unfcrgives · 1 year
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his recent sudden death was a poem of his final, sorry resistance.
#unfcrgives -- an indie, private/mutuals only, slow-paced rp blog for bungou stray dogs' oda sakunosuke.
scribbled by ventium, 25+, she/her.
interested in writing together? leave a note at lupin's (or like/reblog and i'll check out your blog!).
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a-hell-of-a-time · 4 months
28﹕ what  is  a  turn - off  when  you’re  seeking  writing  partners ?
((No clear rules page, no age or mun alias in bio, and no information on the other mun's characters. The first and last points give me an idea of who you are as a mun, and who your characters are; the middle two are my way of making sure I'm not interacting with minors, or very problematic people who like to hide/sneak back into communities after being exposed for being nasty. Had this happen in the BSD rpc.))
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attroxx · 4 months
questions 6-9 for the munday prompt??
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6. is there any other muse in this fandom you’d like to RP?
of the fandoms i currently roleplay ? not really. i've thought about rping maybe another naruto muse but i'm not sure who i would write tbh. i've thought about adding atsushi's main verse since the version of him i write is an alternate verse. but i don't have many bsd mutuals so i doubt he'd get written much.
7. is there a muse you played on more platforms or in different moments of your life?
i've been roleplaying on tumblr since probably 2013. before that i rp'd on twitter . . . and some super old forums. when i was twelve or so i rp'd warrior cats lmao. so that should tell you a lot. otherwise i only rp here and on discord.
8. did you have a muse you tried to play, but didn’t feel connected to?
usually it's an oc i made that i ended up not connecting with. sometimes that happens sadly. every oc i write i have a 'bond' with i guess, is the only way to describe it so when it doesn't click and i cannot pin down their character or personality they usually get removed. i have a horrible habit of making ocs on a whim and sometimes it works out really well ( axel / dante ) but sometimes it doesn't. ):
9. did you have muse you tried to play, but ended up dropping for various reasons? (the rpc wasn’t active, you lost interest, etc)
i mean i guess. i used to have a blog for vanitas but i made it right before i went on a long hiatus and i never brought him back as a muse. i wouldn't be against it but i'm not sure there is a huge vnc rpc lol. way back when i rp'd supernatural but i stopped rping that cause i left the fandom.
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munday meme . . . accepting.
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boundlss · 4 months
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yayyy ... i will be honest nine you are probably the person in the rpc i've talked to the most outside of the people i have known for like 6 years! i was actually nervous following at first because i'm pretty sure i started following you on dazai like right after my terrible horrible bsd community experience but i have no regrets you are so cool and awesome. i hope we keep interacting forever and neither of us ever writes a thing.
mutual bingo. / eagerly accepting!
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spadilled · 7 months
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the rules are simple! post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. then tag ten people to do the same ( if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people ). please repost, don’t reblog!
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you are here (@spadilled)
@catclyssm (bsd nakahara chuuya and the side blogs @seiigi (suehiro tetcho) and @kakarette (an extremely low activity oda that i use to torment ori specifically))
boothill, probably... let's be honest here i'm a sucker for a cowboy
blade, but his lore intimidates me and there's already sooo many cool blades
sampo, again i just enjoy other people's sampo's at this point lmao
my very vague idea of a hsr oc that none of u will ever hear about unless you pry it from my cold, dead hands
i want to pick up a few genshin muses like alhaitham but the lore scares me
@qrwvviid-archived-blog, @qrwvviid-a, @crviis-a, @crviis (qr.ow bra.n.we.n of r.w.b.y.... man i had his muse for such a long time and then the rpc finally got to me lmaoo)
@godtricks (mercury bl.ack of r.w.b.y)
@afierosii (destiny multi muse including shi.n mal.phur, tevis larsen and andal brask)
@usurperr (r.k.900 of d.b.h... richard my beloved)
@imptus (r.k800-60 of d.b.h.... caleb..... i miss youuuu)
@pyresided (my oc shi.n mal.phur who i made)
@abelshot (v.ash the stampede)
@selfnss (a collection of other muses and a few ocs i never really got off the ground)
@xiincun (jing yuan, my beloved)
i've also written; wriothesley, diluc, katabasis of destiny fame, ro.man torch.wi.ck, gen/ji
i would write shin again in a heartbeat if i had the chance honestly.. and vash and richard/caleb... my time with qrow is long gone unfortunately but... forever in our memories......
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((I think it's time I hop onto the 'trend' of not having my rp blogs be affiliated with any one rpc.
