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what's your latest story about or is it still too early-stages to say
ummmmmm the real newest project is a fanfic so I’m not talking about it.
My real planned “original” thing is just me taking Terl from Battlefield Earth and doing him justice. Premise is, a high ranking alien researcher at a weapons dealer is sent off to the frontlines at a planet that they are currently fighting humans over. Hating this place and wanting to go back to his cushy life on a paradise planet, he will do anything to get off the accursed war front. This will include war crimes. The human character in this has the same goal, albeit it’s because he’s sick of war as a 200 year old cyborg whose been in like 20 conflicts because they replace any lost limbs with robot prosthetics.
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Audience at Dusk.
New Orleans, Louisiana.
August 15, 2011.
The quiet evening over the swamps of Louisiana were disturbed by the sound of a C-37 jet landing at a deserted airfield, rolling to a stop inside a hangar. Once the jet door was opened, a single person, a young man in his mid twenties with short blonde hair and wearing a dark blue blazer over his dress pants and shirt that complimented his slender build, stepped out and walked to an awaiting SUV. After hopping into the front passenger seat and sitting his shoulder bag on the floorboard between his legs, the young man looked at the driver who was waiting patiently. A man who looked in his late forties with dark brown hair and trimmed beard to match. One odd feature he possessed was his slightly pointed ears as well as his piercing gray eyes. He only wore a white short sleeved button up shirt tucked into his khaki pants, none of which did anything to hide his fit, muscular physique.
“Agent Ross, I assume?”, the young man asked.
“Yeah. And you're the detective from the Bureau.”, He answered with a slightly indiscernible accent.
“Uh yes, I’m Agent Lewis, Drew Lewis at your service.”, the young man said, extending his hand to Ross. Ross took the hand and shook it before holding him in place with a firm grip.
“That was a test and you failed.”, Ross said.
“I’m sorry?”, Drew responded with a questioning look.
“First lesson when dealing with vampires is to never let them know your true name. So from this moment forward, your name is Rook. Got it?”, Ross explained seriously.
“Understood, and Rook?”, Drew asked.
“Short for rookie.”, Ross clarified as he let go of Drew’s hand then put the SUV into gear and started driving. The dirt road jostled Drew and Ross and hindered any conversation at least until they finally turned down a two lane paved road.
“So, Agent Ross, I assume you know the reason that I am here?”, Drew asked, readjusting himself in his seat.
“Something about needing an escort to visit one of the local vampire covens and following up on a lead.”, Agent Ross responded, keeping his eye on the road.
“Yes um, in essence I assume you know of the Cromwell incident a few months back. The rogue vampire turned a whole town into ghouls and then said ghouls turned into a horde of zombies after the rogue was put down. Luckily we were able to handle it before it could get out of hand. That all aside, we still don’t know who or where the rogue vampire came from.”, Drew explained.
“Well I have an understanding with one of the covens in New Orleans, they may open up but I can’t guarantee that you will get all your answers. And didn’t you send several investigators to these covens before?”, Ross said.
“Well yes, but I am being sent out this time just to be sure their statements haven’t changed since the last investigator. And we also have a new lead. Would you give me a rundown of the covens here? The politics are always shifting after all. And I only had time to read one of the statements I was given.”, Drew asked.
“Hmm, alright. There’s a journal in the glovebox. Feel free to peruse it while we drive. In the meantime I’ll give the short version, the covens of New Orleans are on non-aggressive terms, but also on thin ice at the same time. At one point there were four but the fourth was wiped out by garouls about a year ago. So only three remain…”, Ross started but Drew interrupted him with a question.
“Garouls are werewolves. You may be more familiar with the term Rougarou, they’re the same thing, the Rougarous are just the ones that live here in America. Course the garouls are a separate kind of werewolf, at least to the ones we know of.”, Ross replied.
“Care to elaborate?”, Drew asked.
“In short, there are at least two varieties of werewolves that we know of extensively, the garouls and the fenris. The garouls are named from the old French term “garou” and their origins are magic in nature. They can transform at will no matter how long they have been a garoul and still retain their humanity. So much so in fact they can function with the fine motor skills and memory retention of a human but with a werewolf’s body, even hold conversations in their hybrid forms. The fenris on the other hand are werewolves that got their abilities, or curse, from the wolf Fenrir’s bloodline.”, Ross explained.
“I didn’t know Fenrir had a bloodline.”, Drew commented as he read through Ross’s journal.
“Fenrir is the son of a god, and he sowed quite a few oats before he was imprisoned. His bloodline may be powerful but those affected by it are cursed to go into an intense rage when they transform. A rage so strong that the wolf can overpower or even replace the human, making a feral werewolf. Some fenris have mellowed out through the generations but they are forces of nature that even we agents should be very cautious when fighting them. But let’s pray we don’t encounter any.”, Ross said.
“I see…I fear we’ve diverged from the topic at hand.”, Drew said with a nervous chuckle.
“Right, the covens. The three covens of New Orleans are the Sanguine Shroud, the Fang Lords, and the Erebos Sanctum. The fourth was known as the Invictus Amalgamatum, but like I said, they were wiped out by a pack known as the Creek Stalkers a year ago. Since then the garouls have occupied that territory, putting the other three covens on edge. However, the Creek Stalkers mainly have issues with the Fang Lords because their territories border each other. But perhaps you can remind me of the coven structure from my journal.”, Ross explained.
