enden-k · 9 months
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sigh......time to quit genshin
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yourbestpalpercy · 7 months
Iris’s opinions on the other cogs
Bored and was in class when I wrote this. Buckle up, I’m gonna try my best. As I don’t know a lot about the Cogs in ToonTown, I’ll most likely be going off of tiny headcanons and appearances. Warning, I’m mostly projecting.
Skelecogs: “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” Iris is terrified of them. Absolutely horrified by them. It’s not even funny how terrified of them she is. She’s just– she can’t look at them at all!
Goons: “...Awww, pubby thingy…” Iris learned the term ‘Pubby’ online and only knows it’s used to describe something cute.
Cold Caller: “What’re you? …A blueberry? Why are you such a deep blue…??” Iris doesn’t like them that much.
Telemarketer: “...Creepy…” Iris shies away every time she sees them.
Name Dropper: “WHY ARE YOUR LIPS SO DAMN BIG!?” Iris laughs every time she sees Name Dropper, she cannot contain her laughter.
Glad Handler: “...Stop smiling at me like that…” Iris also finds them to be creepy. She doesn’t like how they smile.
Mover & Shaker: “Deceitful guy…up to mischief that one is…” Iris mostly doesn’t trust them. It’s a light hearted distrust though.
Two-Face: Two Face scared Iris too. She hides every time they’re around. She’s not terrified of them though.
The Mingler: “...Are you Name Dropper’s cousin?” Iris thinks Mingler looks dumb too.
Mr. Hollywood: “...Stop smiling at me like that also,” Iris doesn’t trust Mr. Hollywood.
Vice President: “....where are your legs…??” Iris thinks Vice President looks silly and is more comfortable around him because of that.
Short Change: “...Did-...did you just get less blue??” Iris cannot tell the difference between Cold Caller and Short Change. She thinks they’re the exact same person.
Penny Pincher: “Oh lawd, it’s the blue man’s red cousin,” Iris is constantly sassy to Penny Pincher.
Tightwad: “You look about two seconds away from throwing a temper tantrum…” She puts in ear plugs.
Bean Counter: “Also a mischievous critter…” No one can tell if these are endearing terms.
Number Cruncher: “HE CONSUME!! MONCH!!” Iris teases them a lot.
Money Bags: “...where is your face….?? do i want to know???”
Loan Shark: “SHARK! SHARK! SHARK! SHARK! SHA-!” Iris loves sharks. She thinks Loan Shark is rude despite her love of sharks.
Robber Baron: “Is that a mustache or a nose…?” Iris can tell, she’s just mean to a good chunk of the Cogs. …It’s technically in her code.
CFO: “...Stupid looking little sh*t.” Iris says this with a big dopey smile on her face. It brings her genuine joy to insult this one.
Bottom Feeder: Iris has no opinions on this one. Genuinely has nothing to say.
Bloodsucker: Iris will not stop with the vampire references. She WILL NOT shut up about them
Double Talker: “OH GOSH NOT ANOTHER.” Iris hides when she sees this one too.
Ambulance Chaser: “Nurse hat but…” Iris doesn’t understand this one.
Back Stabber: “...Can you stab people with that pointy *ss head??” Iris makes dart board jokes around this one.
Spin Doctor: Iris has assumed SD likes spinning and will never stop spinning one when she sees them. It becomes straight up sadistic after a bit honestly.
Legal Eagle: “EAGLE! CAW! CAW! CAW!!” Iris just loves animals, okay?
Big Wig: “...Eh, I’ve seen bigger.”
Chief Justice: “whyyy are so many of you stuck in big chairs???”
Flunky: “You have a silly name and a silly face. You are a silly boyo.” Iris likes Flunky. I also like Flunky.
Pencil Pusher: “You and Back Stabber should be friends^^.”
Yesman: “Why. What is with the big grins??” Iris broke down upon seeing this one. She’s terrified of their grins.
Micromanager: “BIG LIP. BIG LIP. BIG LIPS-.”
Downsizer: “...What kind of schemes are you up to…?” Untrustworthy.
