scrunkalicious · 2 months
Bleeehhhh thing for smth that happened earlier
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Ok so I'm Asian yeah (if u didn't know....vro be fr 😭😭) but I was never a honorz student. This was mainly a problem when I was in middle school and that affected my self esteem and self image a lot, bc aaaallll the Asianz would be in honorz,,, and like,,,, the only onez that weren't were genuinely some of the worst ppl I've met 😭😭😭 and then I wasn't in honorz,, even tho I was smart!!!! I won't say I was a dumbass or whatever, yes I know I was smart, but not in honorz. So that just kinda made me feel like all my straight A's were for nothing ngl,,,, BUT THEN I ESCAPED MIDDLE SCHOOL SO THATZ BETTER IG...
but now the problem moved into my own house 😭😭😭 my parentz won't beat me if I get a bad grade as long as I'm trying so itz not that they're chill,,, ITZ MY BROTHER
Don't get me wrong I love lil bro,,,, hez 3 yearz younger than me, and out of me and my 2 siblingz, he is the one thatz an honorz student (my lil sister is still in elementary soooo). Hez incredibly smart!!!! Academicz and all that shit,,,, hez good at math and coding and allll that stuff
My dad has an engineering job so he is very proud of my brother!!! And I am too!!!!!! But he alwayz talkz to him abt stuff abt jobz and whatever and it just kinda makez me upset bc no one rlly does that w me in the family bc im just sitting here drawing shit,,,,,
And today at lunch my brother was flexing abt how he was taking free online drawing classez and how he could work for Pixar and that upset me bc,,,, now hez taking the artist position in my family, along w every other talent he has????
Idk that just fuckinf upset me bc he alwayz talkz abt his future job and career and college AND HE JUST ESCAPED ELEMENTARY SCHOOL,,,, and I'm the one in highschool and I can't figure shit out I'm just sitting here drawing fuckinf ship art 😭😭
So idk fam I don't fw this shi
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ofswordsandpens · 1 year
Riordan: And the grand lesson that Percy needed to learn over the course of hoo, the culmination of his character arc of this series, the moment where the fate of the world hangs in the balance because of a single decision he has to make... is realizing when he needs to take a step back :)
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casualavocados · 3 months
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If a few words can kill him, I'll die with him. Don't always talk about death. You are still young.
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st4rstudent · 2 months
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people seemed to like the last design so here's another drawing. this time featuring a surprise guest. haha wow whos that guy...
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no dialogue ver
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evignonita · 7 months
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whatever, i think if i draw something it will be doodles 😸
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the-knife-consumer · 1 year
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Can you people be fucking normal over her. Please💔
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ughgoaway · 5 months
it is officially my 1 year anniversary of writing and posting my first fic, thus starting this whole tumblr thing! it was technically from my old blog that got deleted, but I still count it because this was the day it all started for me.
I still remember the anxiety of posting my first fic, waking up to see all the love it had recieved over night was so incredible. I might look back on it now and cringe, but I'm thankful for it anyway. and hopefully, over this past year, I have grown and gotten better. But even if I haven't, I've had so much fun doing it.
it might sound cheesy and a little sad to some people, but tumblr has honestly been such a positive force in my life for the past year, perhaps one of the only ones. it has brought me more joy, love, and friendship than I could've ever imagined.
the community I have on here is so close to my heart, and I truly adore all of you. thank you for putting up with me and reading my stuff for a whole year, I appreciate every one of you more than words can say.
I never thought I'd be here this long, and part of me feels like I'm kind of on borrowed time. But I will stay for as long as I'm still passionate about writing, and for as long as y'all are here enjoying it.
anyway, ik this is tumblr, and it's not that serious, but it is to me. thank you all for everything! I love you :)
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castawavy · 3 months
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aaliyah invited dallas to a party...
before / next
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spacexseven · 5 months
Hi still dying with uni (and a cold) but. wtf is fyodor's ability.
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sugar-r-rush · 7 months
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Drew Reyna and Octavian as little friends😝 (not a ship post) They are siblings argue with the wall
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bitchofdarkness · 8 months
Sweet Home 3 glimpses 👀 subtitles by yours truly
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cupiidzbow · 7 months
ok this maybe is the monster enjoyer in me saying this actually but funky’s rival in bar.rel blast is this guy and um . um um can i can i be so honest .
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o-mellowy · 6 months
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Lotty! <3
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I have such a crush on her oh my god
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couriernewvegas · 4 days
i do think i may need to move eventually to have an actually relevant to my education career and it most likely will not be anywhere my gf is possibly going to med school 💔
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accultant · 1 month
"Do you honestly believe that you are funny? Tell me your best joke!"
Iago raises an eyebrow slightly, having no memory of such claims. "If you're trying to fish for more material, I'm afraid you're not being very subtle about it."