“Oh alright,”, Drew said before clearing his throat, reading directly from the journal, “The covens operate as a clan headed by the heads of the household who hold the title of Matriarch or Patriarch. They’re the leaders of their covens, sire to their undead brood, and also responsible for creating new vampires. But they are also servants to other vampires who hold greater positions of power.”
“Good. And can you give me an example, Rook?”, Ross asked, testing Drew’s knowledge.
“Hmm, if I am remembering correctly, the coven we are visiting is the coven of the Sanguine Shroud, whose coven head is a woman named Matriarch Giovanna. She, as I assume the other two coven heads, answers to the Regent of Louisiana, a male vampire named Prince Zayan, who is part of a vampiric council of regents who then answer to the Grand Elders of America. Our records show there are only two elders in America, but the Bureau thinks there could be others. Either here or abroad if memory serves.”, Drew replied.
“You learn quickly, Rook.”, Ross added with a light chuckle.
“What about rogue vampires? Where do they fall?”, Drew asked.
“Rogues fall under the clanless variety, they’re vampires who broke away from their covens to either be lone pariahs or join gangs of other vampires that do things their way, which makes them dangerous. They tend to follow the oldest among their number but their hierarchy is always changing.”, Ross explained.
“Oh, I see. Knowing that I am a little more concerned about the interview with the rogue vamps at the field office.”, Drew chuckled nervously.
“I wouldn’t, rogues are predictable especially when they’re angry. But be especially on guard when meeting with anyone from any of the covens. They like getting you at ease with their calm demeanor then wrestle you to the ground to sink their fangs into you. But I’ll be around, so you should be fine.”, Ross said.
Drew felt less at ease than before but tried to mask it. His attention suddenly shifted to the bright lights of the city of New Orleans. As the car drove through the city, Drew took in the sights as they passed through the French Quarter to the residential districts. More specifically the Garden District, home to the rich and famous of New Orleans. Sandra Bullock apparently owned a mansion in this district. Drew perked up at the prospect of meeting one of his favorite actresses, unfortunately Ross told him they had no time.
“Damn…really wanted an autograph.”, Drew thought as the SUV came to a stop, parking in front of a gated mansion.
Drew exited the SUV, putting the bag strap over his shoulder, as Ross opened the back and looked like he was searching for something. The mansion was painted white and modeled in a gothic style, even down to the tower on one of the corners. Ross tapped Drew on his shoulder suddenly, handing him a pistol in a holster that clipped to the belt.
“You did get cleared for a pistol right?”, he asked.
“Of course. Just haven’t been to the range in a while.”, Drew responded.
“Then let’s hope we don’t have to use them.”, Ross said, doing a quick check of his weapon.
Drew did the same, clipping the holster to his belt before removing the pistol, a Glock 20 in 10mm according to the slide. He dropped the magazine, checking the capacity and weight in one hand before sliding it back into the pistol. He then pulled the slide back, chambering one of the 10mm rounds. Drew then holstered his weapon and concealed it with his blazer. Ross however seemed to favor a shoulder holster as he tucked his own Glock 20 under his left armpit.
Ross then went to the intercom on the side of the outside gate, buzzing whoever was on gate duty that night.
“Who is it?”, a male voice asked from the intercom.
“Agent Ross and guest here to see the matriarch.”
“Just a moment.”, the voice crackled before the gate started automatically swinging open. Ross pressed the lock button on his key fob, locking the SUV, before he led the way inside with Drew right behind him. The duo walked up the walkway to the front door as the gate closed, not a moment later did the front door open. In the doorway stood an older gentleman who looked in his mid fifties and wore a fitted tuxedo.
“Good evening Agent Ross and guest, come in please.”, he said, inviting them inside the foyer. Once they were inside, the gentleman closed the door then stepped in front of the two men.
“First introductions, I am Angelo the majordomo and head thrall to the Matriarch. I already know you Mr. Ross but if I may have your name sir, so I may introduce you.”, Angelo asked politely.
Thralls were simply the human servants of vampires. Unlike ghouls that were humans resurrected with vampiric magic, thralls were humans that were enthralled through the consumption of vampire blood. The small amounts of blood gifted a modicum of the vampire’s abilities to their thralls, while at the same time enslaved them to the vampire’s will. Because of the potency of vampire blood, it is highly addicting and the thralls are placated through hypnosis to keep them in check. The longer a thrall is under the control of a vampire, their free will is further suppressed until it is no longer present, and given his position, Angelo likely has lost his humanity and free will a long time ago.
“You may refer to me as Mr. Rook if you don’t mind.”, Drew replied finally, glancing at Ross who nodded in response.
“As you wish sir. The Matriarch is expecting you both. This way please.”, Angelo said, gesturing for the two men to follow him.
Angelo guided them down the long hallway where the trio passed baroque style paintings of humans with long fangs slaying humans withs all manner of weapons. Gruesome scenes of blood and bodies that were bizarre yet intriguing. The hallway also had a crimson and pinkish color palette as did most of the other rooms they passed by. There were no other servants that could be seen which kind of unnerved Drew. If Angelo is the majordomo, then where were the other servants? Finally, Angelo came to a pair of double doors, opening them widely with enough force they slowly stopped just short of the wall. Angelo then stepped into the room and announced the two visitors.
