#BTW if you're wondering when the next update will go up:
frankenfossil · 1 year
hi! I just binge-read all of the bright side in a few days (thank you, obscure webcomic tournament) and just had to come here and say how good it is. truly wonderful. recommending it it all my friends. I hope you enjoy making it as much as I enjoyed reading it. anyway thank you for bringing so much joy to my life lately, it means a lot.
Omg!!!!! This is so lovely!!!!! I'm so so glad!!! Yes I do love to make it, it continues to be my most powerful brain worms, really anybody enjoying reading it is just a big bonus 😆 but for real this message brings me huge huge joy and means a lot also, really touched that you sent this! Thank you!! I hope you (and any of your friends, wah) continue to enjoy!! ;_;
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l0v3tast3 · 2 years
Hey hope your doing well late (?) Merry christmas! I love your young reader one shots and headcannons, If its okay and if u have the time can I request more young reader but this time they arent their usual excited chaotic self? Their js absolutely silent and any response they give the boys are just hums/nods or short quick responses?? Dont have to do this if you dont want too btw!
✎ tysm for this ask i'm so sorry this has taken so long!! merry super late christmas lol
✎ tags: young military reader, depressed reader, gender neutral reader, all platonic relationships, everyone in the military is emotionally constipated, mentions of therapy, not proofread ofc
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♡ soap is the last to notice you're change in demeanor, and that's only about ten seconds after you've come out of the bathroom (plus, in all fairness, he was explaining how he was going to blow up a building).
♡ all four of the 141 task force are sat at the dining table in the safehouse you're all held up in currently. price and simon are both standing, hunched over blueprints and maps while gaz is typing on a laptop, trying to connect back to base. soap is sat off to the side, staring intensely at his own blueprint, marking points to put explosives every few moments.
♡ the mission you were on had been simple, as usual, and had gone wrong, as usual. everyone was used to it by now, on the verge of just expecting it constantly. you were too by now, but they had noticed the cracks forming in your demeanor, the way your usually-wide smile was tightening, how your eyebrows and shoulders wouldn't relax, your leg unable to stop bouncing when you would sit.
♡ you knew to be serious on missions. between small jokes and popping out when they were about to start getting frantic in looking for you, you would be serious, trigger finger always ready and listening for your next orders. this, though, was what the rest of the task force would call "several steps up" from your usual behavior.
♡ when you step out of the bathroom, they notice your head turned to the ground to hide and the lack of your usual announcement that you were back to grace them with your presence. they don't say anything, though. price wonders if this is what he's been waiting for, the day you lose your smile, and it opens a pit in his stomach that he tries to push away for the time being.
♡ you're all stuck in that safehouse for another four days, and it doesn't get any better. they don't hear you speak more than a few words at a time. you don't look them in the eyes anymore. you're restless and eager to keep your distance from them, only seen outside of the tiny room you had claimed when there was an update to the mission.
♡ they wouldn't talk about it, not while they're out on the mission. price stares at the floor while soap and ghost exchange a look, and gaz wonders if he should follow you back to your room. they just keep on working.
♡ all of them are quietly wondering what it was that did it in for you. everything they'd seen wasn't anything new to you. there had only been a total of maybe ten minutes that you weren't by someone else's side during the thick of it. whatever had happened, they weren't asking, and you weren't telling.
♡ when you're all finally evacuated, the helicopter ride back is tense. price and ghost escaped up to the cockpit with the pilot, and soap and gaz are left sitting in the seats across from you. you're just staring down into space. the most they had gotten out of you in the past few hours was a quick affirmation when given an order.
♡ soap tries to ask you if you're doing alright, and after the second call of your name through the headsets you look up at him. he asks again and you say you're good.
♡ after you land, you slip away to an empty meeting room to complete the new piles of paperwork that always came with the completion of a mission. it's late into the night, and even for a military compound, the halls are quiet; it's a heavy contrast from where you were just hours prior, and you're still waiting for another barrage of gunfire in the distance. the only thing that breaks the silence, though, is heavy footsteps coming closer before the door opens.
♡ in walks your captain with his own stack of folders and packets. he doesn't say anything to you, just sinks into the chair at the other end of the table from you and starts sifting through the papers. you just stare at him for a bit, because you know he has his own office. you know how he complains about his back when he has to do paperwork in a chair that isn't his own custom-ordered one.
♡ after a bit you finally get that he's keeping you company. you go back to checking things off and filling in answers, casting a glance up at price every few moments. he acts like he's alone in the room until he finally meets your gaze with raised eyebrows, as if asking, "are we going to talk about it?" and you go back to writing.
♡ none of the men can get you to crack; they hoped you would go back to your usual self after you got back from the mission, but two weeks afterwards they still couldn't get a full sentence out of you. kyle and soap would try their best to get you to laugh, and ghost even told you a couple of his jokes when everyone else was training.
♡ they finally talk about it at the three week point. it's been nearly a month; kyle brings it up hesitantly while they're all sitting together drinking and playing cards and you've gone to bed for the night. everyone puts their cards down and shifts uncomfortably in their seats, but they know they need to talk about it.
♡ they toss around varying ideas of how to cheer you up. soap says they should throw a party, ghost says to just leave you to work it out yourself. price suggests setting you up with one of the on-site therapists at the base and kyle asks if they should just do an "intervention-type-thing". either way, they know they have to talk to you about it. they elect price to try again.
♡ they next day, price pulls you aside into another empty meeting room and sits down with you. he's awkward and clearly a bit out of his depth, but he bares with it. price starts off with clearing his throat and saying that everyone's worried about you. you say you're fine, and he calls bullshit. you stare down at your folded hands while he goes on about how they've all noticed you're lack of energy, eating, going outside, doing anything outside the requirements really.
♡ he finally asks you what happened, and you mumble that you don't know what it was. nothing in particular actually happened. you just didn't know what was wrong with you.
♡ price tells you that it's alright, that there doesn't have to be any one reason, that there isn't anything "wrong" with you. he asks you if you want him to talk to one of the psychologists or therapists in the base for you. he tells you there's no shame in it, that we all need a little help, that everyone's worried and just wants to get you feeling better. you're hesitant to admit that you need the help until he tells you that just about every person in the base has talked to a therapist at least once or twice. it comes with the job.
♡ they start seeing the light in your eyes again when kyle or soap sneaks you your favorite candy bars, and you start laughing at everyone's bad jokes again, little by little. it takes awhile, but they keep doing what they can. they won't talk about it again, but they're all relieved to see the life coming back to you, slowly but surely.
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andhumanslovedstories · 8 months
Hey so your post about pain management as a bedside nurse is so important to my own nursing practice that I've considered printing it out so I can have it to hand all the time. So thanks for that. Also, how do you deal with assignments that are busy enough that pain management is harder than it should be? I'm coming up on two years as a nurse and I feel like I take it personally when I am too busy to adequately manage my patients pain. I'm also coming from a newly unionized hospital where the ratios are still horrendous (I do 1:10 on med surg) and I'm hoping once we can enforce our staffing grids it'll be better but idk I'm burning out and I love my job so much and I really respect your nursing philosophy? I guess. Sorry for the word vomit it's been a crazy shift.
I've been trying to think of how to answer this since I got it. It's just such a horrendous ratio. With ten patients a shift, that's like six minutes an hour for each in a fantasy world where there's no charting and everything is exactly where you need it to be. I feel like I don't have great insight into this because the most med surg patients I've had assigned is five. Ten patients to one nurse is just a raw deal for everyone. Like christ no wonder you feel like you're burning out! I'll give you what thoughts I have and hopefully other people can chime in if they have suggestions. But that's such a hard patient load.
When I've been super swamped, I've found that's when being really explicit about your thinking with the patient helps. Like if I have to dash into a room and then dash back out, I'll make sure the board is updated with the next medication time and that the patient knows when the medication is going to kick in. I'll also provide call light parameters. I have a lot of success telling people, "the med should be doing something by 5:30. If I haven't checked in with you by then, and the pain is unchanged or barely changed, hit your call light and we'll try the next step. Also hit your call light if you feel any sudden change, like now you're nauseated or you have a headache or the type of pain changes or something just feels very wrong. Is there anything you need before I step out of the room?"