But the book they were drudging through was getting dull anyway. They make a show of slowly placing a bookmark and setting it to the side before they acknowledge the bard again,
" There was this clock maker, right? Horologist, if you're pretentious. He had a massive storefront - for clocks and watches, of course. I don't need to hold your hand through this, do I? Anyway, this shop was his pride and joy- much to the dismay of his only son, who was severely lacking in both parental attention and passion for his father's craft. He couldn't care less about the timepieces his father dedicated his life to. Which was rather unfortunate, considering the shop was left in to him when the elder passed away. The clock maker's son was reasonably distraught. They had their differences, but ultimately, he did care for his father. In his defense, he did try. He attempted to perform the repairs his father taught him- though he more often than not ended up damaging the timepieces even worse. He couldn't create anything from a pile of gears and springs, but he could slap a shiny new price tag on his late father's masterpieces.
" It stayed afloat for a while, but just barely. And the clock maker's son was tired. He didn't feel the same obligation as time went on, he didn't care for the craft, he simply wanted to be done with it all. None of the work was selling. The only thing that was selling was the storefront itself, prime real estate that was being ogled by every starry-eyed self-starter in the city.
" So, he caved. It was a matter of time, really. He had been wanting to throw those things into firewood since he first became an angsty, neglected teen all those years ago. It was freeing, in a way, when he started to lug them out into the courtyard nearby to burn once they had all been added to the mass. A metaphorical funeral pyre, if you wish to be morbid.
" But as he nearly broke his back moving one of his father's largest clocks - a beautiful grandfather, golden tinted inlays, chimes like a funeral toll every hour, you know -, a lovely voice called out to him. It was a woman, around his age, I'm sure you can imagine where this goes. She gushed about it's beauty, it's craftsmanship. The clock maker's son only ever saw it as trash, but when she asked to take it home, she batted her eyes and he couldn't refuse.
" Then, to his delight, she returned the next day. The pile of garbage was ever-growing, but she took a pocket watch from the mess. The day after that, a simple wall clock. She kept returning as he built his pyre until eventually, he asked to court her for an evening. Their relationship budded quickly, like it was always meant to be."
They pause and spare Tryck a glance, " Bards like that kind of thing, right? True love and whatnot? Well, it was like that.
" She adored him and he abandoned his monumental task night after night to see her. The trash pile of clocks and watches was left alone in favor of quality time and romance. It would need to be taken care of soon, as it was becoming a bit of an eyesore for the courtyard, but he didn't even hesitate to accept her invitations to dinners and parties and, most excitedly, a grand ball. He hadn't realized she was of such high class to be attending something like that, so he had to really clean up.
" And clean up he did. He was dashing and fit right in at the ball. He might've had two left feet, but the woman didn't seem to mind. They danced all evening. He planned to tell her he loved her that night, under the moon, perhaps on the balcony. Something romantic.
" But he was nervous- she was nobility. He was nothing but a clock maker's son with an abandoned pyre and a half-emptied storefront. His palms were sweating when he excused himself, offering to get them both something to drink. It was a fabulous ball, mind you, the spread of refreshments was quite impressive. He even had to wait behind a few other party goers as the table was quite congested. This time was used to calm his nerves, slow his racing heart.
" But you know how these parties tend to be. He couldn't help but overhear the gossip. The people around him, all a higher class than he ever dreamed of being himself, spoke about relationships and scandals. Literature and music. And one particular conversation piece that stood out- everyone seemed to be gushing about the grandfather clock at the end of the hall. The way they described it, the son had no doubt that it was his father's, the same one the woman took home with her the day they met.
" Hearing such kind words about his late father's work brought unexpected tears to his eyes. He was touched. He felt like a fool for letting himself give up on his father's art so easily. But then another line of gossip met his ears just as he neared the drinks table.
" 'The Lady of the house here has played the son for a fool, you know. He fawns over her like a lovesick boy and all the while she's bringing such lovely works back home, furnishing it before her husband returns from his time away. For not even a copper! And he's such a collector himself that he won't even be bothered by her methods. I hear she plans to drop the clock maker's son as soon as he returns, anyway.'
" It was gut-wrenching. He felt his world, the one he had begun to dream of, at least, fall apart in an instant. And there was that incessant tick-tock-tick-tock that seemed amplified now that his attention was drawn to it. How could he have missed it before? Every wall was adorned with another timepiece, another work of art that was unmistakenly his father's. And in the middle of it all, the woman who had ripped his heart in two, was across the ballroom, showing off her latest pocket watch.
" The clock maker's son couldn't take it. He couldn't stand to hear one more tick. He was a fool to let himself be distracted, he decided. He would finish his work, his destruction. She would never complete her collection because the pyre he had abandoned would soon be in flames as it was always meant to be. Garbage, it was all garbage! Trash!
" Someone from behind asked him if he was going to get a drink, snapping him back to the present. He had work to do. He ran out into the night, fueled by rage and heartbreak with only one goal in mind.
" He left the love of his life, fled from the party, and most notably,"
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They fix a blank stare at Trick, their voice deadpan, "He abandoned the punch line, turning instead to his reinvigorated dedication to wasting time."
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chubby-kaito · 7 months
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Kai: WAAH??? A FRENCH PASTRY SHOP?? ngl i thought we were going somewhere healthy-
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