“Milady, allow me to present Mr. Ross and Mr. Rook, the agents from the Bureau.”, Angelo said, stepping to the side so Ross and Drew could walk inside.
The room was a large sitting room with a single light reflecting off the crimson paint of the walls and furniture, bathing the room in a low bloody hue. The room was occupied by three individuals, two men and one woman. One of the men was in a suit with a red blazer and dress pants. He looked young, maybe in his early thirties, with unblemished white skin and dark black hair that hung past his shoulders. He was standing off to the side and currently glaring holes at Drew and Ross. The second man was sitting in a chair off to the side. He was balding with his grayish hair slicked back and a trimmed gray mustache that stopped at the corners of his mouth. He was dressed similarly to the younger man with the exception of a white coat, like what a doctor would wear with the addition of red pants and shoes. The older man smirked at the two agents showing off his long fangs, almost delighted at their presence.
“Thank you, Angelo. That will be all.”, The woman said, her back to everyone in the room. Angelo bowed respectfully before turning to leave, closing both doors as he left.
The woman was dressed in a Victorian style evening dress that was dark red in color with highlights of black. Her dark hair was done up in a bun, held in place with an ornate hairpin, exposing her neck and shoulders as well as the lacings of her corset. The woman turned around revealing a beautiful face that looked no older than fifty but given vampiric lifespans she’d most likely be far older. Her dark eyes looked at the two agents before giving a wide smile, her long fangs on full display behind blood red lips.
“Ah, Agent Ross, always a pleasure when you visit. And you have brought along someone new, how very nice.”, She greeted with a voice like honey.
Ross simply nodded in greeting while Drew slightly bowed before he spoke, “Matriarch Giovanna, I presume?”
“Yes, Mr. Rook, I am Giovanna Pissari, the Matriarch of the Sanguine Shroud. Welcome to my home.”, Giovanna said, extending her hand to Drew, her half-inch long claws extended from her nails. As Drew was about to take it, the younger vampire swiftly rushed to Giovanna’s side.
“My Lady!”, he shouted, “My lady I must protest against this action. It is a breach of conduct for one such as yourself to touch a lowly simian in such a familiar manner.”, he didn’t have another chance to speak as Giovanna backhanded the vampire, her claws slashing across his face. Drew took a step back as the air of calm suddenly took a dark turn.
“I will not be embarrassed in front of our guests.”, Giovanna hissed as the vampire kneeled before her. The two deep gashes on his cheek closing instantly as blood still stained his unblemished cheek.
“My deepest apologies Matriarch, it is only my concern for your safety that I acted so. I can overlook the presence of the half-blooded but this new human is a breach I struggle to...”, The vampire apologized, pausing as Giovanna’s hand, still slick with his blood, lifted his chin so he could look up at her.
The smile returned as she spoke to him, “My dear Antony, that is why you are my praetorian. Who else would guard me so fiercely?”
Drew noticed the tension was subsiding but looked at Ross, who took a breath simultaneously releasing the grip of his pistol. It was no secret that the Bureau had sought help from supernatural creatures in the past. It was only within the last couple of centuries that the Bureau had started recruiting supernaturals into the agency. Agent Ross, whose true name is redacted due to security purposes, according to his file is a dhampir, the hybrid offspring of a human and a vampire. All the strengths of a vampire and none of their weaknesses, at least on paper. Drew stirred from his thoughts and quickly tried to start on the right foot again.
“I’m sorry if this meeting has caused some friction between you and your brood, Matriarch. I assure you, we are only here to ask some questions. Once we have done that we will be out of your hair.”, Drew explained.
“Yes, please let us get on with this meeting. Our latest fledglings are in need of my full attention.”, The older vampire in the chair finally spoke up.
“But first introductions, we wouldn’t want to be rude to our newest guest.”, Giovanna responded, turning back to Ross and Drew, “Mr. Rook, this is my Praetorian Antony. Aside from protecting me, he is also my head of security of the coven and as you can see, he takes it very seriously. And this is the keeper of my brood, Lorenzo Carmine, he is in charge of making sure my fledglings reach maturity.”, Giovanna introduced.
“It’s good to meet you both. Now, to not take up any of your time, shall we?”, Drew asked.
“Yes, please take a seat.”, Giovanna answered, gesturing to the red cloth couch. Once everyone was seated and settled, Drew put his bag on the floor, leaning it against his leg before he took out his smartphone and unlocked it before opening a recording app.
“This conversation will be recorded, I hope that won’t be an issue.”, Drew mentioned as he prepared to press the record button.
“Not a problem, we have come to expect this from the last agent who interviewed us. Although he had a larger recording device with a microphone and everything. Do you have all that in that small handheld device?”, Giovanna questioned as she spied the smartphone with curiosity.
“Yes, I just bought it some time ago. It still surprises me how much these little things are capable of.”, Drew chuckled before pressing the record button on his phone.
“So just for introductory reasons, I am Agent Rook, accompanied by Agent Ross, and I will be leading this interview. We are currently in the Sanguine Shroud coven in the presence of Matriarch Giovanna Pissari and two of her brood. It is August 15th, 2011 and the time is 10:38pm, can you confirm that for me, milady?”, Drew asked Giovanna.
“On the dot, Sir Agent.”, Giovanna giggled, a little flattered.
