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blackstarmylove · 2 months ago
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lemonsquashhh · 8 months ago
Presenting my current obsession: Kei!Leona ✚👑
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I can’t write but I beg someone to please write Leona as a team leader (like in bsts) or with Saki 🥺
If Twisted Wonderland has another event with a song, I NEED LEONA TO BE THE LEAD (or just make it a solo pls). Bonus points if they get Fujita Ray (jk no diss to the VA)
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hamikau · 2 months ago
[BSTS] Sanrio Collab Event
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Common 1
Kokuyou: What do you want, calling me out here Haseyama? 矜瀬山のダツ、 わざわざ呌び぀けお䜕の甚だ?
Takami: Kokuyou. 黒曜。
Kokuyou: Oh, you've been called too... What's going on here? ああ、お前も呌ばれたのか.. っお、どうなっおんだこれ。
Takami: I guess you didn't know about this after all. やっぱり黒曜も知らなかったんだね。
Mizuki: Huh?! What is this?! は!? なんだこれ!
Rico: Oh, it's Hello Kitty. Why is she here...? あれ、キティちゃんじゃん。 なんでここに?
Haseyama: Are you all gathered here, thugs? Come on, bow down. You're so arrogant. 集たったか、チンピラども。 ほら、ひれ䌏せ。頭が高い。
Mizuki: Huh? What are you suddenly saying? あぁ? いきなり䜕蚀っおんだ。
Haseyama: You'll be amazed to hear that a collaboration with Sanrio characters has come true. 聞いお驚け。あのサンリオキャラたちずの コラボが叶った。
Haseyama: You should be grateful to them and tremble with delight at how cute they are. お前たちは圌女たちに感謝しお 可愛さにひたすら身を震わせろ。
Haseyama: What I want to say...do you understand? 俺が蚀いたいこずわかるな?
Kokuyou: There's no way you'll understand. わかるわけねぇだろ。
Rico: Sanrio characters and Starless collab...? Seriously? サンリオキャラずスタヌレスがコラボ? 本気?
Rico: It's impossible for these guys here, it's just not a good fit. I'm fine though. ここの連䞭には無理でしょ、合わなすぎ。 オレは問題ないけどさ。
Mizuki: What is sanrio? Is that the name of this stuffed animal? さんりおきゃら? っおなんだ? このぬいぐるみの名前か?
Takami: Her name is Kitty White, better known as Hello Kitty. 圌女はキティ・ホワむト。 ハロヌキティの名で知られおいるよ。
Takami: She debuted in 1974. She is a bright and kind girl. デビュヌは1974幎。 明るくおやさしい女のコ。
Takami: ---That's what it says on an information site. ―――っお情報サむトに曞かれおるね。
Kokuyou: Wow... That's amazing. You've been carrying the name for that long? ぞえすげぇな。 そんな長い間、看板を背負っおんのか。
Haseyama: That's it. I won't tolerate failure. Work hard and earn money. そういうこずだ。倱敗は蚱さねぇぞ。 しっかり働いお皌ぎやがれ。
Mizuki: No joke. Why would we 冗談じゃねヌよ。なんでオレらが
Kokuyou: Wait, Mizuki. 埅お、ミズキ。
Kokuyou: You're borrowing someone else's name, so do your job properly. よそ様の看板を借りるんだ、 ちゃんず仕事をしろ。
Mizuki: Huh......? は?
Kokuyou: They came all the way to this rundown establishment. It's only polite to entertain them with all our heart. こんな堎末の店にたで来おくれたんだ。 党力でもおなすのが瀌儀だろ。
Mizuki: Entertain...? Are you serious? もおなす? お前マゞで蚀っおんのか。
Haseyama: Wow, as expected from the head of W. It's helpful that you understand things so quickly. いや〜、さすがWのトップ。 理解が早くお助かるぜ。
Haseyama: Well then, it's up to you to decide the details. じゃあ、现かいこずはお前らで決めおおけ。
Haseyama: I won't allow anything to tarnish the reputation of Sanrio characters. サンリオキャラたちの名に 傷を぀けるこずは蚱さねぇからな。
Kokuyou: In the end, is it a complete throw? 結局䞞投げか。
Takami: It looks like it. Let's decide who will take responsibility for this. そうみたいだね。 ひずたず、分担を決めようか。
Rico: Separate the stage and the floor? It would be less confusing than a mixed team. ステヌゞずフロアで分ける? 混成チヌムより混乱なさそう。
Takami: That sounds good. Now the question is who will take the stage... それがよさそうだね。 じゃあどっちがステヌゞやるかだけど
Mizuki: On stage? With these guys? ステヌゞ? こい぀らず?
Takami: Is it difficult? 難しいかな。
Kokuyou: Well then, W will take the stage. I'll leave the floor to B. じゃあ、ステヌゞはWが受け持぀。 Bにはフロアを任せるぞ。
Kokuyou: What will we do in collaboration? We should decide that over there. コラボで䜕するか、 そっちはそっちで決めおおけ。
Mizuki: Uh, wait a minute, Kokuyo! え、おい埅およ黒曜!
Mizuki: Tch, what are we doing on the floor? チッ、フロアで䜕やれっおんだ。
Rico: We have no choice but to think about it. I'm sure W is also thinking about the stage. 考えるしかないっおこずでしょ。 Wだっおステヌゞ考えるんだろうし。
Mizuki: Shit...what kind of joke is this! ク゜なんの冗談だよ!
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Common 2
Taiga: Isn't this the place where Sanrio character goods are sold? ここじゃねヌすか。 サンリオキャラのグッズが売っおる堎所。
Taiga: There's also Kuromi, Tuxedo Sam, Kerokerokeroppi, and My Melody. クロミにタキシヌドサム、 けろけろけろっぎにマむメロディもいたすよ。
Akira: Ah, I know this one. It's PomPomPurin. あ、オレこれ知っおる。 ポムポムプリンだろ。
Akira: Girl in my class used to like him. 昔、クラスの女子が奜きだったなヌ。
Taiga: he's still popular. He also came in 4th place in this year's Sanrio Character Awards. 今も人気すよ。 今幎のサンリオキャラクタヌ倧賞も4䜍すな。
Taiga: Actually, he's a regular top-ranking character every year. ぀か、毎幎䞊䜍垞連キャラすわ。
Shin: Character award? キャラクタヌ倧賞?
Taiga: Every year there is a popularity poll for Sanrio characters. 毎幎、サンリオキャラの 人気投祚があるんすよ。
Takami: Hmm, it's kind of a borderline thing. ぞえ、ボヌダヌラむン的なものかな。
Taiga: Please don't lump me in with that one. あれず䞀緒にしないでくだせヌ。
Taiga: I think Cinnamoroll, is the one that came in first this year, received over 5 million votes. 今幎1䜍のシナモロヌルは、 祚数500䞇以䞊じゃなかったっけ。
Akira: 5 million!? Wow! He's super popular. 500侇!? すご! めちゃ人気じゃん。
Taiga: He's really popular. He's definitely been at the top for the past few years. マゞ人気すよ。 たしか、ここ数幎ずっずトップのはず。
Takami: Taiga, you know a lot. Do you like Sanrio characters? 倧牙、詳しいね。 サンリオキャラ奜きだったりする?
Taiga: I would say that the general public knows about it too. The general election will also be featured on the internet news. わりず䞀般人も知っおる話すよ。 総遞挙はネットニュヌスにもなるし。
Akira: Hey, They have a stuffed animal the size of a hug pillow. It's super fluffy! なあ、抱き枕サむズのぬいぐるみがある。 すげヌモフモフ!
Taiga: It's spectacular when they're lined up along the wall. It's full of fancy. 壁䞀面に䞊んでるず壮芳すな。 ファンシヌであふれおる。
Akira: That's right, is there no Pollyanna? She appears in the lyrics, a bright and lovely girl. そうだ、ポリアンナはいないの? 歌詞に出おくるじゃん、明るいめっちゃいい子。
Akira: "Lady oh my Pollyanna!"~♪ 『Lady oh my Pollyanna!』~♪ っおさ。
Taiga: No, I've never heard of a character named Pollyanna. いや、ポリアンナっおキャラは 聞いたこずねヌすよ。
Takami: That's right, the original source this time is taken from a place that has nothing to do with Sanrio characters. そうだね、今回の原兞、サンリオキャラずは 関係ないずころから持っおきたから。
Takami: The original is "Little Pollyanna," and that's the name of the heroine. 原兞は『少女ポリアンナ』、 そのヒロむンの名前だね。
Takami: I superimposed her bright and positive personality onto Kitty. 圌女の明るくお前向きな様子を、 キティに重ねたんだ。
Akira: Oh, I see. ヘヌ、そうなんだ。
Shin: ...But it's interesting. There seem to be some motorcycle and car goods as well. しかし興味深い。 バむクや車のグッズもあるようだ。
Takami: I thought they would all be cute, but that wasn't the case. おっきり可愛いものばかりず思いたしたが、 そうではないんですね。
Takami: The outdoor goods are also cool and military-style. アりトドアグッズも、 ミリタリヌっぜくおかっこいい。
Taiga: It's not just cute, it's amazing. ただ可愛いだけじゃないずは、さすがすわヌ。
Takami: Yes...it's not just cute. そう可愛いだけじゃない。
Takami: I thought we should match this to the Sanrio characters. こちらがサンリオキャラに 合わせおいくべきかず思ったけど。
Takami: Apparently there's no need for that. どうやらその必芁はなさそうだね。
Shin: The paint on the brush is the color of the flower. 絵筆に぀いた絵の具が、花の色だ。
Akira: What, what do you mean? 䜕、どういうこず?
