#BTS x Army
fruitmins · 1 year
Purple Car | jungkook
➭ summary: in which jungkook is a successful solo idol and your his long time girlfriend that he hasn’t seen in almost two months. again. it’s starting to feel like your more like distant friends more than lovers so when you unexpectedly disappear, jungkook goes the distance to try to find you.
➭genre: solo idol jk x reader, drabble
➭warnings: none really. a little angsty and depressing. there’s a couple bad words
➭note: first post🥳 | heard a snippet of the acoustic version of ‘car outside’ and this was the outcome sooo feedback would be appreciated.
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Jungkook’s eyes begin to strain as he stared at the blue screen with wide and glossy eyes. He didn’t care how badly he was damaging his eyes. It didn’t even cross his mind for a second. He could barely process the information that was on the screen. But still, he stared at it in disbelief. How could he care about himself when the most important person he cared about was missing?
‘nearest train station’
‘train tickets to Daegu’
According to your laptop that was the last thing you had googled. The last time you had used it being almost an hour ago.
His heavy heart sank. Would the train be gone by now?
No. He didn’t want to think of the possibility that you actually left him. You two had always talked about going to Daegu together. Going out to hotels and spending the days happily touring together.
Jungkook’s throat ran dry as he thought about the word touring. When was the last time he actually spent quality time with you? He had just came back from a month tour, promoting his new solo album. He had spent weeks prior getting ready for it and his schedule became full in an instant.
He felt bad and had always planned on making up for lost time as soon as he was done. He knew that after his company would leave him alone for once and he was set on making you his top priority after.
He always made sure to call you at least once a day when on tour, or send little gifts and things to the house in an attempt to cheer you up.
Jungkook glanced around the room, some of his latest gifts not even out of the box. At first, he was constant with the calls and gifts. They would be sweet and meaningful. But as the tour continued the more tired he got. His calls were short and late at night and his gifts became small and less frequent.
His stomach swelled with guilt at the thought. How could he do this to you? Abandon you, make promises, and give you false hope. He remembered the words he said to you to cheer you up.
‘It’ll be over soon before you know it.’
‘When I get back we’ll have the best nights of our lives.’
‘I promise to call you more babe.’
‘I promise I’m fine babe, everything will go back to normal when I’m done.’
‘Stop fucking freaking out so much.’
Most of the time, his mind was clouded by exhaustion and pressure he forgot about the things he said. It felt like all the nights before he slept was like a drunken blur. All he could remember was being on stage and wanting to do good for his fans.
Well now he remembered. All the dry talks between you two. All of the half hearted things he said while slurring, barely awake. Sometimes almost yelling at you whenever you spoke to loud or to much. It was clear as time went he became more moody and distant.
He felt sick.
On the king sized bed, next to the earlier gifts laid your phone. No wonder you hadn’t been answering your phone. Did you really go the extra mile to leave everything at home?
No, he thought again. This must mean your in the house. Maybe the shower, or you went for a walk. Why would you leave your phone?
He tapped on the screen as it lit up. His handful of text showed on the screen. Your phone was almost dead and seemed completely untouched.
Even though he knew you never took showers this late, he went to the master bathroom to take a peek. Nothing. There was limited places you could be hiding, and he had already checked the place once he realized you weren’t home when he first arrived. You weren’t ANYWHERE. Not even in the guest bedroom.
Now he was really starting to panic as realization set in. He had screwed up. He had played with your emotions. He had left you one to many times. Now you were leaving him.
Now he was feeling everything that you had been for the past month and a half, and every other time a big event happened. He felt abandoned, sad, ditched and empty. How the fuck did he not realize what he was doing? How did he not realize how you were feeling? Why didn’t you talk to him? Did you? Not like he could really remember if you had.
‘nearest train station’
He clicked on your past search to see the exact responds. Shit. It wasn’t that far from the house. Only fifteen minutes to be exact. And you had been ghosting him for an hour.
He sprung into action at the realization. He would just had to hope that the train didn’t leave yet. To just hope that you went to early or that you had changed your mind.
He jumps into his car. Not caring that he wasn’t even supposed to be out this late, especially not in his recognizable purple car. Something even his fans knew was his prized possession since he and your favorite color was purple. In his purple car he felt like any other normal person. Especially when you were in the car with him. Now if just felt empty.
He practically sped to the train station (he actually did go over the speed limit a little), immediately parking his car in a random lot before booking it inside the large building.
Inside, he is immediately hit by a sense of bustling activity and the sound of people rushing to catch their trains as his eyes try to scan to look for you. Even though it’s early in the morning, there’s still a bunch of people.
Even when it’s a little dark inside the station since the sun isn’t up yet, he can spot a variety of posters and signs, displaying information about train schedules, destinations, and services available at the station.
He runs to the board, looking for the word Daegu and the color from his face drains when he finds it. The last train to Daegu had left at 11pm. Almost an hour ago. And what’s even worse is that he couldn’t even get a ticket till six.
He almost growled at the board out of anger. What he wasn’t going to do was sit around for five hours while you would be at a foreign place with no phone and nothing to defend yourself with. Especially since you were arriving at such a late time. He was not going to sit around when he had a perfectly good private jet.
Jungkook didn’t care who he woke up. He was the most successful man under his company and getting even more popular around the world. If he wanted a private jet ready at twelve o clock, he was going to get it.
Jungkook would be arriving to Daegu a big whopping thirty minutes before you, and it would take him a decent amount of time to get to the train station you would be arriving it. In short, Jungkook was seriously cutting it short.
If he was even a second to late, you’d disappear into the sea of people and his chances of finding you would decrease drastically by the minute.
Despite being exhausted and sleep deprived, Jungkook couldn’t sleep on the jet. He couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat. All he could do is refrain himself from tearing out his own hair by repeating calling your number, listening to your voice mail for comfort since he knew you wouldn’t answer.
Once his phone had died, all he had was his thoughts. The depressing feeling of sorrow and loss took over him as he cried his eyes out. He missed you and he hated that he drew you away. He hate that he hurt you. He couldn’t imagine a life without you. He wanted to marry you for God’s sake. He felt like his chest was crashing the more he was away from you.
Finally, after he arrived he had a car waiting for him to take him to the train station. He had requested the same purple car he had left back at home, it didn’t feel right picking you up in an all black shaded windowed limo. Whenever you both went somewhere you took that car. You two had spent camping trips and dinner dates in that car. Sure it was newer and wasn’t his car but it was close enough.
He drove himself to the train station and ran inside the building as fast as he could. His face was hidden with a hat and mask as he tried his best to blend in with the people while still desperately trying to reach the platforms.
When he did, he saw one train already letting off a load of people. Jungkook immediately grew terrified. Did you already get off? Did he already lose you? A million thoughts ran through his head as his eyes started to water again.
He didn’t stop walking till he was at the front of the platform, watching as the people who got off with smiles reunited with family members or friends.
Jungkook watched the train empty, looking through the windows in hopes of getting a glimpse of you still inside. But it was mostly empty. You must of been one of the first people to get off. You must of been in a rush to get away from him. To start over. To leave him like he had done you.
Jungkook’s heavy head dropped, looking straight at the ground with closed eyes as tears started to fall. Grieving over the loss of his soulmate. And he could only blame himself.
He wished he could turn back time and do things differently, but he knew that was impossible. All he could do now was try to pick up the pieces of his shattered life and move forward, even though he had no idea how to do that without his wife by his side. But he would always missing you piece of his life..
