#BSTS Sotetsu
blackstarmylove · 1 month
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vividblaze · 7 months
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save me takeuchi ryouta
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sunshine-overload · 7 months
[BSTS] Sotetsu Birthday 4* Card Story
hes smooth
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chapter 1 -starless hallway-
sotetsu: Yo, Saki. Here to watch today's show?
saki: Yes. I'm looking forward to it. Do you have rehearsals now, Sotetsu-san?
sotetsu: Nope, I just had some minor business that I needed to show up for. K doesn't have a show at the moment. So since rehearsals are also out of the picture I'm going to enjoy this moment of peace while I can. When there's nothing going like this, I plan to head straight home later and chill.
saki: (Nothing going on? But this month is...)
sotetsu: Oh, don't worry. I'll properly do what I need to for my birthday event. I've already prepared the gift I'm supposed to use in the photo shoot too. I bought something that I’ve had my eye on for a while now.
saki: I see. That's a relief.
sotetsu: Jeez, just how many of these guys have dragged you around for help? All you need to do is relax your shoulders and enjoy the show as a guest.
saki: Thank you. I'm looking forward to your solo stage too of course!
sotetsu: Thanks. Then, whilst you're excited how about I give you a little quiz?
saki: A quiz...?
sotetsu: The question is simple. 'What's the present that I bought for my birthday event?'
saki: That sounds like fun, but without any hints it’s too difficult to guess...
sotetsu: That's true. In that case, are you familiar with the game called Sea Turtle Soup? We'll copy that and have you ask me a few questions. I can only answer them with 'yes' or 'no', simple right? If you manage to get it right then I'll treat you to a drink as a reward.
saki: That sounds good, I'll take on the challenge! I'll start asking then... Is the present something that can be worn?
sotetsu: That's a pretty good first question. The answer is yes.
saki: Is it something you can use during rehearsals?
sotetsu: No.
saki: Hmm... Is it something that reflects your interests?
sotetsu: I wouldn't buy something that didn't.
saki: Ah, is that so...
sotetsu: Hahah, you're funny y'know.
saki: (It's something wearable but isn't for rehearsals. Maybe it's something more fashion oriented...?)
sotetsu: Oop, I'm going to have to cut this short. I have a shift soon. I'll leave you this homework. You can give me your answer on my birthday.
saki: O-ok...!
-sotetsu leaves-
saki: (Homework from Sotetsu-san... I wonder what he chose for his present?)
chapter 2 -behind starless, evening-
-sotetsu walks up-
sotetsu: Yo, Saki. What are you doing out here? Waiting for someone?
saki: I've been waiting for you!
sotetsu: Oh, have you? Interested in the answer to the quiz are you?
saki: Yes, that too. But more importantly your birthday event is about to begin!
sotetsu: Huh? Ahh, right right, I got it. No need to get so flustered. I'm heading to the change rooms right now. I've got more than enough time.
saki: (I hope he's right...)
-time pass, starless backroom-
sotetsu: Sorry for the wait, see, I got changed like I'm supposed to. Could you check that everything is sitting right?
saki: Looks good to me. The outfit really suits you.
sotetsu: Thanks, I'm all good to go then. Whilst we're heading to the lobby how about we see what answer you came up with? Did you work out what's inside this present here?
saki: Uu... It's small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, it's wearable and it's something you like...
sotetsu: Yep, and that means?
saki: Uuuhhhhhh...
sotetsu: Kuku, looks like you'll have to throw in the towel. I've enjoyed my fill of your cute expressions.
saki (pouty): I was seriously thinking it over you know.
sotetsu: When you're worrying yourself thinking about me like that, it's so charming that I can't look away. To congratulate you for thinking about it with all your might shall I reveal what's inside the present?
sotetsu: What I bought was a harness for my pet iguana. I finally found one that's the perfect size for her.
saki: Oh, I get it now! So that's what you meant by 'wearable'.
sotetsu: Yeah. That's why your first question was pretty on the mark. 
-cg gone
sotetsu: There was another thing that I wanted as my present, but it's not something that'd be suitable to use for this event. How about you try and guess what that one is? I’ll let you ask me questions whilst we walk.
saki: S-sure… I’ll try and guess correctly this time! For my first question… Is it something for your pet iguana-san?
sotetsu: Heh, no.
-break room-
saki: Is it something edible?
sotetsu: No, but theres times I worry it will get eaten up.
saki: …Hm? Um then, is it something that comes in lots of varieties?
sotetsu: No again, I’d say it’s quite unique.
saki: Hmm… is it something that’s in this store?
sotetsu: Yes.
-starless lobby-
saki: So it’s something in the store! Then, is it here in the lobby with us?
sotetsu: Yep, I’m looking right at her.
saki: Huh?
sotetsu: Good timing, we’ll have to end the game here. I’ll reveal the answer to you once my show’s done. Sit tight and wait like a good girl, alright?