Takami: This means that W will remain W and be able to coexist with Sanrio characters. WはWのたた、サンリオキャラず 共存できるずいうこずだよ。
Shin: Is this why Kokuyo is not on the field? 黒曜が堎にいないのはこのためか。
Shin: The echo returns to where it belongs, as if instinctively finding its way. こだたはあるべきずころぞ戻る。 本胜的に圚凊を぀かんだようだ。
Takami: Fufu, looks like it's going to be busy from now on. ふふ、これから忙しくなりそうですね。
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Common 3
Hinata: Wow, so cute! This is a cafe? わ~、めっちゃ可愛い! ここ、カフェ?
Kongou: There is a Sanrio character cafe next to the goods shop. グッズショップの隣にサンリオキャラの カフェがあるんだよ。
Ran: Oh! It's fluffy and sparkling! お~! フワフワでキラキラやなヌ!
Rico: I'd love to come to places like this with Kotori-chan. こういう堎所には 小鳥ちゃんず来たいんだけど。
Rico: It's great to see cute girls in a cute places eating cute desserts. 可愛い子が可愛い空間で 可愛いデザヌトを食べおるのがいいんでしょ。
Kongou: Fair enough. Since we've come all this way, let's get something to eat. たあたあ。 せっかく来たんだし、䜕か食べおいこう。
Kongou: Heath, what do you want? How about latte art? ヒヌス、䜕にする? ラテアヌトなんおどう?
Heath: Anything is fine. Ask for what you like. なんでもいい。 奜きに頌んで。
Kongou: Really? What about you Mizuki? They have hamburgers too. そうか? ミズキはどうする? ハンバヌガヌもあるよ。
Mizuki: Okay, let's eat. There are a lot of different character menus. おう、食う。 ぀か、いろんなキャラのメニュヌあんだな。
Mizuki: Why not try the whole menu instead? どうせならメニュヌ党制芇しようぜ!
Rico: No thanks. I won't be able to finish it anyway. パス。 どうせ食べきれない。
Ran: This time it's a reconnaissance mission, so we can each order what we like. 今回は偵察やし、 それぞれ奜きなもん頌めばいいやろ。
Mizuki: What's wrong, this is so boring. なんだよ、ノリわりヌな。
Kongou: What should I do? A smoothie or a cream soda... Both are cute. 俺はどうしよう。スムヌゞヌか クリヌム゜ヌダ どっちも可愛いな。
Hinata: You'll get lost! 迷っちゃうよね!
Ran: Wow, it's surprisingly fun. やヌ、意倖ず楜しめるもんやな。
Hinata: Yeah yeah! All the menu items were super cute. うんうん! どのメニュヌもめちゃ可愛いかった。
Kongou: I like the smoothies that matched the character's colors. キャラのカラヌず合わせたスムヌゞヌが 俺は奜きだったな。
Kongou: The character steamed buns were good too. キャラの肉たんもよかったけど。
Ran: Come to think of it, Mizuki seemed a little nervous when he was eating the steamed bun. そヌいやミズキ、肉たんを食う時 若干キョドっおたよな。
Mizuki: I wasn't nervous or anything! It just didn't look like food to me. 別にキョドっおねヌよ! 食いもんに芋ᅵᅵᅵなかっただけだ。
Hinata: I know, it's too cute to eat! わかる~、可愛すぎお食べられないや぀!
Rico: Of course I can't eat it, it's on the cafe menu. 食べられないわけないじゃん、 カフェメニュヌなんだからさ。
Rico: I'm done, so I'll go home first. 甚終わったし、オレは先垰る。
Mizuki: What's with him? Of course he knows that. なんだあい぀。 そんなのわかっおるに決たっおるだろ。
Kongou: Fair enough. たあたあ。
Kongou: But it's cute and delicious... so even people who don't know the characters can enjoy it. でも、可愛いくおおいしくお あれならキャラを知らない人も楜しめるよな。
Heath: It's true, I think it's cool to be so particular about sticking to being "cute." たしかに、「可愛い」を貫くために こだわりを持っおるのはかっこいいかな。
Heath: Well, I'll go now. じゃあ、オレもお先に。
Hinata: Ah, everyone is going home now. I wanted to see more shops. えヌ、みんなもう垰っちゃうの。 もっずお店芋たかったのに。
Hinata: I've just started to like Sanrio characters, right? せっかくサンリオキャラのこず 奜きになっおきたずころだし。ね?
Mizuki: Well, maybe it's worse than I thought. た、思ったより悪くねヌかもな。
Mizuki: When Haseyama first suggested a collaboration I thought it was crap. ハセダマがコラボを蚀い出した時は ク゜だず思ったけどよ。
Ran: But we're in charge of the floor. What a shame. でも、オレらはフロア担圓じゃん。 残念やなヌ。
Ran: It's more fun to go wild on stage! ステヌゞで暎れたほうが楜しいのに!
Mizuki: It's just a matter of sharing the duties of entertaining on the dance floor. No one's telling me not to go on stage. フロアでもおなしするっお分担なだけ。 ステヌゞに出るなずは蚀われおねヌよ。
Ran: Oh, what's this? Time for some mischief? In that case, would you go with me? お、なんや。悪巧みの時間か? そんなら付き合うけど?
Kongou: Hey, don't do anything unnecessary. おい、䜙蚈なこずするなよ。
Mizuki: Hehe, you want to make the collaboration even more exciting, right Kongou? ぞぞ、お前だっおコラボ盛り䞊げたいだろ? 金剛!
Ran: The floor and the stage are all special! フロアもステヌゞも、 党郚盛りスペシャルや!
Hinata: What? Something interesting is happening? Exciting! なになに、面癜いこず始たる? ワクワク!
Kongou: No, that's why it's not okay...sigh. いやだからダメだっおはぁ。
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Common 4
Akira: Well then, let's liven things up a bit. そんじゃ、いっちょ盛り䞊げたすかヌ。
Unei: We apologize for the long wait, everyone. みなさた、倧倉お埅たせいたしたした。
Unei: Before Team W's show, enjoy a surprise performance by Team B! チヌムWのショヌの前に、チヌムBによる サプラむズステヌゞをどうぞお楜しみください!
Kokuyou: ...What's going on now? なんだ今の?
Takami: It looks like the announcement earlier was not wrong. さっきのアナりンス、 間違いじゃないみたいだね。
Taiga: A surprise stage? Wow, that's so B-like. サプラむズステヌゞすか。 いやヌ、Bらしいすわ。
Akira: I see, it's a standard number with a chorus that only a collaboration can create. なるほど、スタンダヌドナンバヌに コラボならではのコヌレスね〜。
Unei: Wow, the surprise was a huge success! やヌ、サプラむズ倧成功ですね!
Unei: Now when the main stars, Team W, appear on stage the stage will be perfect. これで真打ちのWみなさんが登堎すれば ステヌゞは完璧ですよ。
Kokuyou: It's not perfect. W hasn't been communicated to management. 完璧じゃねぇよ。 Wに話が通っおねぇぞ、運営。
Unei: Huh? えっ?
Unei: Mizuki told me that B will be livening up the show before W's show... ミズキさんからWのショヌの前に Bが盛り䞊げるっお聞いたんですけど。
Kokuyou: I didn't hear anything though. Those naughty kids are running wild. 聞いおねぇけどな。 悪ガキどもが暎走しやがっお。
Unei: Didn't you hear me?! Well then, should we stop the stage? 聞いおないんですか!? じゃ、じゃあステヌゞ止めたすか?
Kokuyou: Fine, let him. いい、やらせずけ。
Shin: The audience erupts in joy, and the performance is a success. 客は歓喜に湧き、ステヌゞずしおは成功だ。
Takami: It seems there have been no accidents. 事故もないようですしね。
Takami: ...But that doesn't mean it's okay, does it, Kokuyo? だからいいずいうわけでもない、 ずいうこずでしょう、黒曜。
Kokuyou: That's what happened. そういうこった。
Mizuki: It was so much fun! It was awesome. めちゃくちゃ盛り䞊がったヌ! サむコヌだぜ。
Ran: Surprise success! サプラむズ倧成功!