Jungkook’s body immediately froze at his name. The voice was behind him and spoke with a shaky voice but he was positive it sounded just like you. Was his mind fucking with him? Did he actually hear your voice? For the first time in a month? Were you still here? Did he still have a chance?
He swallowed a lump in his throat as he turned around, a little cautious. His breathing stopped when he met your red eyes. It was you. Only a couple steps away from him. You looked different. More skinny, you had on older clothes. Not the ones he bought you. And he could tell by your tear stained cheek and puffy eyes that you had been crying for a while. But you still looked beautiful. He missed your eyes, your touch, your smell..
Without giving it a second thought, he jumped towards you. His arms immediately wrapped around you as he gave you a tight hug and held you. His tears were spilling more violently as he sobbed into you. Relief rushed through him as he held you. You didn’t push him away, but you didn’t exactly hug him either. But he didn’t care. As long as he got to hug you. He was scared of letting you go. He didn’t want you to leave, and he didn’t want to leave either.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He managed to choke out and soon enough you began to cry with him, becoming emotional in his arms. “I’m so fucking sorry.” He repeated, the first genuine words he said to you in a while. Your familiar soothing smell with the warmth of your small figure stopped him from having a full out panic attack.
“Jungkook I—“ you started to speak but he quickly shook his head, pulling away to analyze your face. He looked into your eyes with such relief and care but sadness still filled his expression. He was still scared you wouldn’t forgive him. That he had still lost you.
“I’m terrible Y/N. I didn’t realize just how much I let my job take over my life. Our life. I missed you Y/N I really did. I love you. I love you more than myself. I don’t wanna leave you anymore.” He said quickly pulling you back into a tight embrace, and this time he almost melted when your arms wrapped around him. He wanted to say so much more but he couldn’t form the words. It was paining him just seeing you cry.
“Please, give me a second chance to fix things. I’m not going anywhere without you Y/N.” He said, his desperate words spoken in a firm voice. He wanted to let you know just how serious he was about his words.
“Don’t promise anything..” you mumbled. The first proper-ish sentence you’ve said the whole time. He missed your voice, it wasn’t the same over the phone but your words stung. Did you not trust him? Did you think he would abandon you? Cause if so he’d get on his knees and propose to you right there.
“I just don’t want you to leave. I don’t want to leave you.” He sobbed into your shoulder honestly. Jungkook had always been a little shy with crying, even in front of you. But he was willing to expose himself to you. To let you know how he really felt.
“I-I won’t. Leave..” You choked out in a low voice and Jungkook was immediately over the moon. All his worries and fears washed away at your words. “I love you.” You spoke, this time in a stronger but gentle voice as his grip loosened a little around you.
He responded by pulling down his mask and kissing you with starving lips. His arms wrapped around your waist as he pulled your body against his. You kissed him back, melting in his touch as the world around you disappeared. You both had missed each others touch and you practically cried of happiness at the familiar warmth of his lips on yours.
When you pulled away to catch your breath, Jungkook leaned his forehead so it was touching yours. He closed his eyes and took everything in as he continued to hold your waist. Never would he be leaving you again. Never.
“You ready for the tour baby?” Jungkook asked you in a gentle and soothing voice when he slithered behind you, wrapping his arms around you and putting his head on your shoulder. He gave you a kiss on your neck as he watched you pack your large suitcase.
“Absolutely. I can’t wait to visit all the different places.” You said with a wide smile as you leaned into his touch. When Jungkook cleared his voice you giggled. “And watch you preform of course.” A satisfied smirk showed on his lips at your response.
“Well I’m glad your happy.” He replied with a warm smile, his voice filled with joy and happiness.
Because what you didn’t know was that on the last day of the tour in Daegu, Jungkook was going to propose to you after singing Still With You.
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hyukaslvr · 5 months
strong enough | J. Jungkook (3)
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<series masterlist
pairing: Jungkook x (f) reader
genre/tags: idol! Jungkook, idol! reader, idiot exes to lovers, slow burn ; k-drama feels (our beloved summer but not at the same time), angst, drama, fluff, smut
warnings: foul/explicit language, alcohol consumption, unhealthy coping mechanisms, feelings of helplessness, insecurities; commitment issues & emotionally constipated characters, panic attacks, reader is harsh towards Jungkook, Jungkook is a meanie!, mentions of old abuse (major trigger warning!!), talk about blood and wounds
w.c: TBD
series summary: you and Jungkook have too many personal problems, during and after your relationship and it keeps getting brought up. you both had tried multiple times to ignore the fact you were both struggling mentally and physically due to your workplace, but you always run back to each other. maybe one day, one day you'll get back to each other, with all your problems handled, maybe not. all you want is for him to shine like he always does, all he wants is you.
a/n at very bottom!
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To my love, my forever. You will soon find out the reason why I am the way am I. Give me some time, my love, I will express everything and more to you. Soon, you’ll have everything once I am able to love and care for myself the way I want to do to you. You deserve everything and more than what I could ever give you, and I will be there for you always. I may never give you this, I may never allow you to read this. But just know, you mean so much to me. Even if I’m a pain in the ass, or if I piss you off, you will always be the person who helped me want to change for the better. I know it may seem like i’m leaving you behind, but pushing you away is the best way for me and you to be able to find ourselves. Once we are settled and ready, I will never let you go, ever again. Mark my words, use them against me, but I know that once you let me in, I’ll never leave your side ever again. You’re my one and only, forever. You are my future, my light, the person who drags me to be right. You mean so much to me and more. But for now, let me go to become the one that deserves your love and wellbeing. Take care of yourself, Jungkook, you will do many good things in life, with or without me.
“i think you should give it to him,” one of your members slur out, making your already wobbly head tilt up to her as she hiccups for the 5th time that same hour, you sighed and your head pounded as your squinted tightly to look at her, “seriously! i think he would want closure that way,”
Jungkook definitely did. he knew that when you wrote letters, you meant every little thing. he knew something happened between you and your ex, his name is like a slap in the face to you, and he could always notice.
his hands started to shake as he continued to read your note, he didn’t know how you came all the way to his house just to ring the door bell and drop it off. he was even shocked to notice his name in your handwriting on the top of the note. he wasn’t mad about it, he was just so, so sad. his eyes burned as another drop fell onto his lap. Jungkook knew it was for the best, but why does it hurt so bad and why does he feel like he’ll never get better while you do?
Jungkook didn’t want to think that way, but he did. he always did, he hurts to see you go but hurts even more to see you shine without him. he kept all your little notes in a box, he was really considering giving it back to you since it was at some of your most vulnerable times. he wouldn’t want to keep these just in case he snoops through them, like he’s doing right now as he was putting the other note in there along with the tons of others.
one of them wrote a song that you made about him, him never leaving you and the way you love him. it breaks his heart more, knowing that you’re no longer around, and that he just keeps fucking up.
when you wake up the next morning, your hungover member told you about a box she found outside the door step with your name on it, your ears ring as you stand in front of the box sitting on your bed, biting the inside of your cheek because this was Jungkook’s box. it had a polaroid of the two of you with shots in your hands on his balcony last summer. it was his favorite picture of you both and wanted to keep it with all the letters you even written him.
you pace around your room for like and hour, biting your lip and running your hand through your hair to calm yourself down. it finally felt like you guys were officially over, no matter how many times you’ve broken up. when you opened it finally, there was a new one, one you definitely didn’t write. you don’t even remember going to his house and giving him the one you were gonna keep for your sake.
it was Jungkook’s hand writing, you knew it from the back of your palm, literally as you have a tattoo that he gave you himself. it read,
and looking at it makes you sick. you felt like crap anytime you thought of him, what you had put him through, all the stuff he doesn’t know about you. you knew him so well, but did he actually even know you, truly? it made you want to cry, the tears lining your waterline and you fight the urge.
you give yourself time before opening up his letter, preparing yourself for the worst or to cry. when you start reading it, you felt like he was there with you. it felt as if he was pacing around your room, looking you dead in the eyes and telling you everything you’ve been wanting to hear, but at the wrong time.