I like to be explicit about when to call me because I think there's two directions call light usage can go wrong: someone calls all the time, or someone never calls. With someone who calls all the time, I find that telling them when I'll be back and that I want them to call me if I'm not takes away some of that anxiety that can causes some people to call frequently. Often those patients are afraid that if they aren't on the call light, they're gonna get ignored.
For the other type of patient, the one that doesn't call, I want to make explicit that it's GOOD AND NORMAL TO CALL YOUR NURSE WHEN YOU HAVE SYMPTOMS. We've all had that patient at the end of shift who goes, "btw the gnawing pain in my leg is now a 10/10" and you're like "what gnawing pain sir?? you've literally never mentioned it before now?? I don't have any meds for that lemme page super quick????" These patients can get into pain crises easily because they don't ask for help until something is unbearable. In addition to pain crisis bad, it takes a lot more time to deal with something unbearable than it does to deal with something uncomfortable.
On that note, are you spending your very limited time efficiently? To me, that actually means spend more time talking with patients, at least up front. Manage expectations, make sure people know what to expect. Having conversations with patients that are like, "You just had surgery, it's not gonna happen that we get you completely painless. We want to get you to a manageable pain level that allows you to do whatever it is you most want to do this shift." (For me on nights, that's usually sleeping at least a little, but sometimes the realistic goal you make together is that you will feel at some point better than you feel right now.) "You have this medication scheduled, and you have this one available every X hours when your pain is severe. Is there anything you know that helps you deal with pain?"
Also establish if patients want to be woken up for certain prn medications or if they're sleeping, to let them sleep. With some patients, I will advise them to get woken up for pain medication because I know that they're going to need consistent control to avoid a crisis. (Crises take so much time!)
When I'm crunched for time, I'm fond of bringing in an ice pack and being like "if it works, great, if it doesn't, just take it off, either way here it is." Sometimes I'll do the same with a warm blanket. If I know my patient needs to take pills, I'll bring a cup of water with me into the room. If there's a basic prn like melatonin or tylenol that I think they might want, I'll pull them in advance. If the patient doesn't want them, I return them next time I'm in the med room. (Obviously, don't do this with controlled substances. It's super easy to forget to return them, and not returning opioids is one of those whoopsies people get fired over.)
Decision making takes time. Walking to go get stuff takes time. I want to save the time it takes to assess if the patient needs those things and then walk off to fetch them by just having the things already. If your tightest resource is time, be liberal with resources you can spare. If you're stuck with a patient, do you have anyone you can delegate a prn med pass to? Do you know how to do the absolute minimum charting you need to? Do you have flushes and alcohol wipes and whatever other most common things you need? And since you can't hoard time, if you've got some to spare, ask yourself if there is anything you can do now that will save you time later. If you have five free minutes now and an incontinent patient, getting them up to the bathroom now can save you from taking the time for incontinence care and a bed change later on when they've also sundowned and decide they hate everything but most of all you.
So much of this answer I realize is investing as much time upfront as you can, which I realize is so hard when you are so busy. It sucks immensely that prepping takes much less time than not being prepared does when you don't always have time to prep. Plus when you invest that time to pain plan with patients and do small preventative interventions, I think it also provides some psychological comfort that helps with pain. You're letting them know you're invested and you care and you have a plan, even if you don't have all the time you'd like. That can mean better pain control, which can mean needing to spend less time in that room overall, meaning you can save six whole minutes at some point and maybe even, if we're feeling crazy, get a chance to indulge in that greatest of indulgences: just a real leisurely on-shift piss.
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mxrp-official-steve · 19 days
Welcome back campers, to this weeks episode of TOTAL, DRAMA, HELLSITE! On this weeks episode, me and my handy Chef Hex will be cooking up a delicious meal of parpy goodness! But the campers will have to roll a single... WITH A PROMPT! The first one to get a proper Roleplay going gets the immunity marshmallow. Now watch out, cuz this ones gonna be a doozy, dudes!
Your September 2nd PARPdate: "Remember that time on TDI where they called god to make it rain? That happened" Edition.
News this month is sorta slow- those of you In The Know already know this, but Hex is being forced to move again. This hasn't impacted Dev TOO much, honestly, and I'm gonna break down WHY in this wonderful little post!
Ok so if you remember the August update, you likely recall us showing off our shiny new mod features and how we can now play funny roleplay police state in order to nail rulebreakers and bandodgers.
If you're also a huge Bubblehead (which is what you're called), you're also likely familiar with this bastard:
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(Image description: The red miles, basically. Its a message failed message repeated like ninety times in a row in red font. Thanks to Alienoid from the server for posting this screenshot for me to steal!)
This is because, somehow, these new mod features almost completely broke Dreambubble in ways that make no sense (the new features use Redis, but for some reason their introduction is making PostGres, a completely different system, go absolutely haywire)
So, Hex decided to move forward with their pet project to rewrite Dreambubble. Normally, this would mean a development delay on Parp2 and I'd feel pretty bad about laying this on yalls feet after two years of parplessness.
But hey wait isn't this literally just how they made parp last time.
The answer is yes! The previous Msparp version was built using what is now Dreambubble as a skeleton, evolving on itself into the rickety but lovable RP site we knew before she tragically passed away last February after choking to death on fresh air. As such, Dev is actually going pretty good! Hex has been COOKING through the bones for Dreambubble 2, getting a ton of barebones stuff working right off the bat:
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(Image description: A barebones but functional chat window using Felt theme; complete with system connection messages, text preview, and quirking)
Along with our first new feature preview in a while: PUSH NOTIFICATIONS!
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(Image description: A felt-theme settings menu showing the ability to turn on and off push notifications, as well as a browser popup in the bottom corner showing that it's been activated)
These are also working on Android! What this does is it pings you when the chat you're in gets a new message, operating on a system level instead of a site level so you don't even need to have the tab, or the browser, open to keep up with your chats! This is gonna be especially useful for mobile users, since this means they can navigate away and use their phone for other things, and their phone'll just ping them when their partners' next message comes through. (These are gonna be off by default, btw. You'll have to turn them on yourself on a per-chat basis in the final release)
It should also be noted that we've Snagged Ourselves A UI Guy recently from the userbase, so we've got a dedicated Make It Look Good person for when things get closer to launch!
That's all for this update, though. Absolutely thrilled to be showing off some progress after the restart. Hopefully we'll have even more to show off next month!
Until then, cheers!
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orpiknight · 1 year
OrpiKnight's FAQ FAQ
For the Neil Gaiman Tumblr FAQ
GO S3 was announced! Will you be updating the FAQ still? Yep! :)
--- Who? Vel (blog OrpiKnight)
Why? I'm excited about Good Omens 2, I was looking through the Asks on Neil Gaiman's blog anyway, and I like having a constructive outlet when I'm going through so much information. And there were a lot of repeat questions. I mainly made it for me and my friends for reference, but then decided to go ahead and throw it out into the Tumblr void, too.
*Are a lot of these questions really frequently asked? Well, this started out being called a "QnA" doc because I was compiling the Asks. Then everyone kept calling it a "FAQ". So I rolled with it. It keeps up with the current Asks as much as possible, though. (I have no way of knowing how many times he gets asked some questions. That's for his inbox to know.)
Will you be actively updating it with new questions/answers? Yes. I update in batches now, every month or so. For my sanity. *When I update things, I usually put the new questions at the bottom of their section, even if they might fit next to something else in it better. This is just to make new ones easier to find. Later on I might reorganize them.
Can you put it in a Tumblr post? No. It's too much information, it can hang out on docs (which is 30+ pages). I'm pretty sure I would hit a word limit if I put it on here. Or break my dash. Or accidentally delete it. *You don't need a Google account to access it. I have tested this signed out on non-Chrome browsers. (I use Firefox btw)
You missed some Asks. Yeah... there is no way I could get all of them. I had to draw the line somewhere.
