zhanna x miss pauling
#adminsniper - administrator x sniper
#zhannascoutpauling - zhanna x scout x miss pauling
#tf2 deep fried desire - scout x fried chicken lady
#tf2 lady and the tramp - miss pauling x fried chicken lady
#swing and a missfire - scout x miss pauling x pyro
#engiedemoheavy - engineer x demoman x heavy
#soldierdemozhanna - soldier x demoman x zhanna
#masked mechanic - fixer x jumpsuit (the scratched universe)
#fruit punch - foster x p.rick (the scratched universe)
#purplephone - purple guy x phone guy (fnaf)
#scollace - scott x wallace (scott pilgrim)
#toddallace - todd x wallace (scott pilgrim)
#kowalkins - pete kowalski x jimmy hopkins (bully / canis canem edit)
#gabv1el - gabriel x v1 (ultrakill)
#skylersaul - skyler white x saul goodman (breaking bad)
^other tags 2 be added but tumblr doesnt let me add any more hyperlinks so sorry abt that o_0
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saltygilmores · 2 years
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls-Season 2, Episode 12, Part 1 ("Richard In Stars Hollow")
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You can read all of my previous commentary here. First 10 Minutes Summary : Emily needles Lorelai about her love life some more. A long comedic exchange occurs between Lorelai, Rory and Emily about the family burial plot. Emily and Richard discuss Richard's boring & repetitive retired life. Paris being Paris wants the staff of The Franklin to win a presitgious award given to school newspapers by any means necessary.
Richard is bored and realizes Emily actually had a pretty vibrant daily life while he used to be at work all day, and now with nothing to do he's getting in her hair and becoming a real pain in the ass M-A-N. Desperate to get him out of her hair, she ever so gently suggests he spend some time at the country club.
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Wait wait wait. Stars Hollow video is really renting Grand Theft Auto? The violent-est video game to ever violent at that point? (all for the low price of 99 cents, Tuesdays and Thursdays only). Besides the graphic subject matter of the game, like cable TV and internet, I'm not entirely convinced that video games are even a concept in Stars Hollow. Go on, just ask someone on the streets of Stars Hollow if they know what a Playstation is. The citizens seem to be highly aware of modern music, but mainly watch TV shows and movies from the 1950's. I sound like an antrophologist observing some lost tribe that has no contact with the outside world.
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You can easily read the titles on many of these movies. What are we renting today, guys? I hope you remembered to bring your Stars Hollow Video Membership Card (unlike Lorelai). This scene, man. Video stores! VHS! 99 cent rentals! Video store membership cards! Flip phones! Lorelai going outside because "the reception sucks in here". I'm positively dizzy. Just like the concession stand, the strip/mud wrestling club and the arcade (which are all places that are only seen once AFAIK) I am fairly certain this video store is never seen or mentioned again after this episode... So basically any kind of fun business that sets up in town is doomed to failure. Enjoy your diner and your movie theater that is actually just a projection screen inside a book store, citizens. In the United States, 1 in 5 small businesses fail in the first year.
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Kirk Job: Dirty Movie Peddler. Rory: Hey Kirk, I saw a couple of little kids over there looking at this tape that was kind of mature. You might want to put that stuff on a higher shelf. There's a half naked lady on the cover.
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(the movie was Showgirls, by the way). Meanwhile, Emily is desperate to get rid of Richard and punishes him in the most extreme way possible. She unloads him on Lorelai and sends him to Stars Hollow. That monster. Lorelai: OMG. The most horrible thing just happened. Headmaster Charleston's been kidnapped! Two guys broke into his house, stuffed him into a Hefty bag, used those twisty ties and carted him off! When I tell you this is the exact fate I've always envisioned for Taylor Doose on my gritty R-rated Gilmore Girls reboot titled The Hollow. No really, go back to some of my old reviews and I have said this. Usually the sack gets tossed off the Bridge into the lake, a worthy fate for Mr. Doose. Some fun things I observed in the Gilmore Kitchen:
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Rory's coffee cup is a pig in a bowtie and boxer shorts. . A killer Crock Pot. (my sincerest apologies to Milo Ventimiglia for not saying "SLOW COOKER", he's going to pop out of the bushes somewhere and correct me). That lady that was on every greeting card in the 90's (I think her name was Maxine). And those Pop Tarts, oh those Pop Tarts. Did I research them? Yes I absolutely fucking did. Turns out they aren't actually from the Pop Tarts brand. Lorelai was buying a cheap imitation. They were called "Kool Stuf", a short lived knockoff from Nabisco that were sold from 1999-2001.
To be honest I'm not sure why Lorelai is having an aboslute freaking meltdown about spending one day alone with Richard, her own father. I think she thinks it's going to be more awkward than anything and they won't have enough to talk about.
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Okay, I was right. But seriously, having to make conversation with her own father is the only time Lorelai ever shuts up and can't think of anything to say? Really?