I miss you a lot, I know I say that a lot, but it’s true. I’m glad you wrote me this, I’m glad you’re trying to find ways to open up to me, I’m glad you love me. You are my everything, I want what’s best for you, and if it’s not me then so be it. You deserve the whole fucking world, and I hope you know I tried so hard to give it to you. Maybe, in the long run, we can be happy together. Maybe we can be able to know each other truly, I always wanted to. I believe in right person, wrong time, because you’ll forever be my person, even if i’m not in the picture. I love you, ______, I always will.
you wanted to sob, you didn’t even know what to do. you had dropped the note off not expecting anything back, but getting everything back? even a letter from him, confessing how much he loves and cares for you. you didn’t know how to feel, if it was closure or not. to you, yours was supposed to be. his, his was a love letter, you’ll never let go of it.
you had one more promotion for you group, and you had to prepare in so many ways. you had to practice tons, and practing handling your emotions until you’re a zombie to what you truly feel, you couldn’t handle being around Jungkook for long. it’s crazy, how much you used to look at him thinking you’d never do anything to hurt him, yet you’re over here making him suffer because you are in your head. it tears at the deepest parts of you, and it makes you feel so much at once.
so when it came to the event, you felt your knees lock when you saw him sitting with his team. he looked breathtaking, and it sucks that you can’t look at him for long before you cry because he looks too good. Jungkook always looked good, but whenever you wanted to ignore him, it’s like he knows and wants to look that fine. you gulp hard because walking to over your assigned seats, a couple seats back behind them but at an angle to a way that you can see every part of Jungkook, his hands and thighs especially.
ones that put you through hell, sent you to another universe is what he would of said and has said before, smoking off your balcony as you sat on his lap with your legs shaking trying to not fall off. he laughed as he smacked your thighs, watching them shake more as you practically whine in soreness.
he took another puff off his cig before putting it down on his designated ash tray, but even knowing you didn’t smoke, he kissed you hard, forcing the hot smoke into your mouth and through your pipes, allowing him to do anything to you because you were obsessed with everything he did.
“fucked you out, huh, princess?” he said against your ear as he gave you a second to breathe, making you almost choke as his hand started to move down and between your thighs, giving them a squeeze before going deep between them to touch you where you shook the most.
let’s just say, the memory had your legs close tightly together. the thought of how much have gave you that night, it made you miss him even more for just taking care of you like he said he would. you could feel it starting to stick against your skin, immediately wanting to go to the bathroom.
you thought you were stable enough to walk down the stairs in front of all the idols and fans including, instead you almost dropped face first into the steps instead someone’s hand wrapped around your waist and around the inside of your thigh, gripping it hard as they held you from falling to your death infront of thousands of people.
“your shoes too big for you, baby?”
you really thought you were going crazy, that his presence was just teasing you. but as your eyes dragged themselves down to the hand around the inside of your thigh, you weren’t going crazy. the tattoos proving who the man really was and how his thumb was very close to your throbbing clit. you shivered before quicking bowing at him once you leave his grip and speed walking towards the exit.
the moment you got alone in a hallway, you looked around before pulling out your phone to text your leader where you were going to be, the bathroom, before you hear a door open behind you. you go to put your phone away, but a tight grip around your waist turns you towards the person, your phone falling on to the floor and your mouth to open up, perfect for the attacker to kiss you hard.
another hand grabs your hair and you immediately knew who it was based on the way he was holding you. he knew, and knew it was because of him. that’s all your thought about when his lips were softly against yours, until you felt his hands creeping up. he just knew how to distract you from the facts and knows how to get you to enjoy his attack.
“can we talk soon, princess?” he whispers lowly in your ear once he pulls away from your now desperate lips trying to reach his. you whimper at the nickname, one that just rolls off his tongue in such a degrading way, he grabs your chin softly, turning your face to face him. his eyes invited yours, and the longer you looked into them, the more you felt entranced by him.
“talk about what?” you sighed into his hold, which he notices and gives you your favorite smile in the whole world. it hard to ignore his hands gripping your waist, your hands clinging onto his dress shirt as he holds you, you didn’t expect to be in this position.
“we will talk later tonight, i’ll pick you up?”
“how, with what car-”
“i’ll figure it out, anything for you,” he presses his forehead against yours, making your eyes squeeze shut as he lets out a little chuckle because of your reaction to his proximity being so close to you, you could almost feel his breath against your lips. “you know i’ll do whatever i need to do to see you, i will figure out a way to see you later tonight, bunny, i promise,” he kisses your nose softly before letting you go without your even realizing he picked up your phone for you, a smile across his face as you nodded your head for him.
Jungkook didn’t give you a time, or a place to when he was going to pick you up. before you left the event, you had asked him what he was planning on doing with you and he just told you that you’ll have to wait and find out. Jungkook knew how to make you worry about what could happen. what should you even wear? is he taking me somewhere to eat? it’s kinda late for that-
something just hit your window as you were pulling your pants up, you almost tripped in shock but managed to pull them up and fix yourself before going to your window. there he was, the man of your dreams, the love of your life, standing down there searching for more rocks to toss at your window.
you cracked your dorm room window open, not even wanting to question how he managed to get over the brick wall to get into the dorms, and he smiles when he sees your head peaking from the bottom of the window. he pats his hands on his thighs while you watch him with curiosity.
“get down here bunny, we have a lot to do tonight,” he stood up straight, hands put in his pockets as he stared off at you. you would of jumped right there into his arms after that nickname, you almost whined before nodding your head like an idiot and shutting your window.
you managed to sneak out, grabbed your shoes at the front and headed out from the back blind spot and running to where Jungkook stood, his hands tucked in his pockets to stay warm. his left arm raised so you could wrap your arm around it, a habit of the both of you. you just ignored the bad feelings and wrapped your arm around his, feeling his arm tighten around yours as you both started to walk to the car.
“you gonna tell me where we’re going, Jeon?” you tilt your head, your left knee against his center console as your left side rested on his passenger seat. his hand slid up to your knee, leaving you in shock as he gripped it in warning.
“stop asking questions, baby,” he tapped his finger on your knee, not even bothering to look your way. you huffed as you closed your eyes, trying to ignore his thumb moving against your thigh now, his hand resting against it too.
“Jungkook, you know we can be doing this again. i know you remember what happened last time,” you warned, your head felt like it was spinning, none of this felt real. Jungkook bit his lip ring in thought, he just wanted to talk to you and apologize. he always wants to talk to you even if he’s been rude.