“Thank you milady, now to get this started…I believe you are aware of the event that took place in New Mexico on the 21st to the 22nd of May, in which a rogue vampire attacked a isolationist cult camp, turned them into ghouls, then quickly turned them loose on the town of Cromwell.”, Drew explained.
“Yes, the previous investigator disclosed as much. He also asked us if we knew this rogue, which I assured him we did not. He most certainly wasn’t one of my brood.”, Giovanna said.
“Yes, I have the transcribed report right here.”, Drew said, glancing down at the bag against his leg before continuing, “However, there has been a development.”
“A development?”, Lorenzo asked, his position shifting from a laid back to a forward hunched over position.
Antony simultaneously balled his fists in his lap as Giovanna’s hands seemed to fidget slightly. Everyone was a mix of nervous and on the brink of some sort of action, Drew then reached slowly into his bag to retrieve a manila folder. He carefully opened it and pulled out some papers and photographs.
“Now, as you may know, we use pheromone tracking technology to track every vampire in the US. Whenever a Matriarch or Patriarch create a new vampire they share their blood and pheromones. The rogue vampire who we now know through DNA testing was named Jeff Peterson, and that his pheromone trail came here multiple times. There’s even a picture of him leaving your coven.”, Drew explained, showing them the picture to emphasize.
Lorenzo glanced at Antony who met his gaze as Giovanna cursed under her breath.
“Would you care to explain why you lied to the Bureau? Twice now, including the statement you said moments ago.”, Drew asked.
Antony rose from his seat but before he could hiss a word, Giovanna raised her hand halting him where he stood.
“Yes…we may have withheld some information that we thought we could handle in secret. Clearly we weren’t careful enough.”, Giovanna responded leaning forward.
“Could you elaborate please?”, Drew asked.
“Mr. Peterson is not part of mine, but he is connected to one of my brood. One of my fledglings, Marie, saw Mr. Peterson on one of her outings with the other fledglings and performed a blood binding without my knowledge. When we found out she was reprimanded, but Mr. Peterson was a persistent pest.”, Giovanna responded, before turning to Lorenzo.
“A blood binding is exactly what it sounds like, it binds a person in servitude to the vampire who shared their blood. It also gives a semblance of our power, like enhanced senses and physical strength but like any drug it has drawbacks. When our mistress reprimanded Marie, she was in solitary confinement during which Mr. Peterson went through severe withdrawals. He killed two tourists before we were able to get him contained.” Lorenzo explained.
“Yes, I’m aware of that incident. Our initial thoughts were that it was one of the Fang Lords fledglings. It certainly explains why they were so enthused about it.” Drew said.
“Ugh, don’t get us started on those needleteeth.” Antony hissed.
“Needleteeth?” Drew chuckled.
“It is a derogatory term for a vampire so new that their teeth have not hardened. You know because needles need to be replaced after every use. It is also used in the subtext of being brittle, thin-skinned, and impotence apparently. These new covens have so many modern additions with no respect for their elders or traditions.” Lorenzo explained.
“Oh, I see. Anyway, if we can return to the subject at hand. I believe you were about to tell us what happened after you had captured Mr. Peterson.” Drew reminded Lorenzo.
“Yes, we brought Mr. Peterson into our coven in order to break his binding. Unlike when you make a new fledgling in which the person dies from being drained of their blood then revived by drinking the blood of the coven head; a blood binding can be broken if the bound person is deprived of blood however if they continue to drink blood they will turn into a mockery of our kind, a lesser form if you will. Deformed, driven only by the thirst to feed, no longer the human they once were. We believed we were making progress, as it is a lengthy process, but we were fooled. Marie had been giving Mr. Peterson small amounts of blood to mask his withdrawal symptoms, making us believe he was getting better. When we believed he was cured, we let him go.” Lorenzo said.
“It almost sounds like a bad love story.” Drew commented.
“That’s exactly what she thought it was. Poor girl found a handsome devil and became a lovesick imbecile. It was only later when Antony found Marie sneaking out to meet Mr. Peterson. This was far beyond a breach of conduct for a fledgling of my coven. I warned her that there would be severe consequences to her actions if she continued…but she did anyway. In the course of a year she threw away her immortality for a thrall.” Giovanna spoke up.
“If it’s not too much trouble, I’d like to interview Marie.” Drew said, though he noticed the trio of vampires having a mix of reactions. Giovanna sighed while Antony looked down then away as Lorenzo rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
“Unfortunately Mr. Rook, Marie is dead. Not only because of her insolence and repeated disregard for tradition, she also stole a tome from my library on vampiric rituals and magics. For these acts she was condemned to die in the sun. A barbaric practice but an effective deterrent.” Giovanna said.
“If you say so.” Drew replied in a tone of indifference, but under his professionality, he was a little horrified.
“I have an inkling of what you might be thinking, Mr. Rook. That our customs are strange to you, but everything we do is to ensure our own continued existence. At one point, humans had hunted us to near extinction. But thanks to the people like your Bureau, we are allowed to exist.” Giovanna said, her motherly tone attempting to calm the slight tension in the room.
“The Bureau protects you because so far you have shown your willingness to coexist. You are allowed to feed on people to sustain yourselves but you also understand that if any of you step out of line, your lives are forfeit. Or should I say your un-lives.” Agent Ross spoke up finally as he had sat in silence next to Drew. Just the mere mention of the vampire treatises seemed to stoke the coals of the fire that was cooling and it showed when Antony glared at Ross who locked his eyes with Antony’s.
