wildelydawn · 8 months
Last Line Game
Tagged by @emberfaye @jeffsatyr @shou-jpeg and possibly others to share the last line I wrote (I am so sorry if you tagged me and I missed it!) Thank you for the tags!!!
From Bittersweet Chocolate, 90%:
The last picture has Chay biting his lip, his hand down the front of his unbuttoned jeans. It’s a very nice photo.
Tagging @fawndlyvenus @subtextsays @xxatlasxx no pressure to share at all!
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wildelydawn · 8 months
Bittersweet Chocolate, 90%. | A KinnPorsche: the Series FanFic.
This is entirely filler and quite poorly written but I refuse to let this story become ongoing for two years so just take this please T_T
When the Theerapanyakun Mafia tries to take over the remaining cacao farms in Thailand, Kim is pulled from his budding stardom and shoved into an undercover mission; infiltrate the family operated Kittisawat Bakery and find out more about their production and goods. Unfortunately, no one told Kim that the sweetest thing in the Kittisawat Bakery wasn’t necessarily the desserts.
Chapter Summary:
Kim finds what he's looking for.
Read the story on Ao3!
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wildelydawn · 11 months
Bittersweet Chocolate, 90%. | A KinnPorsche: the Series FanFic.
When the Theerapanyakun Mafia tries to take over the remaining cacao farms in Thailand, Kim is pulled from his budding stardom and shoved into an undercover mission; infiltrate the family operated Kittisawat Bakery and find out more about their production and goods. Unfortunately, no one told Kim that the sweetest thing in the Kittisawat Bakery wasn’t necessarily the desserts.
Chapter Summary:
Kim's definitely not jealous.
Read the story on Ao3!
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wildelydawn · 11 months
Me: I finished Chapters 11 and 12 of Bittersweet Chocolate! :)
Brain: No you didn't.
Me: What?
Brain: No you didn't.
Me: But the docs are right ther-
Brain: Start over.
Me: We wrote the next major plot scene for Chapter 12 and every-
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wildelydawn · 1 year
Bittersweet Chocolate, 90%. | A KinnPorsche: the Series FanFic.
Welp. Several months late, but here's chapter eight of my insane bakery fic! Let me know if you enjoy it!
When the Theerapanyakun Mafia tries to take over the remaining cacao farms in Thailand, Kim is pulled from his budding stardom and shoved into an undercover mission; infiltrate the family operated Kittisawat Bakery and find out more about their production and goods. Unfortunately, no one told Kim that the sweetest thing in the Kittisawat Bakery wasn’t necessarily the desserts.
Chapter Summary:
Kim updates his father and goes shopping with Chay.
Read the story on Ao3!
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wildelydawn · 1 year
Bittersweet Chocolate, 90%. | A KinnPorsche: the Series FanFic.
Let's pretend I can stay on schedule. I hope you all enjoy Chapter 9.
When the Theerapanyakun Mafia tries to take over the remaining cacao farms in Thailand, Kim is pulled from his budding stardom and shoved into an undercover mission; infiltrate the family operated Kittisawat Bakery and find out more about their production and goods. Unfortunately, no one told Kim that the sweetest thing in the Kittisawat Bakery wasn’t necessarily the desserts.
Chapter Summary:
Kim and Chay have their first overnight shift.
Read the story on Ao3!
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wildelydawn · 2 years
Bittersweet Chocolate, 90%. | A KinnPorsche: the Series FanFic.
Me, in the middle of a New Year's party: Oh shit, that's exactly the sort of scene I need in BSC90!
Also me: *proceeds to simultaneously disassociate and hyperfixate on Kimchay for the rest of the party.*
When the Theerapanyakun Mafia tries to take over the remaining cacao farms in Thailand, Kim is pulled from his budding stardom and shoved into an undercover mission; infiltrate the family operated Kittisawat Bakery and find out more about their production and goods. Unfortunately, no one told Kim that the sweetest thing in the Kittisawat Bakery wasn’t necessarily the desserts.
Chapter Summary:
Kim tastes chocolate, drinks a sip of beer, and makes decisions.
Read the story on Ao3!
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wildelydawn · 7 months
I have read your amazing chocolate au KimChay fic and I am really looking forward to the next chapter. This story is amazing. I would also love to dive into more of your stories, namely Your Look, Through This Lens. I saw the tags and I need to ask, who is bottom and top in this fic? Or do they switch? And how sad is that story? I mean, the plot seems interesting but you wrote in the tags that this is sad story. Thank you for your answers.