“______, what do you think i’m going to do to you tonight?” he spoke deeply, it sent waves through your spine, and down to your poor kitty. it’s crazy, what this big eyed man can do to you with only his hand on your thigh while he speaks to you like your his.
“i- i don’t know, what are you asking me? i’m just confused why you’re doing this-”
“what do you want me to do to you tonight, baby? is there something else bothering you that only i can fix?” his hand rubs your inner thigh, occasionally softly squeezing the skin closest to where you needed help the most. “i’ll do whatever you want me to do to you, you just have to speak up, darling. is that okay? can you do that for me, princess?”
you almost moaned, gasping at his eagerness to help you with whatever you want, and you knew he meant that. “Jungkook, we can’t be doing thing again, as much as we want to-”
“fuck that and fuck no contact, we were doing good as fuck the last time we were friends. can we not be friends, baby?”
“that’s why! you keep calling me my favorites, you can’t do that to me..” you whined, you wanted to hide away as he giggled at how you whined. when the car slowly starts to come to a stop, you got reminded that the whole time you were talking to him, getting teased by him, he was driving. “Jungkook… where are we?”
“let me help you out and show you,” he smiled, and you just knew that you had to trust him, why? because he’s Jeon Jungkook, why wouldn’t you trust the love of your life?
when he open your door, hand already reaching for his as he helped you out of the car, the smell of salt hit your face in a whiff, making you smile at the moment you had at this beach with Jungkook. but why here? why did he want to talk here?
you didn’t trust your voice, watching his open his back door to grab a blanket and cigs, which you thought he quit, with a lighter and a flashlight. you didn’t say a word as you hugged onto his arm as he walked to a specific place, your guys place. the place where he gave you head for the very first time, you found sand up there for at least a day after that.
“do you trust me, sugar?” Jungkook asked you, tugging you to sit next to him on the blanket over the cold sand at the dark lonely beach. it’s like he knew what you were worried about, could you trust him again? it’s not like he broke your trust, it’s about you trusting yourself around him. if anything besides talking happens tonight, and you guys become exactly what you were afraid of becoming, you won’t know what to do with yourself.
it’s a bit selfish you thought, as his hand rested against your shoulder as you snuggled against his neck, breathing in only Jungkook and a little bit of salt. you loved this, but it couldn’t get any farther than this. just small, and slight, touches and sometimes kisses, only at certain times. the sound of the waves crashing tingled your ears, debating if you should listen to his heartbeat or not.
“do you know why i want you out here with me tonight, baby?” his voice vibrated your cheek as he spoke, his fingers gliding against the thin fabric of your long sleeved shirt. you hummed, you felt him swallow before you moved your head to face him.
“i wouldn’t have asked you that a million times in the car, Jungkook,” he smiles when your eyes finally reach his. he used to ask you, what did you see when you looked into his eyes? you usually just laughed it off or ignored the question, but now you think you know the questions answer. Home. in other words, Jungkook was your confort, the one you would go to, the one who makes you feel the safest, the one who keeps you feeling warm. Jungkook was your favorite.
Jungkook leans in, you can almost feel his breath against the wind, you almost forget where you are when you look deeply into his eyes. he leans so close to you that you could almost kiss him. you feel his arm wrap around your waist, pulling you closer- and closer to him, until your hovering above him.
you looked down at him, his hand sliding down your waist and on to your thigh to swing your leg over his body. he’s got you now, almost spread wide for him as his eyes glazed your entire body, making your shiver.
“let’s that about why you were so wet when i caught you from eating shit in front of everyone today, huh? or maybe… why you’re so wet right now, was it from the car ride? you just couldn’t wait, hm? baby?” he smacked your thigh, and you almost whimper at his words, “sit down on me, love. you know you want to. i’ll do anything you want me to, just let me in this one or more times and you won’t regret it this time,”
oh boy, you were in for a ride. baby, princess, sugar, darling, bunny, love. hearing that one burned, deeply in two places. your poor heart as you feel his hands grip your sides, and your poor throbbing cunt that it about to get slammed onto his hard on resting below you. either or, you know you’re safe and whatever happens can be dealt with. why? because you’re with Jeon Jungkook, why wouldn’t it be fine?
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a/n: holy shit, this took forever and i sincerely apologize!! i love how this episode turned out and i will give you guys a slight warning! spicy scenes are coming up and I’m not backing down from this. it will be the dirtiest, most greatest- yeah! anyways, thank you for your patience, i love you all🥹
taglist: @loumin908 @heartjiminie @cuntessaiii @parkinglot-nights @minsoa97kor @jkgirlfr @lavendersugarplum @gaebestie @whoa-jo @kp0pficdump @yunholuv @skzthinker @shwkoqp18 @veemegatron @kaiparkerwifes @alextgef @nerdycheol @nightappple @nlr1606 @chl0buggy
if your tag isn’t gray, please fix your settings so i can tag you next time love!
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woncon · 1 year
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☼ wake up !
or four ficlets about waking up beside your boyfriends
☼various poly bts pairs x gn!reader
☼estabilished poly relationships, one swear word (damn), nicknames, kissing
☼special thanks to @honeytwo for helping me translate this into english, correcting my grammar and other mistakes. thank you for everything! °♡̷•.
☼bts masterlist | main masterlist
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☼ jin ┊ namjoon ☼
a rattling wakes you from your sweet sleep. something heavy has fallen to the floor. tired, you whimper and dive deeper into the blanket to protect yourself from the outside world: the sound, the sunlight coming through the window and the cold.
"damn," you hear the swearing as someone crawls back on the bed, wrapping their arms around your waist. you realise that the chill you felt was due to the fact that he wasn't lying behind you.
"did you fall, joonie?" you look out from under the duvet with half-closed eyes. the answer is an annoyed hum. "are you okay?" he buries his face in your neck and nods.
"go back to sleep. jin's alarm will go off soon, but you can rest until then."
you sigh and pull him closer to your back.
"you too." you roll over him, squeezing him a little, eliciting a surprised groan from him, and bury your head in his chest, pushing him further into the mattress. "i won't let you fall down again." namjoon smiles at how sweet you are half asleep, before sleeping again.
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☼ hoseok ┊ yoongi ☼
you wake up to a gentle caress. the skin of your face, neck and shoulders tingle gratefully with the touch.
"what time is it? what day is it? what year is it? where am i? who am i?" you mutter a barrage of questions as you find yourself confronted with hoseok's smile and loving gaze. you usually wake up to this beautiful sight, and each time pushes you into oblivion: only he exists.
"haha, i ask the same question every time i see you two," hoseok giggles, then starts stroking and arranging your hair like you used to do with his.
"shut up!", yoongi groans tiredly, and then, hugging the other boy tighter, he presses a kiss on his shoulder, burying his head in the smaller boy's neck.
"grumpy sleepyhead," you laugh, and crawl closer to them, pushing the blanket a little lower over your body so you can hug more effectively.
yoongi sighs a couple of times and settles in again before kissing you to let you know that he is fine, that everything was fine with the nap, but that he would like to rest.
"another half an hour?" hoseok offers to the man lying behind him.
"fine, but you'll do the breakfast then" you agree, and greet hobie with a morning kiss.
"hmn." the eldest reaches out his arm to gently caress your waist until your wakefulness wears off.
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☼ taehyung ┊ jungkook ☼
in the morning your only wish is to wake up in the arms of your boyfriends. although this is achieved, waking up now is unpleasant because of the noise it causes.
