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digimontamerrichie-tcg · 3 months ago
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digi-lov · 1 year ago
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Davis Motomiya & Ken Ichijouji BT8-088, Yolei Inoue BT8-085, Cody Hida BT8-089, T.K. Takaishi BT8-087, Kari Kamiya BT8-090, Digimon Emperor BT8-094, and Yukio Oikawa BT8-093 Alternative Arts from the Tamer Party Pack The Beginning
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puppetmon4eleven · 2 years ago
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Red and Green Beginner Decks
I feel like even the starter decks are sometimes stacked with too much text so I put together a couple of deck lists for if you ever wanted to teach a friend how to play but they’ve never played a card game and you don’t want to overwhelm them with too many mechanics when they are still learning the basics.
2 Agumon Expert BT1-011 2 Groundramon BT1-020 2 Gravity Crush BT1-090 1 Magma Bomb BT11-096 2 Greymon BT3-011 3 Volcdramon BT4-015 4 Marcus Damon BT4-092 2 Heir of Dragons BT4-099 2 Agumon BT5-007 3 Greymon BT5-010 2 Monochromon BT5-012 3 Flame Memory Boost! BT7-092 2 BetelGammamon BT8-013 4 Koromon BT9-001 2 MetalGreymon EX1-008 4 WarGreymon EX1-009 4 Sunarizamon EX3-003 2 WarGreymon P-050 2 Tai Kamiya ST1-12 4 Agumon ST7-02 2 Biyomon ST7-04
3 Kabuterimon BT1-073 2 Lillymon BT1-079 2 Izzy Izumi BT1-088 2 Flower Cannon BT1-110 4 Argomon BT2-042 2 Cherrymon BT2-048 4 Stingmon BT3-050 3 Blossomon BT3-054 4 Ken Ichijoji BT3-094 1 Hidden Potential Discovered! BT3-103 2 Lalamon BT4-052 4 Yokomon BT5-004 4 Betamon BT7-044 4 Ekakimon BT8-045 2 Drimogemon BT8-052 3 Samādhi Śānti BT8-102 2 Grandis Scissor BT9-100 2 HerculesKabuterimon P-055 4 HerculesKabuterimon ST4-13
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shihalyfie · 3 years ago
This... this is totes based on DigiCa (Yes, you know me well) but...
Which Frontier Spirits would the 02 group evolve to if they were replacing the Frontier kids?
I just want you to know that I have been sitting on this ask for over a month because I wanted to be sure what colors said 02 kids actually ended up being when they appeared in the card game. (I know the ask didn’t specify compliance with the actual card game, but I wanted to match it up just because.) This is how long I’ve been willing to sit on asks, even when they come from friends. I’m sorry!!
This question is referring to the fact that the card game currently lets you evolve any Tamer Card into one of the Hybrid Digimon, as long as the color matches. The actual Frontier Tamer Cards have extra benefits, so they're the "optimal" match, but there are still some uses for the alternatives...and Daisuke's Tamer Card is quite useful in the current meta right now, which means that situations where he's evolving to Wolfmon are happening a lot.
I’m getting too much mental dissonance trying to use the specific Human/Beast spirits Takuya and co. used, so I’m going to correlate them more to their Ancient counterparts. Going by the colors each kid corresponds to as per boosters 3 (Union Impact) and 8 (New Hero), some fitting Digimon cards to work with:
Daisuke (BT3-093, blue): AncientGarurumon
Ken (BT3-094, green): AncientTroiamon
Miyako (BT8-085, red): AncientGreymon
Hikari (BT8-090, yellow): AncientIrismon
Iori (BT8-089, yellow): AncientWisemon (hasn’t made it into the card game yet but I’m gonna go on a lark and suspect it’d be yellow)
Takeru (BT8-087, blue): AncentMegatheriumon
Wallace (BT8-091, green): AncientBeetmon
How’s that?
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digi-lov · 11 months ago
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@gracekraft @danzithedragon
Here are the Red Bird and Yellow Dragon deck lists! In text under the cut.
// Red Birds
2 Yokomon BT11-001 3 Yokomon BT15-001 2 Wings of Love BT15-088 2 Crimson Blaze BT8-097 3 Akiho Rindou BT11-089 3 Kristy Damon BT13-094 3 Sora Takenouchi BT15-082 4 Biyomon BT11-007 4 Biyomon BT13-010 4 Biyomon BT15-007 1 Birdramon BT1-017 3 Birdramon BT11-011 4 Birdramon BT15-013 3 Saberdramon P-091 2 Garudamon BT11-013 3 Garudamon BT13-014 3 Garudamon BT15-014 4 Phoenixmon BT11-016 2 Phoenixmon BT15-017
// Yellow Dragons
2 T.K. Takaishi BT1-087 4 Kudamon BT13-034 3 Goldramon BT14-018 2 T.K. Takaishi BT14-084 3 Emissary of Hope BT14-093 2 Magnadramon BT15-042 4 Viximon EX2-003 4 Agumon EX3-027 4 Patamon EX3-028 4 Gatomon EX3-030 4 Veedramon EX3-031 3 AeroVeedramon EX3-033 4 Angewomon EX3-034 1 Goldramon EX3-035 2 Megidramon EX3-064 2 God Flame EX3-068 4 Trial of the Four Great Dragons EX3-069 2 Azulongmon EX5-024
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Personal update in the side.
We have around 70 ready-to-play decks by now. (pictured 68 deckboxes)
Starting to run into some storage issues with them plus the accumulated bulk. XD
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