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برکس اتحاد عالمی معیشت کے لیے کتنا مفید ؟
جب دوسری عالمی جنگ کے خاتمے کے بعد امریکا اور سوویت یونین کے مابین چھڑنے والی سرد جنگ میں دونوں بڑی طاقتیں چھوٹے ممالک کو اپنے اپنے کیمپ میں لانے کے لیے طرح طرح سے رجھا رہی تھیں تو اس دباؤ سے تنگ آ کے انیس سو پچپن میں سوئیکارنو کی دعوت پر تیسری دنیا کے چوٹی کے رہنما انڈونیشیا کے شہر بنڈونگ میں جمع ہوئے۔ انھوں نے منٹو کے افسانے ٹوبہ ٹیک سنگھ کے مرکزی کردار کی طرح فیصلہ کیا کہ وہ اس سرد جنگ میں امریکا کی یا سوویت یونین کا ساتھ دینے کے بجائے غیر جانبداریت کے درخت پر رہیں گے۔ نعرہ اچھا تھا مگر اس تحریک کے بیشتر رہنماؤں اور ممالک کا جھکاؤ غیر اعلانیہ طور پر یا تو سوویت کیمپ کی جانب تھا یا پھر مغربی کیمپ کی جانب۔ آپ چاہیں تو اس دعوی کی تصدیق کے لیے غیر جانبدار تحریک کے رکن ممالک کی سوویت و امریکا نواز فہرست دیکھ لیں۔ غیر جانبدار تنظیم انیس سو اکسٹھ میں سابق یوگو سلاویہ کے مردِ آہن مارشل ٹیٹو کی میزبانی میں قائم ہوئی۔ نمایاں مہمانوں میں سوئکارنو، جمال ناصر ، نکروما اور نہرو تھے۔ یہ تنظیم بہت تیزی سے مقبول ہوئی اور دیکھتے ہی دیکھتے اقوامِ متحدہ کے بعد سب سے بڑی تنظیم بن گئی جس میں ایک سو بیس ممالک بطور ممبر، سترہ ممالک اور دس بین الاقوامی تنظیمیں بطور مبصر شامل ہوئیں۔
اس تنظیم کی انیس سو اسی کی دہائی تک بہت دھاک تھی۔ مگر پھر شاید اس کا حجم ہی اس کی راہ میں سب سے بڑی رکاوٹ بنتا چلا گیا۔ نوے کی دہائی میں سرد جنگ ختم ہو گئی تو غیر جانبدار تحریک کا نام بھی الگ تھلگ ہوتا چلا گیا۔ چنانچہ گزشتہ روز یہ خبر سن کے میں اچھل پڑا کہ اس تنظیم کا وجود نہ صرف برقرار ہے بلکہ آنے والے جنوری میں غیر جانبدار ممالک کی تنظیم کی کانفرنس یوگنڈا کے دارالحکومت کمپالا میں ہو رہی ہے۔ بلاک سیاست رہی نہ سوویت یونین رہا۔ چین اور امریکا کی کش مکش دو نظریاتی طاقتوں کے بجائے دو سپر پاورز کی اقتصادی رسہ کشی ہے۔ چنانچہ غیرجانبدار تحریک بزرگوں کی یادگار کے طور پر آج بھی سانس لے رہی ہے تو بڑی بات ہے۔ ایسی کئی تنظیمیں ہیں جو ایک خاص نظریاتی، اسٹرٹیجک، سیاسی ماحول میں قائم ہوئیں اور جب زمانہ و ترجیحات بدلیں تو بے دم ہو گئیں۔ مثلاً پہلی عالمی جنگ کے بعد قائم ہونے والی لیگ آف نیشنز ہو کہ جس کی راکھ سے اقوامِ متحدہ نے جنم لیا۔ یا پھر سرد جنگ کے سبب قائم ہونے والے سیٹو ، سینٹو اور وارسا پیکٹ جیسے اتحاد ہوں۔
عرب لیگ اگرچہ اقوامِ متحدہ کے بعد سب سے پرانی تنظیم ہے لیکن یہ کبھی بھی کوئی ٹھوس نقش نہیں چھوڑ سکی۔ یہی حال اسلامی کانفرنس کی تنظیم کا ہے۔ ہمارے خطے میں ساٹھ کی دہائی میں پاکستان، ایران اور ترکی کی تنظیم آر سی ڈی کے تحت کئی اقتصادی منصوبے شرو�� ہوئے۔ آج واحد نشانی کراچی تا کوئٹہ آر سی ڈی ہائی وے ہے۔ نئی نسل آر سی ڈی کے بارے میں صرف درسی کتابوں کی حد تک جانتی ہے۔ انیس سو اسی کی دہائی میں سارک کو جنوبی ایشیا میں بطور گیم چینجر متعارف کروایا گیا۔ خطے میں تعاون کے امکانات اچھے خاصے تھے۔ مگر اس کی افادیت بھارت اور پاکستان کی ضد بحث کی نذر ہو گئی۔ واحد ترکہ سارک یونیورسٹی کی شکل میں سانس لے رہا ہے۔ یا پھر سارک کے چھوٹے ارکان نے کچھ عرصے کے لیے شہریوں کو ویزا میں تھوڑی بہت باہمی رعائتیں دیں۔ چین کے روڈ اینڈ بیلٹ منصوبے اور شنگھائی تعاون کونسل کے ہوتے سارک کے دوبارہ فعال ہونے کا امکان اور بھی کم ہو گیا۔
اس وقت جو اجتماعی تنظیمیں واقعی فعال ہیں۔ ان میں سرِ فہرست ناٹو، یورپی یونین ، او ای سی ڈی ، جی سیون ، جی ٹوینٹی ، افریقی اتحاد کی تنظیم او اے یو ، خلیج تعاون کونسل اور آسیان قابلِ ذکر ہیں۔ ان کی فعالیت کا راز ٹھوس مشترکہ اقتصادی وا سٹرٹیجک مفادات ہیں۔ گویا بیسویں صدی کی نظریاتی دنیا کے برعکس اکیسویں صدی میں دشمنی و تعاون کا معیار معاشی مسابقت اور یہ بنیادی سوال ہے کہ ’’ مجھے اس اتحاد کا رکن بننے سے کیا کیا اقتصادی و دفاعی فائدہ ہو گا۔‘‘ اس پس منظر میں گزشتہ ہفتے جنوبی افریقہ کے شہر جوہانسبرگ میں برکس کے سربراہ اجلاس نے میڈیا کی خاصی توجہ حاصل کی اور یہ سوالات اٹھائے گئے کہ کیا یہ اتحاد ایک نیا مالیاتی نظام تشکیل دے کے مغرب کے زیرِ نگیں موجودہ بریٹن وڈ عالمی نظام کا متبادل ثابت ہو کے عالمی معیشت کو ڈالرائزیشن کی قید سے نجات دلا کے اپنی کوئی اجتماعی کرنسی متعارف کروا پائے گا۔