"it can't be true," jungkook mutters angrily, unbelievingly, against the thin skin of your neck, hugging you tighter. he wants to hide behind you, but when the horrible concert refuses to end, he groans crankily.
he sighs contently as he presses the pillow over his head, revealing more of his upper-body artistry: the sharp lines of his shoulders, his biceps and triceps, his abdominal wall thanks to the sliding blanket.
you're not happy about his estrangement, but you accept and understand it, hoping both of you get back to your dreams.
you imagine his chubby cheeks, parted locks and half-open eyes, so that you can go back to sleep, but the activity is precluded by the noise from outside.
"who's the idiot who mows the lawn at 4.30 a.m. on a sunday?" taehyung grumbles to his partners, or rather to you, that he is now half awake, but not in the mood.
"our neighbor, auntie kwon's daughter, who's been grumpy from the first moment she saw us."
"what can i say, she's off to a good start on her first day at her mother's." the eldest clings to you, pulls his body up on the bed and buries his head in the pillow. "i don't think i'll sleep until tonight." he declares that he's given up trying, unlike jungkook, who shows no signs of life except for breathing, so you conclude that his plan worked and he's taking a nap successfully.
"i'll join you," you announce, and kiss him. you're lucky to open your eyes, because it means you get to share in the sight of taehyung's first smile of the day. your heart melts, and only continues to flow as the other pulls the blanket over you to give you a more private kiss.
getting lost in the sound of your kissing and your occasional bursts of laughter, it feels like the lawn mower has been turned down. only you and taehyung exist, this is your own realm under the covers.
but the world will only be complete when jungkook resigns himself to the fact that he can no longer nap and climbs under the blanket, hoping to get some of the innocent love you are showering on each other.
his dreams come true, as taehyung leans over you and greets him with his lips, and you do the same after turning to him. meanwhile, taehyung is kissing your neck with sloppy kisses, and every area he can reach from the top of your pyjamas.
you'll sink into the tender caress: in this loving, sensual atmosphere, there's no room for anything heavy or distracting, neither of your minds focused on the song of the fierce shearing tool, but on each other, on the more precious, priceless spiritual factors.
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☼ jimin ┊ yoongi ☼
you prefer to be woken by jimin, because you don't like ringtones, and he wakes the earliest of the three of you, snuggled up to your neck.
"pretty" this is how he starts the process, with little caresses and pecks. he continues to call and caress you until you wake up, embracing him, expressing that you are awake.
"good morning!" you return his many pecks with a kiss, then turn to your other side. if yoongi is not hanging around your waist then usually by morning he is facing the wall.
now it's your turn to wake up. you cover the free skin with your lips, and you're satisfied when the boy whimpers, it's a state of half-sleep.
"love!" you nuzzle against his body, whispering sweetly. you're getting a little chilly, you've pulled the covers off during the night. "chim and i want to cuddle you before breakfast." the boy, as if yoongi sees something of him, nods vigorously.
"hug each other," he murmurs, uninterested in the subject.
"are you trading us for sleep? is that what this is about?" you gasp in indignation, disappointment at his reaction. before you can really believe he's that mean, he flashes a yoongi grin and pulls you into his embrace. a surprised chuckle breaks out from you, and as jimin joins in, the three of you laugh at nothing, at sweet nothingness.
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jmdbjk · 1 month
He didn't have to apologize again. He doesn't have anything to apologize for.
We've seen other idols having to do this seemingly unnecessary and overcompensating "sincere" apology before for other behavior deemed "normal" like having a boyfriend. Those are REALLY unnecessary apologies in my opinion.
Anecdote: I don't claim to understand completely but I do know, coming from my Asian heritage standpoint, the "honor" thing is a REAL embedded thing. Throughout my life, my Asian mother would make remarks about her friends' adult children or their spouses being "not good" and I never really understood the implications until well into my own adulthood. The judgmentalism is very embedded in Asian culture, at least it is in Japanese and Korean culture. I always brushed it off as Mom being too judgmental over nothing. She grew up in Japan. I grew up in America. We are different that way.
I can't get around it. You can't get around it. It is what it is. Is it slowly evolving out of Asian culture? Perhaps. I don't know. As I said, I'm American with my own embedded American attitudes.
What we can't deny is what Yoongi did was illegal. Perhaps considered a misdemeanor in other countries and inconsequential but obviously not so in South Korea. Yoongi had no choice but to post that handwritten letter of atonement because that is what is expected of someone in his position.
There are a lot of other people Yoongi is associated with: all the people at his company, the members, their families, the Korean companies that sponsor BTS projects or collaborate with them, his colleagues he works with and their associates, friends that we don't even know about, his family, his parents, all of these people he has to account for. So he made this public apology AGAIN, in a "proper" way, with a proper "sincere" handwritten letter, to preserve those relationships for the public's sake, to show respect to them. In private, we can only hope that he is making his way through this with the full support and love from all these same people.
There are a series of things that need to happen for Yoongi to move forward. Unfortunately, this letter was one of them. We might see a final police report soon. Hopefully it confirms everything we already knew. Or it might say things differently which we may want to disagree with but it will be FINAL. And it will be another step in this closure process.
He won't have to apologize like this again. He might apologize to us, his fans, again, but not in this way. He will process this the way he needs to in order to move forward.
I know we do not agree with the statement "it is their culture" and that is valid. Agree to disagree. But at this point in time, this is what he had to do to move forward. I respect his decisions on the actions he takes. He is the one living this hell in person. No one has the right to tell him what he needs to do or not do.
Hopefully at another point in time in the future, other public figures and celebrities will not need to go through these steps to regain any "lost honor". As Namjoon said, in their country, as advanced as it is, accelerated industrial growth comes with its own shadows. Societal and cultural growth is much slower to change.
I am going to respect how the members of BTS behave now regarding the general media in their country. If Hobi's discharge plays out just like Jin's, then that is their decision and I will abide by it. If Hobi chooses to stand and salute outside the gates of the base and wave to the cameras, I will respect his decision to do so. He will not be forced to do it. He served his country proudly and well and he earned the right to be able to publicly enjoy the personal satisfaction of doing so. If he decides to forgo that, I respect that too.
I am not expecting any member to say anything publicly individually. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. Perhaps Jin and Hobi will say something together. Maybe not. I will never insist that they do in order to prove their support to ME.
If Hobi and Jin never say anything about Yoongi's incident, I will be fine with it. It is not my place to dictate how he, Jin or any of the other members should behave in this matter. This is between them. We did our part. I respect whatever decisions they make in handling the general media going forward. They are the ones living there, not us.
Some I-Armys want to riot in the streets in front of the Hybe building to vent their anger or to show their love and support and when they don't see it forthcoming from K-army, there is more frustration. Some vehemently disagree with letting this unfold without burning everything to the ground.
All eyes are on us. It is more important to be measured and cautious at this point than reactive and emotional. You can agree to disagree. We all have that choice. But right now, its more important to think about how everything we do affects Yoongi as he works to preserve his own emotional stability, his own personal and working relationships and less important are what OUR desires are. Our only desire should be that he is healing, he is moving forward with the love and support from those he is closest to.
He has seen our love pouring forth on Weverse and charting the music. He KNOWS we are here. Keep it going there, those are our two most visible means of communicating directly with him.
I trust Yoongi and his team. Now more than ever, trust him to be doing the right things for himself.