I'm tired of trying to fit into communities and I just want small spaces to rp with people how I wish to.
Therefore, this blog is now independent of ANY indie rpc (BSD, Pokemon, etc.).))
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halchron · 8 months
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still working on adding some bios to my carrd, but just wanted to throw it out there that I made a lot of changes to my muse list ! I mostly just moved all my sports anime and bsd muses down to request only or secondary since i'm not really in the bsd rpc and all the sports anime rpcs are pretty much dead lmao. kinda hate how the primary list isn't even but I'm sure I'll be doing something about that later lol
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aotoreiki · 1 year
What made you pick up this character?
Which song do you feel describes your character the most and why?
Questions for muns of canon muses
1. What made you pick up this character?
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the (half) joking answer is the whims of autism brain
This unlocks my unskippable cutscene because I never get tired of telling about it. The reason I started rping Ice was an accident on my part and the result of me trying to pull a joke on my sibling.
When I was maybe 12 or 13ish me and my sister and our best friend would live-rp pokemon stuff. I started drawing a bunch of silly comics about our ongoing plot, us, and the characters involved. Now I actually didn't care much about Ice or Pokemon Ranger back then, that was my sister's thing.
For some reason Ice really annoyed her, so as a joke, I added him to the comic. It was just to get her reaction and to use as a recurring gag (since our self-inserts were characters, hers reacted the same way, angry every time he showed up). Then, because we were live-rping this out and my sister disliked him and naturally refused to do it and our friend hadn't played Ranger and didn't know anything about him, that meant that I had to play Ice's part in our weekly games. I actually didn't especially want to do it though lol I remember that.
He went from being included as a joke to playing a bigger and bigger plot role as I got more and more invested in him. I cannot explain WHY this happened. I honestly don't remember or know. My brain just latched onto him. He basically took the place of a self insert, it went way beyond our larp stuff, I began putting him into EVERYTHING in my head. Every day I was making up scenarios with this guy. I cared more about rping him in our games than any of my other charas. I was drawing a squillion terrible pictures of him. He had become the Main Character of my Brain.
This went on for years and years until it carried over when I got proper internet access and got into fandom spaces that had rp, and then eventually when I started with tumblr rp and discovered the Pokemon rpc was a thing, of course I was going to put him here too.
There have been patches where he fell back into the recesses of my brain for a time, but he's never actually gone, and I don't think he will. I picked Ice up out of a thoughtless consequence of a prank years and years ago and he stuck to my hands. I can't put him back down.
21. Which song do you feel describes your character the most and why?
I'm partial to this English cover/interpretation of Reason Living.
It's about striving to figure out and grasp your purpose, as you live now, despite what may have happened in the past (a core theme in BSD where it comes from, and one that I like).
Why can’t I find the shining light? The reason for me to live my life Only yesterday, I went astray and My mind began to fade away
Reaching out as I look above Up to the clouds I will never touch With my tainted hands
You can listen to it and pretty much all of it can be imagined from Ice's perspective. He's insecure, he's made poor choices, he lacks a solid sense of purpose and doubts and has little proper faith in himself because of things he's done that had a poor outcome (with lesser or greater problems attached). Still, he wants to find that purpose.
I learned to feel my pain And I realised how to start again And depart on my journey to be saved Go on, take my hand!
I reference the song on the blog theme and in Ice's main verse tag! I also had it set as the blog title until just a few days ago.
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book?
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     meechi. i actually think, weirdly enough, most muses i'm associated NOW started off that way ( save for York ). i only started writing Scott at the time because there wasn't much variety in terms of characters to write with in the BSD RPC at the time, and he was an impulsive pick for me. however, he was by & far not one of my favorite characters & i only got passionate about him after i started writing him. Luck, too, wasn't even my first pick of the Baccano! muses -- i actually was considering Claire before I considered him, and it wasn't until i actually saw what his novel persona was actually like that i had an interest. Fabian was in this camp as well for a time, even though i actually thought his story took a really interesting turn by the end of the first season. ultimately, it's characters i immediately like that don't tend to stick around for long. it took me awhile to find that appreciation for a character doesn't always translate to a desire to write them -- Luck, Scott, and Fabian were cases of i think they would be interesting to explore as people rather than being genuine faves of mine at the time.
munday questions / @closedcoffins
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boundlss · 8 months
i don't dip my toes in the bsd community much---i was really young when i first started writing there and ended up both unintentionally and intentionally burning a lot of bridges with writers who are still prominent in its rpc because of my generally poor socialization---but ranpo tends to be a really nostalgic muse for me. we all know i really care about twain the most, but ranpo was actually the first ever muse i had in the bsd rpc!