Some of the questions are strange. Don't I know it. Edit: But I do like to put in all sorts of questions. Sometimes there are things that don't even occur to me to ask that Neil says he gets constant questions about (like the ice cream/ice lolly). Sometimes there are things that I don't realize need clarifying (like "two consenting bicycle repairmen"). One person can ask a creatively specific question that other people are quietly wondering about. I also like the funny ones.
I found an error (typo/link not going to where it's supposed to/accidentally wrong info/etc.)?
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But seriously, it's okay to message me to let me know. It's very helpful.
Can I have shared editing access to your document? No.
About the fanfiction thing... Please end my suffering. (And Neil Gaiman's) Edit: I should probably clarify that I do like fanfiction.
I have personal opinions. Please be nice to me.
Can you add or change this, that, or whatever? I work irl, am usually tired, and don't have much time to constantly edit every little thing. Unless you're Neil Gaiman himself asking, it's likely I'm just going to leave it how I organized it. And I mean that in the politest way possible. Speaking of, if you would like to help me out at all with things like bills, medical costs, and food— here's my: Venmo: @ajgvel Ko-fi page (It says you're giving me ducks on there! :D)
It's not expected of course. Regardless, much love to everyone, and thanks for making a space where we can all have fun together about something we enjoy. ♡
Find me on Bluesky: OrpiKnight
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I saw your game update post and I have to ask, how did you make the character custom thing? I'm a noob in creating games, so honestly the amount of options you've got there terrifed me! It's awesome but the work... Nevermind, would it be possible for you to do a tutorial? Or at least give some tips, or maybe suggest a person who explains stuff like that? I would be very, very thankful 🙈
Btw, amazing job, you're talented ;)
Hello! :3
I don't normally do these on the blog because it's not Kevin/OLiE, if you want to join the OLiE discord server you're welcome to and if you're stuck on someting me or another dev might be able to help out!
But- a small tutorial!
It's just tons of variables and condition switches within condition switches, this is most of them for the customiser! :3
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This is the hair colour button. It's action is to increase the "haircolour2" variables number! there are 30 different hair colours. I don't want the button's action to let the variable go past 30 so that's why there's the If statement, which sets the variable back to 1 and then it can go back up to 30 again. ("If(haircolour2 > 29")
the "at customiserbutton" is a transform so I don't have to make a hover/idle image and it's 29392394X cooler than having an image change on hover, there's a very simple guide on doing a transform at the bottom of this ask :3
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This is one of the condition switches for a hairstyle, you can display something different for each variable. This condition switch changes the secondary colour for the first straight and short hairstyle. The hair is is uncoloured/greyscale. The image is the same but theres a transform applied to each variable number (" matrixcolor=TintMatrix("#212121")) ") This changes the grey uncoloured hair to like black! The #numbers are a hex/html colour code and you can goog "html colour picker" and goog will give you one. :3
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This is a composite. It's like layers in an art program, the first is the bottom and the last is the top layer. For the hair there's three layers, the bottom colour, the second colour, and the line art! The first set of numbers is the size of the image/canvas. The other sets of numbers next to each layer determines the placement of the layer. I've got it set to (0, 0) the first number moves it left/right and the second is up/down, I wanted it to be exactly where I saved it in my art program so I've not increased/decreased the numbers.
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that composite then went into a condition switch for each hairlength (hairstyle)! Theres one of these for each hair texture too, then a whole set for the hair on the back of the head, and another set for a few that needed middle layers (parts of the hair behind the head and infront of the body.
Then each of these hairlength condition switches went into another
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and finally these hairtex condition switches went to the the displayed image/character/composite!
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I fucked up the placement of the eyebrows and the entire character, so that's why the placement for each layer is -15, and the eyebows are 1! Didn't have open everything in my art program and move it! :3
The amount of switches and variables for this was insane and actually managed to lag the game. So I don't know if I can say I'd recomend my stupid way of doing a customiser until I can figure out how to let Renpy/OLiE have some more crumbs of ram to preload the hundreds of images for the customiser Sdkfskdfjl
Have a tip! Add this to the end of every single condition switch!
( "True", "gui/playericon/nothing.png", )
Make it an image that's easy to recognise mines the players thoughts icon. It will display when your variable is set to something your condition switch doesn't have a displayable for (for example if my hair colour variable somehow went over 30) instead of just crashing your game and giving a confusing error code or none at all.
Another is if your game is crashing when you make the condition switch/composite, make sure you've put a capital C and S, ConditionSwitch and Composite, I've made tons of these and still forget a " , " and capitalisation all the time.
Don't get discouraged because your game keeps thowing out errors/crashes that's just how it be, take a few deep breaths and have a break before looking over your code again! :3
I hope some of this was useful lol, and I wish you good luck on your project!!! 🍀🍀🍀
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imaginespazzi · 2 months
Nivi!! Two Monday updates in a row? Inspirational stuff, babes. I hope you're doing good! You spoil us way too much 🫶
Firstly, I super appreciate the addition of the months to the dates cause I was lowkey hoping for it. I get way too invested in the actual timeline so this was very much welcome haha.
I always love flashbacks to fetus (teenage) Pazzi, like even irl, that’s always the time period and their dynamics during that time that interests me the most so I absolutely adored this flashback scene!
Azzi sending an actual letter invite was so wholesome, would not be surprised if something similar actually happened irl. I know Paige spent a whole day just re-reading the “Yours, Azzi” at the end 😂
Ice cameo! I love getting these new special guests each chapter, makes it entertaining tryna figure out who’s gonna pop up next.
Stephie was already tearing up saying goodbye and they’d only properly known each other not even a month?? BRUH, this one-year contract is not gonna go down well AT ALL. #ProtectStephieatallcosts
Also, has Ice met Stephie? The way she talked to P about Stephie made it seem like she hasn’t yet or maybe I just read that wrong?
Yep, place that bet Icey, it’s gonna happen!
As soon as I read the “comes roaring back with a vengeance” and the name “Olivia”, I knew it was trouble (nothing against those with the name Olivia 😅), I felt it in my bones she was the ex-wife.
Look, she hasn’t done much wrong yet and P maybe did deserve some of it but I don’t like this Olivia. It’s just a matter of principle, you know.
Stephie facetiming P on her own cause she just missed her too damn much 🥺 This little family (they’re already a family in my mind okay) gives me so much life, and will probably be the death of me eventually.
Time zones would be a confusing af concept to kids, I never even thought about that lmao.
Not Paige thirsting over Azzi over the phone! There is a kid present, Miss Buecks!
Stephie’s fave colour being purple too, I mean I guess she’s been constantly around purple her whole life so it makes sense but imma choose to believe it’s a continued manifestation of that invisible string between Paige and Azzi. Also, I can just imagine Azzi’s reactions when she realises she’s basically raising a mini Paige too lol.
And the full circle moment of P skipping out on team events to stay on the phone with Azzi (and lil Azzi) – you never fail to deliver with these full circle moments babes, and the way you do it is just so organic, like it always flows and never feels forced and ugh YOUR MIND 🙌
What’s next?
Ice’s comment about teammates having to deal with Pazzi’s bullshit – that just made me even more desperate for those flashbacks to their UConn days, especially when it all starts breaking down.
Oh btw, does Azzi know it’s a one-year contract? Are contract terms reported on like they are irl or nah?
Also, just making sure I’ve got the timeline down pat – Paige and Olivia were together from 2027 to 2031? And I’m assuming Azzi had Stephie Jan 2028 or late 2027 since Stephie’s five in present day? So Stephie woulda been almost two when Paige first met her in that run-in with Tim?
I wonder if it was P that proposed to Olivia, and if it was, I’m curious to know the timing and if it was a knee-jerk reaction to Azzi having a baby??
What I really need to happen though is Paige’s dream coming true!
Stephie is just so real to me that even when Pazzi have kids irl, Stephie will always be the OG for me 😌
Also, the suggestion someone had the other day of Paige kid-proofing everything is on point. Like her first priority for her new place in Cali isn’t even gonna be furniture or anything, it’s just gonna be stacks and stacks of toys and lego sets and other kid stuff 😭
Lastly, you know I love me a little bit of the jealous trope 🤭 Could we potentially see like a really close friend of Azzi’s that also has a good relationship with Stephie bring out a little bit of jealous P??