We are getting through this hell, one painfully slow step at a time. All we can do is keep walking with him until we see the other side together.
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bisexualrapline · 1 year
bangtan literally everyday of chapter 2: don’t forget about bts please
armys literally everyday of chapter 2: i saw seven rocks together at the park today and i cried
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jungkookslipring · 1 year
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As Long As I’m Here, No One Can Hurt You
AN: this is based off of a nightmare that I had a few years back and unfortunately I still remember it. What I wish I had was for someone to hug me when I woke up. That’s where AU Jimin comes into the picture
🔴TW: mentions of rape, no specific details but definitely mentioned in the story, plz read at your own risk.
Pairings: Jimin x reader 💛
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort ❤️‍🩹
Relationship: platonic 🫶🏽
You have had plenty of nightmares in your day, and some that just made absolutely no sense. This nightmare scared you beyond belief. It was something everyone, especially women, fear for every day when they’re alone. Your nightmare didn’t have a particular story line, you just remember falling asleep, and all of a sudden one of your worst nightmares happens. It felt real. Too real. You tried to scream, tried to fight, tried to call for help, but in your nightmare, you didn’t make a sound. It scared you. And you couldn’t wake up. When you finally woke up, you were sweating bullets with your heart beating at Mach 20. It was just a nightmare, but fuck did it scare you. You thought it was actually happening. The thought made you tear up, the fear of going back to bed was at an all time high. You were exhausted, but you’ve fallen back into nightmares and you knew damn well you didn’t want to dream of that ever again. A small sob snuck out between your lips as you curled up on yourself. You felt dirty, you felt violated, and you felt his hands on you, all over you, and you wanted nothing more than to never be touched again but also wanting to be held at the same time. Your prayers were answered when there was a small knock at your door. You let out another sob, a little louder this time, because you were so close to jumping out of bed and running away, but you knew whoever was at your door was just one of your friends.
“Y/n?” A voice whispered on the other side of the door. It was Jimin. Holy shit did you need a Jimin hug right about now. You sat up in bed with the blanket to your chin, and tears began pouring down your face.
“Y/n? Honey, can I come in?” He asked gently. You nodded rapidly before letting out a shaky “please”. He opened the door and quickly closed it. He couldn’t see you too well so he plugged in your fairy lights just to be able to see your face. His eyes widened when he saw two puffy eyes filled with tears staring back at them.
“What happened y/n? Did you have a nightmare?” He asked gently. He sat on your bed, giving you space since you seemed to be protecting yourself from something. You were protecting yourself from the awful man in your nightmare, not from Jimin. You nodded, and slowly reached out to the angel in front of you, silently asking for a hug. Jimin scooted closer in a slow manner so he wouldn’t startle you, and carefully pulled you into his arms, guiding your head to his shoulder. The warmth of his embrace triggered another sob to rip from your throat. Jimin was startled but he didn’t show it, he just held you close and ran his fingers through your hair.
“Shhhh shhh shhh you’re safe sweetheart, I promise no one can hurt you, I’m right here,” he whispered gently. He planted a kiss on top of your head as he continued to hold you. After a few solid minutes of you letting it all out on his shoulder, he asked what the nightmare was about, but assured you that you didn’t have to tell him if you weren’t comfortable. You decided after building up the strength, you told him. He kept a firm yet gentle grip on you as you explained what happened, reassuring you that you were doing great when you struggled to get the words out. In the end, you were crying again, but you were in Jimin’s arms, safe, away from anything that could hurt you. He said he was proud of you for speaking up, and that he was more than happy to stay with you if you liked. You agreed and for the rest of the night, you slept peacefully in your best friend’s arms. As long as you had Jimin, no one could hurt you.
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calystuf · 2 years
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spideyhina236 · 3 months
My babies 🥺💕
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bonobonoyaatheart · 1 year
Soup and Lullaby - Kim Seokjin
Summary: You are hungry and can't sleep. But your boyfriend is there to help you, in his sweet way.
Genre: Fluff
Pairing : Idol Seokjin x gn Reader
Word count: 543
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As the night wore on and the hunger gnawed at your stomach, you found yourself unable to sleep. Restlessness consumed you, causing you to toss and turn in bed, the covers tangling around your limbs. Each passing minute felt like an eternity, and you couldn't help but feel guilty for waking Seokjin from his peaceful slumber.
Feeling the weight of your guilt, you turned to face Seokjin, gently nudging him awake. His eyes fluttered open, blinking away the sleep, and a concerned smile graced his lips. "What's wrong, my love?" he asked, his voice filled with warmth.
You sighed, a mix of frustration and hunger evident in your voice. "I can't sleep, Jin. I'm so hungry, and it's keeping me awake," you confessed, your stomach grumbling in agreement.
Seokjin's eyes widened in realization, and he sat up, fully awake now. "Oh no, I can't have my love hungry and sleepless," he said, a playful glint in his eyes. "Wait here, I have an idea."
With that, Seokjin slipped out of bed and disappeared into the kitchen. The sound of pots and pans clinking reached your ears, followed by the comforting aroma of simmering soup. Moments later, he returned, a tray in his hands, bearing a steaming bowl of warm soup and a gentle smile.
"Ta-da! Homemade soup, made with love," Seokjin announced, placing the tray on the bedside table. "I know it's not a grand feast, but I hope it will fill your tummy and bring you comfort."
You couldn't help but feel your heart melt at his thoughtfulness. "Jin, you didn't have to do this. Thank you," you said, your voice filled with gratitude.
Seokjin climbed back into bed, propping up pillows to create a comfortable nest. He handed you the spoon and encouraged you to eat, watching attentively as you savored each spoonful. The warmth of the soup spread through your body, easing both your hunger and your restlessness.
As you finished the last bite, Seokjin gently took the empty bowl from your hands, setting it aside. He turned to face you, his eyes softening with affection. "Now, my love, it's time for you to rest," he said, his voice laced with tenderness.
He pulled you into his embrace, the warmth of his body soothing your weary soul. You nestled against him, finding solace in his presence. With a gentle stroke of his hand against your hair, he began to sing. Being a singer made his comfort singing even sweeter. His voice was a lullaby that washed over you like a soft melody.
The worries and restlessness melted away as the familiar words of the lullaby enveloped you. Seokjin's voice, soft and gentle, filled the room, creating a cocoon of tranquility. With each word, you felt yourself drifting, your eyes growing heavy with sleep.
In Seokjin's embrace, you found peace. The rhythm of his heartbeat matched the melody of his lullaby, lulling you into a deep and peaceful slumber. The worries of the night faded away, replaced by dreams filled with love and warmth.
And as you slept soundly, Seokjin remained by your side, watching over you with a tender smile. In that moment, the world seemed to disappear, and all that mattered was the sweet serenity of your shared love.
A/N: Reblog and share if you like, and let me know what you think about this!
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day 301/548 of seokjin’s military service
these selcas were posted on 160814, with the caption:
Welcome, it’s been a while since (you have seen) these kind of filters right?
(T/N: A parody of Rap Monster’s first line in 쩔어 - trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
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What even, how are you guys finding the colour so quickly… Right, here’s the original……..
(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
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I tried!!
