#BTW a lot of these poses/ideas i got from pinterest
viatrix-glow · 1 year
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favoure · 2 years
Sorry if you got this asked before but I'm so in love with your artwork, how did you get so good at anatomy and posing? I struggle a lot with it.
omg HI TY TY !!!! uuuhm tbh it was mainly 4 things for me: using irl pics as ref, using my artgods' art as ref, obsessing over proportions until it becomes second nature to you fr, and 3d models or posing apps .... [some examples and entire ramblings under the cut i got carried away AGH]
using irl pics as reference - i literally go on pinterest n combine several photos 2 get the pose i want, [or when it comes to hands i take pics of my own lol] i usually browse through magazine photoshoots or pics of statues n find stuff with cool poses .... this also applies to other stuff rlly like for clothing folds i would pick out parts that would look and feel right and interpret it in my own wayyy
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find an artist with a Banger sense of anatomy n use their stuff as reference - bonus points if ur artgods have a semi realistic style n ur already obsessed with their stuff like Seriously the other half of my ref photos are other ppl's art and i would copy the way they draw certain things - i also actively observe How they draw these certain things like "oh this is actually in a triangle shape" or "oh theres a bump here and its followed by a straightish line" and i am mindful of these, i make sure to remember them even just the tiniest change bc that's still an improvement yk a different way of thinking abt something - love these accs for anatomy [tomfoxdraws, taco1704, kato_anatomy], this artist is great at simplifying their ref but still keeping it dynamic and flowy [UTWP_], and this acc for more general tips but with timelapses so u can see how they go about drawing something [KawaiiSensei_jp] <- theres also some anatomy stuff there toooo also SORRY literally 4/5 of these accs are in japanese or korean i just look at stuff n think about it no need to read :sob:
study up on proportions n figure out ways 2 simplify stuff using basic shapes - thanking my 12 year old self for being so nitpicky abt proportions like, i used to "measure" the length of the limbs and from doing that i learned how a bunch of stuff works like halfway point of the torso is also where elbows are, hands end midthigh, thigh usually as long as torso etcetc and since i got so used to "measuring" these it's just muscle memory for me atp, its all about the observations ur honor - for simplifying stuff its like, breaking something down to its basic shapes like how the hand can be a square or a triangle with a bunch of circles or cylinders attached to it, how the torso can be a rectangle circle or triangle depending on the body type etcetc - once again its actively observing and keeping what u learned in mind and doing it over and over again until it Sticks and u can change stuff n improve on it as u learn more about it
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3d models / posing apps - literally only just started using these. a month or two ago ??? but i find these Very useful for when i have Such a specific pose in mind or when im too lazy to find or take ref pics WOOPS i also use irl ref pics when posing my 3d model btw im not That lazy KJSDFSDF
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oh and i watched jjba and that singlehandedly made me like muscles and want to study how to draw them help there's that too ig ..... I HAVE NO IDEA IF THIS MAKES SENSE ITS ALL JUST MOSTLY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE HOPE THIS HELPS !!!!!!!!
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giuliadrawsstuff · 3 years
Hi Giulia! I hope you're doing okay! I just wanna say that you have a very solid art style--I can definitely distinguish it whenever it appears on my dashboard. Do you have artists or references that influence your very own art? I guess I just wanna ask, what's your artistic process? Thanks and take care!
Hi RK! Aww thanks you're so kind 💜💜 it really means a lot 💜
Mmm I think my greatest influence was Disney, the cartoons obviously but also some Italian comics, in particular W.I.T.C.H. (five highschool girls that obtain superpowers and can communicate with the four elements) and Topolino (various stories of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck and all their friends) and I used to copy every possible drawing available hahha All the various issues are drawn by different artists, so I got to see a lot of variety of styles and pick the ones I preferred or better even pick the bits of each I liked and make them mine. Topolino in particular has multiple stories in a single issue and comes out weekly, so I had lots and lots of material to look at. I had my subscription until 2 years ago honestly hahah but I stopped for lack of shelves in my room 😂
And then during university so like 4/5 years ago I bought some video tutorials by Disney artist Aaron Blaise (he's the director of Brother Bear but he worked on Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King and other movies) and those really were a booster because I got to study anatomy and character design and drawing lots of animals. I still buy his stuff whenever he adds something interesting, he's an excellent teacher. And I get to watch them all the times I want so I can review weak spots or more difficult points.
As for the drawing process, well first I try and find a pose, I collect everything available that inspires me from stars Instagram posts or tweets, to drawings of other artists (obviously if the pose I finally make is identical to the original I add the reference to the post) to movie GIFs on Tumblr or official art. Oh and Pinterest too, that’s a goldmine, but I always end up finding new stuff that distracts me and not what I was originally looking for haha
Then I sketch on paper or on Photoshop depending on the mood and time, lately I can't even watch a movie in peace because my hands itch because I need to draw. So in this case I use paper.
Like these new ones look what a mess they are and very unfinished. It mostly to just jot down the idea so I don't forget it.
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And since I always make a mess of it, Photoshop is a blessing. I allows me to change stuff how many times I want, for ex if the head is too big I can select it and make it smaller, it allows me to flip the drawing which is one of the most useful things ever because watching your drawing mirrored makes all the horrors pop up, I've lost count of how many wrong eyes or super long arms I had to correct. Plus I can work on different layers so I usually have one layer for the head (even 2 or 3 like for Hange because they have bangs and ponytail that are tough and glasses) then one torso, two for the arms and so on. I only merge all layers into one lineart when I'm sure it's good to go.