برکس کی بنیاد دو ہزار نو میں برازیل ، بھارت ، چین اور روس نے رکھی اور اگلے برعکس جنوبی افریقہ پانچواں رکن بن گیا۔ برکس کے یہ پانچوں سوار تیز رفتار ترقی کرنے والی معیشتوں کی تنظیم جی ٹوئنٹی میں بھی شامل تھے اور اپنے تئیں بھی عالمی پیداوار میں ان کا اجتماعی حصہ چھبیس فیصد اور عالمی تجارت میں بیس فیصد کے لگ بھگ ہے۔ دنیا کی آٹھ ارب میں سے ساڑھے تین ارب سے زائد انسان انھیں پانچوں ممالک میں آباد ہیں۔ مگر عالمی معاشی فیصلوں میں ان کا اجتماعی اثر حجم کے اعتبار سے بہت کم ہے۔ مثلاً آئی ایم ایف میں پانچ بنیادی برکس ممالک کی ووٹنگ پاور محض پندرہ فیصد ہے۔ بیشتر ووٹنگ پاور جی سیون ممالک کو حاصل ہے۔ یہی تناسب عالمی بینک میں بھی ہے۔ دو ہزار پندرہ میں باہمی تجارت کے لیے برکس بینک قائم کیا گیا۔ اس کا ہیڈکوارٹر شنگھائی میں ہے۔ ڈالر کی گرفت ڈھیلی کرنے کے لیے مشترکہ تجارت مقامی کرنسی میں کرنے کے خیال کو عملی جامہ پہنایا جا رہا ہے۔ چنانچہ روس اور چین کی تجارت روبل اور یوآن میں ہو رہی ہے۔ انڈیا روسی تیل کی ادائیگی روپے میں کرتا ہے۔ امارات اور انڈیا تجارت میں ڈالر کے ساتھ ساتھ روپے اور درہم کو بھی قبول کر رہے ہیں۔
مگر مسئلہ یہ ہے کہ آج کی دنیا میں کوئی ملک بھلے کتنا ہی طاقت ور کیوں نہ ہو ڈیڑھ اینٹ کی مسجد نہیں بنا سکتا۔ چین اور بھارت میں فوجی تصادم کے نتیجے میں گزشتہ تین برس سے کشیدہ تعلقات کے باوجود باہمی تجارت سوا سو بلین ڈالر سے اوپر ہے۔ دونوں طاقتیں شنگھائی تعاون کونسل ، ہارٹ آف ایشیا ، جی ٹوئنٹی اور برکس کی چھتری تلے ایک دوسرے سے تعاون پر مجبور ہیں۔ بھارت کو روس کا تیل بھی چاہیے اور امریکی ٹیکنالوجی بھی۔ برازیل اور جنوبی افریقہ ایک آزاد خارجہ پالیسی پر عمل پیرا ہونا چاہتے ہیں مگر ان کی بیشتر تجارت امریکا اور یورپ سے ہے۔ برکس میں مزید چالیس ممالک شامل ہونے میں دلچسپی لے رہے ہیں۔ ان میں سے تئیس نے رکنیت کے لیے تحریری درخواست دی ہے۔ پہلے مرحلے میں سعودی عرب ، متحدہ عرب امارات ، ایران ، مصر ، ایتھوپیا اور ارجنٹینا کو رکنیت مل گئی ہے۔ یوں برکس پانچ سے گیارہ تک پہنچ گئی ہے۔ مگر ان میں سوائے ایران کے باقی ممالک کی معیشتیں مغرب سے جڑی ہوئی ہیں۔ برکس کی رکنیت سے البتہ ایران کی بین الاقوامی تنہائی کم ہو گی۔
چین کی کوششوں سے یو اے ای ، سعودی عرب اور ایران کے مابین تعلقات معمول پر آنے کے بعد سے برکس میں چین کا وزن بھی بڑھا ہے۔ پوتن اپنی اسٹرٹیجک اور معاشی مصلحتوں کے تحت ویسے ہی چین کی بات ماننے پر مجبور ہیں۔ جرائم سے متعلق بین الاقوامی عدالت نے یوکرین میں جنگی جرائم کے الزامات میں پوتن کے وارنٹ نکال رکھے ہیں لہٰذا وہ ملک سے باہر زیادہ نقل و حرکت کا خطرہ مول نہیں لے سکتے۔ یہ اتحاد اگر چین اور بھارت کا سرحدی جھگڑا ختم کروانے اور رکن ممالک کے مابین آنے والے برسوں میں تجارتی حجم بڑھانے میں کامیاب ہو جاتا ہے تو کچھ امید بندھے گی کہ اس میں دم ہے۔ ورنہ ہم نے بڑے بڑے اتحاد دو یا تین غالب ممالک کی کھینچا تانی میں ٹوٹتے بگڑتے دیکھے ہیں۔ اگر چین اور بھارت کے تعلقات نارمل ہوئے تو اس کا مثبت اثر پاک بھارت تعلقات پر بھی پڑ سکتا ہے۔ نائجیریا اور انڈونیشیا جیسی ابھرتی ہوئی معیشتیں بھی برکس میں شامل ہونا چاہتی ہیں مگر فی الحال انھیں اتنی عجلت بھی نہیں۔ یہ ممالک دیکھنا چاہتے ہیں کہ پانچ رکنی تنظیم گیارہ رکنی ہونے کے بعد اور مضبوط ہوتی ہے یا کمزور۔ اس اتحاد کو وسائل کی کمی نہیں۔ وسائل کا مشترکہ استعمال اصل چیلنج ہے۔
وسعت اللہ خان
بشکریہ ایکسپریس نیوز
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In this episode of Social Contract, Nicolette and Jared touch on China's refusal to be bullied by the US, denying sales of critical minerals and elements, the latest in the US sponsored Greater Israel plot as Syria becomes the next target, Jared sees a cat, and a call-to-action for Universal Healthcare now.