(T/N: As in he tried to make it hard for us to unscramble this photo and obtain the original photo - trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
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(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
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akookminsupporter · 1 year
🎶Even the desert becomes a sea and we swim forever
Even the lonely whale, now singing together
Because we’re together, it’s not scary even if we long for forever
Because my trust is in you, my one and only reason🎶
trad: @/miiniyoongs
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army-in-the-stars · 8 months
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stacywaters · 1 year
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Hey guys! Here are all my fics and imagines so far!
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Hidden Behind a Smile:
Y/N befriends a masked stranger who shares a similar interest in her favorite band. As they get closer, what will she discover through him about the idol she's admired for so long?
CH1 - Card Declined
CH2 - Coffee Shop
CH3 - The Ticket
CH4 - The Fan Meet
CH5 - The Message
CH6 - A Blissful Day
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Series: Coffee and Violets:
What will happen when Y/N becomes friends with the owner of the flower shop next door?
CH1 - Hoseok
CH2 - Yoongi
CH3 - Visiting the Flower Shop
CH4 - I’m Not Going
CH5 - Not Quite a Date
CH6 - Spilled Milk
CH7 - Yeongsun
CH8 - Soft Rain
CH9 - Love Letter
CH10 - Golden
The Concert part 1
The Concert part 2
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Seeds of Hope:
When Y/N's mom needs to move to Korea for work, she finds herself in a completely new environment. As the boy next door tutors her in dance, what will he teach her about herself?
CH1 - The First Seed
CH2 - Sunlight
CH3 - What?!
CH4 - An Unexpected Morning
CH5 - Your Number
CH6 - A Traced Reflection
Falling for You
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Written in the Pages:
A quiet girl who only knows love as something in books meets an equally awkward boy struggling to find his place in the music world. Is there a chance their friendship can turn into something more?
CH1 - Crush
CH2 - Your Comfort Zone
CH3 - Oops
CH4 - First Fan
CH5 - I Like Someone Else
CH6 - Save Me the Pain
CH7 - Just One Day
CH8 - My Phone Died
Purple Ink
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Just Pretend:
Y/N meant to ask her crush to prom, but ended up in a fake-dating situation. As more people find out about their "relationship", they find a true friendship. But is that all it'll ever be?
CH1 - Promposal
CH2 - Ivory Petals
CH3 - New Moon
CH4 - The Group Project
CH5 - Favorite Color
CH6 - Another Faded Polaroid
CH7 - Back at It Again
CH8 - I Need You
CH9 - Star
CH10 - Define Love?
CH11 - The Moment I Knew
Thank you for checking out my master list! As always, please check out my WATTPAD account for the most recent content!!!
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woncon · 1 year
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➳ a stubborn heart
➶ bts x fem!reader 。˚ °
-ˏ` ✎﹏ you need to choose a future-husband at today's ball. Even if you love seven princes equally. Little do you know, the princes have a plan.
➴ genre: royalty au, fantasy, prince!bts, princess!reader, forbidden love, poly, fluff
: ̗̀➛ warnings: mentions of arranged marriage, but reader has some independence
⌨ :: 2.2K words ♡ ︵ . .
⁀➷ thanks to @wonsheep for helping me fix my grammar mistakes and for giving me advice how to convert a whole story into another language precisely °♡̷•.
➳ bts masterlist | main masterlist
➴ a/n: i recommend listening to mdp's boy with luv orchestral cover while reading. i wrote this fic when i listened to it and it's such a masterpiece !
The princess and her father are descending a marble staircase covered with white carpets trimmed with gold. The participants of the ball all look up at and bow to the host. The man smiles and waves, while squeezing his child's properly held hand and whispering:
"Today you have to choose a prince for yourself. If you don't, I'll give your hand to Leopold."
You grit your teeth, trying not to grimace, still smiling softly. King Leopold is sixty-eight years old, he has had two wives. So far, has no successor, but rules a very rich empire not so far from your homeland. To keep peaceful relations, it would be a great deal if your dad made you marry him. But you would never be able to love that figure.
You were saved from this marriage - desired by your father only - by your mother, who convinced her husband to give you a chance of finding a man worthy of you, with whom you can spend your life happily.
This is your last opportunity to do so. Now, when all the possible princes have shown up, when they are waiting for you to give permission to propose.
"Do you understand me?"
You nod, yet you know you won't succeed, no matter how hard you try.
You already gave your heart away.
At the end of the stairs, the prince of the southern kingdom, Namjoon, whom you first met at the January ball, is waiting for you. The man is suave, wise, and has a library of magic in his mind and a seductive cavalcade of emotions in his heart.
He extends his hand and flashes a polite smile. He is donning an ice-blue coat and snow-white gloves. The king happily nods and hands you over to the young gentleman.
Namjoon leads you to the dance floor and doesn't say anything until you start dancing.
"Is this your last ball as an unmarried girl?" he asks in a whisper, probing.
"Yes, I'm afraid..." You let out a sad sigh. Namjoon turns you around and holds you in his arms again. As long as you look into his eyes, the thought of tomorrow is not so painful.
"Have you decided yet?" 
"You know I can't."
Ever since you had met him, you had a turn on the dance floor together at every ball. You're titled as friends officially. This way, you can share your doubts and fears, the truth with the man.
That you're in love. Into seven princes at once, and it breaks your heart to choose between them, because you know they all would love you back.
Namjoon nods in understanding and your heart pounds in your throat, waiting for what advice he has to give. Although your companion's lips tremble, they do not form words. He breathes a gentle kiss on your silk-covered palm, then leaves you with your own company.
And you find yourself trapped not only by confusion, but also by another prince. You had met the man in the golden clothes at a ball organized by your family, and you danced almost all night. Pans are very good at music and entertainment.
"Hoseok!" you gently caress his shoulder as you continue from where you and Namjoon left off.
"Did you miss me?" The man smiles playfully, his face already flushed. Warmth spreads in your chest. You try to mentally separate from the strangeness of saying goodbye to your previous partner.
"Of course."
"And would you like to marry me, so that you will never suffer from my absence again?"
"I wish it was that easy." Your upper bodies touch as you take a step closer, hand in hand, as required by the choreography.
"It is that easy," he nods encouragingly. "Didn't Namjoon tell you?"
"Tell me what?" You take the prince's outstretched arm and walk around him.
"If he didn't say anything, I won't, either. Taehyung will fill you in."
"Did you organize something?" A spark of hope flares up in you. "Hoseok, please, ‘fess up!"
But your partner only shakes his head with a sweetly insolent smile, and the dance is over. You bow to each other, Hoseok kisses your hand and leaves.
You look around frantically, wanting to find the aforementioned prince, so that you can get the answer from him. You don't see him, and you don't move, therefore you're asked for a dance again.
"May I?" This time the hand is covered by a green satin glove. The color of nature, charm, elves. And Seokjin is their prince-to-be-married. A beautiful, humorous gentleman who is perfectly worthy of your heart.
You’d be a fool to reject the attractive Seokjin's request, but at the same time, you still don't give up your search for Taehyung with a troubled gaze.
"Have you seen Taehyung?" You ask as you stand on your tiptoes to look over his shoulder. Seokjin furrows his expertly arched eyebrows.
"You wouldn’t just accept his ring instead of my emerald, would you?"
"According to Hoseok, he supposedly has something to say to me."
"Oh," he smiles alluringly. "He has something, indeed."
"If you know, please don't torment me anymore. Tell me!"
"I can tell you, but it comes at a price." He leans to your ear, whispering. "Marry me."