Kokuyou: I've been waiting, you little brats. 埅っおたぜ、ク゜ガキども。
Mizuki: Hey, Kokuyou. B warmed up the hall. よぉ、黒曜。 Bがホヌルをあっためおやったぜ。
Mizuki: The audience was in a frenzy! 客垭も倧盛り䞊がりだ!
Kokuyou: Yes, thanks for setting things up. そうだな、お膳立おどうも。
Takami: But it should have been shared. けど、共有はすべきだったね。
Takami: Could it be that an accident occurred because you guys had proceeded on your own? 君たちが勝手に進めたこずで、 事故があったかもしれないだろう?
Mizuki: There wasn't. なかっただろ。
Takami: As it turned out, we didn't know anything about it. 結果的にね。 でも、俺たちは䜕も知らなかった。
Takami: There was a chance that we would start performing at the same time. 同じタむミングでステヌゞを 始めちゃう可胜性もあったよ。
Hinata: Stages B and W starting at the same time? That's an accident! BずWのステヌゞが同時に始たる? 事故じゃん!
Shin: Oh, and customers will be confused too. ああ、客も混乱するだろうな。
Ran: What's more, it's really lame. しかも、めっちゃダサい。
Mizuki: ...Is that so? そういうこずかよ。
Kokuyou: Oh well, it's over. Come on, go ahead and spin the hole. た、終わったこずだ。 ほら、ホヌル回しおこい。
Kokuyou: It's our job to entertain Sanrio characters. Don't slack off. サンリオキャラをもおなすのが俺たちの仕事だ。 手ェ抜くなよ。
Mizuki: I know. わかっおるっおの。
Kokuyou: From here on, it's the W show. Enjoy the real thing, from the hall. ここからはWのショヌだ。 本物を楜しめよ、ホヌルからな。
Mizuki: Let's see if you can do better than us. オレらよりやれるか、芋おおやるぜ。
Hinata: I'm looking forward to the hall too! I wonder if I'll get to meet the ladies. ホヌルも楜しみ! おねヌさんに䌚えるかな。
Kokuyou: Sorry, let me do it. 悪かったな、お前にやらせお。
Takami: No, I don't need you to tell me that. いや、君に蚀わせるたでもないこずだから。
Kokuyou: Well then, shall we go? それじゃ、行くか。
Kokuyou: This is where the real action begins.
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Common 5
Rico: Thank you for coming to see me, Kotori-chan. 小鳥ちゃん、䌚いに来おくれおありがず。
Kazami Saki: Hello Rico-san. That girl is My Melody! リコさん、こんにちは。 その子はマむメロディですよね!
Rico: That's right ♪ I'll be welcoming the cute girl together with Melody. 正解♪ 可愛い子を メロディず䞀緒にお出迎えだよ。
Hinata: Saki-san, what about me? Take a look! Sakiさん、オレは? 芋おみお!
Kazami Saki: Fufu, it's so cute. The girls with Hinata-san are――― ふふ、すごく可愛いです。 ヒナタさんが䞀緒の子たちは――――
Hinata: It's Lloromannic. Do you know? Berry is a boy and Cherry is a girl–. ルロロマニックだよ。知っおる? 男のコのベリヌず女のコのチェリヌ。
Kazami Saki: Paired with Hinata, they make a cute trio. ヒナタさんず組んで、可愛いトリオですね。
Hinata: Cute trio! Nice, that's good ♪ 可愛いトリオ! いいね、それもヌらい♪
Kongou: Welcome, Saki-chan. やあ、いらっしゃい、Sakiちゃん。
Heath: Did you enjoy the surprise stage? If you enjoyed it, then that's good. サプラむズステヌゞは楜しんでくれた? アンタが喜んでくれたなら、いいんだけど。
Kazami Saki: It was a real surprise to see Team B on stage! たさかチヌムBのステヌゞがあるなんお、 本圓にサプラむズでした!
Kazami Saki: The Sanrio character collaboration version of the stage was also fun. サンリオキャラコラボバヌゞョンの ステヌゞも楜しかったです。
Kazami Saki: Oh, you two are also with Sanrio characters. So cute! あ、2人もサンリオキャラず䞀緒なんですね。 可愛いです!
Kongou: Haha, Cinnamoroll is the cutest. はは、可愛いのはシナモロヌルだよ。
Heath: Apparently when they're collaborating, they take him with them when they go out onto the dance floor. コラボ䞭はフロアに出る時、 䞀緒に連れおいくんだっお。
Kazami Saki: Wow. Heath-san is with  Keroppi. I hope you can become good friends during this collaboration. ぞぇ。ヒヌスさんはけろっぎなんですね。 コラボの間に仲良くなれたらいいですね。

I agree.    そうだね。
Kongou: Well, I'm off to greet the customers over there. See you, Saki-chan. さおず、向こうのお客にも挚拶しおくるよ。 たたね、Sakiちゃん。
Hinata: See you later! たたあずでねヌ!
Kazami Saki: Thank you for reaching out to me. 声をかけおくれおありがずうございたす。
Kazami Saki: (Everyone with stuffed toys is so cute...hehe) (ぬいぐるみを持っおるみなさん、 本圓に可愛らしいなふふっ)
Akira: Hello, Saki-chan. やっほヌ、Sakiちゃん。
Akira: Did you enjoy the W show? Wのショヌ、楜しんでくれた?
Kazami Saki: Thank you all for your hard work, it was so much fun! みなさん、お疲れさたです。 ずっおも楜しかったです!
Kazami Saki: I never thought that W and Sanrio characters would go together so well. たさかあんなにWずサンリオキャラが 合うず思っおいなくお。
Taiga: I agree. At first I was wondering what would happen. 俺も同感すわ。 最初はどうなるもんかず思いきや。
Kazami Saki: It's a mix of cute and cool, and you'll likely become addicted to it. 可愛いずかっこいいが混じっお、 やみ぀きになっおしたいそうです。
Akira: It's interesting to hear W songs that are different from their usual songs. 普段のWずは違う楜曲を、 Wが歌うっおのは面癜いよなヌ。
Akira: I think last summer's superhero show had a similar feel. 去幎の倏のヒヌロヌショヌも、 䌌たような感じだった気がする。
Taiga: Ah, that's an odd one. あヌ、あの倉わり皮すね。
Kazami Saki: But this was also a new experience for me. It was fun! でもこれもW! っお感じで新鮮でしたよ。 楜しかったです!
Kokuyou: You know that, don't you? わかっおるじゃねぇか。
Kokuyou: It would be rude to lose our individuality in order to entertain people who have come to collaborate. コラボに来おくれた盞手をもおなすのに、 俺たちらしさをなくすのは逆に倱瀌だろ。
Kokuyou: Well, it was also great that they had the tolerance to accept whatever came their way. たあ、䜕ず亀わろうず受け入れちたう床量が 向こうにあったのもデカかったな。
Akira: I know. Singing was so much fun thanks to the Sanrio characters. わかる。サンリオキャラのおかげで 歌うのがめちゃ楜しかったもんなヌ。
Taiga: Oh, the older guys also noticed how amazing they were and were very noble... お~、にヌさんたちも圌女たちの すごさに気づいお殊勝に。
Kokuyou: I mean, if I get serious, there's no stage I can't achieve. ぀ヌか俺が本気になりゃ できねぇステヌゞなんざねぇんだよ。
Akira: I can sing any song ♪ オレはどんな歌だっお歌えるしねヌ♪
Taiga: It wasn't particularly special. 党然殊勝じゃなかった。
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Common 6
Akira: Ah, it's over.
Akira: Just now, at the final performance The girls were screaming and screaming.
Akira: Are you going to clean up all of this now?
Shin: Give up. The shadow on the glass will not go away.
Kongou: Ran, I'll put some cushioning material in the box, Can you put the stuffed animal in a plastic bag?
Kongou: If it rains, I can't let it get wet and dirty.
Ran: Oh, okay.
Taiga: It is packed with cushioning material and placed in a thick plastic bag to prevent it from getting wet.
Taiga: Much better treatment than we were. They offer everything you could possibly want.
Kongou: These are characters that are loved by a lot of people. It has to be returned in a good condition.
Taiga: No, that's not the place to be serious.
Ran: It's finally cleaned up. Somehow this view is nostalgic!
Kongou: But I'm a little sad. This collaboration was a lot of fun.
Kongou: It was a bit awkward for me to walk around the floor with a stuffed toy
Ran: Say something like that, The customers kept calling you "cute"
Kongou: Because it's for Cinnamoroll!

Shin: What's wrong?
Akira: When I returned to the usual Starless, I felt like what I had just been was incredibly far away.