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#us elections#us politics#donald trump#fuck capitalism#capitalism kills#we live in hell#socialism now#abolish capitalism#peoples union#unionize everything#social contract#indie news#indie journalism#independent journalism#independent news#history#politics#international politics#freedom for gaza#free palestine#socialism#communism#live#benjamin netanyahu#brics#tariffs#syria#universal healthcare#the claims adjuster#uhc
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My brother is telling you the actual truth of what's happening with Trump and the mega idiots who believe in his pipe dream.
#black love#black positivity#black africans#black history#fuck trump#fuck maga#fuck white people#fuck project 2025#brics nations#brics summit#brics currency#Youtube
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I grew up decades back in the Middle East, when the American Empire was still nascent. Backed by the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), the Arab World was a formidable force. It was neither managed nor handled by the Soviet Union, but, rather, a partner with the USSR in an uneasy balancing act: maintaining the global balance of power. In those days, it was not unusual for BBC World Service, radio then, to respectfully and professionally lead with news about this or the other Arab-bloc maneuver, in the service of pan-Arabic interests. These news Ledes were announcements—not imperial pronouncements, … Continue reading →
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‘ Thy Will b Done’.
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Juneteenth UNITYFEST with DJ Spinna, Crystal Waters, Merlin Bobb, and more at Lena Horne Bandshell
On Wednesday, June 19, 2024, BRIC Celebrate Brooklyn! held their Juneteenth UNITYFEST show at Lena Horne Bandshell in Prospect Park in Brooklyn, NY. The free concert was presented by BRIC and The Robert Randolph Foundation and featured DJ sets by DJ Spinna, Merlin Bobb, and DJ Quinnette, who warmed up the show when doors opened at 5PM. There were live performances by Monique Bingham, Lady Alma, and Crystal Waters as well as readings done by Ryan Jamaal Swain, Jerrie Johnson, and Ianne Fields Stewart.
Images I created for BRIC Celebrate Brooklyn! are available in this gallery, and there are some photos by myself and Toby Tenenbaum on their Instagram post here.
#DJ Spinna#Merlin Bobb#Crystal Waters#Lady Alma#Monique Bingham#DJ Quinnette#Lena Horne Bandshell#BRIC Celebrate Brooklyn#BRIC Celebrate Brooklyn Festival#Ryan Jamaal Swain#Ianne Fields Stewart#Jerrie Johnson#Voices of a People's History of the United States#Robert Randolph Foundation#Robert Randolph
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Israel’s war on Gaza live: 20 starve to death in Gaza, more feared dead
Israel’s war on Gaza live: 20 starve to death in Gaza, more feared dead https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/3/7/israels-war-on-gaza-live-20-starve-to-death-in-gaza-more-feared-dead
While retarded Canadians of all stripes wave their Nazi chin sombrero yellow flags. God, it really must be a race issue, not a retarded, incompetent, human class one.
I'm curious for all those raped happy women out there particularly in India and China. Does tibet, hong Kong or the ughyur population have the right to defend themselves? Does Kashmir? Or Muslims getting their homes razed in India? Who gets to be human? Should we build a currency on it?
Class, power, purchasing parity, real estate, geopolitics. That's the game.
Lest you idiots forget.....how Canadians liove their children. Curry me yellow
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A graduate level course in history
#history#Webster Tarpley#geopolitics#economics#globalists#oligarchy#neocons#neoliberalism#BRICS#development#colour revolutions#chaos#destabilization#serfdom#neofeudalism
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Join us today at 11am/1pm for an all new episode of Social Contract! We'll be talking about universal healthcare, forcing the issue & vigilante justice, & the latest on Syria & the US sponsored Greater Israel movement.
We’ll be LIVE on YouTube, Twitch, and Twitter, come say hi!
#us elections#us politics#donald trump#fuck capitalism#capitalism kills#we live in hell#socialism now#abolish capitalism#peoples union#unionize everything#social contract#indie news#indie journalism#independent journalism#independent news#history#politics#international politics#freedom for gaza#free palestine#socialism#communism#live#benjamin netanyahu#brics#tariffs#syria#universal healthcare#the claims adjuster#uhc
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The Collapse Of The West: Chapter One: The Global Tectonic Shift
By J. Todd Ring Preface: I wrote this essay in January of 2020, then the covid crisis hit, and it was shelved for over a year. The macro-scale patterns have not changed fundamentally since then, although the slow-motion collapse of the US, and the West more broadly, has accelerated. I would offer the following as a synopsis and overview of what I see coming. I do not have a crystal ball, but…
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#analysis#BRICS#collapse#communism#dark age#Davos#democracy#development#dystopia#empire#fascism#freedom#G77#geopolitics#global analysis#global issues#Global South#history#human rights#justice#liberation#liberty#Majority World#neofeudalism#oligarchy#philosophy#plutocracy#police state#political economy#political theory
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Tone deaf, 'a state of death and destruction' bruh we know the administration is the one making these decisions, but now you want to villainise a whole state. You are not helping the situation
A reminder. It's a state of death and destruction.