“I think we have once again diverged from the subject but rest assured we are nearly done. Just a few more questions then we will leave you to the rest of your evening.” Drew assured the trio of vampires.
“Of that I am thankful for, my brood should be returning from their outing pretty soon. And some of the younger ones have a penchant to be…distrustful of strangers.” Giovanna said, a hint of relief in her warning.
“So, what happened the day Marie died? Did Mr. Peterson return?” Drew asked.
“Yes, he returned in the daytime, Angelo along with some of the other thralls met him at the gate but didn't let him onto the grounds. Angelo later informed us that he told Mr. Peterson about Marie and became rather…irate. So much in fact that Angelo ordered a few of our thralls to forcefully escort him away from the grounds. Although for our own piece of mind I ordered a hunt to ensure Mr. Peterson left New Orleans.” Giovanna said.
“I see, I’ll need to ask Angelo if he can confirm that, not that I am doubting you but can’t be too careful.” Drew said.
“Of course, Mr. Rook.” Giovanna added.
The interview consisted of some more minor questions. Angelo was summoned and corroborated Giovanna’s story about Jeff Peterson’s daytime visit and his forced removal from the grounds. Angelo was also considerate enough to provide surveillance of the incident. Drew also asked why Jeff Peterson would go to New Mexico instead of sticking around in Louisiana since he did live here. As it turned out, he may have lived in Louisiana but he originally was from New Mexico. And since he was being hunted by the Sanguine Shroud, it made sense that Jeff Peterson simply returned to where he felt safe. Once he was back home he made plans to most likely come back with a vengeance for his love. Sometimes things were just that simple, although destroying a town and starting a zombie apocalypse may have been overkill at least in Drew’s opinion.
“Alright, I think that covers just about everything. That should conclude this interview.” Drew said, turning his recording app off before adding, “Thank you so much for your cooperation, I’ll be sure to inform you if there is anything else that comes up.”
“Thank you for being an absolute dear. You were very well mannered and understanding. I’ll be sure to inform your Bureau of your superb work.” Giovanna responded.
“I am only doing my job milady, professionalism is a must in this line of work.” Drew said, chuckling a bit as Giovanna giggled.
“Of course, of course. Anywho I’m sure you would like to leave. Angelo, please escort our guests out.” Giovanna called.
Angelo bowed before waiting by the double doors for Ross and Rook as they thanked Giovanna for her hospitality. Once they were outside, Drew made one more glance back at the house noticing Giovanna in one of the windows. Ross started the SUV before Drew got in, waited til he buckled his seatbelt then put the SUV into gear. Both men were silent during the drive but even though their questions had been answered, one thing still bothered Drew. Giovanna and her two subordinates were forthcoming with their information, were they entirely truthful or were they still deceiving them? If it is a vampire’s nature to lie to ensure their own survival, could they be trusted to tell the whole truth?
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Fwd: Course: Nafplion_Greece.ComparativeGenomics.Nov3-6
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Course: Nafplion_Greece.ComparativeGenomics.Nov3-6 > Date: 1 August 2024 at 05:12:11 BST > To: [email protected] > > > > Dear all, > > We are thrilled to announce the upcoming EMBO Early Career Lecture Course > "Evolutionary and Comparative Genomics", that will be held in Nafplion, > Greece on 3-6 November 2024. > > For more information please visit the course's website: > https://ift.tt/4K2YWpk > > Registration fees: €300/420 (includes accommodation) > > Abstract submission deadline: 16 August > > Registration deadline: 15 September > > For questions, contact the main organizer at: [email protected] > > Nikos Vakirlis, on behalf of the co-organizers: > > Christoforos Nikolaou > > Grigoris Amoutzias > > Tereza Manousaki > > Alexandros Pittis > > -- > > Dr. Nikolaos Vakirlis > > Junior Researcher - Group Leader > Institute for Fundamental Biomedical Research, BSRC "Alexander Fleming" > 34 Fleming street, 16672, Vari, Greece > > > Nikolaos Vakirlis
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Hello everyone. Apologies, I have been gone a while. Some things came up and life happened. Because of that, I had to take a step back and reevaluate a lot of things. Long story short I am mostly back, I have some stories in the works and one is nearly done being edited.
I am trying out some new story concepts. I will continue with the BSRC shorts but I'm experimenting with the fantasy genre. Some are still being worked on and it will take time but hopefully they will show how much work I put into them. Rest assured, new stories will be published soon.
For what it's worth, It feels good to be back.