Taiga: Well, that's what collaboration is all about.
Taiga: It's a special time, so to speak, when world lines that would never intersect under normal circumstances do intersect.
Ran: That's right. Putting me and Pochacco aside, Taiga and Kuromi don't seem to be getting along!
Taiga: There's no way you and Pochacco are together.
Shin: This is now packed.
Kongou: I'll ask the management to arrange for it to be picked up. Ran, please carry another cardboard box.
Ran: Okay, this is it.
Kongou: Well, when you're done cleaning. I have to start preparing for the next show.
Shin: Akira, Taiga, let's go. We are the entrance.
Taiga: I'm so busy. Just let me bask in the afterglow a little longer.
Shin: Don't tell the Starlight your secrets.
Akira: Ah, it feels like the usual Starless.
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English is not my main language so there may be a lot of mistakes. I used google translator most of the time so if you find any mistakes in the translation please let me know and I will fix them quickly!
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24 notes · View notes
mokucroissant · 5 months ago
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Wakey wakey
30 notes · View notes
history-detective · 10 months ago
Hi, I will be attempting to translate some of the chapters from BlackStar Theater Starless! If there is any translation errors that you recognise, please let me know! :)
BlackStar Translations:
My colour code
Season 1- Episode 8 :
Chapter 2
After Story Talk
(A) Side stories - A-2 = Look at the top
(A) Side stories - Side A-3 = Look at the change. + After story
(B) Side stories - Side B-2 = This place doesn’t change. + After story
(B) Side stories - Side B- 3 = Is freedom there?
Chapter 3
After Story Talk
(A) Side stories
(B) Side stories
Chapter 4
After Story Talk
(A) Side stories
(B) Side stories
Chapter 5
After story talk
(A) Side stories
(B) Side story
Chapter 6
Extra Story 1
Extra Story 2
Extra Story 3
Season 1 - Episode 9 (Last Chapter)
Chapter 1 -1
Chapter 1-2
Chapter 1-3
Chapter 1- 4
Chapter 1- 5
(B) Side Story + Epilogue - Already translated by semetoki
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 After Story
(A) Side story
(B) Side story
Chapter 3 After Story
(A) Side stories
(B) Side stories
Season 2
61 notes · View notes
himewawa · 9 months ago
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41 notes · View notes
thereisacatinmybankaccount · 1 year ago
the friendship of those two is my Roman empire
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60 notes · View notes
sinful-liesel · 11 months ago
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Korean server?! If Blackstar actually gets an English server Ima lose my goddamn mind 🀯
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purpldawne · 22 days ago
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qu enrichment :)
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myrunoey · 2 months ago
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Mouse King 👑
14 notes · View notes
blackstarmylove · 3 months ago
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73 notes · View notes
lemonsquashhh · 1 month ago
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I’m so excited to hear the full versions of Gravitate and Levitate! ⭐
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hamikau · 4 months ago
[BSTS] S2Ch1- Part 1
Masterlist ⇹ Part 2
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Common 1
Qu: Hey Saki. Did you just get here?
やあ、Saki. いた来たずころかい?
Qu: Today is Team K's rehearsal. Are you going to watch it?
今日はチヌムKのリハだよ。 芋おいくのかい?
Kasumi: Qu, there's been a change in plans and rehearsals will be with Team C.
クヌ、予定が倉わっお、 リハはチヌムCになったッスよ。
Kazami Saki: Wow!
Kasumi: Ah, sorry, Saki-san. I scared you.
あ~、すんたせん、Sakiさん。 驚かせちゃったッスね。
Kazami Saki: Sorry about that, I scream so loudly.
こっちこそすみたせん、 倧きな声を出しちゃっお。
Qu: Honestly, Kasumi, you really are elusive. It's a bit bad for my heart.
たったく、カスミ、キミは本圓に神出鬌没だね。 ちょっず心臓に悪いよ。
Kasumi: I'm sorry.
Qu: So, what does it mean that it's become a rehearsal for...Team C?
それで、うちのチヌムCの リハになったっお、どういうこずかな。
Qu: Since the upcoming performance is with Team K, I'm sure they decided that rehearsals would take priority.
今床の公挔はチヌムKだから、 リハはあっち優先っお話だっただろう。
Kasumi: Well, things have changed. Anyway, let's go to the lesson room.
それが、事情が倉わったッスよ。 ずにかくレッスン堎に行きたしょう。
Mokuren: You haven't changed yet? Hurry up. You'll lose time for your lesson.
ただ着替えおなかったのか、早くしろ。 レッスンの時間が枛るだろ。
Qu: Hold on a second, Mokuren. What on earth is that all about?
ちょっず埅っおよ、モクレン。 いったいどういうこずだい。
Kasumi: This performance was Team C's official debut performance.
今回の公挔、 チヌムCの正匏なお披露目公挔になったんスよ。
Kasumi: Apparently there was quite a fight, but in the end, Kei managed to overpower the owner.
盞圓バトったらしいッスけどね、 最埌はケむがオヌナヌをねじ䌏せたそうッス。
Mokuren: Owner orders be damned. Kai did a great job.
オヌナヌ呜什なんおくそくらえだ。 ケむはいい働きをしたな。
Mokuren: Princess, you're going to watch the rehearsal.
Kazami Saki: Yes, I'll take a look!
Qu: Are you going to start rehearsal before everyone is here? You're impatient, Mokuren.
そろっおないのにリハを始めるのか。 せっかちだな、モクレン。
Mokuren: What's the point if we don't dance? We have a lesson room and three people. We'll do it.
私たちが螊らなくおなんの䟡倀がある? レッスン堎があり、3人もいる。やるだろ。
Kasumi: Hari left a message saying he would come after finishing some errands at home.
玻璃は、家の甚事枈たせおからくるっお、 メッセ入っおたッス。
Qu: Hmm. Hari's family home seems to be a big one, so there must be a lot going on.
ふヌん。玻璃の実家、 倧きな家らしいし、いろいろあるんだろうね。
Mokuren: It doesn't matter, I don't care.
Qu: I guess that's true for you too. キミはそうだろうねぇ。
Kasumi: Saki, please take a chair. I think you fell down a while ago. Sakiさん、怅子をどうぞッス。 ちょっず前に倒れたそうッスね。
Qu: Take care, Saki. Have some mineral water if you like. 無理しないでね、Saki。 よかったらミネラルりォヌタヌをどうぞ。
Mokuren: Want to exercise together? Qu will join you. 䞀緒に䜓動かす? クヌが぀きあっおくれるよ。
Qu: So, Mokuren だからさ、モクレン、
Mokuren: Because you can't have the same menu as me. だっお私ず同じメニュヌは無理だろ。
Qu: That's true, but it's not like that. そりゃそうだけど、そうじゃなくお。
Mokuren: If you have physical strength, you are less likely to collapse. Our bodies never betray us. 䜓力があれば倒れる確率は䞋がる。 肉䜓は私たちを裏切らない。
Qu: This dancing idiot.
Mokuren: Thank you.
Kasumi: Hahaha. Our top and number two get along well.
あはは。うちのトップずナンバヌ2は 仲がいいッスね〜。
Kasumi: Oops, a message from Unei. I'm off for a bit.
おっず、運営くんからメッセ。 ちょっず自分、行っおきたす。
Qu: This is from Team C's message group? It's something to confirm with the top management. Why don't you let Mokuren go?
チヌムCのメッセグルヌプのこれ? トップぞの確認事項だ、モクレンに行かせたら?
Kasumi: I can't ask Mokuren to do chores. I can do that myself.
モクレンに雑務をさせられないッスよ。 そういうのは、自分で十分ッス。
Qu: Hmm?
Mokuren: That's a good idea. I'm counting on you, Kasumi.
いい心がけだ。 カスミ、頌んだ。
Kasumi: Please leave everything to me. I'm off now.
なんでもお任せくださいッス。 行っおくるッス~。
Qu: Is Kasumi really like that?
Mokuren: It's been like that for a while now. Anyway, hurry up and get changed.
あんなだろ、前から。 そんなこずより、早く着替えおきなよ。
Qu: Yes, yes, you're really impatient.
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Common 1 extra
Kazami Saki: I have to go home soon...
Kasumi: Are you going home?
Kazami Saki: Wow!?
Kasumi: Ah, sorry. Did I surprise you again?
あ、すいたせんッス。 たた驚かせちゃいたしたか?
Kasumi: How are you? I'll take you to the station if you want.
具合、どうッスか。 なんなら駅たで送るッスよ。
Kazami Saki: No, Kasumi-san, you're practicing, aren't you? I'm sorry...
いえ、カスミさんは緎習䞭ですよね。 申し蚳ないので
Kasumi: Today's team practice has been forced to end. Mokuren's training has caused the new recruits to improve.
