ask-willchampion · 10 years
Will how do you feel when you have a drum solo?
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ask-willchampion · 12 years
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"Oh, honey, I've known about that for a LONG time!"
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ask-willchampion · 12 years
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((that "I hate you" is directed toward the artist, not you, anon))
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ask-willchampion · 12 years
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ask-willchampion · 12 years
NEW ASK BLOG ALERT!!! To those who don't know already, there's an ask blog for all of us in the band! The blog is here, seriously, go follow it, they're much better about posting and have amazing artwork. There is also this one, which is amazing and hilarious.
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ask-willchampion · 12 years
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((I apologize for such a long wait, and that this is only okay, I'm getting back into the swing of things.))
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ask-willchampion · 12 years
are you ever going to update? you didnt even do anything for wills birthday :(
No, I did, I posted it on my (the artist's) blog, and I'm working on it, believe me, I am.
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ask-willchampion · 12 years
About asks
Some of them I've had forever, and I'm sorry I have not answered them, but they are honestly the nicest things I got since running this blog and I feel weird answering them because it's mostly compliments and I feel like the real Will should see them. However, moving on to different things, I apologize (again) for the lack of answers but I hope to have more answered as soon as I can (how many times am I going to say that?) Seriously though, I do intend to, and a special birthday post tomorrow for Mr. Champion and all that good stuff. - The Artist
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ask-willchampion · 12 years
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((this was a really quick colored sketch and isn't too great . . . sorry, I'm getting back into the swing of drawing answers))
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ask-willchampion · 12 years
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ask-willchampion · 12 years
Apologies for the absence of 2+ months.
I've been gone a while but, uh, that's going to change relativaley soon!! School is almost over, and even though my work at the nursery has started, it does not impead my ability to answer people. I've just been insanely busy with school and softball, but I promise I will be back to answer questions as soon as I can. - Julia (a.k.a. the person who does all the art)
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ask-willchampion · 13 years
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((Oh, hey guys . . . I'm back))
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ask-willchampion · 13 years
200+ Followers . . .
YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!! I'll get back to answering questions soon, but thank you for following and being patient about answers <3
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ask-willchampion · 13 years
where is your beard? will champion is not will champion without the beard of champions
Okay, look, I'm sick of people asking me this kind of stuff. I draw Will the way I draw him, I know I don't always get his beard!!! Get over it, please! I'm sorry anon, but he's still Will, no matter how he's drawn, and if people are going to criticize me, why don't YOU try drawing answers for the questions?!
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ask-willchampion · 13 years
your drawing are absolutely amazing!!
Thank you so much!! :D
(Oh, by the by, I'm taking this as the artist, and questions for me = no drawing response, sorry, just thought I'd say that now.)
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ask-willchampion · 13 years
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ask-willchampion · 13 years
Guys, just leave her alone and let her draw Will the way she wants. I personally adore her Will. He looks so adorable. You're doing a great job!
Thank you, other anon, much appreciated. However, can we drop it, please? I'm getting sick of it.
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