#this is so tone deaf#come after russias administration causing ll this shit#but if you're going after an entire country#which does not really control their admin cause of russias political system#just dump on a whole nations history like that#americans and western europe are so good at villainising whole groups instead of the singular cause#this shit is about Putin and his legacy#come after all of russian culture#its just not intelligent politics man#fucks sake and all the sanctions being placed on my country rn#south africa#like man we did not ask our admin to make those choices#the west wants south africa to arrest Putin regardless of how his admin could fuck us over for breaking the BRICS alliance like that#and how china could do us dirty for that choice as well#do you know how many deals South Africa has riding on china
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Another 'wonderful news' from Russia for your consideration! This week, the BRICS forum on traditional values took place in Moscow. And it was fucking insane.
In short, the opening meeting was BRICS countries representatives verbally jerking off on how well they oppress or plan to oppress their people especially women. The only person who bothered to contradict this narrative was Egyptian female writer Doha Mustafa Assy.
I will translate some quotes from the russian article. https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/7311174
Russia: "At some point the roles for women have begun to change towards independence and self-sufficiency. We, of course, love and respect our women very much, but we want them to pay more attention to their families, men and children. We do not want them to strive for business, politics, economics, power, or culture. <...> The main traditional value is the preservation of natural purpose, where a woman continues the family line and a man inspires her to give birth to children."
Pakistan: "Any traditional religion upholds and promotes social values and traditions. No father would want to harm his family. No mother would want to break up or disintegrate her family. This <rejection of family values> is deliberately imposed on us and promoted by some power circles”
Ethiopia: "In our country it is traditionally women who do the cooking, teaching children and other family duties. So the man's role is not as big as the woman's, and this tradition gives the man the freedom to behave like a child." (?????)
Uganda: [This country experience is “extremely important to the discussion of legislative protection of religious values,” emphasized russian politician Dmitry Kuznetsov, referring to the fact that in Uganda same-sex relations are prohibited, and in some cases violators face life imprisonment or even the death penalty.] “We did this to make sure that the country would be preserved. I would encourage countries to behave in such a way that the culture that exists in each country is not imposed on others.” btw Brazil and South Africa representatives didn't say a word here even though their countries legalized same-sex mafrriage years ago.
Brazil: "Marriage in no longer a goal for our citizens and the country has the highest divorce rate in history. Meanwhile, children are most often left with their mothers, with fathers unwilling to take part in their upbringing. As a result, many Brazilian boys are growing up without a father figure and 9% of male inmates in prisons don't even know their father's name. Shifting the balance in favor of women leads to the fact that the position of feminism is growing, and the number of people who identify as LGBT people is growing.” At the end of his speech, he marveled, “This is my first time in Russia, and I didn't know you guys were so conservative. I'm so happy, it's so impressive!” He also admitted that “the people of Brazil know nothing about Russia,” and Dmitry Kuznetsov promised: “We will come to you and tell you all about our saving conservatism.”
Egypt: As I mentioned in the beginning the only person who actively argued against this trend was Doha Mustafa Assy. She said: "We on the contrary has a struggle against patriarchy. Tradition and religion are not on women's side, they help men. A lot of women in Egypt ask for divorce only because they feel like slaves at home. He (the husband) has the right not to let her leave the house according to tradition. BRICS is India, it's China, it's Russia, it's Egypt. We are very different. And maybe what you are trying to do in Russia has already became a problem for us”.
To be honest I don't know what will come out of this forum. Maybe it's just empty posturing, maybe BRICS countries just sent people who had free time on their hand here as a formality. But I despair reading these quotes; twenty years ago we sent a singing duet posing as lesbians to Eurovision; ten years ago I was watching lesbian drama Blue Is the Warmest Colour in a full theater. Soviet Union gave women some attempt in an equal rights in fucking 1917 and we were the first country to send a woman in space. What happened? How has it turned this way? We are now friends with some of the most patriarchal countries in the world and with fucking North Korea. They are planning to remove the Taliban's terrorist status.
What the hell.
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He’s a f—king madman who has no idea what he’s doing or what kind of harm he’s going to cause. Coffee prices will soar and it won’t’t just be Columbian coffee because it will create a greater demand for coffee from other nations. Then you can expect all the importers and retailers to price gouge on top of that. Pressed flowers will become unaffordable as well. Then gas prices will rise because their cheap crude oil will suddenly cost 25% more and again everyone else in the business will see increased demand and raise their prices and price gouge on top of that. Worse, he’s threatening to Jack the tariffs up to 50% for countries that won’t now to his demands.
Tariffs are meant to be used sparingly to stimulate domestic industry instead of relying on foreign producers. They were never intended to be used across the board on every item from a country. The foreign producers aren’t going to absorb a 25% loss in revenue, that’s never happened and likely never will. Prices for American consumers will rise by 25% plus inconvenience fees and price gouging.
Tariffs aren’t a weapon if you think they are you’re just shooting your own citizens in the foot. This is pretty basic stuff. Most people learned this when studying early American history in elementary school. American leaders in the post-revolutionary years imposed tariffs on European manufactured goods such as tools, guns, furniture, machines, etc to end reliance on imported goods while stimulating American manufacturing and turning us into an exporting nation.
Trump’s sole college degree is a bachelor’s in economics. This dumb ass should know how this works. He the densest mother f—ker alive and is completely incapable of being taught anything. Further he’s suffering cognitive decline due to mental illness and is a raging drug addict on top of that. Coke as an upper and Adderall to come down. His shadow president, Elon Musk, ironically only has a bachelor’s degree as well and surprise it’s also in economics. He should know better but also is suffering from mental illness and the consumption of mass quantities of Ketamine. Two moronic drug addicts.