"I wish I could." Your eyelashes flutter longingly. You two link your fingers, go around each other, and Seokjin spins you elegantly around your axis.
When the song is over and Seokjin has said his proper goodbye, you start your journey and break through the crowd. There is no way that the prince of the sirens is not here.
Then you see him - the handsome man dressed in gray, but suddenly another individual grabs your waist, and turns you towards him.
"Princess, you're magnificent." Even the voice of King Leopold is wrinkled as he pronounces these words, glancing at his prospective bridge in appreciation.
Finally, the prince of the mermaids enters the scene, who showed you glowing stones in the depths of the water for the first time, and gave you one, so that you would never forget him. You love him so much that you wouldn’t be able to do that.
"Excuse me, are you free for a dance, princess?" Jimin puts on his most charming smile as he bows and offers a helping hand.
Leopold frowns, reluctantly pulling you closer to him.
"She is dancing with me."
"Did you ask her?"
"Forgive me, Your Majesty." Your heart calms as soon as the king lets you go, and your palm slips between the warm fingers belonging to Jimin. Mermaids don't wear gloves, only bracelets made of small shells that wrap around their middle fingers.
"You could thank me by accepting our offer. You would never have to worry about this man again."
"What offer, Jimin? So far none of you have said anything, you've only hinted at things. If you don't fill me in, I'm afraid I'll pass out from excitement."
"Taehyung wants to tell you." Jimin holds your hips tightly as your back bends towards the ground.
"Then why didn't he come to me yet?"
"As much as we'd all dance the night away with you, there are other princesses and countesses besides you, and they have good taste, just like you."
"Was that a compliment?"
"I tried."
You notice that you're not dancing in unison. Although all of Jimin's movements are impeccable, everything is done to the rhythm, you evade couples in the process, getting closer to Taehyung. 
Leopold - determined, in terms of his intentions - is getting closer and closer to you. The next dance form in the evening will be the first waltz. He certainly feels entitled to own your first waltz.
After distancing yourself from Jimin, you hustle in the opposite direction of where Leopold is. Yet a gentle touch lands on your covered wrist. You prepare to shake off the pushy, old king.
"Found you." It's not Leopold, but the prince of the wolves. Even though they have little dancing tradition, he waltzes perfectly and your first waltz at every single ball is his. His moves are dazzling. "May I have this dance?"
"You know it's always yours." You smile with relief as Jungkook pulls you close, and as you get lost in his brown eyes, the surrounding world and everyone in it falls apart. 
He is donning a well-tailored red shirt, his jet-black hair hanging slightly in his eyes, and his smile is sweet. He is the same age as you.
"Are you excited?"
"I can't wait to find out what this is all about."
"You don't know yet?" You shake your head. "Then I'll be watching closely to see your reaction. Maybe it’ll be a bit of an unsettling experience, but even sweeter."
"You are all sly, the way you keep secrets from me." 
Jungkook laughs. You step in front of and next to each other, in sync and harmony, as you fight the battle of words. 
When the song is over, Taehyung can finally take your hand in his. At first you're so excited that you can hardly speak.
"Tell me!" The prince tilts his head. "The plan. Please."
The siren smiles. He can move his lips very charmingly. Near his home, on the beach, he had kissed you. You had almost lost your mind from the beauty, from feeling as if you were the most beautiful woman in the whole world for Taehyung.
"This is your last ball," declares the prince, then he leans closer to murmur the tingly continuation "Because we're running away tonight."
"What?" You step aside, luckily not onto your partner's feet. 
But you can't pry for any more explanations at the moment, a short exchange of couples takes place, the male member of the couple dancing next to you grabbing you by the arm, making a circle before you could talk to Taehyung again.
"All you need to do is go out to the balcony with Yoongi. He will fly you to his own land, where we will all gather, and from the moment you run away, you'll already be ours."
You'll be theirs. Your body goes numb at the thought that this is indeed possible: you don't have to choose, because you can have them all without your father inflicting a terrible fate on you.
"Hold me tight!" As if all the air had been squeezed out of your lungs. The surprise weighs heavily on your whole being. Euphoria and terror mingle in it - betrayal is being prepared, but for the sake of love.
"That is all I want." Taehyung hugs you, leads you and whispers sweet nothings about the future, begging you to agree. He doesn't know yet, that as soon as you heard the news, you were already in it. You just can't communicate this yet.
The dance is over.
"We’ll see each other again soon, right?" You smile, adjusting the silver seaweed crown on your partner's head, for whom this sparkling look and the hidden hint of the words are enough answers for his question. "Take me anywhere you want, because I am yours. And thank you for being mine."
"Forever." The boy leaves.
You close your eyes, sighing. You want to calm down, you don't want to seem suspicious. You can't screw up your only chance at actual happiness. You are beginning to like the fact that you found out the result of beating around the bush only now. If you had been aware of it before, it's not certain that you would have reached this part of the evening in such a peaceful state of being.
Finally, the prince of dragons, the seventh of your loves, approach you to dance at your last ball, but he notices something about your body.
"You're trembling..." He gently hugs your waist, stopping with you during the movement so that you move a little further on the floor.
Before your first dragon ball, you were afraid of the majestic but terrifying creatures. Until the prince led you into the flower maze and showed you his body covered in night gray scales.
His horns are still twisted towards the sky, but you don't feel even a slight bit of fear around him anymore. 
"Did something happen?"
"I think I need some air." Then you lean a little closer, clinging to the other's shoulder with a pleading look. "Take me out of here, please."
Yoongi flashes a satisfied, proud grin, which beautifully paints his often gloomy face. He grabs your waist, holding hands with you, spinning and turning to reach the balcony door. 
He opens it for you. The cool summer breeze caresses your bare upper arms, the liberating idea of ​​distance. Yoongi takes your hand again and guides you to the railing, where he stands up himself and helps you - his beloved - up. 
The depth is repulsive and attractive at the same time. Your legs are shaking.
"We're going to jump," he murmurs, then reassuringly adds: "Don't be afraid, I'll catch you."
"I trust you," you answer with a nod. 
Then you jump, shutting your eyes, without screaming, and in the next moment, you're on a strong dragon's back between the two wings. You cling to the horns. 
And you fly in the starlit night towards the land of dragons, freedom and love.
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jmdbjk · 1 year
Good news
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The gist is, they announced their contract renewal and they'll be back with this new contract starting in 2025.
A Board resolution? Bottomline: "they will be making Shitloads Of More Money." Supposedly a signing bonus of over $15 million. Nice.
All the other noise about the details is ... noise. I think all the speculation about "technicalities" are ... speculation. No one knows the exact details. The attorneys or representatives may have signed as proxy for Jin and Hobi and they will add their official signatures when they are discharged.
Hybe would not make a public announcement if it wasn't a done deal. I'm more glad that any rumors are now moot.
They especially wouldn't emphasize the word "exclusive" if it weren't.
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I hope they are happy and fulfilled. I hope they don't have to wait too long before they are back on stage together because they've all said they want that. Even if it's a short performance, I hope they are able to do something as soon as they are all discharged ... release a single and do a music show... anything,
I want them to feel the stage together again, as soon as possible.
The big tours will come, I just want them to get that first one soon soon for their sake.
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bisexualrapline · 10 months
no more dream being #1 on the itunes US chart and the top 9 music videos on the itunes chart being
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yeah i have nothing to add. armys i love you
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