Oh btw, are the lyrics from that Louis Tomlinson song?? Cause that really took me back lmao, I haven’t heard that in forever!
Favourite line/quote:
Paige realizes that her favorite thing about Azzi’s smile isn’t when her dimples show or when her eyes twinkle, it’s when it’s there because of Paige, when it’s there just for Paige.
P.S: This is non-fic related but while watching my fave sport (AFL) over the weekend, there were a couple players playing their first game back from an ACL injury and one of the guys was coming back only SEVEN months after tearing his ACL! And this sport is like one of the most physical sports I’ve ever watched so I couldn’t believe it. Anyway, it made me really hopeful for Azzi, cause I feel like she’s probably on track for a nine-month recovery and I’ve had reservations about that especially given it’s her second one, but seeing those guys coming back after an even shorter period of time and pulling up fine made me feel a lot better. I know the recovery is different for everyone, but if Azzi (and her rehab team) believe she’s ready to be cleared after nine months, then I have full trust in them and I can’t wait to see her back on the court 🥹
Alrighty, this got way too long 😬 I’ll catch you next time bestie, enjoy the rest of your week and if I don't pop by before then, happy Olympics to everyone! 💗
BABE!! Aren't you proud of me? Can't believe this is who I've been these last two times (just wait until that can't-write-for-three-weeks hits and all these other people realize who Nivi really is)
I probably had some logic for not having dates in the beginning but lmao yeah it makes a lot more sense to have them so I'm glad it's helpful
Paige still has that letter for sure, in a little treasure chest somewhere with everything else Azzi's given her
I'm stressing myself out adding so many characters ngl and I still haven't added the rest of the Valkyrie team so let's see how that goes
LMAO not the Olivia name slander (but no I get it like when I was thinking about the ex-wife the name Olivia just seemed fitting)
The difference in people's reaction to Zoe in the UCLA fic vs Olivia in this one is so funny to me
I think they're a family in their own minds to now...but is it sustainable?
BRO RIGHT? That part was inspired by a convo I had with a kid at work who was so confused about why their mom could only call their uncle who lives abroad at certain hours
Paige gonna thirst no matter what (but me too so she's not special)
Thank you lovie! Sometimes I'm a little worried the parallels do seem too intentional so this made me relieved that it doesn't feel forced.
I'm so excited to write UConn days fs!
Everyone knows that Paige is signed to the Valkyries for a year but the assumption is that it's like Stewie with the Libs last year, where yes it's a one-year contract but you're obviously gonna renew. Nobody, including Azzi, knows about the Liberty part of it because that's all technically hush-hush behind the scenes stuff
Stephie's born early 2028 , so she's probably like one and a half when Paige first meets her (I am going to fuck this timeline up at some point.
Babe you read my mind. Azzi has this really pretty international French teammate who Paige just might not end up liking too much.
YES it is a Louis Tomlinson song. I was listening to it the other day and I was like damn wait, lemme add!
I think Azzi's first one she came back 9 months later and this one was reported to be less severs so I am finger-crossed that if she still does the 9 month recovery anyways, she'll be absolutely stellar. Ugh I'm so excited to see my girl play, it's been too long.
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bye-shou · 9 months
ike eveland x gn!reader
characters : ike eveland
it's an angst (?) to fluff btw
warnings : none really (update : it might be a long one)
summary : ike, your crush, asked you to meet him at the nearby park for some help after you guys hung out.
oh i'd like to add you're in college 1st year
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ike has been your best friend for so long now. you have a crush on him, but you don't want to confess, since it can ruin you guys' friendship.
"hey!" ike called out for you. "oh, hey ike." you greeted back, wondering why he called you.
"can i crash at your place later? i have nothing to do today and i don't wanna be bored for the whole day." ike asked. "oh, sure. it's not like i have any plans." you agreed.
you finished up the rest of your school day. when the final class ended, you put away all your things and packed your bag. you then waited for the professor to let you guys leave the classroom.
when you got let out, you then made your way to the exit of the university and went on your motorbike, turned it on and started your journey to go to your apartment.
since you live alone, ike likes to come over sometimes since he also lives alone, which makes him feel a little lonely at times.
when you got home, you opened the door, got in and locked the door to make sure you don't get robbed or anything.
you decided to take a shower since you had a pe class today that required you to run 2 laps. you took a quick shower since ike could come any moment now.
you quickly changed into some comfortable clothes and decided to play some games on your laptop while you wait for ike to arrive.
when the doorbell rang, you took a quick peak outside to make sure it's ike and not some random intruder. when you made sure it was ike, you opened the door for him and let him in.
"what'd you wanna do?" you asked ike, wondering why he asked to crash at yours instead of hanging out with luxiem. "honestly, i don't know. luxiem's busy today so i figured i'd go to yours instead." ike reasoned, and you just nodded.
"wanna try cooking?" you wanted to try a recipe that you found on instagram. it was a recipe for some cute bear-shaped donuts. ike agreed.
you guys spent around an hour in the kitchen going back and forth to make sure you don't mess up the recipe. after a bit, you guys finished making them.
the results were pleasing, they didn't look the best, but they tasted great. they tasted even better with some powdered sugar.
you guys just chatted while enjoying the donuts and some black tea with honey and lemon.
(change the tea, honey or lemon if you're allergic // also if you're gluten free sorry lol you can change whatever you guys were making with something else)
when you guys finished, ike decided to go. but before that, he asked if you could meet up with him to the park tomorrow since he wanted to discuss something. you agreed, wondering what was so important he needed to discuss it with you.
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it's now the next day, and you're making your way to the park after getting ready and having breakfast.
when you arrived, you found the familiar beige-haired boy who dyed the tips of his hair blue.
you sat next to him, and asked him why he asked you to meet him here, at the park.
"so, why'd you wanna meet up here? what'd you wanna ask about?" you asked, confused. "so... here's the thing." ike starts off.
"i... like... 𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘢. she's a classmate of ours. i really like her, and you should be quite close to her, right? could you maybe tell me more about her so you could help me confess...?" ike requested.
your mind was filled with those words 3 words bouncing in your brain. you couldn't focus after he said he liked sara, one of your friends.
of course he wouldn't like you. 𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘢 is basically ike's type. she's smart, she's pretty, everything that you want to find in a person.
you were so deep in thought you didn't even notice tears started to form in your eyes.
when you realized you were about to cry, you immediately tried stopping your tears from breaking free, just like a bird keeper who is preventing their bird from escaping its cage.
you thought he wouldn't notice, but it seems you were wrong.
"hey, why're you crying...?" ike asked, worried. "oh, it's nothing. just surprised my best friend found someone he liked, haha. brings me tears of joy knowing that my best friend found some bitches." you tried to joke, yet your eyes betrayed you.
tears started pouring down rapidly just like how raindrops start to fall from the dark and cloudy sky during a storm.
"hey, if you aren't ready, it's okay. i could always ask someone else for advice." ike was worried.
"no! i'll definitely help you. that's what friends are for!" you tried to lighten the mood and stop your tears.
"are you sure?" ike wanted to make sure he isn't making you uncomfortable in any way.
"yeah, i'm sure." you assured. you feel jealous right now. you wished it wasn't 𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘢's name, but 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳s that came out of his mouth. but alas, that's just a 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢.
you guys said goodbye after you told some stuff about sara. you wanted to lie about things so he wouldn't like her anymore, but 𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘢 was a really good friend for you. you didn't want to intervene in ike's probably successful love life.
when you got home, you cried. you hated the fact you've been chasing him for so many years, just to find out that he likes one of your friends.
maybe if you confessed earlier things wouldn't have came out like this...?
there was no one else to blame but 𝘺𝘰𝘶, atleast that's what you thought.
you kept thinking about what would've happened if you confessed earlier, or if you confessed after he said he liked 𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘢.