Head Hunter: “You need a head? Maybe that’s why you’re hunting for them!” Mean Spirited teasing.
Corporate Raider: She has no opinions on them.
Big Cheese: “No way! It’s the guy from Roblox!” This is actually how I discovered ToonTown in a way. No, no one knows what Iris is talking about what she says ‘Roblox’
CEO: “...Chair bound f*ck #3 I see?”
Manager Bots
Factory Foreman + Mint Supervisor + Head Attorney + Club President: Same reaction as Skelecogs.
Derrek Man: She thinks they look cool and she also thinks that they have a plane somewhere nearby
Land Acquisition Architect: She really, really likes how they look. She hasn’t really gotten to know them though.
Derrek Hand: “Are you a drill…? Can I use you as such…??” Derrek Hand’s appearance confuses her.
Director of Land Development: Same opinion as L.A.A, she likes how they look^^
Public Relations Representative: Felt like these ones needed a personal Iris reaction.
Director of Public Affairs: “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-!” Yeah, Iris is horrified by D.o.P.A.
Now onto the guys I actually like
Duck Shuffler: “Oh my gosh!! He’s so silly!” They frequently share :Ps between each other. She really likes Duck Shuffler and thinks he’s silly. “How can you see? I..I can’t tell!” “I can’t believe they don’t give you your own building. You’re much better than those weird CEOs or…whatever they are. The chair bound ones!”
Deep Diver: “...I’ve never seen the ocean before, is it pretty?” Iris constantly pesters Deep Diver about the ocean. Whether she knows about it or not. “I like your colors!” “What kinds of fish are there?” “Have you seen any purple ones?”
Gatekeeper: Personal headcanon, she plays DnD. Iris has played DnD with her before. She really likes Gatekeeper and wishes she wasn’t a Cog because she likes them so much. “Awww! I love your feathers!” “Does it ever get tiring wearing that armor?” “Are you the armor or just wearing it??”
Mouthpiece: I personally heard that she’s like a grandma. Iris adores Mouthpiece and despises H. Lesser for not letting Iris be around Mouthpiece more often. “D-Do you knit? I-I’m very sorry for forgetting…” “I heard from the others that you’re a great cook! I wish I could have a cookie…” “Sorry, Harold never lets us hang out! Says that elders like you don’t understand electronics…”
Firestarter: Iris likes Firestarter a lot! She likes the warmth he brings and thinks his shyness is kinda funny. She also constantly asks him about the snow. “Is it fluffy?” “How cold is it?” “Can I touch it without getting hurt?” “Can you bring some back for me to touch?” And so on.
Treekiller: “....I hate you…” Is often all Iris says.
Bellringer: “If I ring your bell, will it hurt you?” Meeting Bellringer is actually how H. Lesser found out that Iris could “slightly” use the wires in the building to do her bidding…when she started rapidly shaking Bellringer, sadistically. (I’m saying it now, I like Bellringer.)
Featherbedder: “OWL. HOOO. HOOOOOO. Hoo!” Iris really, really loves animals.
Prethinker: As Iris has access to the internet, they often talk about obscure facts. “..Literally no one talks about Cookie Cutter Sharks. I heard the term a few days ago and searched it up. Their bites are horrifying and NO one cares!” “Ever heard of a Sea Butterfly? They’re just as beautiful as the above world butterflies!” “So…didja know that butterflies sometimes are attracted to dead bodies and some drink the tears of crocodiles? Sadistic little things…” “So Dolphins right!?” Harold unplugged her so no one could hear what Iris had previously told him about Dolphins. Coward.
Rainmaker/Misty: You have no idea how much Iris absolutely adores Misty. Another headcanon, she draws sometimes. Iris would adore to draw with her but H. Lesser doesn’t often invite Misty over. Iris would jump into electronics closer to Misty but there’s not a lot down at the docks…also she can’t leave the building. “I really wish we could draw more..I love drawing with you!” “You would never drag me down!” “You’re the coolest person ever!” “I love thunderstorms, did I ever tell you that?” “The lightning you make is so much prettier than natural lightning!” “I love the sound of thunder and rain on the windows!” Another Cog she wishes wasn’t a Cog because she’s programmed to have a disliking for Cogs (to make her seem more trustworthy towards the Toons).