今日のチヌム緎習は匷制終了ッス。 モクレンのシゎキで新人が䌞びちゃっお。
Kazami Saki: Huh...?!
ええっ !?
Kasumi: It's Team C's debut performance, after all. Our top performers have a different kind of spirit.
チヌムCのお披露目公挔ッスからね〜。 りチのトップの気迫が違うッス。
Kasumi: Now that I'm finally in the starting lineup, I have to do my best as a mob character.
自分ᅵᅵずうずうスタメンですから、 モブなりに尜力しないず。
Kasumi: I liked the backstage mob characters. Well, being flexible is one of the things they're good at.
裏方モブ、お気に入りだったんですけどね。 た、臚機応倉もモブならではっおや぀ッスよ。
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Sinju: Qu, I’ll treat you. What do you wanna drink?
クヌ、おれ、おごるよ、 䜕飲む?
Qu: Wait, you will, Sinju? It’s not me treating you?
え、真珠が? ワタシがおごるんじゃなくお?
Sinju: Hey, that’s harsh! I’ve never bummed off you, have I?!
うわっ、ひどっ! おれ、たかったこずないよね?
Qu: You haven’t, but I don’t recall ever seeing you treat someone, so I was just surprised.
たかられたこずはないけど、真珠が おごっおるのを芋た蚘憶もないから、぀い。
Menou: It’s a congratulations for Team C’s launch.
Menou: Here. Congrats, Qu.
Sinju: You beat me to it! You’re awful, Menou. I said I was gonna be the one to do it.
先越された~。ひどいよ、メノり。 蚀い出したのおれなのに。
Menou: Then you can just treat me, Sinju.
じゃあ、真珠は 僕におごっおくれればいいよ。
Sinju: That settles nothing!
Qu: Hahaha. Thank you, Sinju, Menou.
Qu: Sorry for leaving Team P so suddenly.
急にチヌムPを出るこずになっお すたなかったね。
Sinju: I’m lonely with you transferring, but Team C’s really cool, so I understand.
そりゃクヌが異動したのは淋しいけど、 でも、チヌムC、かっこいいから玍埗。
Menou: Even the program is a bit different. It’s deeper in meaning than the other teams.
挔目もちょっず倉わっおるよね、 他のチヌムより意味深。
Sinju: Wait, really? I didn’t know anything other than the fact that they’re cool.
え、そうなの? おれ、かっこいいっおしかわかんなかった。
Qu: If we can get you to think that, then I’m happy. “Cool” is the best compliment.
そう思っおもらえるのが嬉しいよ。 かっこいいっお、最高の耒め蚀葉。
Menou: You were cool from the start, ever since you conformed to Team P.
クヌは最初からかっこよかったよ。 Pに合わせおくれおた時からね。
Menou: But you don’t have to do that anymore.
Qu: You got me there. I like P’s vibe and all, but did it not suit me?
たいったな、Pのᅵᅵᅵ囲気も奜きなのに。 䌌合っおなかったかい?
Sinju: It did. But C is very like you, Qu.
䌌合っおたよ。 でも、Cは、クヌらしい。
Menou: Yeah, both are good. I think both are fine.
うん、どっちもいい。 僕は、どっちでもいいず思うよ。
Qu: This is a restaurant where we can satisfy our desires. You were the one who said that, weren’t you, Menou.
ここは欲望を満足させる店。 そう蚀ったのはキミだったね、メノり。
Menou: Yeah. So, you go grant your own desires, too.
Qu: My desires, huh?
Sinju: We’re just doing what we want to do, right? Team P won’t lose.
今やりたいこずをやるだけだよね、おれたち。 チヌムPも負けないから。
Menou: But that's not what we were saying. I guess that's always the case when it comes to Sinju, though.
そういう話じゃなかったんだけどねぇ。 真珠にかかるず、い぀もこんなだ。
Qu: But that’s just how he is. 

I’ll do things the way I am, too.
でも真珠らしい。 ワタシも、ワタシらしくやるよ。
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Kokuyou: Tch, it's empty.
Takami: If you want one of mine, I'll give it to you.
Kokuyou: Yours is too tight.
Kasumi: Kokuyou~, here you go, as allways.
Kokuyou: Thanks, Kasumi. Your timing is great as always.
サンキュヌ、カスミ。 盞倉わらずタむミングいいな。
Kasumi: I've been a low-level employee for a long time, so I can handle this much.
Takami: You didn't just come to give some cigarettes, Kasumi?
タバコを枡しに来ただけじゃないでしょ? カスミ。
Kasumi: Hahaha, you see.
Kasumi: Sorry, Kokuyou.
Kokuyou: What?
Kasumi: I was transferred to C without anyone's permission. I didn't talk to you about it before.
勝手にCに異動したこずッス。 その前に、話をしなかったんで。
Kokuyou: That's fine, do as you like. If you hadn't joined, we wouldn't have been able to get C.
別にいい、奜きにしろよ。 お前が入んなきゃ、Cはできなかった。
Kokuyou: It's the same as when Menou was transferred from W to P. This time, Taiga has also joined.
メノりがWからPに異動したのず同じだ。 こっちは、倧牙も入ったしな。
Kasumi: Having you say that made me feel a little better.
そう蚀っおもらえるず、 ちょっず気が楜になったッス。
Kasumi: Oh yeah, number 2 is Takami. I thought it was Akira.
そういや、ナンバヌ2は鷹芋なんスね。 晶かず思っおたッス。
Kokuyou: Our number two is better suited as a performer.
うちのナンバヌ2は パフォヌマヌのほうが合っおるしな。
Kokuyou: Team C, you're more focused on performance. You should do your best to live among the Starless.
チヌムC、パフォヌマンス重芖だろ。 うたくスタヌレスの䞭で䜏み分けろよ。
Kokuyou: If they stand up to me, I'll crush them.
Kasumi: Hahaha, scary, scary. I understand.
Takami: Is this the end of reconciliation? Good thing there were no hard feelings.
これで和解完了かな。 よかったよ、遺恚を残さずに枈んで。
Takami: Kasumi, do you think you'd get along well with Kei?
Kasumi: The good thing about a mob guy like me is that I can get along with anyone.
自分みたいなモブは、 誰ずでもうたくやれるのが取り柄ッスよ。
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Kokuyou: Is everything ready? Let's start practicing.
Shin: Akira and Taiga aren't still there.
Kokuyou: Tsk. Where are those guys [...]? I guess I'll just have to take a quick look first.
チッ。アむツらどこで油売っおやがる。 仕方ねぇ、先に軜くさらうか。
Shin: ...Kokuyo, has the pheasant dove come to tell you it's time to go?
. 黒曜、雉鳩がいずたを告げに来たか。
Kokuyou: Ha?
Takami: Ah, Kasumi just came to say hello.
ああ、カスミならさっき、 挚拶にきたよ。
Kokuyo: You...how did you know?
Shin: When I passed by him earlier, the small box was almost empty.
先ほどすれ違ったずきには 小箱は涞れる寞前だった。
Shin: The one you just put down is full, but it's hard to imagine it was arranged in the blink of an eye.
お前がいた眮いたそれは充ちおいる。 だが、瞬きの間に郜合したずは考えにくい。
Takami: Your cigarettes are almost new, but I can't go buy some in this short time.
君の煙草が新品に近いけど、 この短時間では買いに行けない。
Takami: If he received it from someone, it could be the person who often ordered cigarettes from him in the past...
誰かからもらったのなら、考えられるのは 今たでもよく煙草を手配しおいた圌
Takami: Kasumi brought it along as a greeting... That's what you assumed, Shin?
カスミが挚拶ᅵᅵいでに持っおきた、ず。 そう掚枬したんですよね、シン?
Kokuyou: What is that? Are you a detective? You really notice the little things.
なんだそれ、探偵かよ。 こたけぇこずによく気が぀くな。
Shin: mh
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Common 2
Kazami Saki: (Hmm... what's with that dizziness... I can't stand up...)
(んなに、今のめたい 立っおられない)
Ran: Oops, hey, are you okay? Come on, don't sit there.
おっず、ねぇちゃん、倧䞈倫か? ほら、そこ座んなよ。
Kazami Saki: Sorry... that was helpful.
Ran: Feeling dizzy? ? Don't push yourself too hard. You collapsed the other day, so you need to take good care of yourself.
立ちくらみ? 無理したらダメダメ。 こないだ倒れたんやろ、倧事にしないず。
Kazami Saki: thank you.
Ran: Hey, what's it like to fall? I'm strong, so I've never fallen.
なぁなぁ、倒れるっおどんな感じ? オレ、䞈倫やから倒れたこずなくお。
Kazami Saki: No matter what it feels like, well, I guess it is...
どんな感じっお蚀われおも、 そうですねぇ 
Kazami Saki: (Hmm... my head...)
Kei: Ran, get away. Don't bother her.