⇚ ↺ ⇛
after a few weeks of you telling stuff about 𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘢 to ike, he decided that he was gonna try to ask her out.
you decided to just watch from afar, seeing if 𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘢 will accept or not.
he decided to confess at lunch, at the rooftop. you waited for both him and 𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘢.
you wondered if 𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘢 would reject him or not. obviously not, you thought. ike is smart, he's handsome, he's charming, he's friendly. probably half of the class has a crush on him.
while deep in thought, you snapped out of it when ike and 𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘢 went to the rooftop. you quickly hid behind a wall.
ike confessed to 𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘢. he said he liked her for a while now. he basically made the confession like a 500 word essay.
you just closed your eyes, not wanted to see your friend accept your best friend's, or rather your crush's, confession.
but it all went crashing down when she 𝗿𝗲𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗱 him.
ike asked what he could do to make it work, but 𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘢 said she just sees ike as a friend. ike bursted into tears after that.
you didn't know if you wanted to feel happy or sad that she rejected him. but you felt sad knowing that even if you tried helping him, he still got rejected.
ike went to you, and you comforted him. telling him that if they don't like you back, then they don't deserve you.
he cried in your arms. you hated seeing him cry like this, over someone. you just comforted him slowly.
it's now the 2nd year. your feelings remain hidden from ike, and you guys are still best of friends.
despite knowing he doesn't and might never like you back, your feelings never disappeared. instead, they became stronger than before.
you hated yourself for not being able to move on. you didn't know what was in him you liked so much that he ended up being a magnet to you.
at the middle of the 3rd year, you decided to confess to ike about your feelings. you told him you liked him.
you were trembling the whole time, scared of what he'll think of you after the whole confession.
you were scared of letting him go. he was your best friend for so many years, you didn't know what he would think of you then.
your confession was, and author-chan quotes:
"hey, ike... so u-uhm... i- i like... 𝘺𝘰𝘶, ike... f-for a while now... i k-know this is all sudden, but i thought about c-confessing to you for a while now... it's okay if you don't like me back... i- i'll move on quickly, okay? y-you can reject me now..."
it was so hard to say all that. you just wanted to get it over with quickly. you just wanted to get it off your chest.
tears were threatening to fall down just like a waterfall that's flooded with water during the rainy season.
you just expected a rejection, but instead, you received a hug from ike.
"huh?—" you were confused. you expected him to reject you, after all, you're way different from 𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘢. how could he like you?
"i... like you too." ike blushed lightly while saying it. you really didn't expect it. you started to cry.
"hey, why're you crying...?" ike asks, concerned. "i never thought one day you'd like me back... did you really move on from 𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘢 that quickly..?" you asked, wondering whatever happened with 𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘢.
"i don't know. maybe it was an infatuation or something, but after she rejected me, i just kinda accepted it, knowing she wouldn't like me." Ike reasoned.
"but now, this isn't an infatuation. i do in fact like you." ike said, reassuring you that he does like you, and he isn't just telling you it to make you feel better.
you cried tears of joy, as you both hugged. when you stopped your tears, you pulled ike's face closer to yours, as you both shared a sweet kiss.
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UAUAUAUA this one is a long one so if you made it here reading this omg congratulations how did you even make it here??? also i honestly kinda cringed when writing that confession part lmao
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idyllic-affections · 9 months
a letter from aphelion. ♡
a letter to all the people who have made my year in one way or another. there is no particular order to this post, and some of you may find that i don't have much to say, but all of you who are on this post are here because i can recall times i've enjoyed speaking to you or seeing you in my notifs or just existing within the same space as you. i hope you all have only the best year possible next year—it seems like most of us need and deserve a good year, hm? though i regard myself as quite a gentle and sentimental soul, i struggle with putting it into words. it's ironic, considering i am a writer. i mention this because even if the things i say in this post are quite silly and lighthearted, just know that i earnestly mean what i say and each and every one of you has contributed to my year in a memorable way <3 may we all have a good 2024.
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       dear @lillonvia,
YOU!!!! YOU!!!!! HELLO. HI. MEETING YOU HAS BEEN SUCH AN HONOR AND SUCH A DELIGHTFUL PART OF MY YEAR!!! i love the little silly conversations we often have—i think it's probably a good thing that we share so many random fandoms. it's as if we lived somewhat similar lives growing up despite growing up in such vastly different environments <3 but anyway, i think the fandoms we share are really helpful in being able to have such fun conversations!! we have many things to talk about!!! despite the vast difference in timezones!!!! please go to sleep at normal hours!!!!!!! /lh
       dear @starryshinyskies,
HI AVERY <3 i was literally always so delighted to see you in my inbox back when you were still ⭐️ anon, and i still feel that kind of joy now! you have so many good and fun thoughts to share with me about things i've written and i love that... i hope moral injury ch. 2 will give you that same kind of brainrot again when it does finally come out!!!! if it doesn't that's okay too HAHA but i always love hearing your thoughts on... literally anything ever!! i have some fics of yours that i've been meaning to reblog btw, so maybe watch out for multiple essays in your notifications in the coming weeks LMAO
       dear @aroacenezha,
MAJI I AM SQUISHING YOU LOVINGLY IN MY HANDS or i can just look at you fondly if you don't want to be squished. i am okay with that too <3 i often think about how we met and i think it's both kind of funny and kind of nice. "baizhu would hate dottore" agreed so real so true that post was so correct in so many ways RAAHHH 🤝 the nice part of the way we met being my baizhu series. despite me having NOT updated it any time recently, has brought a lot of people into my inbox and sometimes into my life and i think it's very cool. i love when people feel seen. and furthermore please always send me your oc thoughts and your blorbo thoughts i love them so much 🙏🙏🙏
       dear @soleillunne,
ALYYY MY LOVE MY BELOVED you are so precious and treasured.... i love what you do, i think your writing is beautiful and has such a poetic quality to it. and i love when you appear in my inbox and notifs!!!! though tumblr is very mean to you and always eats your asks.... you are important to me and so many other people and i hope you always know that. genuinely. you are such a kind and wonderful person and you are always loved.
       dear @heiayen,
YOU. *GRABS YOU* *EVILLY* you. you are so. idk but YOU ARE. can't think of a good word. no words, only vibes. you are vibe-y. /lh you're another moot that has the most top tier responses to things, even non-fanfic posts. you just have Things To Say, and in the best way possible. your thoughts are so fun..... i interact with you rather often—more than some people realize, perhaps—and you are a dearly beloved presence in my life 🫶🫶
       dear @zeldadou,
though we haven't talked too much recently, i still think of you often! i love seeing your art and the way it changes and develops... and i love hearimg your thoughts about things or when you send me fun things you think i would like <33 you are a very kind person in my eyes, whether you realize it or not.
       dear @june-again,
i hope life treats you well, always. you don't deserve anything less. i think of you fondly! your kindness is and was very remarkable and treasured especially when i was first adjusting to tumblr and posting my fics and whatnot..... by the time we met, i was still very new, so i appreciated any kind interactions (i still do of course! it's just a bit different when you're new to a website like this haha)!!
       dear @kaixserzz,
I FUCK WITH YOUR THOUGHTS DUDE YOU SEEM TO COME INTO MY INBOX AT THE MOST RANDOM AND UNEXPECTED OF TIMES AND DROP THE MOST HEARTBREAKING ANGST POSSIBLE??????? HELLO?????????? ARE YOU. DOING OKAY??!???!!!! YOU WAKE UP AND CHOOSE VIOLENCE. ESPECIALLY WITH KAVEH. WTF (me too tbh 😇) /lh please always send me any platonic thoughts you have i will entertain all of them fr 💥💥💥 you have such good thoughts in that brain of yours 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
       dear @archonsbane,
i haven't spoken to you much, so forgive me if this seems or comes off as a sudden or jarring tag, but i do enjoy talking to you. fatui moot <3 you GET IT get it about the harbingers' dynamics. i hope we have more opportunities to speak sometime! (and if that sentiment isn't shared, that is totally fine. i would respect it either way 🫶)
       dear @lesanyanyas,
we only became mutuals recently, but i hope you know that i always thought of you as one of the "blorbo from my notes" kinds of people haha!!! i always saw and recognized you whenever you were in my notifications or my inbox and you always have such delightful and fun things to say <33
       dear @umgatochamadopercyval,
CLARA HIII you are such a remarkable person, you know? you've been nothing but kind and understanding, and you have such fun thoughts and ideas!! i love hearing about them sm. even if my responses are delayed, just know that you are always welcome to ramble in my dms about your ocs or your fic ideas and i will never find it to be annoying or anything. it isn't annoying. it never is.