-sotetsu leaves-
saki: …Wait, what!?
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sinful-liesel · 1 year
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Blackstar Theater Starless - 4th Anniversary “Outsider” K&P ver.
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theater-starless · 6 months
Roleplaying Rules
Requests: Closed!
Rules Updated: 3/22/24
⭐ Roleplay requests accepted for K, W, P, C, B, Unei.
⭐ SFW and N.SFW accepted. N.SFW requests will be labeled under mature for community labels.
⭐ Comfort requests are okay to send in, but no trauma dumping.
⭐ 6 characters max per ask.
Themes I will NOT write for the following:
Character hate.
Trigger posts. I will delete these.
Character x Character ships.
Yandere, character abusing s/o, animal abuse
Pregnancy (pre, during, or post), wanting to try for kids/breeding kink
Romantic relationship with young characters
Furry, mecha, certain kinks
Racial, discrimination, political
General information:
Your requests will be deleted if:
You send them in when requests are closed
Don't follow the rules
Send in requests for Haseyama, Gui's master, Iwami
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history-detective · 3 months
BlackStar ~Theater Starless translation
Season 1 – Episode 9 (Last Chapter):
Common Chapter 1-4 -Ghosts of the past that never disappear.
(Kei, Sotetsu, Ginsei, Yoshino, Gui)
Unei: Well.....I've already prepared the Team C logo and ordered the costumes.
Unei: Ugh! There is too much to do~.
Kei: If you have time to whine, move your hands.
Unei: Ugh~~.
Gui: Unei, good luck.
Unei: Please think of it as someone else's problem.... and Gui help me too~.
Gui: Me? What should I do?
Kei: It's your job, don't rely on others Unei.
Kei: Gui, you should attend the meeting.
Gui: I understand.
Sotetsu: So, you are the one in charge this time, Kei.
Kei: Ah, that's right. Now is the time to offer new entertainment to your customers.
Ginsei: Are you okay? Isn't it too fast?
Ginsei: The pace of various performances is faster than it was in the past, and I hear that the audience is confused.
Ginsei: Maybe it's okay to slow down a little.
Kei: I'm not in a hurry, but this is something I cannot control.
Kei: When people in various positions want to gain their own benefits, things can only move at their own pace.
Sotetsu: Ginsei's selling point is that he is customer-friendly. With this system, that's an advantage.
Ginsei: That is not my intention -
Yoshino: This time it's a little harsh. It's a test for us as a cast.
Gui: Will any rules change?
Sotetsu: Somewhat. It's called "borderline".
Yoshino: The rules may change, but going on stage will be the same as always Gui.
Ginsei: This time, everyone will be given a point quota, right?
Ginsei: It's not an individual or team showdown. It's not even a cast ranking.
Sotetsu: In short, it's a "leg cut". It means sifting through the cast.
Gui: Select people. Is that what you mean?
Sotetsu: Exactly. Hey, Kei, how many people do you want to keep?
Kei: That's not for me to decide. Just follow the customer's decision.
Kei: There is no point in putting a cast member on stage that no one wants to see.
Gui: My master told me to always assess how useful a tool is.
Yoshino: I wonder if I'll reach it a little. We are humans, not tools.
Gui: .......It's the same.
Sotetsu: It's not a big deal, it just makes the cast rankings more severe.
Sotetsu: Anyone can pass if their score exceeds a certain value. On the other hand, if no one can pass the exam, everyone will fail.
Yoshino: I think the key point is how well customers remember you.
Yoshino: Ah.....if that's the case, wouldn't the recently joined cast members be at a disadvantage?
Kei: I think you have a lot of leeway Yoshino. I can't believe you worry about others.
Yoshino: .......That's not the case.
Sotetsu: When it comes to new customers, it doesn't matter if they've [T/N - the cast] been here before or not.
Yoshino: Kei, if we don't cross the Borderline, are we really going to be fired?
Kei: I won't let that happen. Haseyama seems to want to fire everyone.
Kei: I also have no intention of assigning a stage to a cast member who cannot capture the hearts of the audience.
Ginsei: .......I don't want to fall off.
Ginsei: Kei, what is Team K's next performance? We have to practice.
Kei: During this period, each team will select one performance and perform multiple times within the period.
Kei: If it were a performance for Team K, it would be "During the Demise".
Ginsei: Huzzah. Standard numbers are easy to do.
Kei: W with "Breakin' it faster", P with "Over the Rainbow", B with "Solar Eclipse".
Sotetsu: What about Team C?
Kei: They will play Team C's performance. It will be treated as a preview performance.
Sotetsu: Does this mean that Team C will not be officially launched unless it receives a certain amount of support during this period?
Sotetsu: That's severe. As expected, there will be enough time to prepare.