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Fwd: Conference: TexasAMU.SMBE_DeNovoGeneBirth.Nov6-9
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Conference: TexasAMU.SMBE_DeNovoGeneBirth.Nov6-9 > Date: 18 August 2023 at 06:53:40 BST > To: [email protected] > > > Dear Colleagues, > > Early bird Registration and Abstract submission for the SMBE Satellite > Meeting on De Novo Gene Birth will be open until AUGUST 31st. > > This meeting will take place at Texas A&M University in College Station, > TX, this November 6-9. > More information and links to register are available here: > https://ift.tt/xM70Jpr > The meeting will be hosted at the Texas A&M Conference Hotel and > Center, with rooms available to attendees at a discounted rate: > https://ift.tt/O1eqAT6 > This meeting is supported by the SMBE, the National Science Foundation, > the Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology at Texas A&M > University, the Graduate Program in Genetics and Genomics at > Texas A&M University, the Texas A&M University School of Veterinary > Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, and Visit College Station. > > The organizing committee: > Claudio Casola, Texas A&M University > Li Zhao, Rockefeller University > Victor Luria, Yale University > Nikolaos Vakirlis, BSRC Alexander Fleming > > For questions email Claudio Casola at [email protected] > > Claudio Casola, Ph.D. (he/him/his) > Associate Professor > Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology > Texas A&M University > https://ift.tt/1Jt8qgA > > Claudio Casola
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Ekpa announces Biafra Self Referendum Convention

Simon Ekpa, a popular Biafra agitator and Separatist, has announced a historic Biafran Self Referendum Convention tagged BSRC 2023. Ekpa, the Finland-based lawyer and Prime Minister of the Biafra Republic Government disclosed this through his official Twitter handle on Saturday. According to him, the event will be the first-ever gathering of Biafrans in Finland. Ekpa has continued to show his unalloyed commitment towards achieving the Biafra referendum and call for the release of the Leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu. “Biafrans worldwide, get ready. It is the First Ever Biafra Self Referendum Convention BSRC 2023 in Finland. Get ready; date, time and location are to be announced soon”, he wrote. Read the full article
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ঈদের শুভেচ্ছা জানালেন মির্জা মবিন। সবাইকে ঈদ মোবারক। ঈদুল আজহা।

#mirzamobin#mobin#mirzazahid#গফরগ#bangali_people#bestleader#publicfigure#bsrc#মির্জা মবিন mirzamobin mirzamobin captainmirza মবিন মির্জা কৃষক grafixdesigner publicfigure#mobin mirza#মির্জা মবিন
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Servizi per i laboratori accreditati #iso17025 #analiso #laboratorio #tossicologia #bsrc #sistemieconsulenze https://www.instagram.com/p/CRiPD6cppJ8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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A photo negative of the Bay State Railway in Peabody from 1916. The car is An envelope that contains a photo negative of the Bay State Railway in Peabody from 1916.
The car is specifically a Birney or Birney Safety Car is a type of streetcar that was manufactured in the United States in the 1910s and 1920s. The design was small and light and was intended to be an economical means of providing frequent service at a lower infrastructure and labor cost than conventional streetcars. Production of Birney cars lasted from 1915 until 1930,
The fully history is difficult to trace, but there are some known facts between 1911-1916.
The company worked to improve things and on November 21, 1911 new girder rails were laid and welded together and made for one long continuous rail on one side of the tracks on Walnut Street. The company petitioned was granted on November 31, 1911 to relocate tracks on portions of Tremont and Wallis Streets. In 1912 the BSRC received permission to carry freight over its tracks in town. The Company did run with little margin for profit as this was made clear by a letter the Selectmen received about Peabody residents being able to board cars on Market Street and ride around the loop to Central Square though Peabody for one fare. The Superintendent of the company stated that "the company was selling transportation as less than cost and could not consider any proposition that would reduce revenue" the cost to ride was five (5) cents and this comes from a "Salem Evening News" article from January 20, 1915.
What is interesting is that in early 1915 the BSRC attached stop signs for the guidance of motormen on trolley wires over Peabody Square. At the six cent fare hearing held May 10, a new set of figures were introduced based on the actual sums expended by the company in 1914 .Reconstruction costs in 1914 were 277,000 previous testimony listed costs as $1,054,000. The Lynn-Peabody line netted 8.57 per cent Salem city lines netted 7.35%; Putnamville-Beverly line which ran thru Peabody.
There were problems with keeping the line going as cars become more common there was a compiled report showing automobile registration in the Bay State territory. Excluding Boston, there were 32,997 pleasure cars, an increase of 26% over 1915, or 60% over 1914. In 1916 there were 3,991 motorcycles registered and 5856 commercial trucks with a tonnage of 78,000. Due to the increase in automobiles there ms diverted from the Bay State St. Railway Co. about one million and one-half dollars every year. This did not include the jitneys, which took from the Bay State about$ 290,000.00 annually.
It is not clear when the line ceased operation.