                                                 sincerely,                                                                           aphelion.
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there are people who did not make this list, and to those people, i hope we can become closer in 2024! if you aren't on here, it's truly only because i've hardly spoken to you. so... perhaps that is something we can do next year! i think of all my mutuals very fondly. i don't think of any of you as "less than" just because we haven't spoken mwah mwah <3
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if you know about the permanent anacondrai Kai au can you please do a Kai X reader where the reader comfort Kai about what happened at the tournament of elements like the reader says that Kai was brave to take on the mark of the anacondrai to trick Chen and the reader and Kai end up cuddling at the end with the reader saying that they love him no matter what he is (this is both comfort and fluff and the only people in this are the reader and Kai the others are just mentioned and the reader was not at the tournament of elements nya was the one that told the reader about what happened Kai was in his room when the reader come to convert him)
I never knew about the permanent anacondrai au! So the research might kill me, but here you go!
Btw you didn't mention what reader you wanted so I made it gender neutral, hope that's okay!
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How can you love a beast like me?
A Kai x gn!reader, uses they/them. Just pure comfort and fluff!
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It had been a week since the incident at Chen's Island. The anacondrai's had been banished, and everything was fine. But one thing wasn't, and that was Kai. He had taken the responsibility in tricking Chen and saving his friends, he bore the mark of the anacondrai in order to earn his trust. But now, he was permanently stuck as an anacondrai snake.
He hasn't talked to you since the incident, which worried you. Kai Smith, the man or rather snake whom you loved wasn't responding to your calls or messages. Nya had informed you of what happened and you were surprised at how brave Kai was, but he wasn't brave enough to face you...
You gave him another week, but still nothing. Your messages were being left on seen and the calls would lead to voicemail immediately. You wanted to give him all the time in the world but he hasn't said anything! No update on how he's doing, if he's sick, or if he just needs more time.
Hell, even his friends didn't know how he was doing, apparently he went off somewhere. The only person who knew where he was, was Zane. But he promised to not say anything on behalf of his now snake friend.
But it's been bothering you, you wondered if you could get it out of the nindroid's mouth in order to find your beloved boyfriend. It took a lot, a whole week. he finally caved, and gave you the coordinates. He asked you not to tell him, for he wanted to apologize to Kai himself.
"Kai! It's me!" You said, ringing the doorbell. You could hear some shuffling, but it stopped at the door. "I... know you probably still won't talk to me, but we've been worried sick! No one has heard from you in weeks..."
Silence was present, "Nya's starting to think she's a bad sister, but she understands you want to be alone." you pressed you forehead and hand against the wooden door. "We just want an update on how your doing, nothing too extravagant, just a simple, small sentence."
You could hear a small sniffle behind the door, "Just know, we all love you. No matter what you are, you will always be Kai Smith, the older brother to Nya Smith, the master of fire, and my the love of my life." you started tearing up, you then lifted your head and started walking back to your vehicle. But before you could open your door, you heard a small weak 'wait...'
"Don't go... not yet." he was looking at the ground, and this was the first time you saw him in his snake form. His hair was the same, but his skin was adorned with purple scales... "I... well, I-" he stuttered, he didn't know what to tell you.
"Can I come inside?" you ask, giving him a small smile, "...sure." he moved out of the door way and deeper into the home. The silence was loud, but once you sat next to him on the couch that had layers of blankets and pillows on it, he began to cry on you. You hugged him, patting his hair and rubbing his back. "It's okay Kai... let it all out."
"How do you still love me? *sniff* how can you?" he muffled through your shoulder. "Kai... you're still the same man I fell in love with all those years ago. And I told you already...
No matter what you are, you will always be Kai Smith."
"But... I'm a beast! A monster... people look at me in horror... How could you still love me, I'm a beast."
"Then you will be my beast."
the day ended in you both cuddling, you giving him all the love and care that he needed all those weeks of being alone. You kissed him, comforted him, and reassured him that no matter what, he his Kai Smith, the master of fire, a brother, and your boyfriend.
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missmungoe · 6 months
just wondering if you're going to update "Put it on my tab"? its one of my favorites and I just hoe everyone flocks to makinos!!!! this is not me trying to pressure an update btw!! take all the time you want but im just wondering where on the update list it is if that makes sense? Have a lovely day and I love your work so much!!!❤❤❤❤
Hearing that it's one of your favourites made me so happy, I went and finished the draft for the next chapter, so it's actually next on my schedule! Hoping to update it this week if energy allows, but in the meantime, have a little snippet while I edit!
From chapter 2 of Put It on My Tab, aka the fic where a lot of people show up in Makino's bar. First up:
The bar was like he’d described it.
It’s not your usual watering hole, he’d said, his gaze drawn inwards, as though picturing it. They'd been drinking in the galley on Moby Dick, all of them gathered together; the noise level had almost drowned out his voice as he'd continued, It’s really tidy, and she keeps flowers in her windows. I used to think bars were supposed to be seedy, or at the very least a little dingy. All the ones I’d seen in Goa were, so I figured it was part of the gig, but hers was different.
He’d grinned; the one he reserved for the good things from his childhood, like his brothers, and the bandits who’d raised him, as Ace had told them, simply, She’s different.
I take it you’ve never dined and dashed from your tab there, Marco remembered saying.
He’d laughed at that. He could still recall the sound, and the way he’d throw his head back. Oyaji had once remarked that he’d never looked more like his father than when he laughed, but Marco had never told Ace that.
I’d like to meet the person who could, Ace had said.
Their whole crew had been listening now, Oyaji included, a focus that betrayed a curious amount of intrigue, given the topic of conversation, but it was Izo who'd asked, She's that scary?
Ace's grin had softened, something almost bashful in it, as though he was suddenly a much younger boy, even if Marco had often teased him that he was young. And he’d given them a clear picture of the island where he'd grown up, and its inhabitants, Dadan and her family, and the villagers, but here he’d shaken his head, as though this couldn’t be described. Instead, all he’d said was,
If you ever meet her, you’ll see what I mean.
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amourjins · 1 month
UNTIL! Another friend's birthday (picnic party) I got on the bus and on my way to the meet up spot (I saw some of the gang on the bus and she was on it as well) and she tells the person who was next to her to sit elsewhere so I can go to his place (you guys don't get it) Then she greeted me with such a beautiful and bright smile (≧▽≦) And then arriving at meet up spot she brought a chair for me and then she took one for her and sat next to me, and then she asked me and served me water (I can't-) Then after we went to the beach for the picnic and set up the towels, she again tells whoever was sitting mext to her to make more space so I could sit nearby◝(⁰▿⁰)◜Then I saw some seagulls and I wanted to catch one who asked if anyone wanted to come with me (She wanted!) After going in the sand and then climbed on some rocks, my friend came with us and we all sat on the sand (and they started flirting again -_-) After that we went back to the rest of the group (I was kinda pisssed about the flirting) so I sat on my own on a corner... But then she came next to me and wanted to talk with me (she said about anything as long as we would have a convo) Alright so fast forward end of the party i was happy with the interactions so I posted on my notes glue song (which was aimed at her... AND SHE LIKED THE NOTE I KNOW I'M GOING INSANE BUT LISTEN) A couple of days later she posted a story (god she was beautiful) WITH A BEEBADOOBEE SONG. Also on the same day she posted about liking someone that she can't even tell her friends (another friend from the group who know about my crush for her tried to get info but failed) Anyway I posted another note with a song and she replied to it and we started talking to the point I asked her to go out with me... She cancelled BUT I recently on insta posted some clownfish i found (i love fish) and she asked me where this was and that we should go together (just us.) If you're wondering we did go to that place on Friday, she posted about it and another friend of mine (which was like a spy) asked her if we went out on a date???? And she didn't say no????? But anyway it was really fun since after that we went to a playground and made fun of 5 year olds (sorry I had to add this detail) By the end of the "date", I was getting on the bus when she came to hug me?!?!?!? (Like pls hug me more often ma'am) And I was smiling like an idiot on the way back home... That's it for now folks (I'll keep you updated)
STOPPP OKG ALL OF YOUR GUYS’ INTERACTIONS??? girl kiss her! (slash jay) BUT LIKE HELLOOOOOOO… shes so sweet i think i get why you fell for her tee bee eych! we love acts of service heh am i right [smirkifg tiiktok emoji] I LOVE BEABADOOBEE… no cause its a sign! the story with beabadoobee… IM AFRAID SHE WANTS U (slash jay dont listen to me) omg i may have read “clownfish” as “catfish” 😭 I GASPED BUT THEN I REREAD IT!