The Republicants who should be advising Trump aren’t the best and brightest either. Nearly all of them haven’t gone beyond a bachelor’s degree and they certainly didn’t major in anything that would be useful in managing a large country with the largest economy on the planet. They are trying to run a government based on sound bites and talking points they picked up from the uneducated hosts of Fox News and Fox Business.
Once countries get burned by Trump’s tariffs they will seek out trading partners in Russia, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Once a trading partner leaves they almost never return. We’ll be forced to seek out more expensive trading partners who will be very cautious dealing with an unreliable USA. Further Columbia will stop cooperating and sharing intelligence in the war against the narco terrorists. Politically all these nations Trump alienates will realign their political goals with BRICS which is growing as an alternative trade and policy for nations not aligned with the Western and first world states. This is an economic and foreign policy disaster that will ripple through the world for decades to come. Trump isn’t just going to crash our economy but likely cause a worldwide depression, or at least recession. When the US catches a cold the rest of the world sneezes.
#trump doesn’t understand tariffs#Trump’s advisers are not intelligent or well educated and certainly are not competent#tariffs are not tools#nobody wins a trade war#an unsuccessful NYC realtor is not qualified to be president#this is self destructive#the US and world economies will suffer#republican assholes#maga morons#traitor trump#crooked donald#traitor#resist#republican values#republican hypocrisy#republican family values
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I was minding my own business and analyzing another part of the A. Z. Fell & Co. bookshop from the Radio Times footage when I noticed something interesting on Aziraphale’s desk. It looks like the angel was studying a handwritten copy of someone’s last will and testament and left in a hurry, with a bronze medal and a fountain pen on top of it. And… an attachment of a land registry plan, barely visible underneath.
Obviously that’s when my South Downs obsessed brain turned all of its alarms on and decided to read the whole thing. And look for the missing parts, since only a portion of the original document was visible on screen. Unfortunately the full text is much longer and less exciting than anticipated, and — spoiler alert — related to a different area of the country, but still relevant to the Good Omens universe. We’ll look into that in a moment.
Let’s start with the struck bronze medal — acting here as a paperweight, which makes the documents in question already stand out from the usual bumph and bric-a-brac accumulated by Aziraphale over an unknown period of time on his desk.
It’s a very interesting rendition of the mythological scene centered around Daedalus fastening the wings onto his son Icarus (little does he know that this attempt to escape imprisonment will lead to his son’s demise). Contrary to popular sentiment in the history of art, this particular version of Icarus isn’t depicted as a child or teenager, but as a warrior donning a helmet and preparing himself to battle. Which makes perfect sense after discovering that it was made for the Royal Air Force Athletic & Cross Country Association’s WAAF Athletic Championships in 1945. There’s some poetic irony in the fact that the medal was apparently given to the third place winner in a high jump category.
Apart from its obviously military style, this concept seems inspired by a 1885-86 medal by Auguste Patey commemorating the experimental flights at the first French wind tunnel at Chalais-Meudon, a town on the banks of the Seine near Paris. On 9 August 1884, engineers Charles Renard and Arthur Constantin Krebs made the first controllable free flight there when they piloted their airship, La France, over a course and returned to their starting point. From 9 August 1884 to 23 September 1885, La France made seven flights and was able to return to its starting point five times.
The last Will and Testament of Josiah Wedgwood
The last Will and Testament of me, Josiah Wedgwood, of Etruria, in the County of Stafford, made the second day of November, in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three, in manner and form following (that is to say): I give and bequeath unto my dear and affectionate Wife, Sarah Wedgwood, all that messuage or dwelling-house situate at or near Etruria aforesaid, with the buildings, gardens, and appurtenances thereto belonging, late in the holding of Mr. Thomas Wedgwood; and also all that field or piece of land in which the same stands, containing eight acres or thereabouts; and also all that close, piece, or parcel of land lying contiguous to the said dwelling-house, called the Horse Pasture, containing by estimation twelve acres or thereabouts; and also all that piece or parcel of land situate at Etruria aforesaid, heretofore purchased by me from Mr. Hugh Booth; To have and to hold the said messuage or dwelling-house, pieces or parcels of land, hereditaments and premises, with their and every of their appurtenances, unto my said Wife, Sarah Wedgwood and her assigns, for and during the term of her natural life. And from and after her decease, I give and devise all and singular the said messuage or dwelling-house, pieces or parcels of land, hereditaments, and premises, with their and every of their appurtenances, unto my Son, Josiah Wedgwood, his heirs and assigns for ever. Also I give and bequeath the sum of three thousand pounds unto my said Wife, to be paid to her within twelve months next after my decease. Also I give and bequeath unto my said Wife so much and such part of my household goods and furniture as is mentioned and specified in the Schedule or Paper Writing hereunto annexed, marked with the Letter A. Also I give and bequeath the sum of ten thousand pounds unto my Executors hereinafter named, upon trust that they, my said Executors, do and shall place the said sum of ten thousand pounds out upon some good and sufficient public or private security or securitys, at interest, to be approved of nevertheless by my said Wife, and do and shall pay to, or permit and suffer my said Wife to receive and take the interest, dividends, and produce of the said sum of Ten thousand pounds, as the same shall from time to time become due to and for her own use and benefit for and during the term of her natural life.