Hello there! First, thank you for reading and enjoying Bittersweet Chocolate, 90%! That means a lot. ^^
As for YLTTL, Kim is the top in the only sex scene in that story. However, if you have a preference in terms of sex scenes and who tops, I should warn you that BSC90 does have them switching.
In terms of sadness, the whole story has a very sad, melancholy feeling to it due to Chay's loneliness. I think that is the saddest part of the story. Most people who commented on the ending said things like: "The ending fits the story." ; "Bittersweet but glad I read" ; "It's not that sad, it's open." or some variation of that feedback. I think most people were okay with how it ended, but I do know several people who stopped reading as well. I recommend reading it when you're already in a mood or if it's a rainy day.
If you're looking for something a bit longer that does end happily, I recommend my first KimChay story, I'll Ignite For You. Also happy to talk more about YLTTL if you want spoilers! Thank you for reading my works!
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wildelydawn · 1 year
Bittersweet Chocolate, 90%. | A KinnPorsche: the Series FanFic.
Ahead of schedule. Who am I? I hope you all enjoy Chapter 10.
When the Theerapanyakun Mafia tries to take over the remaining cacao farms in Thailand, Kim is pulled from his budding stardom and shoved into an undercover mission; infiltrate the family operated Kittisawat Bakery and find out more about their production and goods. Unfortunately, no one told Kim that the sweetest thing in the Kittisawat Bakery wasn’t necessarily the desserts.
Chapter Summary:
Kim endures shipments, flour, and Chay's persistence.
Read the story on Ao3!
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wildelydawn · 10 months
Hello, it's me again with a question about BSC90%.
How do you pick which baking term to use for each chapter? I love how the first chapter is titled emulsion and the ddc chapter is blooming while the latest one is softened so I wondered if you have a process. Do you have them all picked before posting or does anything change last minute?
Also, do you bake?
Okay those were several questions, sorry. Have a great day and once again thank you for writing the most wonderful KP fics <33
Ahh hello hi, I adore you fjksdjgh.
Originally, when the fic was just ten chapters long, I had all ten baking terms chosen in parallel to the "climax" of each chapter. But as the story got longer, I needed to add more terms, and that actually becomes the last part of the chapter that I write.
Chapter 1 is called "Emulsion" because that's what Kim has to do with the Bakery (become a part of it) even though he can't do the same for his own family.
Chapter 7 is called "Blooming" because, well, Kim's feelings beyond a sexual attraction start to bloom there (the moment he sees Chay outside of the Bakery setting.) And because gelatin has to "bloom" before it's used, Kim is sort of like that too.
And Chapter 10 is "Softened" because Kim has tremendously softened towards Chay (and Chay towards Kim, in his own way). But, in the end, there's a reason why someone has to softened butter. ;-;
And yes! I love baking. I started baking for my local masjid during Ramadan when some of the elders had to pass up on the usual sweets (because of diabetes and such.) So I started making more Western desserts, just with a lot less sugar, and found I was sort of okay at it. I wanted to bake each of the recipes that show up in BSC90 alongside writing the chapters, but I severely overestimated how much time that would take.
This is such a great question because I don't get to talk about the process behind BSC90 a lot so thank you! Also, I am blushing, you're too kind to me, it's so lovely to have you reading along. :3
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wildelydawn · 1 year
The thing about Bittersweet Chocolate, 90% is that I don't think I'll ever write another line as phenomenal as Porsche and Pete inviting Kim to the Dead Dad Club.
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wildelydawn · 2 years
Hello! For the Writer Goal Ask List : 🌈 What research do you plan on doing for your writing?
Also, this is not really related to the question. When I saw the ask list, I remember that I once saw your post about scaffolding one of your fic and I love it! And it made me think of the above question. (Maybe because I love to see the connection between research plan and writing structure -- I hope this doesn't sound weird to you).
Thank you! And I wish you a happy and good year ahead!
Hello, hi! I am late! So sorry about this!
I know I answered this in another ask, but I want to answer it again because I am a liar. I still have plenty of research to do for fic writing, especially for BSC90, where I plan to talk about the legality of the cacao farming/trade. (Even if it ends up being brief, it's something I'm now totally invested in.) I also think research means experiencing stuff. So for YLTTL, Chay is a photographer, and sometimes, I take my partner's camera (they photograph as a hobby) and I go outside and see how the camera frames everything. The good news is that I actually study photography, the theory/philosophies behind photography and photos, so some of that ends up sneaking into that particular fic.