#wayback wednesday#way back wednesday#waybackwednesday#Peabody#Peabody MA#Peabody Institute#Peabody Institute Library#Local History#Local History Resource Center#negative#photo negative#Birney Safety Car
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Tokyo, Japan, 2018 #streetphotography #street #monochrome #blackandwhite #bnw #kanagawa #japan #fujifilm #fujifilm_xseries #fujifilmxt3 #xt3 #xf35mmf14 #xf35 #50mm #xtrans https://www.instagram.com/p/BsrC-owAzz9/
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Every once in a while a client blows us away with their one-of-a-kind custom design. • Because we ship directly to our customers (all over the world), we don’t always get to see the final garment...until it hits Instagram! • This was one of the best “final reveals” we’ve had in a while. @bchanism absolutely nailed it 🔨 with the pure #bamboo dinner jacket (one-of-one) + worsted tuxedo trousers. WOW!👌 • Well done my man - you had a vision and brought it to life. Glad we could be part of your big day in #SanFrancisco 🎉 • ✂🇺🇸💯🇺🇸💯✂🇺🇸💯✂️🇺🇸💯 • Visit our website or the full online custom experience, link in bio: @articlesofstyle.⠀ • #menswear #menstyle #mensstyle #mensfashion #men #style #fashion #clothes #tailor #tailoring #tailored #bespoke #madetomeasure #mtm #custom #bespokemenswear #custommenswear #suit #suits #bespokesuit #customsuit #tailoredsuit #MadeinAmerica #ArticlesofStyle #styleblogger #wiwt #wedding #weddingsuit #dinnerjacket (at San Francisco, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsrC-mnlQxH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dg40q2ytrx5m
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Tiny New Genes Appearing in Human DNA Show How We're Still Evolving : ScienceAlert
Tiny New Genes Appearing in Human DNA Show How We’re Still Evolving : ScienceAlert
We may have parted ways with our primate cousins millions of years ago, but a new study shows just how human beings continue to evolve in ways we never imagined. Researchers from Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming” (BSRC Flemming) in Greece and Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, have identified 155 genes in our genome that emerged from small, non-coding sections of DNA. Many…

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Because it's still a thing, here are some more glimpses at the relic from an ancient past that was my haggard corpse as it stood in 2009 https://www.instagram.com/p/BsrC-fjhbYo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1x0lvbqezqpaq
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The Hudson Incident
8 Miles North of Hudson, New York
The skies were clear as the full moon shined down on the dense woodlands flanking the road. The sound of two sedans being the only disturbance as they drove towards their destination. Aside from the music on the radio, the four occupants were silent, none saying a word since they left Brooklyn. One, a priest, was reading a passage from his Bible and holding his rosary which was wrapped around his left hand. The man next to him, a skinny built fellow with neatly kept hair and peach fuzz named Michael, was staring out the window as if in thought, he'd sometimes look at an envelope that contained a file and read it likely out of boredom. The man in the front seat, who was of average build with short dark hair named Vin, fiddled with the dial of the radio but settled with what they were listening to before. Finally the driver, a heavier set man with a slight Italian accent named Luca, spoke.
"Alright, it's been a few hours and no one's said a word."
"Maybe there's nothing to say." Vin responded.
"Really Vin? You've had a wisecrack or smartass thing to say about anything and everything and Now is the time you got nothing?" Luca replied
"Like I said." Vin repeated
"Calm down Luca, The Organization got us all on edge." Michael said.
"If you call going into a cultist compound full of trigger happy saps, all to destroy some artifact, on edge. I mean we don't even know what this artifact is anyway." Luca adds
"We don't need to know, just that these people plan to use it for something not good." Vin says
"Oh come on for God's sakes-" Luca starts only to be cut off by the priest.
"Do not take His name in vain." He scolds
"Alright, Alright...sorry Father Bruni, just nervous is all." Vin replied apologizing.
"You are forgiven. But be sure to go to confession as soon as you can." Father Bruni said.
The ride was silent for another few minutes before Luca turned off the main road followed by the second car. Michael looked at the file for the fifth or sixth time during the ride. The cult they were going after was set up in the old Bryant Sanitorium, closed during the peak of the Depression for lack of funds and unethical practices. The cult was called Pathway to Heaven, led by a man who was known only as The Speaker, a self-proclaimed prophet who claimed to know a way to Heaven. The Sanitorium had been under surveillance for a week, during which it was determined that there were thirty members, that they were armed, and strange lights emitted from the building's basement windows. Luca pulled off to the side of the road, the other car following suit. The gate was no more than fifty yards ahead, the main building just beyond it across a sizable front drive and of course the gate is chained, complete with a padlock.
"Ok...let's get the guns. And the bolt cutters." Luca said as everyone gathered at their car trunks. Michael pulled a strap in the floor to reveal multiple M1921 Thompson submachine guns, a pair of Browning Automatic Rifles; or BARs, a separate box had several Colt 1911s, and plenty of ammo for each firearm. The second car had a similar setup only instead of BARs they had a pair of Winchester Model 12 shotguns as well as a crate of dynamite and grenades. As everyone grabbed their weapons and some grenades, Michael took a 1911 and offered it to Father Bruni.
"Father I know you aren't allowed to carry guns but I doubt these cultists will be kind to you." He said
To his surprise, he took it and loaded a single magazine.
"There is no verse in scripture that says I am not allowed to defend myself. I am a man of peace, but I also understand that when peace is not an option then force is required." He explains.
As the rest of the group gathered, Father Bruni asked everyone to bow their heads. He then prayed for their success, their safety, for guidance in their mission, and protection from evil as he felt the sinister forces at work even from this distance. Upon him saying "Amen" Father Bruni asked Michael to take the lead with Luca and Vin while the others, led by a man named Thomas, watched their backs.
Vin cut the padlock and gently opened the creaky gate, the old sign on it read "Jeremy Bryant Sanitorium for the Mentally Ill", the group of eight men briskly made their way across the drive to the front double doors, only to find them locked.
"Now what?" Luca asks
"There's a reason I brought dynamite." Thomas suggests
"They will get a rude awakening." Vin commented as everyone gave Thomas some space. He rigged a three stick bundle on the door handles, set the timer and ran to hunker down with everyone behind a low wall off to the side. The following explosion practically splintered the tall double wooden doors, windows on the first and second floors were shattered sending glass everywhere. With the dust beginning to settle the men rushed in, firing their Thompsons and BARs at the cultists who came to investigate. Between dodging bullets and taking cover Bruni could see these cultists were not human, something was terribly wrong. Aside from the gunfire, Bruni could also hear faint chanting in no language he knew.