And from and after the decease of my said Wife, I direct that the said sum of ten thousand pounds shall be applied for and towards payment and satisfaction of the several legacys or sums of money hereinafter given by me. And I do hereby direct that the provision hereinbefore made or intended for my said Wife shall be in lieu, bar, and satisfaction of dower and thirds at Common Law. Also I give and devise unto my said Executors, for the use of my said son, Josiah Wedgwood, his heirs and assigns for ever, that part of Etruria Estate which I now occupy, upon the north side of the Turnpike Road leading from Newcastle to Leek, with the house I now live in, the outbuildings belonging to the same, with the pleasure grounds and all appurtenances thereto belonging, being about sixty-five acres; and also another part of the Etruria Estate, now in the occupation of Richard Hall, being about sixty-eight acres; And also another part of the Etruria Estate, now in the occupation of Thomas Ford, being about forty-five acres; and also the Estate late a part of the White House Estate, on the south side the Turnpike Road leading from Newcastle to Leek; and likewise the land purchased from Thomas Heath, with a small meadow on the north side the said Road, and lying in the Parish of Woolstanton; and likewise a meadow lately purchased from John Mare, of Handley, — all in the holding of Richard Billington, being altogether about eighty-one acres; and also a piece of land on the south side of the same Road, now in the holding of Daniel Haywood, being about two acres; and also an Estate bought from George Taylor, and now in the holding of Jonathan Adams, being about nine acres; and also a small piece of land adjoining the land bought from Hugh Booth, together with a part of the Hough Meadow, and now in the holding of John Ryder, being about four acres; and also an estate called the Spittels, situate in Penkhull, in the Parish of Stoke upon Trent, and lately purchased from James Godwin, containing sixty-three acres or thereabouts; and also an Estate adjoining to the Spittels on one side, and to Stoke Lane on the other, situate in Penkhull aforesaid, in the Parish of Stoke upon Trent, late in the holding of Humphrey Ratcliff, containing fifteen acres or thereabouts; and also a piece of land called the Woodhills, situate in the Parish of Stoke upon Trent, lately purchased from Ralph Baddeley, and now in my own occupation, being about eleven acres; and also all buildings, tenements, houses, farmhouses, outhouses, pot works, warehouses, workshops, and other buildings, of what kind soever they may be, situate, standing, and being upon any of the land or premises above named, and not hereinbefore devised; and also all my share of the models and molds of the Manufactory in Etruria aforesaid. Also I give and bequeath the sum of thirty thousand pounds unto my son John Wedgwood. Also I give and bequeath the sum of twenty-nine thousand one hundred and ten pounds, and likewise twenty shares in the Monmouthshire Canal, unto my Son Thomas Wedgwood.
Also I give and bequeath the sum of twenty-five thousand pounds unto my daughter Susannah Wedgwood; and which said several legacys or sums of thirty thousand pounds, and twenty-nine thousand one hundred and ten pounds, and twenty shares in the Monmouthshire Canal, and twenty-five thousand pounds, so given to my said Son John Wedgwood, and to my said Son Thomas Wedgwood, and to my said Daughter Susannah Wedgwood, I do hereby direct shall be paid to them as soon as conveniently may be after my decease, together with interest for the same in the mean time, after the rate of four pounds and ten shillings per centum per annum. Also I give and bequeath the sum of twenty-five thousand pounds unto my Daughter Catharine Wedgwood, to be paid to her as soon after her age of twenty-one years, or day of marriage, which shall first happen, as conveniently may be, with interest for the same in the mean time after the rate of four pounds and ten shillings per centum per annum. Also I give and bequeath the sum of twenty-five thousand pounds unto my Daughter Sarah Wedgwood, to be paid to her as soon after her age of twenty-one years, or day of marriage, which shall first happen, as conveniently may be, with interest for the same in the mean time after the rate of four pounds and ten shillings per centum per annum. Provided always, and I do hereby direct, that in case my said Daughters Catherine Wedgwood and Sarah Wedgwood, or either of them, shall happen to die unmarried before the age of twenty-one years, then that the legacy or legacys of her or them so dying shall sink into and become part of the residue of my personal Estate, and be applied and disposed of accordingly, as shall hereinafter be mentioned. Also I do hereby declare it to be my will that all the rest, residue, and remainder of my said stock in trade, goods, wares, implements, materials, and utensils of trade, and other matters and things used by me, in or belonging to my said Manufactory, except the models or molds therein used or kept, shall, at the time of my decease, sink into and become part of the residue of my personal estate, and be applied and disposed of accordingly. Also I give and bequeath all and singular my household goods and furniture not hereinbefore given to my said Wife, together with all my books, prints, books of prints, pictures, and cabinets of Experiments, of Fossils, and of Natural History, unto my said Son Josiah Wedgwood. And I do hereby commit the Guardianship and Tuition of such of my said children as shall not at the time of my decease have attained the age of twenty-one years unto my said Wife and my said Son John Wedgwood, until such children shall attain the said age. And I do direct that the fortunes or portions of such of my said children shall in the mean time be managed by my said Wife and my said Son John Wedgwood, and a competent part of the interest and produce thereof be applied for their maintenance and education, and the residue of such interest and produce be suffered to accumulate for their benefit and advantage in such manner as my said Wife and Son John Wedgwood shall in their discretion think most meet and proper.