Ahh! I'm so glad you mentioned that haha. Not weird at all, I love talking about the process of writing because so many people think it has to be linear, and it really doesn't. It also doesn't have to be structured, but for longer fics, I love scaffolding, building character trees, plot trees, etc. I think it helps me visually. It's like having a cheat sheet for my own story. So, for example, the current scaffold for BSC90 looks like this:
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So this is the character arcs/info (edited to remove spoilers!) for BSC90. Every story I've written so far has a different variation of Kim and Chay. The rest of this section goes into the behaviors of each character; Kim is colder, short tempered, impatient in this story. While Chay is more open, happier, flirtacious, etc. Making Kim a plant dad (specifically to orchids) has required a lot more research than I anticipated, so that's been a really wonderful process. I may actually end up getting an orchid (and probably killing it too.) And because I want Chay to be a k-pop fan, I've started listening to Stray Kidz. Haha. So research begins to take hold at the early stages; even if it doesn't always show up in the story, it ends up being in the scaffold.
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This is the scaffolding I did for Chapter 2 and 3 for BSC90. A lot of these are quick bullet points but ended up becoming major facets in the story (particularly Kim not knowing how to use a mop.) The comments/highlighted sections are notes/links/quotes from research material stemming from the layout of a bakery to the reference to Stella McCartney jeans that Kim makes when talking to Khun. Not all details are blown up or used. For instance, in the story, I do not mention that Kim was offered to support someone else on tour. I axed that idea at the last minute for a few reasons; essentially, the research process and writing scaffold for me are really heavily tied together.
However, I'm not always that organized, so I want to also show you the "scaffold" for my fem!KinnPorsche story:
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Just One Taste was a one shot that still needed research/scaffolding, but the process was much messier and on the fly (catch me using the wrong pronouns my bad ><). Which I think was necessary for the nature of the story, but this was the "scaffold" I kept going back to while writing. (My beta and I were just screaming about Porsche's nipples tbh, but it still helped while I was writing.)
Oh fuck dskfjskdg. This is way too long of an answer, I am so sorry I talked my head off again, but I actually really adore you for asking this, so thank you very much. (especially since you write amazing pieces/journal entries on BL!) <3
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wildelydawn · 2 years
Bittersweet Chocolate, 90%. | A KinnPorsche: the Series FanFic.
Two updates? In a month? Must be me, being absolutely floored that my KimChay Bakery!AU brainrot is coming to life in the form of Wuju Bakery. How lucky are we!?
All my love and tears to my faithful Beta reader, Riehlla. Thank you. 🖤
When the Theerapanyakun Mafia tries to take over the remaining cacao farms in Thailand, Kim is pulled from his budding stardom and shoved into an undercover mission; infiltrate the family operated Kittisawat Bakery and find out more about their production and goods. Unfortunately, no one told Kim that the sweetest thing in the Kittisawat Bakery wasn’t necessarily the desserts.
Chapter Summary:
Kim goes out with his coworkers.
Read the story on Ao3!
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wildelydawn · 2 years
Hello hi I had to slide into your asks because how does it feel to be blessed by apollo? Jeff barcode in a bakery au has been haunting me since I read the first chapter of bittersweet chocolate and I can't thank you enough for that.
Your writing is just so good???? I really enjoy the way you set up a scene and establish the characters. Excited to see what you do with your kimchay fics!!!
HAHA Oh my god blessed by apollo, I'm crying.
First, thank you so much for reading! Even though I take forever to update Bittersweet Chocolate, 90%, it's such a fun story, and I enjoy writing it. And I'm actually really glad BOC has greenlighted a bakery story for them. Granted, I did not see the alien thing coming, but I sure as hell can't wait to find out what that entails.
As for the gift of apollo, not yet. But Pond can hit me up any time. ;)
AHHH I'm so SLKHLG thank you so much for saying that, I appreciate that compliment a lot. Sometimes, I feel like I drone on and on, but this makes me feel very secure. :) I hope to keep writing KimChay for a while, and I hope for Wuju Bakery too! You're lovely, I am so. Thank you 🖤🖤🖤
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wildelydawn · 1 year
deep sigh, bakery fic will now be at least 16 chapters
because I keep adding more bakery shenanigans.
i don't even work at a bakery.