As the group of men proceeded through the halls, they saw many strange symbols written in blood. The further they went into the bowels of the Sanitorium, the more the men felt presences all around them, shadows danced and formed inhuman images. The cultists also seemed off, Bruni noticed strange and gruesome ailments had befallen the individual cultists.
Many were covered with injuries that looked self inflicted, bloodshot eyes, and blackened veins around the face.
"These men...they are under some kind of spell. Their actions are not their own." Bruni warned
"I don't think they'd listen to us anyway, Father." Luca said as he checked a corner.
Down the hall, just beyond a closed set of double doors, the group heard the chanting clearly as well as seeing a red glow on the other side. The group slowly walked towards the doors, feeling a powerful pulse of energy pass over them every few seconds. When they get close to the doors, the pulse is so strong it forces them all back a step. Bruni steps to the door and goes to grab the handle only for all of them to hear the sounds of multiple people screaming.
"Thomas, blow the door." Bruni ordered.
The group took cover in an alcove taking the time to reload their weapons, once Thomas joined them they braced for the explosion. Once the initial shockwave had passed the group eased their way towards the room, the doors were obliterated by the explosion, blackened burns on the stone floor marking the direction of the fireball into the room.
Inside the room the group saw a more gruesome scene. Gathered in a circle of candles and cryptic symbols were the bodies of five cultists, their throats slit, the blood flowed through channels along the floor to a dais covered in the same runes the group had seen throughout the building. Just past the dais stood a male figure dressed in a white robe, his brown hair was pulled into a ponytail and his face was clean shaven. He looked human but the air around him felt anything but, especially as an unsettling smile curled across his face.
"You are too late. It is done. The Path is open." He said in a distorted voice.
He then revealed an amulet from around his neck, both it and the symbols began glowing bright crimson he then resumed the chant. The room darkened as inhuman voices joined in, the candles flickered as the blood in the dais started gathering in a floating orb of pulsating liquid. The amulet siphoned the blood from the orb seemingly empowering the Speaker.
"Put him down!" Michael shouted followed by the hail of gunfire, when one of the men ran out of ammo in his BAR he dropped it and pulled two 1911s to continue the fire. The Speaker was hit so many times his robe changed from white to red, the orb splattered onto the dais as the runes ceased glowing along with the amulet. Everyone sighed with relief before investigating the room, Bruni walked towards The Speaker stepping over the blood as best he could. When he closed the distance the presence of evil was easily felt on the medallion, which he now realized was made of carved bones, dark forces were at work darker than any man could conjure. Bruni retrieved his bible and a flask of holy water, beginning to read whilst splashing the holy water on the dais and body. Bruni, as well as the others, were caught off guard when the body began to twitch; a little at first but more violently once touched by the holy water. The twitching was replaced with bones breaking and violent convulsing, The Speaker got to his feet revealing his full transformation. A pair of horns sprouted from his head, a tail whipped out from under his robe, and claws adorned his hands.
"You cannot stop me!" He roared.
Bruni did not stop his incantation while splashing the last of the holy water into the Speaker's face. Unholy screams of agony and pain were heard as the holy water burned the creature like acid. The creature lunged at Bruni only for its fangs to scratch the metal of Bruni's 1911 as the barrel was shoved into the creature's mouth. The first shot sent it to the ground, the next three to the head ensured it wouldn't get back up. The men came to check on the father only for him to finish his incantation.
"In nomine patri, et filii, Spiritus Sancti, Amen." He said while making the symbol of the cross with his free hand.
Bruni reached down to the amulet, upon touching it he was bombarded with multiple visions. Visions of a dark world filled with mountains of skulls, oceans of fire and blood, cries of agony while dark figures chanted and cackled at their nefarious deeds of slaughter. He watched vast armies rising and clashing, beasts made of iron and steel trampling the land, and cities turned to ash in an instant. He then saw a creature that looked akin to a dragon cloaked in shadow and flame, speaking a tongue he didn't know but it filled him with primal fear especially when it lunged to devour him. Bruni was then thrust back to reality with Luca and Vin restraining him while Michael calmed him down. Bruni calmed after a moment before Michael asked him;
"What should we do now Father?"
"This place is filled with evil. That amulet is an instrument of chaos itself, I fear the influence it would have if it ever left this place. Thomas, use what dynamite you have left to destroy this room and that infernal thing. We need to return to the Organization, tell them that this place must be buried along with its secrets." Father Bruni explained as beads of sweat drizzled from his brow.
Thomas went to work as everyone else began leaving the building Thomas caught up just as they exited the front door. By the time they reached the gate the fireball engulfed the entire right side of the building, the floors fell through into the basement. The group watched the fire for a time before finally getting into their cars, leaving the Sanatorium and it's dark secrets. Even still Father Bruni felt that what he saw, were they simple visions made to strike fear into him? Or were they premonitions of a future that has yet to come? Either way, they had succeeded in putting a fear in him he could not easily shake...nor escape.
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#seascape #stillness #lines #quietplace #seapunk https://www.instagram.com/p/BsRc-KJFm5t/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6wpb2inmwllc
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