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I was observing how gleeful Richard looked while walking into the diner and figured it was one of those "rich people are entertained by the lower class and he's never been in a diner before" type deals, but he then mentions a diner he used to visit in college. So I think it's pretty wholesome and sweet that he looks so happy to visit a place simply because Lorelai likes it. I like Richard. (usually), although he's a total pill in this episode and his mansplaining kinda makes me want to stuff him in that sack with Taylor Doose.
Lorelai: I thought you might like to walk around town and see The Sights. Well, you already visited the diner, so that's one Sight. Seeing the rest of the town will kill all of about 10 minutes. Good plan, Lorelai.
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I hope she never stops.
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Okay but that's just my exact pitch for my gritty R-rated Giilmore Girls reboot titled The Hollow.
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I am firmly convinced they do. Paris: The worst that could happen is that I spend some time in your town and enter a pie in your county fair. Oh yes, I'm sure Rory would just HATE it if Paris had to spend time in her town with her. Paris I'm sure you'd love to enter your pie in her county fair, wouldn't you. This episode has everything. Paris and Rory sexual tension, Jess and Paris meeting for the first of only two times, Richard getting pissed off at Dean later. Richard walks in to the inn while Lorelai is working. L: I thought you were touring the town. What are you doing here? R: I visited all the stores. The cat one, twice. Then I walked around and I was done. Told ya. L: Did you see the park? Or the giant slinky? R: Yes I saw the park and the giant slinky, and the 100 year old oak tree, and the giant life sized Yarn Person. Giant Slinky? Giant Yarn Person? Where's the town getting money for this stuff? Paris' first order of business should be to investigate Taylor Doose and whether he's stealing the money he's always raising for The Bridge (he is). I also don't remember any sort of real park being seen or mentioned before. Paris (after taking the bus home with Rory): I think I have rabies. Burn my clothes. Emily in another episode: Only drug dealers ride the bus.
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City Boy frowns upon all this bus slander.
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Wasn't there suddenly a bar in season 7 or was that just some fever dream? Season 7 in general is just a fever dream to me. Lorelai gets drunk and sings "I Will Always Love You" to Luke, right? How did THAT place ever get the proper permits and permission to exist from Taylor Doose? I know it's like 5 years away but, investigate that, Paris. We were robbed of so many things incuding a Jess + Paris friendship. Oh, the literary & other intellectual debates we could have enjoyed! (on the flip side, a Paris + Jess romantic relationship would be so disastrous. Luckily for them it would also only last like forty minutes before they tried to kill each other and end it). Anyway I like to imagine all angles of every nook & cranny of this show and I enjoy imagining that carnage.
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Crystal clear Tomatos sign spotting. Paris ever so subtly proceeds to ask Luke if his diner sees a lot of truckers looking to pick up prostitutes.
"It's pretty common knowledge that diners are breeding grounds for prostitution and drug dealers." Like the drug dealing gigolo who lives above the diner? Speak of the devil.
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*clutches this minute-long interaction tightly to my chest* I won't ever let go...
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Well, it is where he likes to stuff girls in a closet.
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Hair...that beautiful hair...
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So brief. Sigh. Luke and Jess are the best. Back to the Inn where Richard continues to be a pain in the ass Man and meddle in Lorelai's work, telling her how to run her business and pushing Lorelai perilously close to sack-stuffing territory. And in other meddling news, Rory's little snitcheroo about inappopriate movies has backfired on her. Rory and Paris enter the video store to find it nearly empty, as all of the inappropriate movies have been moved behind the Rory Curtain.
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In Rory's defense, she did specifically tell Kirk to put the videos "on a higher shelf" and she probably expected Kirk to take her literally like he does every single time in history except for now. But she still should have minded her bizzness. Taylor: All the movies that we (him and Kirk?) deem objectionable will be hidden behind this curtain safely hidden from the eyes of children. Why is Taylor involved in this too? He doesn't work there? Can we skip to the sack-stuffing now? This would all be funnier if this sort of "shield the children" censorship wasn't still happening over 20 years later. Paris realizes The Rory Curtain is a great scoop for the paper, asks Taylor "How long have you been working here?" Good question... Lorelai brings Richard home, minutes away from tossing him into oncoming traffic so Rory tries to give her mother some peace and quiet and offers Richard a tour of her room where we get acquainted with her book stash.
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Dang, girl! I'm kind of speechless...
Richard, for as much of a Buttinsky as he has been so far in this episode, gives Lorelai extremely sensible, real-world advice that it would benefit Rory to consider another school besides Harvard. Every time Lorelai hears this perfectly reasonable advice from her parents she loses her mind. Harvard's acceptance rate in 2003 was 11.3%. Thanks again, Googs. Lorelai thinks she can wave her "But she wants to go to Harvard" wand around and that'll magically get her accepted with no backup school or plan in place. I'll save further discussion of "Lorelai jeopardizing Rory's future just to spite her parents" for another episode that's coming up somewhere over the horizon, and because it literally just happened in the previous episode (in that case their fucking house was on the line due to Lorelai's stubborness), god I'm fucking tired.
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What is it Rory?! Is it Ed McMahon standing outside with a giant Publisher's Clearinghouse check?
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Oh. it's just Butthead. Part 2 coming soon.
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