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wildelydawn · 2 years
I'm waiting for your bittersweet chocolate 90% . Will you update it? Or are you leaving it? Please answer this.🥺
Hello there! Thank you for checking in about Bittersweet Chocolate, 90%. I am not leaving it, but I am not sure when I will update it.
I don't talk about myself a lot on this blog, and I know you're not really asking about me, and perhaps the following will be way too much information and will make you and other feels really uncomfortable, but since a few people have asked about BSC90, I just want to clarify a few things.
tl;dr: I'm sad. I'll start writing and updating again soon.
I have very severe depression. And I do mean severe: the kind that where I don't get out of bed for anything, the kind that leaves my hair uncombed and unwashed for days, the kind that destroys any creative ray of sunshine in my life, the kind that worries people IRL. I zone out for hours. I have no concept of time when I do zone out. I get up out of bed when I have to, physically go to work, and immediately come back to bed when I am home. I open up my phone, muster the strength to reply to a few people, then go to Google Docs, and stare at an empty document until my phone locks. I fall asleep and repeat that cycle over and over and over again. I don't leave my apartment for anything besides work; last week was the first time I left my house in months and that was by sheer force (bless my partner for that) and I have no plans on leaving my apartment again because I simply have no will to do so. If it wasn't for my cat, I would absolutely never leave my bed. If I could, I would, and want to, just rot away in bed, and talk to no one. And I am sure many people who talk to me on here, Discord, etc. have noticed that I am taking longer and longer to reply. (In fact, I am neglecting to respond to The Woman right now, and she is someone I prioritize, always.) I could go on and on about how heavy this illness and its roots dig into me and weigh me down, and usually, I have a handle on it, and for the most part, I did! This last year These last six months have been really terrible in terms of IRL stuff, but writing, whether it's creative, or journaling, or academic, has always helped. It's always been my escape.
So you can imagine why I felt incredibly lucky to come across KinnPorsche: the Series because it does spark a lot of creativity in me. I can't believe I've written 200K words for a single fandom, let alone 150k+ words on KimChay. I spent May through November using KP and other media and writing fics to navigate my depression. I spent the last few weeks developing what I would call close friendships with people when earlier this year, I had no one to talk to. Hell, I have all the inspiration at my finger tips. I literally have projects in development with really amazing artists on here. People send me prompts and ideas and I watch my list grow and I think of how lucky I must be to be inspired. I made friends with people on Twitter. Twitter! And it's winter time, my favorite season, and I'm looking forward to the snow, the walks in cold air, my trench coats and sweater vests. And I've been updating YLTTL (which is a finished fic, but still need heavy editing.) According to the math, I should be good; I should be in a place where I can write BSC90 and update. And I should be happy.
But I am not. Right now, I am in a really bad place, and if I have the will to write, it comes in flashes that dim out rather quickly. I am frustrated. I am exercising immense self control when the urge to delete everything I've ever written and run away overtakes my head. I write things, and I delete them because nothing feels good anymore. Nothing I write feels good enough to post either. And I've never written for anyone: as in, I write for me and my health, even though BSC90 is literally for someone. But it really sucks when your own brain is telling you, "Hey! Everyone's lying to you! You're not really a good writer, and if you were, you would push past all these terrible feelings and write like you always do." And I do that often, but that methodology is not working right now because of the severity of my feelings.
Now, I am not saying that this is anyone's fault or that you or anyone who asks about my fics is a bad person or anything. I promise you that's not where I am coming from. I promise you that I appreciate every reader I have, including you. I promise you my intention with this response isn't to make you or anyone feel bad or to solicit pity or sympathy. But I do need to say something because:
1) I think people deserve honesty, no matter what.
2) I've given the "Haha I've just been really busy!" excuse over the last month and that hasn't been enough and
3) I'm beginning to feel like I'm letting people down, which I know really isn't the case, but my flickering brain is trying to convince me that I am, and my chest tells me the same thing.
I promise when I come back, Chapter 6 of BSC90 will be, I hope, worth the wait. And that despite everything I've written here, I do appreciate you asking about the story and I appreciate your patience. So please don't feel bad or some type of way if you (or anyone else) is reading this. I just want to be honest.
Thank you for reading. 🖤
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