i wish i still had a lot of the first ever interactions i did with him. i was 14-15 at the time and had basically just come from a really toxic rp situation that left me with a lot of duplicate anxiety, so because he was a VERY popular muse at the time i ended up completely deleting everything off of his blog and converting it into a blog for ayatsuji---who, admittedly, i am also really fond of as a muse. THAT iteration of the blog and all its writings still exist but i'd have to go digging for the url.
in general, i have a lot of nostalgia for my first batch of bsd muses. i missed tetcho a lot too which is why he's here. i might have added him back sooner if it weren't for some pretty upsetting negative associations i have with writing his character---someone who was a friend of mine at the time ended up really hurting my feelings during a time i wasn't feeling much muse for him and it made me not want to go back to writing him for a long time.
well, i'm not really sure what the point of this post was other than that i like getting a chance to write those muses hahaha.
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clown-demon · 1 year
Anonymous asked:
♒ Thoughts on the fandom you're currently rping in?
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((I'm only following a FEW people in the fandom, like.. six people? I know one person I follow has three BSD blogs so there's like more than six if we count blogs and not people. I was following more but then they soft blocked me so I was kinda like whatever.
The RPC for the fandom seems rather small. I don't see a ton of blogs for it like I do with shows like One Piece or My Hero Academia. But it's nice whenever a BSD blog follows me.
I also THRIVE on cross overs. So it doesn't matter if a fandom is small or not.
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10. what genre do you most enjoy, whether in roleplay, or fiction as a whole? (fantasy, period, superhero, etc.)
14. which roleplay community has been your favorite to write in?
Mun questions: Accepting!
((Honestly, looking over my muse roster I would have to say Fantasy. A lot of my muses both past and present come from games/media that are related to fantasy of some description.
I also enjoy fantasy personally, especially historical fantasy because that is the absolute best shit for me.))
((As far as rpc's go, I have enjoyed the Pokemon rpc off and on, along with the BSD rpc (before shit hit the fan that made me leave the first time, but I'm back now so.) I have also enjoyed my time in multi fandom rp (MFRP) spaces/communities, because I adore crossovers and having muses from all over the place smooshed into one location.))
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bsdcg · 5 years
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here’s a resource for roleplayers in the bungou stray dogs rpc i’ve been thinking of for a while and finally put together over the past few days: a google spreadsheet listing every character and the chapters they appear in, to be updated with the release of each chapter going forward. ( the intent is to make iconing that much easier. )
note: if there are any issues, comments on the spreadsheet are enabled, and the inbox on this blog is open as well. there’s also an updates tab on the blog to list when it’s been updated last and if any major changes have been made, as well as various notes about the spreadsheet itself.
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bsdrpc · 6 years
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Welcome to the BSD RPC Discord Server!
The BSD RPC Discord server is a place where people from all over the Tumblr and Discord RPC can congregate in a safe and friendly environment, promoting the growing of RP connections and friendships throughout the fandom! We have friendly mods, and are an active and growing community with a fair amount of people spanning from the Armed Detective Agency, to the Port Mafia, and even sprinkling in some members of The Guild!
We have resources and help for those who need it, as well as a place for you to share graphics, drawings, or whatever you like! Our rules can be seen as a little strict, but don’t be too alarmed. The mod team is rather relaxed and understanding of situations.
Minors are also welcome here, and the comfort and safety of them is diligently looked after. For the adults, we have a subserver for the more ‘Adult’ things. We also have a very slowly growing network of other servers (Ranging from AUs to other RP communities). 
Apply Today! *
* The only requirement is that you have to RP in the Tumblr or Discord Community. Please keep one mode of communication open for the owner or mods to contact you in order to give you your link to the server. Returning members can send an off-anon ask in order to get a link back.
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bungoushikkaku · 6 years
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          Independent Multifandom Multimuse RP Blog
                                    Written by Kuro/Val
        | OC-friendly / Semi-Crossover Friendly / Multiship / Multiverse |
                          Muses | Rules | Mun | Other Blogs
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luxuriejaded-blog · 6 years
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BUT EVERYBODY’S LIKE      Cristal, Maybach, diamonds on your timepiece           Jet planes, islands, tigers on a gold leash                i don’t care...
              i’m no longer caught up in your love affair
          bungou stray dogs oc based off of f. scott fitzgerald’s nick carraway                                             ABOUT || RULES || MUN
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