Major Player: Iris likes to dance with him. He’s fun! She really likes him! She also asks what kinds of music he likes.
Witchhunter: Man I didn’t even know this was a character until now. I got nothing… Iris likes witches and doesn’t understand the point in having a witchhunter if witches don’t exist. Supposedly.
Multislacker: “BEAN!” No one knows where Iris learned the term ‘Bean’ but no one really minds. Iris would adore to hug Multislacker and he’s actually one of the reasons Iris craves a body so badly. To give hugs! Iris also likes his Goon pet.
Plutocraft: “No way, just like minecraft,” No one knows what Iris is talking about. No one. She likes how Plutocraft looks but admittedly, she constantly bullies him because of his height.
Iris doesn’t like the Satellite Investors. “THEY ALL LOOK LIKE THE SKELECOGS!! GET THEM AWAY!!”
Chip Revvington: Iris finds him boring. She also thinks he looks ridiculous when he’s staring directly at her. She also also teases him because his face is a chainsaw. Chip just…barely looks at her, turning a blind eye and ignoring her insults.
Pacesetter: Iris likes Pacesetter as much as H. Lesser doesn’t. Pacesetter often compliments how Iris looks, making sure that H. Lesser doesn’t take the compliments for himself. They both adore being petty against H. Lesser together.
Litigator: “ALLIG-...you’re mean actually…” Iris doesn’t like Liligator, seeing him as an angry, ticking time bomb. Liligator makes Iris anxious. “D-Don’t sue me please!” “I-I haven’t broken any laws, I-I swear!” “I can’t even go to court, I can’t leave the screen!!”
Stenographer: She scares Iris almost just as much as the Skelecogs do.
Case Manager: Iris likes his design much more than his personality.
Scapegoat: “GOAT! GOAT! GOAT! BAAAH! BAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” I think I’ve stressed it enough how much Iris loves animals.
Everyone I’m mentally ready to write about^^!
And no I’m not doing the same thing for joykill. Iris knew or at least met all of these Cogs. Joykill wasn’t around long enough to meet anyone
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criscura · 7 months
losing my mind over blast and void. losing it. losinggg it. LOOOSING IT.
"hey partner, looking good"????? Looking down like THAT?????? the INTIMACY???? the FAMILIARITY???????? that you can basically here the call and response in that, like that's how he always used to greet Void and Void would say something equally banal and silly back???? BUT NOW IT'S JUST A THREAT?????!!!!
under the cut under the cut under the CUT
Also i was working through timelines and---and this is DECADES old drama fuckin--
The HA comes around three years ago when Saitama starts his training. Flash staged his coup/takeover/revenge 9/10 years ago, Blast and Void fought 15 years ago, and at that point parts of the ninja village were already made in the shape of the cube. That must've taken around five years, so let's say 20-ish years ago Void was doing stuff for the cube/GOD, which meant he was corrupted before then and trying to figure stuff out with it, so fuckin...... I think it's safe to say this is 25-year-old drama FINALLY coming to the surface AND. AND THE AAANNNGGSSTT
So. so I didn't get how Blast could up and leave his family behind like he did, but if all this happen WAY before Blue was born, then it makes way more sense. I could absolutely see him heartbroken that he lost his partner to what he thought was a noble mission, dropping out of it because he was disheartened, trying to settle down with a family, and then once he realized there was a chance of saving Void defeating GOD picking up the mantle again. By then Blue would have enough of a relationship with his dad to feel abandoned when he left to essentially try and go back to his old life.
THEN he would have been working at it when this thing called the Hero's Association comes to be, so of course he decides to work with them--he's already going through all these shady underground places for his own purposes AND he has a bunch of experience in stuff like this, might as well kill several birds with one stone (and they can do all this information gathering, not to mention all their testing facilities........). He does enough work with them to be considered reliable AND to have the spot of top hero permanently, until he fucks off doing his own thing, leaving everything behind.....until his partner starts being active again......
"Hey partner. Lookin' good"
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