Ginsei: There may be a difference between us and other teams. Mokuren....seems very strange.
Kei: Yes, it's not fair unless the conditions are the same. That's why I want you to sweat too.
Kei: All of you will be asked to perform for other teams.
Sotetsu: .....HA? What are you saying?
Ginsei: Aren't we, as Team K, going to play "During the Demise"?
Yoshino: .....Ah!
Yoshino: By any chance, does this team that the team will be shuffled this time?
Sotetsu: Correct. If we can't do that much, we won't be the same as usual.
Kei: What, you guys are old timers, I'm sure you've done everything, expect B, in the past.
Kei: It's not a big deal, just the members are changing.
Sotetsu: It's easy to say. Will you go that far?
Kei: There's no law to say I shouldn't do that.
Yoshino: This means that some members will be standing on the same stage for the first time.
Yoshino: It's even worse than expected.....The posters and flyers are for 5 performances, right?
Kei: Don't let that happen.
Kei: Unei will provide the starting lineup for each performances. Reflect on it.
Unei: .......Wait a minute! What do you mean, I haven't heard about this!
Unei: No way, I have to get ready now~~?
Sotetsu: Hahaha, good luck, Unei.
Ginsei: We just heard that, and preparations are about to begin.
Yoshino: I wonder who I will be on stage with. What should I do, will I be able to do it well?
Gui: I'm not sure, but should I stand on stage?
Ginsei: Gui is simple. If I may say so, yes.....
Sotetsu: Maybe it's better to not think about it that much.
To be continued.....
DISCLAIMER – This is not an accurate translation! Please do not steal. Please let me know of any corrections and what I translated wrong- I may have just written what I think works best, but if you think otherwise, let me know. :)
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RAN 😭😭😭😭😭
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yukiooflive · 9 months
BlackStar Theater Starless - Animation
Hi I'm a 3rd year student at Tischner European University in Cracow. I am working on a thesis project to create 3D models for an animated version of BlackStar  - Theater Starless. If you can take a moment to complete it. the survey is anonymous!
Thank you so much!
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crestfallenwanderlust · 9 months
*bangs on the wall*
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What is Sotetsu scheming? If he dares touch Cinnamon Roll chef, Aya will snipe his kneecaps
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galaxxies18 · 2 years
「Wanting something more than a ring」 — Sotetsu
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pt. 1 ??? Hey there, cute little princess. Do you want to have tea with me at the café? MC (Is someone trying to flirt with me?) (Just don’t look back, and keep walking.) ??? Hey hey, it’s incredibly rude to ignore someone, MC. MC Sotetsu-san...! Sotetsu I even tried using a new flirting tactic too. MC Sorry, I thought you were a stranger. Sotetsu Don’t sweat it. Actually, I’m relieved you didn’t look back because you thought I was a stranger. You’re heading to Starless too, aren’t you? MC Yep. Sotetsu Well, let’s go together then. MC Are you working today, Sotetsu-san? Sotetsu Nope, we have a line-distribution meeting later in the afternoon. Oh yeah, MC. You should come watch the lesson later. If that happens, I’ll feel a bit more motivated. MC I’d be happy to watch over the lesson, but wouldn’t it be too much of a burden? Sotetsu Don’t you want to know the role I’m going to be playing now? MC I do. Sotetsu I’m a gentle, rich man who loves his wife above everything else. But my bride eloped with Leonardo, who is played by Kei. MC That’s very painful. Sotetsu Right? If given a chance, would you rather choose me over Kei? MC Uhm... Sotetsu Hey, hey. Even if it’s a lie, you should’ve said yes.
pt. 2
Sotetsu You...are you just going to throw me away? ...I refuse to accept that. If you’re going to run away with that man, then that means this ring... MC (Did...did he swallow the ring?) Sotetsu (choking sounds) And with that, our vow is eternal...
MC Sotetsu, good work today. Sotetsu Ah, MC. I think I had a lot of fun with today’s performance. MC Eh...? Sotetsu From the top of the stage, I was able to see you face. It was really entertaining. MC From the top of the stage? Sotetsu Yeah, you understood it well. I wasn’t expecting it. In particular, you looked the most surprised in the scene when I swallowed the ring. MC I’ve never seen that kind of thing happen before. But more important, you swallowed a ring. Are you okay? Sotetsu Fufufu... You’re a real cute one, aren’t ya? (Sir I think anyone would be concerned if they saw a man eating a ring-) It was all acting. Just acting. MC Eh, I-is that so? Sotetsu I was just teasing you. Hey, put out your left hand. MC Uhm, like this? Sotetsu A ring isn’t something you should swallow. You’re supposed to be doing this. (puts it on mc) Ah, it fits perfectly on your ring finger. So, what do you say, my dearest bride? Who would you choose, me or Leonardo?