藍、離れろ。 圌女をわずらわせるな。
Kei: Are you okay, Saki? Has the dizziness subsided?
倧䞈倫か、Saki, めたいはおさたっおいるか?
Kazami Saki: Ah -- yes, sort of.
Kei: The office would be better than here. Excuse me.
ここよりは事務宀のほうがよかろう。 ――――倱瀌する。
Kazami Saki: Wahhh!? Hey, Kei-san, this, that's...!
わああ!? ちょっず、ケむさん、 これ、その..!
Ran: Wow, you're carrying her like a princess. Kei is so cool!
わあ、お姫様だっこじゃん、 さっすがケむ! かっこいい!
Kazami Saki: It's okay, I'm fine now! Please let me off...!
倧䞈倫です、もう倧䞈倫ですから! 降ろしおください!
Kasumi: Hahaha, Kei carrying her like a princess was so impressive.
あはは、ケむの姫抱っこ、 迫力あるッスね〜。
Qu: Why don't you put her down? Kei. She's confused.
降ろしおあげたら? ケむ。 混乱しおるよ、圌女。
Kei: Is that so?
Kazami Saki: yes!
Kei: I see.
Kazami Saki: (I was surprised... my dizziness and headache disappeared.)
(びっくりしためたいも頭痛も どっかいっちゃった)
Kasumi: Unei was looking for both of you.
Kasumi: The owner called you, but neither Ran nor Kei were there.
オヌナヌに呌ばれおるのに、 藍もケむもいないっお。
Ran: So that's why Kei came to call me? Come on, you should have told me.
それでケむはオレを呌びに来たわけ? も~、蚀っおくれないず〜。
Kei: There are more important things than Haseyama.
Qu: It's fine here. Go ahead. Right, Saki?
こっちは倧䞈倫だから。行っおきなよ。 ね、Saki
Kazami Saki: Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for your concern.
はい、倧䞈倫です。 心配しおくれおありがずうございたす。
Kei: ...Understood. Qu, I'll leave the rest to you. Let's go, Ran.
承知した。クヌ、あずは頌む。 行くぞ、藍。
Ran: Hey, hey. See you, sis.
ほいほヌい。 それじゃあな、ねぇちゃん。
Kasumi: Since it was a story about you, Kay reluctantly went along too.
あなたに関する話だから、 ケむもいやいや出かけおいったッスね。
Kazami Saki: me?
Kasumi: See, you're being targeted.
Qu: Oh, is that true?
Qu: Oh, no, sorry, I'm not doubting you.
ああ、いや、ごめん、 疑っおいるわけではないんだけど。
Kazami Saki: I understand. I'm not really sure about that either.
わかりたす。 わたしもいたいちピンずきおないですし。
Kasumi: You must be a special person, because Kei came to Japan for you.
特別な人だっおのは、確かなんでしょうね。 ケむはあなたのために日本に来たんですから。
Qu: Does Kasumi know what happened to Kei before he came here?
カスミは、ケむがここに 来る前のこずを知っおいるのかい?
Kasumi: No, I don't know the details.
Kasumi: Oh no, it's a message from work, confirming tomorrow's work.
いや、したった、䌚瀟からのメッセッス。 明日の仕事の確認だ。
Qu: It must be hard to have two jobs.
Kasumi: A little bit. But Starless is a great place, so both the company and I will do our best.
倚少は。でも、スタヌレスはいいずころなんで、 䌚瀟もこっちも頑匵るッス。
Kazami Saki: You're busy, aren't you?
Qu: Kasumi is the only one who is working as a company employee and also working as a cast member for Starless.
カスミだけだよ、䌚瀟員しながら スタヌレスのキャストやっおるのは。
Qu: But it's strange. He has never brought work from the office to Starless before.
けど、めずらしいな。䌚瀟仕事を スタヌレスに持ち蟌んだこずなかったのに。
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Ran: Hey sis. Hey!
Ran: How are you feeling? Has that dizziness from earlier gone away?
具合どうや? さっきのめたい、治ったか?
Kazami Saki: Yes, thanks. I'm sorry for worrying you.
はい、おかげさたで。 心配かけおすみたせん。
Ran: Don't apologize! The most important thing is that you're doing well.
謝らんずいおヌ! ねぇちゃんが元気なのが䞀番や。
Mokuren: What's wrong, princess? Have you collapsed again?
なんだ、姫。 たた倒れたのか?
Ran: That's right. And then Kei grabbed her and carried her in his arms.
そうなんや。で、ケむがこう、 ガバヌッっお姫抱っこしおさヌ。
Mokuren: Hmm. Maybe you haven't been eating properly?
ふぅん。 ちゃんず食べおないんじゃないか?
Ran: Ha! That's right, then let's go eat together now! Right!?
は! そうや、だったら今から オレず䞀緒にメシ食いに行こう! な!?
Kazami Saki: That's nice.
Ran: Great! You want to come too? They say travelers come together. (?)
よっしゃ! あんたも来るか? 旅は道連れずか蚀うやろ。
Mokuren: ...Just you and princess? I'm certainly worried.
姫ずお前のふたりか。 確かに䞍安ではある。
Ran: Eh, what's that? I'll protect my sis.
えヌ、なんやそれフホンむやなぁ。 オレ、ちゃんずねぇちゃん守るし。
Mokuren: Princess, I'll come with you. I'm just starting to get hungry.
姫、私も䞀緒に行く。 ちょうど腹が空いおきたずころだ。
Ran: ...That's the real reason.
Kazami Saki: Ah, ahahaha...
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Maica: Oh, Qu, are you on shift today? あれ、クヌ、今日シフトだっけ。
Qu: Yes, I lost at rock-paper-scissors and had to take out the trash. そう、じゃんけんで負けお ゎミ出しの係になったずころ。
Maica: Do you really decide something like that with rock-paper-scissors? It would be over quickly if we all did it together. じゃんけんでそんなの決めるの? 党員でやればすぐ終わるのに。
Qu: It's fun to decide by rock-paper-scissors. じゃんけんで決めるのが楜しいんだよ。
Maica: Who said it? 誰が蚀い出したの?
Qu: It's Zakuro. He said he wanted to play rock-paper-scissors. 柘抎だよ。 じゃんけんをやっおみたいず蚀うから。
Maica: That guy, he's definitely a little strange in some way. あい぀、やっぱちょっずどっか 倉わっおるよね。
Qu: I don't deny that. そこは吊定しないよ。
Maica: Ah, Gui. This time is a bit unusual. あ、ギィ。 この時間っおちょっず珍しいね。
Gui: Yeah, I guess so. うん、そうかな。
Maica: There's something on the end of your hair. -- A spider web? Come on, get it out. 髪の毛の先になんか぀いおるよ。 ――クモの巣? ちょっず、取りなよ。
Gui: It's true. ...Did you get it? ホントだ。ずれた?
Qu: It's okay, I got it. You went to the previous Starless? 倧䞈倫、取れたよ。 前のスタヌレスに行っおきたんだね。
Gui: Because Master might come. But Master didn't come. マスタヌが来るかもしれないから。 でも、マスタヌは来おいなかった。
Qu: Master hadn't come? マスタヌは、来おいなかった?
Maica: I mean, what kind of person is this master really? っおいうかさ、そのマスタヌっおのは、 本圓にどんな人なの?
Gui: Master is Master. マスタヌは、マスタヌだ。
Maica: Not exactly. Name, age, appearance, etc. If there are things like that, I can search. そうじゃなくお。名前ずかさ、歳ずか。 あず倖芋ずか、そういうのあったら、探せる。
Maica: I can help you. Don't wait, just go find him yourself. 協力しおもいいよ、僕。 埅っおないで、探したらいいんだ。自分から。
Huh? I was told to wait. So I'm waiting. That's all.  うん? 埅っおいろず蚀われた。 だから埅っおる。それだけだよ。
Maica: Just waiting would be lonely. So--- 埅っおるだけなんお、そんなの、淋しいだろ。 だから―――
Qu: Stop it, Maica. I know you mean well, but it's coming across as intrusive. やめなよ、マむカ。 キミは善意だろうけど、抌し぀けになっおる。
Maica: But
I get it. I was forcing it on him. Gui never said he wanted to look for him. わかったよ。確かに抌し぀けおた。 ギィは探したいずは蚀っおない。
Maica: That's what you did too. お前もそうだったよな。
Qu: That's right. You also encouraged me to search for my long-lost family. そうだね。キミはワタシにも、 生き別れた家族を探そうっお蚀っおくれた。
Qu: But you know what, I don't really need it. I don't even remember when we stop seing each other. でもね、本圓に必芁ないんだ。 別れた頃のこずも芚えおないくらいだし。
Maica: But why? Isn't it your roots, your family? でも、なんでなの? 自分のルヌツじゃないか、家族っお。
Qu: Still, it is. それでも、だよ。
Gui: Hey, Maica. This isn't about me, is it? クヌ、マむカ。 ボクの話ではないね?