Also I givo and bequeath one annuity or yearly sum of twenty pounds unto my Brother in Law, Philip Clark, for and during the term of his natural life. Also I give and bequeath one annuity or yearly sum of Twenty pounds unto my Niece, Sarah Taylor, for and during the term of her natural life. Also I give and bequeath one annuity or yearly sum of twenty pounds unto Mr. Alexander Chisholm, for and during the term of his natural life; recommending it to my Son Josiah Wedgwood to give him any further assistance that he may stand in need of, to make the remainder of his life easy and comfortable. And I do hereby direct that the said several and respective annuitys of twenty pounds, twenty pounds, and twenty pounds shall be paid and payable quarterly, at the four most usual feasts or days of payment in the year, (that is to say) on every twenty-fifth day of March, twenty-fourth day of June, twenty-ninth day of September, and twenty-fifth day of December, by even and equal portions, free and clear of and from all taxes, charges, and deductions whatsoever; the first payment thereof to begin and be made on such of the said days as shall first and next happen after my decease. Also I give and bequeath the sum of ten guineas unto the said Alexander Chisholm, as a testimony of my regard for him. Also I give and bequeath the sum of two hundred pounds apiece unto all and every the children of my Nephew Thomas Byerley, who shall be living at the time of my decease, to be paid to them at their respective ages of twenty-one years: Provided always, and in case any one or more of the said children shall happen to die without issue before he, she, or they shall attain the said age, then I direct that the legacy or legacys to him, her, or them so dying shall go and be paid unto and amongst the survivors or survivor of them equally, share and share alike, in case there shall be more than one, at such time and in such manner as is hereinbefore directed and expressed of and concerning the said original legacys or sums of two hundred pounds: Provided also, and in case all the said children shall happen to die without issue before they shall attain the said age, then I direct that all the said legacies or sums of Two hundred pounds so given to them as aforesaid shall sink into and become part of the residue of my personal estate, and be applied and disposed of accordingly. And I do hereby expressly direct and declare that no interest shall be allowed or paid upon the said respective legacys or sums of two hundred pounds in the mean time from my decease to the time that the same shall become payable by virtue of this my Will; such legacys or sums of two hundred pounds being given by me in lieu of legacys or sums of one hundred pounds, which it was originally my intention to have directed to be placed out at interest, and to have accumulated for such children of the said Thomas Byerley as aforesaid until they should attain the age of twenty-one years. Also I give and bequeath unto each of my Nephews Thomas and John Wedgwood, Sons of my late Nephew Thomas Wedgwood, of the Upper House in Burslem, the sum of two hundred pounds each, to be paid to them at their respective ages of twenty-one years: Provided always, and in case they shall either or both of them die before they arrive at the age of twenty-one years, I direct that the legacy or legacys of the party or parties so dying, of two hundred pounds so given to them as aforesaid, shall sink into and become part of the residue of my personal estate, and be applied and disposed of accordingly.
Also I give to my Servant George Jones the sum of twenty guineas, as a token of my remembrance of his faithful services to me. Also I give and bequeath to the several persons whose names shall be mentioned and comprised in the Schedule or List hereto annexed, signed with my name, and marked with the letter "B," the mourning Rings or other small legacys or sums of money which shall be therein specified and expressed. Also I give and bequeath unto James Caldwell, Esq., of Newcastle under Lyme, in the County of Stafford, the sum of one hundred pounds, which I desire he will accept as a testimony of my friendship and esteem for him. And I do hereby direct and appoint that my said Nephew Thomas Byerley shall, under the direction of my Executors, settle my accounts and manage and conduct the collection of my debts and other matters relating to the settlement of my concerns in business; and that a Salary of one hundred pounds per annum be allowed and paid to him for such particular service, so long as he shall be employed therein, over and above all charges and expenses attending the same. And it is also my Will that an estate at Burslem, late in the occupation of Joseph Wedgwood, consisting of a newly erected dwelling house, a set of pot works, with other buildings, and a field called the Cross Hill, containing altogether about two acres; and likewise an estate in the Parish of Astbury, in the County of Chester, called Spengreen, and now in the holding of Thomas Johnson, containing about seventy-five acres or thereabouts; and also a piece of land on the east side of the Bridge in Congleton, in the said County of Chester, being about two rods; and also all the rest, residue, and remainder, messages, lands, tenements, hereditaments, and real estate, money, securities for money, debts due and owing, personal Estate and Effects of what nature or kind soever or wheresoever, not hereinbefore particularly devised or disposed of, together with such or so much of the several sums of money hereinbefore mentioned and bequeathed as shall, by means of the contingencies and directions hereinbefore expressed, shall all of them sink into and become parts of the said residue of my personal Estate. And I do hereby give, devise, and bequeath the same unto my said Executors, for the payment of the legacys and annuities hereinbefore mentioned; and provided there should be a residue after the above mentioned payments, then I direct that such residue shall go and be divided unto and amongst my said children, John Wedgwood, Thomas Wedgwood, Susannah Wedgwood, Catherine Wedgwood, and Sarah Wedgwood, their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, equally, share and share alike, as tenants in common, and not as joint tenants; and if there should be any deficiency of real or personal estates for paying the said legacys and annuitys, such deficiency shall in that case be born equally amongst and made up by those my said children above named, (that is to say) John Wedgwood, Thomas Wedgwood, Susannah Wedgwood, Catherine Wedgwood, and Sarah Wedgwood, share and share alike, in proportion to the amount of the legacys to them herein left and bequeathed. And I do hereby nominate, constitute, and appoint my said Wife, my said Son John Wedgwood, and the said James Caldwell, Esq., Executrix and Executors of this my Will. And lastly, I do hereby revoke all former or other Will or Wills by me at any time heretofore made, and do declare this only to be my last Will and Testament.
In witness whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament, contained in six sheets of paper, and have to each of the first five sheets thereof set my hand, and to the sixth and last sheet thereof my hand and seal the day and year first before written. — Jos. Wedgwood (L.S.)
Signed, sealed, published, and declared by the said Josiah Wedgwood, as and for his last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses thereto; the several following words being first interlined: money—my—happen—said. — Alexr. Chisholm, Thomas Mitchell, Joseph Mitchell, Joseph Rutland
John Wedgwood, of Etruria, in the County of Stafford, Esquire, maketh oath, and saith that he has searched among the papers and writings of his late Father, Josiah Wedgwood, late of Etruria aforesaid, Esquire, deceased, in order to find certain Schedules or Paper Writings referred to in the last Will and Testament of the said Josiah Wedgwood, and therein mentioned to be annexed thereto, and respectively marked A and B. And this Deponent further saith that he has not been able to find such Schedules or Paper Writings, or either of them; and this Deponent further saith that he has never heard or been informed, nor does he believe that the said Josiah Wedgwood ever wrote or made out, or caused to be written or made out, such Schedules or Paper Writings, or either of them. — John Wedgwood
Sworn at Newcastle under Lyme, in the County of Stafford, the 29th day of June, 1795, Before me, John Lloyd, a Commissioner.