STOP WAIT WHAT she didnt say no??? omg.. wait bc whatt! THE 5 YEAR OLDS STOP.. me n her (‘her’ is always my crush btw) would probably do that too but then she’d tell me to stop cs she loves kids n is great with them,, frowny face emoji
OH YURP THE HUG 🙏🙏🙏 im actually rooting for u two
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pradnyesh1008 · 7 months
Okay so get ready. This will be long.
1. How did I not know about you.. it's a honest to God sin.
2. I love your writing but above that I love your humor. From opening up the demo your personality kinda shown through and thank u for that cookie btw. Was delicious!!
3. Back to the writing Jesus.. how much writing you actually had to do. It was a huge demo. And that prologue setting the scene was very cool.
4. I love the dynamics in the MCs royal family. A dutiful MC yes stuck with responsibility as the crown heir while their siblings play yet still miss them. I like how you can be a very sweet older sibling and how for once the parents actually care. A king and queen that love their kids and although they have a house to represent still actually engage with their kids and not just ask them to put on a mask for the nobles. I love how different our siblings are. The Littlest one made me laugh lol
(Now I will say I didn't pass that damn speech Stat check and I have no clue how to. I tried everything so sorry insight there would be lovely)
I appreciated how a knowledgeable MC actually was useful and not just a smartass lording their intelligence over others. And how you can half pass the other stats lol
That whole festival/ball was a whole thing. And long with actual conversations with everyone I honestly can't wait to have those types of long conversations with the ROs when they show up.
What else was there... I also must admit I did miss a bit maybe during the leading up to the festival. Just because of the wall to wall text. I lack the ability to pay attention for tht long without engagement unfortunately so that could just Be a me thing 🤣 I hope you don't take that the wrong way.
But overall I think this is such a wonderful story. I have absolutely no fuckng clue where you are going with this and that's what intrigues me. And ooof I can't wait to meet the ROs. 😏😍
You honestly made me fall a bit inlove with this so I'm excited for more.
Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with me! Your enthusiasm and genuine appreciation for the story mean the world to me, and I'm absolutely thrilled that you enjoyed it so much.
First off, I'm honored by your kind words, and I'm so glad you stumbled upon my writing. And I'm thrilled that my humor managed to shine through—what can I say, I love to sprinkle a little fun wherever I can! And I'm glad you enjoyed the cookie. As for the writing, let me tell you, it was a labor of love! Crafting that demo was no small feat, but it's all worth it when I hear how much you enjoyed it. And I'm thrilled that the prologue resonated with you—it's all about setting the stage for the adventure to come!
I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the dynamics within the MC's royal family. Creating a rich family dynamic was really important to me, and I'm glad it paid off! And don't worry about that pesky speech stat check—I'll make sure to give you some hints for next time!
I'm thrilled that you appreciated the usefulness of a knowledgeable MC and the flexibility in passing other stats. And I hear you on the festival/ball—that was a whole production, wasn't it? But I'm glad you're looking forward to those deep conversations with the ROs—they're going to be quite the ride!
And hey, I totally get it about the wall of text leading up to the festival. I'll definitely keep that in mind for future updates and try to keep things engaging from start to finish!
Thank you again for your kind words and your excitement for the story and the ROs. Your enthusiasm is what keeps me going, and I can't wait to share more of this adventure with you. Until then, stay tuned for updates, and get ready for more surprises and romance to come! 🚀✨
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the-larxist-manifesto · 4 months
GameGirl28 ~ Conquering the NSO GameBoy library
Okay... so... Hello! This is my cool and awesome gaming blog where I'm gonna write my thoughts on my current gaming excursions, because I type really fast and I have a lot to say and I love video games!!
Here marks the inaugural post in a series I like to call:
~The premise~
I grew up playing and loving Nintendo games. However, there lies a blind spot in my history with them right about where the GameBoy existed. I was too young when it was still getting games to appreciate or be any good at beating them, but only grew into gaming as a hobby when the GameBoy was considered extremely uncool. By the time I was going to the shop to pick out my own games for getting good grades in school, it was all about GBA and DS games for me. The GameBoy, as I famously say, lies slouched in the corner as the poopy predecessor to a golden era of portable gaming. I've never taken the thing seriously, and I think it's about time that I change that.
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~Why now?~
When the Nintendo Switch Online service added GameBoy (GB) to the growing list of retro games, I thought for the first time that the subscription was worthwhile. It's one of the most accessible ways Nintendo has ever allowed fans to play a sampling of games fundamental to their success as a company today. Seriously, there's never been a good way to play GB before. No one's paying $5 a pop for an old game on 3DS that doesn't even have color. But now, anyone can play 21 of the GB's games whenever they want, on-the-go as originally intended, for a measly $20 a year. Since I was already paying for the service to smash noobs in Mario Kart and play SNES Yoshi's Island, I figured now was the time for the little gray box to shine.
You're probably wondering why the name of this project sounds like a username you might see in the YouTube comments 10 years ago under an AMV of Pikachu dancing to Butterfly.
Well, the name has a pretty simple meaning. I'm playing the GameBoy. But I'm a girl, so I gotta yassify the name. And, as of right now, I will be playing 28 total GB games. That number comes from the 21 offered by NSO, in addition to 7 other GB games I happen to own after years of collecting video games. Yeah. Seven. You can probably tell how much I cared about this console until now. I own almost 500 video games total btw the GB doesn't even make up 2% of that
Here's a little visual guide to which games I'll be playing, in order!
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As for this particular order, I grouped them up loosely according to theme as well as pacing out the kinds of games I'd be playing. Since the challenge is to beat an entire library of games, there will be games that I hate, or even objectively horrible games, sprinkled in there. So, generally speaking, each row contains a little mix of every type of game. For example, "Precursor to greatness..." includes an adventure game somewhat familiar to me (Zelda), a fun, breezy, and familiar romp (Kirby), an adventure game completely new to me (Castlevania), and another easy one that I have a history with (Wario Land). The goal is to keep the challenge fresh by flowing between the new and the familiar, spacing out the stinkers with the classics, and escalating the excitement as I progress further!
This blog, my larxist manifesto, will be for more than just posting about GB games. Posts about this challenge in particular will be titled as such, and I'll probably make more cute accompanying graphics to illustrate how far along I am as well. Actually, as of right now, I'm almost all the way through "Welcome to GameBoy!" I'll make some recap posts very soon about that. So yeah, if you are also curious about a console essential to video game history that has been kinda swept under the rug (or you just wanna see me go off on fiery rants and post funny screenshots), look out for future updates!