Qu: Ah, sorry about that, Gui. Sorry for bothering you. ああ、ごめんね、ギィ。぀きあわせお。
Maica told me, "Let's find a master." マむカは、ボクに 「マスタヌを探そう」っお蚀った。
Qu: That's right. People like Maica and Hari have that kind of thing. そうだよ。マむカずか玻璃みたいな人たちは そういうずころがある。
Maica: Stop it. やめろよᅵᅵそういうの。
Gui: I'm just waiting for my master. Mica has nothing to do with it. ボクはマスタヌを埅぀だけだ。 マむカは関係ない。
I know it's none of my business.  䜙蚈なお䞖話だっおのは、 わかっおるよ、僕だっお。
Qu: I'm sorry, Maica. I know you mean it. ごめんね、マむカ。 アナタの奜意だっおこずは、わかっおるよ。
Qu: I'm grateful to your family for guaranteeing my identity when I was an orphan. アナタの実家には感謝しおる。 孀児だったワタシの身元を保蚌しおくれる。
Qu: Thanks to this, I can dance here and not be shunned for being the child of immigrants. おかげでワタシはここで螊っおいられるし、 移民の子だず忌避されるこずもない。
Maica: Of course, I've known you for a long time. We're like family now. 圓たり前だろ、お前ずは長い付き合いだし。 もう身内みたいなものなんだから。
Qu: But I'd rather not let the past come back to haunt me. でもワタシは、過去が 远いかけおこないほうがいいんだ。
Gui: Did Qu run away? クヌは、逃げおきたの?
Qu: Yes, or maybe that's true. I'm not good at staying in one place. そうだね、あるいはそうかもしれない。 ひずずころにい぀くのが、苊手なんだよ。
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Sinju: So, after practice, I went to the Rindou. それでさ、緎習終わったあず、 リンドりに|
Kazami Saki: (Maica
 what happened?) (マむカさんどうかしたのかな)
Sinju: Sorry, I'm in the middle of talking. -- Maica. ごめん、話の途䞭だけど。 ―――マむカ。
Maica: what? 䜕?
Sinju: Did something happen? I feel like something's different from usual. なんかあった? い぀もずなんか、違う気がするんだけど。
Maica: Nothing really
 I was just thinking about something. 別にちょっず考え事しおただけ。
I realized that it's not always a good idea to just take action. なんでも行動すればいいっお わけじゃないんだなず思っおさ。
Maica: Even if I think something is good, the other person may think differently - so I have to be careful not to be self-centered. 僕がよかれず思っおも、盞手には違うこずもある――独りよがりに気を぀けなくちゃ。
Kazami Saki: (Maybe something happened) (䜕かあったのかな)
Sinju: Hmm, I don’t really know
Sinju: Maica, you wanted to help someone, right? マむカは、誰かの力に なりたいっお思ったんだよね?
Sinju: So, I think it's good to think that way. I think it might have saved some people. だから、そう思ったこずは、いいんじゃない? 救われおる人もいるず思うよ。
Maica: eh? え?
Sinju: Isn't it lonely when no one cares? 誰にも気にされないなんお、 淋しいじゃない?
Sinju: Even if it's selfish and self-centered, it's not a bad thing if someone cares about you. 独りよがりでも勝手でもさ、誰かが自分を 気遣っおくれたっお、悪くないよ。
Kazami Saki: Sinju-san
 真珠さん 。
Maica: Yes, I guess. そう、かな。
If that's the case, that's good. そうだったら、いい。
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Rico: Your new stage costumes are pretty bold. 新しいステヌゞ衣装、だいぶ攻めおるね。
Qu: Maybe so
Maybe so, it's quite different from P's previous costumes. そうかなそうかもね、 今たでのPの衣装ずはだいぶ違う。
Qu: I'm not sure if I'm used to seeing this sort of thing. 芋慣れないかな、こういうのは。
Rico: Well, yeah. But it's fine. It suits you. たあね。でもいいんじゃない。 クヌには䌌合っおるし。
Rico: B's outfits are a little bit different from my taste. Bの衣装はな〜、オレの奜みずは ちょっず違うんだよね。
Rico: But tone is important, right? It's the team's color, so I'll match it. でもたあ、トンマナは倧事だし? チヌムのカラヌなんだから、合わせるけど。
Qu: Tone and manners
 I see. So Rico is in that position in B. トヌン&マナヌか。ふぅん。 Bではリコがそういうポゞションなんだね。
Rico: Team B's full of people who don't care about such things. うちっお、 そういうの気にしないダツらばっかじゃん。
Qu: Hehe, that's true. ふふ、確かに。
Rico: But if you're in Starless, Team B is definitely better. でも、スタヌレスにいるなら チヌムBのほうが絶察いい。
Rico: Honestly, Team K was the worst. I was always understudy. ほんず、チヌムKっお最悪だった。 ずっずアンダヌだったしさ。
Rico: In Team B I'm number 2, right? This one suits me better. チヌムBならナンバヌ2じゃん? こっちのほうがオレにあっおる。
Rico: Same for Qu, he's number 2 in C. He has more freedom in his new team. クヌもそうだろ、Cじゃナンバヌ2だ。 新しいチヌムのほうが自由だしね。
Qu: It's not that I was dissatisfied with P. My position in C was just by chance. Pに䞍満があったわけではないけどね。 Cでのポゞションも、たたたただよ。
Rico: What nice words are you talking about? I don't really understand that sort of thing. なにキレむゎト蚀っおんの? クヌっお、 よくわかんないよな、そういうずこ。
Rico: Come to think of it, I've never asked why Qu is in Starless. そういや、クヌはなんで スタヌレスにいるか、聞いたこずなかった。
Qu: Yeah, I don't talk about it, but it's not like I'm hiding it. そうだね、お互いそういうの話さないし。 でも隠しおるっおわけでもない。
Qu: There was a bit of a dispute at my previous store, so Mokuren, who had left earlier, invited me to join. 前の店でちょっずもめおね、 先に店を蟞めおたモクレンに誘っおもらった。
Qu: I guess I'm always running away from something. 思うに、ワタシはい぀も 䜕かから逃げおいるんだろうな。
Rico: Surprising. You don't seem like that type of guy. Maybe that's just me? 意倖。そういうタむプに芋えなかった。 そういうのっおオレのほうじゃない?
Qu: You're not going to run away, despite what you say. キミは逃げないじゃないか。 なんのかんの蚀い぀぀ね。
Rico: I always want to run away. オレはい぀だっお逃げたいよ。
Qu: If you really feel like doing that, then do it. 『本圓に』そうしたくなったら、 そうすればいい。
Qu, are you really younger than me? Are you lying?  クヌっお、ホントに オレより幎䞋? サバ読んでない?
Qu: Let me answer the same question. Is Rico really older than me? 同じ蚀葉を返そうか。 リコっお本圓にワタシより幎䞊?
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Rindou: Heath, are you okay with standing work? Let me know if it gets too difficult. ヒヌス、立ち仕事倧䞈倫ですか? き぀くなったら蚀っおくださいね。
Sinju: I'm still healthy and able to move around. I'm making fewer mistakes than before. おれ、ただぜんぜん元気だし動けるから。 前よりミスも少なくなったしね。
Rindou: It's better to have no mistakes than few. ミスは少ないよりれロがいいんだけどな。
Sinju: I will do my best! 頑匵りたす!
Heath: You're the one who should not push yourself, Rindou. That color is bad. アンタこそ、無理すんなよ、リンドり。 色、悪い。
Sinju: Eh, Rindou, are you feeling unwell? Sorry, I didn't notice. えっ、リンドり、䜓調悪いんですか? すみたせん、気づかなくお。
Rindou: Ah---No, I'm fine. ...I wonder if it's really showing on my face. あ――いや、僕は倧䞈倫。 そんなに顔に出おるかな。
Sinju: My ability to notice things is low. おれの気づく力っお䜎いからなぁ。
Heath: It's hidden, for the most part. 隠せおるよ、だいたい。
Rindou: As long as the customers don't find out, I think it's okay. Please keep it a secret, both of you. お客様にバレおなければ、倧䞈倫かな。 2人ずも、内緒にしおください。
Heath: ...Hey, Rindou. You can't change the past. なぁ、リンドり。 過去は倉えられない。
Heath: Even if you're really fucking pissed. Even if you're sad. Even if you're grieving. マゞでク゜でムカ぀いおも。 悲しんでも、嘆いおも。
Rindou: I agree. そうだね。
Sinju: That's why I want everyone to come and see our performances. I want to be of help in those situations. だから、みんなにステヌゞ芳おほしいよね。 そういう時に圹に立ちたいな。
Sinju: It can change your mood a little, cheer you up, or just grieve with you
things like that. ちょっず気分が倉えられたり、元気になったり、 䞀緒に悲しんだりそういうの。
Rindou: Sinju

Heath: Rindou, you can't change the past. リンドり、過去は倉えられない。
Rindou: I agree "Even if it really pisses me off." そうだね 「マゞでク゜でムカ぀いおも」ね。
Kasumi: Heath, can I order? Sinju would like the food brought. ヒヌス、オヌダヌ頌んでもいいッスか? 真珠は料理運んでほしいッス。
Heath: Okay, that table over there? I'll be right there. わかった。 あっちのテヌブル? 行っおくる。
Sinju: I'll be there too! おれも行っおきたす!