And then I add flat colours and logos and stuff if needed (like the wings of freedom patches or blood).
Like this is flat colours (I know you know Bojack from your Diane profile pic, which I've always loved from the first moment I saw it btw 💜 I love that show). This one stays like this because Bojack has a very simple line and pretty much no shadows unless needed. But otherwise I always add them.
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But before making the shadows I tend to decide a background if needed or if I hadn't already one in mind. And the shadows colour tends to pair with the BG, but the general one is brownish (I use the same colour I use for Levi's bags under his eyes 😂 but set it to multiply so it gets darker but you can still see what's beneath).
Like this below.
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I don't do many backgrounds by hand, i made one for my Secret Santa but usually I use photos or pictures (AOT is perfect for example because being a cartoon it fits with my style, with real photos I have to be more careful because it might collide instead of becoming part of the drawing) unless there's an object in real interaction with the characters.
For example this one below. The tree on which they sit was already in the frame (that's actually what gave me the idea of putting them on the branches) I tried using it like that but there was too much difference so I drew the tree myself. The rest is the real shot but blurred. Helps focusing on the characters.
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Puff I think I'm done hahha sorry it came out longer that expected 😂😂 I hope the drawings make it less boring hahhaha
Anyway thanks for asking 💜💜 and if you have suggestions be sure to drop them by 💜
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butterfly-winx · 3 years
Hi, This isnt about the butterfly au but i was wondering do you use any apps to draw your art on and if so which ones due you use? also do you have any tips?
Hey there! No worries I'm happy to talk about art in general as well!
I use Procreate (I think currently V5) on a first gen iPadPro to do most of the art and photosh*p cs2 for any edits, or compiling files when my layers overflow. (I'm not gonna lie, that is the major bummer with Procreate, but the app is well priced and I got no complaints about it otherwise.)
As far as art tips, go I wanted to acknowledge that these are tips I would and also do give myself, so it I am not an expert in any of these, but they are cool things to strive for.
1. Find the workflow for what makes sense for you. Not everyone has to do 2 sketches a lineart, flats and render in that order in every single piece. Experiment around, find what works for you, which parts of the process you enjoy, most importantly. I do very clean sketches on top of loose pose puppets and hate lineart. So I usually don't do that, but I get away with it bc I like doing the detailed sketch phase and "line sculpting" so I just go straight to colouring most often. Maybe you don't either, but for you a lineless style would work better. This is also how you can build style very easily!
2. Experiment with programs and find the one that supports your workflow best. I started off with a pen-tablet and PS/Corel painter and that didn't work for me for the longest time - I guess I never had the necessary hand-eye coordination for laptop and pen-tablet setups. Drawing ON the screen however, whoo boy my improvement skyrocketed. So I would urge everyone to look at what they struggle with while making art bc it might not be you, it might be the setup you use. Sure I could have spent a million hours fine tuning my lines to be straight, but I cold have also switched to a program that supports stroke stabilisation, you know? Also look into available shortcuts and pre-sets: the better you know your program the faster you are, the less likely you are to burn yourself out on a piece.
3. Build skills, but let your interests dictate what skills to focus on. Sure practice is key and you need to draw a thing a 1000 times to understand it, but I'm saying you are only going to draw something that many times if you like it. When I was into series that featured many male characters I beefed up on male anatomy; when I was crazy about a live action show I practiced copying the features of real actors; now I am neck deep in fashion refs and drawing different types of fabric. Find your passion and let it drive you! It does make sense to identify shortcomings and get comfortable with art basics like shape, light and colour, but if you don't find a way to apply it it a way that sparks joy, you risk your hobby turning into a chore (so this advice is mainly for hobbyist), so try not to do that and instead focus on eating your "veggies" and "dessert" as well if you can. Do sketches all day if you want, but you will need to face drawing the other eye or that hand on the hip if you want to see eventual improvement.
4. Collect inspiration with a goal in mind. It's fair and well to have endless lists of inspiring art and photography saved in your likes, pinterest or wherever, but it is good to sit down sometimes and examine why you saved a pic. (This is not for direct references btw). Ask yourself what you like about the individual piece and whether what you like about is something that just appeals to you as a beholder or whether that is something you would like to reproduce in your own art? It's actually a huge difference. I am drawn to stylised shapes and bold colours in art, but I like to paint like that? No. On the other hand I like looking at guache paintings and really taking apart how they were painted, bc that is the rendering style i like to push for in my art. It's a good idea to go cross-media in your inspiration: from traditional art to photography to industrial object design, you can find a lot of things to learn from outside your native art medium. If you found something you really like, you can do a master study of it (absolutely fair to share with public domain, classical pieces, if you copy a contemporary artist, do it for the sake of study and don't post it).
5. Don't compare yourself to others. Yes, I know this is the hardest. If you find yourself unhappy with the reception of your art online, it impacting your joy in creating art in the first place, it might be worth taking a step back. That's what I did. I was doing winx doodles for almost a year for myself only before I made this blog, (and this is far from being my first art blog on the internet btw). This may not be the right decision for everyone, but I wanted to say something other than "just don't give up", bc when you are in that spot it feels like utter bulsh*t. Social media has us comparing our skills and success to a million other people every day, and as harsh as it sounds, it's just not worth breaking yourself up over it. There is also no need to monetise every hobby you have and become the absolute best in it, especially when you are young.
So, to sum it up:
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