And if you wanna see what other manner of silly things I can yap about forever, stay tuned! My next post will be sort of an overview about why I'm even blogging in the first place. ^^
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g-on-ef · 5 months
Thank you so much for replying to my asks, now I am so excited to see what the stalker does to bran to get him ( not that niko would allow that, he won't let anything happen to his baby) in born sinner btw I was thinking ( sorry if I overstepped your boundaries) what if the stalker gets the hold of that video and some how uses that to get to bran... It's just a thought which you can ignore
And I am so excited to see the king family and Levi and Kyle fighting each other in to kidnap a lotus flower. Plus eli and lan team up to save bran and Jeremy niko brotherhood
I also wonder how niko and bran will patch up and how lan will save bran and I know for a fact that the king family will be so against niko and bran being a couple after the whole kidnapping thing 😁
I am so excited for all the drama and I know it will be really good
And I am also eagerly waiting for the heart was build to break
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Are you ... okay that's it I'm hiding my reading journal from everyone because that's actually what I have planned with the video ^^;
Also please never be afraid to send me suggestions I love reading them and seeing I can incorporate them in my story or if I can use them for future projects so please never hesitate to send them my way ^^
Eli and Lan are gonna show everyone they're unstoppable when they're together but Jeremy, Niko, Killian, Gareth, and Vaughn {yes I'm adding him to the story no I don't give a fuck what rina says} are gonna show why their Mafia heirs and should be feared
Levi and Kyle will definitely hate each other but Levi more than anyone ^^
As for niko and Bran it's gonna be a slow burn like it's gonna be 3-5 maybe more chapters before Bran even thinks about talking to Niko, I don't want this to be a fast thing I want Niko and Bran to understand they hurt each other and how badly it effect them not to mentioned that they're gonna say some fuck up things to each other especially when Bran wakes up from the kidnapping
But don't worry once they make up everything will be a okay ... or will it 🤔 😏 👀 😬
As for the saving ... Lan is about to go to war !!!!
Thank you for reading and I cannot wait for you guys to read the next chapter of born sinner and to kidnap a lotus flower ^^
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Anon ask: Thank you for answering my questions, I hope I didn't disturb you a lot.
Plus take all the time you need to upload ur fics we can wait. I am so excited to see the whole King family coming together to save bran and fighting the bratva 😁 it will be so exciting (especially Kyle and Levi) , plus I am also excited to see lan's darker side ( he will do anything to save bran ☺ best elder brother)
His bonding with eli to save bran ( will we see protective eli too who wants to save his cousin)
I am so excited to see more of Niko and Jeremy
Btw for how many days does bran go missing? Like is it one week or it goes for months? And when you said elites does that mean that niko also fights eli and remi before kidnapping bran ( just curious)
Any way I am so excited for all your fics and I can't wait for heart was build to break update 😁
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Anon you are more than welcome to continue asking me questions never think you're bothering me ^^
Lan's darker side is gonna be brutal and it's gonna want to destroy everything he's the God of Ruin for a reason and he's gonna ruin everyone that dared hurt his brother
The Kings vs. Bratva is gonna be a very interesting dynamic and I'm hoping to get it right especially Adrian, Damian, and Krillis characters {I'm making Damian Nikos godfather and best believe that man is gonna side with his godson all the way}
Yes, we are gonna see protective Eli especially after what Niko does to Creighton {spoilers} and he's gonna be worried as fuck
One thing I hate is we never got to see the relationship between all the Kings Eli, Creigh, Lan, Bran, and Glyn and I want to incorporate that and show the cousins love and care for each other so be prepared to see their relationships and dynamics together ^^
IDK if you can call what goes down between him and Remi a fight but yes Remi included the only one that's gonna get scratch free is Eli who's not at the mansion but gonna show how guilty he is for what happens
Okay Bran is gonna be missing for a year ... yeah a whoooole year ... trust it's gonna one hell of a year ^^
can't wait for you guys to read what I have plan next ^^
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@sleepless-winter-nights asked: Hi. I just wanted to let you know that don't take too much pressure and upload your fics whenever you want.
Yes we are excited and always eager to read your fics, so it's okk for you take your time. As I have said before I enjoy all your fics and thanks for answering me.
I am so excited to see the king family come together and landon's reaction to his brother's kidnapping ( I am sure he would turn everything upside down to save his brother?)
Btw will he find his brother first or will niko let go of bran ( which is highly unlikely cuz his main motive was to keep bran away from everything including his frnds and family)
btw how will the elites react to bran's kidnapping?
How long will bran go missing?
Plus how the grace incident will be revealedI am so excited to know more and I am also excited to read the heart was build to break ( it's okk if you delay the upload too)
U r amazing 🤩
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My love please don't ever worry about constantly asking me to update if anything it motivates me because it reminds me a lot of people love this story ^^
I love and appreciate how much you guys love them and how much you guys enjoy them ^^
Landons reaction is gonna be a boat load of emotions he's gonna be a mess and he's gonna want to destroy everything I plan to make him angry denial and guilty because of how he was finally reparing his relationship with Lan {I plan to show flashbacks on them doing empathy lessons but also having emotional talks}
Lan is out for blood and he's gonna be not only the Bratvas problem but his family's as well
Lan is out for blood and he doesn't care who's he gotta spill to get to his brother
Niko is not letting Bran go at all but who finds him first ... hmm that's a secret just know it's the last person anyone will think of
As for the grace incident like I said they'll be gone for a whole year and Bran is gonna be an emotional wreck and it'll come out but Niko will be there to help him ^^
The Elites reaction is gonna be an interesting one because the Heathens got their friend's back and it's gonna be very very eye opening and it's gonna cause a lot of drama between them and the Heathens
I cannot wait for you guys to read these next coming chapters and to see your reactions ^^
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laliamluv · 1 year
School Brainrots <3
Was able to write stuff today
1 ❝ Dude a creeper exploded. ❞ 2 ❝ Oh… I died. ❞ 3 ❝ Choke me then.❞ 4 ❝ I hope you choke.❞
Building a house in Minecraft was one of the things you do when you're bored, and right now you are bored. You've been on a call with your online friends and spending 1 hour to build this house and suddenly a fucking creeper showed up. ❝ Dude the fuck? ❞ You say as you stop moving your character to just look at the ticking time bomb mob.
❝ Yo, sunshine, you good? ❞ Kabuto asks you as his character stares up to yours. ❝ The fucking creeper is so near my house. ❞ As soon as you said that Kabuto jumped and tried attacking the creeper but fails, causing it to explode. Killing Kabuto and blowing up a part of your house.
Soon Gogoru's character walks over to where Kabuto died and takes all his stuff. His character then looks at your now exploded part of the house and looks up to your character. ❝ Dude a creeper exploded. ❞ You make your character pull out a bow and shoot it to him. ❝ No shit Sherlock! ❞
❝ FUCK! GRAPE JUICE RES ME!  ❞ You shout to your mic as your character crawls near the dude named "Grape_Juic3". ❝ I don't have a med kit. ❞ He says, his mic was so smooth that it makes you wonder if this bitch is a streamer or just someone who spent lots a cash.
Grape_Juic3 just looks at you and clicks E. ❝ It doesn't work. ❞ You swore to God you wanted to punch and kill this guy if this damned game allowed it. ❝ Firstly. You're not close enough and–❞ before you can even finish the words he missed to shoot one zombie and his character in now in the ground with you. 
Soon then your screen starts turning black, signalling that your character is dying, and with that your character died. And so did Grape_Juic3's. ❝ Oh… I died. ❞ He says.
❝ Fuck you man and your streamer mic and hot voice. ❞ That was not a fun game. But you played with a hot guy.
Sipping on your drink, chilling in the cafe with your friends, sounds like a good time right? Yeah sure, but stops when he pops up.
❝ Buddy! Would you smash or pass that dude? ❞ Ajax asks as he points to a dude with long white fluffy hair. ❝ Why? Just why? ❞ you asks him while sipping your drink, but hey! At least your friends didn't leave you with hi– oh wait. They already left you with this twink.❝ Because it's fun! Oh! Li hey! ❞ God bless your soul there's another one. ❝ Hello there Childe and company. ❞ the tall dude speaks. He deadass sounds like an old man, the fuck?? You look at him and nod your head before trying to leave. ❝ So uh, the two of you have fun I have to go– ❞ God must hate you because 3 more men came in. Oh wait there's also a woman, God loves you. ❝ Childe stop forcing the poor person to hang out with you when they obviously don't want to. ❞ Says a tall blondie that looked like Ajax but not with the Ed Sheeran virus. ❝ They like hanging out with me though… right Y/n? ❞ the sabon brand says. You just sigh and look at him with a deadpan face. ❝ I hope you choke. ❞ He looks at you with a smirk before showing his neck to you. ❝ Choke me then. ❞ the next thing he knew he was holding an ice to his cheek.
i did this at school using google docs. Almost got caught <33
anyways! Have a nice day or night ya'll!! Btw the Welcome Home fanfic series will be updated on may 31 onwards!
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