Proved at London, 2nd July, 1795, before the Judge, by the Oath of John Wedgwood, the Son, one of the Executors, to whom Administration was granted, having been first sworn by Commission duly to administer. Power reserved of making the like grant to Sarah Wedgwood, Widow, the Relict, and James Caldwell, the other Executors, when they shall apply for the same.
That was… certainly a lot of words. Let’s see if they mean anything! Turns out that this isn’t another John Gibson, rural postman and shoemaker from New Cumnock, Scotland, but a prominent historical figure with close familial connections to someone whose name you definitely know.
Josiah Wedgwood (12 July 1730 – 3 January 1795) was an English potter, entrepreneur and abolitionist. Founding the Wedgwood company in 1759, he developed improved pottery bodies by systematic experimentation, and was the leader in the industrialisation of the manufacture of European pottery. He is credited as a pioneer of modern marketing, specifically direct mail, money back guarantees, travelling salesmen, carrying pattern boxes for display, self-service, free delivery, buy one get one free, and illustrated catalogues.
As well as pretty, decorative vases and crockery with aesthetics and technology rooted in antiquity, Wedgwood put his designs to a more radical use. He was elected onto the Committee of the Abolition of the Slave Trade and designed an anti-slavery medallion which became the most famous image of a black person in all of 18th-century art. Covering the costs of distribution and production himself, Wedgwood ensured that it became a powerful symbol of public support.
Josiah was also a founder of the famous Darwin–Wedgwood family and the grandfather of Charles and Emma Darwin. It was the considerable inheritance Josiah left to his son, Josiah II, that enabled young Darwin’s survey voyage aboard HMS Beagle and, consequently, the development of his theory of evolution.
Okay, but what links the “Prince of Potters” to Aziraphale and his bookshop?
In 1774 Josiah Wedgwood and his longtime business partner, Thomas Bentley, opened a new warehouse, enamelling rooms and most handsome showrooms at 12-13 Greek Street, Soho. In 1795, after Josiah’s death, the Wedgwood studio moved to 8 St. James’s Square and the buildings were later occupied by coachmakers, writers and other artists.
Now, through Word of God we already know that Aziraphale spent the 1600s using his personal savings to gradually buy out portions of the neighboring land in order to build the original bookshop “on Greek Street just off Old Compton”, which finally opened in its current form in 1800.
This means that for the time Josiah’s company operated in Soho, they were at least neighbors.
#Yuri is doing her thing#good omens#good omens 2#good omens meta#A. Z. Fell & Co.#aziraphale#aziraphale’s bookshop#aziraphale is a landlord#and has a penchant for legal documents#which sounds a bit too ominous for an angel
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For 700 years, Moscow has expanded through relentless land grabs, growing into the largest country on Earth while subjugating countless nations.
In a recent video address, President Zelenskyy appeared wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the slogan “Make Russia Small Again.” But this isn’t just a catchy phrase—it’s a call for historical justice and a reminder of Russia’s centuries-old imperial ambitions.
The T-shirt displays a map of the Grand Duchy of Moscow as it was in 1462, under the rule of Prince Ivan III, who sought to break free from the Golden Horde’s dominance. This era marked the beginning of Muscovy’s expansionist campaigns, during which it claimed lands beyond its borders. In the following years, neighboring principalities such as Yaroslavl, Tver, Ryazan, and Rostov were conquered—the same region that made headlines in August 2024 when Ukrainian forces advanced into it.
Even back then, Moscow employed methods that would become its standard practice for centuries—deportation. After conquering the Novgorod Republic, Moscow forcibly relocated its population to other regions. This move was designed to crush any resistance, as Novgorod had long been independent and a powerful rival to Moscow. By dismantling its center of influence, Moscow eliminated any hope for independence and silenced the potential for protest.
It was Ivan III who first declared himself “Tsar of All Rus,” even though he had never ruled over the lands of Kyivan Rus and merely aspired to conquer them. Over time, his ambitions extended to the northern territories of modern Ukraine—Siveria and Chernihiv regions.
The territory of Tatarstan, where the BRICS summit took place in Kazan in 2024, was conquered in the mid-16th century. These lands have never historically belonged to Russia.
In the following centuries, Moscow simultaneously pushed in all directions—deep into Siberia, south to the Caucasus, even waging war with modern-day Iran, while also advancing westward. The empire continuously grew, fueled by a desire to extend its global influence. When Peter I proclaimed the Russian Empire in the early 18th century, he claimed to be “reclaiming lands,” but in reality, it was a relentless campaign of conquest. Like every other empire, Russia’s expansion was built on the systematic expansion of its territories and subjugation of the peoples within them.
A particularly revealing example is Alaska. Russia sold the territory because it lacked the resources to maintain control, while the U.S. initially hesitated over whether it was worth purchasing.
Even in the 20th century, after the collapse of the Russian Empire and the rise of the Soviet Union, Russia continued its territorial conquests. In 1939, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact—a secret agreement between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union—was signed. This pact divided Poland and carved out spheres of influence in Eastern Europe, effectively igniting the start of World War II.
While global empires were letting go of their colonies and former vassals were gaining independence, the Kremlin remained focused on expanding its influence. Moscow backed the war in Korea, as well as numerous other military conflicts, particularly in Asia. Its socialist-communist reach extended well beyond Asia.
Russia is a vast prison of nations. Over centuries, it has conquered vast territories, and in doing so, has not only seized land but also sought to erase the identities of the peoples it subjugated—just as it did in Novgorod. Native inhabitants were deported and resettled elsewhere. Crimean Tatars were forcibly expelled from Crimea, while people from central Russia were relocated to Ukraine’s Donbas.
The “Make Russia Small Again” T-shirt symbolizes a call for historical justice: Moscow was a principality in 1462. The history of the territories beyond serves as a reminder that Russia’s big size is the result of imperial conquest, with many nations still trapped in a sprawling colony.
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