Kasumi: Is that really a shitty and annoying past? マゞでク゜でムカ぀く過去ッスか。
Rindou: Sorry for the bad words. Don't you have any? 蚀葉は悪いですけどね。 あなたには、ないんですか?
Kasumi: I'll tell you this in secret, Rindou
Kasumi: I'm just a mob character. 自分、モブなんで。
Rindou: You always say that. It's your life, but you're just a mob. あなたはい぀もそう蚀いたすね。 自分の人生なのに、モブだなんお。
Kasumi: Rindou is someone who continues to perform on stage. リンドりは、 ステヌゞに立ち続ける人ッスから。
Rindou: Yes, it would be the perfect revenge. そうですね、埩讐ずしおは、最適だ。
Kasumi: Who and to whom? 誰が、誰に?
Rindou: I'm sorry, that was a mistake. Please forget what I just said. ごめんなさい、倱蚀でした。 今のは、忘れおください。
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Kongou: Umm, there's one other person who hasn't eaten the staff meal yet. I wonder who it is. えっず、あず誰かひずりたかない 食べおないんだけど、誰だろ。
Kasumi: Me 自分ッス。
Kongou: Wow. How long have you been there?! I didn't notice. うわっ。い぀からいたの!? 気づかなかった。
Kasumi: I'm the ultimate mob character. 自分、究極のモブなんで。
Kongou: Hahaha, ultimate is a good adjective to describe anything. ははは、アルティメットっおのは 䜕に぀いおおもいい圢容詞だね。
Kasumi: This Mob can even make coffee. Please sit down while I make it. なんずこのモブ、コヌヒヌも淹れられるッス。 淹れるんで、座っおおくださいッス。
Kongou: I'll brew it. 俺が淹れるよ?
Kasumi: You also needs a break. 金剛も䌑憩時間が必芁ッスから。
Kasumi: I heard, you've been asked to be her bodyguard. 聞いたッスよ、金剛、 ボディガヌドを仰せ぀かったそうッスね。
Kongou: Yes, that's right. Suddenly. I think it might be necessary. ああ、そうなんだよ。急にね。 必芁かも、ずは思うんだけど。
Kongou: I've seen her being followed before. 前に圌女が぀けられおるずこに 遭遇したこずあるから。
Kasumi: Wow. Maybe that's what they bought into. ぞえ~。そこを買われたのかもしれないッスね。
Kongou: Honestly, I think it's outside the scope of the contract. I was employed as a kitchen staff member. 正盎、契玄範囲を逞脱しおるず思うけど。 俺はキッチンスタッフずしお雇われおるし。
Kongou: But if you say that, then once you become a stage cast member, a lot of things are different. でもそれを蚀ったら、ステヌゞキャストに なった時点で、いろいろ違っおるからなぁ。
Kasumi: Have you reviewed the contract? 契玄内容を芋盎したッスか?
Kongou: I plan to discuss it with them when the next renewal comes. In fact, the contract was even considered to be terminated the other day. 次の曎新があれば、その時に盞談する぀もり。 実際、このあいだは契玄終了もありえたし。
Kasumi: Borderline. That was kinda funny. ボヌダヌラむンッスね。 あれ、ちょっず面癜かったッス。
Kasumi: By the way, Kongou, are you a contract employee? っおいうか、金剛、契玄瀟員なんスか?
Kongou: That's right. Every six months. そうなんだよ。半幎単䜍。
Kongou: During the recent incident, I was called in and asked if I felt like I was employed. こないだの隒動の時、呌び出されお確認された。 雇甚されおる意識はあるかっお。
Kasumi: That's what happened. そんなこずあったんスね〜。
Kongou: You guys are treated as part-time workers. 君らはアルバむト扱いだっけ。
Kasumi: Yeah. Well, I don't think most people are really aware of that. そうッスね。たあ、みんなそんなこず あんたり意識しおないず思うッスけど。
Kasumi: When did the story about the bodyguard come out? ボディガヌドの話は、い぀出たんスか?
Kongou: When she came into the store for the first time after her collapse, she was told this out of the blue and it surprised both her and me. 倒れた圌女が、初めお店に顔を出した時にね。 突然蚀われお、俺も圌女も驚いたよ。
Kasumi: Without any warning? That's pretty bold. 前觊れもなくッスか? そりゃたた倧胆ッスね。
Kongou: The thing I don't understand the most is that I don't have to be there all the time just when she's in the store. 䞀番意味がわからないのが、店にいる時だけ、 ずっずそばにいる必芁もないっおいうこず。
Kasumi: Maybe it's insurance in case something happens. Maybe they thinks something will happen when she's with you なにかあった時の保険かもしれないッスね。 金剛ず䞀緒の時に䜕か起こるず考えおるのかも。
Kongou: What do you mean? どういうこず?
Kasumi: You know that this shop belongs to Haseyama-san, right? この店が「矜瀬山さん」の店なのは 知っおたすよね?
Kongou: Of course. He's the owner, right? もちろん。オヌナヌだろ?
Kasumi: She's not an employee. Things have been going shaky at the store lately. 雇われじゃないダツね。 最近、䌚瀟がきな臭いんですっお。
Kasumi: Saki-san—If a customer were to be attacked while in this store, wouldn't that be a total no-go? Sakiさん――お客様がこの店にいる時に 襲われたら、完党にアりトでしょ?
Kongou: I don't understand what it means. 意味がわからない。
Kasumi: Unei responsibility will be held accountable. 管理責任を問われる。
Kongou: In a tag match, if you switch and sink your opponent without holding onto the corner rope, you lose by foul? タッグマッチで、コヌナヌロヌプ握っおないのに 亀代しお、盞手を沈めたら反則負け、みたいな?
Kasumi: Well, if I had to choose, it was closer to when the referee sank. いやヌどっちかっおいうず、レフェリヌが 沈んじゃった時のほうが近いッスね。
Kasumi: It's a bet on whether the match will be declared a no contest or whether the person who punched the other will be disqualified, right? 詊合がノヌコンテストになるか、ぶん殎った偎が 反則負けになるか、賭けッスよね?
Kongou: You want to avoid unexpected results. I see, that makes sense. あヌ狙っおない結果になるのを避けたい、ず。 なるほどね、それは玍埗できる。
Kongou: And you have to show respect to the referee. Well, thanks for letting me know. それに、レフェリヌには敬意を衚さないず。 いや、教えおくれおありがずう。
Kasumi: We're on the same "new team," so we have to work together. 同じ『新チヌム」ですから。 協力しあわないず。
Mokuren: I'm hungry. 腹が枛った。
Kongou: Huh? You just ate the staff meal. あれ? さっきたかない食べおたよね。
Mokuren: There were a lot of noisy people so I just had a light meal and left. うるさいのが倚くお、 軜く食べお出ちゃったから。
Kongou: Ah, Mizuki and Ran were making a fuss. Okay, I'll make something light. ああ、ミズキず藍が隒いだからね。 わかった、なにか軜く出すよ。
Mokuren: Ask. 頌む。
Kasumi: Do you drink coffee? コヌヒヌは飲むッスか?
Mokuren: Yes, please. And Kasumi. 飲む、 頌む。 あず、カスミ。
Kasumi: yes? はい?
Mokuren: Protect Team C's stage, no matter what. チヌムCのステヌゞは守れ。 䜕があっおもな。
Mokuren: I don't care how they negotiate with Kei and the owner, or how they use my presence. ケむやオヌナヌ盞手にどう亀枉しようず、 私の存圚をどう利甚しようず構わない。
Kasumi: Got it. 了解ッス。
Kongou: I'm done. Can I put them here? できたよ。 こっちに䞊べちゃっおいいかい?
Mokuren: Oh, I'll go there. ああ、そっちに行く。
Kasumi: The amazing thing about Mokuren is that they can say that even though they doesn't understand. わかっおなくおもあれを蚀えるのが、 モクレンのすごいずころだな。
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English is not my main language so there may be a lot of mistakes. I used google translator most of the time so if you find any mistakes in the translation please let me know and I will fix them quickly!
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mokucroissant · 6 months ago
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