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 years
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blackstarmylove · 4 months
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(Look under cut at your own risk)
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vividblaze · 9 months
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Posting Quiet Serenade art in lieu of sending out holiday cards.
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sunshine-overload · 2 months
[BSTS] Sotetsu Alt Stage 4* Card Story
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chapter 1 -street, day-
sotetsu: Yo, Saki. Heading to Starless again today?
saki: Yes. I want to watch P’s rehearsal.
sotetsu: I see. So, how are they doing?
saki: Hm… They seem to be having a bit of trouble.
sotetsu: Well that’s to be expected. It’s a performance that features the two newbies, they’re in a new learning environment too.
saki: Hinata-san has really been trying his best though. He’s been earnestly following Rindou-san’s guidance.
sotetsu: Rindou’s good at doing that, but well, who knows if it’ll be very effective on Hinata.
saki: You sound like you’re talking from experience.
sotetsu: Hm? Well yeah, I did used to be a member of P after all. I more or less know how Rindou runs things.
saki: Is that so… I can’t really imagine what you’d be like as a member of P.
sotetsu: I had quite the reputation y’know. The guests would often call me the ‘back alley bad boy prince’.
saki: Bad boy prince…?
sotetsu: Well I’m not exactly what people picture as a typical prince, therefore I’m a devious one. I got told all the time that the typical sparkly ‘prince’ image didn’t suit me.
saki: Fufu, what kind of prince were you then?
sotetsu: Who knows… Definitely not the knight in shining armour type.
saki: Meaning?
sotetsu: Team P’s aesthetic is all dazzling and refined, right? Even though that’s what most of the guests were looking for… There was a guy like me who liked to play with fire among them. Tempting the curious guests away from the well lit streets and into the darkness of the back alleys.
saki: So even whilst you were on Team P you were still the same old Sotetsu-san?
sotetsu: Yep.
saki: Huh, I wish I could’ve seen it.
sotetsu: Hahaha, did you not hear what I just said? Or are you also someone that likes being led astray? But well… I can’t show you what I looked like in an actual show, but there’s probably still some photo cards left laying around in a box somewhere.
chapter 2 -starless storage room-
sotetsu: I didn’t think you’d actually come here to try and find an old photo card. Your tastes are just as strange as mine.
saki: I’m just curious, can you blame me?
sotetsu: I don’t think it’ll be that interesting. My costume was different sure but I don’t think I’ve changed much otherwise.
saki: Is that so?
sotetsu: Well compared to some of the other guys here that is. Some of the others have changed heaps since the early days. Like Sinju for example.
saki: Sinju-san? How was he different in the past?
sotetsu: He was like a cornered dog, barking at anyone that came near.
saki: Huh? Sinju-san was?
sotetsu: This is when he had first joined. I guess he was stressed out since he wasn’t able to keep up at all during practice. He even tried snapping at me a couple times.
saki: That’s pretty surprising…
sotetsu: To me he looked like nothing more than a puppy that wanted to play though. Oh hey, I found one. Here, take a look.
saki: Woah, you really are wearing a P stage costume…!
sotetsu: What were you expecting? And so? What do you think?
saki: …It’s a little strange.
sotetsu: Hey now, are you saying it doesn’t look any good on me?
saki: No, that’s not what I meant. I was just thinking that even in P’s outfit it still looks just like you, Sotetsu-san.
sotetsu: See? I told you. Not much has changed about me since then.
-cg gone
saki: I’m happy I got to see this photo.
sotetsu: Hm?
saki: It’s not that I didn’t believe you… I just wasn’t able to imagine it.
sotetsu: Kuku, is that so? Meaning my current image is too strong for you to imagine anything else, huh? Still, I didn’t think you’d be satisfied with just a photo. How about I go and dig up my old stage costume for real?
saki: Huh? Wouldn’t that be too much trouble?
sotetsu: I’ve put on more muscle since then but I think I can still fit into it no problem… Probably. What do you say?
saki: Well…
sotetsu: Hold on, don’t go saying that you want to see it, I’m obviously just joking here. (smirking) Instead, you can ogle the present me all you want. Isn’t that more than enough?
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sinful-liesel · 1 year
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Blackstar Theater Starless - Intermission 2.5 "All of me"
Team K 💛 Treasured (Kei ver.) 💛 Original Text: Il Trovatore
Team P 💚 Boku no Subete wo Kimi ni Sasageru 💚 Original Text: Little Red Riding Hood / Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
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theater-starless · 4 months
"Hmm you know in my country we celebrate a tradition called sugar day its where family gather all together and celebrate. childern go door to door to get as much as candy kind of like Halloween but without the spookiness but what i like the best about it is you kiss you're elders on the hand and they give you free money!...come to think of it..." *Reader slowly takes they're hand smiling* "can i kiss you're hand?"
[With kei, sotetsu, yoshino, sin, kokuyou and takami? Please and thank you!]
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